Homemade snow scraper with your own hands. Homemade device for removing snow from the road

Winter, after the autumn slush and the dirty gray inhospitable surface of the earth, recently covered with grass, pleases us with the first snow and brightened streets. Children do not crawl out of the snowdrifts, and babies look in surprise at the white flakes continuously falling to the ground, at their faces and small palms...

Fiskars snow shovel

But not everyone is not always happy about snow. Time will pass and not only the wipers in the morning, but also we, in a hurry going to work, will curse and grumble: “Well, where did so much snow come from?” And dream of having such a miracle snow shovel that would, without much difficulty, remove everything right down to the asphalt. But, alas, they have not yet invented a shovel-bulldozer so that each wiper is motorized. And that’s why simple homemade plywood shovels with a tin edge are still in use, and craftsmen are still thinking about new ideas for hand shovels for snow removal.
In the meantime, we see various new plastic shovels that can generally be used comfortably to capture large volumes of snow.

Garden tools and other products in this Chinese store.

A lightweight snow shovel is quite convenient, but if your strength allows, it is better to buy a regular Fiskars snow shovel. It is equipped with a wide bucket made of plastic, so it is quite lightweight. To strengthen the edge of the bucket of the Fiskars snow shovel, it is attached steel blade. The tool is quite practical; it can be used to clean large areas without getting tired, since the weight of the shovel is a little more than 1 kg.

Manual scraper Fiskars 143000 in video review

Another device that is even more productive is the Fiskars 143000 manual snow scraper. The model is in demand as it allows you to immediately grab a wide strip of snow and push out snow drifts. The weight of the scraper is 1.52 kg, the width of the bucket is 53 cm. Look at the video and evaluate how convenient the snow scraper is to use.

Plow for clearing snow from areas by hand

A more advanced means of small-scale mechanization for cleaning is a manual snow blade from the Kobzarenka Plant company from Ukraine. This, one might say, is a manual excavator; a person pushes the bucket of such an excavator, and to facilitate his work, the friction force is reduced with the help of wheels.

Characteristics of a manual snow blower:
Blade: metal sheet 2 mm, dimensions LxW 1000x400 mm with a rubber plate at the bottom.
Handle: T-shaped (pipe DN 20x2.8 mm with two rubber handles)
Chassis: axle made of pipe DN 15x2.5 equipped with two pneumatic wheels measuring 260x85mm
The design of the blade provides the ability to adjust the angle of the working surface.

In the video, a manual snow removal blade from the Kobzarenka Plant company is in operation.

A slightly unusual snow shovel “Sno Wovel”

Foreigners have come up with a somewhat strange, innovative shovel on a wheel for clearing snowdrifts. It's called “Sno Wovel”. It can easily be classified as a snow miracle shovel, because like its summer counterparts, it is designed to help relieve the back from stress and injuries. Well, since a lever is used, by applying a little effort, you can pick up large volumes of snow with a shovel and carry them and even throw them away. Manufacturers estimate that the required force is reduced by 80 percent thanks to the lever system and wheel. Like riding a bicycle, we travel a long distance, and we are several times less tired than walking.

Technical features of the shovel.
Weight: 19.5 kg;
Total length: 188 cm;
Height adjustment;
Tire diameter: 89 cm;
Scoop width: 66 cm.
Overall dimensions for storage and transportation: 86 cm x 20 cm x 50 cm

Look how cute the child laughs as he looks at his dad deftly handling this excavator

Scraper on wheels Snow Bully

Another interesting model of a snow scraper on wheels that costs $250-300.

This Snow Bully 4 Wheel Scraper is even more convenient, but the price is unreasonably high.

The video shows Snow Bully in action. It seems to be very comfortable to work on and can double as a cart in the summer.

Clearing snow from the road winter period- this is an important event, and also good for health if you resort to manual labor. But labor-intensive! And the greater the distance, the more effort and time have to be spent on putting the road in order. And if a tractor is a rare guest in your area, then a device for snow removal, which significantly simplifies and speeds up the cleaning process, becomes vitally necessary.

So in in this case. There is a section of the road about 250m, which is not cleared by the city administration, because... The lane belongs to a dacha cooperative. Those. technology does not come here. Constantly calling a tractor is expensive, because... There are times when clearing the road of snow is required several times a week. Accordingly, clearing driveways with a shovel yourself is, at a minimum, labor-intensive and time-consuming. Hence the desire to make a homemade device for removing snow from the road.

The photo below shows last year's version.

This homemade snow removal device is attached with a tow rope to the car's towbar and rolled along the road. This “grader” (as we dubbed it), of course, made life much easier last year. After all, clearing the road took only 20 minutes instead of 1.5-2 hours of intense physical work. But, unfortunately, this option has its drawbacks.

So, let’s talk about what the “grader” doesn’t like about this model. Weight and shape are the two parameters that together reduce its performance parameters. He shovels snow - that's a fact. But due to its small mass and its design, when a certain amount of snow accumulates, it begins to rise, as a result of which the snow is partially collected and partially rolled. As a result, the road level is rising, which can become a problem in the spring when it warms up. This kind of clearing of snow from the road is not the best the best option! To eliminate such a problem, someone heavy has to stand on it (I usually played this role with my child, and my wife was driving the car) and, when collecting a certain amount of snow, constantly stop and throw away the collected pile with a shovel.

This year it was decided to improve the snow removal device. Those. try to ensure that snow removal from the road is carried out without unnecessary stops and without additional involvement manual labor in the form of discarding the collected heaps. And for this, based on a little thought, our snow clearing device must satisfy several requirements:

  • Snow should be cleared away and not piled up. To achieve a similar effect, the “grader version 2.0” must be made in the shape of a wedge.
  • The weight of the “grader version 2.0” must be sufficient so that it does not lift above the snow when moving. To do this, again, you can provide a place for a heavy person.
  • Try to save money and spend a minimum of money on production.

Let's start with the choice of materials. Initially planned to buy wooden blocks 50x50, from which to make a frame. Next, cover this frame with plywood and begin operation. But one day, turning my gaze to my site, I saw that there were several Euro pallets from building blocks and a bunch of pieces of wood from a dismantled barn. And the thought came to me that wooden pallet– this is a frame ready for covering. In addition, renting them out for 50 rubles apiece is not profitable, because... it will cost more to get them to the collection point on gasoline. If you buy them, you will only have to spend 100 rubles apiece. We only need 4 pieces. Those. 400 rubles. This is the same money that will be needed to buy the bars, only you will still need to make a frame from them. Summarizing all of the above, I note that I didn’t have to buy anything. Those. The savings are colossal.

Now directly about the manufacture of a device with the help of which removing snow from the road should become as simple and fast as possible. First of all, we sew the Euro pallets together in pairs.

The pallets have the following dimensions 1.2m by 1m and 1.2m by 0.8m. I ended up with a pair of each type. The height of the side of the future grader of 0.8 m and 1 m is too much, and the mass of the entire structure will be too large. So I shortened them a little.

Next, prepare a block or board with a length equal to the width of the road clearing. Those. Clearing the road of snow will be carried out for a certain width of the roadway. For me it is 2.1 m. This is exactly the length of the board chosen. After this, we install panels from pallets in the form of a wedge, trying to align the front of the future grader. So that they do not diverge, they can be secured to each other with a self-tapping screw or nail. Now we take the prepared board and fix it to both shields at the back of the grader.

Next, we install several more connecting bars in the middle. This is where Euro pallet scraps come in handy. They can be sewn to strengthen the position of the shields relative to each other and at the same time get a good seat for the weighting material.

So we have a rigid structure that can withstand good loads. Now we need to sheathe it. Plywood or stainless steel sheets are suitable for this. But, again, in order to save money, you can look around in search of suitable, but already unnecessary materials. These turned out to be scraps of metal tiles. They covered the frame with them

The last step left is to make the “ears” to which the cable will cling. To do this, I used Soviet-made pens from some old door. By the way, they were on the previous version of the grader. As for the level of installation of the “ears”. They should be mounted at the same height as the tow bar of your car. If they are lower, then the front will ride up when moving. If it is higher, then the rear of the grader will lift up. In any of these two cases, high-quality clearing of the road from snow will not work.

Here, in fact, the device for removing snow is ready. Of course, he doesn't look the best in the best possible way, but performs its tasks properly. You can hook the grader to the car and get to work. Removing snow from the road using a grader like this is an economical, quick and easy solution.

Below is a video in which you can see the process of clearing the road of snow with such a device and the result of the work done.

In winter, snow drifts interfere with normal movement. As a result of snowfalls, the surface of yards and lawns is completely covered.

This reason should force us to take care of the timely removal of snow, not only for the sake of order, but also for the safety of movement.

In order to prevent snowdrifts, roads need to be cleaned in a timely manner. Cleaning snow is a difficult and tedious job, but if you have convenient and effective equipment, this process can be significantly speeded up.

Currently, the domestic market offers a wide variety of winter equipment for snow removal. But we'll tell you how to do it different types scrapers (scrapers) for removing snow with your own hands.

Manualsnow scraper

The peculiarity of the manual scraper is its ease of use, as well as the low material waste when creating the scraper.

A hand scraper is indispensable for clearing areas of ice, but the runners will have to be pulled with difficulty along the sidewalk and ground. Therefore, it is better to make a manual scraper on wheels.

Let's look at the main stages of creating a manual scraper for removing snow on wheels:

1. To create a scraper blade, we need a pipe with a diameter of 27 cm, then we cut out a sector from it. As a result, we get the required blade.

2. Use an unwanted baby stroller to create a frame

3. We make emphasis with the help of unnecessary water pipes. We create slots for the wheel axles in the pipes on one side, and weld them to the scraper blade on the other.

4. Take metal corners and create ears for fastening the racks.

5. To control the height of the handle, we make three holes in the upper part of the racks.

6. In order not to spoil the asphalt, you can install lower parts blades protective conveyor belt. We paint the scraper.

Result: the scraper is very easy to use and cleans snow quickly and conveniently. Thanks to the conveyor belt, the asphalt and concrete covering don't get scratched.

Snow scraper brush

A snow scraper brush is one of the most universal remedies. Its configuration can be different, the main thing is that it fits comfortably in the hand.

What to make brush bristles from. Often, artificial bristles, similar to thick fishing line, are used for brushes.

You can, of course, make a brush from natural bristles, but then you will have to be generous financially. The stiffness of the brush will depend on the task at hand.

The scraper should not be heavy in weight, otherwise your hands will get tired quickly. Therefore, when creating a scraper, pay attention to its weight, since this is one of the main characteristics.

Plastic snow scrapers

The advantage of a plastic scraper over others is that snow practically does not stick to it and it is much lighter in weight, so working with it is much easier.

A plastic scraper, like other types of scrapers, can be created in any size. A small scraper can only be used for ice, but a wide one can clear most of the area.

A plastic scraper is suitable for clearing snow from not only roads, but also roofs.

Metal scraper for snow removal

Steps to create a metal snow scraper:

1. Take a metal sheet measuring 1500x800 mm, a 3-meter pipe for the handle, and 2 parts metal corner, 1 m long for future runners.

2. Bend the tips of the runners and attach the handle. At a distance of a couple of millimeters in front of the posts, we install 2 pins, then attach the sheet to them.

3. Install firmly top part scraper using clamps.

Clamps will help control the height and are able to secure the side panel.

By the way, the scraper can be made foldable if there is a need to transport it in transport.

With the help of a special tool like a scraper, snow removal becomes better and faster.

A homemade snow scraper is not complicated in its design, and making it will not be difficult.

And also you can watch the snow scraper video

Selected for you:

It would seem that what could be simpler than a snow shovel, however, this simple tool can be improved with your own hands and make a snow shovel convenient, functional, and most importantly, significantly reduce the load on your back when clearing snow.

Large and flat spaces - courtyards, entrances to gates and simply flat ones - are most conveniently cleared with a wide snow shovel. work surface, to capture as much snow as possible at once.

At the same time than more snow on a shovel, the greater the load on the back and arms when throwing. Well, in this case, why not adapt... wheels to such a scraper!

A long, comfortable handle allows you to hold the body straight, and the wheels allow you to transport the collected snow to the right place. Perhaps such know-how can be bought somewhere, but assembling it with your own hands is also not a problem. It is enough just to weld the axles for the wheels to the handles, and set the position of the shovel blade at a convenient angle, in the manner of a bulldozer bucket.

If suddenly the paths are not smooth and winding, and snow needs to be transported over an impressive distance, the option of a snow shovel with one wheel will help out. The same wheel provides additional leverage when lifting snow mass.

Shovels with a handle on a handle

Don't want to bother with wheels? - A simple removable handle on the handle of the shovel will significantly reduce the load on your back and arms when throwing snow.

The removable handle can also be in this version - 2 rings with free movement are put on the handle, and a strip from the handle is inserted into their gaps at the desired height, this increases the “leverage” when throwing snow.

Modifying the shovel handle

Telescopic handle - allows you to adjust the length of the shovel to suit a person’s height.

A handle curved in this way also reduces the load on the back.

If you are left-handed or need to clear snow from a hard-to-reach place, swivel mechanism on the handle will ensure its bending the right degree round trip.

Car snow shovel

The rotating mechanism for attaching the blade to the handle will help you use the shovel both in a conventional version and as a cesspool device, and complete with a telescopic handle and convenient, compact transportation even in a small car trunk.

Removing snow from the roof

This device will make it much easier for you to clear snow from your roofs. You no longer need to stretch and balance to scoop up snow on the roof with a regular shovel.

This device, on the contrary, should be pushed away from you, pressing the lower strip with dense synthetic fabric against the roof slope. The snow itself will roll down the canvas.

These simple snow shovels are something you can build with your own hands and prevent various back injuries and strained arm muscles when clearing snow.

Miracle shovel for digging earth video

website Ideas for a summer residence