Water filters for a private home: are they needed and how to choose? Water purification system in an apartment: types and subtleties of choice The best filter for purifying water for washing.

About 100 years ago, centralized water supply was available only in the largest and richest cities. Now it is in every apartment, and is an irreplaceable benefit of civilization.

However, the quality of water in the central water supply system is usually poor: it is at least unpleasant to drink, unless you boil it. But in many homes this should not be done due to harmful impurities that can lead to problems with the skin and gastrointestinal tract.

In order for potable water to flow from the tap, it is necessary to use filtering devices. Filters for cleaning in the apartment come in several types. We'll look at which ones below.

The use of filter units gives the following effect:

  • Removes harmful impurities from water (harmful both to the human body and to household appliances: washing machines, dishwashers, kettles).
  • Improves taste. Even if the concentration of harmful substances is not dangerous, small amounts of them can spoil the taste.
  • Softens water. As a result, it does not harm the skin and hair.

Types of products

Based on the elements removed from water, filters are divided into 3 categories:

  1. Filtration from mechanical impurities.
  2. Filtration from dissolved substances.
  3. Complex filtration - to clean drinking water.

Briefly about the manufacturers

On Russian market Products from the following manufacturers are sold:

    • Barrier. It produces household filters for washing, flow and reverse osmosis.
    • New Water. Ukrainian brand produces washable, flow-through and reverse osmosis models.

    • Aquaphor. It produces jug filters, household flow filters and models with reverse osmosis.

    • Geyser. One of the oldest manufacturers (founded in 1986).

    • Atoll. Produces three-stage units for different waters.

    • Brita. The German brand was one of the first to produce filter jugs.

Filters for purifying water from mechanical impurities

Necessary for water purification from:

  • grains of sand
  • metal impurities;
  • rust;
  • winding from pipes.

Such small impurities are harmful household appliances(washing machine, dishwasher, electric kettle) and pipeline fittings.

There are 2 types that differ in the design of the filter element: mesh and disk.


They have a T-shaped (without flushing) or cross-shaped (with flushing) body with a long lower part. It contains a filter element - a fine-mesh mesh flask through which the flow passes. All impurities remain on the mesh, which is cleaned as it becomes clogged.

According to the cleaning method, there are such models:

  1. No rinsing. In this case, the area with the filters is closed with taps, the lower part of the housing is unscrewed, the mesh is removed and cleaned.
  2. With flushing. The lower part (with the filter) has a pipe with a tap. A hose or pipe is connected to the nozzle, which is discharged into the sewer. There is usually a pressure gauge at the top of the housing, which indicates that the filter is dirty (if the pressure drops, the filter is clogged). To flush, open the tap from below, and the water pressure washes the accumulated impurities into the sewer.

Disc (ring)

  • Installed in a pipe break. For apartments this is not a very common option.
  • For filtration, a set of polymer rings tightly assembled into a cylinder is used. The surface of each ring has indentations.
  • Water passes through the depressions in a spiral, and large particles settle in the depressions of the rings.
  • To clean the filter element, the cylinder of rings can be removed from the housing, disassembled into individual rings and washed.

Filters for purifying water from dissolved substances

In addition to mechanical impurities, water may contain various chemical elements, which change its rigidity. They spoil the taste of water, in high concentrations they can harm the body, and are harmful to household appliances and pipeline fittings. With constant consumption of hard water, a person may develop a mineral imbalance. One of the consequences is the appearance of urolithiasis or kidney stones.

We are talking about hardness salts - potassium, magnesium, mercury, calcium. There is also an increased concentration of iron in water.

Filters are differentiated by the element they remove. This can be either iron or hardness salts.

From iron

An increase in iron concentration is usually observed in water from wells and boreholes. This happens less frequently in tap water.

Iron gives water a noticeable red color and a metallic taste. The maximum permissible concentration of this element (determined by laboratory analysis) is 2 mg/l. If the concentration is exceeded, it is necessary to install a filter.

The filter looks like a large cylinder that is connected to the water supply and power supply. The catalyst and small crushed stone are filled inside the housing. Water passes through the catalyst layer from top to bottom, and impurities precipitate. In the lower part of the housing there is a pipe for drainage into the sewer - through this line, fallen impurities are removed by a stream of water.

The catalytic bed can be replaced. If necessary, it can purify water not only from iron, but also from manganese and chlorine.

Such equipment costs about 22-25 thousand rubles. It is usually installed in private homes.

From hardness salts

In appearance and principle of operation, such filters are similar to those described above (cylinder with backfill). The difference is in the backfill - it contains ion exchange resins inside. Hardness salts “stick” to them.

The backfill in such filters can operate without replacement for up to 5-7 years.

Filters for purifying water before drinking

If the water does not have a critical concentration of iron, hardness salts or small impurities, it can be used for technical and household purposes (washing clothes, washing dishes, swimming). But for cooking and drinking it is only suitable after boiling.

To make tap water drinkable, use the following types of filters.

Filter jugs

This type of filter does not fit into the water supply system: you need to pour water into it from the tap. A cartridge with filter elements is installed inside. The set of elements may include:

  • ion exchange resin (for removing hardness salts);
  • activated carbon (to remove organics, microorganisms, chlorine);
  • polypropylene fibers (for filtering residual mechanical impurities).

Externally, the devices look like a transparent electric kettle. The volume of most models is 2.5-4 liters. approximate cost- from 5$ to 12$.

Faucet attachments

Approximate cost: $10-15.

There are 2 types of fastening:

    1. Removable: attached when you need to get clean water.
    2. Fixed. Permanently attached to the faucet. They have 2 modes: with or without cleaning (when the water is not filtered - suitable for washing hands and dishes). The no-clean mode allows the filter to last longer.

According to the principle of operation there are:

  • Adsorption. Inside the housing there is a porous material that absorbs impurities (mechanical and chemical).
  • With ion exchange membrane and fine mesh. They purify water from mechanical impurities (retained on the mesh) and “extra” compounds.

Average productivity - 1 l/m, approximate resource - 1000-3000 l.

Reverse osmosis filters

Approximate cost: $100-150.

The device consists of 3 flasks, each of which has a separate filter installed. The flasks are removable and mounted on one body.

Filter elements in flasks are different (depending on the model). Most often the composition is as follows:

  • Stage 1: filtration of mechanical impurities up to 0.5 microns in size. A porous element is used.
  • Stage 2: filtration of chemical and organic compounds (including hardness salts, petroleum products, metals) and remaining mechanical impurities up to 0.1 microns in size. A carbon element is used.
  • Stage 3: fine-mesh membrane with pores about 0.0001 microns in size. Nothing passes through the membrane except water molecules.

At stage 3, the flow is divided into 2 parts: clean water (enters the storage tank, if there is one, and from there to the tap) and filtered sediment (removed into the sewer).

Rating of water purification filters for washing

Since the most effective are multi-stage filters installed under the sink, here is a rating of popular models:


The importance of water in human life is difficult to underestimate. It is needed daily in sufficient quantities. Not only the taste of dishes, but also, to a large extent, people’s health depends on its purity. To clean it, different filters are used. And to determine which water filters for washing are better, you should familiarize yourself with them.

To make the purchase of a water purification device as effective as possible, you need to choose one of two possible filter designs:

  • flow-through;
  • reverse osmosis.

Flow filters are considered the easiest to use, small-sized and affordable. They consist of several containers that are connected in series by the manufacturer. There may be several such containers. Typically from two to five.

Each of them has a filter cartridge. The cleaning system is attached to the water supply using a rigid or. The structure is installed under the sink, and water flows through the tap on the washbasin. This filter purifies only cold water.

Flow filter functions:

  • purification of running water from large and small mechanical inclusions;
  • sorption purification – elimination of harmful bacteria, taste and odors;
  • ultraviolet cleaning, if provided by the manufacturer.

As a result, it turns out that such a device purifies running water to a state that is as safe as possible for use. It can be used both with a centralized water supply system and with an autonomous one (water from wells and wells).

Flow-type filters take up very little space under the sink. This system will fit perfectly in small kitchens, where there is very little space under the sink.

A flow-through filter under the sink consists of the following elements (there may be differences depending on the manufacturer):

  • outlet for water connection;
  • outlet for connecting a tap;
  • filters – pre-cleaning, mechanical and sorption, fine and final;
  • tap.

Reverse osmosis filters for water purification, which are installed under the sink, are larger and more expensive. This is due to the fact that the design provides two additional elements: a storage tank and a reverse osmosis membrane.

This membrane is designed to provide consumers with the most purified water possible. Thin polymer is rolled into a roll. The pores of this material are so small that only water molecules can pass through.

Naturally, the cleaning speed is much lower than that of flow filters, so it is advisable to use a tank to collect water.

There are pre-filters in front of the membrane, which remove all large impurities from the liquid. After the storage tank there is also a filter, the purpose of which is to eliminate odor and taste. The output is almost ideal water.

Due to the fact that the liquid is also purified from various beneficial salts and minerals, some manufacturers can equip the device with mechanisms for saturating the purified water with the necessary chemical elements. This makes the design somewhat more expensive, but the water becomes healthier.

It is advisable that the filter system tubes be neatly laid out and out of the way. Otherwise, they may be damaged and use cold water will be impossible

Top 11 Best Filters on the Market

Both types of filters are not equivalent to each other and are intended for different categories of buyers, so we chose ten best models flow and reverse osmosis systems, and arranged them in order of increasing popularity.

Place No. 11 – Geyser 3VK Lux

Before purchasing such a device, please note that its main purpose is to work with soft water. If the water is hard, then it is highly desirable that it has a minimum iron content. Therefore, you need to buy either a water softener or an iron-removing filter for the system.


  • number of cleaning stages – 3;
  • type of cleaning – sorption;
  • cleaning from chlorine - yes;
  • productivity – 3 l/min;

This is quite a productive device. Able to work even in systems with low pressure (from 0.5 atm).

Among the advantages, we should highlight the low cost of the filter and replaceable cartridges. This model is one of the most popular in the Geyser product line.

Place No. 10 – Geyser Bio 322

This flow filter model can work with any water supply system. Copes well with loads and is able to provide stable output pressure.

Suitable for those customers whose water in their homes is hard and has odors. Filter elements will rid the liquid not only of mechanical impurities, but also of bacteria.


  • number of cleaning stages – 3;
  • type of cleaning – sorption, mechanical (deferrizes and softens water);
  • cleaning from chlorine - yes;
  • productivity – 3 l/min;
  • presence of a tap included – yes.

Cartridges are durable. They rarely need to be changed. In systems that use cast iron pipes, the water is often saturated with excess iron, but this drawback is eliminated with the installation of Geyser Bio 322.

Disadvantages: significant cost of the filter itself and cartridges for it. There may also be difficulties during installation, since additional adapters will be needed for connection. One cannot help but pay attention to the weight of the device – more than 6 kg.

Place No. 9 – Geyser Allegro M

This reverse osmosis filter is popular among any category of consumers. There is a place for it in new modern houses and old “Khrushchev” buildings. A good option for purification of centralized cold water.


  • number of cleaning stages – 5;
  • cleaning from chlorine - yes;
  • presence of a tap included – yes.

The first three stages serve for preliminary water purification. At the fourth stage, only water and oxygen are filtered through a membrane with a pore size of 0.0001 microns. Next, the water enters the tank.

To prevent bacteria from multiplying in the tank, replaceable membranes are installed there that retain maximum amount microorganisms. Water in such a container deteriorates 1000 times slower than in a container without a membrane.

On last stage water gets rid of odors and is saturated with minerals. In addition to this filter, you can buy a pump designed to increase the output water pressure. Advantages: long service life; the design includes a pressure relief valve in the tank; high productivity of the cleaning system.

Disadvantages: high cost of construction; difficulty of installation.

Place No. 8 – New Water Praktic Osmos OU380

The device attracts with its price, small dimensions and lightness. This great choice for small kitchens where there is not enough space for volumetric reverse osmosis filters.


  • number of cleaning stages – 5;
  • cleaning from chlorine - yes;
  • productivity – 0.125 l/min;
  • storage tank volume – 7.5 l;
  • presence of a tap included – yes.

The tank is small - this is the main drawback. At the same time, it fills up quickly. The speed at which the container fills with water can be increased by purchasing a booster pump. Filling time will be reduced to 15 minutes. Thanks to a high-quality Japanese membrane, water purity is ensured at the level of expensive filters.

Among the shortcomings it is noted low quality all components and the assembly as a whole. But the device confidently fulfills its warranty period.

Place No. 7 – Aquaphor Favorite B150

The model is ideal for. If you plan to install in centralized system water supply, it is necessary to use additional filters for mechanical cleaning. This is due to water contamination in the systems. You can do without this, although you will have to change the cartridges more often.


  • number of cleaning stages – 2;
  • type of cleaning – sorption;
  • cleaning from chlorine - yes;
  • presence of a tap included – yes.

The filter is equipped with an additional housing made of of stainless steel. This allows you to complete the appearance of the device.

The cartridge resource is quite large - 12,000 liters. Even for a large family it will last a very long time. Changing the cartridge is easy - there is only one. Replacement must be carried out no more than twice a year. Advantages: clean water output, no chlorine smell; installation can be done independently; The pressure of purified water is sufficient for domestic needs.

Disadvantages include the high cost of replacement cartridges. It is also recommended to install additional pre-filters and water softeners. This will be more expensive, but will make it possible to maximize the life of the cartridge.

Place No. 6 – Novaya Voda Expert M310

Well suited for hard water systems. The liquid goes through four stages of purification, where it gets rid of odors and impurities. The manufacturer claims the filter’s ability to operate at a pressure of 45 atm, which is confirmed by tests carried out in a laboratory.


  • number of cleaning stages – 4;
  • type of purification – sorption (additionally softens the water);
  • cleaning from chlorine - yes;
  • productivity – 2.5 l/min;
  • presence of a tap included – yes.

Among the advantages, the pleasant cost of the device and thoughtful appearance. Unfortunately, there are some drawbacks: the low resource of cartridges and the high cost of purchasing them. Otherwise, this is an excellent budget option for apartments and houses.

Place No. 5 – Aquaphor Crystal Eco N

The filter combines such qualities as performance and a high degree of purification. The 0.1 micron membrane retains all water pollutants. At the same time, it misses required amount salts and minerals. The sorption component of the filter retains and eliminates bacteria.


  • number of cleaning stages – 4;
  • type of cleaning – sorption;
  • cleaning from chlorine - yes;
  • productivity – 2.5 l/min;
  • presence of a tap included – yes.

The cartridge resource is quite high - 8000 liters. A reliable faucet is included. The device weighs only three kilograms. This model is well suited for those who have little space under the sink. Aquaphor Crystal Eco is a compact water filter that will ideal solution for autonomous water supply systems.

Place No. 4 – Aquaphor OSMO-Crystal 100

This is a worthy option for installation under the sink by residential property owners. Having a low cost, the filter purifies even very contaminated water. Removes not only rust, but also heavy metals, pesticides and chlorine.


  • number of cleaning stages – 4;
  • type of cleaning – sorption (additionally softens water, removes iron);
  • cleaning from chlorine - yes;
  • productivity – 0.26 l/min;
  • storage tank volume – 10 l;
  • presence of a tap included – yes.

Water from this filter can be used for bathing babies and preparing formulas. The tank capacity is enough for cooking. This model is suitable for all lovers of clean water. The filters will have to be changed every 6 months, so the device can be classified as economical.

Place No. 3 – Atoll A-550m STD

A popular reverse osmosis purification system that additionally mineralizes clean water at the 5th stage. The liquid purified in this way enters the container, where it remains until it is consumed.

The storage capacity is enough to store drinking water and cook food. As soon as water is withdrawn from the tank, the purification of new water automatically begins.


  • number of cleaning stages – 5;
  • type of purification – sorption (additionally softens water, mineralizes, deferrizes);
  • cleaning from chlorine - yes;
  • productivity – 0.08 l/min;
  • storage capacity volume – 12 l;
  • presence of a tap included – yes.

A mineralizer plays an important role, adding chemical elements that a person needs to the water. Depending on the pressure in the system and the purity of the water, the storage tank will fill in about 1-1.5 hours.

Among the disadvantages, the following points stand out: it is necessary to remember about timely replacement of filters - it is best to make a table with replacement dates and place it on the device body; the price of cartridges is quite high; difficulty during installation.

Atoll A-550m STD is a suitable option for both apartments and private houses. With this device, clean water rich in essential minerals will always be available.

Place No. 2 – Geyser Prestige PM

The products of this manufacturer are truly trusted, and numerous reviews on various sites speak about the quality and unpretentiousness of the device, which took the fifth step in our rating.


  • number of cleaning stages – 5;
  • type of purification – sorption (additionally softens water, mineralizes, deferrizes);
  • cleaning from chlorine - yes;
  • productivity – 0.14 l/min;
  • storage capacity volume – 12 l;
  • presence of a tap included – yes.

This device is ideal if the water definitely requires purification. The 5-stage system can handle even heavily contaminated water. The model does not have any particular disadvantages. You can focus on the fact that the system is quite cumbersome. Inconveniences are caused by connecting tubes, the length of which the manufacturer has made with a “margin”.

It can work without a pump, but if the water supply system is weak, then you should immediately purchase one assistive device. This feature applies to all reverse osmosis filters. It is quite simple to install, as well as replacing filter elements.

Location No. 1 – ICAR water purification system

The best water filter for washing is the ICAR filter. Highest degree water purification in combination with the IKAR module, which ionizes water, giving it a negative ORP (oxidation-reduction potential) and mineralizes it portionwise using the injection method.

This mineralization method is superior in quality to all other purified water mineralizers. That is, the output water is not only purified, but also alive. The characteristics of living water were studied back in the 70s of our century, and the most authoritative scientists around the world never cease to write about its beneficial properties.

Official dealer and service center of the Research Center "IKAR" -. This is the largest supplier that provides a full turnkey service - free delivery throughout Russia (as well as worldwide delivery); installation and maintenance services. An individual discount system will be a pleasant bonus.

Water after the ICAR filter becomes a powerful antioxidant - it fights free radicals, stimulates the immune system and cleanses the body. This water is good for everyone to drink without exception. The technologies of the Research Center "IKAR" have been awarded several prestigious international awards in Belgium and Switzerland. Water after the ICAR purification system is recognized as water of the highest category.


  • water purification stages – 5;
  • type of purification – premium reverse osmosis;
  • cleaning from viruses and bacteria – yes;
  • cleaning from chlorine and any other types of contaminants - yes;
  • allows only a water molecule to pass through;
  • resource – 1,000,000 l.;
  • gives water a negative oxidation-reduction potential (ORP);
  • storage tank volume – 10 l;
  • availability of a clean water tap – yes;
  • comes with the mineral supplement “Severyanka +” No. 4 (contains Ca2+, Mg2+ and iodine);
  • Possibility of connecting a pH reactor to adjust the pH of the water.

Filters need to be changed once every 6-12 months; they are sold at any filter store. The ICAR system is classified as economical - the cost of the highest quality water, taking into account the cost of purchasing a filter, is 2 rubles. per liter

How to choose the right filter?

Since choosing a modern water filter for washing is not easy, you have to listen to the proven recommendations of specialists and experienced users.

Before purchasing, you should pay attention to the following factors:

  • the amount of clean water consumed by apartment/house residents;
  • water quality;
  • availability of the necessary space under the sink.

These factors are important because the choice of the right model will depend on them. On average, one person consumes up to 3 liters of water, pure form and in food and drinks. Accordingly, you need to calculate the filter performance to suit the needs of the family.

Since only reverse osmosis options can boast the best indicators of water purity, you should first consider them. If their productivity is not enough, then you need to stop at flow models. It is reasonable to equip them with softeners and iron removal cartridges.

Clean water at any time is what the installation of filters is for. Modern replacement of filter elements will allow you to get safe water in your home

You also need to pay attention to the condition of the water supplied from the tap. If it is excessively hard, then you need a filter with a water softening function.

If the water supply system includes lines from old cast iron pipes, then the incoming water will contain inclusions of large mechanical particles. It is not enough to clean such water from contaminants; you also need to remove excess amounts of iron from its composition. Why should you choose filters with iron removal?

If the water supply system in the house is autonomous and it already has a filter at the entrance to the house, for example, a bottom filter or a pre-filter, then the simplest flow filters will do. You just have to focus on the productivity of the technology.

Subtleties of installation and operation

In order for the purchased filter to serve as long as possible, it must be installed correctly. Companies selling such devices often offer free shipping and installation by specialized specialists. This is an important argument in favor of purchasing equipment from such companies.

If you have plumbing skills and tools, you can do the installation yourself. Important stage in using a filter is its preparation for work. To ensure that there are no unnecessary odors or cloudiness when you turn it on for the first time, you need to allow water to rinse the structural elements for the time specified in the instructions.

Also, do not forget about replacing cartridges and membranes - these are the main elements that help to obtain the most potable water.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

This video will help you correctly determine the main differences and advantages of flow and reverse osmosis filters:

In the next video we will talk about reverse osmosis systems. Here are the specific results of measurements of the main water indicators:

In conclusion of the article, it should be noted that both categories of filters allow you to obtain water of the required purity. For any water supply system you can find suitable technique, regardless of budget.

The accuracy of the choice will be significantly influenced by a preliminary analysis of tap water. This will allow you to understand how hard the water is, which microelements are in excess, and which minerals are in short supply.

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Quality tap water leaves much to be desired, so it is not advisable to eat it; it must be subjected to additional purification. The water coming from the tap often has a foreign taste and smell - this can greatly spoil the dish, and it can be completely disgusting to drink. Largely for this reason, many people install special filters under the sink that remove additional impurities from the water that spoil its quality.

They remove from the water harmful substances, including heavy metals, chlorine, large impurities such as squeak. These structures are installed directly in kitchen sink, due to which clean water will be obtained instantly, unlike pitcher-type filters.

What are the criteria for choosing a flow-through filter for a sink?

Before deciding to purchase a filter element, you need to find out the chemical composition of the water flowing from the tap. Due to this, it will be possible to select products that will purify water very effectively. For example, if tap water is too hard, then a filter equipped with a membrane is best - the so-called reverse osmosis, which is quite expensive. It is necessary to purify hard water if people with kidney diseases live in the apartment. For less hard water, an ion exchange filter will be sufficient.

When purchasing a filter for a sink, in addition to the cost, you should pay attention to a number of other components - the cleaning technology and whether it has a softener:

  • Membrane filtration can completely purify tap water from bacteria and viruses. Only clean water, devoid of any impurities, will leak through such a filter. However, there is also a certain disadvantage - useful minerals are also removed along with the bacteria, so such water will do no harm or good. Installing a filter with a built-in mineralizer can cope with this problem;
  • To purify hard water from heavy metals, budget filter systems use only ion exchange. It will purify water quite acceptably, although not as subtly as reverse osmosis.

The water softener is one of the most useful functions, which reduces the proportion of calcium and magnesium salts, accordingly, this will reduce the formation of scale in the kettle. Another important addition will be carbon filtration, which helps absorb chlorine, phenol, benzene, toluene, various types of petroleum products and pesticides that may be contained in water. This function is quite simple and is found even in the cheapest designs.

We tried to compile the most detailed rating of flow-type water filters, and we were based not only on the recommendations of experts, but also on the popularity based on user reviews. The ratio of price and quality of products played a very important role in the formation of our top 10 rating. We hope that the review will be quite useful.

The best water filter models of 2019

10+. Aquaphor OSMO 50 version 5

This model quite effectively softens water and removes turbidity. During manufacturing, an original semi-permeable membrane is installed in the filter, which is supplemented with special carbon modules. This allows you to remove from the water all dangerous impurities whose size is at least 0.0005 microns - these include chlorine compounds, rust, pesticides, nitrates, and heavy metals. Purified water acquires a pleasant taste, becomes beneficial for the body, and can even be used for preparing baby food. The design includes a storage tank with a capacity of about 10 liters and a carbon post-filter.

Can be used exclusively for purifying cold water - its inlet temperature should not exceed +30 degrees. The device takes up little space, so it can easily fit under the sink. A separate tap comes from it; about 1.3 liters of water can pass through the filter per minute. The filter has four levels of purification: coarse, medium, fine and purification from chemical compounds.


  • Very easy to install - you just need to connect it to the water supply system;
  • High quality of output water;
  • Significant work resource;
  • Compact overall dimensions.


  • Water passes through it quite noisily;
  • Not too high filtration speed;
  • The location of the tap is not very convenient; you have to reach for it.

10. Geyser Prestige PM

This model is quite original design equipped with a high pressure pump. Osmosis has three stages of water purification. At the first stage, the water flow passes through a special cartridge made of foamed polypropylene with a cell size of 5 microns. It will trap any insoluble particles in the water. At the second stage, the water enters a carbon block made from coconut activated carbon, neutralizing chlorine compounds and organic substances harmful to the human body. With its help, the taste and smell of water improves. In the third stage, the water passes through a SBC cartridge, also made from compressed carbon carbon, which removes residual chlorine and other chemicals from the water.

There is a storage tank with a capacity of 12 liters, which allows you to always have a small supply of clean water. The design includes a mineralizer that restores the chemical composition of moisture most suitable for the human body.


  • Excellent water quality;
  • The presence of a small tank;
  • Filter reliability.


  • The filter cover is not very reliable - there is a possibility of flooding;
  • Because of small sizes filters become clogged within a matter of weeks;
  • The membrane body is also not very durable.

9. Atoll A-550 STD

This model is distinguished by excellent workmanship - it has a durable and dense plastic case, equipped with several stiffening ribs that make the structure quite reliable. Immediately after connecting this filter, the water can be consumed as food; it will not have any foreign odors or tastes. It looks quite attractive. Tap ball type, rotates smoothly and softly.

The first stage of purification is located immediately at the water inlet. The cartridge here is quite dense and hard. In the second stage, the water passes through the carbon segment, which can be replaced if necessary. Water enters here through a special distributor, ensuring its uniform infiltration. One such cartridge is enough to completely rid about 19 tons of water from chlorine. At the third stage there is a cartridge that prevents chemical residues from entering the tap; it is quite rigid, so there is no chance of it deforming during use.


  • Allows you to obtain a large volume of clean water per unit of time;
  • Standard shape with reinforced body;
  • The ball valve is ceramic and is durable.


  • High price;
  • Not available in all stores;
  • Oversized design, will not fit under every sink.

8. Barrier EXPERT Standard

This is one of the best household filters produced using osmosis technology. Perfect for purifying tap water from any mechanical impurities and chemicals. It uses multi-stage filtration technology, which has proven itself in many similar designs. This system has three main modules: mechanical purification of water from various contaminants, with its help it is possible to get rid of sand, rust and other large and small particles. The second module saturates the water with useful ions and removes chlorine, lead and copper compounds from it. The third uses PostCarbon, which removes organic substances from the composition.

This filter can be installed either under the sink or directly on it. The kit includes everything you need to get started; you don’t have to purchase anything extra. It can be used around the clock. The connection is quite simple - anyone can handle it. In order for the filter to start working fully, the first ten liters of water must be drained, only after that it can be used for its intended purpose. All cartridges are replaceable; they will have to be replaced as they become dirty.


  • Convenient to change consumables;
  • For a filter of this type, the cost is quite reasonable.;
  • Beautiful appearance, allowing this design to be used also in a sink.


  • You should very carefully monitor the condition of the filter elements, otherwise there will be a very high proportion of contaminants in the water passing through them;
  • Sometimes it does not cope with its task, maintaining water hardness at the same level.

7. Geyser Nanotek

This is one of the best osmosis filters designed for installation under the sink. It takes up quite a lot of free usable space due to the presence of a spacious water tank with a volume of about 20 liters. This model filters water efficiently through a five-stage purification system and is designed for direct connection to the water supply. With its help, you can significantly reduce the concentration of iron, reduce hardness and completely get rid of chlorine.

The smart system allows beneficial minerals to pass through and retains those that can have a harmful effect on the human body. If you use this system correctly and change cartridges as needed, you will be able to for a long time drink absolutely clean water without any toxic impurities. The design's productivity is about one and a half liters per minute, which is quite enough for cooking.


  • Very soft water without foreign impurities;
  • Enough good build the entire structure, reliable protection against any leaks;
  • It's quite easy to connect.


  • Most likely, you will have to purchase a pressure gauge to measure the water pressure in the water supply system (if it is below three atmospheres, the filter simply will not be able to function);
  • High price;
  • It's not easy to find replacement cartridges.

6. Aquaphor Crystal Eco

This design is very easy to install; the installation method is no different from an ordinary connection. kitchen faucet. However, you will have to be quite careful here, since the connecting pipes going to and from the manifold block must be connected in correct position. Be sure to remove the filter cover. After connecting all the modules, they will have to be washed with tap water for some time so that all filter elements begin to function normally. This design belongs to ionic cleaning systems, does not take up much space under the sink, and copes well with both mechanical and chemical pollution.

If necessary, you can install an additional water softening module, but you will have to purchase it separately. The manufacturer recommends changing filter cartridges approximately once a year, and the softening element even more often, approximately every seven to eight months. The design can be considered universal, since there are quite a few types of filter elements.


  • Three standard modules included, additional elements can be installed;
  • The housing of all filters is plastic, equipped with stiffening ribs;
  • Very easy to install and operate.


  • As the cartridge wears out, the taste of the water may change;
  • Gradually, the filters become clogged, causing the yield of filtered water to decrease;
  • The locking mechanism in the faucet may leak, which can damage the sink.

5. Aquaphor Morion M

This is one of the best models of water filters for washing, which works using reverse osmosis technology. If desired, the device can be installed not only under the sink itself, but also on it or in close proximity. This filter looks very stylish. The design of the cartridges is made according to the block-modular type. Their body additionally has stiffening ribs. The storage tank is built-in and has a small volume, so the dimensions of the filter are quite acceptable.

Other designs will function only with a sufficiently high water pressure in the central system; this filter is also tied to pressure, but here only one and a half atmospheres is enough. In addition, this moment allows you to significantly save water. The useful volume of the built-in tank is 5 liters of purified water. The output reaches one and a half to two liters per minute.


  • Produces water with average hardness;
  • There are no foreign odors or unnecessary impurities;
  • There is no scale formation in the kettle.


  • High price of replacement elements;
  • Quite noisy during operation;
  • In general, the level of durability leaves much to be desired.

4. Barrier EXPERT Hard

This model rightfully takes fourth place in our review of the best water filters of this year. We put it in third place, largely due to the finest mechanical cleaning among other models - the filters remove particles as small as 5 microns from water. During the manufacturing process of the design, a special Smart Lock technology was used, which allows the filter to remain in place even under strong water pressure. In addition, the byPass technique is used, which can significantly extend the life of the filter element - it will have to be changed less often, and this will also be a good preventive measure against softening the passing water too much. This filter is intended exclusively for central water supply.

The filter comes with everything you need for proper installation. Maximum productivity can reach 2 liters per minute. Moreover, due to the tap at the inlet to the filter, this figure can be reduced. The resource of one cartridge is 10 thousand liters, after which it will need to be changed. Highest pressure at the entrance there should be no more than 7 atmospheres.


  • Long service life of cartridges;
  • Cartridges are very easy to change;
  • Softens and purifies water very well;
  • The water becomes tasty and harmless to health.


  • The cartridge resource is lower compared to that declared by the manufacturer;
  • The ball valve at the filter inlet is not reliable.

3. New Water Expert Osmos MO530

This model is one of the newest on the market today. It belongs to the premium class, which is why it is quite expensive. Its beneficial qualities are very high level– with this filter you can get rid of 99.9% of harmful impurities. The design easily removes particles up to 5 microns in size, removes organic compounds, pesticides, herbicides and other harmful compounds.

Here, four types of cartridges are used for cleaning: a standard one, designed for mechanical cleaning, which removes suspended matter of various substances from the water. Next is a carbon filter, which is made from activated coconut carbon. At the next stage there is a reverse osmosis membrane made in Japan; it is much more effective than similar parts in the models presented above. After it there is another carbon filter, which contains activated carbon in granules, as well as minerals that enrich the water with useful microelements and minerals. The filter elements are durable - they can last about 2-3 years without the need for replacement.


  • For a reverse osmosis system it takes up really little space;
  • High build quality;
  • Durability;
  • Long cartridge life.


  • Price.

2. Geyser ECO

This is the most productive filter among all the models presented in our review; moreover, it does not take up too much space under the sink and does not require complicated installation or frequent cartridge replacement. With all my positive qualities it doesn't cost too much. With its help, you can completely rid water of chlorine, various oil derivatives and a number of other poisonous and simply harmful impurities.

Despite high performance In terms of water filtration, it is not too expensive. It contains the latest modification of the Aragon 3 ECO cartridge. With its help, mechanical and sorption purification of water is ensured; it is also enriched with ions. Filter replacement is rarely required.


  • Compact overall dimensions - can fit even under a small sink;
  • Ideally purifies water;
  • The cartridge is enough for 4-5 tons of water;
  • Easy to install.


  • Not detected.


The ICAR filter is currently recognized as the best filter for water purification. It produces superior quality water. This filter not only purifies water in the best possible way, but also improves its performance. The output is mineralized “living” water with a negative ORP. The IKAR filter consists of two main components: a reverse osmosis filter (premium - 5 stages of filtration), an IKAR module (water ionizer and mineralizer). It is possible to additionally connect an IKAR ph reactor to the installation, which increases the pH. The operation of the installation is automated and has a microprocessor control unit for monitoring water parameters and the quality of its purification.

The ICAR filter is installed under the kitchen sink. Despite the high cost of installation compared to other filters, the cost of water, which is comparable to water from Lake Baikal in its characteristics, is 2 rubles. per liter The filters have been commercially available for sale since 1997. The installation has received several prestigious international awards. The largest official dealer of water purification plants ICAR - home-spring.rf(delivery throughout Russia is free, installation service, discount system).


  • The highest degree of water purification;
  • Large installation resource - 1000,000 liters;
  • Replacement cartridges are sold in any store;
  • Electronic control of all parameters of water purification, mineralization and ionization.


  • Not detected.

In conclusion, a useful video

As can be seen from the review, most stationary water filters are very similar in their design and functions, however, some are better at removing mechanical contaminants, while others remove chloride compounds. To purchase the most suitable product, it is advisable to first analyze your tap water. As to whether you liked our review and whether it was useful to you, you can comment on this article.

IN apartment buildings There is a centralized water supply system drinking water. Of course, before entering residential apartments, water treatment is carried out, but it cannot be said with certainty that even after this, the water is completely ready for use. To obtain water that is truly purified from mechanical impurities and dissolved salts, it is necessary to use additional purification systems, which are available in a wide range.


The current water purification in water pipelines follows the same type of scheme; it consists of several stages.

First you need to install a mechanical cleaning filter– here it is optimal to use mainline options, which are equipped with replaceable polypropylene cartridges. Such purifiers effectively retain iron, sand, and other suspended matter, which not only improves water quality, but also prevents the occurrence of rust. The main devices are cut directly into the water supply system, this allows you to purify running water completely 100%.

Please note that to purify hot water you must use special designs, resistant to impact high temperatures. The use of coarse filters allows not only to purify water from mechanical impurities, but also to significantly increase the service life of the entire plumbing system in the apartment.

At the next stage, hot and cold water is purified from chlorine and metal impurities, for this they also use main water filters with carbon cartridges, and the result of using the cleaning system is immediately noticeable to the naked eye - after passing through it, the water acquires a bluish tint and also disappears bad smell chlorine

When taking a shower with water purified in this way, apartment residents do not complain about the unpleasant feeling of skin tightness that occurs after hygiene procedures using unfiltered water.

At the third stage, hardness salts (calcium and magnesium) are removed, which contribute to the formation of scale and plaque. inside pipelines and other plumbing elements in the apartment. The filters used for this contain special softeners.

Well then finishing stage a filter is used that is installed directly on the sink - it is used to obtain high-quality drinking water.

TO modern systems water purification is subject to the most stringent requirements– it must be efficient, environmentally friendly, ergonomic and reliable. As a rule, it includes filters, as well as hoses and containers for supplying clean water, but at the same time it has minimal dimensions - the most popular options are compact models that can be easily placed under the sink.

Undoubtedly, a private house or a cottage has a great advantage over apartments when we're talking about about creating a water purification system, since a separate room or isolated space can be allocated for it; in an apartment, space is limited by size and layout. Therefore, all elements of the cleaning system are constantly in contact with residents.

But it should also be kept in mind that apartment buildings fed from a common central water supply, therefore, there is no need for pre-treatment, since water enters homes already purified from mechanical impurities, pathogens and dangerous compounds. The main purpose of filters in apartments is to remove calcium and magnesium salts, as well as excess chlorine.

In conditions small apartments Filter jugs and other systems equipped with storage tanks for storing filtrate are optimal.

Often water purification systems in apartments contain non-standard methods of water preparation: magnetic field, ultrasound and the like. However, most urban residents prefer a standard approach to water treatment, which over many years of use has proven itself to be reliable and fully responsive. current standards and standards.


Mechanical filtration is used to remove solid impurities; filters are divided into options with and without auto-washing.

The former have compact dimensions, their diameters correspond to the parameters of the pipe into which they are mounted.

Typically, the body of such products is made of brass or stainless steel, and threaded connections can be very diverse in materials and sizes; they are selected individually in each case. Such filters have quite low price– as a rule, their cost does not exceed hundreds of rubles, although there are more expensive branded models.

Since the grids periodically become clogged, they have to be cleaned regularly, so the lower part of the flask is usually removable, it can be easily unscrewed and removed, and after cleaning the grid, it returns to its place.

The self-washing filter is equipped with a pipe and a tap, which are installed in the lower part of the flask. Using a hose, the pipe has an outlet into the sewer, so if you need to clean such a filter, you just need to open the tap, and the water flowing under pressure will wash all the contents into the sewer. After this, the tap is closed and the device can be operated further.

As a rule, such filters are equipped with a pressure gauge, which is used to determine the degree of clogging of the mesh: if the pressure drops, it means it’s time to clean the filter. However, if the filter is equipped with a transparent flask, then a pressure gauge is not needed - the degree of contamination can be determined by its appearance.

Depending on the type of connection, all mechanical filters can be flanged or coupling. Flanged filters are usually used for the production of main filters, which are installed in high-pressure water pipelines.

Disc filters are less popular. They are a set of rings, the surface of which has scratches of varying depths. At the same time, the disks are pressed very tightly together; when water passes through them, it comes into contact with all the hollows so that increasingly large particles settle on their walls. Since the movement occurs in a spiral, the removal of suspended matter is quite high-quality.

Water purified from mechanical impurities can be used for laundry, dishwashing, cleaning and other household needs. However, it is not suitable for drinking or cooking. Relatively speaking, it can be used for ingestion only after boiling, and in order to be able to drink water without heat treatment, you need to use fine filters that can effectively remove most of the dissolved substances and disinfect it.

Most often, one of several popular options is used for this.

Filter jug

This is the most affordable and affordable option, which effectively reduces the content of chlorine, copper and iron in liquids, softens water and retains mechanical impurities.

Purification occurs when water passes through a replaceable cartridge, which contains:

  • activated carbon – necessary for removing chlorine-containing compounds and microorganisms;
  • polypropylene fibers - which are used to deposit residual solid impurities;
  • ion exchange resin - allows you to remove calcium and manganese salts, as well as heavy metal compounds and radionuclides.

The advantages of filter jugs include their ease of use and low price.

Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting the short service life of the cartridge and the lack of possibility for their restoration.

When purchasing jugs, you should give preference to brands from well-known manufacturers, since cheaper options often only perform rough cleaning.

Attachment on the crane

Another popular type of filters, which are similar in principle to jugs. As water passes through such a nozzle, all chlorine compounds and mechanical impurities are removed from the inlet. Certain varieties can also remove hardness salts, heavy metals, iron ions and aluminum, and in addition, nozzles containing activated carbon are cleaned of most types of bacteria, phenol and organic matter.

The popularity of the nozzles is explained by their ease of installation and small dimensions. The disadvantages are the same as those of jugs, and in terms of the cost of cleaning per incoming liter of water, it turns out that these filters are more expensive than multi-stage cleaning systems.

Multi-stage cleaning

The effectiveness of cartridge filters largely depends on the number of degrees of purification - that is, individual filter elements that can trap certain types of contaminants.

Such systems can be one-, two-, three- and even four-stage.

Single-stage ones contain universal inserts with a multilayer structure; they are quite cheap. However, their effectiveness raises many doubts, since the composition of water varies greatly in each region, and if universal systems are used, one cannot count on the fact that impurities specific to a particular area will be removed from the water.

Multistage filters consist of a body of several flasks, each of which contains a special filter component that removes strictly defined types of contaminants. These flasks are connected to each other using overflows, flowing through which the water is gradually purified. The advantage of such a system is the ability to install a specific filter for your analysis of tap water - this significantly improves the quality of cleaning. However, such filters require free space, are difficult to install and are expensive. Reverse osmosis of such filters requires a significant volume of water - in order to purify 1 liter of water, up to 5 liters of “waste” are needed.

There is an opinion that deep purification of water washes out all microelements useful for humans; this theory has found neither confirmation nor refutation, however, for those who are afraid of water losing its beneficial properties, water mineralizers are always on sale.

Let us separately dwell on filter options that are used in multi-stage systems for cleaning various types dissolved substances.

If the water acquires a brown tint and a characteristic taste, this may indicate a high iron content in it; this phenomenon often occurs when water from wells and wells is used. Such water causes the formation of deposits on the walls of sanitary fixtures and clogs shut-off equipment; if the concentration of ferrocompounds exceeds 2 mg/liter, then they must be removed.

The best solution in this situation would be to use a catalytic filter.– it is a fairly large cylinder in which catalysts are placed; such equipment requires connection to an electrical network.

When introducing special components into the backfill, manganese, chlorine and other substances can be removed.

As a rule, sediment removal is carried out according to a certain schedule, most often at night. The backfill is effectively washed under the influence of water pressure, all pollutants are discharged into the sewer, usually at night time.

Catalytic filters are very complex and by no means cheap equipment, but they are the most reliable and durable of all those on the market.

There is another way to remove iron salts from water - aeration. To do this, water is supplied to a reservoir with air, which is pumped through nozzles in the form of a suspension, the iron contained in it reacts with oxygen, oxidizes, and the resulting oxides remain in the filter at the outlet.

There are two types of filters for purifying water of this type - pressure and non-pressure. For more active oxidation, an oxidizing agent - hydrogen peroxide or sodium hypochlorite - can be supplied to these installations. In this case, biological purification of water is also carried out - from microbes and bacteria.

Well-known manufacturers and reviews

When purchasing a water filter, it is very important to choose a truly high-quality product that will effectively purify water from all types of contaminants. Unfortunately, today's market is literally flooded with a wide variety of fakes that claim to perform comprehensive cleaning, but in fact only remove solid particles and chlorinate.

Based on consumer reviews, a rating was compiled of manufacturers whose products have proven themselves to be high-quality and reliable.

The absolute leaders are the products of the Aquaphor brand. This company sells a wide range of different cartridge filters - for drinking water, for showers, as well as for washing and dishwashers. Among the products of this brand, you can always choose installations aimed at purifying both cold and hot water, which completely neutralize all types of chemical compounds. However, among the products you can also find filters whose tasks include only rough cleaning - all information about the functional purpose is placed on the packaging.

Filters from the German manufacturer Honeywell are no less popular., which offers devices that can withstand significant excess operating pressure in the water supply system, which can reach 10 times. Among the products offered by this brand, you can find both coarse and fine filters, with the main filter element being a special metal grid, which is closed in a reliable high-strength flask.

Among domestic companies, Novaya Voda purification systems are very popular. Products of this brand are distinguished by their affordability and exceptionally high quality. The assortment of manufactured products includes main filters with a separate tap, the degree and level of water purification in which can be adjusted by changing cartridges.

A large number of users prefer the Geyser brand, the company tirelessly introduces the latest technological developments into production, thanks to which it has created treatment systems based on ion exchange polymer.

It should be noted that a lot of different filters are produced under the Geyser brand; the products are presented in all regions of our country. In stores you can find both simple household models and complex industrial installations that can simultaneously clean quite large volumes of liquid.

Atoll – the company operates in the cleaning systems market for decades and has been tirelessly investing in improving its products. As a result, each newly created model released in this production has an increasingly advanced and reliable fastening and a longer service life. The cost of production is low, making filters of this brand available to Russian users.

Coolmart is Russian company, located in Vladivostok. The company began its activities more than 20 years ago, starting with the production of one of the first remineralizing water purifiers in our country. Today, the main volume of products is sold in the Primorsky Territory, as well as in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

And also users note high quality Fibos products.

You can learn more about the filters of the Novaya Voda brand by watching the following video.

How to choose?

To choose the optimal water treatment system for installation in an apartment, it is not enough to find out the reviews of family and friends; you need to take into account your own operating parameters.

If financial possibilities allow, then the best option There will be a nanofilter that will serve faithfully for many years and will not require replacing the cartridge, and the water after it will be ideal.

This the group is represented by stylish and compact devices with a body and lid made of food-grade plastic, equipped with replaceable sorption cartridges.

Flow-through systems for cartridge type washing

This group is represented by flow-through multistage devices with relatively small dimensions and weight.

The standard cleaning scheme sequentially includes:

  1. prefilter,
  2. ion exchange and sorption module
  3. postcarbon, with the possibility of replacing any of them on your own.

Attention! Such systems function well at low pressure and are generally unpretentious.

The characteristics and prices of the best models are presented below.

Barrier Expert Standard

A comprehensive system for standard purification of tap water from all major harmful impurities.

The system consists of:

  • mechanical filter to capture particles with a size of up to 5 microns,
  • ion exchange and post-carbon stages with a total filtration rate of up to 2 l/min.

Over 73% of users recommend purchasing this system for home use; clear advantages include ease of installation and replacement of cartridges, compactness and affordable cost (from 3,550 rubles).

Among the possible disadvantages highlight the high cost of filtration elements with annual replacement (from 1,770 rubles for 3 blocks with a service life of up to 10,000 l).

Read more about the Barrier Expert Standard filter

Aquaphor Crystal

A universal water treatment system similar in principle and number of levels with the possibility of deeper cleaning, simple replacement of any of the three cartridges and reliable protection against leaks.

Geyser Max

The system includes:

  • three-stage filter for cleaning and softening hard and ultra-hard water with an AquaSoft composite cartridge,
  • unique filtration element based on Aragon Musk ion exchange resins
  • a block of pressed coconut charcoal with silver additives to ensure a bacteriostatic effect with a total service life of up to 7000 liters.

These systems are more expensive than analogues(from 3900 rubles, with the price of cartridges from 2700), but in regions with high water hardness, their installation is more justified.

Under-sink cleaners with reverse osmosis membranes

The need to install expensive reverse osmosis systems arises in regions with heavily polluted water.

When choosing this option, cold water goes through the steps sequentially:

  • mechanical,
  • sorption
  • ion exchange cleaning (otherwise thin membranes would quickly fail)
  • are fed to nanofiltration or reverse osmosis membranes, which trap almost all foreign impurities.
  • After this, the water passes through a carbon post-filter and is supplied to the consumer.

The performance of reverse osmosis systems largely depends on the operating pressure at the inlet, optimal results are achieved by maintaining this parameter within 3-7 atm. (the exact range depends on the modification and is indicated by the manufacturer).

Interesting! Due to the low throughput of membranes and the need for washing them, systems for this type of sink are necessarily equipped with storage tanks and outlets for drainage (at least 2.5 liters per 1 liter of clean water goes into drains). Other indicators of the most popular reverse osmosis systems are presented below.

Barrier Profi OSMO 100

Reliable five-stage system with a resource of up to 5000 l, functioning in conjunction with storage tank with a capacity of 8 liters and sold at a price of 8,300 rubles.

Geyser Prestige

Ergonomic system with a pre-filter, a membrane that retains up to 99.7% of foreign impurities and a carbon post-filter made of coconut shells.

When using this model, please remember that it is individual filter elements have different service resources(up to 20,000 liters for a polypropylene mechanical pre-filter, 7,000 liters for the 2nd and 3rd stages of sorption cleaning, 1.5-2 years and 50 gallons for a unit with a membrane and no more than 1 year of service for a post-filter).

Aquaphor DWM-101S

Lightweight reverse osmosis system that operates even in cases low pressure inlet water (from 2 to 6.5 atm). The service life of individual cleaning stages of Aquaphor DWM-101S depends on their purpose and varies from 3 months for prefilters to 2 years for expensive membranes.

The system enriches water with natural magnesium and calcium with a significant reduction in the overall level of hardness and removes all harmful chemical impurities from it.

The demand for the system is confirmed by a large number of positive reviews; Aquaphor DWM-101S is inferior to its analogues only in drainage volume (at least 4 liters compared to 2-3 for competing models). The total cost of purchasing Aquaphor DWM-101S is 8,900 rubles, and replacing filtration modules is 2,900.

Read about all the nuances of Aquaphor DWM-101S.

The best trunk lines

With average requirements for fineness of cleaning and the need for removal large quantity mechanical impurities (rust, suspended matter, silt), Main pipelines can be used for water treatment filters with mesh or composite cartridges.

Attention! Such devices have high performance and can purify hot water, subject to selection the right material housing and filtration element.

The top best mainline filters, taking into account their characteristics and prices, are presented below.

Geyser Typhoon

High-performance filter with a reliable steel housing, if necessary withstanding pressure up to 40 atm.

Geyser Typhoon is equipped with a sorption cartridge of combined action Aragon 3 the company's own development.

The module provides:

  • reliable filtration of hot or cold water from rust,
  • free chlorine
  • hardness salts at a speed of up to 20-25 l/min.

The advantages of this filter include the strength of the housing, ease of installation and the ability to drain, while the disadvantages include the price and labor-intensive process of replacing the cartridge. Original system Geyser Typhoon cost at least 9,500 rubles, with the cost of changing a module within 1100.

Aquaphor Viking

Reliable main filter with a stainless steel housing with a throughput capacity of up to 25 l/min. The permissible operating temperature of this system depends on the type of cartridge being installed and changes if necessary.

The owners of Aquaphor Viking speak positively about its performance and quality of purified water and, in general, do not find operational deficiencies, the only disadvantage of this model is the high cost of the case and cartridge(10,350 and 2,700 rubles, respectively).

Honeywell FF06 1/2 AAM

Compact filter for hot water supply systems with a bowl and brass body, sold at a price of 4,500 rubles. The maximum efficiency of water purification from foreign suspended matter is achieved when it is installed with the bowl downwards, If necessary, the bottom of the filter is quickly washed.

Positive reviews about Honeywell FF06 1/2 AAM are related to its price, durability, ease of washing or replacing the mesh, negative reviews - to a large number Chinese counterfeit.

Of all the brands, Honeywell is the most frequently counterfeited brand; checking the certificate and visual inspection when purchasing these devices is mandatory.

Systems near the sink

These budget and compact filters selected when there is no free space under the sink and, if necessary, water supply through a separate drinking tap. They have a simple design and can be installed directly on the water tap through special couplings.

Important! Most modern models are equipped with diverters for switching modes and can be easily moved to another place or stored in a closet.

The only general disadvantages include low productivity (clean water is supplied in a thin stream at a speed of no more than 1-2 l/min) and the rapid consumption of resources of expensive replaceable modules. The characteristics of popular brands of filter attachments are presented below.

Aquaphor Modern 2

A compact, high-performance filter with the ability to connect drinking water to the tap at the time the owner needs, sold at a price of 990 rubles.

Inside Aquaphor Modern 2 you can choose from:

  • standard module with coconut charcoal granules, fibrous sorbent,
  • particles of ion exchange resins
  • silver
  • or a cartridge for water with hardness over 4 meq/l with a service life of up to 1 year and a cost of 520 rubles.

This filter is recommended for purchase by more than 85% of users. The clear advantages of the model include:

  1. compactness,
  2. high filtration speed,
  3. the presence of levers for switching modes and an indicator about the need to change the module.

But for some owners, such an attachment on the table bothers them.

Geyser 1UZH Euro

Filter attachment with diverter for cleaning and softening hard and cloudy water with a cost of 1800 rubles. Geyser 1UZH Euro equipped with a composite cartridge based on Aragon material(the company’s own development, from 1150 rubles) and ion exchange resins that purify exclusively cold water.

Among the advantages of its use is the absence of scale on the walls of the kettle and dishes, the disadvantages are the high cost of replaceable modules, quick clogging of the faucet spout and subsequent leaks.

Novaya Voda T100 two-stage

Tabletop filter with divertor and cartridge with two layers: made of foamed polypropylene and activated carbon. The average user rating for this device is 4.5 out of 5; reviews about the quality of the water dispensed are mixed.

Replacement modules cost at least 650 rubles and need to be replaced every 5-6 months, the manufacturer’s statements in this regard are confirmed.

Reference! The cost of the filter (1900 rubles) is considered by many users to be overpriced.

How to choose a cleaner for your home and what to look for?

When selecting these devices, the following are taken into account:

  • Average daily need for drinking water. The minimum norm for 1 adult is 3 liters per day (experts advise increasing it by 2-3 times), maximum comfort is achieved by supplying clean water whenever the drinking tap is opened. The latter is only possible when installing systems under the sink or installing filter attachments.
  • Required degree of purification. This criterion depends on the initial state of tap water; with a high proportion of organics, reverse osmosis filters are introduced into the circuit.
  • Availability of free space under the sink or at the installation site.
  • Price and brand reputation.

The last criterion is often decisive. The household filter market is filled with counterfeit and low-quality products.

Experts recommend purchasing this product directly from the manufacturers., working for more than 5 years, or their official representatives. Domestic companies Aquaphor, Geyser, Barrier meet these requirements.

Special attention is paid to:

  • The build quality of the filters and the tightness of their connections.
  • Availability of a certificate and warranty card (filters of this type are guaranteed for 1 year).
  • Condition of packaging, quality of printing instructions.
  • Compliance of the characteristics declared by the manufacturer with the actual ones (deviations in configuration or color, excessively rapid consumption of replacement modules are clear signs of a fake).

Useful video

We bring to your attention a video on the topic of the article:


In conclusion, it is worth noting that any filter installed in an apartment or cottage requires periodic checking of the quality of the purified water. Certificate bad work This causes a film on hot drinks, the appearance of scale on plumbing fixtures, appliances and dishes, and, most importantly, the bad taste and smell of water.