How to make a lampshade (plafond) at home. Table lamp made from CDs Creative homemade shades for lamps, floor lamps and chandeliers

As you know, a thing created with your own hands can become worthy decoration any interior. Moreover, the more such designer and cozy items there are, the more interesting and colorful the space looks. For each room of your house or apartment, you can create tabletops that will become great decoration. Moreover, for this you can use available materials and very often those that are initially difficult to imagine in the role of this functional and necessary device.

Where to begin?

Of course, first you need to think about the design, but we will return to this issue a little later. In the meantime, let's decide how to make a table lamp from what we have on hand. We will use the following elements and devices:

The basis for the lamp (this can be a piece of plywood or a DVD);

The frame is from an old lampshade;

A tube (it can be anything);

Various adhesive compositions;

A piece of cable;

Decorations for the base;

Switch, plug, socket;

The material from which we will prepare the lampshade;

Aerosol paint.

Table lamp diagram

A classic table lamp consists of several parts. Firstly, it is a base, a column, and in this capacity it is quite possible to use a glass lampshade or a lampshade, for example, made of fabric. There is a switch that is located on the power cord or on the base itself, sometimes it is mounted on the base. Depending on the purpose of the lamp, it can have a different design:

  1. A classic lamp that is used to illuminate the workplace. The diffuser here is a glass shade or textile lampshade.
  2. The device is attached to the table with a clamp. The column of such a lamp is flexible, that is, you can tilt it as you like. A lampshade is an opaque bell that focuses light in one direction. A conventional or LED is used as a light source.
  3. A lamp with a dimmer is the ability to adjust the brightness of the light source.

We bring ideas to life

So, we have prepared the parts from which the simplest ones are made with our own hands. Now we take glue, base and tube and glue them together, for example, using paper or old newspaper. Yes, do not forget to make a hole in the base - the cord will then come out through it. Let the design dry, after which we begin to decorate our tube.

To do this, we use anything: beads, buttons, beads, bows, figurines from Kinder surprises and much, much more. Thanks to such original and at the same time simple decorations, your lamp will look very non-standard, which means there will be an opportunity to transform the interior. The very last task is to coat the lamp with paint. It is best to choose formulations that do not contain toxins, as well as those that dry quickly. After the device has dried, you can begin making the lampshade.

Lamp from an old vase - fresh ideas

To create with your own hands, it is not at all necessary to look for some design ideas or strive for effect. You just need to take an old vase and make lighting fixture based on it. This way you will immediately kill two birds with one stone: on the one hand, you will give new life old thing, and on the other hand, decorate your home with something unusual.

So, we will need the following components of the future device: an old vase, a socket from an old lamp with a holder, or a holder, for example, made from cork. A piece of foam plastic into which the reinforcement is inserted will also work as a base. It needs to be filled well epoxy resin, not forgetting to comply with safety rules, since this composition distinguishes harmful substances. A structure is created from the prepared materials and inserted into an old vase. Now all that’s left to do is make a lampshade.

Lampshade is the crowning glory

Probably, the basis for creating a lamp can be anything. But with the help of a lampshade you can change appearance lighting fixture at least every day. In addition, this element is created easily and simply, and again from materials available at hand. The design can be carried out in a variety of styles, but it is important that the table lamps, made by yourself, are in harmony with the surrounding space. Which method of creating a lampshade should you choose?

First of all, the most best option- make a lampshade from the same wallpaper that covers the room. To do this, we take the wallpaper and cut off a strip from it slightly wider than the width of the lampshade. Then you need to carefully glue it to the lampshade, being careful not to break it or wrinkle it. We give it time to dry, after which you can safely put the product on the lamp.

Secondly, it's popular fabric lampshade. It is very simple to make, and, if you want, you can always remove it and replace it with another variety. Such a lampshade is created according to the same scheme as given above.

All the best for children

As you already understood, to create a table lamp, you don’t have to be a generator of ideas and thoughts. It's enough just to show your imagination. Modern children's table lamps are distinguished by their bright design, but you can change their appearance somewhat and make them more interesting. For example, those who know how to handle fabric can make original lampshade in patchwork style. In addition, this technique can be implemented in a slightly different way, for example, making a base for a lamp from children's toys - cubes, a puzzle, or decorating the lampshade with toys from Kinder Surprises.

For a girly version, you can use more romantic designs and decorative elements. For example, a lampshade, richly decorated satin ribbons, bows, beautiful buttons or interesting appliqué will definitely appeal to cheerful fashionistas.

Original designs

Now let's look at how unusual a table lamp can be. With your own hands (the photo confirms this) you can make it very, very catchy, effective and memorable. For example, if you have an old globe, then it can be easily adapted to fit an original lamp shape. By the way, you can safely give this to avid travelers - they will definitely appreciate it.

But needlewomen probably keep a huge number of balls of threads of the most different colors. You can knit a beautiful and bright cover and put it on the lampshade. Or you can simply complement the fabric dome with the help of original connected ornaments. Such a lamp will add coziness to the room and create an environment favorable for spending time.

Many will laugh, but for the sake of originality, almost anything can be used. Let's say plastic dishes in the form of forks, cups, spoons, umbrella sticks for cocktails. To create a custom lampshade we will need balloon, onto which we will glue all this plastic and cheap stuff with glue. By the way, if you wish, you can paint it with acrylic compounds - this way your lamp will shine with new colors and will look very original!

What's the result?

Thus, there are a lot of ideas for creating a table lamp at home. Choose the method that suits you best in terms of style and constructive solution. After all fresh ideas in the interior - this is the easiest way to update it. This method is also profitable, since you can create original lighting fixtures from what you have in your pantry.

In this article we propose step-by-step master classes How to make table lamps with your own hands from improvised materials that you always have in the house. It would seem at first glance ordinary and unnecessary things, but from them you can make original and designer lamps for the desktop.

The most popular and simple materials at hand are: glass bottles and cans, cardboard and paper, plastic vessels, water pipes and cement. We will show and tell you how to make lamps from this in this article.

With a simple and elegant copper table lamp, you can decorate any corner of your home by making it yourself. She'll fit in perfectly modern interior from loft style to rustic. Prostate and laconicism are the main trump cards of this table lamp.

To do this you will need the following tools:

  • Roulette, marker
  • Pipe cutter and washcloth
  • Wire stripping and stripping tool
  • Pliers and a thin flathead screwdriver
  • crosshead screwdriver

M materials:

  • Copper pipes
  • Acetone and super glue
  • Copper corners 90°, 7 pcs.
  • Electric wire
  • Plug and Electric socket
  • Switch and light bulb

Technique for assembling a table lamp

To begin, take a tape measure, a marker, a pipe cutter, a rag, copper pipes and acetone.

Mark and cut the tubes

  • Use a measuring tape and marker to mark where you will cut the copper pipes.
  • Do this carefully, measuring every millimeter precisely, because if the parts are different, then the end result will not be the same size as they should be.

  • Guide the pipe cutter and adjust the diameter of the pipe using the nut. See by copper tube, gradually readjust the diameter with the nut, so that the closure continues until the pipe is cut.
  • Afterwards, using acetone and a rag, you can wipe the markings off the pipe.

TIP: Our parts have: 3 cuts of 15 cm, 1 cut of 20 cm, 1 cut of 45 cm, 1 cut of 25 cm. We used 12 tubes. When designing your light fixture, please note that the copper elbow size will be added.

While the cable is inside, we connect the parts

Insert the parts together and glue super glue. In order to avoid problems in the future, it is better to glue each part and place it next to each other.

Even though the glue works instantly, you may want to wait a few minutes before proceeding to ensure that the pieces are glued together perfectly.

Tip: It will be more convenient to apply glue if you use a brush. If you want the cover to be at the very top, install it first. This way the first part will be ready, and the cable will go in a different direction.


  • Wire Stripper and Wire Stripper
  • Incisors
  • thin flat screwdriver
  • crosshead screwdriver


  • fork
  • electro chuck
  • switch
  • Copper pipes
  • electrical wire

Install the electrical system

  1. Open the front panel of the cover and start by stripping the insulation. Connect the ground ( Blue colour) and phase (brown, gray or black) using the two screws you will find inside.
  2. Repeat the same process on the plug and switch.
  3. In the switch you will find two pairs of small screws, a cable that you must cut to the height you want the switch to be and connect to the corresponding sockets going inside the small screws.
  4. All you have to do is screw in the light bulb to create your copper table lamp.

Finally, place the lamp in a corner or place you like and see how it will become a wonderful addition to your interior, lighting up the space!

Master class: Table lampfrom paper

When I first saw the Robert Delta table lamp, it was love at first sight! The shape is amazing, it comes in a variety of bright colors, just the way I like it. I was recently thinking since the accessories were surprisingly durable, why not use them for a lamp?

Here are all the materials used:

  • old lantern or lamp kit
  • template and thick cardboard or paper, you can take polypropylene sheets
  • glue and putty
  • sanding block (medium + fine)
  • wood block (add weight to base)


  • art tapes
  • metal ruler/xacto knife
  • drill (can optionally replace xacto knife)

Lamp manufacturing technology

  • Firstly, print the template (6 pieces of each triangle) (1 of each hexagon).
  • Cut out the shapes so that they fit snugly on the board. Then use glue to attach the pieces to the back of the mat.
  • With help metal ruler and Xacto knife on cutting board, cut each shape.
  • Put them together.

  • Next, glue the bottom (shapes 2 + 4) to the base (shape 6). The triangles fit together nicely and if you did everything right they will just fall into place.

Then use small pieces of art tape to attach them together and wait for the glue to dry completely.

TIP: Use super glue, it dries instantly (we used Aleene). Apply glue lightly, and wipe off excess.

  1. After gluing the bottom half (shapes 2 + 4 to the base, turn mold 6 upside down (open end down), place the square on flat surface and let it dry overnight, this will help maintain its area.
  2. The next day, start working on top part lamps. Glue the shape 1 + 3, leaving a little hole to insert the lamp inside. The top one (form 5) was glued together with artistic tape, but it is not yet glued to form 1 + 3.
  3. Then reinforce the seams with glue on the inside.

Then start working on the base of the lamp.

The level at the bottom of the lamp needs to be made a little bigger, so cut some 1×4s to raise it a little. It will also add extra weight, giving it more stability. Use screws to attach the 1×4 to the existing metal base. (We swapped the existing rod with one from another lamp to get it to the correct height).

Next, drill a hole for the cord and insert a plastic sleeve from an old lamp. The lamp should be disassembled, and the cord and wire should be pulled through the threaded rod of the hole in the new base. Inside the lamp, glue it in the center.

At the top (shape 5), mark the center and drill a hole for the center rod. Then glue it in place.

  1. After applying the adhesive, remove excess, and if necessary, lightly, and apply a second layer after sanding.
  2. Using a medium-grit putty and fine sandpaper, finish with a sanding block. At this point, you will notice its strong base.

Once you've finished removing dust, apply paint! To cover the top of the threaded rod, use the top of an old lamp - it just slides over the rod. Then return it back to the nest!

That's it, your handmade table lamp is ready.

Bottle table lamp

Tin can lamp

This lamp is perfect for a home desk, both for students and schoolchildren. Boys will especially appreciate it; it looks more like a transformer and a robot from the future. You can paint or decorate the jar itself with paper, thread, or make it more embossed. How correct.

Table lamp made from plastic bottles

Plastic bottles can always be found around the household, so decorating an old table lamp is not difficult. Usually, when restoring old lamps, the bases are left and plastic is used for the lampshade. The lampshade mount is usually used as an old one. When working with plastic bottles, remember that cutting them is easier paper knife or construction knife. Glue is used for rubber or special glue for plastic.

Table lamp made from branches and slices

Wood in the interior is always a classic - it is always fashionable and relevant. By decorating a table lamp with a cut of wood or an old piece of driftwood with your own hands, you will get a designer item that simply has no price.

  1. To do this, we need to select any piece of wood we like, process it correctly namely, dry it, apply impregnation against pests and cover it with varnish.
  2. The second stage is to mount the top of an old floor lamp into the base. If this is not the case, it doesn’t matter; light supply stores usually sell bases for lampshades.

Other original ideas

The basis for a table lamp can be, in principle, any item you don’t need: these are children’s toys, Sewing machines, unnecessary socks and so on. Experiment and create beauty!

A table lamp, of course, can be bought in a store, but it is not always possible to find exactly what you need, especially if you want no one else to have the same one. However, this lighting device is not so complicated, and if desired, you can make a table lamp yourself, which will significantly save money. Yes and homemade lamp in any case, it will be exclusive, and it will be much more pleasant to use, because a piece of your soul is invested in the product.

In this article we will tell you how to make a table lamp with your own hands.

To make a table lamp with your own hands you will need:

  • 2.5 meters of two-core cable (in our case, transparent braided)
  • socket with switch
  • incandescent lamp (it is advisable to choose a lamp of an unusual shape)
  • board 50×100 mm (dimensions may vary, it all depends on the size of the lamp)
  • flange with hole for ¾-inch pipe
  • 100mm tube with ¾" threads
  • adapter from ¾ to 1 inch

How to make a table lamp

Saw a board with a section of 50×100 mm into 4 pieces of the required length. In our case, the length of the segments was 220 mm. The boards can be covered with stain or painted in the desired color. Glue the boards with wood glue and secure them with clamps.

Assemble the flange, pipe and adapter together. Metal parts You can paint it or leave it as is.

Drill a hole in the bottom back wall wooden base. The hole diameter is selected in accordance with the cable cross-section.

Route the cable through the base and metal stand

Connect the cable to the switch socket. Insert the cartridge into the adapter and lock it there. To do this, simply press on the cartridge and it will fit tightly into the adapter.

Here is the finished table lamp in the steampunk style or in the style of industrial design. All that remains is to find a place to install it.

If such a lamp does not quite fit into your interior, you can give it a more familiar look by installing a lampshade.

It is better to buy a lampshade in a store.

A simple table lamp for working at a computer or laptop in the dark can be easily made from old unnecessary CDs and DVDs.

Working in front of a monitor in the dark, your eyes are strained and subject to heavy stress, so it is necessary to have a backlit workplace, especially the keyboard.

A small-sized and low-power lamp that can be powered from the USB port of your computer or laptop.

Materials and tools

To make such a lamp you will need:

  1. 2 old unnecessary CDs or DVDs,
  2. USB cable with a connector from the keyboard, mouse, charger or just an extension cord
  3. paper clip,
  4. A4 sheet of paper,
  5. base from an old socket,
  6. wire cutters,
  7. 6.3 V light bulb, power no more than 2.5 W or LEDs,
  8. soldering iron with solder,
  9. a plastic glass from a chandelier (ceiling part) or any other plastic cap,
  10. scissors,
  11. glue,
  12. adapter and a couple of wires.

Description of work

Solder the wires to the light bulb base. We install the light bulb in the upper disk, glue a plastic cup - a cylinder - to it. We connect the wires from the light bulb with a USB cable. Instead of a lamp, you can use several bright LEDs from a flashlight connected through a resistor. The resistance is selected depending on the number and power of the LEDs used.

Let's assemble the design of our lamp. We make the lampshade holder from paper clip or a piece of wire. To prevent the wire from sliding on the disk, it can be fixed with glue.

We make the lampshade itself from a sheet of A4 paper, preferably whatman paper. Draw a circle on a sheet of paper (you can simply print it on a printer), make a slot to the center of the circle, fold it and fix it with glue.

That's it - the lampshade is ready!

We connect our table lamp to the computer's USB.

You can, of course, buy a lamp or table lamp and place it near your computer or laptop, but a homemade table lamp is much nicer. Is it true?


P O P U L A R N O E:

    We make the “White Swan” applique with the children.

    We invite you and your child to make an original application using ordinary cotton wool. And we will portray a beautiful swan.

    An article for beginner radio amateurs. It provides examples of checking the main radio components used in electronic equipment (resistors, capacitors, transformers, inductors, chokes, diodes and transistors) using a multimeter or a conventional pointer ohmmeter.

Hello to all DIY lovers. I think every home has a light source, be it a lamp, chandelier or backlight, which to one degree or another helps in Everyday life, but such devices can very rarely boast of originality, since the manufacturer usually does not make a unique product, except for those that are made to order, but such a pleasure will not be cheap. This is why it was decided to make an original table lamp from beech with your own hands, and for anyone who has worked with wood in the slightest degree, assembling such a homemade product will not seem impossible. First you need to decide on the material and tools that will be useful in making this homemade product.

Before reading the article, I suggest watching a video about this homemade product.

To make a table lamp with your own hands you will need:
* Beech boards
* Wood glue
* Reismus
* Manual router
* Grinding machine
* Sawing machine
* Clamps
* Furniture oil
* Drilling machine
* Dimmer
* Wires with plug
* Electric drill
* Threaded bushing for furniture with M12 thread with a pitch of 1.25
* Super glue
* M12 hairpin pitch 1.25
* Rubber tie
* Sandpaper

That's all you need to assemble this homemade table lamp.
Now comes the fun part, the assembly process.
Step one.
First you need to run all the beech boards on a surface planer, this is done so that their thickness is the same.

We do this on all four sides.

Then we saw it wide board onto small planks, approximately 5cm wide, from which the head of the lamp will consist.

Step two.
After the boards are ready, they must also be run on a surface planer and then cut into small pieces using sawing machine.

The components must be calculated in advance; the cutting angle will depend on their number and the desired size of the lamp itself. For simplicity, we take 8 parts, on each of which it is necessary to make a cut at 45 o on both sides; this is done most easily on a sawing machine.

Step three.
When all 8 blanks are adjusted to size, they can be glued together, wood glue will help us with this. Before gluing, it is necessary to sand the surfaces to be glued to improve the contact patch.

We spread the glue over the entire area of ​​the joint of each part and fasten it with a rubber tie; by the way, it can be easily made from a bicycle inner tube.

We remove excess glue with a rag and leave it to dry for a couple of hours, while the glue dries we make three more of these parts.

Step four.
After all four octagonal blanks have dried, you need to make an angled cut on three of them to create the shape of the lamp. How to do this can be seen more clearly in the photo. You also need to make an octagonal bottom.

Step five.
We glue the four octagons into one piece, and after drying, we grind them on a grinding machine until we obtain a shape similar to a vase.

When grinding, rotate the workpiece as smoothly as possible; the correct shape of the lamp will depend on this.

Step six.
It's time to make a leg for the lamp, with which you can adjust the direction of the light.
We saw off four small beech boards and round the edges on a grinding machine; for this it is best to draw a circle in advance with a compass.

We drill a hole in the center of this circle, do it on both sides and on each of the boards.

Then you need to make three small boards adjacent to both the head of the lamp and the base, which will also be rounded on one side, and to glue them together you will need two small blanks, as in the photo.

Coat the gluing areas with glue and press with a clamp.

Step seven.
To regulate the brightness of the light, you need to make a wheel, which will then be placed on the dimmer. Similar to this wheel, we make six more of these, but to fix the position of the lamp.

We drill a blind hole in the middle and glue a bushing with an M12 thread at 1.25 pitches onto superglue and screw it in until it stops.

To fix the position, you will also need three M12 studs with a pitch of 1.25, which will pass through the entire lamp fastener.

Step eight.
Now you need to make a shield or the so-called base on which the lamp leg itself will be fixed. Its shape is also round, made using a grinding machine.

We grind the surface grinder and glue a circle with a smaller diameter on top of a thin oak plank.

For strong gluing, we will use clamps, or preferably three at once.

While the glue is drying, you can apply the first layer of oil to the head of the lamp.

Step nine.
The glue has dried, the oak circle has stuck, which means we move on to installing the dimmer. We disassemble its body, we will need the interior itself, drill a hole in the oak mug and mark it with reverse side dimensions of the board, after which, using hand router remove excess material to fit the dimmer inside.