Is it cheaper to lay laminate or linoleum? Budget-friendly floor design options

The renovation is nearing completion, all that remains is to replace the flooring - and you can enjoy the view of the updated apartment. If you put it aside expensive materials, such as natural stone, cork and parquet, there remain two budget types of coating - laminate and linoleum, each of which has certain advantages and disadvantages. A thrifty owner wants the floors to be warm and durable, not to “rattle”, not afraid of water, and not require special care and fit harmoniously into general interior rooms. In order not to make a mistake with your choice, it is advisable to know what laminate and linoleum are made from and compare the performance characteristics of these materials.


IN late XIX century, the English scientist F. Walton developed the technology for making linoleum. At that time this finishing material had exclusively natural ingredients and was made from jute fabric, wood flour, cork bark, lime filler, oxidized flax or olive oil. Tree resin was used as a binder and mineral supplements, painted natural linoleum with natural pigments.

This type of flooring is still produced today. Natural linoleum is safe for health, does not ignite easily and does not support combustion, and is resistant to chemical substances, does not accumulate static electricity. This material has only one significant drawback - high cost. There is no point in comparing natural linoleum with laminate; these are completely different materials in composition. Therefore, in the future, when speaking about linoleum, the author means a synthetic floor covering with a PVC base.

Artificially created linoleum is conventionally divided into three categories based on its scope of use and performance characteristics.

  1. Household - the thickness of the coating is no more than half a centimeter. Household linoleum has a three-layer structure and consists of foam material covered with a decorative pattern and protective film. Used for finishing floors in residential premises.
  2. Semi-commercial- the material has the same structure as household material, but is equipped with a thicker (7 mm) protective layer.
  3. Commercial - a dense, wear-resistant coating, the surface of which is treated with a special compound that reduces slipping. Used in sales areas, offices, salons.

Linoleum comes on sale in the form of long sheets, rolled into rolls for ease of transportation. You don't have to be a professional to lay such a coating. Any beginner in the repair business can easily handle the job.

Laying takes place in several stages:

  • remove the old coating and level the floors, if necessary;
  • roll out a roll of linoleum and cut it along the edge, leaving a couple of centimeters to the wall, taking into account the possible expansion of the synthetic material when heated;
  • fix the sheets at the joints using special glue.

Before finally fixing the linoleum sheets, you need to let it rest in the unfolded state for several days.

Laminate is a modern floor covering that successfully competes with linoleum in both quality and price. To make laminates, fiberboard or MDF boards are used, the surface of which is covered with a decorative film and protected with a special compound from moisture penetration. Some brands of this finishing material have an additional layer that absorbs sound.

Like linoleum, laminate is divided into several classes, each of which has its own degree of wear resistance and is used in a specific area of ​​construction.

  • Class 31 - laminate with the lowest wear resistance, intended for finishing floors in residential areas with low traffic, such as bedrooms or storage rooms. With careful use it can last up to 10 years.
  • Class 32 - excellent for flooring in residential areas with medium load. It can be used in the hall, corridor, living room, where the laminate will last more than 12 years.
  • Class 33 - withstands fairly high loads, can be used in common rooms with high traffic (gyms, hotel corridors).
  • Class 34 - laminate flooring of this class can be safely laid in shopping areas and on dance floors. At home, this coating will last more than 25 years.

Modern laminate can have any color, although most often it is painted “wood”. Despite the fact that laying laminate flooring is a little more complicated than linoleum, any non-professional can cope with this work. The main thing is to first make the floors as smooth as possible and not forget about an additional underlay that increases sound insulation.

Comparison of laminate and linoleum - which is better

Now, after a general idea of ​​the structure and composition of laminate and linoleum has been obtained, you can comparative characteristics these finishing materials and decide which one is more practical and durable, safer or more harmful to health, and what exactly to choose for renovation in a particular room.

Durability and practicality

For any owner, it is desirable that the new floor covering lasts as long as possible without losing its original appearance. Linoleum is much softer than laminate. It can be easily damaged by any iron objects. There are often dents on linoleum from the legs of a chair, sofa or bed, which spoils the appearance of the coating. In addition, linoleum quickly ignites and melts when touched by a hot object. A cigarette butt dropped on the floor will leave an unsightly black spot, and in some cases may cause a fire.

With careful handling, linoleum will last about 10 years, laminate - 15-20. However, when comparing these materials, it should be noted that laminate has one significant drawback - it is afraid of water. When exposed to moisture, the MDF boards from which the flooring is made become deformed and do not regain their shape after drying. If an apartment with laminate floors is flooded by neighbors or there is a leak Dishwasher, the repair will have to be done again. Therefore, before choosing laminate flooring for your home, you must exclude the possibility of moisture getting on the floors.

Health safety

Both types of finishing materials are obtained artificially, and it is impossible to classify them as natural coatings. Chemical compounds are used to hold lumber particles together in the laminate, and linoleum consists entirely of polymers. When purchasing such a product, you must carefully study the quality certificate. It is important that the concentration of formaldehyde in the material is within normal limits.

In addition, according to experts, both laminate and linoleum can cause allergies in people with hypersensitivity. Therefore, before purchasing, you need to make sure that the flooring is intended specifically for finishing residential premises.

Laminate flooring is easier to dispose of because it burns quickly without releasing hazardous chemicals. Linoleum does not burn, but melts and smokes heavily, disturbing the environmental situation.

Thermal insulation

Neither PVC coating nor laminated boards by themselves have the desired heat and sound insulation. If thin, cheap linoleum is laid directly on concrete base, the floor will be very cold. There are two ways to solve the problem: choose linoleum with an internal backing or lay thermal insulation material under the floor covering.

In the case when laminate is laid, according to the technology, the concrete base of the floor is covered with a special material. This increases thermal insulation and muffles the sound of footsteps. Thus, in both cases additional thermal insulation will be required.


The range of colors in which modern linoleum is produced is amazing. The floor covering can be smoothly painted, have a graphic or floral pattern, or imitate a granite or wooden surface. The main thing is to choose a color that matches the interior.

Laminate floors attract the attention of designers because, thanks to their special laying and ribbed surface, they resemble expensive parquet. From classic options Laminate colors such as birch, oak, dark and light walnut, and wenge are especially popular. Lately, colors like linen, jute, and coconut have become especially popular.


It is very important for every housewife that caring for a new floor covering does not cause much trouble. In the case of linoleum, this is true. Linoleum floors are easy to clean with a regular damp cloth. To clean small local contaminants, you can add liquid soap or a few drops detergent. It is especially pleasant to care for a PVC floor if the joints between the sheets are well taped or are completely absent. Otherwise, the water may cause the edge of the sheet to swell and move away from the backing, which will eventually lead to the formation of mold and mildew.

In order for a floor covered with linoleum to please the owner for many years, it is necessary to protect it from exposure to sharp objects. The claws of your favorite cat or dog are the enemy vinyl covering, since they leave traces in the form of holes, which increase in size over time.

It is much more difficult to care for laminated boards. Laminate is afraid of water. If moisture gets into the cracks between the dies and lingers there even for a short time, the edge of the board swells, the decorative film peels off - and the coating becomes unusable. Therefore, you can wash such floors with a slightly damp cloth, but you must add special remedy for laminate. The use of abrasive and chemical agents is unacceptable, otherwise you can ruin the appearance of the board. After washing, the floor should be thoroughly wiped with a dry cloth.

Unlike linoleum, laminate is difficult to scratch, it does not fade in the sun and does not absorb various contaminants: oils, paint, glue.


When choosing flooring For a house or apartment, the cost of the material is of considerable importance. In the manufacture of laminates, more expensive materials are used than in the production of PVC coatings. Therefore the most cheap laminate usually costs twice as much as linoleum of the same class.


After purchasing flooring, the question arises about its transportation. It’s good if the selling organization on our own solves this problem and delivers the goods to their destination. However, most often the buyer transports his purchase in a personal vehicle. And in this case, of course, it is more convenient to transport the laminate. The material is packaged in neat packs that can be easily transported and placed in the trunk of a car. Linoleum is sold in tall rolls, which cannot be lifted or carried by one person.

Both finishing materials have their pros and cons, each can be used in specific conditions. When choosing a finish for the floor, first of all, you need to focus on the purpose of the room where you plan to carry out the renovation. It makes more sense to lay linoleum on the balcony or kitchen, but in the bedroom or living room it will be more beautiful and comfortable with laminate flooring. One way or another, when choosing a floor covering, you should not chase the cheapest, and in order not to have to change the floor covering often, it is better to buy a high-quality certified product with a long service life.

Choosing between floor coverings different types- an eternal stumbling block when renovating an apartment or private house. So, linoleum or laminate - which is better, cheaper, more environmentally friendly and more practical? Let's figure it out.

If laminate or linoleum are offered at the same price, which is better to take?

general information

To understand what to choose - laminate or linoleum - first, let's get a clear idea of ​​what both materials represent.


The basis of the material is MDF or HDF. In essence, it is just pressed hardboard - fine wood dust in the form of short cellulose fibers and a binder - polymer resin.

A protective coating less than a millimeter thick is applied to the front side. The class of the laminate depends on its thickness and strength. The higher it is, the more wear-resistant this flooring will be. The back side is protected from getting wet by a thin layer of polymer.

All ends represent different elements of the click lock - simplest latch, reliably fixing the laminate boards, combining them into a single wide board.

Please note: there is also an adhesive laminate without locks at all, and simple tongue-and-groove connections. However, it is the click lock that has now become the standard.


And here we will leave outside our attention exotic things like expensive types of linoleum, made exclusively from natural materials.

Let's look at the most common types of this coating.

  • Homogeneous linoleum- this is, first of all, different types commercial coatings made entirely of monolithic polyvinyl chloride with a plasticizer. The pattern is often not a coating, but a dye embedded throughout the entire thickness.

Hence, an almost unlimited service life in high traffic conditions. A side consequence is the absence of a complex pattern on such linoleum.

  • Heterogeneous linoleum- this is up to six layers of different materials in a single coating. Foamed polyvinyl chloride, fabric and non-woven fabric bases, felt and some other materials are used. The combination of different layers allows you to obtain a material with specified properties. Including improved heat and sound insulation.

A property common to both types of flooring is that they can be used with an underlay. Actually, its installation is a mandatory operation; for linoleum - optional.

As always, there is a nuance. The rigidity of the laminate distributes the load when walking over a larger area, making it less springy on a thick soft substrate. But deformation is much more dangerous for him. First of all, click locks suffer.

On the other hand, linoleum can withstand repeated bending more easily. But the floor on a thick substrate will sag very much, and in the case of heavy furniture, the linoleum may be damaged.

Now we have a starting point in order to reasonably decide which is better - linoleum or laminate - for each of the parameters important to the consumer, you can even choose.


What to choose - linoleum or laminate - if you need maximum sound insulation of the floor?

  • Any type of linoleum itself is a plastic coating that partly absorbs shock loads when walking. Thick linoleum with a felt or foam base provides almost complete sound insulation.

On the other hand, thinner and more rigid types of commercial linoleum laid on a concrete base provide almost no sound insulation. Residents of late Soviet-built high-rise buildings are familiar with this fact first-hand.

  • In the case of laminate, the soundproofing qualities of the coating depend entirely on the substrate. Laminate itself dampens sound very little. Moreover, when walking along it in hard shoes, the clicking of heels will be clearly audible in neighboring rooms, and, often, on adjacent floors.

Here the scales are clearly tipped in favor of linoleum. However, as Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky sang, it’s not evening yet.


What is warmer - linoleum or laminate?

It is difficult to give a definite answer here. It all depends on how you compare.

If we compare the thermal conductivity of PVC and HDF, linoleum will lose. However, there is a subtlety here. The thickness of laminate used in residential premises STARTS from 6 millimeters. On the other hand, 6 millimeters is the limit of the MAXIMUM thickness of typical linoleum.

Moreover, with such a thickness, it will be a heterogeneous coating, including layers that serve specifically to improve thermal insulation. And it clearly outperforms laminate in terms of thermal insulation properties.

When weighing the pros and cons of laminate and linoleum, you need to remember the cost. We will look at it in detail a little later. Now let’s just say that linoleum, which is close in price to laminate, will surpass it in terms of thermal insulation.

And here again, a big fat “BUT” will mix up all our cards. When comparing which is warmer—laminate or linoleum—we did not take into account the properties of the substrate. And it affects the properties of the floor very strongly. Even two millimeters of cheap isolon will already provide a degree of thermal insulation at least as good as that of thick insulated linoleum.

The resolution can be formulated as follows: when using any type of foam backing under the laminate and thick linoleum without a backing, the advantages of the laminate over linoleum will be noticeable.


What is more harmful - laminate or linoleum?

The very formulation of the question is rather naive. Both laminate and linoleum must undergo mandatory certification as a material suitable for use in residential premises.

If there is a certificate, the material is absolutely safe; if it is not there, it is simply not worth buying. The composition may include any material. Including one that poses a very real threat to health.

Yes, this is not a completely complete answer. When deciding which is more harmful - linoleum or laminate - the natural base of the laminate is often mentioned as an argument in its favor. The argument makes you smile.

  • Laminate board It is often glued together from two layers of MDF or, more often, HDF (which has a higher density) using phenolic resin.
  • Bottom side of laminate protected from moisture by kraft paper impregnated with phenolic.
  • Upper layer- melamine or acrylic resin. Both compounds are stable, however, in light of the above, it is somewhat naive to talk about the natural origin of the laminate.

To spare the buyer's nerves, manufacturers rarely mention adhesive base- phenol-formaldehyde resin.

Linoleum is, first of all, polyvinyl chloride, an absolutely stable compound that is used for the production plastic windows, suspended ceilings and heaps of inexpensive household utensils.

It will be interesting to compare laminate and linoleum in terms of how they can be disposed of.

What is more environmentally friendly - laminate or linoleum - at the final stage of its life path?

  • Laminate can be burned without any consequences for environment. 80% of its mass is wood, and it will burn perfectly in a fire. Recycling along with other wood is also possible.
  • But recycling linoleum is a much more serious problem. In a fire it will undergo thermal decomposition with the release of a bunch of toxic substances, and there will be a lot of soot.

Thus, the question of what is more environmentally friendly - linoleum or laminate - can be given a definite answer. Disposing of laminate flooring causes less harm to the environment.

Moisture resistance

What is better for the kitchen - laminate or linoleum?

To answer this question, let’s remember what the features of this room are:

  • High humidity. When cooking and washing dishes, a lot of water vapor is released into the air.
  • From time to time there is water on the floor. No matter how careful the owners are, either a rag will float down the sink outlet, or the upstairs neighbors will try, or the pan will simply tip over... One way or another, the floor floods from time to time.

So, linoleum or laminate on the kitchen will suit to a greater extent?

Of course, linoleum will be much more practical.

  • Laminate inevitably swells in water, regardless of class. IN hot water this happens quickly, in cold weather it happens slowly, but the result is the same: a warped floor.

Linoleum is not afraid of water in principle.

Even if it is equipped felt backing- just turn it over and dry the floor covering. However, with properly laid linoleum, water rarely gets under it.

  • Linoleum, among other things, will prevent you from flooding your neighbors. Of course, if a moderate amount of water is poured on the floor. Yes, some laminate substrates are also capable of retaining water, but in this case it cannot be collected with a rag.

Useful: laminate, however, is often used for covering dining area. In this case, the kitchen floor is divided into two parts: laminate and tiled. work zone where food is prepared and dishes are washed.


Finally, what is cheaper - laminate or linoleum?

Since both materials are offered by the market in a wide range of consumer properties and prices, it is difficult to give a definite answer.

Perhaps, instead of simply stating what is cheaper - linoleum or laminate - let's give a few indisputable facts:

  • Cheap types of linoleum are offered at much more low prices than cheaper types of laminate. The difference is 1.5 - 2 times.
  • The most expensive market offers for laminate and linoleum (if we exclude various kinds of exclusive exotic products produced to order and commercial solutions) have a ratio of 2.5:1. At the same time, a 12-mm laminate of class 33 costs about 1000 rubles/m2; about 400r/m2 - heterogeneous linoleum with a foam base, having a thickness of 4.2 mm with a protective layer of 0.4 mm.
  • For RUR 300/m2 you can buy equally high-quality 32nd class laminate and semi-commercial linoleum.

As you can see, it is impossible to give a clear answer to the question of what is more expensive - linoleum or laminate. But it can be noted that in general, laminate tends to be more expensive.

Floor preparation

Finally, let's compare decks based on how difficult it is to prepare a subfloor for them.

  • The rigidity of the laminate allows you to avoid filling small defects and depressions. The laminate will hide them, and the floor surface will be perfect. Linoleum has a very real chance of tearing over a pothole in the floor.
  • But linoleum can be laid on a floor that has differences in height and gentle unevenness. Yes, aesthetics will suffer; but if needed FAST repair gender is a clear virtue.

In addition, a substrate is required under the laminate. Linoleum does just fine without it.


They are obvious. In most respects, linoleum looks like a more practical floor covering. Than laminate better linoleum A? Perhaps it’s definitely better – just in appearance.

Good luck with the renovation!

Good linoleum and laminate cost almost the same, but many people like the look of laminate more, but its durability is questionable. What to choose – laminate or linoleum? It is difficult to give an objective answer to this question, because much depends on the tastes of the owners of the premises.

There is some bias when evaluating a floor covering such as linoleum. Many people consider it a relic. Often in Internet discussions one comes across such an apt definition in relation to linoleum as “scoop”. Well, what kind of objectivity can there be here? However, when making a decision, you need to be guided by reason, not emotions. Let's figure it out Which is better - linoleum or laminate by comparing these two floor coverings.

Linoleum. Advantages and disadvantages of linoleum

What we call linoleum should actually be called " PVC coating " Real linoleum is a floor covering made only from natural raw materials ( linseed oil, tree resin, wood flour, limestone powder and jute fabric). However, such natural linoleum is really expensive and is not sold in every building materials store. The flooring that we are used to seeing in the homes of our compatriots, as well as in offices, kindergartens, schools, etc. - this is nothing more than a PVC coating. That is artificial material based on plastic, which was first popularly and then officially called “linoleum”, although in fact it is not one.

Of course it's unreasonable compare natural linoleum and laminate , which is a completely artificial floor covering. They are in different weight categories. As a rule, if the problem arises of choosing between laminate and linoleum, then we're talking about, of course, about synthetic linoleum, and not about natural.

Linoleum in the kitchen

There are three types PVC linoleums: commercial, semi-commercial and household. Commercial linoleum – the densest, suitable for use in high-traffic areas. This type of linoleum is purchased for flooring in educational, medical, retail, office and other public spaces. As a rule, commercial linoleum has the additional property of anti-slip, so it is not only the most durable, but also safer.

Household linoleum It is only suitable for residential premises, as it is not as durable and reliable as commercial ones. But household linoleum presented in the largest number of colors: you can choose a plain linoleum or one that imitates boards, parquet, masonry, tiles, chips, etc.

Linoleum "under the tiles"

There is a huge assortment of colors and semi-commercial linoleum . It is more durable than household ones, and therefore its service life is longer. Semi-commercial linoleum is laid both in residential premises and inside public buildings. However, for factory floors, warehouses, etc. semi-commercial linoleum is not very suitable - for such premises it is better to give preference to commercial PVC coating.

Wood-like linoleum

Advantages of linoleum:

- low cost;

— a wide variety of colors, which allows you to choose flooring for the interior in any existing style;

- ease of laying flooring - in principle, anyone with strong enough hands can lay linoleum in a medium-sized room;

— linoleum has low thermal conductivity, so floors with such a coating are rarely cold;

- linoleum does not rot, since there is nothing there to rot - after all, it is made from synthetic materials;

— floors covered with linoleum are not noisy;

- linoleum may have such an important additional property as anti-slip;

- even good linoleum that does not have “anti-slip” is not slippery;

- the shelf life of linoleum is 30-50 years - this is called “set it and forget it”; However, the appearance of linoleum even after ten years may leave much to be desired.

Disadvantages of linoleum:

- linoleum is an artificial material, it is significantly inferior in quality, environmental friendliness, and beauty wooden floor;

- linoleum can be pressed under the weight of furniture - if a table or sofa has to be rearranged, dents will most likely remain on the floor;

- inexpensive linoleum is sensitive to very high and very low temperatures– in the first case, it may become deformed, in the second, it may crack;

— linoleum looks cheap (subjective opinion, but it is shared by many). However, here you need to take into account that modern linoleum from leading flooring manufacturers can imitate any floor - wood, tile, etc. Moreover, the imitation is very high quality and realistic, so the appearance of linoleum may be no different from laminate. Consequently, when assessing the appearance of linoleum, one’s own attitude towards this material is often included.

Linoleum: does it really look as cheap and outdated as many people think?

Laminate. Advantages and disadvantages of laminate

It is also called laminated parquet, but this is fundamentally wrong. Laminate has nothing to do with parquet, because parquet is wood, and laminate – artificial multilayer finishing material , consisting of a substrate, an inner (main) layer of chipboard or MDF, decorative paper that gives the laminate color, and the laminate itself, that is, the top polymer layer that protects the coating from external influences. , by the way, may include several additional layers that improve the quality of the floor.

Laminate is divided into several wear resistance classes - depending on the class, laminate is chosen for a particular type of room: residential (21-23), public (31-33). Wear-resistant laminate is purchased for offices, children's institutions, gyms, cafes, shops, etc., as well as for residential premises with high traffic (halls, hallways, corridors). There is also a special moisture-resistant laminate. It is also called “kitchen laminate”. The edges (joints) of these laminated “planks” are moisture-resistant impregnated.

Laminate, like linoleum, can imitate various materials - wood is the most different breeds, stone, ceramics, metal, sand... The top layer of the laminate can be glossy, matte or structured (imitating the structure of a particular material - for example, wood).

Laminate imitating stone

Advantages of laminate:

- low cost compared to parquet or tiles;

— a wide variety of colors, the ability to imitate a wooden floor very realistically;

- ease of installation, since modern laminate does not need to be glued - the laminate is installed using the “locking” method.

Disadvantages of laminate:

— the service life of ordinary (not moisture-resistant) laminate in wet rooms (kitchens, hallways) usually does not exceed 5 years;

— laminate is an artificial material that is significantly inferior to natural floor coverings;

- laminate coating ( upper layer) may be damaged if a sharp and/or heavy object falls on the floor;

- improper care of laminate flooring and washing it too often can negatively affect its appearance - in particular, indelible light spots may appear on the surface of the coating;

- even with proper installation that fully complies with the requirements, the seams will not be airtight, which means that moisture, sand, and dust can get into the joints. This gradually leads to deterioration of the edge. As a result, the quality of the floor will deteriorate, the panels will become movable, the coating will begin to creak;

- if the laminate is flooded with water, it will most likely need to be replaced.

So, both linoleum and laminate have advantages and disadvantages. So which flooring is preferable? Let's compare.

Laminate or linoleum: which is better?


- cheap;

- beautiful;

- do not burn out;

- are not natural;

- not prestigious;

- stable;

- easy to install.

However, there are differences that can be seen from the table:

the washing up + Can be washed with plenty of water Need to be careful when washing
Life time +The service life of linoleum is at least twice as long
Flammability, fire hazard Both are flammable, but linoleum is considered a more fire hazard
Resistant to heels, animal claws, furniture, stilettos Dents may remain +Much more stable
“Reaction” to apartment flooding +Will survive There is a high probability that the flooring will have to be replaced
Ease of transportation and delivery to the apartment Lifting a huge roll of linoleum to a high floor is very difficult +Transporting small boxes is usually not difficult
The amount of “chemistry” in the material, the level of allergenicity Linoleum contains more “chemicals”, which can sometimes cause allergies +Laminate is less likely to cause allergies and is considered more environmentally friendly than linoleum
Soundproofing +The level of sound insulation is much higher
Pleasant to the touch +Linoleum in a cold room will seem warmer + In a warm room, laminate is more pleasant for many; in a cold room it will seem colder
Number of pros and cons 5+5- 4+6-

So, the conclusion suggests itself - linoleum has more advantages and fewer disadvantages , however, the difference in pros and cons is not so significant. Therefore, solving the question, what to choose - laminate or linoleum, you need to be guided by the room for which the flooring is intended.

Choosing flooring depending on the type of room

For bedroom, living room and home corridor It is better to choose laminate as it is more fashionable, pleasant to the touch, and less toxic. Linoleum is still preferable for the kitchen, but if you are ready to change the flooring every 4-7 years, then make your choice depending on your personal preferences.

For a high traffic office Linoleum is also preferable. The problem is not even a matter of repairs: laminated floors can very soon lose their appearance, begin to creak, etc., but this can negatively affect the company’s image. In addition, laminate is noisier, and if a large number of people walk along the office corridors, and even in heels, this can distract employees and reduce their productivity. By the way, in the corridors of American offices there is often carpet - soft, comfortable, quiet. However, in our country this is almost unrealistic due to the level of cleanliness of the streets (or rather, the lack of cleanliness as such).

Linoleum can be successfully combined - with carpet, laminate, and linoleum of a different color

If you are choosing flooring for a loggia/balcony , it’s worth asking the price for linoleum. If you forget to close the glazing sash, the laminate may not tolerate this, but nothing will happen to the linoleum. And floors finished with linoleum will seem warmer. However, you need to take into account that in extreme cold, linoleum can crack ( from the author: on my cold loggia Tarkett linoleum, survived three winters with 45-degree frost - and nothing, looks like new).

We wish you to do right choice, which you won’t have to regret. I would only like to recommend not saving on flooring: sometimes it is better to spend more than expected, but make really high-quality floors that will last a long time. Still, nothing has yet been invented better than stone tiles for wet rooms and board (or parquet) for residential areas.

Have you thought about this too? This means that you and I are colleagues. It’s not for nothing that they say that the problem of choice makes a person unhappy. For several days I puzzled over this question, calculated, cut out, looked for where it was cheaper. As a result - bought laminate. To tell the truth, initially I was leaning towards linoleum. There were several reasons for this. But, after weighing all the pros and cons, counting all the costs, taking into account the advantages and disadvantages, I came to the conclusion that laminate is more suitable for me. In this review I am going to tell you why I came to this decision. I'll show you at the same time how to choose laminate flooring, what to pay attention to, what a home craftsman will generally need in order to lay the flooring himself. Believe me, unlike, which is best left to professionals, anyone with arms, legs and, naturally, a head can handle laminate flooring.

Frankly, at first I wanted to cover the floors with linoleum. At that time, it seemed to me that such a coating would be cheaper, would last longer, and was somewhat easier and faster to install than laminate. However, over time, I became more and more convinced that the latter has many advantages that linoleum does not have.

Let's try to compare these two coatings based on their main characteristics.

Thermal conductivity

If you put thin linoleum on a concrete base, then it will not be very comfortable to walk on such a floor barefoot. Cold. Stone - even artificial - is stone. And playing while sitting on the floor with a child would also be very problematic. Look, not the cheapest linoleum has a thickness of only 2-3 millimeters:

If you put it directly on concrete screed, then walking on the floor barefoot will be cold even in summer, not to mention winter. Of course, even among inexpensive options there are examples with a thicker backing. The thickest linoleum that we managed to find in the OBI store had a thickness of 4.2 mm

However, even such a layer will not be a panacea. In addition, the cost of this particular linoleum is 799 rubles per square meter:

Mentally multiplying it by 103 square meters that had to be covered, adding about 15% for scraps that inevitably remain during installation, I received a sum of about 95 thousand rubles.

But it wasn’t even these considerable expenses that stopped me from buying. In the end, coverage is not purchased for one year, and you can spend money. The matter was completely different.

I was not sure that if I laid such linoleum on a concrete base, it would be possible to walk on the floor barefoot - the way we are all used to. Of course, you can put the coating on a porous thermal insulation substrate, but in this case, when walking on the floor, you will feel as if you are walking through a swamp, slightly sinking at every step. This will be especially noticeable at first, until the substrate settles in. What will the floor look like in those places where furniture legs press on it? Can you imagine?

You can also first cover the floor with some kind of wood-plywood layer, and then put linoleum on it. But I had to immediately discard this option, because, on the one hand, I would have to reinstall the doors, and on the other hand, significant additional costs were somehow not included in my plans.

In addition, the store simply did not have a suitable option for linoleum with the roll width I needed - 3.5 meters. I didn't like the ones that were available. Either too bright, or with a pronounced pattern, which should be selected when connecting individual pieces, for example, in doorways, it's a long story and extra waste material.

In a word, after wandering around in the linoleum department, I realized that nothing here suits me. I don’t know about you, but I absolutely don’t want to see such a drawing under my feet in the next 5-10 years:

Like in some district clinic :).

With laminate the situation is somewhat different. It is based on the so-called hardboard. To put it simply, it is wood dust bound with resin and compressed when exposed to high temperature. The thermal conductivity of the material is very low. Laminate itself is a good heat insulator and insulation material.

In addition, it is on average two to three times thicker than linoleum. The usual thickness of laminated boards is 8mm. There are slightly thinner ones (6-7 mm) and thicker ones (9-11 mm). But, as you can see for yourself, even the thinnest laminate is thicker than the thickest linoleum. In addition, the laminate is laid on a substrate with a thickness of 3 mm. Even if it shrinks over time and becomes thinner, we will still have a thicker coating with an additional thermal insulation layer.

Thus, the laminate looks more attractive in terms of thermal conductivity.

As for the price, on average budget options Laminate flooring costs about 400-600 rubles per square. This is approximately comparable to linoleum with a thickness of about 3 - 3.5 mm. The benefits of laminate are obvious.

Moisture insulation

If you lay out the linoleum correctly and avoid unnecessary joints, then such a floor will “hold water” perfectly. This means that it can be washed with a regular mop with water without fear that the liquid will penetrate into the substrate and some unpleasant processes will begin there. In addition, if you accidentally spill water from the kettle, it will also remain on the surface. You can assemble it without much difficulty.

Of course, all this works as long as we don't make holes in the linoleum. Not on purpose, of course. For example, we dropped a knife - there was a small hole, but it turned out. Moved unsuccessfully heavy cabinet- tore a bigger hole. They tripped over the joint of two pieces with a slipper doorway- You understand what happened. There’s no need to talk about moisture insulation here. Gradually, focal accumulations of mold may form in such places, and this is not very pleasant.

Photo from the Internet

If you “heat” the room according to all the rules, in the sense that there is plenty of water and slippers float on the surface at the level of the window sills, then the linoleum will have to be “lifted,” turned over and dried. In principle, there is nothing impossible about this, but working with a piece of flooring with an area of ​​20-30 square meters, and even alone it won’t be very convenient. Especially when you consider that you will have to temporarily put the furniture somewhere.

Thus, the convenience of linoleum in terms of retaining liquid is beyond doubt only when it is new. Over time, the coating loses its wonderful properties and at some point must be replaced.

If we are talking about laminate, then its waterproofness does not stand up to criticism at all. Spilled water quickly finds the cracks between the individual planks and penetrates downwards, where it meets the substrate. If the latter is laid correctly, then the water remains on its surface and then gradually dries out. If this happens once and the water is quickly removed at least from the surface of the coating, then nothing bad will happen. With regular exposure to moisture, the laminate begins to swell with all the ensuing consequences.

The problem is partly solved by a special gel that is used to impregnate the joints, but this is still not a panacea.

On the other hand, laminate has one undeniable advantage: the entire coating consists of individual planks. If any specific elements of the coating are swollen or scratched, you can easily replace them with new ones. The main thing is to have some kind of emergency reserve. In the case of linoleum, you will have to change the entire coating or arrange a beautiful patch.


If we talk about inexpensive single-layer linoleum options, then their sound insulation is practically zero. In thicker multi-layer versions, especially if there is a fleecy or porous layer, sounds are partially muffled.

Laminate laid directly on a concrete floor has even worse performance. But usually it is laid on a substrate, which somewhat improves the situation. One way or another, laminate is a fairly noisy material. Try to spill something small on it, for example parts from children's construction set Lego, and you will immediately understand what I mean.

In other words, in terms of sound insulation, linoleum looks like a better choice.

How much does laminate cost?

This is an important question. We have already discussed it in part and found out that if you do not strive for super quality and do not rely on imported materials, then the cost of laminate flooring can fluctuate between 400-600 rubles (as of 2017).

Of course, there are more expensive, good and beautiful boards. For example, this German laminate, which imitates the structure of stone (in the middle in the picture). Its surface is cold and textured:

Or this creative option:

After all, if you have the money, why not buy real parquet?

At the other extreme is an inexpensive and fairly simple laminate, only 6 mm thick:

But the closest attention should be paid to those types of laminate that are sold at a discounted price. Their regular price indicates that this is not the worst representative in its class, and a discount of up to 30-50% makes the purchase much more pleasant:

Of course, its thickness is 7 millimeters, but since the floor in my house is properly leveled, it will be quite enough. It would be possible to even put a “six”, but I’m not ready for such expensive experiments yet.

Based on the promotional price of the laminate, the total cost of covering an area of ​​103 meters was approximately 42 thousand rubles, taking into account a 10% reserve for trimmings.

In addition to the coating itself, you need to purchase a substrate. Depending on your taste and wallet, you can choose either a simple material - blue Porilex (a roll of 50 square meters costs 885 rubles), or denser expensive polymers (gray and pink, 15 square meters for 600 rubles and kopecks), or even cork (10 square meters, thickness 1.5 mm, cost 1055 rub.):

You will also need some tape to glue the backing together. You can use a special, metallized one, which prevents the penetration of water between the sheets of the substrate and supposedly has thermal insulation properties. But regular or even masking tape will do just fine. They are cheaper, and the result is almost the same.

You will also need files for. The OBI store offered two options for canvases. One was suitable, but the other was absolutely not suitable. Take a look at these paintings:

Their teeth are directed downwards. This is right.

Now let's look at this option:

The teeth are directed upwards. They will tear pieces out of the boards and spoil the surface. Of course, the sawn edges are usually placed against the wall under the baseboard, but it is still much more pleasant to work with blades with teeth pointing down.

Pay attention to the special gel for grouting the cracks between the boards. It is especially appropriate where there is a risk of water getting on the coating. For example, in the kitchen, in the hallway, at the entrance to the bathroom, etc. The cost of such packaging is 299 rubles. It is enough for about 5 square meters of surface. Place the required number of tubes into the basket.

Finally, OBI stores offer a special French plank - a persistent strip for “tamping” already laid parts of the covering. Such a bar is needed so as not to knock with a wooden or rubber hammer on the edges of the laminate boards themselves. They can be easily deformed. But if you lay a French strip, the work becomes much more convenient and the risk of deformation of the coating elements is reduced.

This miracle costs nothing: 379 rubles. But because - France!

Well, of course! You simply cannot get such pieces of wood anywhere closer. You definitely have to bring it from abroad. On the other hand, you can buy it and then boast to your friends that when laying the laminate you used Newest technologies according to European standard.

By the way, the same bar, but with a set of wedges, costs more than 500 rubles. But because - France!

The very last thing that may come in handy is a film with which you will cover the already laid laminate floor, so as not to immediately trample it with your dirty boots :)

Important feature: how to choose laminate

Not being a great expert in working with these coatings, I first looked at several options based on thickness and pattern.

But a salesman I knew came and said that the samples I had chosen were “not very good.” I started to object, but with just one argument he won me over to his side.

Look at this photo. Here I tried, as best I could, to show such an important part of the tablet as the lock:

Do you see the side on the right? So there you go! On the other side of the board there is also a protrusion of the corresponding shape. If you connect adjacent planks correctly, they will hold tightly to each other. If you try to separate them using only horizontal force, you will most likely fail (unless you are strong).

Now let's look at this option:

Although this is a more expensive laminate option, there is almost no edge. It's not very good. Over time, if you move carelessly, you can easily create a gap in the floor covering. For example, they were walking somewhere on the floor and suddenly braked.

Locks on laminate flooring appeared relatively recently. Previously, they did not exist and the boards were attached to each other with glue. It is believed that a lock is a more convenient thing, since it allows you to quickly install the covering and, if necessary, just as quickly remove the damaged board, replacing it with a new one.

Yes, you guessed correctly - to do this you will have to dismantle half of the floor. However, this is not particularly difficult to do even for a person who has never touched laminate before. They simply disassembled it, replaced the problematic element, put it back together, and screwed the baseboards into place. ALL!

If the boards were glued together... I don’t even want to think what a long and “creative” process it would be.

So, when choosing laminate, pay attention to the locks. The more prominent they are, the calmer it will be for you to walk on the floor.


Following practical advice of my friend, a seller from OBI, I bought laminate flooring on sale. He had good price, excellent locks, and the thickness is 7 mm. in my particular case it was quite appropriate.

In total, a 103-meter house required 40 packages weighing 600 kilograms. I had to order delivery - I feel sorry for my car.

In the next article I will show you the process of laying laminate flooring. You'll see, everything will be very simple... if you know how :)

When choosing a floor covering, of course, you want to choose something more reliable, durable, natural and pleasant. But the price natural stone, cork, as well as parquet inspires the consumer with a desire to find a more economical alternative. This is especially true for those owners who are planning only short-term cosmetic transformations. In these situations, you can compare two options for materials, namely linoleum and laminate. It would be best to consider these two flooring options based on several factors that are most important to today's consumer, including cost and shelf life.

The most important selection criteria

If you are faced with the task of deciding which is better - laminate or linoleum in an apartment, then you need to pay attention to the price of the material, external indicators, ease of installation, and safety. It is important to consider that you will most likely be laying the material yourself, so that a budget floor does not turn out to be more expensive due to the use professional help. It is also important to pay attention to how each type of material tolerates exposure to water, since you will periodically have to do wet cleaning. Sound insulation and thermal characteristics are also important qualities.

Comparison of materials by external characteristics

If you are thinking about what is better - laminate or linoleum in an apartment, then you need to pay attention to the aesthetic indicators of both coatings. For the reason that the described finishing materials They have a fairly low price, and they are both popular with consumers. The buyer in the store is presented with numerous options that have all kinds of colors and textures. You can choose both linoleum and laminate in imitation of natural materials such as granite, wood, marble and even leather. In this struggle, it is impossible to determine the winner based on appearance, since linoleum and laminate today are produced in very attractive design solutions.

Comparison of materials by cost

If you still haven’t decided which is better - linoleum or laminate, consumer reviews are worth considering. Initially, the advantage in terms of price is on the side of the PVC coating, which applies to linoleum. It is worth noting that its expensive natural prototype loses in this race. The laminated coating will be 2.5 times more expensive than PVC material. This indicates that linoleum is significantly cheaper than laminate in all respects. If we compare average prices, then linoleum, of course, will be cheaper.

Comparison of safety materials

If you are faced with the question of which is better - linoleum or laminate, you need to study the reviews on this parameter. The issue of safety is of great interest to consumers; it is divided into several criteria, one of which is environmental friendliness. Both materials are synthetic. Despite the fact that the laminate contains 80 percent lumber, their connection is carried out using an artificial method, which uses polymer binders, as well as chemical components. If we consider budget linoleum, then it can be classified as vinyl coverings. It is manufactured like a laminate in terms of environmental balance, however, recycling laminate flooring will be quite simple, which cannot be said about linoleum.

Consumers often pay attention to this when they think about whether laminate or linoleum is better for the bedroom. The latest version of the material does not decompose on its own, but when exposed to fire it begins to smoke. It has the ability to develop allergies in humans. In both cases, before purchasing, you need to read the certificate, which should indicate the possibility of using the coating for furnishing residential premises and public institutions. These documents must indicate the amount of formaldehyde. Experts say that this figure should be close to zero. At most, this number should be insignificant. If the product does not have a certificate, then it is advisable to refuse to purchase it.

Risk of injury

If you are thinking about whether to lay laminate or linoleum on the floor, then you also need to pay attention to the ability of each material to put a person in danger when using it. So, there is a risk of injury when moving on the surface. In order to eliminate such an unpleasant property, the manufacturer gives the surface of the coating a relief, which, at the same time, increases the realism of the simulated structure.

If a cheap laminate flooring is filled with oil or water, you can slip on it, but you need to take into account what finishing coat does not withstand exposure to oil or water, so this case can only be classified as talk. It should also be taken into account that both types of materials described are classified as flammable. That is why, when figuring out which material is more environmentally friendly and safer, it is not possible to identify a winner in this area.

Laying features

If you are thinking about what to choose before purchasing laminate or linoleum, then you need to take into account that deviations when checking the rough base should not exceed 2 millimeters, as for laminated and PVC coatings. Otherwise, the linoleum may become deformed and tear in poor-quality areas, and as for the laminate, its locking system may require complete replacement.

The substrate must be laid under both coverings, however, such manipulations are not necessary for laying linoleum. Moreover, the reverse side of the coating is equipped with a layer of foamed polystyrene or felt. Based on this, and also taking into account your own experience, you can choose the coating that is right for you.

Economic benefits

When considering purchasing linoleum or laminate, the pros and cons of each coating definitely need to be studied. It is important to compare technological features. Thus, if you want to complete the work in a shorter time and spend less effort, then it is preferable to choose large-sized linoleum. After all, it will be much easier, because laminated boards need to be adjusted to size and connected to each other. But experts say that laying laminate flooring is not such a difficult and time-consuming task; you will only need to follow the instructions and follow the rules. However, this will still require more time, which is why it is worth considering what to choose - laminate or linoleum.

What is better, an expert’s opinion will help you understand. Experts say that linoleum can be fixed to the surface with glue or double-sided adhesive tape. This can be considered an additional expense item. Laminate floors are rarely installed by joining the elements with glue. When laying laminate using a technology called floating, there is no attachment to the base. Whereas if linoleum is laid with glue, then it will no longer be possible to correct the errors. Laminate flooring can be disassembled and reinstalled after installation. It is not necessary to do this in the same place; it is permissible to use boards in any other room. Quite often, consumers think about what to choose - linoleum or laminate when they want to install a heating system in their home. Both coatings are compatible with heated floors, whether electric or water. In the fight according to this criterion, none of the coatings breaks out into the first positions.

Best before date

If you don’t know what to choose - linoleum or laminate, then you can pay attention to one more criterion, which is expressed in terms of service life. In this matter, primacy can be given to linoleum. The owners will not have to think about replacing it for 10 years; some manufacturers guarantee the possibility of using this floor for 30 years.

If you buy a cheap laminate, it will last about 5 years, and then it will begin to lose its quality characteristics and appearance. Such coverage quite often attracts those buyers who are accustomed to changing their decor every three years. If you choose a laminated floor, which is an expensive option, then its shelf life will be 10 years. If you take good care of such a floor, its quality characteristics will be better than cheap linoleum.

Practical component

When thinking about what to choose - laminate or linoleum, you also need to pay attention to the operating features of each coating. You cannot wash laminate flooring, for example, or fill it with water, as it may warp. You will have to part with such a coating after exposure to water. The maximum that you can afford with this floor is treatment with a well-wrung out rag. But the impact heavy objects such a coating will not withstand at all. However, an acrylic or melamine coating will prevent the formation of dents, protect against cigarette burns, and also prevent scratches. Caring for laminated flooring using chemicals and abrasives is prohibited. If you are thinking about what to choose - laminate or linoleum, you need to consider that the latter option can be cleaned by deck cleaning. This is true if the installation was carried out with a continuous carpet.

Such cleaning can also be carried out if there is a coating that is made up of separate sheets welded with seams. If the seams have not been welded, then you should forget about this method of care, since the substrate will be wet and become a breeding ground for mold and fungi. You can burn through such a coating quite easily, which cannot be said about the heat-resistant variety of the brand. Linoleum can easily withstand impacts, but heels and thin legs of furniture, as well as sharp claws of pets, will be destructive for it. When thinking about what is better - laminate or linoleum in terms of practicality, it is worth awarding the victory to vinyl-based material, since it lasts longer.

Sound insulation and thermal characteristics

If you still haven’t decided for yourself which is better - laminate or linoleum, then you also need to pay attention to sound and thermal insulation. The insulating properties of both materials leave much to be desired. These indicators directly depend on the thickness of the laminated boards and on the presence of a backing on the back side of the linoleum.

If we talk about vinyl and wood chip bases, they do not interfere with the passage of noise and heat. These tasks must be performed by felt, composite layer, and expanded polystyrene. Due to the fact that the laminate is laid using floating technology and is not fixed to the rough base, the use of the substrate acts as necessary stage. Otherwise, it will clatter under your feet.

When choosing laminate or linoleum, which is better for the kitchen, you need to think about it in advance. If we talk about soft linoleum, then it does not make so much noise when you step. But if it was laid on a cement floor without using a heat-insulating lining, then the coating will be very cold. In this matter, none of the materials can be awarded primacy either.

Application area

Many consumers do not know what to choose - laminate or linoleum. What's better? An expert's opinion can help you decide. Experts say that it is definitely worth considering the appearance of the coating. For example, laminate looks somewhat more noble compared to linoleum, but it is more capricious and sensitive to moisture. This indicates that it is used less frequently in kitchens and sanitary areas. It is most often used where the need for repairs periodically arises (this applies to hallways, children's rooms, bedrooms and living rooms). But linoleum doesn’t care about all the problems. You can wipe it off from dirt as much as you like, using any means (except abrasive ones). Vinyl flooring can be installed anywhere, but it is quite rare to meet consumers who want to lay linoleum in children’s rooms, living rooms, and bedrooms. Quite often it is installed in bathrooms or hallways. As a conclusion, we can say with confidence that none of the materials is without restrictions, so in this matter it will not be possible to award primacy to anyone.

Transportation Features

If you are thinking about what is better to lay - laminate or linoleum, then you first need to pay attention to the transportation features. It will be quite simple to deliver exactly the laminate, which is carefully packaged by the manufacturer in separate packs. You can even transport the material in the trunk of your car, but an elevator will help with delivery to your apartment.

In this matter, with linoleum everything is more complicated. If the kitchen requires renovation, laminate or linoleum can be laid on the floor. However, before this you need to choose one material. It should be taken into account that it will be quite difficult to handle linoleum upon delivery, since it is sold in dimensional rolls. The larger the area of ​​the room, the more the material will weigh, and the roll will be too bulky to drag into the elevator. It will be necessary to spend additional cash for delivery and loader services. When it comes to ease of transportation, laminate flooring for your home wins.


If you are thinking about what material to lay - laminate or linoleum in your apartment, then you need to consider all the parameters of each covering. If we take into account the above circumstances, then linoleum wins this race with a score of 3:1. But the long service life and practicality of vinyl coating will not convince the consumer that it is necessary to use it, and not a noble-looking laminate, which is based on material from the woodworking industry.

Quite often for the consumer important points are not all, but only a few criteria, which are expressed in cost and appearance. Buyers pay attention to whether the material is environmentally friendly. But not many people know how to verify the seller’s words are true. Quite often, certificates and other documentation are simply hidden from the consumer. You should never put up with this if you are concerned about the health of your loved ones.

Many people consider laminate flooring not comfortable enough for a living space, since it is quite difficult to move around it, for example, in slippers on a hard rubber base, without creating a lot of noise. This can be a real problem for families with small children. That is why, before purchasing, you need to especially carefully consider all the most important criteria for choosing flooring, taking into account the interests of all household members, financial capabilities, interior features, etc.