DIY children's house made of chipboard. Children's playground: wooden house for children at the dacha

Who among us didn’t want to have our own playhouse as a child? Remember all these “headquarters” in the bushes, huts made of chairs and blankets? A children's playhouse on a tree, seen in foreign films and seemed like the ultimate dream? Today, the assortment of stores is replete with various models that can make such a dream a reality. Well, if you can’t afford to buy a ready-made house, you can always make a children’s house with your own hands, creating your own individual play corner for the child.

Beautiful house for children

  • Owners of a private house or summer cottage can create a children's house on the street.
  • Models made from solid logs look good.
  • An original option for boys is a house in the shape of a ship.
  • A childhood dream is a playhouse in a tree.
  • You can also set up a children's playhouse in the apartment, and you can use more available material than for the street - cardboard, fabric.

Painted small house

Why do you need a children's house?

This seemingly simple game element actually brings a lot of benefits to the child.

  1. Child's personal space. Here you can retire, keep your secrets, get used to having your own “comfort zone.” This gives children more confidence.
  2. Space for playing role models (remember the well-known “mother-daughter” games?). Psychologists insist that such entertainment is important for the formation of personality and awareness of social roles.
  3. An original way to teach a child order. Cleaning an apartment is boring. But cleaning your own house is another matter. This is how grafting happens useful habit– from smallest to largest.
  4. IN one-room apartment This is a great way to give your child his own territory.
  5. Decorating such a house helps develop a sense of taste. So, be sure to involve your child in the setting process. Better yet, entrust it completely to your children.
Solid wood house

Advantages of creating a children's house with your own hands

  • Saving. Ready-made houses are very expensive. Creating with your own hands allows you not only to please the child, but also to take care of the family budget.
  • Reliability of materials. You know what you are working with and can be confident that the materials you choose are environmentally friendly and safe.
  • Confidence in the strength of the structure. In the case of a children's playhouse, the degree of reliability of the fastenings plays a key role in the safety of the child. Only by making it yourself can you be sure that it will withstand any children's games.
  • Selecting the optimal design and size. When you make a house yourself, you have the opportunity to immediately make it in the desired style and with the required dimensions.
Small house for children

Let's start planning

Look at the estimate and drawing again. Estimate how much time and money your idea will require. If necessary, make changes. Remember: this hallway renovation can be put off from year to year. But an unfinished playhouse will be a great disappointment for children.

Small house in the room

Choosing material

Do-it-yourself children's houses are made of wood, cardboard or fabric.

Wood is the best option for outdoor playhouses. It is durable and allows you to create designs various designs, environmentally friendly and aesthetically attractive.

Children's playhouse frame

Cardboard and fabric - good options for apartments where the mobility of the structure plays an important role. It is possible that sometimes a house can simply interfere with the walls of an apartment, and fabric and cardboard can make it easily disassembled or even foldable.


Choosing a design - from simple to complex

log cabin

This design is not only difficult to assemble, but also requires serious investments, after all wooden frame It's not cheap. But from a visual point of view, this option is impeccable. If funds allow, treat your child to a fairy-tale house.

Small playhouse for children

Let's move on to construction

Let's consider the process of creating a children's house with your own hands using the example of a structure made of timber. To begin with, let's decide on the drawing. When the design selection is complete, we begin purchasing materials.

We will need following materials:

Small house for two girls

First, we assemble the frame from the beams according to the drawings. Next, we cover the resulting frame with boards. Important detail: the minimum thickness of the boards is 2 cm. Thinner options will result in a structure that is too shaky and unsafe.

DIY children's playhouse

A roof frame is created and installed on the house itself. After which the roof is covered (depending on the selected material). We recommend ondulin as safe and durable.

To increase safety, it is better to varnish or paint the house after assembly.

Small house

A few words about communications

Still, a gaming house is not a full-fledged home. And it would be unnecessary to bring communications to it. It is better to give water to the child in separate containers, just for playing. But electricity in a children's playhouse is not a safe option. It is better to choose battery-powered lamps, or give your child a table lamp.

Bright do-it-yourself children's house

Particular attention should be paid fire safety, especially if the playhouse is made of wood. Be sure to process everything wooden surfaces with special fire-retardant paints or completely cover it with siding.

Small house

The final stage - interior design

Again, remember that the house is designed for play, not for living. Accordingly, his requirements for the situation are different. There is no need for wardrobes or other bulky furniture. They will only overload the space, robbing the child of a place to play. Equip the house simple benches along the walls - so it can accommodate both your child and friends who come to him. To avoid furniture falling, it is better to immediately mount it on the floor. From mobile options, add soft knitted ottomans or a pear chair, if the size of the house allows. Another great option for a playhouse is a hammock.

Wooden house for children

Children usually play on the floor, so a table in the house is not necessary. But soft blankets for the floor will not hurt.

Remember that order in any room, including a playroom, directly depends on the presence of elements capable of organizing this order. Do you want to prevent your child from having toys lying around in his house? So, provide him with boxes or drawers for storing such toys. You can install a real chest in the house. With it, the process of collecting toys will only become more fun and enjoyable.

Big castle

Among the functional items in the house, an easel or a chalk board will also look good. Creating in your own corner is a real pleasure, and your child will certainly appreciate this opportunity.

The inside of a girl's house can be equipped with a toy kitchen. Little princesses will undoubtedly appreciate this approach and the opportunity to play “mummy.”

Children's playhouse for children

Don't skimp on exterior decor either. Add carved elements to the house - shutters, balusters, railings. Install a bright weather vane or even a flag on the roof of the house. If the house is high, attach a rope ladder or rope nearby. All this will make the house not only more attractive, but also more interesting for games.

Children's playhouse

Let's sum it up

A children's house is a whole springboard for DIY activities. If you have even minimal carpentry skills, you can create something unique for your child, give him a play space and a place for development. Whatever model you end up focusing on, try to involve children in the construction process. This way you will instill in them a love for physical labor, crafts, creativity, teach them dedication, develop their creative abilities.

Children's house with a fence

A house created by the hands of your parents will be a daily reminder of your feelings and an undoubted participant in daily children's games. And finally, creating a children’s house with your own hands is an opportunity to realize the dreams of not only your son or daughter, but also your own childhood dreams. Create a larger house for your child and rest assured, there will be a place for you in it too.

Children's playhouse ready to paint

Video: We build a children's house with our own hands

50 photos of children's house design ideas:

It is simply necessary to keep children occupied at the dacha, because adults are absorbed in the garden or vegetable garden, and children remain unattended at this time. A playhouse on a playground will occupy a child’s attention for a long time, especially if it looks like a fairy-tale palace or a space rocket—there are no limits to imagination. It’s easy to build a wooden hut with your own hands - look at the photo gallery, with what imagination and love they build it playhouses some parents. Everything their kids dreamed of was realized and built. Read this article to the end, then even the most complex and fantastic playhouse project will be within your grasp.

Wood - natural natural material, which does not cause allergic reactions in children and adults. Children's houses are best made from wood, which does not heat up in the sun like metal or plastic; does not release phenols into the air when heated by sunlight, as happens with some types of plastics. Wooden logs or boards can be easily purchased within walking distance from the location of the summer cottage.

Wood of different species has a unique texture pattern, which can be preserved by covering the wooden houses with a layer protective varnish. Wood is easily painted with any paint, so a wooden hut for children to play can be painted in bright colors, giving the house a fabulous flavor.

Play complex for children with a house

What place to choose for a gaming hut

A playhouse for a child should be built in a place that parents can control from anywhere in the summer cottage.

You should not densely plant a wooden hut with shrubs and trees - frequent watering of green spaces planted next to the house can increase soil moisture, which causes the development of mold and fungal infections wooden parts. It is worth placing the playground with a hut away from fountains, pools and ponds.

Advice! The house should be located away from the shish kebab or barbecue area - the proximity of an open fire, especially in windy weather, can cause a fire in the children's house. Wooden parts A playhouse for children must be treated with special fire-fighting agents.

Project of a house for a children's playground

The choice of house design should correspond to the basic ideas that the parents decided to implement on their own.

  • The dimensions of the building depend on the actual availability of free space on the site allocated for the construction of a children's hut.
  • Availability of foundation. When constructing a foundation for a wooden playhouse, the service life of the building increases significantly. Wooden parts, not coming into contact with wet soil, do not become covered with mold and rot, eliminating the possibility of developing fungal infections of the wood.
  • Mobility – the playhouse can be collapsible. In this case, you can move the play structure to different areas.
  • Type of construction - the house can be built open or closed. IN closed house a doorway and at least two window openings must be provided. Hut open type resembles a gazebo with a fencing belt at the bottom, the roof of which is supported by four vertical beams.

Project of a children's house for a summer residence

Roof design – it is worth providing a pitched roof on a playhouse for children, then children will not be able to climb on it, thus preventing injuries and falls. If the construction is of a stationary type, it will stand on the site in winter, pitched roof will not allow accumulation a large number snow. In spring, the snow begins to melt, moisture seeps inside wooden structures, causing premature destruction.

Advice! Finishing interior walls– the wall surfaces of wooden houses should be finished smooth, otherwise the child can easily get splinters on his hands.

The height of the openings is provided in the following dimensions:

  • window openings – from 55 cm from the surface of the floor covering.
  • doorways – the minimum accepted height of the child is 25 cm.

Types of wooden houses (using different materials)

Advice! Wooden houses for a children's playground can be made from different materials: boards, plywood, logs.

Parts of plywood houses are cut out of a thick sheet of waterproof plywood in full size. Strengthening the cut parts is carried out on the erected frame of wooden beams using self-tapping screws. Installation of plywood houses does not take much time. The support for the structure can be a pre-built foundation or a thick beam laid in the ground as a support belt.

The assembly of a hut from boards is carried out in a similar way. All parts must be pre-treated with antiseptic substances to prevent premature rotting. Boards with a thickness of at least 40 cm are cut according to a template. Then a frame of wooden beams is erected. The frame is tied with boards, making sure to create the necessary openings for children to enter and interior lighting huts.

Two-story wooden house

It is best to have a high gable roof. With this roof shape, the hut takes on a fabulous look. The roof can be made of boards, covering it with siding or rolled roofing materials to protect it from precipitation. The high roof, finished with pieced roofing tiles, takes on an amazing look. The roof area of ​​the playhouse is small, so we cannot talk about the large costs of decorating a children's hut.

The most exotic houses for children are made from logs; the option made from birch trunks with bark looks very interesting. When building a hut from logs, you need to have some skills in working with round logs - the house is assembled using a special technology (installation in grooves along notches). Interior decoration A log house can be provided with or without wall cladding. In any case, the log cabin is the most durable option playhouse, especially if there is a foundation support.

If there is an old tree growing on the site that is planned to be destroyed, a children's playhouse can be built on the trunk of this tree. In order for the child to get inside the hut, it is worth building a safe staircase with railings.

Any version of a play hut, built with your own hands, will decorate the area and cause a lot of delight among the kids. Invite them to participate in the discussion of the house project, and also assign simple tasks to the children construction works, for example, painting shutters or exterior walls of a house. In any case, the child will be proud of the beautiful playground, which he equipped together with his parents.

Playhouse for children: video

“Chick-chirk, I’m in the house,” is the kids’ favorite saying when they are playing tag. It turns out that each of them dreams of their own premises, so caring parents are ready to build a house for their child with their own hands in an apartment, in the yard or on a summer cottage.

Having separate apartments that you can furnish yourself with personal belongings is a truly worthy desire for a child. Here he will be able to spend his leisure time usefully, dream about a wonderful future, “fly in the clouds” and prepare for adult life. This makes it easier for parents to do important household chores without worrying about their child.

Currently, many versions of such play structures are produced. They can easily be purchased in the children's section of any supermarket. But if the budget does not allow you to give such a gift to your baby, this is not a reason to leave him without his own “abode”. Wise parents remember school labor lessons, find suitable materials, tools and get down to business.

According to most psychologists, play buildings develop useful skills in children that will be useful to them in adulthood.

DIY child's house in an apartment: purpose and importance

A miniature house, built with your own hands on the territory of the apartment, plays an important role in the development of the baby as a person. Here he feels like a rightful owner. Responsible for its execution. Maintains order and spends his leisure time. As a result, the child develops the following qualities:

  • thrift;
  • responsibility;
  • love of home;
  • careful handling of valuables;
  • independence.

But the most basic function of a house for children is a useful pastime. On the one hand, here he has the most convenient playing area, on the other hand, it is unique. Child psychologists say that such “buildings” are one of the most common dreams of children. They imagine themselves as masters;

  • a fairy-tale house on chicken legs;
  • Indian wigwam;
  • a decorated royal tent;
  • forest wooden hut.

The benefits of such dreams about a children's house are development psychological state little inhabitant of the earth. Parents often notice how their child huddles in a corner, hides in a closet, under a table, or secludes himself in his room or on the balcony. And this does not mean that he is planning to do some kind of prank (cut the dog’s hair or test the “taste” of his mother’s lipstick). Probably, the time is already coming when he wants to create a personal space away from the “caring” eyes of his parents. Now is the time to design a house for a child in an apartment with your own hands to meet his needs.

A tool for proper development

For a child, such a structure becomes the real center of the Universe. Here he keeps his “jewels”, personal belongings, toys dear to his heart. When guests come to him, he receives them on his territory, so he decides what to entertain and treat them with. He tries to care for him 24 hours a day, for which he is responsible to his parents.

In such a developmental house for children it is easy to retire to:

  • read your favorite fairy tale;
  • create masterpieces from plasticine;
  • paint pictures;
  • prepare lunch for the doll and feed it;
  • wait patiently for your prince.

What little kids dream about when they retire to their amazing dream oasis.

Parents should not forget that the child feels safe in such houses. Therefore, they need to fully support their endeavors.

With the help of a homemade house for a child in an apartment, parents help develop self-esteem. Over time, they will become self-confident, ready for new difficulties. The lack of such a play area often leads to the following factors:

  • growing up, the child does not want to equip his nest;
  • he has complete indifference to his place of residence;
  • increased desire to have a personal home.

Although the latter factor seems noble, it often leads to family discord. The unbridled desire to create your own little world at any cost causes a lot of suffering to people dear to your heart. Therefore, sensible parents try to take a balanced approach to parenting issues, using expert advice. But how to make a house for a child in an apartment in order to develop positive traits? Let's consider the wise advice of experts.

Types of designs

No matter the size of the children's room, the child still wants to have his own personal space. In it he will be able to hide from others, relax and go about his important business. Manufacturers offer many different types of playhouses for children. To an apartment or to a dacha, to a playground or to a private house. Having become acquainted with the options, everyone is free to make their own choice, the main thing is to please the kids.

There are designs different sizes, therefore it is necessary to take into account the living area of ​​​​the room. Compact houses are suitable for apartments, spacious ones for country houses.

Often, children's houses for apartments are made from the following materials:

  • natural wood;
  • plastic;
  • textile;
  • cardboard;
  • plywood.

The main selection criteria are the design shape, material and purpose.

Wood products

Playhouses made from this material often resemble a real home. Therefore, they are installed not only on the street, but also in the apartment. The design looks good in a child’s play area and requires special care. It must be frequently ventilated, and the parts must be treated with anti-fungal agents.

You can make a children's house in an apartment with your own hands from plywood. This will be a wonderful analogue of a structure made of natural wood. If you decorate it beautifully, it will also resemble a real residential building.

Plastic structures

A modern alternative to wooden houses is plastic products. Such designs are preferred by those parents who are not able to make a house on their own.

Often prefabricated houses for children are made from plastic. Original red roof, stable “stone” foundation, carved windows, a chimney, a canopy protruding above the porch. In just a few minutes, your baby can become the owner of this exquisite masterpiece. He will arrange the interior of the building: he will put a chair, throw a rug on the floor, and cover the windows with curtains. Indeed, houses for children made of plastic are a cozy abode for dreams!

In addition, they resemble a construction set that can be assembled and disassembled at will. And how convenient it is to care for them! Each part is thoroughly washed in soapy water once a year, which helps keep the structure clean. Exist different kinds design of such “toys”:

  • designs Pink colour with turrets for young princesses;
  • dark fortresses for boys;
  • multi-deck boat for kids.

All of them are made from quality material, which is odorless and durable.

Inflatable structures for strong one-year-olds

Most best option- an inflatable house for a child in the room where he spends his leisure time. Since it is considered the safest “structure”, it is used for active games with children. They are made from PVC fabric. They do not have sharp corners, but children really enjoy jumping on the slightly undulating surface. The design is convenient to fold and move around the house.

Under the canopy of a colorful tent

A bright house tent for children in an apartment is a great opportunity to give your child a real fairy tale. It’s easy to imagine yourself as a treasure hunter, a brave traveler, and even an Indian. The house can be purchased ready-made or made with your own hands. In any case, the child will love such a colorful play structure.

To raise productive members of society, moms and dads make great sacrifices to achieve this goal. They communicate with them, educate them, teach them and, of course, play with them. Creating a house for children in an apartment with your own hands through joint efforts is a sure way to touch their young hearts. To do this, just follow these steps:

  • set a goal;
  • design a building;
  • choose a place in the room;
  • purchase materials;
  • prepare tools;
  • consult with family;
  • allocate time;
  • act.

When your heart is full of enthusiasm, all you have to do is figure out how to make a small house for your beloved baby with your own hands. Useful tips masters will help young parents cope with this task.

Fabric tent

To build a spacious playhouse, a large area will be required, so this option suitable for those, who large apartments. If you don’t have that luxury, it doesn’t matter. Even in small room You can create a house for children with your own hands - a tent from multi-colored fabrics. To do this you will need to make a frame from a suitable material:

  • wooden slats;
  • aluminum tubes;
  • plastic structures.

The master himself chooses what he likes best. Some use parts old furniture. You can even take a regular table as a base and cover it with a piece of fabric. Of course, initially they measure the parameters of the table, calculate the size of the canvas and sew a kind of cover. Ready product pulled onto the prepared table.

When creating a house for children in an apartment with your own hands, it is not necessary to purchase new fabric. Tents made from old bedspreads or remnants of thick curtain fabric look original. Windows made from polyethylene will help give the house a special look. A secure lock in the form of a regular zipper is installed at the entrance. In this case, the structures are made from a mattress or a thick blanket. Here the child will be comfortable, warm and pleasant to spend his leisure time.

Most quick option playhouse - Indian wigwam. Several supports, a fabric sheet and the structure is ready. It is easy to move around the room, which is especially popular with kids.

Play tunnel for developing motor skills

Caring parents watch closely physical development your child. An invaluable help in this matter is a fabric tunnel for children. How to sew this with your own hands original device? Luckily, it's quite simple. For construction you will need:

  • thick fabric;
  • several metal or plastic hoops;
  • strong threads;
  • sewing machine.

The first step is to calculate the structure. The next step is to cut out the necessary parts. They are sewn together in the form of a long bag, inside of which several hoops are installed. With the help of such a device, the child will be able to actively and cheerfully spend his leisure time in the apartment.

Construction for children made of cardboard

An original version of a playhouse for busy parents is to make it from scrap materials. Often this can be thick cardboard. It is better to use standard sheets that are easy to cut and then join into a structure.

When cutting the material, accidental creases or cuts should not be allowed. Otherwise it will suffer appearance structures.

A more affordable way to make a house for children out of cardboard with your own hands is to use packaging boxes from large household appliances. First, mark the openings (windows, doors). Next, using a sharp utility knife, cut these holes on the box. Together they begin to decorate the playhouse. Children can paint it to their liking, and parents can add decorative items.

If you plan to make a house for a girl in the apartment, you should think about the interior.
The “room” should have enough space for all the necessary things. This includes a crib for a doll, a stroller, a “closet” for clothes, a toy kitchen, and a hospital. Young housewives will undoubtedly be grateful to their parents for such participation in their lives.

Made from cardboard, they are intended for dry rooms because they are resistant to moisture. They are also easy to destroy. Therefore, such designs are suitable for calm, rather than dynamic kids.

Playhouse made of cardboard - video

Every child needs his own personal space where he can play, dream, or just have fun with friends. You can build a playhouse from scrap materials, making your child’s cherished wish come true.

First of all, consult with your child and listen to his wishes: someone will like a house complex with bunk bed, someone will want to play in a hut, while others can even build a house in a tree or in the yard - there are a lot of options, but they need to be weighed against your own capabilities.

Playhouse for children made from a cardboard box

The simplest and cheap option make a playhouse for children. The main thing is to choose a dense and large cardboard box, for example, from under the refrigerator or washing machine. Windows and doors are cut in it using a stationery knife, and a roof is made from glued pieces of thick cardboard. It is better to draw the design of the future house on paper: if the child is already old enough, you can ask him to help decorate his own house.

The joints in the box must be properly glued with tape so that the structure does not fall apart during use. The junction of doors and windows with the walls also needs to be secured with tape or fabric tape, otherwise the cardboard will tear very quickly. As for the decor, you can use paints and pencils to create fantasy drawings with the whole family, cover the walls with old wallpaper, colored stickers, colored paper applications, and so on. Inside the house, you can even hang mini curtains and lay down a rug to keep your child warm.

You can make more complex ones architectural forms: Use just the frame, and use individual pieces of cardboard to create a porch, roof, and even some furniture. You can make a whole palace out of several large boxes, and if the joints are properly reinforced, the structure will be collapsible. Large boxes are cut along the side joints, and then the corners are taped with wide masking tape. Furniture in the house can be made “built-in” (glue the table to the walls, and make chairs from small folding boxes).


To play, you can sew a small tent or hut from fabric. We will need a frame and an old sheet or bedspread. The hut can be collapsible or stationary, so it is suitable for a children's room of any size. The basis will be long wooden beams or PVC pipes(5 pieces), 1.7-1.8 meters long, they can be purchased at any hardware store. The beams are sanded and painted so that the child does not accidentally scratch himself or get a splinter. We make a base in the form of a pentagon from planks or strong wire, attach a beam to each corner, and then collect it from above into a bundle and tie it tightly with rope or wire.

We cut the sheet in the form of a semicircle with a small hole; it can be secured to the frame with ties. You should put a soft rug or mattress on the floor and place it inside table lamp or lampshade.

We are offering to you step-by-step master class another hut that you can make with your own hands without any effort special effort. To do this you will need 3 round bars, 4 wooden planks for the frame, pencil, drill, tape measure, finishing fabric, thread, scissors.

First, it would be good to make at least a rough drawing of a wooden house: it’s one thing if it’s a shelter for one child, another thing if it’s for a group of friends.

From the top and bottom edges of each of the 4 planks (their length is approximately 160-170 cm), mark 15 or 20 cm. At the mark site, drill holes for the round bars. The planks need to be placed in pairs in a row to check that the holes match.

After this, you can sew the fabric (its length should be 10-15 cm greater than the height of the house). We leave holes in the lower edges of the canvas into which round bars will be inserted. You can also provide special fastenings (loops, elastic bands, Velcro), but this is more troublesome. By the way, it is better to choose a light, translucent fabric, then it will transmit more light.

You can start assembling the children's house. We insert the lower edges of the round bars into the canvas and secure them well on top with wire, a large screw or rope. We put a mattress, pillows, and rug inside the house to make it cozy and comfortable at any time of the year.

By the way, the basis of a small tent may well be a gymnastic hoop, but such a tent is mainly attached to the ceiling using a metal hook. You can simply build a hut on a wire frame. To do this, we make a rectangle and then cover it with fabric. You can decorate the “windows” with curtains, decorate the frame with colored appliques, make folding door, shelves for toys. Of course, such a design will take up a lot of space, but your child will really like it.

Here are some more interesting variations of children's houses. The simplest one is to make a small dome over the bed, which can be removed at night and installed as needed. The dome can be made on flexible arcs from unnecessary tourist tent or an old educational rug.

In the garden, you can use the mesh to make a base for climbing plants, and as a result you will get a pretty decent hut for your summer cottage.

Some craftsmen manage to make a house even from plastic bottles, gluing them together. Of course, a friendly company will not fit in such a house, but for one child it is quite a suitable solution!

Corner complex for children's games

You can build a whole complex for children by placing it in the corner of the room. To do this from wooden slats we make a frame.

The walls can be made of plywood or plasterboard sheets screwed to the frame with self-tapping screws. It is better to make steps from wood or metal sheets; they can withstand heavy loads.

It is better to make the floor on the “second floor” from chipboard; the entire structure will be supported by screws or bolts.

We cover the outside of the house with plasterboard. If desired, you can even wire it inside or limit yourself to one stationary lamp (table).

From three bars we make the basis for the railings, onto which we stuff planks so that the house becomes not only beautiful, but also safe.

Now we arm ourselves with paints and paint children's Corner. The steps and floor can be covered with carpet.

Wooden playhouses for children in the country

To build a small but cozy house for games you will need: 6 boards 1.8x2.4 m with a section of 50x75 mm, 4 processed beams, 1.8 m long, section 10x10 cm, 6 beams, 2.4 m long (section 5x10 cm), 1 beam, length 2 ,4 m, section 50x75 mm, 1 beam 2.4 m long, section 25x75 mm, 1 roll of roofing felt, 1 box of 75 mm screws, 2 boxes of 30 mm screws, tar nails, stain, thin planks. You will also need tools: a hydraulic level, a tamper, a shovel, a hammer, a screwdriver, a hammer, Circular Saw, stationery knife, paint brush.

Of course, ideally it would be nice to make a minimal foundation of crushed stone, but you can simply level the soil surface. The 100x100 mm beams need to be cut into equal parts (you choose the length yourself), the distance between the two posts should be 1.4-1.5 meters.

Remember your childhood: almost every child dreamed of his own separate home - toy house. Many of us tried to make a corner like this for ourselves and, naturally, even though the resulting designs were simple, they made our childhood much happier.

The one who possessed own home made from a box, cardboard, a lot of branches or pillows, could rightfully be considered the “coolest” kid on the street.

Now that we have grown up and have children of our own, we want to build a better quality structure with our own hands that will bring joy to our children.

Children's house made of wood

You can build a house for a child with your own hands from any suitable material. However, the most common idea for a do-it-yourself children's house is precisely wooden version, which we will talk about.

This choice is due to the fact that wood is the most environmentally friendly and long-lasting material. Also, of course, wood has a more impressive look, which adds atmosphere to children's games. Such a house will not make your child happy, but it will also have a positive effect on his health.

Naturally, it is very important to build a children’s house with your own hands in such a way that so that it is the safest and cannot cause any harm to your heir.

When the time comes that your child has grown up and no longer needs his own play area in the form of a wooden house, you will not have to wonder why it is needed now. Such a structure can be very effectively used as a country shed, which fits perfectly into the exterior of your home.

The procedure for building a wooden house with your own hands

First of all, you need to decide what your house will roughly look like. To do this, you can already draw up the first schematic drawing, which will determine the type of building you need.

So, the first thing before construction is to determine the following characteristics of the future structure:

  1. Open or closed house.
  2. Occupied area and height of the structure.
  3. Location of the building. That is, where will the house be located: on the ground or on a tree? This is very important because the options differ significantly in the construction process.
  4. The material from which the construction will be made. In our case, this is a tree.
  5. The presence of windows, doors, as well as their number and the material from which they will be made during construction.
  6. The presence of additional extensions, namely: fences, terraces, swings, stairs, slide, sandbox, some kind of extension, and so on. It all depends on your imagination; you can build anything.
  7. Interior decoration.

Children's playhouse ideas

Below is a list of ideas for building a children's house made of wood. If you don’t want to spend time putting together your own house, creating drawings, ideas, and so on, you can use one of these options.


This idea involves building a children's house in style primitive people . That is, the style of Indians, Robinsons or nomads will be used here.

If you choose to build a house using this idea, in addition to wood, you will need a lot of fabric, branches, and shrubs.

Hobbit House

Many of us are familiar with the story of the same name by John Ronald Reuel Tolkien “The Hobbit” and “The Lord of the Rings”. It was after the film adaptation of these books that many people became acquainted with the forest dwellers, who are also commonly called Hobbits.

It is the house of one of these forest dwellers that this idea proposes to build. Moreover, after the construction of such a building, you can really completely immerse yourself in Tolkien’s fairy-tale world.


This option is best suited for young robber pirates and long-distance sailors. This the idea involves building any type of ship with my own hands. To better understand what such a wooden children's house will look like, you can familiarize yourself with many photos.

Development of a plan for a children's wooden house

Before compiling detailed plan construction, as well as a drawing, it is necessary to take into account the mandatory features of such a structure:

  • the house must be mobile and stationary;
  • the presence of at least two windows. Firstly, this is necessary so that the house has good lighting during the day. Also, do not forget that such a structure is being made specifically for a child, who needs an eye and an eye. IN in this case the windows will perform a tracking function;
  • the height from floor to ceiling should be at least half a meter. But you shouldn’t make the rooms too high;
  • It is recommended to make the doors directly to the ceiling, that is, to the height of the entire house. Not only that The child must enter his or her home calmly, but do not forget that sooner or later you yourself will be invited to visit him;
  • in order to completely eliminate the possibility of unnecessary injury to the child, the walls of the house should be smooth;
  • not worth building flat roof, since it may attract a child, sooner or later he will decide to climb on it, which will increase the risk of injury.

Drawing of a children's house

Regarding the drawing of a children's house in the country, you have there is a choice of two options: either sketch out the diagram yourself, or use a ready-made option.

If you are well versed in drawing up drawings, and you are not too lazy to engage in this craft, then feel free to choose the first option. If you want to use a ready-made drawing that a specialist worked on, then it is very simple, since you can find a lot of similar options on the Internet.

It is worth remembering that the drawing for the construction of a children's house in the country is made with the aim of correct calculation all materials that will be used during construction. This will help not only save materials, but also correctly calculate their sizes and produce the workpiece.

Tools and materials for DIY construction

Here is a list of all the tools that may be needed during construction small house made of wood for your child:

Also, naturally, you will need materials, without which it is impossible to create a cozy house for a child in the country. Materials you may need:

  1. Beam for the frame. We recommend choosing timber with a cross-section of about 50 x 50.
  2. Lumber for house cladding.
  3. Plywood more than 8 mm thick. You can use OSB. The second option is cheaper, but, as a result, less durable. It all depends on your capabilities and desires.
  4. Roofing material for roof.
  5. Brick.
  6. Glass for windows. It's worth remembering here that this material is quite unsafe, so it is best to completely eliminate the presence of glass in the country house. However, if you are confident in your child, you can use glass.

Construction process

Now that you have completely figured out all the details, created drawings, found materials, carried out everything necessary calculations, you can go to the dacha.

The entire construction process can be divided into several stages, each of which is very important:

  1. Construction of the foundation.
  2. Construction of the house floor.
  3. Walls and frame.
  4. Roof.


Of course, it is worth remembering that you are building an ordinary children's house in the country, and not a serious house for permanent residence. Therefore, you can approach the construction of the foundation for a children's house a little easier, without filling it.

In order for your child’s dacha house to last as long as possible, it is best to dig about 10 cm of soil and cover it with bricks. You can, of course, also take advantage of a special terrace board However, this option will be extremely expensive.

If you are looking for an idea that is the most budget-friendly and simple, use bricks.

Floor, walls and frame

It is better to approach the construction of the floor with all seriousness. There are 2 options here:

  1. Use of joists and floorboards.
  2. Using plywood or OSB.

It is necessary to dig holes in the corners of the foundation into which the beams will be installed. This will be the support of the wall. Do not forget that before placing the timber in the ground, it is necessary to competently approach the process of processing it.

For a more durable design you can use a metal corner. After placing all the corners of the beam in the ground, you can cover the frame with boards or plywood, your choice.

There are also options for houses that cannot be built without supports.


The process of building a roof must begin separately from the children's house in the country. The first step is to make the fronts. Here it is recommended to use the same timber, which was used during the construction of the frame.

It is necessary to install two triangles along the edges of the house, after which boards, OSB or plywood are sewn on. If necessary, more than two triangles can be installed. It depends on the size of the house.

Don't forget about roofing material, which is superimposed on top of everything. Some experts use a thatched roof.

In general, you can choose any option, but do not forget that the roof should never be used by your child as a play area. If the safety of your heir is important to you, approach this issue with all seriousness.

So, as you may have noticed, building a wooden house for children in the country with your own hands is a very simple craft that any self-respecting father can afford.

Using the universal construction principle given in this article, you can build any simple building for a child. The main thing is your imagination.