What is the supply ventilation mode in an air conditioner? Split systems with forced ventilation mode - prices

Nowadays, many people install air conditioners in their homes. Behind last years the presence of an air conditioner at home has become an indicator of quality of life: after all, in summer time without it, most apartments are hot, stuffy and want to go to the sea :-). Our goal is not to denigrate air conditioners. This useful devices, which cope perfectly with the main task assigned to them - cooling the air in the room. IN summer period The benefits of air conditioning are difficult to overestimate; it really makes life easier for many people.

The reaction of some of our friends and relatives to whom we told about ventilators was the question “why do we need a ventilator if we already have an air conditioner installed?” Let's look at the most common misconceptions regarding air conditioners and ventilators.

Myth No. 1. The air conditioner supplies fresh air to the room

Like most devices that combine several functions, supply air conditioners are rather weak in the “additional” functionality, which for them is supply fresh air. Observe: when they write about air conditioners, as a rule, they always describe in detail about filters, innovations and other “bells and whistles”. But as soon as it comes to the influx function, there is silence. Specific numbers are meant, because without numbers it is reminiscent of Ostap’s statement “Whoever says that this is a girl, let him be the first to throw a stone at me” (c). That is, the function itself is there, you can’t find fault with it. And who said that it would be a) effective and b) comfortable? Nobody wants to indicate in the description of the supply air conditioner that even at the lowest speed it makes a lot of noise (after all, no one has repealed the laws of physics, and in order to supply the same volume through a narrower channel, the supply speed must be higher, which inevitably means follows: EITHER the fan performance should be higher, and this automatically means more noise, OR the supply volume should be LESS). Now to the numbers:

The diameter of the hole when installing an air duct for an air conditioner with a supply function is 4 cm, which gives a cross-sectional area of ​​​​about 13 cm 2. The diameter of the hole when installing the air duct for the ventilator is from 8 to 12.5 cm, this gives a cross-sectional area of ​​50-123 cm 2. The calculations used the formula for the area of ​​a circle Pi-Er-square: S = π*R*R, π=3.14159...

Thus, the cross-sectional area of ​​the ventilator duct is 4-10 times larger. It follows that:

with the same fan performance and other equal conditions, the ventilator will supply 4-10 times more fresh air to the room.

The question arises: maybe so much air is not needed? Let's turn to building regulations: the norm for providing one person with fresh air in a room is 30 m 3 per hour. The maximum productivity of modern ventilators is from 100 to 180 m 3 per hour, which is equivalent to sufficient supply of fresh supply air for 3 to 6 people constantly present in the room.

Let's take into account the fact that this is the maximum performance of household air handling units on the market and, therefore, the noisiest operating mode. In practice, a performance level that is 2-3 times less than the maximum value turns out to be comfortable in terms of noise. As a result, we get a range of 33-90 m 3 per hour. That is, 1-3 people can sleep comfortably in the same room with a working ventilator, while having sufficient air exchange.

Now let's apply our theory to air conditioners with a fresh air supply function. According to our conclusion, it should turn out that the volume of inflow with a comfortable noise level of the air conditioner should be 4-10 times less than that of the ventilator, that is, from 3.3 to 22.5 cubic meters at one o'clock.

Let's compare these conclusions with technical characteristics air conditioners with supply function.

For example, let’s take the popular Hitachi RAS-10JH4 model worth about 50 thousand rubles. and another Japanese novelty with a unique humidity control function, Daikin Ururu Sarara, costing about 130 thousand rubles.

The maximum inflow volume is:

For Hitachi - there is no exact information, according to the seller - about 20 m 3 / hour

For Daikin - 32 m 3 / hour.

The point is that the inflow function in the air conditioner is indicated mainly for show, but in fact this inflow is only 20 “cubes” per hour - it’s somehow undignified to write about this.

In addition, in such models of air conditioners, restrictions related to air temperature are applied - for example, the air flow function operates at an outside air temperature of at least +3 degrees, or when the difference between outside and inside air is no more than 7 degrees. We can conclude that during the cool season, supply air conditioners stand idle, just like standard recirculation air conditioners. Of course, there are expensive models in which these disadvantages are minimized. But the cost of such models is several times higher than the cost of a ventilator and a standard air conditioner combined (for example, Daikin air conditioners cost around 100-250 thousand rubles).

As for inexpensive, like the Hitachi model, supply air conditioners, here are excerpts from reviews about them (taken from Yandex.Market, the authors' spelling and punctuation are preserved) regarding the mode supply ventilation:

  • “The supply/exhaust is noisy (the pump motor hums, the air hisses in the corrugation), does not distract from work at minimum and medium speed, but I would never put such an air conditioner in the bedroom.”
  • “The manufacturer does not write anywhere how many cubic meters. m. per hour pumps in/out the inflow and outflow of this air conditioner. such a marketing intrigue. It’s understandable why, through an inch tube these values ​​will be “shameful” and will not reach the standards for submarines and places of detention."
  • “Basically, I was warned that the inflow would be weak, but I didn’t expect it to be this bad. In addition, you won’t be able to use it in winter - there are restrictions, the automation is watching. It is possible only in summer and autumn - the temperature difference between outside and inside is no more than 7 degrees. In principle, it is needed mainly in the summer, but these are not all its disadvantages. It is quite noisy, including the weakest mode, in which it barely blows at all, but you can fall asleep. :) It is much noisier than the main fan, and the flow is worse. Its management is inconvenient.”
  • “The blow-in mode is not used - it’s too noisy and weak. »
  • “The fresh air ventilation function does not work if the window outside is more than +30 degrees. »
  • “The supply ventilation, for which we bought it, is, by and large, nonsense. This function exists separately from the air conditioner itself, pumped by a separate fan through a separate air duct. Even on maximum speed With this fan, the flow of incoming air is very modest, but it buzzes loudly. Plus there are a lot of conditions under which the air supply will not work.”

Myth No. 2. Air conditioner purifies the air

In fact. The air conditioner undoubtedly cleans the air, but standard models are equipped only with coarse air filters, which, if you look closely, are most often metal mesh, trapping large and medium-sized dust of indoor origin. Such a filter cannot effectively prevent the neutralization of microorganisms, pollen, small dust particles, bacteria and allergens that have entered the room.

Of course, expensive (more than 40-50 thousand) air conditioner models are equipped with fine air filters and a function for deactivating microorganisms and bacteria. But even inexpensive ventilator models, costing up to 30,000 rubles, are equipped with fine air filters that prevent small particles of dust, allergens, odors, impurities, and the smallest contaminants from entering the ventilated room ( dust mite, mold, mildew, bacteria and viruses, etc.). After all, it is easier (and usually cheaper) to prevent a problem than to eliminate its consequences. In addition, on filters and in drainage system Due to moisture condensation in the internal unit of the air conditioner, pathogenic microorganisms, carcinogenic substances and spores of pathogenic fungi accumulate (and often, due to untimely maintenance, multiply) and infect residents. Since the ventilator has no contact with water, its filters do not pose such a danger. Of course, as in the case of an air conditioner, the condition of compliance with timely (recommended by the manufacturer) cleaning and replacement of filters is the main guarantee healthy air and trouble-free operation of equipment - any equipment must be monitored. The only difference is that the ventilator is household appliance and servicing it is quite simple on your own, while cleaning the air conditioner, as a rule, requires the visit of a qualified service representative and specialized equipment (especially cleaning and diagnostics of the outdoor unit of the air conditioner, which is strongly not recommended and is even prohibited to be performed without the appropriate qualifications).

Myth No. 3. Air conditioners and ventilators are installed in the same way

In fact. A household air conditioner has both an outdoor and an indoor unit (or several units). Installing an air conditioner on the external wall of a building is not always possible: this is interpreted as a redevelopment that requires approval - that is, bureaucratic red tape with an unpredictable result.

Many residents install air conditioners without permission, without going through the redevelopment approval procedure. However, this is fraught with problems: such residents can be sued by both neighbors and Management Company or city authorities. With a high probability, the claim will be satisfied - there are already such precedents - and the air conditioner will have to be dismantled.

As for the ventilator, its installation indoors does not affect appearance building is not considered a redevelopment and therefore is not subject to approval. From the outside of the building, the hole is closed with a grill. There are no special regulations regulating this aspect, so installing gratings without approval is legal.

Since the ventilator does not have an external unit, its installation does not require special climbing equipment, which reduces the cost of installation. Installation is carried out from the inside of the room: first, a hole is cut using diamond drilling equipment, then a grate is installed on the outside (possibly with a rain cover), and then inside– the device itself. Diamond drilling is so accurate that the “torn-out wall” effect is impossible, so the ventilator can be installed in a room under renovation. As for the air conditioner, a hammer drill is most often used to install it, which, if not used very skillfully or in the case of a problem wall (hitting the fittings), can greatly “damage” it.

Installation of the ventilator does not involve laying long air ducts - in 90% of cases the length of the air duct is equal to the thickness of the wall (with the exception of the case of laying the air duct through a balcony or loggia). The air coming from the ventilator spreads throughout the room without the help of pipes.

Myth No. 4. The air conditioner heats the air

In fact. This is partly true - an air conditioner made in the form of a split system can heat the air. However, there are a number of limitations, the main one of which is the impossibility of heating in winter. You can turn on the split system for heating only when the outside temperature is positive (more expensive models - up to -10C). When you try to heat a room with an air conditioner in cold weather, the compressor in an inexpensive air conditioner may break down, and in an expensive one the electronics will not allow you to turn on the heating. In autumn and spring, at above-zero temperatures, turning on the air conditioner in heating mode should be done with caution, since the radiator external unit cools and a large amount of condensation forms on it and to prevent damage to the air conditioner it is necessary to remove it regularly.

In the descriptions of some air conditioners you can see the “winter kit” function. Some consumers, without understanding, believe that this air conditioner function will provide optimal temperature indoor air in winter. In fact, this function implies cooling in winter period rooms with intense heat generation (for example, rooms where a large amount of equipment is located). This has nothing to do with air heating, which is relevant for most consumers.

Now about the ventilators. Their modification, called a “breather”, which has a climate control function, heats the air in the room to a user-specified temperature, regardless of the temperature outside the window. The greater the temperature difference, the more efficient the heating. Most ventilators without a climate control function also heat the air, but without the ability to set a specific degree - the device has several heating powers, and the higher this power, the warmer the temperature of the fresh air in the room. Recuperators heat the air through heat transfer supply air from the exhaust. If you have a ventilator that heats the air, you don’t need to spend money on a heater. In the case of a recuperator, heating does not even require additional energy costs.


Thus, we can conclude that household air conditioner and household ventilator - different devices designed to solve different problems, and ideally complement each other. If there is a ventilator in the room, a simple, inexpensive air conditioner is sufficient to cool the air in the summer (when calculating the power of the air conditioner in tandem with the ventilator, it is necessary to install an air conditioner more powerful than if it were installed without a ventilator, since in the summer, ventilation with warm air will require from an additional power air conditioner) since the functions of supplying fresh air, filtering it from all kinds of impurities and, if necessary, heating are decided by the ventilator.

(c) Fresh Air. Copy with URL only

In the conditions of modern sealed apartments, questions related to inefficiency, namely the lack of influx of street air masses, are increasingly arising. Due to the lack of fresh air, in such rooms the oxygen content in the air mixture is significantly reduced, which leads to a sharp decrease in the mental and physical activity of the people in it.

Today this problem is solved by creating a forced

Equipping premises with ventilators and wall supply valves, as well as specialized climate equipment - air conditioners with fresh air. To be fair, it should be said that it is more correct to call this equipment not with an influx, but with a mixture of street air, and the volume of air masses supplied to the room usually does not exceed 40%.

Design and principle of operation of an air conditioner with inflow

with an influx of fresh air various designs. The most popular among our compatriots are models with wall-mounted and duct-mounted indoor units. The design of such climate systems is not much different from standard air conditioners, with the exception of the air duct connecting the indoor and outdoor units and the filtering system for the incoming air mixture. Duct air conditioners of this type are most often equipped with an electric or water heater, which heats the supplied air flow during the off-season.

An air conditioner with supply ventilation mode for an apartment consists of:

  • Evaporative (indoor) unit, which includes a heat exchanger, fan, filtration system, and electronic control unit.
  • An external unit, including a compressor, a condenser heat exchanger, a cooling fan and an additional suction turbine, as well as a mixing chamber.

The mixing of air masses occurs as follows: by means of a suction fan, fresh air is supplied through an air duct to the evaporation unit, where it enters a special chamber and mixes with air from the room. After which, the air mixture passes through the filtration system and undergoes additional processing (heating, humidification, dehumidification, etc.), which depends on the design, specified mode and model of the split system. Only after processing the air mixture is supplied to the room. Microprocessor control allows you to automatically keep under control the user-specified parameters of the air mixture, as well as the strength of the air flow.

Scope and advantages of split systems of this type

Air conditioners with a function are most often used in sealed residential buildings equipped with modern metal-plastic windows, as well as in rooms with special requirements for air exchange and air mixture quality.

The main advantages of a fresh air conditioner are:

  • Year-round provision of serviced premises with an influx of fresh air. The competent approach of manufacturers has made it possible to create climate control equipment that can operate even at low temperatures.
  • High degree of purification of street air. Open window, will provide the necessary influx of air masses, but its quality, especially in a metropolis, leaves much to be desired. Split systems are equipped with effective filter elements, thanks to which clean and fresh air enters the room.
  • Microprocessor control makes it possible automatic maintenance specified temperature and humidity characteristics and device performance.

Factors to consider

Despite the rather serious advantages of this type, air conditioners with forced ventilation for apartments have not become particularly popular among our compatriots, and there are several explanations for this:

  1. Increased noise level, the source of which is the additional fan. In Russia the noise level is standardized sanitary standards, which clearly state that the level of penetrating sound exposure into residential premises cannot be higher than 30 dB at night. Most common models of such climate control equipment have an indicator on the verge of this value.
  2. A household air conditioner of this type cannot fully replace the ventilation system.
  3. High price. The price of such a device is approximately 15-20% higher than similar power climate control equipment with inverter control.

The choice of a split system of this type should be entrusted to professionals, since the implementation of proper air exchange and synchronization ventilation system with an air conditioning system is possible only with proper calculation and assessment of the required volume of supply air.

Modern ecology, especially in cities, leaves much to be desired. Therefore, the presence of fresh air in a living space is, first of all, concern for the health of everyone who lives there. But if in country house To do this, it is enough to open the window sash, but in conditions of gas and dust in the city atmosphere, such a solution looks dubious.

Air conditioner

How to provide yourself with fresh air? Many people see a solution in installing an air conditioner, mistakenly believing that it takes in outside air, cleans it, cools (or heats) it and releases it into the room in this form. However, this is not at all true.

Air conditioner is a device used to create comfortable conditions in room. First of all, this applies to the summer, when it is unbearably hot outside, when it is difficult not only to walk down the street, but also to simply fall asleep at night. What does the air conditioner do in this case? Cools the air. But what kind of air? The same one, circulating in the room. Yes, he cleanses it of harmful impurities as best he can. A cheap one cleans poorly, trapping only large particles of dirt and dust, as well as insects that accidentally fly in, onto a special grill. The expensive one “catch” pathogenic microorganisms, pathogenic fungal spores, pollen and other allergens and smaller dust particles. However, the air remains the same and each time the percentage of oxygen content in it decreases, and the percentage of oxygen content increases carbon dioxide. And the apparent freshness is determined by its purification from harmful impurities and cooling. But harmful impurities do not disappear anywhere - they settle on the air conditioner grille, which should be cleaned regularly, otherwise the condensation that accumulates there can become a comfortable environment for the development of bacteria, mold and other less useful microorganisms.

An alternative to traditional recirculating air conditioners can be an air conditioner with a forced ventilation mode. However, at the moment this additional function in the above-mentioned devices is poorly developed and, if used, the air conditioner begins to emit increased noise. And the more air needs to be “drawn in” from the outside, the louder the noise. Is it comfortable for those living in the apartment? Hardly. Although a person gets used to everything...

According to the standards, one person in a room needs 30 cubic meters of fresh air per hour. Air conditioners with forced ventilation, in which this function is set to maximum, can provide an influx of fresh air in a volume of about 20 cubic meters per hour. This is clearly not enough.

Another mistake people make when purchasing an air conditioner is the idea that it can heat the air, providing warmth in the house in winter. Yes, it heats the air. However, he can do this “painlessly” for himself only if the temperature outside is above zero. If you try to turn it on in heating mode at sub-zero street temperatures, very soon it will simply break down. In cheap models, the compressor will fail, and in expensive models, the equipment itself will refuse to ruin itself and simply won’t turn on. The real benefit of such a split system is only in the fall or spring, when it’s plus outside. The risk here lies in the rapid rate of condensation formation, which must be removed in time - otherwise the device may break.

And finally, installation. As you know, an air conditioner consists of two parts - internal and external, called blocks. Installing an external unit is equivalent to redevelopment, for which you must have permission. If this action is not coordinated, neighbors, city authorities or the management company may complain about the unauthorized installer of the air conditioner. The main threat in this case is the obligation, by court decision, to dismantle the unauthorized structure. And the installation process itself involves the use of a hammer drill, the “zeal” of which some particularly old and fragile walls may not withstand.

Ventilation unit

Another class of devices that perform more important and vital purposes is the installation of fresh air ventilation (or, in other words, ventilators).

Installation is carried out special equipment for performing diamond drilling. Its high accuracy allows you to punch a hole in the wall without any fear for its overall integrity and is permissible even in a newly renovated room. At the same time, on external wall no need to hang any external units - just install a protective grille with a canopy. It can be painted to match the color of the wall. Such an action is not considered redevelopment and does not require additional permission.

Part ventilation unit, placed indoors, has an attractive body made of safe eco-friendly materials. Its main advantages:

  • wear resistance;
  • fire safety;
  • resistance to heat;
  • high sound insulation.

The ventilation unit draws in fresh, oxygenated outside air, cleans it and delivers it into the room in this form. In winter, an additional function of heating the air up to comfortable temperature. What’s most interesting is that the greater the difference between the external and internal temperatures, the more efficient the heating will be. In the most simple models although there is no function for setting a set temperature, there is a power regulator.

Using the iFresh installation as an example, we will consider several speeds at which the ventilator fan can operate:

  • the first, providing a supply of fresh air in a volume of 40 cubic meters per hour, is absolutely silent and especially comfortable at night;
  • the second, supplying air in a volume of 80 cubic meters per hour, is suitable for daytime use;
  • the third involves active ventilation if there is large quantity people and provides the room with air in a volume of 120 cubic meters per hour.

At the same time, active purification of the air supplied from the street is ensured, thanks to which, no matter how terrible the street atmosphere is, only clean, oxygen-rich air appears inside the room. A similar effect is achieved thanks to double filtration through dust and active carbon filters, which retain all harmful particles - dust, industrial gases, pathogenic microorganisms, chemical compounds, etc. As a result, there is always enough fresh air in the room, and everyone who is in it feels great.

To summarize, we note that the use of air conditioning is limited to hot summer days and off-season, and we need fresh air every day.

If we talk about the material component of the issue, then from the point of view of the efficiency of investing money, installing supply ventilation is a more rational and primary choice. Having provided yourself with clean, oxygen-enriched air, you can decide to install an air conditioner for “hot days”.

An air conditioner with a supply ventilation mode supplies purified air from the street, while simultaneously maintaining the required temperature.

Duct air conditioners

For supply ventilation - this is the most effective method serve large areas or several rooms at the same time. The device sucks in air from outside, filters it, cools (or warms) it and delivers it through air ducts to the rooms. The big advantage of ducted air conditioners with forced ventilation mode is the ability to serve a number of rooms at once. Thus, saving money on the installation of expensive equipment.

The disadvantage of a powerful ducted climate system is noise, so they are usually installed on industrial enterprises, in warehouses. The noise level can be somewhat reduced using special installation methods. But only professionals own them.

Channel power supply and exhaust air conditioners up to 30 kilowatts. There are inverter-controlled systems.

Split systems

Among luxury split systems there are also air conditioners equipped with a forced ventilation mode. These are Daikin Ururu Sarara, Astro, R and U, Hitachi Air Exchanger. All models belong to energy consumption class A and A+. They have very low level noise at a level of 23 - 26 decibels.

The intensity of air exchange depends on the power of the specific model.

The models also differ in that you can only turn on the air exchange mode. The air conditioner for supply ventilation will supply filtered air from the street into the room without changing its temperature. There is an automatic air exchange mode, when electronics monitor the air condition in the room. As soon as the level of carbon dioxide rises, an influx from the street starts.

For residential premises this is best choice supply and exhaust air conditioner.

Central air conditioners

Air conditioners equipped with a forced ventilation mode are installed in large shopping centers, supermarkets, public buildings, sports complexes. As a rule, central air conditioners are assembled from modules. Design and materials of air inlets central air conditioners allow them to be installed in damp and even aggressive environments. The special resistance to water and chemicals of supply central air conditioners is used to equip them in hazardous industries and swimming pools.

Among all types climate control systems Of particular interest is the ducted air conditioning system, which supplies treated air through a network of air ducts in several adjacent rooms without cluttering the interior with unnecessary equipment modules.

Design and principle of operation of the channel system

Like any split system, a duct system consists of two modules: a compressor-condenser (external) and an evaporative (internal) module, which are connected to each other by a copper pipeline with freon and electrical wires. The external module is installed outside the building, and the installation of the indoor module involves several placement options:

  • in a false ceiling;
  • in a false wall;
  • in the closet, in the attic, in the utility room.

The hidden installation of the evaporator unit makes the use of air conditioners of this type very practical solution for original design projects.

In how it is designed and works duct air conditioner, there are certain features. Such devices are supplied without a ready-made air distribution system. It is provided when creating a project.

Design work and subsequent work or premises for semi-industrial purposes are carried out at the construction stages or overhaul of this object.

Iron or flexible air ducts are connected to the adapters (special openings) of the indoor module, which are connected to adapters with grilles extending onto the surface of the ceiling or wall. Air circulation occurs through them. The air ducts themselves are sound and heat insulated to eliminate excess noise and the formation of condensation on the structure.

The air intake goes through the exhaust adapter through the air ducts and enters the indoor unit. There he passes strainer, the evaporator and the cooled one exits into the air ducts connected to the supply adapter.

One of the features of how a ducted air conditioner works is the temperature of the air leaving the indoor unit. She's quite cold. To minimize the temperature difference between room and cooled air, it is necessary to select the correct supply grilles. The best option will become slotted, since this particular type is capable of producing cold streams in thin streams and mixing them with the warm air in the room as quickly as possible.

Supply unit and fresh air addition

If there is a need for air flow from the street, then the ducted air conditioning system has the ability to take in air from the outside. To organize such a process, you will need another air duct to which it is connected and cut into the supply adapter. In order for street air to flow to several local points in the room, usually the ventilation pipe (air duct) coming from the supply unit is divided through a distribution tee into the required number of branches.

The supply unit is a standard module with holes on the sides. It consists of:

  • fan;
  • heating element;
  • electronics unit;
  • pocket filter;
  • flaps.

In summer the heating element does not work, but in autumn and winter it heats the incoming air to the required temperature. Dampers are needed to block the outlet of the installation, through which, in standby mode, cold flows can enter the air ducts and then into the room. A pocket (bag) filter is a single-stage filtration system used in supply ventilation systems. It cannot be regenerated, so most often it is replaced with a new one.

U air handling unit and a ducted air conditioner with fresh air mixed in, two different remote controls. The operation of the supply module is regulated separately.

But it is worth keeping in mind that with duct air conditioners, the influx of fresh air is only 30% of the total air circulating through the system air flow. No ducted air conditioner can mix in 100% of the outside air.

Work in winter

The ducted air conditioner has the ability to operate year-round. IN in this case the outdoor module is installed in a room where the minimum temperature values ​​are -3-5°C, and there is space for output warm air. If it is not possible to install an external unit indoors, then it is simply equipped with a “Winter Start” device, which consists of three separate devices: compressor oil heating, fan speed control and drainage heating. But energy consumption will increase significantly.

At correct selection air conditioner power and correct network installation ventilation pipes The period of trouble-free operation reaches 10-15 years.

Types of duct air conditioners

All manufacturers produce models that operate either cold only or cold/heat. Duct air conditioners with a mixture of fresh air can be with inverter or non-inverter type of compressor control. These split systems differ not only in cooling capacity, but also in blowing power, that is, the pressure of the outgoing flow. There are low-pressure, medium-pressure and high-pressure duct air conditioners. The selection of the length and configuration of the air ducts depends on the force of pressure (static pressure) created by the fan.

Low pressure air conditioners

This air conditioner has a maximum static pressure of 45 Pa. It can process air in one room, and the length of the ventilation piping is no more than a meter. Low-pressure models are installed in hotel rooms, small offices and apartments.

Medium pressure air conditioners

For medium-pressure systems, the pressure force can reach up to 100 Pa, and total length air ducts are measured in tens of meters. They are considered the most popular, as they best satisfy the needs of apartments with several rooms, small cottages, cafes, medium-sized offices and shops.

High-pressure air conditioners

The pressure force of such models is up to 250 Pa. The length of air ducts can exceed a hundred meters, and their configuration can be complex and highly branched. They install high-pressure duct air conditioners in large offices, conference rooms, large restaurants and residential buildings with many rooms.

To remove condensate accumulated during operation of the device, a high-pressure duct air conditioner is usually equipped with an additional drain pump. These devices have the highest performance compared to low- and medium-pressure ones. All of the listed characteristics help distribute air even to remote rooms without any losses and in full.

Duct air conditioners with a mixture of fresh air are devices with high pressure pressure.

What you need to know when buying

There are practically no shortcomings in the quality of operation of this climate control equipment, with the exception of the following nuances.

The ceiling height in the room must be at least 3 meters, otherwise the strong air currents coming out of the adapter with the grille will not have time to be distributed throughout the space, which will cause colds.

The duct air conditioner with all additional structures is installed in the space between the ceiling and the false mezzanine. Its height must be at least 25 cm.

IN different rooms Only identical parameters can be supported. This is not entirely convenient if one of the zones is located on sunny side where more is required low temperature, and the other - in the north, where average indicators are sufficient.

Installation of duct air conditioner

If you do not want to spoil the facade of the building with many external blocks, and clutter the rooms with internal modules, the right decision will be the installation of a ducted air conditioner, both in an apartment and in a private house.

In theory, everything is simple - compliance with the stages of work should ensure normal functioning device in the future. But there are some difficulties in which installing a ducted air conditioner with your own hands becomes simply impossible, namely:

  • laying a network of air ducts with calculation of their cross-section and high-quality sound and heat insulation;
  • calculation of power, static pressure, air capacity;
  • providing access to indoor unit for subsequent preventive maintenance;
  • cutting off some rooms (toilet, kitchen) from the air intake system;
  • installation of an air supply unit, if a high-pressure ducted air conditioner with a supply of fresh air is required.