Grain fertilizer for the garden. Using bread crumbs in the countryside

Every gardener tries to fertilize the land and the crops growing on it with a variety of fertilizers, the choice of which is made according to several criteria, one of the most important being financial capabilities. It is not always possible to purchase environmentally friendly fertilizers at a low cost, but there is a way to fertilize your garden without spending a single ruble. We will tell you how to prepare fertilizer from ordinary bread, which we buy every day.

Article outline

The main useful element for the active growth and fruiting of crops in this fertilizer is yeast.

Yeasts belong to single-celled fungi from the Saccharomycetes family. Due to the huge amount of micro- and macroelements they contain, they can be used not only in cooking or cosmetology, but also as a fertilizer for plants.

Basic properties of yeast:

The principle of action is to create soil bacteria. And the bacteria in optimal conditions process organic active substances, resulting in the production of nitrogen and potassium (one of the main elements for any plant).

But there is a small drawback: yeast destroys calcium in the soil, so when you add it under horticultural crops in the complex it is necessary to add ash or other fertilizer rich in calcium. Yeast is also beneficial due to the presence of proteins and aminocarboxylic acids, which have a positive effect on the quantity and quality of the crop.

Bread infusion can also be used in weed control. Watering the soil in early spring With such a solution, the weeds whose seeds have been in the ground since last year will be the first to sprout. Therefore, when forming beds, if you remove the emerging grass, it will not appear in the near future (at least in such quantities). This method also works in the autumn, when yeast activates weed seeds, and after they germinate, they will disappear when low temperatures air and there will be fewer grass seeds in the spring.

When applying prepared grain fertilizer to plants, you need to know which plants it will benefit and which will harm. Unfortunately, grain fertilizer is not universal and, if you don’t know it, it can harm plants. So, bread feeding is suitable:

Bread has an adverse effect on:

  • potatoes, making it loose and tasteless;
  • garlic;

The recipe for preparing fertilizer from bread does not contain exact standards or a certain amount of bread, it all depends on how much crackers are available, collected during winter period– the volume of water is taken from this quantity. In the case of a thick concentration of the bread solution, it will not cause harm, since it is absolutely safe for plants, even in large quantities.

Rules for preparing grain fertilizer:

  1. Having collected the remaining bread and collected crackers, you need to chop them, but not to a tiny form, but approximately into cubes of 1-2 cm.
  2. Pour the finished crackers into a container for soaking, which can be either a bucket or a barrel small sizes, you need to fill them with water. It is necessary to pour so that the crackers are completely covered with liquid.
  3. The entire composition must be pressed down with a lid with a weight so that the crackers do not float until they become soggy.
  4. To obtain better nutrition, you can add weeds to this mixture, for example, nettle or dandelion.
  5. The container must be left to settle for a week for the fermentation reaction to occur.

The location for the container must be chosen taking into account the fact that the mixture releases a peculiar bad smell, and in order not to experience its constant fragrance, the bucket should be placed in a place away from people. The place should be shady, protected from the wind. The fermentation process must be carried out in a warm period of time, since yeast is active only in a warm environment.

Any bread, black gray or white, is suitable for preparing fertilizer. It also doesn't matter whether it's moldy or not.

Homemade recipe for bread plant food

The effect of grain feeding on the development and fruiting of strawberry bushes is very good, the leaves and shoots become strong and resistant to various diseases, the berry will be large and beautiful.

  1. The creation of grain fertilizer occurs using a general technology: crackers must be soaked in water for 6–7 days. But there is a small amendment - the solution will be more effective if you add nettle trunks and leaves to the container with bread.
  2. After standing for a week, the solution needs to be filtered, the resulting juju can be used for compost, and a small part of it for fermenting the next solution, if one is planned. If there is a starter, the next concentrate will be ready in 3-4 days.
  3. Having received the liquid grain fertilizer, it must be diluted with water before application. The dilution ratio is approximately 1 to 10.
  4. You can fertilize strawberries with a diluted solution, adding small amounts to the root of each bush.

Application period:

  • First time Fertilizer is applied during the autumn digging and preparation of beds for strawberries.
  • Next fertilizing is carried out in the spring, with the onset of the first warmth.
  • Next, strawberries should only be fertilized after completion of fruiting.

It is advisable to feed strawberries with a bread solution in combination with other fertilizers (organic or mineral). But the main condition for successful yeast feeding is the addition of calcium fertilizers, such as ash or eggshells.

Cucumbers, like any crop, require attention and feeding, especially during the flowering and ovary period. But this period can be dangerous in terms of applying chemical fertilizers, because if there is an excess of them, nitrates and other fertilizers can accumulate in the fruits. harmful substances. Therefore, at this time it is better to add water, which, even if in excess, will not harm people. One of the safest fertilizer options is bread, or it would be more correct to say yeast contained in bread.

Feeding cucumbers with bread solution is carried out approximately every 15–20 days. But even with all the positive qualities of this supplement, you need to add others. organic fertilizers for better efficiency.

The preparation of grain fertilizer follows the same principle.– the bread is soaked in water and placed under a press. In a week the mixture will be ready. For a better and more effective solution, you can add weeds, ash or other waste to the container.

Before use, the strained solution must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 10.

Benefits for cucumbers from the use of grain fertilizer:

  • Due to the fact that the fertilizer contains a lot of vitamins, cucumbers become more resilient as external environment, and to various diseases.
  • The root system is improved and strengthened.
  • The growth of greenery and the appearance of ovaries accelerates.
  • The immunity of cucumbers increases.

Bread for garden and indoor flowers

Fertilizer for garden or indoor flowers can be prepared directly from the yeast itself, the effect will be the same, but this method requires financial costs and time to purchase it. Rusks are available in everyone's house.

Top dressing is prepared in the same way as for all other crops listed above, by fermenting them in water.

The resulting consistency must be filtered and diluted 1 to 10 with water, after which you can start feeding the flowers.

But we must not forget about additional calcium fertilizer, since yeast actively absorbs this element, which is necessary not only for vegetable crops, but also for flowers.

How often and when to apply grain fertilizers for flowers

Fertilizers need to be applied infrequently; it will be enough once in the spring (during the growth of the vegetative mass) and once in the summer (during their flowering period).

The most responsive flowers to grain feeding are peonies, roses, chrysanthemums and others - in a word, those flowers that have a rich vegetative part.

Results. It becomes clear that fertilizing with bread is effective method to activate plant growth and increase their fruiting. But one of the disadvantages of grain feeding is its absorption of calcium from the soil. Therefore, its application should be done in combination with calcium-rich fertilizers, such as ash or bone meal.

The cooking method is the same for all crops, only with a difference in additional components. The main advantage of grain feeding is that even with an excess of it, there will be no harm to either plants or people.

Super DIY yeast fertilizer

Natural farming, the principles of which are becoming increasingly popular among gardeners, involves the use of only natural fertilizers and plant protection products. That's why traditional methods feeding vegetables is triumphantly returning to practice, despite the huge amount of chemicals produced by the industry.

In addition to the fact that the tested products are highly effective, they are also very economical. Bread as fertilizer for the garden is one such technique.

Composition of bread fertilizer

The principle of operation of bread-based fertilizer is based on the yeast that is part of it. Yeast is able to develop rapidly under certain conditions, producing carbon dioxide necessary for plants.

Bread is simple carbohydrates that are very quickly absorbed by soil microorganisms. Plants themselves secrete carbohydrates through their roots to attract nitrogen-fixing microbes.

In addition, bread starters contain vitamins, amino acids, microelements, and growth stimulants. All this helps not only to quickly grow green mass, but also to form strong roots.

Almost all plants can be fed with grain fertilizer:

  • vegetables;
  • perennial flowers;
  • indoor plantings;
  • shrubs and trees.

Flour starters have an acidic reaction. This is a boon for alkaline soils. In the northern regions of the country, acidic soils predominate. Then it is recommended to add to the fertilizer dolomite flour or chalk to neutralize, otherwise the earth will begin to turn green.

Manufacturing techniques

There will always be surplus grain for the garden in every home. Fresh and dried, black, white and rye products, moldy ones, and the remains of bread kvass are suitable. Making fertilizer is very simple, it only takes a little time.

Recipe No. 1

Rusks or pieces of bread are placed in a bucket, filling it 2/3 of the volume, filled with warm water and left warm for a week. The bread floats and if you don’t cover it with a lid, it will sour and become moldy.

After fermentation is complete, a strong smell appears and the fertilizing is ready. The solution is filtered, the grounds are sent to compost, the liquid is diluted before use: 8 liters of water are added to 2 liters of infusion.

You must use plastic or enamel dishes; you cannot prepare fertilizer in an iron bucket. This is the basic recipe, all the others are its variations with various useful additives.

Important! The result is always a concentrated nutrient solution that must be diluted. The proportions depend on the amount of bread; usually this figure ranges from 1:2 to 1:10. The concentration of carbohydrates should not be more than 0.5%, that is, 50 g of bread per bucket.

This the simplest way production of grain fertilizer. Often in gardening they use more complex, complex infusions with the addition of many useful substances.

Recipe No. 2

In 10 l warm water soak 0.5 kg of crackers. As soon as they soften, they are stirred until smooth and 0.5 kg of chopped dried green grass and a pack of pressed yeast are added to it. The mixture is kept for 2 days, filtered and used for irrigation.

Important! If you take hop cones instead of grass, the infusion will enhance fermentation and increase the content of nitrogenous substances.

Recipe No. 3

1/3 of the manure is placed in a 70 liter barrel, the rest is bread and chopped dried grass, and covered with a lid. After 2 weeks of fermentation it can be used. One liter of slurry is diluted into 10 liters and watered trunk circle fruit tree.

Recipe No. 4

Pour bread and chopped herbs into the barrel in a ratio of 7:3, leave to ferment for 2-3 weeks under the lid. This fertilizer is used for watering currants; it increases the sugar content of the berries.

Recipe No. 5

For a 3 liter jar we take 2-3 pieces. banana peel and crust of black bread, fill it up to the hangers and put it in a warm place for 3-5 days. After fermentation is complete, the fertilizer is ready. 100 g of infusion is dissolved in 1 liter, 0.5 cubes of potassium humate are added using a syringe and home flowers or seedlings are fed a week after picking.

Recipe No. 6

Kvass for feeding is prepared in a 3 liter jar. Cover 2/3 with black bread crumbs, add diluted live yeast (100 g) and pour warm water. Leave in a warm place for 3 days. The finished liquid is filtered, diluted 1:10, and fertilized with cucumbers, tomatoes, and strawberries.

What and when to feed

The use of grain fertilizer requires compliance with a number of mandatory rules:

  • use it only in the first half of summer, when the earth and air have warmed up enough, otherwise you won’t get any effect from it. This fertilizer works especially fruitfully in a greenhouse, where the temperature is always high;
  • it acts as a bioactive growth simulator, so it is used to water young plants before fruiting begins;
  • Before each feeding, preliminary irrigation is carried out, the roots are sucked in nutrients only in dissolved form;
  • yeast infusions cannot replace complex fertilizers, they only act as catalysts for growth;
  • the soil is saturated with nitrogen, but loses calcium. It is recommended to combine grain feeding with the use of ash and eggshell powder;
  • Do not fertilize sick plants;
  • the resulting infusion is always very rich; before use, excess concentrate is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10;
  • after preparing the stimulating solution, it must be used within 12 hours, as it is not suitable for long-term storage;
  • The infusion should be used in the garden and beds no more than 2-3 times per season. Only cucumbers do not fit into this rule; they can be watered with the stimulant up to 6 times.

Important! Some plants have their own preferences. For example, those who love acidic soils respond better to an infusion of rye bread. These are peonies, hydrangeas, primroses, azaleas. It’s a good idea to fertilize strawberries with this solution. White bread is suitable for feeding carrots.

Almost all the most popular vegetables are fed this way:

  • cucumbers;
  • nightshade crops (tomato, pepper, eggplant, physalis);
  • strawberries;
  • cabbage;
  • pumpkin plants (zucchini, squash, crookneck);
  • beans;
  • sunflower;
  • perennial flowers (roses, hydrangeas, peonies, azaleas, heathers, poppies);
  • berry bushes;
  • fruit trees.

Grain fertilizers are especially good for plants with thin root systems, as they act by stimulating the roots.

Some vegetables do not like such fertilizers:

  • garlic;
  • potato.

So that the grain feeding brings maximum benefit, it is used twice:

  • a week after planting the seedlings on permanent place, having previously watered with nitrogen-containing fertilizer;
  • before flowering, after applying phosphorus-containing preparations.

The consumption rate of the tincture is 0.5 liters for a bush of seedlings, 1 liter - before blooming, 2 liters - during fruiting. At least 1 bucket is poured under the berry garden, under mature tree- 50 liters or more.

The exception to this rule is cucumbers, which can be fed with grain fertilizer every 7-10 days until they begin to wilt in September.

It stimulates new waves of fruiting and has a positive effect on the taste of greens. Moreover, it is believed that bread fertilizer acts better on this vegetable than yeast fertilizer. To prepare a nutritious infusion, you need to take rye bread with malt, which accelerates the fermentation of the sourdough.

The fertilizer is diluted three times, dissolved in 12 liters Matchbox combined mineral fertilizers or half a bottle (10 g) of iodine.

This type of feeding works very well for seedlings - they stop stretching, quickly grow powerful roots and green mass, and survive picking and transplanting into the ground well. Rooting cuttings of berry and ornamental shrubs is also moving at a fast pace.

Just like yeast tincture, bread fertilizer can protect some plants from common diseases. It saves tomatoes from late blight, and strawberries from gray rot. To do this you need to do it a couple of times. foliar feeding per leaf, diluting the infusion twice as much as usual.

It has long been known in gardening that yeast and tomatoes and peonies. They simply rage from the use of such fertilizers. In addition to these plants, infusions from bread showed excellent results on currant plantations.

Feeding with starch not only increases yield, currant berries grow larger and sweeter. Often used for enhanced nutrition potato peelings. But you can use grain fertilizer, which is used to water the bushes three times:

  • for the first time when the ovaries are still green;
  • in the second - when the berries are already ripe;
  • in the third - a week before harvesting.

Liquid organic fertilizers are applied into the furrows along the projection of the foliage, moving away from the stems, and incorporated into the soil.

Important! An excess of bread infusions should not be allowed, but there will not be much harm from them. After all, in fact, they are biostimulants soil fertility. These are not chemicals, but live mushrooms. All they know is to eat organic food correctly.

In the fall, a month before the onset of cold weather, the contents of a barrel of grain fertilizer are poured onto the beds and covered with film. Weak vapors of alcohol from flour infusion, warmth, and moisture stimulate the friendly germination of weeds, which will die from the onset of frost.

All this can be repeated in the spring, as soon as the snow melts on the site. Then weeds They won’t appear in the garden beds for a long time.


Feeding vegetables with fermented bread in the garden - an old and reliable way increasing yield, increasing fruit size and improving taste. Don't rely on a wide range of new fertilizers, the effectiveness and safety of which have not yet been tested. We must remember the wise saying: the best is the enemy of the good.

It turns out that tomatoes really “love” black bread. Vegetables grown at home without the use of chemicals, not bought in a supermarket, are in increasing demand on the market, as every consumer understands their benefits for children and adults.

It turns out that tomatoes really “love” black bread

We treat juicy, red-cheeked, handsome tomatoes with special love, as they are not only tasty, but also very beneficial for the human body: they are rich in lycopene, which perfectly improves health. They are not required to grow them. large plots and costs, especially if a gardener, passionate about his work, tries to use in agricultural technology the wise advice of his grandparents, who know many secrets with which vegetable crops can be grown without special material costs. For example, black bread can be a good helper in obtaining a rich harvest of tomatoes. Its use as a top dressing will help the gardener get a decent income from selling his products on the market. This is realistic already because tomatoes are among the five most popular vegetables.

Any gardener can easily grow pleasant-tasting, low-calorie tomatoes. By correctly using agricultural technology and listening to popular advice, you should feed the plants on time, and you can make even the most infertile soil nutritious for tomatoes, which will respond to your care with a generous harvest.

What did they feed these heat-loving plants our grandmothers? The secret is very simple - black bread!

What did our grandmothers feed these heat-loving plants? The secret is very simple - black bread! This amazing and accessible fertilizer is time-tested. Any family is capable of collecting enough crackers over the long winter months to find a worthy use for them in the spring - to use them to feed tomatoes. This will greatly improve the fertility of any soil.

The benefits of grain feeding

Tomatoes are a vigorous growing crop and require a lot of minerals. Black bread contains a whole bunch of minerals such as:

  • phosphorus;
  • nitrogen;
  • potassium;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • sodium;

In addition, it contains a variety of vitamins. Thanks to its rich composition, grain fertilizer helps seedlings to quickly take root in a new place and plant roots to gain strength. Thanks to it, stems and leaves grow better and faster, flowers develop and beautiful and even fruits ripen.

Another positive quality This fertilizer is not only effective, but also safe both for the fruit itself and for those who eat it.

Tomatoes are an intensive growth crop and require a lot of minerals.

Bread contains a lot of simple carbohydrates. Once in the soil, they become a breeding ground for a myriad of fungi and bacteria, which themselves are food for the planted plant. It is known that plants themselves, in order to attract nitrogen-fixing microbes, secrete carbohydrates with their roots. Microbes, having processed the grain fertilizer that has entered the soil, convert the nitrogen contained in the air into nitrogen salts that the plant needs.

But here we need to take into account the time of feeding and its quantity. Optimal concentration carbohydrates, according to experienced gardeners, are 0.2-0.5%. This means that it is enough to infuse only 50 g of bread in a bucket of water.

Folk recipes

There are several ways to prepare fertilizer:

  1. Bread crusts collected over the long winter months are placed in a bucket, filled to the brim, filled with water, pressed down with pressure so that the crusts do not float, and the fertilizer is kept for a week in a warm place. Since the smell from the bucket will be quite unpleasant, you can cover it tightly plastic film. When the starter is “ripe,” the liquid is drained and diluted three times, and the thick mass is thrown into compost.
  2. A bucket with a volume of 8 liters is filled halfway with pieces of dry black bread, filled with water so that the crackers are covered with it, a plate of such a size is placed on top that it does not allow the pieces to float, and a load is placed on it, for example, a three-liter jar of water. A week later, the future fertilizer is filtered and 3 liters of clean water are added.
  3. 1/3 of the manure is placed in the barrel, and the rest of the contents are all kinds of weeds, bread or fresh yeast. During the season, use 1 liter of this mixture, diluted with 8-10 liters of water. But at the same time, it is still necessary to use microfertilizers, nitrogen, superphosphate, and also chemicals for pest control.
  4. The crackers are poured into a can, filled with warm water, tightly closed with a lid and placed for 2 weeks in a well-warmed place illuminated by sunlight so that the solution ferments. After this, the mixture is diluted 1:1 with water. Everything is ready for use as top dressing.
  5. 3-4 loaves are soaked for 2 days in a 15 liter bucket. Then squeeze, filter through cheesecloth, dilute 1 liter of infusion with 8-10 liters of water and begin to feed the tomatoes. After 10 days, the seedlings are transformed: they become powerful and luxurious. The thing is that bread is an organic fertilizer for the soil. The basis of bread feeding, of course, is yeast, which contains, in addition to minerals, growth stimulants and micronutrients.

Tomatoes, if watered with a bread solution, not only develop faster due to a strong root system, but also produce a rich harvest of fruits with excellent taste.

How to fertilize tomatoes (video)

How to fertilize with black bread

You can feed tomatoes 2-3 weeks after planting. The liquid is usually poured in the evening or after rain under the root of the plant; its volume should be approximately 1 glass. Experienced gardeners First, water the tomatoes generously. It is advisable to repeat fertilizing every week and a half if the soil is not fertile enough. This economical and easily prepared fertilizer will support tomatoes well during the formation of the ovary, when the third flower cluster appears, after the second cluster blooms during the formation of the fruits.

Top dressing made from black bread is one of the conditions for obtaining high-quality, tasty, healthy products, since it does not contain chemicals dangerous to the human body.

People say that bread is the head of everything. What was described above proves that this is true: bread nourishes not only humans, but also supports all living things around, including plants.

As a rule, when talking about organic fertilizers, we primarily mean mullein, bird droppings, humus, peat and green manure. However, this role can also be played by unusual food products that, for example, have begun to spoil. One of the most striking examples of this use is bread. All the resulting residues that we are used to throwing away can be used as good fertilizer.

The secret of efficiency

The yeast contained in it plays a key role in the effectiveness of this type of feeding. It is one of the main components of almost all plant growth stimulants. Yeast contains a huge amount of microelements and nutrients that are so necessary for the development of plants, primarily their root system. But why spend money on yeast if there is already a sufficient amount of spoilage left? various reasons of bread. It's better to use it.

Leftover bread collected over the long winter should be finely chopped and completely covered with water. Cover the top of the container with a lid smaller diameter, on top of which we place a heavy load (this will prevent the bread from floating). We transfer the container to a warm place and leave it to ferment for a week. The resulting infusion must be diluted with water before use. Plants should be watered at the roots.

When is grain feeding effective?

The maximum effect from the use of grain fertilizer is manifested during the period of active plant growth. It is better to combine this fertilizer with ash, because during fermentation it is absorbed a large number of calcium, which it is advisable to replenish with something. You can feed cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, strawberries and many other plants with bread.

Keep in mind that during the fermentation process an unpleasant smell of decomposition of organic substances is released, so coordinate the location of the container with this fact.


Cucumbers are quite demanding when it comes to proper nutrition. This need especially increases with the beginning of flowering, when the formation of inflorescences, ovaries and ripening of fruits occurs simultaneously. At such times, many gardeners use organic fertilizers from food waste, including leftover bread, to fertilize their beds. Feeding cucumbers with bread is a simple and very effective method increase crop productivity without extra costs.

Liquid bread supplement, made independently from product residues, is a great alternative expensive drugs that contain yeast. Yeast components are present in almost all growth stimulants, which is why these mixtures and solutions are so effective. It is yeast fungi that influence the active growth of plants’ root system and green mass. Bread starter is a source of nutrients and the most important microelements for plant development.

When used correctly, the effect of fertilizing on garden crops, which include cucumbers, is huge:

Based personal experience, many gardeners recommend feeding cucumbers with sourdough made from black bread. It is better if it is not simple bread, but rye bread with malt, since malt extract will speed up the fermentation of the sourdough and make it more nutritious.

Video “Description of the method”

From the video you will learn how the bread feeding method works.

How to cook

To prepare bread sourdough, you can use rye bread of any freshness. Of course, buying fresh bread specifically for fertilizer is not very economical, so it’s easier to use leftover bread: crackers, crusts. For example, crackers can be prepared throughout the winter, and with the onset summer season use to prepare fertilizer.

There are no strictly defined proportions in the preparation of fertilizing, so each gardener makes it in his own way. Some people soak 1 loaf of bread in a bucket of water, while others fill the bucket with more than half of the bread. This is not so important, since the finished product is still diluted with water, and if your product is not very concentrated, then simply add less water.

How to fertilize

Grain fertilizer for fertilizing cucumbers is applied by watering at the root. As a standard, it is recommended to start watering when the first ovaries begin to appear on the vines - at this time there is a special need for additional nutrition. However, if your cucumbers grow weak, which often happens on depleted soils, or you simply want to get a very high yield, then the first watering can be done at the seedling stage, when 4-5 true leaves appear on the vine.

Fertilizing with bread sourdough is carried out every 5-10 days, in general 4-6 times per season. During fruit ripening, watering can be more frequent, but it is necessary to monitor the condition of the soil.

Of course, sourdough bread cannot cause any particular harm, but on acidic soils, and if used too often, it can slightly increase the acidity of the soil. Watering is carried out at the rate of 0.5 liters of liquid per 1 plant (lash).

Yeast starter is loved not only by cucumbers, but also by eggplants, peppers, tomatoes, fruits and berries, and even flowers. Use the remaining solution to water these plants and you will be surprised by the harvest. After the first watering, you will notice that the bushes have become more powerful and the tops more luxuriant. Fertilizing during flowering increases the formation of female flowers, which has a positive effect on the amount of harvest. Use up stale bread scraps and have fun growing your favorite vegetables!

Video “What to feed”

From the video you will learn what and how else you can feed cucumbers.