How to clean aluminum from blackness. How to clean an aluminum pan? How to clean an aluminum pan from carbon deposits

Aluminum cookware can be found in almost every kitchen. It is convenient to use, as it heats up quickly, is light weight, and easy to clean. For these qualities, many housewives keep it in their arsenal, using it for a variety of purposes. How to clean aluminum pan outside and inside, when did it lose its decent appearance and its functional qualities? Or is its entire surface covered with traces of old soot and grease? Use proven methods.

Method of cleaning the outside and inside of the product

In order to start cleaning, you need to know the main features of this metal. What exactly? It is soft and susceptible to mechanical stress, so it is not advisable to use sharp objects (knives) or rough metal brushes for cleaning to avoid the formation of micro-scratches on the surface. How to effectively clean aluminum pans from carbon deposits on the outside and inside at the same time? Using a steam bath, laundry soap and 9% table vinegar.

As a rule, most of the carbon and fat accumulates in the area, both outside and inside. Therefore, these places require especially thorough cleaning. In this case, select a container, preferably with a lid, that will accommodate the pan itself. Next, perform the following procedure (calculated for very dirty aluminum cookware):

  • the container is filled approximately 1/3 with water and placed on the stove for heating;
  • Cut laundry soap into small pieces, about half a piece (per 5 liters of water);
  • pour ½ cup of 9% table vinegar (per 5 liters of water);
  • the composition is heated, thoroughly stirred;
  • the prepared hot solution is poured into the dirty pan in a volume that keeps the pan afloat with its mass, preventing it from turning over when it is placed bottom-side into this large container (as if pressing it to the bottom);
  • the container with the pan placed in it is closed with a lid and heated to boiling temperature;
  • after boiling, the fire is reduced to minimum;
  • in the “steam bath” state, the pan simmers in the solution and its vapor for 30 minutes with an average degree of contamination, 60 minutes with a heavy degree of contamination.

Then the fire is turned off and the pan is removed from the container. For final cleaning you will need an abrasive sponge, salt, any dishwashing detergent and 9% table vinegar. A small amount of dishwashing detergent is dripped into the bottom of the pan, a teaspoon of 9% vinegar and a tablespoon of salt are added. Rubber gloves are put on and all areas are thoroughly cleaned with an abrasive sponge. First, the inside of the pan is cleaned, then the top is cleaned, including the bottom, walls and handles.

Practice shows that fat and soot come off from a “steamed” pan quite well, but, of course, particularly contaminated areas will require more effort. As a result, the product will take on a clean, fresh look.

9% vinegar tends to lighten the aluminum surface, removing dark spots.

Method of cleaning inside the product

Aluminum, even food grade, does not like alkaline solutions. From them, it oxidizes, becomes covered with dark spots and becomes dull, as short-term destruction of the oxide (protective) film occurs. It, of course, is quickly restored when interacting with oxygen, but the blackness and dullness on the aluminum surface remains. Therefore, it is better not to use alkaline products (for example, baking soda) for cleaning. Steps on how to clean an aluminum pan from blackness and burnt food using household means:

  • pour warm water into the pan, add mustard in powder form, leaving for 10-15 minutes;
  • then use an abrasive sponge, a small amount of dish soap, coarse salt and a teaspoon of 9% vinegar to clean everything and rinse thoroughly.

Note to the owner!

In order for an aluminum pan to be light silver, it must be cleaned regularly using a specially made mixture. To do this, pour a small handful of mustard powder (a tablespoon), a large pinch of salt and a teaspoon of 9% table vinegar onto the bottom. A small amount of water is added to create a paste. This “gruel” is rubbed over the entire surface of the product (external and internal) and washed thoroughly. The result is sparkling, fresh

In any home there will be products made from light, but sufficient durable material- aluminum. For such items household include: pots, pans, sinks, elements window frames And furniture fittings. Like any material, aluminum becomes covered with dirt and oxide film. What to do if it darkens? To prevent this, you need to know how to clean and treat aluminum from oxidation without damaging the product.

How to clean aluminum from oxide?

Anyone can clean and remove oxides from aluminum at home:

  1. The simplest method is mechanical, but it can only be used on planes or parts with a simple relief.
  2. To clean metal with a complex profile, you need to use a chemical method - etching.

Important! You may be interested in more detailed information about this material. Then read a separate review about the properties and characteristics of aluminum and cookware made from it.

Let's look at several ways to remove oxide film and other contaminants on household items.

Cleaning kitchen utensils

In order to return kitchen utensils shine, you will need the following items and tools:

  • Water.
  • Soft cloth or dish sponge.
  • Vinegar or lemon juice, cream of tartar.
  • Dish scraper.
  • Mild detergent.
  • Salt.
  • Towel.
  • Bucket or other large capacity, if the dishes need to be cleaned from the outside.

Having prepared everything you need, get to work:

  1. Wait for the pot or pan to cool after cooking.
  2. Remove all grease and dirt from the surface of the cookware. Add dish soap to warm water and wash off any remaining dirt.
  3. Use a dish scraper to scrape off any residue and food residue. If you can't completely clean the pan with a scraper, pour some water into the pan, bring to a boil and scrape the dirt off the metal with a wooden spoon.
  4. Prepare an acidic solution: 2 tbsp. Dilute tablespoons of cream of tartar, white vinegar or lemon juice with 1 liter of water.
  5. Pour the solution into the pan.
  6. Place the utensil on the fire and bring the liquid to a boil.
  7. Boil the solution over low heat for 10-15 minutes.
  8. As soon as the aluminum brightens, turn off the heat.
  9. Wait for the pan and contents to cool.
  10. Pour the solution out of the container.
  11. Gently scrub the pan or pan again with the scraper to remove any remaining dull spots.
  12. Wipe the dishes with a clean towel.

  1. Do not use steel wool for cleaning as it may scratch the surface with disastrous consequences.
  2. If you want to clean the dishes not only from the inside, but also from the outside, then place them in a large pan or bucket. Pour an acidic solution at the rate of: per 1 liter of water - 2 tbsp. tablespoons of weak acid (vinegar, lemon, cream of tartar). Place the container on the fire. Boil for 15-20 minutes to remove oxidation from the aluminum.
  3. If not large capacity, you can clean the outside of the pan with a cut lemon, after dipping it in salt.
  4. The acidic solution reduces the tarnishing of the metal. Therefore, to clean the surface of the dishes, use the juice of acidic fruits and vegetables, such as rhubarb or apples. Instead of a solution, you can put the peels of sour apples into the boiling water - this way in a simple way you will be able to clean aluminum from oxidation.
  5. If you don't want to waste time boiling utensils, then use a mild aluminum cleaner. Use it as you would a soft dish brush or soap. Wipe the dishes with a sponge soaked in cleaner, and then rinse with water.

Cleaning aluminum sinks

The aluminum sink must be regularly cleaned of food debris, dirt and oxide film. To make your plumbing shine like new, follow these steps:

  1. Gently scrub the sink with a brush, as food particles can interfere with the removal of the oxide layer and make the surface difficult to clean.
  2. Wash your plumbing fixtures with dishwashing detergent.
  3. Rinse off any remaining detergent thoroughly.
  4. Cut the lemon in half.
  5. Dip one half of the citrus in salt.
  6. Wipe the surface of the sink with the prepared lemon half.
  7. Use a damp cloth to remove any remaining salt and lemon.
  8. Wipe the surface of the sink with a dry towel.

Cleaning of aluminum products and parts

In our homes, many products are made of light metal, such as aluminum fittings or furniture. Thanks to surface oxidation, the metal does not rust. However, oxidation itself is considered a form of corrosion. As a result of this process, a thin film is formed on the surface of the metal, which protects it from water. Unfortunately, over time, the oxide film grows and the metal becomes dull. All this has a negative impact on appearance products. Therefore, there is a need to clean and bleach aluminum from oxidation.

To clean aluminum items around your home and yard, use the following guidelines and tips:

  1. Clean aluminum parts window frames or doorways You can use one of the universal detergents, for example, Domestos. Although this is a fairly aggressive product, it will not damage the parts, since such aluminum products are coated with a durable anti-corrosion coating.
  2. Use next way cleaning aluminum outdoors:
    • Wash the metal surface with water and a soft detergent, for example, soap. This is necessary to remove dust, dirt and grease from the coating.
    • To remove scratches, use a mild abrasive such as Soft Scrub.
    • Rinse thoroughly with water. You can use a garden hose for this purpose.
    • Mix acid with water in a 1:1 ratio. You can use: vinegar, cream of tartar or lemon juice. If you are processing fittings or aluminum furniture, then instead of mild acid, use metal polishing paste.
    • Use a soft dish brush and the prepared solution to wipe the metal. Try to remove any dark spots caused by oxidation.
    • Rinse off the solution with water. Make sure that there are no traces of solution left on the surface of the product.
    • Wipe the surface thoroughly with a dry cloth.
    • Apply a layer of car polish paste wax to the product. Apply wax using soft fabric, rubbing the paste in a circular motion.

  1. Clean metal outdoors in moderate weather, as aluminum does not tolerate temperatures that are too hot or too cold.
  2. When cleaning an aluminum surface with steel wool, use the finest steel wool. Scrape the surface back and forth, but not in a circular motion, to maintain a uniform surface texture.
  3. If you need to clean aluminum siding that is coated with plaque, use trisodium phosphate. Mix the drug with warm water in proportion: 30-50 grams of product per 1 liter of water. Apply the resulting solution to the surface, but first protect your eyes and hands with protective equipment.
  4. You can achieve shine on metal using special liquid WD-40. Process the product at fresh air. Apply the liquid with a rag or sprayer. After a couple of minutes, wipe the surface with a hard sponge or thin twisted steel wire, which is used to remove carbon deposits from dishes. After processing, wipe the aluminum product clean with a rag.
  5. Clean external aluminum surfaces with ordinary washing powder. Dissolve a quarter glass in 8 liters of warm water washing powder no bleach. Apply the solution with a sponge. After treatment, rinse the surface of the product thoroughly with clean cold water.
  6. Use caustic soda for etching metal. The procedure takes little time, so it can be done at home. You can use chemical household product“Mole”, which is used to remove blockages in the drain. Use the drug to clean aluminum from oxidation as follows:
    • Dissolve 1-2 teaspoons of the product in 0.5 liters of warm water (up to 60 degrees).
    • Place aluminum items into the solution.
    • After 1-2 minutes, wash the products with a dish sponge and soap.
    • Rinse thoroughly with water.
  1. Use baking soda to clean metal. Immerse the product in the solution: 2 tbsp. spoons of soda per 1 liter of water. Place the container with the contents on the fire and boil for 10 minutes. After processing, cool the item and rinse. You can also use warm solution caustic soda.
  2. Remove dirty dark-colored film in the following way:
    • Dissolve 10 grams of borax in a glass of water.
    • Add a few drops of ammonia.
    • Cover the item with the prepared mixture.
    • Let the product dry for half an hour.
    • Wipe the item with a dry cloth.

Take care of aluminum objects and promptly clean them from dirt, food debris, carbon deposits and oxide film. Take special care of items located outdoors, as they are most susceptible to oxidation, which makes it much more difficult to remove later. When working with chemicals, do not forget about protective equipment: glasses, gloves and a respirator.

Many people prefer aluminum cookware because it is cheap, lightweight, and has high thermal conductivity. But what to do if the utensils darken or something burns in them? How to clean an aluminum pan or the bottom of a frying pan from soot and dark deposits so that it looks like new?

An aluminum pan must be used correctly so that you don’t have to think about how to clean it from blackness or dark deposits. When you wash aluminum cookware, you should absolutely not do the following:

  • No need to use hard brushes or metal scrapers, which can cause aluminum to darken.
  • Do not use an abrasive detergent to remove dirt.
  • Aluminum cookware should not be washed in the dishwasher.
  • Aluminum cookware should not be washed with acid-containing products.
  • You should not try to clean aluminum with sand or chalk, or sandpaper, as this will damage the utensils.
  • There is no need to try to pick out carbon deposits with a knife - you should use wood or plastic, foam rubber.

Daily Cleaning

Of course, a burnt aluminum pan must be cleaned immediately so that the carbon deposits do not harden and become old. Otherwise, you will spend a long time looking for ways to clean burnt utensils.

How to do this correctly during daily cleaning?

  • First, soak the dishes in water.
  • Then add dish gel and wash the utensils.
  • Finally, the pan is rinsed and dried, and put away in the cupboard.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in such washing. But in reality, it is not always possible to wash the dishes well, and over time, soot accumulates on its surface and soot appears on the outside.

To clean an aluminum pan from old carbon deposits, you should use some tricks and secrets of experienced housewives.


If the dishes are very burnt and have been standing for a long time, then try a simple cleaning method - boiling.

  • Water is poured into the boil-off and silicate glue is added there, which cleans even old plaque well. Silicate glue is added at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of water. About 40 g of household shavings are poured into the solution. soap and add soda ash based on 1 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of water.
  • An aluminum pan is immersed in the solution and boiled for 30 minutes.
  • All that remains is to remove the soot from the burnt dishes and wash it.

Apple peel

This folk recipe How to wash an aluminum pan is simple. The fact is that apple peels contain acids that remove soot.

If the dishes are very burnt from the inside, fill it with water, add more peels and put on the fire for an hour. All burnt food will come off easily, and you can wash the utensils clean.

Can be used potato peelings or onion skins. True, after this method, discovered in search of how to wash a burnt pan, a slight residue may remain. However, it can be easily removed with a sponge. You need to boil the cleaning for an hour, and then clean the dishes using cleaning products.


Regular tap water very hard, and because of this, scale appears on kitchen utensils. There is no need to try to scrape off such stains; there are methods for this that have been tested by many housewives.

If the scale on the container is very strong, then you can get rid of it using laundry soap. Grate it, add a little soda and prepare a solution. Boil the affected utensils and leave to soak for an hour. After such manipulations, you can easily clean off the scale.

Ammonia will remove a thin layer of scale well. Even slight burning can be removed using this method.

Dilute 5 drops of ammonia in 3 liters of water, then add a little household shavings. soap and 1 tbsp. l. baking soda. Wash utensils with this solution and then rinse well with water. The cleaned metal will be as good as new.

Even utensils that have become darkened by scale will become as good as new after treating with vinegar. Prepare a solution from several liters of water and 3-4 tbsp. l. table vinegar. This solution is boiled for 15–20 minutes. Then the mixture is drained and the dishes are cleaned.

Clean until shiny

Don't be upset if the metal loses its shine. There are recipes that will make aluminum sparkle.

  • If the container is darkened from the inside, pour kefir into it for a couple of hours. If the stains appear on the outside, you can rub them with fresh cucumber.
  • Darkened metal can be rubbed with table vinegar. After wiping, the product is rinsed and boiled.
  • You can rub the dishes with tooth powder after moistening it. The pan should sit overnight. In the morning it will shine like new.
  • Simply boil rhubarb in a saucepan and the aluminum will sparkle.

As you can see, there are a lot of ways to wash and clean such products. Just choose a product that you have in your home and start tidying up your kitchen utensils.

Aluminum, due to its great strength and lightness, has gained high popularity in the production of pots, ladles, spoons, forks and other similar accessories. But the aggressive environment that is the norm in the kitchen has negative impact for rafting This is expressed in the form of stains, oxides and plaque. You cannot use such utensils, and buying new ones can be expensive. There is only one thing left to do - to do the restoration yourself.

Features of cleaning aluminum

If preventative care is carried out periodically, “difficult” plaque is unlikely to form. However, it is a tedious task and people prefer to do the work at the last minute. There is a lot of information on how to effectively clean aluminum, and here are two of the simplest:

  1. Mechanical type. Suitable for smooth surfaces, without a relief pattern.
  2. Chemical type. Approved for products with complex surface roughness.

At home, you will need fruit acid, sodium bicarbonate, and detergent. You will also have to prepare a cotton towel, a soft sponge and a suitable container. As an alternative, you can buy a specialized paste, however, it has many harmful elements, and cleaning aluminum items is not always recommended.

No need to use during operation metal brushes. The iron bristles will scratch the fittings, erasing the first protective enamel. This will affect both the appearance and properties of the utensils. And the aluminum products themselves will suffer irreversible damage.

Light weight, even heating, brilliant appearance- parameters for which aluminum utensils are valued by many professional chefs and housewives. It is important to note that things from this component appeared a long time ago, and even then people understood the rules of care. For this purpose, oxalic and Apple juice, onion and kefir. Yes, chemical method Cleaning dirt from aluminum did not exist then, and the whole procedure was very long, but the homemade version is always safer and more environmentally friendly.

Universal oxide cleaners are something else that can be used to clean aluminum. But such a choice will lead to a loss of brightness, because the composition contains many chemicals. For best effect It is recommended to do the following:

  • Do not rinse hot dishes. High temperature changes have a detrimental effect on the characteristics of almost any cookware;
  • Do not scrape burnt food with a knife. Doing this will leave streaks and make it more difficult to clean the aluminum in the future. It will also be impossible to restore scratches;
  • wash by hand only. Usage dishwasher(due to high temperatures) not acceptable;
  • During maintenance, do not apply strong or alkaline preparations, since it will not be possible to clean aluminum from oxidation without harm. Concentrated mixtures will cause the metal to darken.

Knowing and applying these features will extend the life of your kitchen utensils.

Methods for removing contaminants

There are several good rinsing techniques. various traces cooking and burnt layer, which are used depending on their complexity:

  1. Blackening. To get rid of it, an sour mixture is prepared, consisting of kefir or sour milk, cola, cucumber pickle. The object is immersed in the consistency and remains for 12 hours.
  2. Another effective method– sour apples. They are cut into slices, and the required area is wiped with the inner zone. If necessary, repeat the steps. At the end, everything is washed and wiped with a (not hard) rag.
  3. Contaminants in the form of soot can be wiped off with alkali. It is poured into a burnt container and placed on the switched on gas stove. It is better to choose the maximum flame so that the reaction occurs faster. After boiling, remove the container from the heat and allow it to cool completely. It should be noted that this technology is perfect for eliminating other contaminants of any complexity.

In such moments, there is no need to be afraid of experiments, since none of the varieties will cause damage. There are also a number of advantages: the availability of components, their low cost and safety.

Choice of product

If the task is not just to get rid of blackening, but also to maintain the shine of the surface, then you will have to carefully select the substance. An alloy of this kind is soft and can be damaged with a simple hard rag. Small scratches will ruin the entire image and make the surface matte. However, you can improve the situation if you purchase common remedy for polishing. For example, GOI paste can perfectly cope with this problem. As for the safe elimination of flaws, give preference to more gentle methods:

  • soap solution;
  • food acids;
  • salt;
  • office glue.

Cleaning preparations for cleaning aluminum can also be found in the store, but before purchasing it would be wise to familiarize yourself with the composition . Of course, industrial chemistry is quicker than others to cope with the task, but continued use of the frying pan for cooking will be dangerous.

Methods for removing carbon deposits

Burnt food leftovers kitchen utensils- real " headache"for every housewife. And it can take a whole day to wash a small saucepan. For better results, some resort to “barbaric” techniques: scraping the layer with an iron brush, knife, and even sandpaper. But these actions take away strength and cause more harm. For correct removal carbon deposits are easier to do: in warm water Stir the salt (proportions 50 to 50), wait for it to dissolve and pour into the pan. Next, the workpiece should be soaked for an hour. During this period, the solution will penetrate deep and remove the fumes. At the end, everything is washed with cold water and wiped with a cloth.

How to clean aluminum cookware: products and equipment

Several components will come in handy here:

  • textile;
  • food acid (citric, malic, etc.);
  • liquid soap;
  • plastic scraper;
  • container of the required size.
  • salt.

Such components are easy to find in the kitchen, and they are openly sold in any market.

Cleaning aluminum from corrosion and oxide

This circumstance applies more to the restoration of objects that are not used in dining rooms and kitchens. For example, you can find a special paste to add shine to car parts. A small amount of it is applied to a rag (hardness does not matter), and the damaged part is thoroughly wiped. This way you can quickly clean aluminum from rust and oxides, and the part will acquire a new one. external image. As for tools with metal bristles, their use is highly not recommended. Otherwise, marks will appear on the parts mechanical impact, which will be clearly visible in the sun. During the period of cleaning aluminum from corrosion, you must use personal protection, especially if the work is carried out indoors. These special products can release harmful components that damage the skin and respiratory system.

Glue and soda

This unusual, but highly effective compound will help get rid of stubborn dirt. This substance has water-repellent characteristics, which greatly simplifies the process. Everything goes according to the following system:

  • 10 liters of boiling water is poured into a special container;
  • 100 grams of each element are added;
  • the prepared item is immersed in a tub for 3 hours;
  • After time, the residues are washed off with soap and wiped with a cloth.

Such a connection will not take much effort, and the office glue, when entering into a thermal reaction, does not emit harmful fumes. Therefore, it is well suited for processing industrial and other products.

Table vinegar

This is an “old-fashioned” technology that has stood the test of time. All you need to prepare is a certain amount of wine vinegar or citric acid. In some cases, you can prepare a gentle preparation and dilute it in a ratio of 1 to 10. If the item is covered with soot on inside, then pour the mixture inside and put on high heat and bring to a boil. Over the entire period of time, a reaction will occur and unnecessary traces will be eliminated. As alternative option you can take 6% vinegar or lemon juice from natural fruit. If prints are formed on the outer part, the element is completely immersed in boiling water for a certain period. Immediately after boiling, you should not cool a pot or pan in cold liquid, because any metal reacts poorly to sudden changes temperature. It is wiser to wait a while and wipe the surface with a sponge. You should also always remember the rules for using such utensils, and if the situation gets very bad, table vinegar is unlikely to help against stains. Here you will need more serious procedures, or purchasing another copy.

It is considered the very first variation of plaque erasing. However, finding this on the modern market is problematic. To make such a stone yourself, you will need regular bottle alcohol from fruits, which is stored in a cool place and in a horizontal position. Crystal accumulation is also common inside wine tanks. But there is one peculiarity: it may take 5-7 years for the stones to accumulate. Before processing, the crystals are diluted in a small amount of boiling water (to a pulp state), and after cooling, it is applied to a napkin, which is used to wipe the object. Such a stone - effective remedy against stains, and also gentle. Only a person will have to spend several hours to achieve the desired result. But the negative aspects make this version not popular among the people.

Soap solution

Will only be useful in the early stages, and can handle polishing. Everything is done by analogy: shavings of laundry soap are diluted in hot liquid, then applied to a sponge and wiped in places with flaws.

Baking soda

This is a similar care option. Everything is prepared in a similar way (mixed with water) and the desired area is wiped. Baking soda against scale is the latest, but very effective method of dealing with difficult stains. In addition, it is the cheapest and easiest to use.

If this technique does not help, you can use it in conjunction with others. It will also help polish your utensils without leaving scratches on them.

Using Baking Soda to Clean Aluminum Cookware

Aluminum pots and pans are still very popular among housewives. The new cookware has a number of obvious advantages - it is very light, quite wear-resistant, and most importantly, it heats up quickly and evenly. If carbon deposits have formed on it, cleaning the dishes is quite easy.

Secrets of cleaning dishes made of this metal

Let's figure out which products can be used for cleaning, and which ones are best kept away from our favorite aluminum pots and pans. Indeed, unfortunately, over time (and especially from improper processing!) the surface tends to become covered with unaesthetic dark spots and loses its shine. First, you need to immediately decide what they don’t like about this metal. So!

You can start washing the dishes after allowing them to cool slightly. After all, the hot soft alloy from which this cookware is made can become quite deformed when it comes into contact with water.

  • Forget about using any strong acidic or alkaline cleaners. During the processing of dishes, these products can seriously damage the surface.
  • Any cleaning powders, especially abrasive ones, can easily scratch soft metal. Unsightly scratches are also left on dishes by a variety of hard sponges and brushes.

You should not even try to pick at the utensils, trying to clean them of carbon deposits with knives and other sharp objects. Do not rub with sandpaper or sand. After such barbaric treatment aluminum frying pan will only be suitable as a flower stand. It is wiser to use only wooden spatulas, which are unable to damage soft metal.

It turns out that it is not so easy to find a suitable remedy. After all, many usual means for washing metal kitchen utensils have to be abandoned due to the increased “capriciousness” of light metal.

How to properly clean aluminum cookware from carbon deposits

The answer to the question directly depends on what exactly needs to be cleaned and how serious the contamination is. It’s one thing to simply wash the pan after a regular rich soup, and quite another if this soup has successfully boiled away, leaving soot on the bottom of the pan.

You can remove carbon deposits in the following ways:

Soaking. To begin with, you can try this simplest, but quite effective method. Moreover, the soaking process can be slightly accelerated if you put the dishes on the fire. In most cases, after heating the water, it is possible to clean the surfaces using regular sponge And good remedy for dish washing.

Glass and porcelain cleaners are better for aluminum than metal steel cookware. It has been noticed that glassware products not only cope well with stains, but also help restore shine.

Salt. If the “number” of soaking is not completely successful, and there are still remains of burnt food at the bottom of the pot or frying pan, you can try to remove them using ordinary table salt.

Before you start working with salt, be sure to take care of your hands - wear strong rubber gloves. Otherwise, salt can corrode any small scratch much earlier than the dishes can be put in order.

How to remove dark spots and restore shine

How to clean kitchen appliances that have already lost their shine? Fortunately, there are several methods of varying degrees of labor intensity that allow you to return darkened dishes to their former beauty.

Cream of tartar. This crystalline sediment, formed during wine production, is good for removing dark stains from aluminum cookware.

The container to be cleaned must be filled hot water, and then dissolve 2-4 tablespoons of crystalline powder in it. Let stand for at least an hour (you can put the dishes on the fire and boil the solution for about 10 minutes). Rinse the dishes clean water and wipe dry.

Persistent dark spots and small scratches can be additionally treated with a thick mass of cream of tartar mixed with water.

Vinegar or citric acid. If it is difficult to get cream of tartar, you can use more available means- solutions of vinegar or citric acid.

Cucumber pickle and whey. These acidic liquids also work very well on dark spots.

Soda with silicate glue. These two substances, dissolved in water, can restore devices to almost new condition in just 20-25 minutes. 100 grams of silicate glue (also known as “liquid glass”) and the same amount of soda are diluted in 5 liters of water and brought to a boil. Then the darkened dishes are lowered there. Finish the process with a mandatory thorough rinsing.

If desired, soda ash can be replaced with crushed laundry soap.

We wash spoons, forks and teapots

The problem with spoons and forks made of this material is solved in the same way as problems with large utensils. It is very convenient to “reanimate” them simultaneously with another aluminum cookware. It is enough to put them in a saucepan or frying pan with a cleaning solution, then rinse and wipe dry with a soft towel.

A light kettle, on the bottom of which a thick layer of scale has formed due to hard water, can be easily cleaned with a solution of equal parts vinegar and water. Again, instead of vinegar, you can use citric acid. And those who like experimenting can try using the well-known Coca-Cola.