How to work as an accountant from home without experience. Working with remote accounting

Good day, friends!

Many people spent more than one year at the desk of some university, studying to become an accountant.

Today this profession is highly valued, but it happens that it is not always easy to find a job, especially for new young professionals.

It is clear that every company needs someone to manage its financial affairs.

But what do small firms do that find it unprofitable to retain an entire full-time employee?

I will help you deal with this issue today, and we will also find out how you can find a job as an accountant without leaving home.

How to find a job as an accountant remotely from home?

Due to the fact that a small company is not able to hire a permanent employee, it offers the person a job remotely. I believe that the accounting profession will always be relevant. I just came across more than once that even an ordinary person in the form of an individual needed advice from an accountant.

You can earn quite good money remotely, I would even say big money.

For one service you can get up to 500 rubles, and if you are lucky enough to find a job running a company, then for this you can get up to 10,000 rubles monthly.

To work remotely as an accountant, you need to have at least some work experience, it is also desirable to have a special education, you also need a computer and the ability to use it, since the work will take place remotely via the Internet.

Small and small firms turn to their remote employee if it’s time to submit documents to tax office or need to do minor financial work. Such conditions will not burden any accountant, so if you want to make money, you can work with several such firms at the same time.

It is best to switch to remote work with a company when you have already worked for it for several years. Most likely, if your boss likes you, he won't want to lose you. Therefore, you can offer him to do accounting remotely. If such conditions suit both parties, then the accountant will conduct all financial affairs at home. From time to time, according to his free schedule, he will have to go to the office or tax office for accounting matters.

It is worth noting that if there is necessary knowledge, you can combine remote work as an accountant with your main job. Probably everyone will agree with me that a few extra thousand rubles will not hurt anyone.

If you don’t have a higher economic education, don’t hang your nose. Every city today offers accounting courses. After them, you will need to constantly monitor new information and improve your skills. Every year new laws are issued, other programs are invented and updates are created, so you can always learn.

Where to start, vacancies.

If you are ready to start working, then you need to create a resume and commercial proposal (CP). Indicate your advantages and positive sides remote collaboration. Do not forget to remember that you will not need a job, and your salary will be lower than that of a person on a permanent staff.

Send your information via contacts former works, do not forget about word of mouth (friends, former colleagues, native…). You can also make business cards and hand them out when you collaborate with someone. Don't forget about advertising: look at job advertisements and don't forget about your advertising in the newspaper and on the Internet.

At the moment there are a lot of vacancies for remote work on the Internet, call and ask.

Don’t forget to attract customers, give discounts and interesting offers in terms of its services. Offer cooperation even to those who are looking for an ordinary accountant on staff. Perhaps such companies have not even thought about remote cooperation. Also offer your services to individuals to help with paperwork and the like.

Look for opportunities to work, and over time you will have many clients.

I wish you success! Earn money!

Freelance accounting is playing an increasingly important role in modern business. This is especially true for small and medium-sized enterprises and entrepreneurs. Remote accountant is a promising profession for good specialist. If 20-30 years ago most of the calculations had to be done on paper, now you have Excel, 1C and many other auxiliary programs. 5-10 years ago you had to go to the tax office with all your reports; now in many countries reports are submitted via the Internet.

The scope of accounting is very broad, both in itself and in relation to the transition to remote work. I cannot promise to cover absolutely all the information about working as an accountant at home, but I will try to cover this topic as much as possible.

Despite the fact that many modern companies are transferring many processes to outsourcing and remote work, the profession should be considered from all sides. Because enterprises, directors, and even old-school specialists themselves may not see the benefits of remote work.

Benefits for the specialist

  • Opportunity to work in comfortable conditions
  • Ability to work from anywhere
  • Ability to work at any time
  • Opportunity to work in several companies. For example, if you do accounting for a small company or private entrepreneurs
  • Reducing travel time to work
  • Reduce costs for lunch and travel

Disadvantages for a specialist

  • Difficulties in communication. Actually a conditional disadvantage. With proper management of your time and affairs, any communications can be minimized
  • Problems with the Internet. And this is a real problem if you have urgent work.
  • Lack of live communication. There is nothing to explain here, but it is worth noting such places as coworking centers where you can rent workplace and meet a lot of people. But today these are, for the most part, youth institutions.

Benefits for the employer

Cost reduction - one single and most important advantage for any company. There is no need to maintain an accounting department, an office for them and equipment. In addition to the printer, which is extremely important in accounting

Disadvantages for the employer

Difficulties in communication - t Same disadvantage as a specialist. If you need to quickly resolve the issue, then you still need to contact the employee, but for this you should determine in advance the work schedule and the time when he will always be available

IMPORTANT: Most problems in work arise due to problems in communications, this applies not only to accounting. Therefore, always agree on the period of time during which you will be in touch, and if you need to leave, always warn. This advice applies to both specialists and bosses.

How to work as an accountant remotely from home? The question is becoming increasingly relevant in our economically difficult times. About some important nuances Read about such work in our material.

What is work from home?

Working from home refers to two common options:

  1. Fully remote work - when the employee performs all duties outside the employer’s territory (Article 312 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation talks about this).
  2. Working with a flexible schedule is when an employee appears at the employer’s office at an agreed time to resolve individual work issues, and the rest of the time works at home. (Note that the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not contain a definition of “free schedule”, but it does contain the already mentioned Article 312 and Article 102, which describes a “flexible schedule when work time determined by agreement of the parties").

In the accounting environment, the second option is more common. The so-called visiting accountant. This is due to the specifics of accounting duties - working with primary paper records, signing documents, etc.

Home working has a number of benefits for the employee. Give a chance:

  • plan your working hours independently and do not waste time traveling to and from work every day (which is very valuable, for example, for large cities);
  • cooperate with several employers;
  • combine work and solving everyday issues (which is especially important, for example, for women with small children).

Workers not in the office, but at home are also quite beneficial for the employer:

  • there is no need to organize workplaces, working and rest conditions, or compensate for travel expenses;
  • specialists can be hired required level even if they are in another region and cannot come to the office every day. And if such a specialist lives in a place that is important for the employer (for example, not far from a key client in another city), hiring a remote worker will allow you to significantly save on business trips or organizing a branch.

Accountant at home - where to start?

You should start working at home with 2 things:

Modern remote work involves extensive use of electronic communications. Therefore, before you start discussing the terms with the employer, you should ensure yourself:

  • good office equipment (in addition to a computer, you will also need a home multifunction device [MFP] for scanning, printing, copying data);
  • uninterrupted Internet access;
  • necessary equipment and software (a headset for communicating via the Internet, a mobile device that allows you to do some work outside the home, etc.).

However, there is no need to install too a large number of professional accounting programs before a contract is concluded with the employer. In practice, the employer may have its own program, and it will be most convenient for you to organize access to it.

In general, the employer’s approach to organizing remote work for an accountant (for example, readiness to provide the necessary programs) can serve as a criterion for choosing a particular place of work. But first you need to find a place.

How to find a job as an accountant from home remotely?

If you don’t have friends who are willing to help you find a job, you can look for a remote accountant in the same way as you would for another job:

  1. Through “work” sites and publications.
  2. Through private advertisements. This method quite effective in solving the question of how to find clients for an accountant at home. Small entrepreneurs looking for someone to help them with accounting and reporting prefer to place private advertisements in local print media and on websites like Avito. Employers of a different format and scale are published on large and well-known job sites.
  3. In addition to viewing job openings, it may also be helpful to post and promote your resume and place personal advertisements offering services.

Speaking about the division of employers into “small” and “large”, it is worth noting that “large” ones with remote work are quite difficult to find. But all the “big ones” were once “small” beginners. Therefore, when looking for home work, do not immediately refuse offers that do not meet your optimistic expectations. You can find 2-3 “small” offers and provide for yourself home work, the effect of which will be comparable to 1 “large” proposal. In addition, “small” clients always have room to grow, and many are indeed growing. And along with them, your experience, your responsibilities, and your salary grow.

And one more argument in favor of employers from small businesses: as a rule, the future accountant negotiates directly with them. While in large company, most likely, you will have to go through a multi-stage selection, starting with the HR service. And the result will not always be positive.

Life hacks for effective organization

To establish effective remote work, you need:

  • interaction between the employer-manager and the accountant (take this into account when applying for a job);
  • the ability to move away from the usual patterns of organizing accounting work and find the most convenient solution.

Here are some practical findings (it’s now fashionable to call them life hacks):

  1. Working through programs remote access.

There are programs that allow you to work on one computer while connecting from another. An example is TeamViewer. That is, the employer’s accounting program can be installed on the employer’s computer, which is located in the employer’s office. And an accountant can connect to the employer’s computer from his home computer and easily work in this program.

NOTE! As a rule, in programs remote control There are 2 types of passwords - variable and static. The static password does not change; it is advisable for the accountant to know it.

  1. Work through the server.

The principle of operation is similar to working through a remote access program. Only the server allows several users to work on it simultaneously, each with their own access. It may be more convenient. When working with the same TeamViewer, the connected accountant occupies the computer in the same way as if he were sitting at it. And if someone else needs the PC, the accountant will have to “vacate” the workplace. However, server installation and maintenance will be more expensive compared to a regular PC. This is where it may be necessary to convince the employer of the benefits of such equipment.

NOTE! Cloud technologies are becoming increasingly common in the accounting environment. When the server is virtual for the user. Cloud resources can be cheaper than purchasing hardware, but still require IT support.

  1. Electronic and scanned documents.

As noted above, the vast majority of employers offering remote work are classified as small and medium-sized. This usually means that their paperwork is not that big. Therefore, it is quite possible to organize the work so that most of the primary documents reach the accountant in electronic form.

You can organize electronic document flow with major suppliers using an EDI operator (through which reporting is submitted). And that part of the documents that comes in paper form can be asked to be promptly scanned and sent to an accountant, for example, by e-mail. The accountant will only need to periodically reconcile and put things in order in the primary paper records. But, as practice shows, this has to be done no more than 2-3 times a month.

If necessary, the accountant can prepare and send electronic documents himself. For example, while sitting at home with a remote connection, print documents from an accounting program onto a printer in the office for the manager to sign.

  1. Good accounting software.

Good software automates and simplifies many aspects of an accountant’s work. There are programs that connect to cash registers and record the breakdown of cash proceeds (the data automatically enters the program from the cash register). There are programs that not only automatically receive revenue, but also write off the cost of what is sold against the revenue. There are programs that interact with both cash register systems and Client Bank... Convenient options so many.

This question is related to the accountant's knowledge of software and the ability to convince the employer of the benefits of a good licensed program with maintenance.

If the employer already has some kind of program, then it is advisable to start working in it. And then come up with ideas to improve the work one by one.

IMPORTANT! Individual “customization” of remote work for yourself requires both time and some effort. At first, most likely, you will have to work in the old program (at least in order not to carry over balances in the middle of the year), and carry paper documents back and forth, and work on site, training staff (for example, salespeople or waiters) to scan and send you documents. But if you set a goal to organize yourself a comfortable remote work, the first results will appear quite quickly.


Key points on how to become an accountant at home from scratch:

  • organizing a workplace at home;
  • a balanced approach to searching and selecting employers;
  • planning and effective organization of remote work itself.

The choice of employer is especially important. The efficiency and convenience of cooperation for an accountant at home often directly depends on the ability to come to an agreement with the employer on a number of work issues.

NOTE! Remote workers do not cancel the employer’s obligation to keep track of working hours for all employees.

An accountant is a job that is always in demand, and every company, large or
small, needs his services. But if the first one can afford to hire
itself a whole staff of specialists to work in the office, then for the second there remains
just make an agreement with the remote employee. Today we will tell you how to work as an accountant remotely.

How to work as an accountant remotely from home?

Most the best option for both parties - this is if you have already been on the staff for at least a year and a half, and the company is confident in the reliability of your activities. Then you can simply agree to work remotely from home. Some managers do not agree to this type of cooperation, but most still come to an agreement. Agree, there are times in life different situations, which a person cannot work full time, and the company does not agree to lose because of this valuable experienced employee.

Of course, you will need to come to the office, but this is nothing compared to
waking up at 6 am every day and jolting on public transport. Another advantage of working from home is that you can enter into a deal with several companies at once, and, having completed work for the main employer, do additional tasks.

Before working as an accountant remotely, the first thing you need to do is get economic Education, preferably higher education. If you don’t have it, then there are a lot of options where you can go to get it: colleges, courses, extramural in the University. But no matter how good these or those courses are, they provide only basic knowledge, and a good accountant needs to have an in-depth understanding of his business. Read more specialized literature, attend seminars.

When the issue with education is resolved, start writing your resume. Properly written, it will be a key factor in your hiring. Indicate your details and coordinates, skills, experience, as well as the advantages that the company will receive by cooperating with you.

To find a client who will need the services of an accountant, there is
several ways:

  1. Post your resume on special job search sites.
  2. Contact the employer using the advertisement.
  3. Use existing connections (if any).
  4. Make yourself known with the help of friends, acquaintances and colleagues.

Also be sure to make at least a couple of sets business cards so that if you meet a potential employer, you can instantly give your contact information.

How can an accountant work remotely for individuals?

Accountant services are needed not only on a company scale. Each individual needs them no less. To make the calculations correctly and complete the necessary documentation for the tax authorities ordinary person without necessary education It takes a lot of time and nerves. Easier to hire remote accountant. One case of such a service will not bring much profit, but you can collect a dozen such clients, and the additional bonus in the form of word of mouth will create free advertising and attract more people.

If you are still not sure about this method of working part-time, we recommend visiting special forums and asking around how accountants work remotely. There they will share with you not dry recommendations, but personal experience, and will give valuable practical advice. In addition, we suggest watching the videos below to have a better understanding of working remotely as an accountant. Remember that accounting is not a field for the weak, and even remote work requires maximum concentration and energy. Therefore, even at home, try to create a personal, quiet space for yourself, where nothing will distract you from your work.

Publication date: 02/07/2019 763

Good day, dear readers! You probably already know that there are professions that can be transferred from the office to your home. And today we will look at the profession accountant remotely.

Who is an accountant and what does he do?

Let's first figure out who an accountant is. An accountant is executive organization responsible for financial accounting and reporting. It is worth considering that this is a fairly in-demand profession. It is needed everywhere. Every company has such a specialist, because no company can be imagined without a person who can deftly work with numbers.

Knowing languages, it is not difficult to see that the word “accountant” consists of two German words “buch” - book, “halter” - holder. You may be wondering, “What does being a book holder have to do with working with finances?” The fact is that previously all income and expenses were recorded in a book that was created specifically, and a person-accountant was responsible for it.

In addition, this profession has been known to our world for a very long time. It was originally used and popular in Ancient India. The very first book was published by the Italian mathematician Luca Pacioli in the 14th century and was called “Treatise on Accounts and Records.” This event marked the beginning of accounting, which continues to this day.

In Russia, they learned about this profession from Peter I, who established it at the beginning of the 18th century.

Tasks and responsibilities of a home accountant

What are the responsibilities of an accountant? A very big responsibility falls on his shoulders, because the work of the entire enterprise depends on his work.

His responsibilities include:

  • processing of primary documentation,
  • calculation of income/expenses organization funds,
  • accounting of financial and material resources,
  • compilation tax reporting,
  • calculation (sometimes issuance) of salaries,
  • carrying out inventory,
  • execution of foreign exchange transactions (if any are carried out by the company),
  • accounting for purchases and sales of products.

Benefits of working as an accountant from home

Technology does not stand still; it tends to constantly improve. From year to year, more and more new gadgets, computing equipment and much more appear. And, naturally, the accounting profession is also improving, using new technologies and techniques.

And now a turning point has come, when more and more firms and companies are seeking to find and hire employees who will work remotely. Why are they doing this? Is it really that profitable? Let's figure it out:

  • A remote worker can be paid less than a “traditional” worker.
  • A remote employee does not need to pay sick leave.
  • There is no need to provide paid leave.
  • No need to allocate a workspace
  • There is no need to provide the necessary office supplies.
  • Pay income tax for him if no employment agreement has been concluded.

Pros of working as an accountant remotely

How can a digital scientist benefit from the ability to work remotely? In fact, the employee himself has many advantages:

  • Freedom and flexibility of schedule
  • Openness to cooperation with several employers, which will increase income several times
  • The absence of an oppressive office atmosphere, replacing it with home comfort
  • No dress code, which will help you save a lot on buying clothes
  • More time left for family and children
  • This activity can become a well-paid part-time job
  • Eliminating work stress
  • There is an opportunity to realize a dream (travel at any time of the year, for example).

How to become a chief accountant remotely

The popularity of working on the Internet is growing every year. And more and more people are thinking about how to switch to remote work easily and painlessly. But first things first. It is important to understand that no company simply needs you. One of the most best way transition to remote work - work for at least three years as an accountant in the office, develop a reputation for yourself, and only then ask your superiors for a transfer to your home.

A lot of existing “traditional” accountants, when they are just starting their path to remote work, take on additional evening work, and in their free time they can work remotely in a couple of other companies. And after they have more or less mastered it, they completely move to the online space.

Pros and cons of working as an accountant remotely from home

Below we outline all the advantages of working accountant at home remotely, and also talk about its possible disadvantages. Among the obvious advantages we note:

  • Increased income for the same amount of work.
  • The ability to independently set prices for your services while freelancing.
  • Receive your salary immediately after completing the work.
  • Free flexible schedule. Work can be combined with vacation. No one will forbid you to work while lying under the warm sun on the sea coast.
  • There is an increased risk of meeting an unscrupulous customer and the danger of getting the job done and not receiving payment.
  • Building relationships with employers does not always go smoothly. Many, due to hazing, try to load them with overtime work, for which they usually do not pay.
  • Big competition. There are more than enough vacancies for accountants at home on freelance sites. You will still need to prove your qualifications and competitiveness.
  • High responsibility, because miscalculations and mistakes are punishable by tax audits.
  • Organization and self-discipline, which “free” workers so lack. The concept of “bosses, alarm clocks and Mondays” is absent in the understanding of a freelancer, and this is disorganizing. Many people procrastinate, which can lead to a decrease in earnings.

Required professional knowledge

An applicant for remote work as an accountant must understand issues such as:

  • statistics,
  • finance,
  • Accounting,
  • lending,
  • economy,
  • planning,
  • taxation.

In addition, a freelance accountant must have good knowledge and be able to use:

  • 1C program (accounting),
  • Excel program.

Knowledge foreign languages a must if you are aiming to cooperate with international companies.