How to make candles with your own hands. DIY decorative New Year's and Christmas candles for beginners: master class

This post-instruction is for those who prefer really nice-smelling candles to the chemicals that are sold in our stores. Of course, there are manufacturers who actually add natural oils, but these candles are very expensive. So if you have a desire to tinker a little and try your hand at making candles, have patience and, of course, free time, this post is just for you.


I will try to give you as brief and clear instructions for making scented candles as possible.

You will need:
- wax or paraffin (you can use old candles);
essential oils at your choice;
- lace;
- scissors;
- small glass jars into which candles will be poured;
— heat-resistant dishes for melting wax;
— a special thermometer for measuring the temperature of molten wax (optional);
- thin wooden stick;
- tape measure or ruler;
cutting board;
- nut for holding the cord.


1. Wash and dry the containers into which you are going to pour candles. These can be small glass jars, tall glasses different shapes, ceramic or porcelain cups.

2. Cover work surface baking paper. Since the wax will be soft, it may stick to the table, and it will be quite difficult to remove it.

3. Break a block of wax or an old candle into small pieces - this will make them melt faster.

4. Now you need to prepare the wick for the candle - make a “seed”. This will make the wick match the color of the candle, burn slower, and make it easier to install. So, first you need to melt the wax! Pour a small amount of small pieces of wax or paraffin into a bowl and place it on water bath. When the wax melts, place the wick of the length you need there for 20-30 seconds. Then remove from the bowl using tweezers and place on baking paper. Straighten the wick, level it and roll it a little on the table, as if you were making a sausage out of plasticine. Leave to dry for 10 minutes.

5. Once the wick is dry, thread it through the nut, which will help keep the bottom end of the wick at the bottom of the candle. It can be found either in craft stores or borrowed from tea candles.


6. Heat the wax again, add the remaining pieces and melt. Then add a few drops of your favorite essential oil. You can make mono scents, or you can try mixtures. For example, a few drops of cedarwood oil, a couple of drops of eucalyptus and three drops of citrus essential oil. Stir the wax well with a wooden spatula.

7. Remove wax from heat. Pour about 1/4 of the wax into a heatproof bowl.

8. Pour some wax into the prepared candlesticks, making sure that the wick is always in the middle. Leave to harden for 20-25 minutes. This will help keep the wick in the middle when the candle is filled to the end.

9. Heat the remaining wax, pour it into a heat-resistant bowl and fill the candles to the end.

10. Carefully screw the remaining top of the wick onto the wooden stick so that the tension is not very strong. Otherwise, you may pull the nut from the bottom and have to redo everything all over again. Attach the wick to a stick and place it on the edges of the candlestick so that the wick remains in the center of the candle.


11. When the candle has cooled completely, trim the wick so that a small tail about 5 mm long remains above the surface.

Trim the wick tail each time you use the candle. This is especially true for candles with glass holders, which can burst from overheating if the wick is too long.

You are on the verge of an amazing discovery in the world of candles.

In order not to throw a bunch of materials for making candles into the trash, you first need to study their properties.

  • How to save your time?
  • How to protect yourself from beginner mistakes?
  • How to save on materials and not throw away money spent on materials and their delivery?
  • Want to learn how to make candles yourself?
  • Do you want a new hobby that you can make money from?
  • Then read the article to the end!

From the many materials for creating candles, it is not easy to choose the ones you need. There are a huge number of articles on candle making on the Internet, and, to put it mildly, not all of them are true. Often online stores that sell materials for candles (or for soap and candles) sell them and give incorrect advice or are simply trying to sell you more (in other words, make money off of you).

It is necessary to take into account the properties of each material and separate the necessary from the unimportant.

Candle maker's work table

Your workbench, where you will make candles, should be protected from paraffin, dyes and everything else with which you will create.

The table needs to be covered.

This could be an old newspaper and a magazine divided into sheets, plastic, old cut bags.

It is very convenient to use silicone baking mats (blue and red are mine).

Of course, before starting work, put on an apron or clothing that you don’t mind. If paraffin drips onto clothing, it will be almost impossible to return it to its original form.

Why is a silicone mat so good?

Drops of paraffin that fall past the mold easily come away from it.

It is easy to clean.

Easy to fold, roll and put away.

It is soft and pleasant to the touch.

Water bath device

The very first thing you can’t do without is water bath.

All candles are made from candle mass melted at water bath, otherwise there is no way to melt it. No way! Under no circumstances should candle mass be melted in a microwave, double boiler, or slow cooker...

Otherwise, the paraffin will instantly overheat and ignite!

If you don’t want a fire, then strictly follow these tips.

Water bath only!

What is a water bath?

You will need an old metal saucepan (you will not use it anywhere else) and a smaller ladle, preferably with a long handle.

Water is heated and boiled in a saucepan, heating the candle mass in the ladle. Gradually the mass melts. In this way, the paraffin will never reach the boiling point. This means that harmful fumes will not be released into the air you breathe.

Make sure that the melted candle mass does not drip onto the stove.

When paraffin comes into contact with a hot object (or when boiling), it evaporates, releasing harmful fumes. Don't be confused! When melted in a water bath, paraffin does not release anything!

My saucepans look like these two photos. I purchased one ladle from a specialized online store in the USA, and the second I bought secondhand. More convenient with plastic handle, because doesn't heat up.

Food grade paraffin (P-2)

Why is paraffin called food paraffin? It is used in the food industry, for example, in coating cheeses to slow down the spoilage of the product.

Paraffin comes in shavings (loose, photo on the left), and comes in lumps (below in the photo). Buying paraffin in briquettes (in sheets) is cheaper.

  • Paraffin is a product of petroleum distillation.
  • Substance white crystalline structure, in the molten state it has low viscosity.
  • Melting point t pl = 40-65 °C.
  • Density 0.880-0.915 g/cm³ (15 °C).

Pay attention when purchasing paraffin to its markings. There is also technical paraffin (marked T), which contains a high percentage of technical oils, from which food paraffin is maximally purified!

It is cheaper to buy paraffin in briquettes, but in this case you will have to buy 5 briquettes in a bag, and each factory makes about 5 kg. I’m already used to it and buy paraffin in bulk, 25-45 kg each.

At retail, paraffin is most often sold in shavings (flakes), since it is easier for the seller to pour it and weigh it.

What else is needed, besides paraffin, for candles?

Candles can only be made from paraffin. Then you get the same effect as in the photo. After the candle hardens, the surface turns out to be with bubbles, streaks, or “snowy” - as they say - that is, non-uniform.

  • This is due to the fact that paraffin requires a so-called “plasticizer”, because paraffin hardens unevenly.

The snowy effect is great for holiday candles!

We’ll look further at what to do if we want to avoid this effect.

In the meantime, take a look at how you can use the effect!

An important property of paraffin is shrinkage

Due to the fact that paraffin molecules have a weak bond, there is no surface tension, such as that of water, or, for example, a molten soap base. It's weak. Thus, when the paraffin hardens, firstly, it settles, and secondly, a funnel is formed, as in the photo.

  • How to remove this funnel?- most frequently asked question. Don't be alarmed when you see a funnel and don't think it's your fault. This funnel always appears. It's important to just hide it. But how?

During the process of hardening the paraffin, it is necessary to pierce the hardening surface with a long knitting needle or stick to remove excess air and open the voids.

And then top up.

This way the funnel can be hidden.


Remember we talked about the “snowiness” effect? It can be removed. Stearin can serve as a plasticizer, a binder for paraffin molecules.

That is, if you put paraffin and a little stearin in a water bath, the snowflake effect will disappear and the color will be even.

Stearin is used in the production of candles as an additive to paraffin (10-20%) or in its pure form.

    Solid, translucent mass, greasy to the touch.

  • Melting point t pl 53-65°C.
  • Density 0.92 g/cm 3 (20°C).

Stearin candles burn evenly and do not melt; they do not change their shape when exposed to heat.

But making candles from pure stearin is quite expensive. Therefore, it is better to have stearin and add it to paraffin so that the candle mass shrinks less and so that the candle “flows” less.

Formula for making candles from paraffin and stearin:

  • 80% paraffin + 20% stearin. Try it!

Natural beeswax*

*For adherents of everything natural, there is the opportunity to make candles from beeswax, soybean (etc.) wax.

When I purchased a natural large briquette of natural beeswax, I fell in love with this material at first sight! Why do we need all these artificial flavors when we have the most delicious honey beeswax? Ehhhh...

Beeswax is a waste product of bees. Registered as food additives E-901.

Secreted by special glands honey bees, from it bees build honeycombs.

A solid substance from white (with a slight yellow tint) to yellow-brown color with a characteristic honey smell.

Has strong bactericidal properties.

At a temperature of 35 °C the wax becomes plastic.

Melts at a temperature of 62-68 °C.

I pour this wax into small silicone molds (I will show these forms later). The candles are small in weight, fragrant and beautiful.

By the way, I use a separate bowl to melt the beeswax, because it is difficult to wipe off the wax.

  • Beeswax is aromatherapy
  • Hardens many times faster than paraffin
  • Natural product

But, of course, beeswax - expensive product. It costs 4 times more than paraffin.

Candle molds

When you start making candles, life turns into a constant search for candle molds. Until you acquire professional forms.

My secret weapon was cotton swab jars.

They come not only in a round shape, but also in the shape of a heart or a flower.

Who said that unprofessional forms are bad candles?

The main thing is that the candle mass, dyes and flavors are at their best. The execution, of course, too :-)

Polycarbonate molds

I purchased these forms in the USA. The forms are convenient because they are transparent.

However, polycarbonate does not last forever and will crack over time.

I recently threw away one mold (it cracked and started leaking) after 4 years of use.

Plastic molds for candles

These forms are stronger and cheaper than polycarbonate.

However, the downside is that they are opaque.

Another difference is that they have a plug (lid) at the base of the form. This is quite convenient when you need to remove a finished candle.

Soft plastic for mini candles

These are the forms (used in making soap).

Using a hot knitting needle, holes are made for the wick, and the mold is ready for making mini candles.

Plastic molds Milkyway Molds

There are also these very interesting plastic forms.

I haven’t seen anything like this in Russia yet.

Molds produced by Milky Way Molds, consisting of two parts. This is a durable plastic that can withstand temperatures of 200º C.

I have these molds, but I don’t make candles out of them... they are too bulky... about 2 kg!

Metal molds(aluminum, steel, etc.)

Metal forms are “forever”. Durable, stable, super, in a word. Molds are made of aluminum, steel, and other metals.

You need to be careful, because... The metal heats up quickly from the poured candle mixture, you can get burned.

The thickness of the mold is 1-3 mm. I really enjoyed pouring candles into metal molds. The candles come out smooth.

Silicone baking molds

You can use silicone baking or ice molds: tall forms in the form of hearts, cupcakes, roses, as well as small molds in the form of fish, stars, etc. as decoration for candles.

Silicone baking molds are flexible, inexpensive, but when the bottom is pierced, they are not so durable (when the candle is removed from the mold, the hole gradually breaks through, and this leads to paraffin leakage when pouring, although this can be solved with paper tape or other secrets, which I talk about in my master classes).

Handmade silicone molds

Silicone molds can be purchased at the store. But there are such unique silicone molds that are not so easy to make, which is why I will tell you about them. I order my silicone molds from a master. These are not all the forms I have.

To make a candle, you need experience.

Make your own silicone mold

According to the preparation technology, silicones can be two-component (the so-called “compounds”): consisting of a base and a catalyst (hardener), which must be mixed in a certain proportion before use, and one-component – ​​ready for use.

To make the mold we need a two-component compound. When both components are mixed, they begin to gradually harden.

Make your own mold from plasticine or take a ready-made one (ball, toy, etc.), place it in a disposable bucket (jar or any other container, secure firmly with glue or tape. Mix the components in the ratio of 100 grams of base and 3.5 - 5 gram of hardener and fill in. After 8-10 hours the mold is ready.

It is better if, when pouring silicone, you simply leave a place where you will later pour wax. Otherwise, you will have to cut the mold and, when pouring wax, strengthen it with rope or rubber bands. The trouble is that hot wax deforms the shape.

But subsequent experiments have shown that the silicone mold is in any case cut lengthwise (or crosswise, which is unimportant for us), because the plasticine master model cannot be removed otherwise.

Be prepared for sudden and unpleasant smell both liquid silicone and frozen form. Be sure to add fragrance to the future candle, otherwise the candle mass will absorb the pungent odor of silicone.

And also do not skimp on the catalyst (it is better to put 1 g more than less). Otherwise, nothing will harden, the mixture will not set, and you will have to take out the master model from liquid, very sticky and unpleasant silicone and fill it all over again (after fiddling with soap and a brush).

This is the candle I made from a homemade silicone mold. I wasn’t very pleased with the result and the process, so I decided to order the molds from a craftsman. Which is what I still do to this day.

Making your own mold from plaster

IN in this case we will make a mold from plaster. First, you need to sculpt the intended future shape from plasticine.

Where the mold is supposed to be socketed, you need to insert the blades of a safety razor into the plasticine, not very deeply. This entire structure is covered with plaster. The blades will help you quickly separate the mold (hardened plaster does not cut and crumbles into small pieces).

These are the mini candles I got.


You can buy wicks for your future ingenious creations at candle factories or in specialized stores.

But you need to know that there are a huge number of types and sizes of wicks on sale.

It is very important to choose the right wick for a candle.

If the wick is too thick, then the candle flame will be large and the candle will burn too quickly, but if the wick is too thin, then it will burn faster than the paraffin, and the candle will “choke” and go out.

To make the wick, we use natural cotton thread, which does not smoke or crack when burning.

Wicks are usually marked with numbers.

No. 1 - for candles up to 3 cm in diameter,

No. 2 - for candles 3-5 cm in diameter,

No. 3 - for candles 5-6 cm in diameter,

No. 4 - for candles from 6 cm in diameter.

When you get molds, just ask the manufacturer what wicks are available and buy at least 2-3 different thicknesses, this way you will test your candles and understand which ones are better.

Where else can I get a wick?

If you decide not to buy paraffin and stearin yet and make candles from old candles or from store-bought ones, then the wick can be removed from the candles.

The only negative is that the thickness of the wick cannot be selected.

Alternatives to store-bought wicks

  • Jute twine
  • Cotton thread twisted several times
  • Crochet cotton "pigtail"


The candle mass and wick have been prepared. Great! Now the question arises: how to color candle mass? This is done very simply. When the candle mass has already melted in a water bath, add a piece of dye. I mean a dye intended specifically for candles. I have a huge number of them.

Color intensity depends on the amount of dye.

Keep in mind that the brightness of the color of the molten candle mass always more than cooled wax. Therefore, if it seems that there is enough color, add a little more.

And then it will really be enough! :)

Sometimes there is no opportunity or time to get a special dye. Read the next paragraph to understand what effect each coloring method will give.

How not to color candles

There are many options to make your candle unique. One of them is giving the candle color.

When I first started making candles, there wasn't much on hand to use as candle dye.

And most importantly, there was little good and “literate” at hand.

After all, mixing paraffin and dyes is all kinds of chemical reactions, and you have to be with it more careful.

Still, I wanted color. I started with gouache.

Gouache... Bad, very bad.

Fortunately, I don’t have a single candle painted this way.

The fact is that it is almost impossible to paint candle mass with gouache: small particles of gouache settle to the bottom of the kindling, and even if you shake the paint a little when filling the mold with wax, it still settles.It turns out a very pale shade, and this makes it cloudy and unkempt.

One day I was simply visited by nostalgia (I still wanted to pour, even without normal dyes). And just to chance, I poured EARTH FROM A TANK OF FLOWERS into the melted wax!!! It looked funny, of course, a white candle with something dark visible at the bottom. At first glance, there seem to be no shortcomings.

Candles are an attribute of many holidays and. Candles create the very atmosphere that helps you relax and plunge into a world of harmony. To learn how to make candles with your own hands, a master class will be extremely necessary; this is the easiest way to master the manufacturing technology and create real works of art from paraffin.

Master class for beginners: multi-colored decorative candle in a glass

We won't need special devices or expensive materials. Buy in store:

  • several white candles;
  • a plastic cup with thick walls;
  • thin wooden stick;
  • clothespin;
  • wax pencils;
  • several cans of condensed milk, green peas or corn.

We will cut the candles into small pieces, set the wick aside, we will need it for making our candle.

Preparing the wick

In order for it to hold securely, we will make a small hole in the bottom of the glass and stretch the wick into it, and tie a wooden stick to it from the outside. Pull the wick and secure it with a clothespin on top.

Melt the wax

The basis of the master class on DIY decorative candles is the process of preparing wax. To do this, find a saucepan that can simultaneously hold five jars of wax. We heat water in it, put the same amount of wax in each jar, add finely chopped pencils to the jars. We are waiting for the wax to melt and the masses to become homogeneous.

Fill the mold with paraffin

At the very bottom we pour white paraffin, to which we did not add a pencil, then pour wax of different colors in turn, the faster you do this, the softer the boundaries between colors will be. The brightness of the color can be changed by varying the number of pencils added.

Remove the candle from the mold

Let's wait until the paraffin hardens completely (1.5-2 hours). After this, you can carefully remove it from the glass.

DIY decorative candle ideas

When you have mastered the manufacturing technology, you can start experimenting and unusual decoration. We offer you some simple but original ideas.

Candles with ice

You will need a round mold, paraffin, ice, a wick, a jar and a pan of water to melt the paraffin, and wax crayons for color. All manufacturing steps are the same as described above, but the wax must be the same color. We fix the wick in the mold, pour out pieces of ice, then pour in paraffin so that the surface is even. Leave the workpiece until the paraffin has completely dried, then add water and take out the candles. The larger the pieces of ice, the more massive the patterns will be.

Round candles in Japanese style

To create this option, we will need special round molds for making candles. They can be purchased in stores or ordered online. Melt the paraffin and pour it into the mold, after a few minutes we pierce the mass in the middle with a wooden stick, insert the wick and fill the hole with paraffin. When the wax has completely hardened, carefully remove the craft from the mold, print out the hieroglyph on the computer and attach it to the candle, run a hot iron over it several times to glue it.


If you have been invited to a birthday or any other holiday, and you don’t know what to give to the hero of the occasion, you can create a whole work of art - an aquarium candle. For this we need a small round container, similar to an aquarium. You need to pour decorative small stones into it, secure the wick and place figurines of fish and jellyfish and shells as close to the glass as possible. Before pouring, tie the wick to a stick so that it stands straight and does not move to the side. To make the composition transparent, nothing should be added to the paraffin.

Master class on making gel candles

IN Lately Gel candles are especially popular. The manufacturing process is exciting, because you can come up with any composition using shells, figurines, sand, flowers. The gel can be poured into any glass container with thick walls.

We offer you a master class on gel candles with your own hands, with which you can prepare gifts for loved ones for the New Year.

First, let's prepare the materials:

  • mulled wine glass with thick glass;
  • gel for filling (you can purchase ready-made or make it at home);
  • 3 cinnamon sticks;
  • dried clove flowers;
  • dry lemon pieces;
  • small snowflakes made of hard material;
  • wick.

Fix the wick in the glass, fill the container with gel, then carefully lower all the decorations into it. The liquid is quite viscous, so all objects will be on the surface or in the thickness of the gel. If you want some of the decorations to be at the bottom, then they need to be placed in the glass before pouring.

To prepare the gel you will need

  • gelatin – 10 g;
  • water – 40 g;
  • glycerin – 70 g;
  • tannin – 4 gr.

Dissolve gelatin in water, add 50 g. glycerin, put the mixture on low heat and stir until it becomes homogeneous. Then prepare the second mass - the remaining 20 grams. combine glycerin with 4 g. tannin, the mixture will be cloudy; to achieve transparency, it needs to be boiled for a few seconds. Let's combine both mixtures, the candle gel is ready!

Coffee scented candles

At home, you can prepare scented candles that will delight not only with beautiful appearance, but also soothing or tonic scents. We present to your attention a master class on coffee candles with your own hands.

Required ingredients:

  • paraffin;
  • juice box (it will replace the pouring mold);
  • wick;
  • coffee beans;
  • ribbons for decoration;
  • vanillin.

We put the paraffin in a water bath, and at this time we prepare the mold for pouring. To do this, it is better to use a small juice box, cutting off top part. In our case, the candle will be square, but if you wish, you can take another shape and make it round.

When the mold is ready, secure the wick. We tie one end to a toothpick, which must be placed on the top of the mold, and secure the wick from below with a few drops of melted paraffin. Pay attention to the thickness of the wick: the wider and more massive the candle, the thicker it should be.

Let's return to paraffin. When it has completely melted, add vanillin and coffee beans, heat the food on the fire for another 10 minutes until a pleasant aroma appears. Place 10 coffee beans at the bottom of the mold, fill half of the mold with paraffin, and wait 2 hours. Then pour 10 more grains on top and pour out the remaining paraffin. Leave the wax for 12 hours, then carefully cut the mold and take out the finished candle.

Making wedding candles at home

Traditionally, at a wedding, two thin candles are used, which symbolize the bride and groom, and one large one - the family hearth.

You can make your own wedding candles. The master class will help you create real works of art. Let's prepare materials:

  • mold for thin candles;
  • mold for a round candle “family hearth”;
  • paraffin
  • 3 wicks
  • lace, fabric flowers, ribbons for decoration;
  • contours on glass for decorating thin candles.

To make wedding candles, paraffin must be white. First, let's prepare a large round candle. To do this, place a wick in the mold, pour paraffin, wait a few hours until it hardens. The “family hearth” candle is ready.

Carved candles - a job for true masters

If you decide to find out how to do carved candles with your own hands, a master class will not be enough. First, you need to prepare multi-colored containers where the candle will be dipped; a constant temperature (75-90 degrees) must be maintained in them using a water bath.

So, for work we need to prepare materials and tools:

  • paraffin container different colors;
  • paraffin blank (candle base);
  • container with cold water;
  • sharp knife;
  • acrylic candle varnish.

You can make the blank yourself by pouring paraffin into a round or square shape, the hardest work comes later. When the candle is ready, it needs to be dipped 30 times into containers with paraffin of various colors, but after 1 time it must be dipped into white wax. Then we put it in for a while cold water, cut off the smudges to level the base and you can get to work. Remember that the drawing or pattern needs to be thought out in advance, since everything will have to be done very quickly - the paraffin will harden in 15 minutes. The easiest way to carve is to cut with a thin knife small areas and bend the ends. We tilt the first row in one direction, the second in the other, etc.

To protect the carving, dip the finished craft in acrylic varnish.

Making candles at home is a fascinating activity that requires care and perseverance. Try to make one simple candle, and you will not notice how you will learn how to create carved compositions. We will also reveal secrets.

At one time, candles were an important source of light, and they were used to illuminate rooms. Today, they are mainly used for room decoration, emitting a pleasant aroma and bringing comfort and coziness to the atmosphere. Craftsmen create products as decoration various shapes and colors, while decorating them with all sorts of additional material, both artificial and natural. Making candles at home has become an exciting hobby for many. By following the advice in this article, even a beginner can tackle this process.

What is needed to create a candle?

There is no need to buy special material to make a candle at home. Everything you need can be found in kitchen or children's cabinets. First of all, collect the cinders from previously used candles or buy the simplest paraffin ones at a hardware store. Prepare small molds and colorful wax crayons for coloring. The shapes can be yogurt cups, silicone baking cups, children's sand play sets and various shaped containers. You can pour the composition into transparent glass glasses. But keep in mind that you will not be able to remove the finished candle. To free the glass you will need to use it completely. Dyes can be not only crayons, but also acrylic or Oil paint, and even decorative cosmetics. You also need cotton thread, sticks for stirring and attaching the wick, and a container in which you will melt the wax. A saucepan that does the job. If you wish, you can add essential oils to the candle, making it scented. Decorative little things will give the products originality and attractiveness. Once all the materials are collected, making candles at home will be easy and fun.

How to make a wick?

The wick must provide high-quality combustion. To create decorative ones that will not smoke, it is important to choose the right thread. It should be made of natural fiber, which, when burned, crumbles into ashes. If, when ignited, the thread curls up, leaving a hard ball, then it is a synthetic material.

The choice of wick is influenced by the size and shape of the future candle, the type of wax and dyes. If you are using a glass beaker, a wick on a metal stand will keep the bottom from overheating, preventing the fire from reaching the base. The diameter of the candle determines its thickness, which determines the size of the flame.

To make a wick yourself, you need to take threads from natural yarn or floss and soak them in a solution of 1 tablespoon of salt, 2 tablespoons boric acid mixed with a glass of water. Soak the threads in the liquid for at least 12 hours. After drying, the cord can be crocheted or weaved together.

Variety of molds

There are many ways and options for making candles with your own hands. They differ not only in color and internal content, but also in the variety of shapes used in their manufacture. Craftswomen create products in orange peels, large shells, cardboard structures made with your own hands.

Very interesting solution are candles in sand form. Thanks to sand, you can get any shape of the product. The girl creates the candles, photos of which are shown below, on the beach. Of course, you can repeat this process at home. To do this, take moistened sand and place it in a wide container. Next, we remember our childhood and making Easter cakes in the sandbox. We are fiddling with the sand, squeezing out various shapes in it. Then you need to fill the recesses with liquid wax, which is poured using a spoon. The wax flows slowly over the metal, which prevents the mold from being destroyed in the sand. We wait for the contents to cool, then take out the finished candle.

Clear gel candles

Transparent products look very impressive. Let's consider making candles at home using gel. To create them you need tannin, glycerin and gelatin. To prepare the mixture, you need to dilute gelatin in water and add glycerin in a ratio of 20:5:25. Then heat the mass in a water bath until transparent. At this time, mix tannin with glycerin 2:10 and also heat and add to the first composition. Continue heating until the mixture becomes transparent. Pre-prepare the molds for pouring the mass. They must be transparent and resistant to high temperatures. These can be glasses, glasses, wine glasses or tumblers. The shape can be decorated with shells or glass beads placed on the bottom. We take the wick and secure it to a pencil located across the hole of the glass. Do not lower the wick close to the candle decorations; raise it 1 cm. Then slowly introduce the solution into the molds and wait for it to harden. As a result, we get original transparent candles. A photo (for example) is presented below.

Fighting bubbles

Making candles at home using gel is marred by the formation of unwanted air bubbles. If the presence of air is not specifically designed to create the realism of a carbonated drink, then we will consider several ways to get rid of bubbles.

Air comes out of the gel faster when it is not frozen and is warm. Therefore, do not remove the gel from the steam bath until all the bubbles have come out. The warmer the composition, the faster it will be freed from air. If the candle has already been filled, hold it near a warm oven, in the sun, or wrap it in a warm scarf. Gently heat the glass itself in which the product is placed.

If, when creating decorative candles with your own hands, you use little things, such as shells, fill them initially with gel and let them harden. Then use them for decoration without removing the gel mixture.

Decorative candles with coffee beans

Above we looked at how to create a candle using gel. Next we will describe an example, made of wax with the addition of decor from natural materials. To make a casing from coffee beans, you need to prepare two molds different sizes. The main thing is that the smaller shape must fit in the mold bigger size and provide a wide space between them. Geometrically, the shapes can be anything.

We insert one form into another and fill the gap in our case with coffee beans. If desired, you can place any decor, beads, shells, dried flowers. Then the space with the contents is filled with wax and set aside until dry. After some time, the mold inside should be removed and the wick placed in the empty area. Next fill inner space candle mass. The wax candle is ready!

Scented candles

In some cases, natural ingredients that emit aroma can be used to create a romantic mood. Such products are short-lived and can be used one time.

To create, take an orange and cut it in half. Remove the pulp with a spoon, being careful not to damage the skin, which will serve as a mold for the future candle. Decoratively cut off the edges of the peel, leaving cloves. We install the wick and fill the inside of both halves with colored wax. We are waiting for the wax to harden. A candle can be used. When heated with a flame, the skin will release aromatic substances and give the atmosphere a special coziness of warmth and romanticism.

Cone-shaped candles

Candles in the shape of a cone look beautiful and original. Wax can be painted green and decorate, giving the appearance Christmas tree. How to make cone candles at home? Yes, very simple! To create, you will need white and cinders, colored wax crayons, a glass container, sheets from a magazine, beads or seed beads, and toothpicks.

To begin, break the candles, remove the wick and place the pieces in glass containers. Add the grated crayons and place the container in a saucepan with hot water for melting wax. At the same time, roll up the magazine sheets and secure the edges with tape. At the base of the bag, secure a toothpick with plasticine and secure the wick to it. Place it in the bag and remove it from the hole formed at the top of the cone. Next, the bag needs to be placed in a container with a narrower neck width than the bell of the folded sheet. Then melted and colored wax is poured into the inverted bag. After hardening, the wick at the base must be cut off and the paper removed.

To decorate a candle, the beads need to be heated in hot water and using tweezers, gently press it into the wax (you can do it randomly, or you can lay it out beautiful pattern and inscription).

Marble candles

To create marble candles you will need pieces of wax. You can make them yourself. Having melted the wax of the required color, pour it into a wide container and cut into pieces without waiting for complete hardening. Place the hardened pieces into the mold, using your imagination. The pieces can be laid to create a mosaic on the walls, or in layers of several colors. Next, fix the wick and pour melted wax of a different color into the mold. A very hot mixture may slightly melt the pieces, but if you pour in a slightly cooled mixture, the pieces will look brighter. After pouring, tap the surface of the container, forcing the wax into all the voids. Once completely cooled, remove the candle from the mold.

Making candles is a very exciting activity that does not require excellent knowledge and great experience. By creating such products, you will not only decorate your interior with new decor, but also free yourself from searching for gifts for loved ones and friends. After all, each candle is a fruit of your imagination, which will have its own individuality and creativity.

Previously, candles were used only by wealthy families to illuminate rooms. Today, many are interested in how to make a candle as a decoration with their own hands. You can implement your plans at home, the main thing is to prepare everything you need. Let's start!

How to make a candle with your own hands - necessary materials


First of all, make sure you have paraffin. Buy it at craft stores or hardware supermarkets. You can also get paraffin from unburnt old candles that you have left at home.

Wax (instead of paraffin)

An analogue of paraffin is beeswax. It is a completely natural composition that, during the combustion process, purifies the air in the room. But the wax cannot be scented or colored. If you prefer this component, choose soy wax.


In addition to the main component, you will need a wick. It can be in the form of a paper rope or a thin rope.


Prepare your work space. A flat table lined with oilcloth or newspaper is ideal. You can make candles with your own hands only with high-quality lighting at home.

Additional tools

You will need a container for mixing, a pan for heating the ingredients in a water bath, a thermometer for measuring the melting temperature of wax/paraffin (sold in handicraft stores, intended for making candles).


If you intend to make candles of a certain shade, dyes will be required. Food grade pigment is not suitable for this purpose. Choose oil-based dyes.

Essential oils

Since you can make a candle with your own hands with a certain scent at home, purchase essential oils. They are sold in pharmacies and any cosmetics stores.


If the goal is to make a beautiful decorative candle, you may need coffee beans, beautiful stones, shells and other elements.

Candle mold

As a form, use a glass, cup, cut-off jar, square heat-resistant container and other available containers.

General technology for creating a candle with your own hands

In this section we will present general scheme, detailed recipes you will find below.


First, build a water bath: fill a pan with water, wait until it boils. Paraffin/wax should not be melted over an open fire to avoid burning.


Prepare a container smaller in size than the pan. Rub paraffin into it using a fine grater. Place this dish in a pan so that no water gets into the paraffin. Reduce stove power and wait for melting.

Important! During the simmering process, you need to keep a soap solution and wet gauze on hand, folded in several layers. If you suddenly stain a table with paraffin, you need to immediately clean the surface.


Arm yourself with a thermometer, which is sold in handicraft stores. It is designed to measure the melting temperature of wax. Paraffin melts at approximately 84-90 degrees. Do not overheat it, measure the indicators. Do not let it boil.

Important! Since you can’t make a candle with your own hands without melting, follow safety precautions at home. Simmering in a water bath can lead to a fire. Monitor the temperature carefully. When using leftover old candles, you must first remove all the wicks from them.


Continue simmering until the paraffin acquires a liquid structure. At this stage, essential oils are added for scent and oil dyes for color. You can make a multi-color candle by adding many pigments of different shades at the same time (do not mix too much).


Take a mold for pouring a candle. Place a pencil on its sides. Prepare the wick, tie it in the center of the pencil. Lower the tip of the wick into the mold so that the rope is positioned evenly along the entire height of the container.


If you are using any decorations, now is the time to put them in the mold. It is better to place decorations on the sides and bottom of the container so that they are clearly visible after the wax has hardened.


It's time to pour the melted paraffin/wax into the mold. Manipulations are carried out in a thin stream so that the wick does not sway to the side.


When you have filled the mold, leave the candle on room temperature. It will harden after 10-14 hours. Do not keep the product in the refrigerator, otherwise it will burn poorly. Before use, cut the wick, remove the product from the mold or leave it inside.

Preparing a gel candle

Gel decorative candles have become in great demand. The transparent base can be easily decorated with various decorative elements. Let's look at how to make a candle with your own hands without difficulty at home.

1. Visit a craft store and purchase a special gel-based compound. It can be colored or transparent. The gel base for candles can be mixed together to achieve the desired shade.

2. Melt the gel using classical technology (like paraffin), observing temperature regime(90 degrees). The result will be a liquid mixture. Prepare the mold in advance and install the wick in it.

3. Place decorative elements at the bottom of the container as you wish. There are no limits to your imagination, improvise! The main thing is that such decorations are not flammable. They need to be washed and dried in advance.

4. It is recommended to place some of the accessories on the bottom, and add others as the container is filled. As a result, the elements will appear to be floating. Also, they should not be located close to the wick (at least 1 cm), this is important.

5. To avoid the formation of bubbles in the finished candle, the filling mold should be warmed up. It is enough to use a hairdryer or boiling water. Place the container in the liquid. Wipe the container dry.

6. You can do it in a different way and give the candle a more “sparkling” look. To increase the number of bubbles, the mold is pre-cooled in the freezer. Once you have poured the candle, it needs to sit for at least a day.

Making an aroma candle with your own hands

1. It’s not hard to figure out how to make an aromatherapy candle with your own hands so that it smells nice at home. The undoubted advantage of such products is that you will be completely confident in the environmental friendliness of the components.

2. In order for the candle to acquire a pleasant aroma, you should add a few drops of any essential oil to the base, no matter whether it is gel or paraffin.

3. Consider the features of each broadcast. Some compounds become heavy and cloying when heated. The rest of the procedure is carried out using classical technology.

Original ideas for creating candles

1. To make your candles truly unusual, try to use a base of different colors. Fill them in layers. It is best to carry out the procedure with a gel base. Just add a layer and wait a little. As soon as it sets, continue pouring.

2. Play around with color scheme. Fill in the gel different shades layer by layer. As a result, you can create a beautiful rainbow candle. To make the transition smooth, you need to wait less for the previous layer to harden.

3. Colored compounds will just connect at the border. To understand how to make a rainbow candle with your own hands using this technology at home, follow the rules.

4. You can make a natural candle from citrus zest. Cut any citrus in half and carefully remove the pulp. Melt the base and add a few drops of lavender essential oil, a dried clove bud and a sprig of rosemary.

5. Pour the melted gel into a natural mold and wait until it cools. The result is an unusual citrus candle with a subtle aroma.

Making homemade candles is quite easy. Having made several copies, you can proceed to more complex tasks. Add something new and decorate the candles to your liking. Don't be afraid to experiment!