Several rules on how to dismantle a household air conditioner. Dismantling an air conditioner during repairs How to remove a split system without losing freon

When moving to new apartment or home or change of office location, there is a need to dismantle the air conditioner or several devices at once. The nuances of this type of work largely depend on the type of device.

Sometimes only professionals with sophisticated experience in this field can dismantle the air conditioner quickly and with very high quality. However, their services are quite expensive, so many people often prefer to dismantle the device themselves. This raises a fair question: how to dismantle the air conditioner with your own hands? This solution will allow you to save a lot of money, but only if you do everything correctly.

When is the best time to remove an air conditioner?

Many companies have seasonal discounts, quite significant ones at that.

Seasonality has virtually no effect on the cost of services for dismantling climate control equipment. But it is much more important to take into account weather conditions when carrying out work. So, you should not dismantle in winter, because low temperatures will significantly complicate the work or make it simply impossible (for example, due to the need to release freon). Dismantling should not be carried out in rain or snow, as moisture can damage the elements of the outdoor unit. If there is no rain, snow or frost, then please dismantle your device.

Precautionary measures

Most device breakdowns occur during transportation.

Any modern air conditioner is equipped with two units: one of them is located outside, the other is inside. They are connected by two lines designed to move refrigerant through them. After circulation through the tube with smaller diameter freon moves to the outdoor unit from the indoor unit through a tube with a large diameter. Next, gaseous freon circulates in the opposite direction. This is where problems can arise that can prevent you from dismantling the device yourself.

  • Loss of freon (full or partial) may well happen if the main pipelines. Air containing moisture is quite capable of getting into the heat exchanger, as well as the tubes, and this will lead to a malfunction of the split system already at the site where it will be reinstalled. Why? Moisture will penetrate into the compressor of the device, and the latter will simply break.
  • If small particles penetrate into the tubes due to improper transportation or if they are pulled through the wall, then failure will occur.
  • Pay close attention to the fittings on the threads that are soldered to the tubes. If they are damaged at the slightest level, repairs cannot be avoided, which will cost a pretty penny.
  • If the wires are connected incorrectly, namely, the required places are not marked on the terminals with special marks, then when re-installing, connecting the air conditioner correctly will be very problematic.
  • Clearly determine the size of the drainage tube (if it is cut short, it will have to be replaced very soon). Although this is not too expensive, it is labor-intensive.
  • Finally, be careful not to lose parts or hardware while transporting your device. To do this, they simply need to be securely fastened.

All of the above points can entail a very expensive air conditioner repair, so before you begin dismantling the device yourself, carefully study the instructions supplied with it.

Preparatory work

Ignoring the advice of professionals will most likely lead to incorrect shutdown of the air conditioner.

Before dismantling the air conditioner yourself, you need to carry out preparatory work. And this applies not only to instrument preparation.

Thus, the device can be dismantled without first pumping freon into the device. And a freon leak is not so easily replenished. If you refill the entire system with refrigerant, you will have to fork out money. So, this operation for inexpensive air conditioners will cost about 4 thousand rubles. (depending on the refrigerant used).

If you are talking about dismantling the air conditioner yourself, then you can do this in three ways. Let's take a quick look at them.

  • Disassembling the device, which involves releasing freon.
  • Preservation of gas inside the split system.
  • Complete preservation of freon using a special technique and the use of special equipment.

The last option is considered the most effective, since it does not involve any losses. What do experts advise? They strongly recommend retaining all the refrigerant, since this way there will be no problems when installing the device in a new location.

To independently turn off the air conditioner without any significant loss of freon, you need to ensure that the latter is pumped into the condenser. To do this with the device operating in cooling mode, the valve between the small diameter pipe and the air conditioner should be closed. After pumping all the refrigerant into the condenser (this will take no more than a minute), close the valve on the tube largest diameter

, thereby turning off the freon supply.

Required materials and tools

In addition to tools, you will need material for plugs

  • Before dismantling the air conditioner, it is worth preparing the necessary tools for this purpose. Here is a list of them.
  • hex keys (set);
  • gas wrench (an alternative is an adjustable wrench); end and open-end wrenches
  • (set);
  • pressure gauge;
  • pipe cutter;


Step-by-step instruction

So, let's look at the instructions for dismantling the air conditioner step by step.

We work with the outdoor unit

  1. The outdoor unit must be placed vertically during storage and transportation. It is important to avoid shocks and shaking, so the block should be placed in a box with foam plastic
  2. We disconnect the freon wires. We unscrew all the nuts connecting the block fittings to the lines. Similar method
  3. used when the length of the tubes allows them to be reused.

Next, we seal the open fittings with tape or tape so that they do not become clogged.

Since extension of freon wires is not allowed, they are not reused. In this case, the tubes are cut and then their ends are caulked. If the disassembled air conditioner is located long time

, then, as a rule, the tubes are clogged after first filling them with nitrogen. The fact is that nitrogen does not oxidize products. Next, from the device disconnected from the network, you need to remove the protection cover, which is located where it is connected electrical cable

. We mark its terminals somehow (this is done in order to prevent confusion during a new connection). Then we unscrew the clamps that fasten the wires to the contacts. After this, the end of the wire must be screwed to the freon pipes. Next, you need to unscrew the nuts holding the outer unit and remove it along with the brackets.

Removing the compressor

  1. If the air conditioner is dismantled in order to carry out repairs, the device must be correctly disconnected. To do this you need to do the following.
  2. Remove the cover from the outdoor unit
  3. Disconnect the discharge and suction pipes from the compressor.
  4. Unscrew the fasteners that hold the condenser and valves.
  5. Remove the capacitor.
  6. Remove the compressor.

If you act this way, you will not damage the piping pipelines. In addition, it will be possible to simultaneously repair several elements of the outdoor unit, and this will significantly speed up the task.

To start working with the compressor, you should empty the oil from it. In piston devices it is drained through a pipe. In models of the rotary or spiral type, you will need to drill the bottom (and it is not allowed to drill through it, since chips may well get inside). You should leave a thin partition and then pierce it with a punch.

Removing the indoor unit

After removing the unit, you need to unscrew the mounting plate, then remove the freon wires, cable and box

To gain access to the clamps holding the internal unit, remove the front panel. Then we ensure that the electrical and freon wires and clamps are disconnected, and only then we remove the block from the guides.

At this stage, a number of difficulties may arise: if you act carelessly, you can easily break the evaporator latches. This element is usually closed with a lid. Access to the latches was deliberately made more difficult, since this ensures that dismantling of the device will be carried out exclusively by professionals. Two thin screwdrivers will help you get to the fasteners.

You also need to be careful when snapping the latches. If they are damaged in a new place, the device will not be able to be fixed, and due to vibrations it will break very quickly.

Those who carry out dismantling themselves should invite an assistant

Of course, when dismantling the air conditioner yourself, errors of a very different nature are possible. Here are some of them.

  • Refrigerant leak. It will lead to additional costs, because the device will have to be refilled. To prevent this, dismantling must be carried out in such a way that the refrigerant remains inside the air conditioner.
  • Ingress of dust or moisture into the internal circuit of the device. This will quickly damage the compressor. To minimize water ingress, do not dismantle the equipment during snowfall or rain.
  • Block falling. Since the external unit is quite heavy, you may miscalculate the force and drop it. Specialists who use special equipment are insured against such an outcome.
  • Damage to device elements. The most serious damage is that results in depressurization of the air conditioner circuit. Even through an unnoticeable crack, freon can leak or water and dirt can get inside. So be careful.

Now you have learned how to dismantle the air conditioner yourself. If you have at least great experience carrying out repair work, then you can safely get to work.

There are situations in which it is necessary to know how to dismantle the air conditioner. The reasons may be different - the old split system does not work or you are expecting a move, but you are reluctant to buy a new one. Be that as it may, everyone wants to save money, especially in the face of new expenses. Dismantling air conditioners can cost from $70 depending on the power, location, type of device, and in some cases it is also necessary to charge the system with refrigerant after installation.

Dismantling the air conditioner will cost the owner a certain amount

Possible troubles due to incorrect dismantling

Whether a qualified specialist or an amateur who wants to dismantle the air conditioner himself, a person must know how this device works in order to avoid unpleasant consequences. It would seem that disconnecting the tubes and unscrewing a few hardware is a trivial matter, but practice shows that everything is somewhat more complicated.

The operating principle of an air conditioner is not difficult to understand. IN in this case We will talk about split systems, since that is what people usually deal with. Freon flows from the evaporator to the compressor, where due to more high pressure it heats up.

Then the condenser is blown with relatively cold air, due to which the refrigerant cools and turns into a liquid aggregate state, which is accompanied by an exothermic reaction. Due to this, the air passing through the condenser is heated. The heated refrigerant from the condenser moves to the expansion valve, in which it partially passes into gaseous state at reduced pressure. The liquid and gaseous refrigerant then enters the evaporator, which receives air from the room. There, the substance finally turns into a gaseous state, due to which it absorbs heat from the room, after which it is sent to the compressor for a repeat cycle.

That is, it becomes clear that air conditioning requires a rather complex organization from the device, especially from the pump. It must be absolutely sealed, and the use of additional seals is not allowed due to regular temperature and pressure surges. Therefore, tightness is achieved only through the precision of all parts. This is where the problem usually arises for those who decide to dismantle the air conditioner with their own hands. If you make a mistake when removing the system, you can damage the pump, which will lead to a decrease in the efficiency of the device, and then to complete breakdown. It usually breaks if dust and other aerosols that harm the wall, or oxygen, enter the pump. Therefore, dismantling the air conditioner requires extreme caution.

If the air conditioner is damaged during removal, it will no longer work correctly.

What is needed for dismantling

To dismantle the air conditioner with your own hands, you still need to spend money, because a person will definitely need a number of tools, without which the task cannot be completed. These include:

  • manifold;
  • pressure gauge;
  • hex socket wrenches;
  • side cutters;
  • open-end wrenches;
  • drill-driver;
  • adjustable wrenches;
  • crosshead screwdriver;
  • construction knife.

In some cases, it is necessary to acquire safety equipment. Moreover, it is always necessary for two people to participate in dismantling - one person is unlikely to be able to do everything correctly and safely.

It is under no circumstances worth risking your life and health.

Open-end wrenches will come in handy when removing the device

Dismantling a split system with your own hands is somewhat more difficult than a similar process with monoblock air conditioners such as window or mobile ones. In such cases, you just need to shut off the refrigerant supply channels, turn on the device and wait until the substance leaves it, so as not to harm the surrounding room. Then the air conditioner is turned off from the network, the drain is disconnected, carefully removed from the mounts and the pipes are disconnected so that you can finally remove the device - absolutely nothing complicated. To properly dismantle yourself, you need to follow certain rules

People thinking about how to remove a split system should understand that the first step is to dismantle the outdoor unit of the air conditioning system. Initially, you need to at least briefly familiarize yourself with the architecture of the device. There are two fittings on the outdoor unit, with caps screwed on top of them. Visually, the difference between these pipes is clearly visible: the tube connected to the first one is thicker - this is the supply, or steam, pipeline; the second pipe refers to the outlet or liquid pipe. Under the caps there are nuts that regulate the supply or removal of refrigerant. Near the supply fitting there is a nipple, thanks to which freon is released from the air conditioner.

According to the instructions showing how to properly dismantle the split system, removal of the outdoor unit is carried out through the following steps:

  • Remove the covers from both pipes with an adjustable wrench to gain access to the valves of the inlet and outlet pipelines.
  • A pressure manifold is connected to the nipple of the steam fitting.
  • Turn on the system at full power in the “cooling” mode.
  • Then, when a flow of cold air begins to flow from the indoor unit, close the valve of the liquid pipe with a hex socket wrench and carefully monitor the refrigerant pressure in the gaseous state of aggregation thanks to the manifold. Some experts note that you can connect the pressure gauge even after starting the system, since, according to them, this way you can avoid unnecessary leakage of compressor oil from the split system.
  • When the pressure drops below zero, the valve of the steam pipe is closed with a hexagon socket and the air conditioning system is quickly turned off. Having met these conditions, all the refrigerant will be in the condenser of the outdoor unit.
  • At this stage, it is already possible to disconnect the pipelines from the system. The liquid hose usually unscrews without special effort, but with steam it’s not so simple. The fact is that by disconnecting it, you can break something or damage something by abusing force. Therefore, it is recommended that when unscrewing the nut with an adjustable wrench, hold the valve by screwing the cap onto it so as not to damage the thread. In this case, when all pipelines are disconnected, you need to quickly close the valves with caps or, if there are none, plug them with electrical tape. This will prevent various contaminants from entering the system and keep it safe. Another way to disconnect pipelines, which is also commonly practiced, is to cut copper tubes at a distance of about twenty centimeters from the logs with a pipe cutter. Then you immediately need to carefully squeeze them and bend them at an angle of 180° so that nothing gets inside. Under no circumstances should this be neglected. All pipes must be closed.
  • Work on the outdoor unit is coming to an end. All that remains is to disconnect the electrical communications using a Phillips screwdriver.
  • And so final stage– it is necessary to disconnect the external block of the system from the reinforcements. It is usually bolted to them with four M8 bolts, but M6 and M10 can also be found. Having unscrewed everything, the unit is carefully placed on a stable surface (possibly on the ground) and the fastenings are disassembled - they may still be useful for installing the system in the future.

If the air conditioner is dismantled temporarily in order to take it for repairs, there is no need to remove the brackets; there will always be time to disassemble it.

Dismantling the outdoor unit can be quite a difficult undertaking.

Self-removal of the indoor unit

At first glance, dismantling the indoor unit of an air conditioner may seem like a trivial matter that does not require special skills or effort. However, this is not entirely true due to the fact that different models have their own characteristics. But there are some rules that anyone who wants to know how to remove an air conditioner from a wall needs to know.

  • Disassembly is carried out according to the following algorithm:
  • The first step is to remove the housing cover. The difficulty is that each manufacturer has its own way of securing the air conditioner from unqualified “masters” using specific latches. There are usually indicators on the bottom of the unit to help you remove the cover. They indicate the location of the connections between the housing and the mounting plate. Here you need to either pull it a little or press it - it all depends on the specific model of the split system. There may also be screws that need to be unscrewed first. Having found an approach to a specific block, the cover will be removed without difficulty. But caution is required, since if you do not calculate the force, you can damage the parts of the block.
  • Opening the lid, the master can see a pipeline, a drainage pipe and an electrical cable. Initially, disconnect the latter by unscrewing it from the terminals and carefully pulling it out of the system.
  • To disconnect the freon pipeline, you must first remove the thermal insulator. The tubes are carefully unscrewed, as when working with an outdoor unit, after which the caps are screwed on them or, if they are missing, they are sealed with electrical tape. And you can also cut the tubes, squeeze them and twist them. The main thing is to prevent contaminants from getting into them.
  • When the internal unit of the air conditioner no longer holds anything, it is carefully removed and placed to the side. All that remains on the wall is mounting plate, which, like the brackets for the outdoor unit, can be unscrewed or left. It depends on the reason for dismantling and the goals of the owner.

This completes the dismantling of the split system. However, there is one more recommendation: when transporting the outdoor unit, you need to ensure that it stands exactly the same as on the fortifications. It should not be placed on its side or turned over.

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There are situations when it is necessary to dismantle the air conditioning system. For example, you planned major renovation, relocating an air conditioner or moving.

To dismantle the split system, you need to know the features of this operation. Let's consider the sequence of actions when dismantling the air conditioner, as well as the consequences of incorrect dismantling of the air conditioning system.

When is it not necessary to remove the air conditioner?

Based on the scale of the planned repair and the tight fit of the indoor unit to the wall, instead of immediately starting to dismantle the air conditioning system, you can resort to another way to resolve the issue.

Case No. 1

If you plan to re-glue the wallpaper and the gap between the wall and the indoor unit is large enough, then it is not necessary to dismantle the entire air conditioner, just disconnect the unit from the plate.

Case No. 2

If during the renovation you plan to plaster and level the walls, then you can also dismantle only the indoor unit. Upon completion of the repair, the length of communication should be sufficient for reinstallation of the module.

Case No. 3

There are cases when the block needs to be dismantled along with the route. This may be caused by a number of circumstances:

  • it is planned to “lower” the ceiling;
  • the nuts for connecting the route to the module are located in the wall;
  • in order to prevent the connection of nuts inside the wall after repair;
  • to move the indoor unit.

Case No. 1
Case No. 2

How to remove an air conditioner from the wall yourself: instructions

Before you begin removing the split system, you need to prepare not only ordinary household tools, but also professional ones.

TO necessary tools for dismantling the split system include:

  • pressure gauge;
  • side cutter;
  • construction knife;
  • Phillips and integral screwdrivers;
  • hexagon socket wrenches;
  • manifold;
  • open-end and adjustable wrenches;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver

In some cases, safety equipment may be needed.

Preparatory stage

After preparing the instrument, study the recommendations of specialists proper dismantling air conditioning systems. Most people ignore the recommendations of professionals, after which the air conditioner is dismantled with many errors.


Dismantling without pumping freon into the device leads to its leakage. Restoring freon is then quite difficult and expensive. The minimum amount of financial costs is four thousand rubles.

Freon release

There are three main methods for dismantling the air conditioner yourself:

  • disassembly with freon release;
  • preservation of freon in the device;
  • saving refrigerant in full thanks to the use of special techniques and specialized equipment.

The last method allows you to get maximum effect lossless, but other methods are also widely used.

Before carrying out work, carefully consider design features air conditioning systems. It is a closed circuit with refrigerant and includes a compressor, an evaporator with a condenser and a system of copper tubes for connecting all the components and ensuring the supply and removal of refrigerant.

To turn off the air conditioning system without losing refrigerant, you need to pump it into the condenser. This is possible when operating in cooling mode by closing the valve from the product to the tube. It will take no more than one minute to pump the full amount of freon. After pumping, it is necessary to close the valve on the tube. With this operation you can stop the gas supply completely.


Work begins with removing the external unit. To do this, you first need to disconnect the copper tubes. The tubes are cut at a distance of about twenty centimeters from the fitting, and then the sections are caulked for complete sealing.

When the device is stored for a long time in a disassembled state, the copper tubes are filled with nitrogen and provide a tight seal to prevent oxidation.

Work begins with removing the external unit

Outdoor unit

After disconnecting the copper tubes, remove thermal insulation. It is advisable that the operation be carried out by two people: one will work outside the building, and the other inside the room. This will greatly simplify and speed up the process.

So, one person will shut down electrical energy, and the other will disconnect the wires.

The tubes should be straightened so that they can pass through the holes in the wall. Next, the end of the cable that is dragged into the room is screwed to them. After this, the nuts that support the external unit on the brackets are unscrewed.

At the end of the operation, the block is removed and dragged into the building. It can only be stored vertically.

Disconnecting the compressor

It is very important to dismantle the compressor in the right way. To do this, you need to perform the following operations:

  1. Remove the cover from the external module.
  2. Disconnect the suction and discharge pipes.
  3. Disconnect electrical wiring.
  4. Unscrew the condenser and fan fasteners.
  5. Pull out the capacitor.
  6. Remove the fasteners and dismantle the compressor.

With this sequence of measures, the possibility of pipe defects is eliminated and it becomes possible to carry out repair of other components.

Indoor unit

There are cases when owners limit themselves to dismantling only the external unit. For example, when repairing a compressor. When it is necessary to remove the entire split system, it is important to take into account the existing nuances of dismantling the indoor unit.

To dismantle the indoor air conditioner module, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Remove the housing cover, focusing on the indicators located at the bottom of the product.
  2. Disconnect the electrical cable by unscrewing it from the terminals, and then carefully remove it from the split system.
  3. Unhook the pipe, installing the reservoir in advance; liquid may leak out from there.
  4. Remove the heat insulator and disconnect the refrigerant pipe.
  5. Carefully unscrew the tubes as when removing the external unit, and wrap them with insulating tape or screw on the caps.
Advice! The tubes can also be cut, squeezed and then twisted. the main objective- preventing their contamination.
  1. Carefully dismantle the indoor module and remove the mounting plate.

Features of work in winter

In cold weather, it is almost impossible to pump refrigerant into the condenser: the oil thickens greatly, and if you try to connect the air conditioner in this situation, a blower malfunction can easily occur. This situation is not terrible for air conditioner models that are equipped with a special winter kit. The equipment includes heating of the compressor crankcase and drainage, as well as a fan speed retarder.

If you have a model installed without this configuration, then freon can be pumped through a pressure gauge station to collect gas.

This station is connected to the shredder valve, similar to a pressure manifold.

Consequences of improper dismantling

Here are a number of possible consequences if the air conditioning system is dismantled incorrectly manually:

  1. Loss of tightness of the cooling circuit and leakage of freon. Eliminating this unpleasant situation will require significant financial investments.
  2. Clogging of the internal circuit of the system with dust, penetration of moisture. These circumstances especially affect the functioning of the compressor, and the operation of the air conditioner in general. Therefore, the product should not be removed in rainy or snowy weather.
  3. A heavy outdoor unit falling from a height. Even if the product falls from a small height, in most cases this will lead to its breakdown and replacement.
  4. Mechanical damage to the surface of the external module and other elements, which can cause depressurization of the circuit. Even the slightest crack can cause gas leakage and dust and moisture getting inside.

Watch the video on how to remove the air conditioner

Very often situations arise when it is necessary to dismantle and transport some equipment. If washing machine or it is enough to simply unplug the TV and put it away, then disconnecting the split system is somewhat more difficult. Let's take a closer look at how to dismantle the air conditioner yourself without outside help. Thus, you can save a tidy sum on the services of specialists.

Mistakes when dismantling a split system

Why might you need to dismantle the split system? The reasons can be completely different, for example:

  • People move from one place of residence to another,
  • The apartment is undergoing renovation and it is necessary to remove equipment from the room so that it does not interfere with the finishing work.
  • The equipment has broken down and needs repair or maintenance.

Under no circumstances should you begin this complex procedure without first learning how to do it correctly. For example, unknowingly you can unscrew the fittings where they connect the block and copper pipes. In this case, all the refrigerant will simply leave the system. And then you will have to refill the air conditioner with freon, and this is an additional expense.

If you make mistakes during uninstallation climate system, then in the future this may negatively affect the service life of the air conditioner. And sometimes this can lead to equipment becoming unusable and having to be either seriously repaired or completely replaced.

Any violations in the technology of shutting down the system can lead to a freon leak. This substance is under high pressure inside the freon line. If you handle the device carelessly and allow microcracks to appear in the heat exchanger, air or moisture may get inside. Such an omission will negatively affect the operation of the air conditioning compressor, leading to its breakdown.

Uninstallation of air conditioning equipment that was carried out incorrectly can lead to the fact that the device will not work for a very long time in the new location. In order not to make mistakes, you will need instructions for the air conditioner. It should indicate how to properly dismantle it. Concerning practical recommendations, then they will be given below.

The process of dismantling the air conditioning system

So, in order to disconnect the air conditioner, you should do the following sequence of actions:

While the indoor unit is being uninstalled, air may enter the outdoor unit, causing an oxidation reaction inside the pipes. For this reason, it is impossible to store an air conditioner that has been turned off for a long time. This problem can be solved by pumping nitrogen into the pipes and plugging them.

Features of removing the external unit with your own hands

Since work like dismantling air-conditioning equipment is not so easy to carry out, it is better to separately examine in more detail the disassembly of the external and indoor units.

Self-disabling the street block is carried out in the same way that professionals use. You may also need special equipment and tools. You may need to purchase a pressure gauge manifold, which is needed to correctly dismantle the paths connecting the external and indoor units, that is, routes. In this case, any leakage of freon will be completely eliminated. The only drawback is the high cost of such equipment. Its price is comparable to the cost of removing a professional technician.

Another detail that you should pay special attention to is the vacuum pump in the compressor. It is very fragile, especially under the influence of aggressive external factors. In order to protect it, when assembling the air conditioner, the pump was enclosed in a tightly closed shell, and the pump mechanism was in a vacuum.

You should dismantle the street block yourself only if there is free access to it. You should not pretend to be a climber when performing work at high altitudes. A professional high-altitude installer can easily handle this.

But if to external unit you can get to it without much effort, then proceed to unscrew its fasteners.

How to dismantle the indoor unit yourself?

Very important stage is to dismantle the indoor air conditioner unit. We have already considered the scheme for performing the work of disassembling and removing it. Now we need to go into more detail on how to disconnect everything important details and don’t miss out on important details.

You need to be very careful when working with the evaporator, since it is very easy to damage when removing it, or rather, you can ruin its fastening system. Next to the evaporator there are wires that are secured with latches. You also need to try not to hurt them. Very often the cover that covers the evaporator is located on the side where the air conditioner is adjacent to the wall and can be very difficult to reach.

Exit from difficult situation A screwdriver, or rather part of it, will help. You need a screwdriver with a cross-shaped tip. Holding it with pliers, you will need to act blindly. While you are unscrewing the screws holding the air conditioner unit to the wall, your assistants must hold it, otherwise, when the fastenings become loose, the air conditioner may fall, which can cause equipment damage.

Thus, if you decide to disassemble this equipment yourself, then you need to be at least a little confident in your abilities and the success of the operation. Even if all the work was done correctly, and the independent dismantling of the air conditioner was generally successful, problems may occur during transportation itself.

When transporting fragile equipment such as an air conditioner, shaking in the car is unacceptable, as the device can be significantly damaged. If you suddenly hear a soft bang somewhere in the air conditioner box, then you may have to purchase a new device soon.