Making cabinet furniture with your own hands. Do-it-yourself cabinet furniture Do-it-yourself furniture making from chipboard

Each person strives to organize his space in such a way that it feels maximum comfort. However, in addition to a decent aesthetic appearance, its functionality is important, which is why many residents make cabinet furniture with their own hands country houses And summer cottages. Many people do not have experience in this matter, so they often turn to ready-made instructions.

Before you start learning the assembly process yourself, it is first important to prepare the necessary tools:

  1. Screwdriver. You will need it to tighten various parts: bolts, confirmations, screws. With their help, prepared parts of the fittings are necessarily attached. There is an alternative method of assembly - using ordinary screwdrivers, but in this case the whole process may take some time. long time, and not every person has such an opportunity.
  2. It is advisable to purchase drills immediately various diameters. In many construction stores they are sold as a set (from 4.5 to 10mm). This will also save time on searching for all the necessary materials, especially since such a tool may be useful in the future;
  3. A drill for confirmation is purchased separately. In this case, you can drill a 5 mm hole in a very short time. For steps without special costs the hole expands to 7mm;
  4. In order to tighten the confirmat efficiently and tightly, it is recommended to purchase a hexagon. As an alternative, some home craftsmen use a screwdriver equipped with special bits, but with this design it is impossible to get into hard-to-reach places;
  5. Anyone who wants to assemble cabinet furniture should have a Forsnel drill, since it is used to tighten hinges and other fittings;
  6. Marking supplies: ruler, pencil or bright felt-tip pen, metal square, tape measure, stationery knife;
  7. Circular saw;
  8. Electric jigsaw;
  9. A hammer, preferably with a nail puller (will be needed if you need to dismantle individual elements);
  10. Construction hair dryer.

If the furniture does not have any special features, when assembling it is recommended to use universal diagrams that are designed for a drilling angle of 90 degrees. Unfortunately, such a device cannot be called budget option

, therefore, such an acquisition is advisable only when assembly becomes a professional trade.

Manufacturing technologies

Answering the question of how to make cabinet furniture at home, we divide the whole process into several stages.

Cutting out the parts that make up the overall structure

When you plan to work with chipboard, it is impossible to do without cutting. Using a machine, we cut chipboard, on which we distribute all the workpieces in advance. This will help reduce material consumption. It is recommended to use a high-performance machine, due to which the optimal sawing frequency is achieved, since a scoring saw is installed here. It is easier to work with ready-made laminated chipboards. In stores you can buy options covered with a decorative layer to suit every taste. All that remains is to cut out the necessary parts from them. If the furniture is made from unprocessed raw materials, then you need to paste over the already cut parts. Cladding can be done self-adhesive film

or special plastic.

We take measurements

We make cuts with a machine

Processing slices Before assembling the cut parts, you need to process the cuts. For this purpose, edge tape is used. adhesive based

  • . Before work, it is important to pay attention to the conditions in the room:
  • The humidity percentage should be as low as possible;

It must be warm to avoid deformation of the material.

To paste parts with edge tape, prepare a breadboard or construction knife and an ordinary iron. Most often, the edge is sold with an already sticky layer, and no additional surface treatment is required.

You can use a professional iron. During operation, it is important to keep it at a certain distance from the surface in order to avoid displacement and secure all parts tightly in place. It is important to remember that the iron must be held on the edge without a large number of

time, otherwise it will overheat and bubble. As soon as the edge is fixed and takes a certain position, take a knife, trim the edge and smooth out all the irregularities with sandpaper.

Trim off unnecessary parts

Glue the edge

Marking points for fittings The finished parts must be laid out on a flat surface. Next, mark the locations for attaching the fittings, in accordance with the plan.. Check all dimensions; an error of just 1 mm can cause the entire structure to become distorted. The cabinets will stop opening, the doors will not fit together correctly. Next, you need to drill all the holes of the required diameter to secure the fittings.

Lay out the parts on the floor

Creating markup

Drilling holes

We fasten the fittings


After the work with the fittings is completed, we proceed to assembling all the elements. Many newcomers to this business first turn to video instructions, which not only show the order of assembling a certain model, but also give practical advice How not to confuse the whole process. We collect the nodes. This is the final stage when it is necessary to assemble all the prepared parts into a single structure. It is important to perform all operations sequentially.

Step-by-step instruction

First you need to determine what cabinet furniture is made of. The most common and available materials are considered laminated chipboard, fiberboard or chipboard. Solid wood is more reliable and stronger, but it costs more and is more difficult to work with.


All instructions for creating cabinet furniture can be divided into two stages. The first is the design of cabinet furniture. This stage involves an artistic or graphic representation of all elements (drawings of cabinet furniture). This is a complex undertaking, since a project diagram must be correctly developed to help visualize the necessary functionality of the furniture.

Just a few years ago, such a project could only be developed by a qualified designer, but with the help of modern applications and programs, you can work on the task yourself. To compose clear plan designing cabinet furniture with your own hands, it is worth determining what information should be contained in it:

  1. On a separate plan, you need to draw the general design of the room in order to visualize the position and appearance of cabinet furniture;
  2. All dimensions are included in the project - section dimensions, height, depth;
  3. All the details that will serve as the basis of cabinet furniture are worked out, drawings of facades with the required dimensions are included;
  4. The texture and color scheme are selected.

On the Internet you can find special 3D programs with which you can recreate absolutely any furniture project. In the functions you can set special parameters and even select the material from which you plan to create the desired interior items. The main advantage of such services is that there is no need to study information on how to calculate dimensions or draw “the old fashioned way,” especially since not every person has such skills.

The finished version is printed on a printer as a photo project, and then it’s a matter of technique and practical skills.

  1. The graphical drawing of the overall project determines the success of the planned business, but the creation of details is an equally important undertaking. First of all, everyone should think about what functions the furniture should perform and only after that start drawing. Correct sizing is a determining factor in the success of all further assembly. Otherwise, the part may not fit into place, which means that its shape will need to be adjusted, which means additional financial expenses. Even if the plans include making an ordinary storage cabinet, each detail should appear from a separate perspective in the drawing:
  2. Back wall;
  3. Front Panel;
  4. Side walls;
  5. Each shelf;


As for the parts that will be retractable, they are also drawn separately from the rest.

We create the overall design

We take measurements

We create color design

Creating parts

  1. The production of parts is carried out according to general instructions:
  2. Selecting the material from which the parts will be formed;
  3. Creating a project on a computer using a 3D program or drawing by hand on whatman paper;
  4. Making patterns by printing on a printer or making patterns by hand;
  5. Transferring blanks to the material by tracing patterns with a pencil or bright marker;
  6. Sawing using a high-performance machine;
  7. Edge processing, grinding if necessary;

Drilling holes for fasteners.

Choosing manufacturing materials

Let's make a project

Creating patterns and cutting materials

We cut chipboard

Sanding the coating

Making holes


  1. When transitioning from constructing furniture with your own hands to assembly, the entire process can be described in the following steps:
  2. All present fittings (hinges, locks, ties, runners) are attached to the main parts; Assemble the frame and back wall
  3. , install mirrors;

Depending on what piece of furniture you plan to assemble, the process may differ slightly, but the basic procedure remains the same. So that every person planning to create furniture with his own hands understands how he needs to act, we can analyze the whole process using the example of creating an ordinary cabinet.

We fasten the fittings

Assembling the frame

We mount the handles

We attach the plugs

Stage 1. Frame

The cut parts are connected according to the plan. To perform the screed, it is first recommended to prepare a screwdriver with special bits. Twisting will happen much faster than with a screwdriver. In addition, much less effort will be spent on such work. It is important to ensure maximum structural strength, so it is not recommended to use nails to strengthen the bottom of the cabinet. The best choice would be 4 by 16 self-tapping screws. The side surfaces, as well as the top and bottom, are connected at right angles using furniture corners. You can nail the back wall of the cabinet to the finished frame.

Assembling the base

Sanding the coating

Installing the bottom frame

Stage 2. Sliding system

To ensure the correct movement of sliding doors, the guides are first attached. They are mounted parallel to the top and bottom planes of the cabinet. One of the best options would be to use a specially developed system called “Commander”. Without special effort You can not only move the doors to the desired position, but also easily make adjustments. As a rule, adjustment is needed if gaps are observed during the assembly process, which not only spoils appearance, but also makes it difficult to use. In most cases, during the first time after assembly, cabinet furniture shrinks, which can also result in cracks appearing. This is considered normal due to the specific characteristics of the material.

Special rollers are screwed to the doors. The finished structure is installed in the guides and the progress is checked.

Installing the stopper

Installing the rubber pad

Installation of guides

Adjusting the system

Stage 3. Installation of fittings

At this stage, all shelves, drawers are inserted into place, coat hooks and others are attached. small elements. The cabinet is ready. Even a person who does not have experience in creating cabinet furniture with his own hands will not spend a lot of time creating something of excellent quality. The average assembly time is no more than three hours, excluding preparatory work. In addition, the cost of a handmade product is much lower than the price of ready-made furniture in a store.

Assembling cabinet furniture with your own hands is a combination of the optimal design solution, choice quality materials, as well as acquiring new skills with which in the future you can create entire furniture sets.

Kitchens and wardrobes are almost the easiest types of furniture to assemble for novice craftsmen (not counting only bedside tables and shelves). In general, furniture for the living room and bedroom usually requires a more serious approach, the use of non-standard materials, glass. This article will help beginners understand how to make furniture themselves.

tree in pure form are no longer used in cabinet furniture; solid wood is considered an expensive luxury material.

Now wood is being replaced with cheaper material - laminated chipboard(abbreviated as LDSP). Most often, these boards have a thickness of 16 mm; chipboards with a thickness of 10 and 22 mm can also be found on sale. 10 mm sheets are usually used to fill sliding wardrobe doors, and 22 mm - for bookcases and shelves where high bending strength is required. Also, sometimes the structure is decorated with elements made from 22 mm laminated chipboard.

Almost all furniture parts are made from 16 mm laminated chipboard (except for doors and facades).

Laminated chipboard

Laminated chipboard is cut on special machines along guides. Of course, you can saw it off at home using a jigsaw, but then there will be chips and wavy irregularities on the edges. It is almost impossible to saw off chipboard evenly with a jigsaw at home.


The most vulnerable place of laminated chipboard is when it is cut down. It is the easiest way for moisture to penetrate inside, so if the protection is poor, the ends may soon swell. Therefore, the ends are closed using edges; there are several types of them.

    • Melamine edge is the cheapest, but of poor quality. You can stick it on at home using an iron.

    • PVC edge 0.4 and 2 mm – best option. It can only be glued on a special machine, so it is done immediately when ordering a cut. To save money, 0.4 mm is glued to the invisible ends, and 2 mm to the external ones, which will experience constant loads and friction.

PVC edge 2 mm
    • ABS edge is similar to PVC, but made from environmentally friendly material.
    • Mortise T-shaped profile - inserted into a groove previously made with a milling cutter. Rarely used.

    • Overhead U-profile - can be easily glued to liquid nails at home. The main disadvantage is that the edges will protrude a few millimeters, so dirt will get stuck under it. On the other hand, this drawback allows you to hide a poor-quality cut.


Kitchen fronts and furniture doors are usually made of more elegant materials. But if you are making a drawer door inside a sliding wardrobe that no one will see, you can use regular 16 mm laminated chipboard with a 2 mm PVC edge for it. But the cabinets in the kitchen should look more presentable.

The facade is a separate furniture element. It is usually made to order. If the dimensions of the facades are non-standard, their production may take several months.

By standard sizes you can easily navigate: usually the facades are made 2 mm smaller than the cabinet itself on each side. Therefore, for a standard 600 mm cabinet, a 596 mm façade is used.

The height of the kitchen cabinet also depends on the facade and ranges from 715 to 725 mm for floor cabinets (without legs) and low wall cabinets, and 915-925 mm for high ones wall cabinets.

Types of facades

Since facades are mainly decorative function, the choice is huge, they differ in appearance and material.
    • Facades made of laminated MDF. This is a pressed material, more moisture-resistant and dense compared to chipboard. Most often, the surface is laminated to look like wood. But no matter how strong the film is, over time it can come off at the edges and crack. The main advantage of this material is its low price and fast production.
MDF facades
    • In addition to standard blank facades, there are also options with figured cutouts for stained glass. The glass is attached to the cover on the reverse side.
    • Softforming - such facades are similar to ordinary MDF, but have a characteristic two-color layout with relief on both sides. They can only be used in dry rooms, bedrooms or living rooms.

    • Postforming – even higher quality and durable products. Thin plastic the edges are turned 90° or 180°, thereby eliminating unnecessary seams at the corners. Chipboard or MDF boards are used as the base. Typically, postforming is done in a strict form, without unnecessary pretentious decorative elements.

    • Plastic facades are of high quality, but expensive. They consist of a base (chipboard/MDF) lined on both sides with thick plastic. They always have a strict design and flat surface, glossy or matte. The edges of the slab are sometimes protected with ABS edges or aluminum profiles. IN Lately Super glossy acrylic plastic is especially popular.

Plastic facades in aluminum profile
    • Wood and veneer facades - suitable for amateurs natural materials, but they are expensive. In addition, there is a long debate about environmental friendliness: there is an opinion that there is so much varnish and impregnation that there is only one name left for the tree.

    • Painted facades to resemble enamel. They have a significant drawback - the surface is vulnerable to scratches and deformations, and has low chemical resistance. They used to be popular due to their rich color, but with the advent of glossy acrylic plastic, everything changed.

  • Aluminum facades with glass are suitable for a high-tech kitchen. They look modern, but are difficult to manufacture and install. Non-standard fittings are used for their fastening.

Back walls and bottoms of drawers

The back wall and bottom of the drawers are most often made of HDF. The smooth side of the sheet should face the inside of the cabinet/drawer. The thickness of the sheets is 3-5 mm, the color is selected to match the chipboard.

Some people prefer to mount HDF on furniture stapler, but you can’t do that. Over time, the brackets will become loose and the structure may warp. It’s not worth talking about the bottom of the drawers - a stapler is clearly not suitable for fastening.

Furniture LDVP

Sometimes it is inserted into a groove prepared with a milling cutter, but all dimensions must match down to the millimeter.

Most often, HDF is attached to nails or self-tapping screws. It is better to use self-tapping screws with a press washer, but before screwing them in, you must drill a hole, otherwise the product may crack.

In rare cases, for example, to create a “stiffener” in a tall cabinet or in drawers with high loads, fiberboard is replaced with laminated chipboard. These materials can also be combined.


Table top – horizontal working surface, on which you can cook, eat, read, write, etc.

Most office and desks, as well as in cheap dining rooms, the tabletop is made of the same laminated chipboard as the main parts. The thickness is 16 or 22 mm, it is necessary to frame it with a 2 mm PVC edge.

Special countertops are used for the kitchen. They are a sheet of chipboard 28-38 mm thick, which is covered on top with durable plastic using postforming technology. Moisture-resistant countertops have green color on the cut, and ordinary chipboard is gray. Correct kitchen countertop must have a drip tray that will prevent the flowing liquid from getting onto the facades and drawers.

The weak point of such countertops is the cut edge. They are usually covered with a simple melamine edge, so they become unusable within the first year of use. To avoid this, it is recommended to protect the edges with special aluminum profiles (end strip), and to protect against moisture, pre-coat the cut with silicone sealant.

There are also other types of profiles: corner and connecting strips, which are needed for joining several cabinets with different tabletops.

Corner, connecting and end strip for table top

One more element - decorative corner, which closes the gap between the wall and the countertop.

A wall panel is sometimes used to finish the apron. Unlike tiles or mosaics, it is more practical due to the absence of seams and is inexpensive compared to glass splashbacks.

The tabletop is attached to the cabinets from below using short self-tapping screws to horizontal spacers so as not to spoil the smooth front surface.

Countertops made from natural or artificial stone are higher quality and more durable than others. Natural stone is heavy and requires special care due to high porosity. But artificial stone does not have such disadvantages; it can be given any size and shape. The main disadvantage of stone countertops is the high price; for a small kitchen they cost from 40 thousand rubles. and more.

An alternative option is a countertop made of tiles or porcelain stoneware. You can make it yourself, but the tiles cannot be mounted on regular plywood or chipboard. The base must first be covered with cement-fiber sheets.

Location of parts

A detail is any element of cabinet furniture: lids, tabletops, walls, facades, shelves. Each part can be either nested or invoice. Right choice the type of location is very important.

Let's look at examples of two kitchen cabinets: one of them will stand on legs, and the second will be hanging.

Base cabinet:

As can be seen in the photo, the operating stress in the floor-standing cabinet is directed downwards from the lid and in the first option is naturally transmitted through the parts to the cabinet legs.

In the second, incorrect option, the load is transmitted through the confirmat (furniture screw), and because of this it will be torn out of the part at a fracture.

Wall cabinet:

In the second example, the opposite is true: the load will go to the bottom shelf, and the attachment point will be on top.

If we use the same fastening scheme here as in the floor cabinet (option 1), all 4 bolts will be constantly under the load of being pulled out of the wood. Therefore, it is better if the confirmations experience stress on the fracture (see diagram “correctly”).

Furniture fasteners

Furniture fasteners are hardware (metal products) that are used to connect parts. Most often, connections are made at right angles.

    • Wooden dowels - inserted in advance drilled holes in both details. They are used for preliminary fixation and increasing the shear load, then the parts are fixed in a more reliable way.

    • Furniture corners are a popular, but outdated type of furniture fastening. Among the disadvantages: appearance, loosening over time and bulkiness.

Furniture corner

The main disadvantage of this type of fastening is that screwed-in caps remain visible. To hide them, use plastic plugs matching the color of the chipboard.

Furniture fittings

    • Handles - everything is clear here. They are usually attached with screws.
    • Legs are convenient in rooms where wet floor cleaning is often done, for example, in the kitchen. Any wood, especially chipboard, will quickly deteriorate from daily contact with water. In addition, the legs can be used to level furniture on uneven surfaces.
    • A silicone damper is a cheap but very useful part that can reduce the noise of impacts from cabinet doors. It is glued to the top and bottom of the cabinet door or end to soften the impact.

    • Furniture hinges. Round cutouts for them (additives) in the facades can be made in any furniture workshop, unless the manufacturer has made them in advance. The hinges differ in the degree of door opening. Standard hinges have an opening angle of 180°, and in closed position– 90°.
      The hinges have a special mechanism that allows you to adjust the doors in height and seating depth. For glass doors Separate hinges are sold; glass can be clamped into them without drilling a hole.
Furniture hinges

Among the inexpensive manufacturers of accessories, we can recommend the Chinese Boyard, and among the serious global manufacturers, the Austrian Blum.

Drawers and guides

There are many ways to make furniture boxes. The simplest of them is to assemble a perimeter from laminated chipboard. If a beautiful facade is required, it is screwed onto the main frame from the inside (like the tabletop). The façade can also be secured with eccentrics as the fourth wall of the drawer.

But the main thing is not to assemble the drawer, but to secure it correctly.

Drawer guides are divided into roller or ball guides.

    • Roller guides are usually attached to the bottom of the drawer. He will ride on them on two rollers. A pair of such guides costs about 150 rubles, but it is highly not recommended to use them. The main disadvantage is that they do not allow the drawer to be pulled out completely; a heavy drawer in the more than half-open position may simply fall.
    • Ball guides, or as they are also called, “full extension telescopic guides,” can exactly double the length. They have many balls inside, like bearings, so they provide a smooth ride.

Roller and ball guides for drawers
  • In addition, Blum has metaboxes and tandemboxes. These are ready-made side walls of drawers with installed guides. All that remains is to install the façade, back wall and bottom.

Doors for wardrobes

The sliding wardrobe can be separate (with side and back walls), or built into a niche or corner (with one side wall). The internal filling can be anything: ordinary shelves and mezzanines, drawers and baskets, clothes rails, special hangers for trousers, ties, etc.

Main element wardrobe - sliding doors. You can’t save on them; you need to buy high-quality fittings, otherwise you’ll suffer with falling and jamming doors. In almost any city you can find domestic sliding doors in specialized stores. Aristo systems no problem.

A sliding wardrobe usually has 2-3 doors. They consist of a profiled frame into which they insert decorative elements: mirrors and glass, chipboard, rattan sheets, bamboo, artificial leather(based). Each door can be assembled from a combination of several such materials, which are separated aluminum profile. It is not recommended to make doors more than 1 m in width.

Standard profiles are designed for a sheet thickness of 10 mm. But how to insert a 4 mm thick mirror into it? To do this, put a silicone seal on the edge of the mirror. To prevent broken glass from injuring anyone in the event of an impact, you need to order a mirror with a film glued to the reverse side.

The doors move along guides; they are installed at the top and bottom. The lower doors provide forward and backward movement, and the upper ones fix the door relative to the depth of the cabinet.

The bottom rollers are usually made of plastic, have a shock-absorbing spring and a screw for height adjustment. The upper rollers have a rubberized surface.
With the right approach homemade furniture It turns out cheaper and better quality than what is displayed in stores. But besides this, it will be exclusive, precisely suited to the needs of the owners and the characteristics of the room.

Why, actually, with your own hands? Is the furniture sold in the store not enough for you? What else do they need to come up with so that at the moment when you need to fill the space with something, you just go to the store? Never mind. We don’t need anything in stores, we have mustaches ourselves. Or, as they say, our hands are not for boredom - right?

What is DIY?

Let's clarify the terms. DIY - do it yourself, or, in a more understandable language, do it yourself. This is a popular trend not only in furniture, but in all areas of our lives - more and more people are striving not to buy ready-made products, but to try to make them themselves.

DIY furniture

The question arises: is it difficult to make furniture with your own hands without leaving your home? Our answer is clear - no, it's quite simple. What materials to use for this, where to get them, how to combine them correctly? These and other questions will be answered in our article, which contains many ideas, photographs and even drawings for making furniture yourself.

DIY furniture restoration

The easiest way is to simply restore the old one without anyone the necessary furniture. Surely your grandparents have a lot of things gathering dust in the attic of their dacha, which they put there when they bought something more modern or practical. It's time to breathe a second life into them! For do-it-yourself restoration, for example, wooden furniture, you will need to purchase special means for processing and painting, as well as glue for gluing broken elements. With restoration metal furniture somewhat more complicated - it may require welding and special tools to strip off the old coating.

Make your own wooden furniture

There are many ideas on how to make wood furniture yourself. The simplest ones are using simple bars from the store or even Euro pallets. We have already written about them several times on our website. Wood processing measures include polishing, painting and final varnishing. It is best to connect bars or other furniture elements using corners or bolts, having previously drilled holes.

DIY garden furniture

Handmade garden furniture is very popular. First of all, this is due to the fact that there are no special requirements for design and you can approach the process by putting all your fantasies and ideas into it. The materials used are: old boxes, tires, pallets and ordinary boxes, cases from old technology and even car parts. Such furniture is often located in gazebos or on the terrace.

We make upholstered furniture at home

With upholstered furniture everything is somewhat more complicated. To do this, you must at least know how to sew or knit. But the process can be seriously simplified by making a furniture frame out of wood and simply covering it with some kind of flat, pre-sewn pillows. Thus, a real analogue is obtained upholstered furniture from the store, but with a minimal budget and made with your own hands.

Making furniture yourself

The great popularity of handmade furniture is due to the fact that it does not require expensive materials. The following are used: broken equipment, cookie jars, clock mechanisms from ugly old watches, ordinary wire, tin cans, old skis, ordinary carton boxes and many many others. If you try, you can find a use for absolutely all found objects, and the final result will surprise even the most practical person.

DIY furniture made easy!

Clock from an old skateboard

Lamps made from tin cans

Coffee table from an old suitcase

Rack or bookshelves from pallets

Kitchen shelves made from scrap materials

Convenient pockets for small items from old jeans

I hung it with my own hands from a simple plank

Lamps from old dishes

Ottomans made from plastic boxes

Computer desk made from Euro pallets

Birch bed

Stylish DIY rack

Lampshade from an old book

Wall of old doors and windows

DIY furniture made from corks

Ottoman from old magazines

DIY wire shelves

Original Lego key holder

Living room with pallet sofa and wooden crate with books on brick wall – 3D Rendering

Do-it-yourself cabinet furniture made, for example, for country house, has recently become very popular in Russia. The point is that such independent work allows you not only to save significantly on the purchase of furniture, but also to take into account as much as possible architectural features one or another room. At the same time, built-in appliances can be quite easily installed into such furniture, which is impossible to do when installing a standard furniture set, bought in a store.

In order to answer the question of how to make cabinet furniture with your own hands, you need to understand what it is. The main difference between this type of furniture and its other varieties is that it consists of rigid panels, which together form its main part - the box or body. However, it does not have soft parts, such as ottomans or mattresses.

The main difference between this type of furniture and its other varieties is that it consists of rigid panels, which together form its main part - the box or body

The body of such furniture is assembled from separate vertical and horizontal elements, which, if necessary, can be moved or replaced. As a result, by combining a small number of basic elements, you can assemble a wide variety of furnishings: chests of drawers, cabinets, walls, kitchens, bedside tables. In addition, cabinet furniture may also include built-in Appliances, for example, a hood or a microwave oven.

This type of furniture can not only be rectangular, but also have a completely different appearance. For example, experienced master The same cabinet can be made in a semicircular shape, and the kitchen can generally be wavy. Here everything depends on the wishes of the customer and the imagination of the designer.

You can assemble and disassemble furniture of this type, if necessary.

Cabinet or, as it is also called, modular furniture has a number of advantages. So, they include:

  • wide selection of models;
  • unlimited possibilities for using various finishing materials;
  • reasonable price;
  • possibility of modification depending on the requirements of the interior of a particular room.

For example, you can assemble and disassemble furniture of this type several times, if necessary. This will come in handy when moving or replacing furniture in another room. At the same time, you will not need to invite specialists for this, since modular furniture is quite easy to install yourself.

Cabinet furniture may also include built-in household appliances, for example, a range hood or a microwave oven

As for the financial side of the issue, the manufactured with my own hands furniture can cost half as much as purchased at a furniture store. This is due to the fact that approximately 50% of the price of the same wardrobe is the cost of work. In addition, by independently selecting the material for cabinet furniture, you can also save approximately 10% of its price.

As for the areas of application of modular furniture, they are very extensive. It can be installed in the bedroom, kitchen, living room. There are entire universal sets that allow you to quickly and tastefully decorate almost any furniture.

Main stages of manufacturing

Making cabinet furniture with your own hands begins with preparatory work . So, first, it will be necessary to develop its sketches and diagrams, taking into account the size of the room, the specific location of the furniture in it, the color and shape of the future set. In this case, you can complete the project yourself, or you can take a ready-made one by downloading it from the relevant specialized sites.

Cabinet furniture drawing

If you decide to draw the project yourself, you can use regular paper and a design pencil for this, or you can use a special design program, for example, “PRO100”. At the same time, it will be necessary to work out the assembly drawings of your product. You can also do them yourself using these computer programs, like “Compass 3D” or “AutoCAD”, as well as use ready-made ones. Assembly drawings are a kind of map according to which you will assemble ready-made furniture, so you need to be very careful in their preparation or selection.

Since one of the mandatory operations in the manufacture of cabinet furniture will be sawing up particle boards, it is imperative that you also have to calculate and detail all the elements of a particular furniture set. It is according to them that they will then be cut in the sawing shop. Naturally, mistakes here will be fraught with marriage in the future.

Kitchen furniture layout

In addition, at this stage the cost of the future suite, kitchen or built-in wardrobe is also calculated. It will need to include the cost of materials, fittings, cutting and gluing work furniture edge. Such a calculation will allow you to plan the work and, if necessary, make the required adjustments to them.

After you have completed all the calculations, you will need to start purchasing materials and tools to create modular furniture. Do-it-yourself cabinet furniture may not be made entirely independently. The fact is that some elements may well have to be entrusted to specialists in the field. furniture production. For example, this could be a facade of an original design or shelves of an unusual design.

Selection of tools and accessories for them

If you are going to make an interior design element such as cabinet furniture with your own hands, be sure to watch the video of this process. The fact is that it is not always clear why this or that tool is needed. By visualizing the scope of its use, you will quickly make a decision to purchase it.

Tape measure for taking measurements

As for the class of the purchased tool, a semi-professional one will be quite sufficient for everyday use, which is relatively inexpensive and provides acceptable quality of the work performed. By the way, in addition to purchasing, there is also the option of renting an instrument. In this case, in any case, you will need to purchase a screwdriver or drill, without which it is impossible to assemble cabinet furniture.

A set of magnetic bits for working with screws in hard-to-reach places

As for other tools and accessories for them, when performing work you will definitely need:

  • three-meter tape measure for taking measurements;
  • drill bits for wood and metal different sizes up to the sixteenth inclusive;
  • a set of magnetic bits for working with screws in hard-to-reach places;
  • an awl for punching holes in wood;
  • set of hex keys;
  • Screwdriver Set;
  • jigsaw

Many manuals that explain how to assemble cabinet furniture with your own hands recommend that, at the same time as purchasing tools, you also purchase cabinet furniture fittings. This is due to the fact that many fittings can be installed in place using only special keys. Naturally, it makes sense to purchase such keys in advance.

Awl for punching holes in wood

Something to remember! TO furniture fittings include door handles, hinges, drawer guides, shelf holders and other furniture design elements.

Their main task is to ensure the operation of doors, shelves, drawers and other components the same wardrobe. Moreover, the better the quality of the fittings used, the more convenient it will be to use the furniture.

Drills for wood and metal of various sizes up to sixteenth inclusive

When purchasing accessories, you must give preference to proven European brands. The fact is that Asian companies often use silumin for the production of fittings. As a result, it fails very quickly, which is fraught with loss of functionality of the same cabinet.

When purchasing accessories, you must give preference to proven European brands

In any case, these design elements of modular furniture should be integrated into its design as much as possible. To do this, it is necessary to select one or another type of fittings at the stage of creating the project. It must be adhered to and replaced only in special cases.

Purchasing material for making furniture

Do-it-yourself cabinet furniture will only be of high quality if you select excellent material for it. Thus, most types of such furniture are made of wood, although there are also options for using metal, glass, artificial and natural stone in its design. The most expensive furniture is considered to be made from solid wood such as oak, walnut, beech, and ash.

Furniture panels made of wood for furniture making

As for other materials used to create cabinet furniture, these are:

  • furniture panels;
  • particle boards or chipboards;
  • fibreboards or fiberboard;
  • MDF boards;
  • laminates.

To create furniture in the lower and middle price segments, chipboard slabs with a thickness of 1.6 cm are usually used.

Chipboard for furniture making

This material made from fine wood shavings, mixed with synthetic resins by hot pressing. Since such resins are quite toxic, when choosing chipboard for furniture manufacturing, you must carefully ensure that this material has all the necessary permits and certificates.

Chipboard is divided into several classes, while E1 class board is used to create furniture. It must be well lined, so when purchasing, you should strive to ensure that there are as few unprotected areas as possible on it, through which formaldehyde can leak. To do this, all holes are closed with plugs, and the ends of the slab are trimmed with furniture edges.

It is difficult to imagine a room without cabinet furniture, and the most common item in this part of the interior is the closet. Do-it-yourself cabinet furniture can be made based on the dimensions and purpose of the room. In addition, it will cost much less than the factory model. If the apartment is not so large, it is preferable to install a wardrobe in its space, which will not take up much space when the doors are open. But if you place mirrors on them, the piece of furniture will also become multifunctional.

Tools and materials

  • melamine self-adhesive edge;
  • seals;
  • sliding system;
  • hardboard;
  • barbell;
  • confirmations;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • a circular saw.

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Preparing parts

You can make cabinet furniture with using chipboard, the thickness of which is 18 mm.

In order to get a more aesthetic piece of furniture, you need to use a melamine self-adhesive edge with a thickness of 0.5 mm. When making facades, you can use a sliding system and seals.

To make such cabinet furniture with your own hands, you need to use chipboard of different colors.

Before assembly you will need to prepare:

Figure 1. Drilling holes for confirmations.

  • cabinet sides in the amount of 2 pcs. each of which should have a size of 2400x650 mm;
  • a partition with dimensions of 2284x550 mm, on which it is immediately recommended to mark the left and right sides;
  • the top cover with dimensions equal to 1200x750 mm, it should be rounded and made with a protrusion forward of 100 mm in relation to the sides, this will add aesthetics;
  • the bottom of the structure with dimensions of 1164x650 mm;
  • plinths (front and rear) in the amount of 2 pcs. with dimensions 1164x100 mm;
  • left shelves in the amount of 3 pcs. with dimensions equal to 500x550 mm;
  • right shelves (3 pcs.) – 646x550 mm;
  • drawer fronts (2 pcs.) – 495x200 mm;
  • side elements of drawers (4 pcs.) – 500x150 mm;
  • front and rear elements boxes (4 pcs.) – 438x150 mm.

You will need to prepare the following elements using hardboard:

  • bottom of drawers (2 pcs.) – 472x500 mm;
  • rear wall of the cabinet – 2315x1195 mm.

To install cabinet furniture close to the wall, you need to make a selection under the baseboard. You can make a bar from the corresponding element round section, the diameter of which is 22 mm. To secure it, end fasteners will be needed. The length of the rod blanks should be 1 mm less than the width of the floors, i.e. 645 and 499 mm. This will allow you to get a gap for comfortable installation.

When making such cabinet furniture, the elements can be prepared using circular saw, which has a disk with pobeditovy soldering.

If such a tool is not available, then it is preferable to entrust the cutting to professionals, but it is better to do the fastening of the edge yourself. Gluing the edges yourself will save you a lot of money. In this case, you can use an iron, the power of which should be set to ¾ of the maximum power.

To fix the edge, you need to attach it with the adhesive side to the end and iron it several times. The treated edge should be ironed with a dry rag, which will allow the edges to be pressed more tightly, and the excess should be removed using a dull knife, this will eliminate the possibility of damage to the laminate. If roughness occurs, it is preferable to get rid of them using fine-grained sandpaper, it should be wrapped around a cigarette case or an object that is similar in shape.

Do-it-yourself cabinet furniture can be assembled using confirmations, which will allow you to obtain a fairly durable structure. The size of the said fasteners should be 5x70 mm. In Fig. 1 you can see in which elements you need to make holes in the end parts, and in which you need to make holes in the plane. It is worth noting that through holes need to be drilled in the plane, the diameter of which is 8 mm, while at the ends the holes should have a diameter of 5 mm and a depth of 60 mm.

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Marking the sidewalls and partitions of the structure

Figure 2. Assembly diagram of cabinet drawers.

The axles for the shelves need to be marked on top of the sidewalls and partitions. The height of all shelves can be determined independently depending on desire, with the exception of one shelf.

The left shelf, located above the drawers, should be marked along the axis of the confirmations: 537 mm should be set aside from the bottom of the sidewall, while 419 mm should be set aside from the bottom of the partition.

You can make cabinet furniture with your own hands correctly only by following the fastening lines, which also applies to drawer guides. Thus, from the bottom of the sidewall you need to set aside 215 and 410 mm, and from the bottom of the partition - 97 and 292 mm.

The guides, the length of which is 500 mm, should be located at a distance of 30 mm from the rear ends of the sidewall and partition, since in the described design the drawer fronts will be internal.

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Cabinet assembly process

In Fig. Figure 2 shows how to install the drawers; the drawing can also be used in the process of assembling the cabinet, since it differs from the drawers only in dimensions. To tighten the ties, it will be necessary to use a hex bit; twisting with it will be easier than with a hand wrench.

When making the described furniture with your own hands, it is better to abandon nails when fastening the bottom, since such fasteners will not be reliable. It is preferable to use self-tapping screws with dimensions of 4x16. However, the back wall can be reinforced with nails, since less pressure will be exerted on it.

The guides along which the doors will move can be reinforced with self-tapping screws with the same dimensions of 4x16 mm; the pitch from the front edge of the sidewalls and bottom is preferably adjusted on site.

It is recommended to make such a cabinet using sliding system“Commander”, since its advantage lies not only in the ease of sliding of the doors, but also in the possibility of their easy adjustment in order to get rid of cracks. This will be required during operation, since cabinet furniture of this size will begin to sag and shrink, changing linear dimensions, subjected to significant loads.

Such cabinet furniture is made by hand in short time. The assembly process without preparing parts can take about 3 hours. If desired, internal or external lighting, as well as closers, can be installed in such a structure. It is permissible to supplement the closet with mini chests of drawers. If the dimensions of the structure need to be increased by adding one more to the two existing sashes, the horizontal dimensions will need to be added required amount millimeters. In this case, the internal contents of the cabinet can be increased.