Dragon age inquisition squad composition. Tips for completing the game Dragon Age: Inquisition

The editors of Gmbox have prepared a collection of basic tips for the game. Although BioWare quite clearly reveals the main subtleties of the gameplay of its new project, sometimes the developers do it at the wrong time. We decided in advance to arm you yourself important information, so that there are no problems with conquering Dragon Age: Inquisition.

First visit Dragon Age Keep

Unfortunately, you will not be able to transfer saves from previous games in the series to Inquisition. However, this does not mean that all merits have sunk into oblivion - no one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten. The results of decisions made in and can be restored using the Dragon Age Keep service. Whether the Gray Guardian from the original DA survived, how the conflict between elves and werewolves was resolved, which side Hawk took in DA2 and much more - all these parameters can be recreated in Dragon Age Keep. All important decisions will affect the game world in Dragon Age: Inquisition in one way or another. In addition, you have an excellent opportunity to refresh your memory of the main events of the previous parts.

Choose your batch composition carefully

The personnel issue is of great importance in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Most of the time you will travel around the game world in the company of three companions. It is important to ensure that the batch is balanced. There must be a warrior with a shield - he must divert the attention of enemies to himself. It is highly desirable to have at least one mage and a robber: the first can support allies or temporarily disable enemies, and the second deals a lot of damage. The last place can be given to the one you like best. At the very beginning of Inquisition, you will be given a balanced squad: it will include the tank warrior Cassandra, the mage Solas and the robber Varric. Later the composition of the party can be changed.

Try to develop your characters so that their abilities complement those of their allies

In the game, you can accept up to three mage allies into the Inquisition: Solas, Vivien and Dorian. You shouldn’t develop them according to the same template - say, invest all your skill points in pyromancy. Let every wizard be a master of his own school - spirit, lightning, cold, and so on. The same is true for warriors and robbers. Choose your party members and their abilities so as not to repeat yourself. There is strength in variability.

Keep three different staves for magicians

While exploring the world of Inquisition, you will encounter magical barriers - they usually block the path to something interesting. To destroy them, the wizard must attack the barriers using staff shots. The difficulty is that there are three types of magical barriers: fire (red), ice (blue) and spiritual (purple). They only take damage from attacks of the opposite element: fire deactivates ice and vice versa, and electric attacks will help against the spirit barrier. If you don't want to miss anything, then keep three staves with different elements in your inventory.

Level up the Skillful Hands perk as soon as possible

In Inquisition you develop not only characters, but also an entire organization - the Inquisition. By completing quests, you increase its level and gain access to special perks. We strongly recommend that you be among the first to level up “Deft Hands” (Fine Tools) in the “Secrets” category. This ability allows all robbers to pick difficult locks, behind which valuable loot is usually hidden.

Take advantage of tactical pauses in difficult battles

With the right party and the appropriate level, most battles in Dragon Age: Inquisition can be completed without using a tactical pause. But sometimes there are battles in which one second can change the course of the entire battle. In them, the pause mode is critical. When things get tough, switch to a tactical view, think, plan, give instructions to your subordinates - and so on until the bitter end. It will take longer, but the chances of success are much higher.

Camp while traveling

We advise you to start exploring a new location with one important thing - visit the places where you can set up camp. You won't regret your time. Firstly, you can quickly move between them - this will be useful when completing side quests. Secondly, in the camps you can rest and replenish your supply of health potions. You will remember this when, in the midst of your travels, you suddenly find yourself in a difficult battle and without healing vials.

Talk to everything that can talk

Veterans of BioWare games already know this, but everyone else should take this rule into account too. Inquisition has a huge variety of creatures that can carry on a conversation. Communication with them will help you better understand the world of Dragon Age, learn about the relationships between the characters, and also receive many quests. This is especially true for your allies - they can tell you a lot of interesting things. We recommend that after each big mission you communicate with all your party members: this way you won’t miss the chance to increase (or decrease) your ally’s reputation, receive a task from him or see interesting situations - for example, how Cassandra beats Varrick in a rage.

Collect useful resources

You will constantly come across mines with valuable metals and all kinds of plants. Don’t be lazy to spend time collecting them: in Inquisition this happens quite quickly, and the benefits are enormous. Firstly, with their help you can create new or improve existing equipment. Secondly, sets of resources are needed to level up the Inquisition. Thirdly, with their help you can complete some tasks. Fourth... it's just addictive.

While you're slaying dragons and saving the world by the sweat of your brow, your advisors are chilling in the fortress. To get the most out of your time in Dragon Age: Inquisition, you need to keep them busy regularly. Return to base often and give instructions in the meeting room. Your agents can raise money to support the Inquisition, settle political differences, make useful contacts, obtain equipment for the party, and much more. Each advisor takes a certain amount of time to complete a task - from a couple of minutes to several hours. The counter runs in real time, so we recommend doing the most difficult and lengthy tasks before leaving Inquisition. When you return, the advisor will be ready to report.

Dragon Age: Inquisition was released on November 18 on PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One. In the Gmbox review the game received a .

If we take Skyrim for example, it is a typical Scandinavian saga. Dragon Age: Inqusition, on the contrary, is, in all respects, a medieval epic. With its scope, variety and abundance of plot twists, the game is more reminiscent of three parts of “The Lord of the Rings” collected together, filmed simultaneously by Peter Jackson, Michael Bay and JJ Abrams.

The world of Thedas still has the same problems. Mages and templars continue to be sworn enemies. Each faction has its own renegades, and in general, none of them can boast of their former influence and power. To end the bloodshed, the Church convened a special conclave. As always, everything went wrong, and the only survivor was our main character. At the same time, certain “reality gaps” began to appear all over the world, from which demons, ghosts and other evil spirits began to pour out. To combat the new scourge, it was decided to restore the ancient Order of the Inquisition, the development of which will have to be done throughout the game.

Dragon Age: Inquisition can be called a giant, standing on the shoulders of its predecessors - Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age 2. A new game I adopted a lot of plot devices and a lot of mechanics from them. She got all the best from Origins, and the worst, alas, from Hawk’s adventures. Which, by the way, we will also meet on the way to the denouement.

The first thing that impresses is the scale of Inquisition. This main reason, according to which the game can well be called an epic. The territories here are huge. Only in the first of them, in the so-called “Hinterland,” you can spend more than ten hours completing various quests. You may not even understand that this is not the main storyline, but side quests. Despite its simplicity, in almost every side quest you have to take responsibility for someone's fate. A ghost cannot move to another world until he takes revenge on a powerful demon; your scout's girlfriend has disappeared and, very likely, ended up in dangerous situation. In the city retaken from the bandits, there is not enough food and blankets. In Inquisition even additional missions evoke a lot of emotions.

Sometimes the journey to the designated point can be more interesting than the decision itself. For example, to reach the barbarians who captured your squad, you need to make your way through swamps full of the dead. Fighting them on rare islands of land, in complete darkness, is one of the most vivid impressions of an RPG for Lately. What can we say about storming a huge fortress or traveling through the world of demons.

In addition to tasks, neutral territories are full of other interesting points. Caves, fragments of ancient devices, special “astrariums” with a mini-game “draw lines between the stars to make a constellation.” In each location you can place the flag of the Inquisition, symbolically “appropriating” the surrounding area and receiving influence points for this.

By the way, about influence points. As the head of the Inquisition, you have many options for managing your organization. Various tasks are available on the command table: you can send your assistants to them or open them for independent completion. Some of these tasks will require influence points. Thus, in order to advance through the plot, in any case, you will have to explore neutral zones and complete side quests. It seems that no matter how many tasks you complete in the world of Inquisition, this is just the tip of the iceberg and there is more to come.

But managing the Inquisition is not only about tasks, but also about attracting allies to your side, developing your own base, and strengthening the defense capabilities of soldiers. As you complete story missions, the player will receive Inquisition points, which can be spent on specific skills. Some give a simple bonus to selling items from merchants, while others will open up new dialogue lines or strengthen the order to one degree or another. By mid-game, the size and power of the Inquisition is already awe-inspiring. Aristocrats will ask for your audience, a real throne will be placed in the main hall, and during major battles your soldiers will carry the banners of the order during church litanies.

The locations in the game look simply excellent: the southern swamps, covered with eternal fog, the rocky northern shores and kilometers of deserts in the west. The only negative is the lack of diversity of local people. In each of the zones you will meet mainly assorted bandits, dead people and several types of local fauna. In some places, however, even dragons fly.

Bioware did a very serious job on the soundtrack. It is above all praise here. Each composition is very precisely selected for the situation, creating the right atmosphere. The environment in each location sounds different.

But the battle mechanics let us down. This is less Origins and more like Dragon Age 2 with a minimum of active spells and skills. During battle, you can switch between tactical mode, during which you can slowly give orders to everyone, and real-time mode. However, it makes sense to switch to “tactics” only when meeting a truly dangerous enemy.

Dragon Age: Inquisition consists of many small parts that together create a very interesting and addictive story. She plays on the memories of the Gray Warden and Kirkwall hero Hawke's stories that preceded her, while not forgetting that she is still different.

Dragon Age: Inquisition


  • excellent plot
  • story presentation and atmosphere
  • well-developed environment
  • management of the Inquisition
  • Varric's jokes.


  • little variety of combat mechanics

Grade: 9.5

Verdict: Inqusition is a revenge for Dragon Age 2, and the revenge is successful. The game isn't anything revolutionary, but it's still insanely good.

All characteristics of a character are reflected in attributes. Their values ​​determine the character's strength. Attributes interact with each other according to certain formulas; we have also collected known ones on this page.

To view your attributes, click P


Basic, fundamental parameters of the characters. Attributes from other groups largely depend on the main ones.


  • Warriors gain 0.5 strength
  • 1 strength point = +1% attack (only for warriors)
  • 1 point of strength = +1% bonus to damage against defense


  • For each new level, Rogue class characters gain 0.5 agility
  • 1 agility point = +1% attack (rogues only)
  • 1 agility point = +1% bonus to critical damage


  • For each new level, characters of the Mage class receive 0.5 magic
  • 1 magic point = +1% attack (only for magicians)
  • 1 magic point = +1% bonus damage against barrier


  • 1 point of cunning = +0.5% critical strike chance
  • 1 point of cunning = +0.5% defense against ranged attacks

Strength of will

  • 1 point of willpower = +0.5% attack
  • 1 point of willpower = +0.5% magic defense

Body type

  • 1 constitution point = +5 maximum health
  • 1 Constitution point = +0.5% melee defense


Your character's attack stats are listed here.


The "attack" stat increases all damage dealt by the character.

  • 1% attack = +1% to base damage of all types
  • The damage bonus is applied before the target's armor is deducted.
  • Weapon * (1 + Attack%) - Armor, NOT (Weapon - Armor) * (1 + Attack%)

Note: The damage of different abilities is calculated differently.

Bonus to damage against defense

Increases damage against enemies with the "Defense" effect.

  • 1% bonus damage against defense = +1% to all types of damage against the target's defense
  • The effect stacks multiplicatively with other damage bonuses

Armor Penetration

Armor Penetration Points allow you to ignore the corresponding amount of armor points on the target when dealing damage.

  • 1% armor penetration ignores 1% of the target's armor (counts against physical damage)
  • Cannot be combined with other bonuses, i.e. the bonus will be the same for critical and non-critical hits
  • The effectiveness of this parameter is slightly inferior to Attack: 1% attack > 2% armor penetration

Bonus to damage against barrier

Increases damage against enemies with the barrier effect.

  • 1% bonus to damage against barrier = +1% to all types of damage against the target's barrier

Critical Damage Bonus

Increases the additional damage dealt on a critical hit.

  • 1% bonus to critical damage = +1% damage on a critical hit (example: 100 damage and 50% bonus to critical damage will give 150 damage on a crit)
  • Applies before armor damage reduction
  • The effect stacks multiplicatively with other damage bonuses.

Critical Chance

Chance to score a critical hit when attacking.

  • The value of this parameter indicates the percent chance of landing a critical hit (example: at 10% chance of a critical hit, 1 out of 10 of your hits (on average) will be a critical hit)
  • When attacking several targets at once, the chance of a critical hit is calculated for each hit separately
  • There is no internal delay for repeat critical hits

Primary Weapon Damage

Damage dealt by the weapon in your main hand on each hit.

  • Basic hit per normal attack
  • All other damage modifiers apply to Weapon Damage as the main base stat.
  • A more useful indicator is a specific hit, rather than DPS (average damage per second), because When calculating the damage of abilities, the magnitude of the hit is used, not DPS.
  • Sub-weapon damage has a similar mechanic.

Sub Weapon Damage

Damage dealt by sub-weapons.

  • Cm. damage with main weapon

Bleeding on contact

Chance to cause bleeding on target. The effect lasts for several seconds.

  • At the moment this option does not work, we are waiting for it to be fixed

Stagger on hit

Chance to stun the target on hit. The effect lasts for several seconds.

  • Indicates the percentage chance of stunning the target for 3 seconds on impact.
  • The status is not displayed in the interface (like damage numbers flying out), unlike ability stuns

Heal on Kill

Damage healed with each finishing blow.

  • Indicates the % of your maximum health that will be restored after killing
  • For this effect to work, you must personally finish off the target with an attack or ability.
  • There is no internal delay for the treatment to be triggered again

Bonus damage when attacking from the flank

Percentage bonus to damage when hitting a target from the side or behind.

  • 1% bonus to damage when attacking from a flank = +1% to all types of damage when attacking from a flank (at a base of 25% damage to an enemy from a flank will be multiplied by 1.25)
  • Applies before armor damage reduction
  • The effect stacks multiplicatively with other damage bonuses.


Your character's defensive stats are listed here.

Protection from magic

Percentage resistance to damage from magical and elemental attacks.

  • Percentage reduction in final damage
  • Example: 30% magic defense will reduce all magic damage taken by 30%

Melee defense

The percentage of resistance to damage from all physical melee attacks.

  • Percentage reduction in final melee damage

Defense against ranged attacks

The percentage of resistance to damage from all physical attacks at a distance.

  • Percentage reduction in final damage from ranged attacks
  • Applies after armor damage reduction

Cold resistance

Percentage resistance to damage from cold attacks.

  • Percentage reduction in total cold damage
  • Example: 30% Cold Defense will reduce Cold damage taken by 30%

Resistance to electricity

Percentage resistance to damage from electrical attacks.

  • Percentage reduction in final damage from electricity magic
  • Example: 30% Electrical Defense will reduce damage taken from Electrical magic by 30%

Fire resistance

Percentage resistance to damage from fire attacks.

  • Percentage reduction in total fire damage
  • Example: 30% Fire Defense will reduce fire damage taken by 30%

Resistance to spirit magic

The percentage of resistance to damage from attacks by spirit magic.

  • Percentage reduction in final Spirit damage
  • Example: 30% Spirit Defense will reduce Spirit damage taken by 30%


Before damaging the character's health, the enemy must damage the defense, if any.

  • Defense is like extra health that can be gained through certain abilities
  • Max Defense = 25% of your Max Health
  • Some abilities increase maximum amount defense
  • Bug: Ability Unwavering Defense does not increase maximum defense

Armor level

The character's armor level reduces physical damage taken.

  • Reduces physical damage received in melee and ranged combat by the armor value * coefficient depending on difficulty (varies within 1-2, exact information is not yet available)
  • Applies before armor reduction from melee/ranged defenses
  • Some enemies have their own armor characteristics

Armor Level: Front

Physical damage dealt to the character from the front is reduced by the level of armor.

  • Functions like a normal armor level, but is only used when taking damage from the front
  • This parameter increases when wearing a shield; for all others, the value of Armor Level and Armor Level: before will be the same


A character whose health is reduced to zero falls unconscious and loses the ability to fight.

  • Current health

Maximum Health

The maximum amount of health a character has.

  • The amount of maximum health determines the character's survivability: the more it is, the more damage you can take and stay on your feet

Cause bleeding when hit

Chance that an enemy attack against a character causes the enemy to bleed. The effect lasts for several seconds.

  • Currently, this option does not work

Get stunned by getting hit

The likelihood that when an enemy attacks you, he will be stunned. The effect lasts for several seconds.

  • Indicates the percentage chance of stunning the target for 3 seconds when hit
  • Can work on ranged attacks if the enemy is standing close
  • Stun allows you to use combos (trigger abilities)
  • There is no internal re-stun delay



A resource acquired when damage is dealt. Each squad member has their own Focus bar, but whoever deals damage receives Focus for the entire squad.

  • Focus is required to use focus abilities, see specializations for details.

Maximum concentration

The maximum focus this character can accumulate.

  • Base value: 100, allows you to use level 1 focus abilities
  • At the first improvement it becomes equal to 200, allows you to use level 2 focus abilities
  • With the second improvement it becomes equal to 300, allows you to use level 3 focus abilities

Focus Gain Bonus

The specified % bonus is added to the focus received (regardless of what it was received for).

  • A value that increases the concentration received by n-amount %


The amount of current mana/stamina the character has. Mana and stamina are needed to use abilities (for warriors and robbers it’s stamina, for magicians it’s mana).

Max Mana/Stamina

The maximum possible mana/stamina reserve for a character. Menu and stamina are needed to use abilities.

  • Maximum mana/stamina = 100 and does not increase with level

Combat experience points

The character's current experience points.

  • Experience can be gained by killing enemies, completing quests, and many other actions.
  • By gaining experience, the character's level increases


The character's current combat level. Read more about levels on a separate page.

Ability Recovery Modifier

Reduces the cooldown time of all character abilities.

  • A value that reduces the recovery rate of abilities by n-amount of %

Large, well-developed game projects have one important feature - a huge number of various elements that should be taken into account when playing through the game. Most of them can be described in a couple of paragraphs, so it would not be wise to create a separate post for each tip or recommendation. Here I decided to describe all the elements, details and minor points that can seriously make it easier for you passing Dragon Age: Inquisition and make it more fun.

Almost any large role-playing game starting out is quite difficult. The thoughts in your head begin to get confused - first you think about choosing a race, then you immediately move on to considering the class, and after a couple of minutes things start to creep into your head interesting ideas on killing high dragons, and at this time the menu with the character editor is still “hanging” on the monitor screen. In general, sometimes you give up because of such huge opportunities, because sometimes you really don’t know where exactly to start. I hope my advice will help you overcome this minor crisis.

Take advantage of Dragon Age Keep
Team BioWare launched a special Internet portal for its new project, which allows you to study in more detail the game events that occurred in the first two games in the series, as well as choose what you would do in certain situations. After this, you can import the created world into Inquisition. This is a very innovative solution, because no one has created such a system before.
Choose your race carefully
When choosing a race, you should rely not only on your own tastes and preferences, but also on distinctive features race That is, if you like to play as a robber, then it is best to choose an elf, since representatives of this race are excellent at dodging long-range attacks. Qunari have increased resistance to close-range attacks, so they make excellent warriors. Dwarves are not afraid of magical attacks, since they have considerable resistance to magic, but at the same time they cannot become magicians. Humans are given an extra skill point, so they are a universal race and excellent choice for newbies.

Do not also forget that the choice of race will depend relationship game characters to the main character. In the Dragon Age universe, people still tower over other races, elves are not considered at all, gnomes are practically not noticed, since they rarely come to the surface, and the Qunari are considered strangers with a culture and traditions incomprehensible to many.

Think carefully about playing as a mage
Each class in Dragon Age: Inquisition is interesting in its own way and is very different from the other with many characteristics. However, magicians still have a peculiar advantage. If you decide to play as a magician, you will be able to more deeply experience the global conflict that has arisen between the templars and magicians. This confrontation was shown in almost all games in the series, and it is much more interesting to follow it if it is directly related to it. In addition, magicians have an excellent set of spells, thanks to which you can easily change the composition of your party depending on the situation.

Plus, magicians have an interesting specialization that allows you to complete the game as a sorcerer knight, that is, your magician at one point turns into a powerful melee fighter. Something similar was introduced back in Dragon Age: Origins.

Change the composition of your party
In the first and second parts of Dragon Age, most of the time I ran with the party collected at the very beginning of the game. In Inquisition things are a little different. Naturally, I also have favorites in the game, with whom I would like to spend much more time than with other companions. However, one day, going to a non-dangerous region, I decided to change my already established game and take a couple of “newbies”. As a result, I saw them from a completely different side. Firstly, there are new conversations and dialogues that allow us to better understand the motives and personalities of the characters. Secondly, at higher levels their fighting style turned out to be more effective than I previously thought. In general, you shouldn’t constantly go with the same heroes - change them when going to a non-dangerous location and, perhaps, the passage will become even more interesting for you.
Give due attention to the character editor
The guys from BioWare managed to develop an excellent character editor, thanks to which you can create a truly unique protagonist, and not plan out another “Pinocchio” and go straight into battle. Don't be lazy and give it due attention. Naturally, there is no need to go to extremes, sitting over the editor all day long, trying to create perfection itself.
Don't be afraid to start over
Everyone can make a mistake, but not everyone tries to correct it. If, after going through the introduction, you realize that the created character is absolutely not suitable for you (you don’t like his appearance, class or race), then start the game again. It's better to go through the prologue again than to play over a hundred hours with a character you don't like.
Don't be lazy to use the search button
The search button will be useful not only for collecting " loot" - the fact is that it is able to highlight all the important objects in the environment, and therefore with its help you can easily find the things that you need for the task.
Turn off lip gloss in the editor
When creating a character, be sure to turn off the lip gloss feature. To do this, go to the “Makeup” section and set the slider of the corresponding indicator to zero. If you don't do this or set the gloss to minimum, then the lips of the character you create will shimmer a lot in the cutscenes, which personally annoyed me.
You can almost freely redistribute your character’s skills only once
Not far from the forge located in the Vault, you can find a small stall - it is located with right side from the exit. In it you will find an amulet that gives you the opportunity to redistribute the main character’s skills. For the first time you will only be charged one coin. This way, you can change skills at the very beginning if you don’t like some of them. However, I recommend saving the game before doing this. This will help you redistribute several times until you find the optimal skill set.
First of all, explore the territory of the Vault
Very soon after you start playing Dragon Age: Inquisition, you will be allowed to walk through your new home in the Vault. Formally, you can already go to Hinterlands, in order to start completing secondary tasks, exploring new locations, and so on. However, I recommend you stay a while in the Vault. Be sure to check what quests are available in the Vault section and try to complete them. This will lead to new missions related to the Vault as you venture into the Hinterlands. These tasks can be an excellent source of experience at the initial stage of the game.
Knowledge is power!
Dragon Age: Inqusition features a very informative code, in which you can find a lot of useful information about the characters, creatures, kingdoms and events of the world of Thedas. Be sure to check it out, especially if you haven't played the first two games in the series or have forgotten what exactly happened in them. It would also be a good idea to take a look at the wiki. This will help you get accustomed to the universe faster and create a personal attachment to the game world. In this case, playing through the game will become much more interesting.
Remember to use research items for their intended purpose
In the Vault, in Josephine's office, you can find a character in charge of various research projects. She takes yellow research items, which are necessary to gain additional experience and damage. Therefore, upon returning to the fortress, be sure to visit this NPC. You can even write a reminder on some piece of paper or on your smartphone, since it is very easy to forget about it.
Runes can be replaced
Runes are incredibly useful additions to equipment. Most weapons can only be equipped with one rune, which adds a unique type of damage to it (Cold, Spirit, Electricity, and so on). The rune is used only once, that is, having installed it in a weapon, you cannot then remove the rune back. But it can be replaced with a stronger rune.
Upgrades for Bianca are sold on the market
Bianca is the crossbow of the dwarf Varric. Fortunately or unfortunately, it is the main weapon for this character, so it should be constantly improved, otherwise the effectiveness of the crossbow will sharply decrease. By the way, the main merchant in the Vault will give you one type of each improvement for Bianca completely free of charge. After that, you can go to the forge and put these improvements on the crossbow. This procedure can be an excellent mini-training in improving your own weapons.
Perform any available operations
The Inquisitor's companions can perform three operations at once. As soon as the operation is completed, you will immediately receive a corresponding message. You can easily forget about this and continue playing. So try right away come back to the military table in order to again involve his comrades in new operations.

Some of the operations can take quite a long time, since the game takes into account real time. Therefore, leave your advisors to perform the longest of them at night. It is not necessary that the game be turned on - missions continue to be completed even if Inquisition is turned off.

Take care of your helmets
In the game, you can enable or disable the display of a helmet on a character. This means that technically the hero will wear a helmet and receive all the benefits from wearing it, but at the same time he will become completely invisible in the cut scenes of the game. This feature is very useful, because many people want to see the face of a character that some might have spent a couple of hours creating.
Don't forget to visit your base from time to time
Exploring new regions and completing missions is, of course, good, but do not forget to visit your base from time to time. There are a huge number of things that you can only do in Skyhold that can help you on the battlefield. Therefore, after completing a quest or completing a goal, consider whether you should now return to the fortress to assess the situation and plan further actions.
Make not weapons, but armor
Most of the good weapons you will most likely find on the corpses of killed enemies or in chests. I don’t claim that this applies to everyone, since no one has yet canceled randomness. However, for me, creating weapons turned out to be not very profitable, so I switched to armor. In addition, when I started hunting dragons, I acquired a lot of valuable items that made excellent armor.
Develop upgrades for your equipment
I almost never came across any good upgrades for equipment in the outer lands, so I recommend it create them yourself. Add-ons like these can save your life or help you defeat a particularly powerful opponent. For this reason, you shouldn’t put the creation of improvements on the back burner, but rather start doing it as early as possible.
Constantly communicate with your companions
Fighting monsters and running around can sometimes be incredibly fun, but don't forget that this is a role-playing project from BioWare, which encourages conversations with your companions. The developers did their best - each companion turned out to be unique, and talking with many of them is no less exciting than handing out punches left and right. With the right conversation, you can unlock various quests and additional abilities from your comrades in arms, and even start a romance with some.
Check out retail outlets in Orlesian cities
In the first half of the game, according to the plot, you have to go to a large city located in Orlais. Several of Dragon Age: Inquisition's best merchants operate here. For example, in this city you can find a merchant who sells pure rune stones for almost nothing.
Take everything that is not screwed to the floor
Be sure to pick up things dropped from enemies or lying in chests. Even if you come across “junk”, you can still sell it, and our Inquisitor really needs money. In addition, you can often find quite valuable materials necessary for crafting powerful weapons or durable armor.
Listen to the bard in the tavern
In the Vault tavern you can find a wonderful bard girl who can sing several different songs for you. You can greatly expand its repertoire by collecting lyrics from other songs. This has little effect on the plot, but it increases the atmosphere of the game.
Don't leave your comrades unchecked in battle
The normal difficulty level allows you to focus all your attention only on the main character, allowing the rest of the party to act independently. However, in some battles, for example, with high dragons, without additional satellite control it is better don't leave, since only you can correctly place your characters, formulate competent tactics and dodge flying projectiles well. In addition, by controlling your companions, you will learn what it is like to play other classes in this RPG. Often when walking around wild lands your hero or companions may say something like, “It would be a good idea to take a look around.” It means that there is some kind of hidden object near you. You can find it using the search button. In addition, such areas are usually highlighted on the mini-map. However, they are easy to miss, so always listen to what your comrades in arms are telling you, because there may well be excellent armor or useful materials lying in the nearby bushes.
Don't overestimate your capabilities
Each zone has a recommended level range. Therefore, if you decide to go to a region for high-level characters with a low-level hero, then you will most likely have to be carried out of there feet first. But you should also not spend hours wandering around low-level locations, otherwise at a certain point you will simply outgrow the unexplored zones, and going through them will become much more boring, because the objects found there will not correspond to your parameters, and the monsters will not be able to oppose you.
Look for astrariums
Astrariums- These are mysterious devices created during the time of the true power of the Teventir Empire and scattered throughout Thedas. In Dragon Age: Inquisition, the player can find astrariums to receive pentagonal chests as a reward.

Astrarium quests are issued in almost every more or less large location in the game. To do this, you need to find the astrarium on the map, which is indicated with a special icon: four-pointed star in a circle. Most astrariums are located on hills, so near higher elevations, try to find a path leading to the top of the hill.

After activating the astrarium, a menu with a constellation will open on your monitor screen. Your goal will be to connection all stars as indicated in the figure in the lower right corner, while it is forbidden to go through each line more than once.

Some constellations may be difficult for you, but if you know exactly how the system works, then opening them will become much easier. The main thing is to find the stars in it where it converges odd number lines. When you find them, you should start with one of them and finish with the other, otherwise you will not be able to solve the problem.

However, in a number of constellations of similar stars it may not to be. Then you can start solving the puzzle from any star, but you will have to finish your journey there. Sometimes you come across constellations with extra stars, that is, they are completely no need lead the lines. To avoid falling for the trick, carefully study the diagram presented at the bottom of the screen. After drawing all the lines, you should click on the “finish” button located on the left and then the true appearance of the constellation will be revealed to you.

After activating your first astrarium, you will immediately be given a quest to find the remaining constellations. All of them will be marked on the map. To complete this task you will have to activate them all. The last of the astrariums will indicate the approximate location of the cave where a reward for your labors will await you. The exact location is not marked, so you will most likely have to carefully explore the location. The entrance to the cave is usually hidden among trees or small hills. There may be different opponents inside: from giant spiders to the vile living dead. Here you will find pentagonal chests, where rare equipment is stored.

There are fifteen astrariums in total in Dragon Age: Inquisition - three for each of the five game levels: Crestwood, Storm Coast, Hinterlands, Emerald Graves and Western Reach. For activating all the constellations you will be given the “Stargazer” achievement.

If you hurry, you will make people laugh
Don't rush and make rash decisions. Plan your next step carefully and set several goals at a time. You don’t need to rush through the story like a locomotive, otherwise you’ll miss out on a lot of interesting things the developers have prepared for you. Moreover, in this case, you will not be able to get used to the world and personally experience all the hardships, joys and losses of the Inquisitor. Also try to explore new zones, where you can meet many interesting characters and complete a couple of exciting quests. Some side missions are almost as intense as the main storyline in terms of intensity and unexpected twists.
In difficult battles, use tactical mode
Most battles on medium difficulty won't pose much of a challenge to you. But in some battles you will still have to work hard. Can ease a serious battle tactical mode, with which you can assess the situation and plan your further actions. Therefore, you should not neglect them.
This is not an escape! This is a tactical retreat!
Anything can happen in the game, including getting into a situation where you cannot win. In this case, it may be much wiser not to die along with your comrades on the battlefield, but to try to escape, regroup your forces and re-engage in battle. Remember, this is not a flight, but simply a tactical retreat, so do not reproach yourself for such actions.
Before replenishing potions, drink the remaining ones in your inventory
Quite often, when completing tasks, you will notice boxes with elixirs on the ground. They are very useful, since potions are one of the most effective ways treating the hero during battles. But before replenishing your supplies, instruct your companions to drink all the elixirs they have left. This will replenish their health bar and maximize their total hit points before you take more potions.
Keep companions of different classes with you
Thedas has many closed locations that can be accessed in several ways. For example, robbers can open locked doors, only warriors can break through fragile walls, and only magicians can remove magical barriers. Therefore, I recommend keeping as diverse a team as possible in your party.
Conquer mountain peaks
Finally, in a BioWare game, the main character can jump. Now fences and fallen trees are no obstacle for you. Moreover, if you wish, you can even climb to the top of a nearby mountain. The main thing is not to give up when you slip and continue to jump towards your dream. When you get to the very top, your party members will automatically be transferred to you.
In later stages of the game you can skip normal equipment
Towards the end, picking up simple equipment will become unprofitable, since they will be bought in stores for next to nothing, but at the same time they will take up useful place in your inventory. Collect only purple and blue items.

I guess I'll end here. If you also have useful tips, then you can write them in the comments to the post.

So, we decided to prepare for you a guide to passing the game, thereby arming you with knowledge so that in the future you will not have any serious problems with the game. This guide will appear in the form of tips.

Unfortunately, you will not be able to transfer saves from previous games in the series, but this does not mean that all your old achievements and awards will just disappear - nothing has been forgotten. All decisions that you once made in, as well as in, will be transferred to the new part. To do this, you just have to use a service called Dragon Age Keep. Using this program, you will transfer all the brightest and most epic events from past games in the series, all old parameters will be restored. Thus, any decision made a long time ago will be reflected in the new world of the game. And besides this, you have a great opportunity to refresh old memories from past parts.

This is, so to speak, a “personnel” issue and in the game it is almost the most important. You will spend the bulk of your journey in this wonderful game in pleasant company, so it is very important to ensure that your team is balanced. You must have a warrior with a shield, as he will take all the enemies' attention. It is also extremely important to have one robber and one mage. The magician will be able to support your entire group, and not only you, even your other allies. And the rogue will deal the most damage - which is very important. Well, give the last place to the one you like best. At the very beginning of the game, you will receive a balanced group: here you will have a warrior or, as everyone used to call him, a “tank” - Cassandra, an interesting magician named Solas, and old Varrick, known to everyone as a robber. A little later, of course, you can easily change your composition.

We will try to analyze this advice for you on magicians. In your organization you can recruit three magicians who can be in your group, they are Vivienne, Solas and Dorian. Please note that you should not develop heroes according to the same template, that is, put all your skill points into the same pyromancy. Let each of your heroes develop in different directions; for magicians, let it be a school of spirit, lightning, cold and much more. The main thing is that all this does not happen again! Thus, do the same with warriors and robbers - develop them in different directions! Also choose your party members so that the team is unique and not repeated!

While traveling around the world, you will encounter more than one barrier on your way. Such barriers usually block the path to something very valuable and interesting. To destroy these barriers, you will have to shoot at them with a staff. But the whole difficulty lies in the fact that there are three types of magical barriers: the first is fiery, indicated in red; the second is icy, indicated in blue, and the third is spiritual, which is indicated in purple. Each barrier can only be destroyed by the corresponding element. More precisely, the opposite: fire will deactivate the ice barrier and, accordingly, vice versa, but electric attacks are used against the spiritual barrier. If you are trying to ensure that you don’t miss anything in the game, then we recommend that you do not neglect this advice.

In addition to the fact that you develop characters in the game, you will also have to develop the organization itself - the Inquisition. Complete tasks that will increase the level of your organization and be sure to upgrade special skills/abilities/perks/passives. First of all, we recommend that you level up “Skillful Hands”, more precisely “Deft Hands, Fine Tools”. It is located in a category called "Secrets", in other words "Secrets". This opportunity will allow absolutely all heroes with the Rogue class to open complex locks, behind which you will find very valuable loot!

With a properly grouped team and if they still have quite high level, then the bulk of the battles in the game should take place without using this tactical pause. But sometimes you will still come across very difficult battles, in which even a second matters a lot. This is where this pause mode comes in handy. When it gets too “hot”, quickly switch to a tactical view and look carefully, think about it and give orders to your players. In general, according to this principle, you will need to move until the very victorious end. It may take longer, but it significantly increases the chances of survival.

First of all, we advise you to visit those locations where it is possible to set up a Camp. In this case, you will definitely not regret your time spent. There are two points worth noting here: the first point is that you will be able to move extremely quickly, which thereby helps to perform secondary tasks; second point - this will come in handy when the battle is at its peak and you don’t have any jars of healing potion left.

Tip eight - Talk to everyone who can talk

Any veteran who plays the toy knows this advice, but if you are encountering their games for the first time, then take this into account. Even though previous games from these developers had smaller sizes in all respects, but here... here you need to talk to absolutely everyone. Communication with any creature of this world will help you understand this world much more and learn more about the relationships between various individuals. In addition to all this, you can also receive a quest. And by the way, your allies will help you tell much more than any other character. Therefore, we recommend that after each significant quest you talk with your comrades. Thus, you will definitely not miss the chance to increase or decrease the reputation of this ally, you will also be able to get a very interesting task or even see an interesting picture - for example, when Cassandra beats Varrick.

As you progress through the game, you will almost constantly come across various mines or plants. Here you just need to not be lazy and collect it all. This will happen quite quickly and the benefits will be considerable. For example, with the help of collected materials you can improve/create equipment. And we will tell you more - resources are necessary to raise your organization! In addition, as a couple, you will also need resources to complete any quest. And in the end - you will simply be drawn in, we assure you.

While you are there chopping up dragons and trying to save the world from disaster by the sweat of your brow, your advisors are eating their backsides in the fortress. Therefore, so that they do not feel like they are in “chocolate,” it is necessary to constantly load them with work. Try to return to your home as often as possible and load them with work. Directions are issued in the meeting room. For example, your agents will be able to collect gold in support of your organization, settle political problems, establish very useful agreements, even get equipment for you, but that’s not all, we don’t reveal much to you to make it interesting. Each advisor has its own execution time, so everything can take from a minute to several hours. The counter will move in real time, so we recommend that you give the most complex and lengthy tasks for them. But when you return, the advisor will be ready to provide you with a report.

As the developers themselves claim, it can take as much as 180 hours of play! Therefore, if you don’t like something about the new hero or you did something wrong, then feel free to start playing again. It is best to sacrifice these measly couple of hours in order to finally complete the game to the very end.

In your Inquisition hideout, on the right side of the entrance there is a small shop - here they can sell you a unique item with which you can reset all your hero’s skill points. This way you can redistribute them in a new way! , use this item to radically rebuild an uncomfortable hero, unless of course you really like the skills.

We'll talk about the Inquisition's hideout, because it's just a huge location where a large number of a variety of interesting subjects/objects/things/characters, etc. After all, the plot of this game is structured in such a way that you can easily skip this Vault and move on to a new location. We recommend that you do not do this, because you still need to carefully study the headquarters, talk with all your comrades, complete a couple of tasks and carefully study the assortment of local artisans.

In addition to the fact that you can launch operations here, in the Vault you can also study a variety of found objects that you were able to find during your travels. For studying them, you will certainly receive bonuses - for example, increased damage against certain enemies. Do not forget about this opportunity, because it is very useful in passing.

At the very beginning of the game, you will meet a dwarf named Varric, who will be armed with only one crossbow. You won't be able to change his weapon, but you can buy various upgrades/improvements for her! Try to remember to do this, because Varrick is no weaker than the rest of your team.

In a location called "Hinterlands", you need to get to the owner of the horses as soon as possible - a plot task. This character will be able to give you a horse, which will make your journey in the game much easier.

Still, it is not recommended to constantly move around on a horse. After all, when traveling on horseback, you will not be able to hunt or collect useful resources, much less carry out another battle. In battle you will find yourself in a rather awkward position. We recommend that you ride in already explored locations. And to travel longer distances, it is best to use the system of local camps, which will instantly transport you to the chosen point.

Soon the game will take you to a place called Val Royeaux - a huge city with a bunch of trading shops! Carefully study the local assortment - here you can find many useful items at quite reasonable prices. And by the way, we recommend that you hold your money until your visit to this city, because in the beginning you can wait until you visit Val Ruaino.

It’s worth noting that, as always, the game fits in just perfectly! One of your main tasks is the development of the Inquisition and the spread of its influence. For this quest, every good deed will benefit you (any completed quest will increase the influence of your Inquisition!).

When you open the quest log, your eyes will immediately catch the story quests, of course, the thought immediately arises of completing them first. We recommend that you do the following: open your map and choose a route to your destination story mission, and on the way to your goal, simply complete additional/side tasks. We assure you that you will get great pleasure from the experience.

This is not only one continuous war/battles/skirmishes/battles, tragedies/pain/sadness - this is love too! Choose the one or the one you like the most, set a goal for yourself! After that, find out a little about this character, study her/his character carefully, eventually begin to assent and constantly lean towards her/his side. The romantic lines here are worked out just perfectly, so just enjoy!