Wooden porch in a private house. Porch in a private house - choice of material

The porch of a house is not only decorative element facade, but also good protection from rain, snow and wind all year round. A wooden porch is characterized by ease of assembly, reliable construction and natural beauty. Having become familiar with all the intricacies of constructing a wooden porch in advance, you can complete such work yourself quickly and without much difficulty.

Preparatory work

It is possible to build a wooden porch with high quality and quickly, observing certain requirements for preparing a future project:

  1. We create a drawing. The plan includes general form designs, sizes of all structural elements.
  2. We determine the type of wood for construction ( best option- hard wood).
  3. Calculating the area landing sufficient for the smooth opening and closing of doors.
  4. Let's calculate.
  5. Before you start building a wooden porch with your own hands, it is important to think about the general appearance of the structure and its design style. It is important that the design is in harmony with the facade of the building, being included in a single composition.

Wooden porch project

When attaching a wooden porch to a house, the following parameters are calculated:

  • Height of the stairs. It is easy to determine this indicator; to do this, measure the distance from the soil surface to the threshold of the doorway, subtracting 5-10 cm of indentation (taking into account seasonal fluctuations in the soil and changes in the thickness of the tree under the influence of precipitation).

Attention: if the height of the porch requires arrangement large quantity steps, experts recommend erecting a corner frame made of wood, in which one of the flights is placed along the facade of the building.

  • Length of stringer (string). The supporting beam of a staircase with a comb along the top line on which the steps are fixed is called a stringer. Bowstring is a structural element onto which steps are fixed using the groove method.

  • Width and height, number of steps. The calculation of these indicators is based on the width of a person’s step. On average, the height of a step is 18 cm, width (depth) -26 cm. You can determine the required number of steps using the formula K = i/d, where: K is the number of steps; i is the distance from the porch to the starting point of the base of the stairs; d is the length of the step.

  • Width of the flight of stairs. According to regulatory documents this indicator should be at least 70 cm.

Choosing a wood species

When planning construction, it is important to choose the right material for the job. The most durable, high-quality wooden staircase to the porch will be made from larch or pine. The log houses look very colorful wooden house from rounded logs.

Before purchasing lumber, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • dryness of the wood (the cut of the wood is smooth, without wet spots);
  • no traces of mold, knots, or bark beetle nests.

Design features

A wooden porch for a private house is a small extension to the facade of the building.

Device options:

  • open area with steps - simple design without railings (ideal for a small one-story country house);

  • partially enclosed area with low railings;

  • closed porch - a structure consisting of a staircase, a platform, railings and a canopy. An enclosed porch helps keep the house quiet and increases the level of thermal insulation.

The advantages of a wooden porch

An undeniable advantage of wooden structures is the ease of processing lumber. It is also worth noting a number of positive points:

  • a large selection of models of wooden structures;
  • low thermal conductivity (wood canopies help increase the thermal insulation of a building);
  • wood does not require additional decorative finishing;
  • simplicity and speed of construction (no need for a reinforced foundation);
  • If repairs are necessary, there is no need to dismantle the entire structure; only a separate part of it can be replaced.

Cons of a wooden porch

Wood like natural material susceptible to destruction under the influence of moisture, fungus or mold. The surface of wooden steps wears out very quickly and dries out when exposed to direct sunlight. Of particular note high degree fires of structures made of timber and boards.

All of the above shortcomings are easily corrected. To do this, you need to regularly soak wooden surfaces special protective and antipyretic compounds.

How to build a foundation

When constructing a wooden porch, you can use the following types of foundations:

  1. Columnar - perfect option bases for light wood construction. The number of support pillars depends on total area porch.
  2. Slab - concrete base monolithic slab Typically used for very heavy structures.

Let us consider in more detail the process of constructing the simplest pile (columnar) foundation.

Algorithm of actions:

  • According to a pre-calculated pattern, holes are dug in the ground.
  • A small layer of sand and gravel is poured into the bottom of the hole. It is necessary for high-quality moisture absorption and preservation of the pillars from premature rotting.
  • The support is installed in the prepared hole and filled with concrete solution. Important: the depth of the supports is 20 cm from the freezing level of the soil.
  • After waiting the required time for leveling and hardening of the concrete, check the height of all support pillars. If necessary, the required areas are trimmed. Important: in order to increase the strength of the structure, the outer supports are attached to the facade of the building with self-tapping screws.

How to build a wooden porch

Having determined the dimensions, type of design, purchasing necessary materials, you can begin construction.

When constructing a porch made of wood, you must adhere to certain rules and procedure:

  • pine logs will be the most suitable material for supports;
  • an additional waterproofing layer must be laid between the wood of the stringer and the base of the foundation;
  • support pillars must be processed protective compounds;
  • support pillars are dug into the ground no more than 80 cm.

How to make a wooden porch with your own hands

A clear algorithm of actions has been developed, following which you can easily and quickly build a wooden porch with your own hands:

  1. We are designing a plan for the future structure. We calculate the dimensions of all structural elements and the amount of material required.
  2. We are laying out the foundation.
  3. We build a staircase to the porch made of wood with our own hands.
  4. We arrange a canopy and railings.
  5. We cover the entire structure with protective compounds.

We arrange the flooring, steps and fencing

There are several ways to lay deck boards and steps:

  1. A wooden beam or board is tightly fitted to each other and attached to the base with self-tapping screws. Important: in this case, the slope of the site is at least 2°C.
  2. The boards are laid with some gap (no more than 3 mm).

Installation of steps must begin from the bottom of the bowstring. First of all, risers are installed, and then steps.

The final stage is the installation of the railings. There must be a fence if the height of the stairs exceeds three steps.

Installation of a wooden porch floor platform

The site is built from durable thick boards that can withstand the daily movement of a large number of people. A small gap (gap) is left between the flooring boards, which is necessary for the free flow of rainwater and the unhindered movement of air.

Important: the boards for the site must be laid out at a slight angle of inclination.

Care and protection of a wooden porch

A canopy will help protect your wooden porch. Visors made of wooden beams above the porch frame.

You can extend the life of a wooden structure by adhering to certain rules and requirements:

  1. Wood requires periodic treatment with protective compounds. The wood is first treated before construction begins, then a protective layer is applied during the operation of the structure.
  2. Painting or finishing with varnish will help to give a more decorative look to the building and bring out the beauty of the wood. It is necessary to apply paints and varnishes in several layers.

Important: do not coat pine wood with transparent varnishes. For soft woods, water-based, alkyd or polyurethane paints are most preferred.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a wooden porch yourself

When building a wooden porch with your own hands, it is important to follow a clear sequence of actions:

  1. Project development and calculations required quantity materials. The quality of the work performed, reliability and durability of the erected structure largely depend on the accuracy of the calculations.
  2. Construction of the foundation. For a wooden structure, it is enough to build a foundation from a pile. This easy-to-install base ensures the porch is reliable and durable for many years.
  3. Construction of a wooden porch frame - forming a bowstring.

It is easy to assemble a single structure; all elements are connected to each other using the tongue-and-groove method. Metal staples will help strengthen the frame.

  1. Arrangement of the platform, steps, railings. The easiest way to arrange a wooden porch area is to cover it with boards. The elements of the risers and feet are fixed to the frame using self-tapping screws. Installation of steps begins from the bottom of the bowstring. First of all, risers are installed, and then steps.

Wooden or metal railings ensure safe movement on stairs.

It’s possible to make a beautiful wooden porch with your own hands, the main thing is to familiarize yourself with the intricacies of the process in advance and strictly follow all stages of construction.

Want to build a porch yourself? No problem! Be it concrete, be it wood, or be it metal – choose any one. In this case, the metal will be made with a beautiful canopy roof made of

Building a concrete porch

Reliable, durable and overall solid design.

Choosing sizes

Dimensions of steps: a - normal; b - outsiders

Typically a porch consists of several steps. Our task is to choose the best design dimensions.

The optimal width of the stairs is 80-100 cm. If possible, the width should be increased - this will make the porch more comfortable and beautiful. It is not advisable to reduce it.

The permissible angle of inclination of the stairs is from 27 to 45 degrees.

Step width, mmStep height, mmMarch inclination angle, degrees.
400 100 14
380 110 16
360 120 18
340 130 21
320 140 23
300 150 25
280 160 29
260 170 33
240 180 37
220 190 40
200 200 45

We make the steps approximately 25 cm in width and 12-20 cm in height, depending on who will use the porch. Children and elderly people? Making the steps lower. Mostly young and energetic users? We can increase the height of the steps.

We arrange the upper platform so that it is approximately 50 mm below the end of the front door.

Pouring the foundation for the porch

We dig a pit around the perimeter of the future porch. Depth – from 50 cm.

We install formwork around the perimeter of the foundation.

We fill the bottom of the pit with a 20-centimeter layer of crushed stone and compact it. Pour a 10 cm layer of sand on top. Spray with water for better compaction.

We cover the area with roofing felt. We lay the reinforcing mesh (recommended cell size is 10x10 cm) and. You can prepare the solution yourself. Standard proportions:

  • cement – ​​1 part;
  • sand – part 3;
  • crushed stone - 5 parts.

We pour concrete. We level the filling and pierce it with reinforcement in several places to release excess air. We leave the concrete for several days to gain initial strength.

Prices for cement and basic mixtures

Cement and base mixtures

Installing formwork

We build formwork for the steps. For this we use thick plywood. The height of the formwork should be 20 cm higher than the height of the future porch.

The principle is simple: we cut out the formwork elements according to the height of each step and install them in the appropriate places. We tighten the shields together metal plates, wooden blocks or other suitable fasteners.

Important! The side panels need to be strengthened with additional stiffeners.

The steps must be reinforced. In this case, the reinforcement must be laid and installed in all three planes. Even more convenient option– weld the frame in the shape of the future staircase and build formwork around it. Do as you please.

Filling the steps

Lubricate the inner walls of the formwork with oil. Thanks to this, in the future we will be able to remove it without much effort.

We prepare the mortar for pouring in the same way as the mixture for the foundation-platform.

We fill the stairs in stages, starting from the first step. Let each step dry slightly, and only then fill the next one. In this case, it is necessary to install additional formwork elements on the front side of the steps. The length of these elements must correspond to the width of the stairs. We make the height the same as that of the step itself.

Important! The side of the formwork in contact with should be as smooth as possible.

We carefully level the poured concrete and pierce it with reinforcement in several places.

We remove the formwork after at least 7-10 days. In conclusion, all we have to do is execute finishing steps. We can cover them with stone or tiles, lay them and perform any other finishing at our discretion.

We install railings upon request. The height of the handrails is from 90 cm. You can use the following option. It is also suitable for metal and wooden porches (in this case we will replace metal elements wooden).

Install at the bottom and top of the porch support posts from metal pipes. It is advisable to select the length so that the slope of the railing matches the slope of the stairs. We connect the upper and lower ends of the racks with pipes of a slightly smaller cross-section. We use welding.

The top tube will take on the functions of a handrail. To fill the space between our pipes we use any rolled steel. We install elements at any interval. At this point, everything completely depends on your preferences and imagination.

After installing the structure, we clean the metal elements and prime them in 2 layers. This treatment will increase the service life of the railings.

This porch will go well with almost any home.

Making the foundation

In general, the foundation is laid out in the same way as in the case of a concrete porch, with only one difference: at the same stage, you need to install supports for the future canopy.

It is better to install supports in each corner of the future canopy - this way the structure will be as stable as possible. If the porch is large, we make supports along the length of its walls in increments of no more than 2 m.

We dig holes about one and a half meters deep for each support. They will cope with the role of supports perfectly metal pipes. We insert the pipe into the hole and fill it with concrete.

The supports can also be made from bursa. The procedure is the same, but first bottom part The timber must be wrapped in roofing felt or tarred and additionally soaked in antiseptic.

At the same stage, we install supports for the future staircase. Similarly, we dig holes and place them in metal racks and pour concrete. It is unlikely that the porch will have too long a staircase, so it will be enough to install supports at the bottom and top of the structure. To be more confident, we can install them in the middle of the span.

The further procedure, up to the stage of pouring concrete, remains the same as in the instructions for arranging a site for a concrete porch.

At the pouring stage, we take into account that we will need to drown the staircase structure somewhat in the solution. We do not fill it to the very top of the site - we leave approximately a 100-300 mm gap (depending on the dimensions of the structure being equipped and its features).

Then, after installation metal structure, we will fill the pit to the very top.

Drawing according to the house plan

Cooking the stairs

We take two metal channels. We weld them to the previously installed and concreted supports. In the future, we will weld rolled products for steps to these products.

We take an equal metal corner. We cut it to the selected length of the steps, increased by the length of the welding seam. We weld the metal corner along the contour.

We get products in the shape of the letter G. We connect them together. At the top we connect these L-elements using an equal angle corner. To do this, we weld it along the contour to both products, placing the shelves inside. To connect the bottom of the steps we use a similar corner, but we place it with the shelves facing outwards.

To fill the steps we can use different material, for example, wood and plywood. Fastening is carried out using self-tapping screws, screwing them in from the bottom. For additional fastening of wooden elements we use silicone and regular glue.

In general, decorate the stairs at your own discretion. If you wish, you can not seal the horizontal openings, but simply mount the sheathing directly on the steps.

Prices for popular models of welding machines


Making a visor

We installed the racks for the frame at the stage of arranging the foundation. Next we work in this order.

We install transverse supports according to the dimensions of the frame. If desired, we can make a curved canopy. To do this, just cut the profile in increments of about 4 cm and bend it to the desired level. The advantage of a curved canopy is that precipitation and various debris will not linger on it.

We lay it on the frame and secure it with self-tapping screws. We maintain a fastening pitch of 300 mm. We glue the edges. At this point the canopy is ready.

Building the foundation

The best decision for a wooden house porch. Such a foundation is simple and quick to install, but at the same time very reliable.

We dig holes at the points where the pile is installed - in the corners of the future porch and along the length of its edges in increments of 80-100 cm. The depth of such holes is from 80 cm. Optimally, below the freezing point of the soil.

We treat the support beam with an antiseptic, wrap its lower part with roofing felt, and then insert it into the holes. Fill the vertically aligned timber in the pits with concrete.

Let the concrete harden and proceed to further activities.

We install logs

If necessary, we cut off the tops of the timber so that all the piles are at the same level. We calculate the height of the supports so that after laying the platform between it and front door there was approximately a 5-centimeter difference in height.

We attach the logs to the supports and the wall of the house in a suitable way(with self-tapping screws, dowels, etc., depending on the wall material).

Making a kosour (string)

We begin to manufacture the load-bearing part of the stairs. We will attach steps to it. That is, the string is the side edge of the steps.

To make a bowstring we use wooden boards from 5 cm thick. Take a board and draw steps on it. We cut out the blanks with a jigsaw or saw.

We fasten the string with the lags using a tongue-and-groove connection.

We design the platform and steps

We screw or nail the deck sheathing boards to the joists. If desired, we lay some kind of finishing coating on top of the boards - we focus on our preferences.

We attach risers and treads to the string. We start working from the bottom step. The procedure is simple: fix the riser, attach the tread to it, and so on until the end. For fixation we use self-tapping screws or a tongue-and-groove connection.

Arrange the railings and canopy at your discretion. Installation instructions for these elements have been provided previously. The sequence remains the same, you just need to replace supporting elements and cladding parts for similar products made of wood or other preferred material.

Prices for various types of construction boards

Construction boards

Good luck!

Video - DIY house porch

The porch is a very important structure not only for country house, but also for the dacha. After all, it is the entrance lobby that shows the owner’s attitude towards his home, his taste, and also protects the building from bad weather. Therefore, it is important to choose the right ones for the porch quality materials and build it according to technology.

The main nuances of constructing a porch

The first thing that needs to be done before the construction process is to determine the architectural style of the future structure, materials and their consumption. All received data is entered into the porch drawing country house. It is also necessary to have a photo of the finished structure.

It is worth remembering that for wooden house A wooden porch is best suited, and for a concrete and brick one - an entrance group made of the appropriate material. Best for entrance group at home, select the material from which the house itself is built, or combine materials so that it looks appropriate.

There are a number of principles that experienced builders are advised to follow:

  • Ideally, the porch is built at the same time as the house to avoid unexpected distortions and settling problems.
  • The number of steps is always odd. This is necessary for comfortable movement on the stairs.
  • The width of the porch must be calculated depending on the type of entrance door. A single-leaf requires that the porch be at least 1.5 m, and a double-leaf - at least 2 m.
  • The depth of the porch area should be 1 m greater than the door leaf. A smaller platform may cause an accidental fall if you stand on it and open the door at the same time.
  • Staircases with more than three steps must be equipped with railings.

In any case, the porch can be divided into several types, which are presented in the photo below:

  • Open - a structure without a canopy. In areas where there is frequent rainfall, it is best not to build, as it is subject to rapid wear and tear.

  • Closed - a porch under a canopy with walls, is a separate room of the house that can be adapted for summer kitchen or places of rest.

  • Indoor - a structure with a canopy, but without walls.

Materials for a country porch

As a rule, a dacha is a wooden structure that is not too large in size, so the porch for it is most often built from wood. It is best to make the structure from durable wood such as pine, larch, spruce or oak. In addition to strength, these materials differ high resistance to precipitation and durability.

Important! The boards should have a humidity level of 15-18%.

The platform is installed at least 5 cm below the entrance door. This is done to prevent the door from jamming when the material swells, as well as for fire safety purposes.

If you have the financial opportunity and desire, then you can make a concrete porch at your dacha. Such a design, if made strictly according to technology, can serve for a long time.

It is made from grade 400 cement, as it is the highest quality and most suitable material for this type of work. It’s also not worth saving on formwork, since low-quality, old boards may simply not support the weight of the porch. To decorate such a porch use a natural stone, porcelain stoneware or tiles, as well as others Decoration Materials. An example of such a structure is shown in the photo:

If the budget is completely limited, then you can make the entrance group out of brick, as in the photo. This material is relatively inexpensive, but also not very durable, since it begins to crumble when exposed to atmospheric conditions. Under no circumstances should you use used material to construct a structure, since its integrity has already been compromised, although this is sometimes not visible from the outside. A brick porch can be faced in the same way as a concrete one, with tiles or porcelain stoneware with a rough structure to prevent slipping, as well as with other materials.

Often, cottages and houses are equipped with a metal porch. This is the most durable material. Metal processing consists only of coating it with an anti-corrosion agent, which will prevent rust and shedding of the material. Manufacturing can be done from profile pipe or an equilateral angle, which will significantly reduce the cost of the design. Another advantage of such a structure is the ability to make a pile foundation, which also will not greatly affect the budget. The main mistake when constructing such a structure is metal canopy. It is better if the material for the roof is polycarbonate, since metal makes a very loud sound when it rains.

Country porch design

It would seem, how can you decorate the porch at the dacha? There are a huge number of options and style trends that can be implemented on your site.

If the entrance group is wooden, then its main decoration, of course, will be carving and the use of large rounded logs in the construction. It is better not to use paint, but to emphasize the naturalness with varnish. Such materials are the most harmonious.

You can make a European porch - a small and neat structure, decorated with forged elements and an abundance of flowers. You can combine colors and play with contrast. They will look interesting dark doors with light railings, as in the photo.

Those who love lightness and unobtrusiveness can be advised to decorate the porch at the dacha in french style using glass door and lattice decorated with flowers. Usually a paved road leads to the house. durable material path.

Minimalists can recommend a classic design without unnecessary details in a strict design.

Often the porch is combined with a terrace to have an additional seating area. It is also recommended to illuminate it. The simplest option would be a light bulb under the canopy, and a more sophisticated option would be lamp posts next to the stairs.

Do-it-yourself porch construction technology

The first stage is clear design and planning. After the work of taking measurements and creating a design for the future structure has been completed, you can begin laying the foundation.

Laying the foundation and creating the site

Depending on the material, the foundation may be different. A metal porch can be installed on piles, but a concrete, wooden or brick one cannot.

Let's consider the algorithm for constructing a foundation for these types of porches. Heavy construction requires the creation of a strip or monolithic base. Its depth should be no less than the depth of the foundation of the house.

  1. A pit is dug according to the size of the future structure
  2. A gravel-sand cushion 20 cm thick is poured onto the bottom and compacted.
  3. Concrete is poured into the formwork, prepared in the following ratio: 1 part cement: 2 parts crushed stone: 2 parts sand. Water is added to a minimum so that the concrete becomes non-liquid.
  4. The poured concrete is leveled.
  5. After the foundation has completely dried (about 7 days), waterproofing is done with roofing felt or other material.

In the case of constructing a concrete structure, formwork is laid in the shape of the steps and reinforcing mesh. Next, the material is poured in layers, thereby obtaining even steps.

To make a wooden porch, proceed a little differently:

  1. They dig a trench around the perimeter of the porch.
  2. A reinforcing mesh is installed in it and load-bearing beams, pre-treated with an antiseptic, are dug in.
  3. Filled with concrete.
  4. After a week, the length of the pillars is leveled, and horizontal logs are installed and attached to the wall of the house.
  5. A subfloor is laid, which must be treated with waterproofing or other material to prevent rotting.

Construction of steps and railings

For a concrete porch, the steps, as mentioned above, are poured with concrete in layers and polished to a smooth surface.

In order to make steps for a wooden porch you will have to spend a little more effort and time. You need to take fairly thick boards of about 5 cm or more and use them to mount the steps.

Stringers are laid on the sides, which are marked in advance at the places where the steps are attached. Laying the steps starts from the bottom, first the riser is attached, then the step. According to this algorithm, work continues to the very top. The last stage The porch area is laid with appropriate material. The diagram is shown in the photo.

For a concrete porch, install the railings while the mortar is still wet so that they are securely fastened or bolted to dry steps.

Wooden railings are attached using dowels or self-tapping screws. In the first case, glue is additionally used.

Login a private house without a porch is very rare. Even if there is no high base and the door is located at ground level, they can provide a small canopy or fence, which will mark the entrance group.

A beautiful porch in a private house is not just a functional element that facilitates entry and protects the door from precipitation; this design plays an important role in creating a unified architectural appearance of the building. It is the materials of the base, facade and roof that most often serve as the determining factor when arranging the porch.

Porch for a private house: wood

A wooden porch in a private house is one of the most common options. It is perfect for both wooden and stone houses. Wood is a universal material that can be used independently and in combination with stone or brick. It goes well with any facing panels and slabs, has high decorative qualities in its natural form and when painted.

This Vacation home in a classic style, with simple and laconic lines in the decoration, it has an absolutely identical porch. The same color, the same pillars (as in the side gallery), the gable symmetrical roof of the house and the porch are covered with the same tiles, even the geometry of the pediment is repeated. The short flight of two steps and the platform are made entirely of wood and only laid out of brick, just like the base of the house and the enclosing curb of the gravel blind area.

Porch for a private house

The following example of a wooden house has a different porch design

A high base implies the presence of a semi-basement, so the flight of stairs has a larger number of steps. Wide, long platform (capable of accommodating a couple of chairs and small table) and the windows of the second floor above the porch require a different form of canopy - a lean-to one. The finishing of the base differs from the plinth - to ensure natural ventilation wooden structure, its walls have vertical gratings.

Porch in a private house

In this case, wood with its natural texture is used. The decking, steps and risers are made entirely of wood, but such “closeness” to the ground will require special protection for the wood. The porch in a private house is a very impressive combination of a combined roof - copper sheet plus tiles, which repeats the laying of wooden siding.

Even such a tiny house in the forest could not do without a porch. A porch for a private house, and this is not a separate extension, but part of a general structure with a single roof and base. And only three additional steps stand out for their “independence”.

The presence of two descents from the porch allows them to be used to access the gate or the yard

A porch for a home attracts not only functionality; the project designer managed to harmoniously combine elements of traditional and modern style. The classic shapes of doors, windows and columns combine well with decorative fencing platforms and unusual wall color. Against this background, the texture of the wooden false ceiling and .

Porch with canopy

Porch in a private house in modern design. Its special feature is its transparent roof, which makes the structure particularly light. For the platform, steps and lining of the flowerpot, heat-treated wood is used, which is resistant to water no worse than decking boards made from exotic species.

Porch in a private house photo

In this case, it is interesting to combine a small porch and a terrace in front of the house into one whole - the upper step and the bench around the open decorative fireplace lie in the same plane. Using the same type of board emphasizes this unity.

Porch for a private house combined with a terrace.

In this photo, the porch for the house does not go out onto the street or into the yard, but into a covered gallery

Its design resembles a short flight of stairs apartment building, and the exact same staircase leading to the basement enhances this feeling. And only the view into the courtyard and the street shows that this is the same private house as those standing next to it.

And this is an example of what a closed porch can do. In the previous case, the entrance was located inside a glazed covered gallery; here, a different principle of protection is used - a special “vestibule”, which has not only a roof, but also full walls with a window.

Porch for a private house: wood and stone

The combination of wood and stone allows you to fully exploit the features of each material, while creating original designs. Light and durable wood It lends itself well to processing and is attractive both in painted and natural form. The stone is not afraid of moisture and is resistant to abrasion, and its texture is equally good both in a polished slab and in an untreated, “chipped” surface.

This is an example when the house is practically “on the ground”. The absence of a base does not mean that the porch can be neglected. It has no steps, and at the entrance there is an ordinary stone slab, which serves as a continuation of the path. But the canopy over the porch, supported by a wooden structure with decorative ornaments and a patterned lattice, compensates for this “shortcoming”.

Porch for a private house photo

Such a house in the forest can be called an illustration to an old fairy tale. The style itself (shabby chic), chiseled supports, canopies and openwork patterns fit into the harmony of this “miniature”. Laying the base adds charm to the house, and its position on the hillside with a ledge (the porch is at a lower level than the house) makes you look up at it, making it visually higher.

Porch in a private house photo

Another house in the forest, but in a rustic style

A porch for the house; wood from the surrounding thickets was used for the posts, railings and fencing of the terrace. From there are the railings and balusters of the porch stairs. And, apparently, we didn’t have to travel far to get stones for the foundation and steps. Complete harmony with nature.

Porch in a private house in harmony with nature

The traditional style of this home is emphasized by every detail of the porch: a beautiful tile roof with flashing and gutters; arched connection of wooden columns with a classical capital; laconic fencing and railings; cladding of side walls with wild stones and clinker paving stones on the platform and steps. Everything is done thoroughly and reliably.

Porch modern house may deviate from the usual canons. Massive columns clad in wood and supporting a long canopy create a perspective effect for the front door. There are no steps and no difference in the height of the entrance above the ground, and therefore there is no fence. The entrance area is emphasized by a slight elevation of the platform above the adjacent path.

A glazed gallery or veranda is a standard extension to the house

A screened porch for a home is much less common, but it has essentially the same design, only it usually has a smaller area. Although in this case the owner of the house decided on his own, and not only glazed the porch, but made the transition to the neighboring building (outbuilding or guest house) completely closed.

Porch for a private house photo

Porch for a private house: stone

Stone can be used in arranging a porch without the use of wood. This allows you to achieve solidity, which is especially welcome in classic styles. Massive brick columns, plastered and painted white, granite steps and staircase trim with the same tiles - typical English style entry registration.

An antique portico supported by an arch on columns, lace trim for the doorway, flowerpots with plants (as a hedge for the porch area) and granite steps. This is another classic style - colonial style.

The following example can be used as an example of brevity, which is not alien to classic style(in this case Mediterranean). The granite slab lying at the entrance to the house is essentially the only detail that can be attributed to the porch. Together with the arched opening (finished with the same texture granite tiles) and the entrance door “recessed” inside, it creates a very impressive ensemble.

Such a “two-story” monumental structure would probably be more suitable for a palace. But this is the design of the porch of a country house, albeit a large one. The presence of facade accent lighting indicates that it is assigned the main role throughout the entire architectural ensemble.

The scale here is much more modest

But as in the previous example, the crushed texture of limestone plays a significant role in the decorative finishing. The “chain” hanging along the column looks very attractive - in fact, it plays the role of drainpipe, which extends from the drainage gutter funnel.

The combination of metal and stone is no less impressive, even in such a relatively small format. The canopy, supported on the wall by two beams made of a square metal profile, has a symmetrical continuation of two stone pedestals, which are crowned with flowerpots.

Here also Basic structure The canopy is made of metal, but it is secured with two cables. And wild stone is used to decorate the porch. But this is already modern style- simple and functional.

Porch for a private house: brick

Another construction material, which can act as one of the main ones when decorating the entrance to the house.

This could be a completely modest brick porch with wooden canopy for a house covered with siding. For steps, ordinary or , only clinker tiles or paving stones can withstand many years of mechanical stress and exposure to high humidity.

This house has a slightly larger porch. Here the brick is assigned the function of a fence and a base on which the canopy of wood rests. wooden beams with a tiled roof. The lighting system is interesting - in addition to the top lamp, there is a bottom light located under the bench.

Another option for a closed porch with its own door. In this case, brick acts as the main building material for both the porch and the two-story house.

And this is a brick porch in a private house, turning into an open gallery of a house on three floors. Light grout Ivory emphasizes the texture of the material and different methods of laying.

Concrete porch

Usually this fake diamond hidden under decorative finishing, but for modern architectural style it may be left open.

As in this case, when the concrete path organically turns into monolithic porch. Of course, these are not ordinary grades of concrete used in the construction of walls, but compositions reinforced with microfiber or surfaces treated with topping.

And the porch for a private house has more complex design, extending into the lower level of the house, located on the hillside.

In the design of a private house, both inside and outside, there are no insignificant details, because they all shape the appearance of the building, and, accordingly, the opinion about its owner. That is why it is important to pay special attention to all the nuances, carefully work out the idea and stylistic direction housing, making it not only comfortable and cozy for yourself, but also attractive to others.

The porch is a face business card home, receiving friends, relatives and other guests. It can perform both a functional and decorative role. By adding a canopy to the porch, you can create a cozy area where you can hide from the rain, as well as create a chic entrance to the house. How to do this correctly, and what materials to use? Let's find out together.

Designing a porch with a canopy

First of all, you need to draw up a project for the future design, taking into account the following nuances:

  • Dimensions of the future porch and its canopy.
  • Selection of materials and calculation of their quantities.
  • Preparation of equipment and tools.
  • Drawing up a detailed plan.

Majority experienced builders I am confident that the porch should be built simultaneously with the main building, because in this case it is possible to achieve maximum efficiency of the structure, make it more durable and reliable. If the porch is attached to an already ready home, then you need to calculate the load, the weight of the structure and determine the connection points with the housing.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the following details:

  • The area near the front door. If the door is single-leaf, then the depth of the porch should be one and a half meters, the width should be about 1.6 meters. If the entrance door is double-leaf, then the width and depth of the porch should be at least 2 meters (these are the minimum parameters, more is needed for convenience).

  • Steps. Their number depends on the height of the base. If there are more than three steps, then railings must be placed on the sides to guarantee safety. The staircase should be wide and gentle, however, it exact dimensions depends on individual characteristics homeowner and his preferences. In general, the width of the step should be about 28 centimeters (the length of an adult’s leg), and the height should be about 20 centimeters.

  • Lighting. The porch is a traumatic place where it should be located lighting. It is important that there are no less than 1 lamps per three steps.

  • Canopy. It is accepted that the canopy is slightly larger than the porch and protrudes beyond it by at least 0.3 meters in order to protect the area in front of the front door from rain and snow.
  • Selection of materials. Experts recommend making the structure and its roof from the same materials as a private house, otherwise they will not fit together. Entrance system should be harmonious (tree with tree, stone with stone), but for a canopy you can use the same roofing material as for the roof of the house or replace it with cellular polycarbonate.

Building a porch with a canopy with your own hands

Of course, you can entrust the work of constructing a porch and canopy to a team of experienced builders, but it is much more interesting to do it yourself. In fact, there is nothing difficult here for a person with minimal construction skills. The main thing is to have the desire, time and a set of tools, including:

  • Electric drill or grinder.
  • Roulette.
  • Saw.
  • Building level.

  • Sand, cement and crushed stone (the base of the porch).
  • Boards (if the structure is wooden).
  • Metal and fastening elements.
  • Roofing covering.
  • Brick (silicate or red).

Wooden porch of a private house

A porch with a canopy made of wood is perfect solution for a small private house. Photos of ready-made options and projects amaze with their variety, and the attractiveness of the finished option makes you want to make one for yourself. Wooden structures They are simple in their execution, and their cost is not high, because expensive types of wood are not used for arranging the porch. The cross-section of the board for arranging the porch is 50-150 millimeters.

Important! Wood is a material that needs proper processing. Wood must be impregnated with antiseptics and various solutions that protect the material from insects, moisture, fungus and fire.

As for the foundation for a wooden porch, it is not mandatory. Of course, it will be much better and more reliable, but these are the financial costs that can be reduced if the canopy is covered with light bitumen shingles. To create a beautiful entrance space, you need to install supports, stringers, and then boards that serve as steps. On top of high supports you need to install gable roof, covering it with roofing material.

Porch with concrete and brick canopy

This type of construction looks more impressive and impressive, however, to build a porch you will need a solid foundation, since its weight is much higher than wooden structure. First of all, you need to dig a pit, the depth of which will be the same as the depth of the foundation of a private house.

After this, you need to create a cushion of sand and gravel in the hole, install the formwork and fill it with concrete. In order to increase the strength of the foundation, it can be reinforced with metal mesh or pipes (rebar). In addition, vertical metal elements are needed in order to interlock the subsequent masonry and the canopy, creating a monolithic structure.

On top of the foundation layer goes waterproofing and brick, which serves as future steps. The laying is carried out in the usual way, the main thing being that it is level and convenient for moving along the steps. Arrangement of the canopy is done last.

Cellular polycarbonate canopy

As mentioned earlier, the porch is the face of the house, which should attract appearance. You can make it more elegant by equipping a visor that protects those standing near the door from precipitation. For arranging a canopy they are used various materials(metal tiles, flexible tiles, corrugated sheets, etc.).

If financial possibilities are limited, but you need to make a canopy, then you can use an inexpensive, easy-to-install and lightweight cellular polycarbonate. This modern polymer material, which is installed on metal carcass or supports and secured with self-tapping screws and thermal washers will allow you to create an ideal canopy over the entrance to the house in a matter of hours.

The advantages of such a visor:

  • Resistant to temperature changes.
  • Resistance to precipitation.
  • Transparency.
  • Light weight.
  • Strength.
  • Reliability.
  • Low price.