What do industrial designers do? Modern industrial design

Every photographer, professional or amateur, in his work often encounters such a type of creativity as design, in particular the art of layout, style and decoration. Therefore, we decided to create a new section “Design” on the site, where we will publish articles about design as a form of creativity, about graphic design, design tasks, typography, fonts, visual communications, graphic solutions, and the work of famous graphic and industrial designers. The first article of the new section is devoted to industrial or industrial design.

Industrial or industrial design refers to the area of ​​design art that deals with the artistic design of elements of the objective content of the human environment. Industrial designers try to define the appearance of everyday objects around us and at the same time try to make them as functional as possible. From ease of use, functionality and appearance a product largely depends on its success in the market, which is why industrial design is extremely in demand today. In this article we will try to understand how industrial design appeared, what are its main features and differences from other types of design?

We can say that industrial design as an independent direction has emerged from architecture. It is not without reason that many of the people who stood at the origins of the development of industrial design were outstanding architects of their time. Actually, it is to architecture and industrial design that we largely owe the formation of the object-spatial environment surrounding the nose in the form in which it exists today. However, if architecture solves rather spatial problems, then industrial design is focused on the formation of an objective environment.

The main task of industrial design is to determine the exterior, functional and structural features of equipment, machinery, products and products that surround us in the world. Everyday life. In this regard distinctive feature industrial design can be called its orientation towards mass industrial production.

In addition, industrial design is always aimed at market needs. Indeed, to increase sales volumes in conditions of fierce competition, manufacturers have to resort to various methods, the most effective of which is the interesting and vibrant design of their products. This allows you to interest and attract consumers. However, such a focus on the market is inherent in other types of design to varying degrees.

Therefore, perhaps, the main difference between industrial design and other areas of design art is its connection with the everyday and industrial needs of humans. Industrial design deals with various kinds of artificially created equipment, technology and products that occupy a certain intermediate position between man and the natural structures surrounding him. An industrial designer is engaged in the artistic design of mass objects industrial production, which, in particular, can include the following product categories:

  • household appliances (dishes and other kitchen utensils, radio and electrical equipment);
  • cars and other vehicles;
  • technological equipment for industrial production (machines and other equipment);
  • engineering devices and structures;
  • visual communications;
  • interior elements (furniture).

The art of industrial design actually has deep historical roots, although this direction only took final shape in the 20th century. Most researchers agree that the starting point for the emergence and development of industrial design are those times when things began to be made on machines, rather than by hand. As a result, the products began to lose their individual features. Therefore, some people began to seriously fear that the appearance of such objects in everyday life would negatively affect a person’s inner harmony.

This is where the need for industrial design began to emerge. The example usually cited is the English industrialist Josiah Wedgwood, who lived back in XVIII century. While engaged in the production of printed fabrics in industrial scale, perhaps for the first time in history, he paid the utmost attention to the design and appearance of his products.

However, until the beginning of the 20th century, industrially manufactured objects in most cases were simply decorated decorative elements, which served as a kind of reminder of handmade artisan. By the way, artisans, despite the relatively small volumes of production, over many generations of their work have accumulated very valuable experience for industrial design. Indeed, in the course of their work, they identified the relationship between the purpose of an object and its shape, material, manufacturing technology, functional and aesthetic properties.

With the advent of such products as communications, steam transport or industrial machines in human life, at first the same contours and lines familiar to the eye of the average man of that time were applied to them, which were based on experience traditional culture crafts. One of the first to declare the inseparability of the beauty of an object and its function was the artist, theorist of fine arts and architecture J. Ruskin. He was a staunch opponent of machine production, seeing the way to combine aesthetics and functionality of manufactured objects only in the revival folk traditions crafts.

At the beginning of the 20th century, new artistic styles emerged; in search of new areas of creativity, many artists and architects turned to industrial products. In turn, entrepreneurs and owners manufacturing enterprises began to realize for the first time the importance of design in the process of creating products. In 1907, the Deutsche Werkbund association appeared in Germany, which declared its goal to create “ideal samples” for industrial production based on traditional craft culture. The principles of “aesthetic functionalism” laid down by the theorists of this creative association formed the basis of industrial design. True, the participants of the Deutsche Werkbund produced samples of products only in limited quantities to present them to the public at various exhibitions.

One of the prominent representatives of the field of industrial design at the beginning of the 20th century was the architect P. Behrens, who developed his own interesting forms of electric lamps, electric cookware and fans - that is, those types of products that at that time did not yet have any specific visual understanding. Using the principles of “aesthetic functionalism,” Behrens made these products recognizable and unique in their own way.

In 1919, an entire school of industrial design called “Bauhaus” was created in Weimar, founded by the German designer and architect Walter Gropius. The motto of this school was “New unity of art and technology.” The Bauhaus developed the principles of artistic design as an integrated approach to the design of things. The foundations of theoretical design in industrial design were laid, mainly that function and design determine form. Accordingly, the more functional the item, the more beautiful it should be.

This principle guided the members of this creative association, who believed that an industrial designer is an artist, craftsman and technologist rolled into one. Since the designer needed to create products for mass production, he therefore needed to know everything from start to finish. manufacturing process. By the way, product samples developed in the depths of the Bauhaus school in the 20s of the last century are still successfully sold and are very popular. The success of these products is due to the optimal combination of high manufacturability, aesthetic and ergonomic qualities.

Following the example of the school in Weimar, the Higher Artistic and Technical Workshops (VKHUTEMAS) were created in our country in 1920. Their first dean was designer, graphic artist, photographer A. Rodchenko, one of the founders of constructivism. Within the walls of these artistic and technical workshops, decisions are beginning to be made practical problems, original design concepts are formed.

The further development of industrial design, oddly enough, was facilitated by the crisis of 1929-1930 that arose in American industry. Industrial design turned out to be one of the means of solving commercial problems of manufacturing enterprises, since it served as a tool for increasing product sales. During this period, industrial design began to focus strictly on fulfilling commercial objectives and market needs. In this regard, design has largely been reduced to the simple external design of an object. This period is associated with the names of such artists and designers as Raymond Loewy, Walter Dorwin Tiig and Henry Dreyfus.

Industrial design received a new round of development after World War II, when the ability to transform industrial products into aesthetic works of art became an indicator of the level of economic development. Industrial design in the second half of the last century quickly became an important tool in the competition among the world's leading manufacturers. Realizing the importance of this area, in 1969 a college of industrial design was even created in America.

The principles of industrial design, as a creative human activity aimed at improving the external properties of industrially produced products, have become widely used in countries Western Europe and Scandinavia. In Europe, the Ulm School played a special role in the development of industrial design, which became one of the main development centers theoretical foundations modern industrial art. In the post-war years, separate, national schools of industrial design emerged in Europe - Italian, Scandinavian and others.

Nowadays, when designing industrial products, the designer deals with concepts such as fashion or the lifestyle of potential consumers of the product. Also when designing household items Product marketing issues come to the fore, as a result of which the design often takes on a pronounced commercial character. However, when creating the design of industrial objects (agricultural equipment, machine tools) they still dominate technical requirements: ergonomics, manufacturability, efficiency and environmental Safety. It is impossible to ignore these factors, since the production environment formed with the participation of these objects must be comfortable for humans, including visually. Thus, the specifics of modern industrial design are very closely related to the nature of the products being created.

Designers working in this area must have knowledge of both a graphic designer, a designer, and a process engineer. Only such cumulative knowledge allows us to embody creative ideas and create interesting, original products, without compromising their functionality. In the process of artistic design, the designer forms main idea, develops the concept, then works with sketches to present the product layout.

Next, modeling is carried out in three-dimensional space and visualization of the object using specialized software. Only after this the actual design and creation of a prototype product is carried out. An industrial designer organizes his work in such a way that the product sample he develops, having gone through all the above stages, meets his primary plan and at the same time can be introduced into production without any delays.

Today, industrial design is widely used in a variety of fields, from the woodworking industry and metallurgy to high technology. In general, the wide range of services provided by professional industrial designers can range from designing housewares to creating car concepts. Molds, housings and parts - an industrial designer has to work with all this. The main task for modern stage The development of industrial design is to create a memorable and at the same time ergonomic appearance of a product while maintaining its technological and functional qualities.

There is a field of artistic and technical activity, the purpose of which is to determine the formal characteristics of industrial products - this is industrial design. This industry plays an important role in the structure of the world manufacturing companies engaged in the manufacture of automobiles, household appliances, communication devices and other types of consumer products.

Historical information

The first specialists in the field industrial technologies and design appeared in Great Britain in the 13th century. At that time, fabric production was actively developing. As for the very definition of artistic design, it was first mentioned in 1919. The founder of the school was a German architect.

Industrial design began to truly develop in the second half of the 20th century, when a special board was organized in the United States, whose members formed a clear definition of this direction. In their opinion, this is a creative activity with the goal of improving the external characteristics of manufactured objects.

Development Basics

Since industrial design is an activity that combines arts and technology, the scope of the consumer sphere is very wide. Development is being carried out not only for high-tech products, but also for various trinkets. Intellectual property in this area can be protected by obtaining a patent for a specific product.

Development process in in this case is divided into certain stages:

  • search for an idea;
  • choice of concept;
  • creating sketches;
  • modeling in three-dimensional editors;
  • object visualization;
  • model construction;
  • implementation of the prototype.

Designers themselves typically have degrees in engineering, mechanics, and fine arts. Many modern specialists graduate from specialized industrial design universities. They do not create drawings and are not responsible for the operation of inventions. Their task is to optimize the product.

Examples of innovation strategies

Every industry must have planning. general development. This is achieved through the introduction of special strategies that determine the future path for and even decades. Industrial design in this case is of particular importance. In this regard, it is necessary to consider the general trends of progress in the industry using examples.

A living space usually uses not one, but several devices that can interact with each other. Therefore, in the production of household appliances, products are not designed separately. The combined approach is often called socio-technical.

Industrial design played a significant role in the development of aircraft manufacturing. This is expressed in the fact that a modern aircraft is capable of performing not only its direct function - transport, but also entertainment. You can now use it on board airliners by various means connections, socializing, snacking and more. When developing, one cannot ignore these nuances.

In the automotive industry, special emphasis is placed on service. vehicle. This trend is clearly visible in the example of the construction of educational and entertainment centers in close proximity to various services. Modern manufacturers are trying to introduce their products directly into residential infrastructure.

Successful solutions in the field of design innovation are primarily related to scientific research allowing the development of industry as a whole. However, today there is some fragmentation. Often there is no relationship between specialists in the two areas.

Priority types of industrial design

It was said above that there are a huge number of devices and devices that perform various functions, so they need to be classified according to their purpose. A specialist cannot perform his work efficiently in all areas. The main categories are presented in the table.



Engineering equipment

This group should include devices that are used for scientific research, construction work and special research.

Medical devices


Everything can be included here existing species transport. Pressure from environmentalists plays a huge role in the development of this category.


Home appliances should not only perform their main function, but also have an attractive appearance. Items must fit well into the overall interior.

Interior and exterior elements

Home and office furniture should look organic, so there is a separate direction in the field of industrial developments.

Benefit for the consumer

All the work of a specialist from the University of Industrial Technologies and Design is aimed at the final buyer. This has certain benefits for the consumer environment. There are several main problems that can be solved thanks to industrial design:

  • comfortable use in various conditions;
  • convenient service;
  • suitable external data corresponding to fashion trends;
  • optimal possibilities in terms of functionality.

Developments of specialists make it possible to determine main reason the success of a particular product. In most cases, the average consumer buys a product that looks decent, is easy to use, and is of relatively high quality.

Role in product development

Previously, manufacturers thought about design solutions last but not least. The priority was developed technologies rather than style and ergonomics. Modern companies, due to high competition, are forced to use additional features to take its rightful place in the market.

The result of a specialist’s successful work in creating a product is the direct attractiveness of the product, as well as the satisfaction of the end consumer. Industrial design is a significant cost when developing a product. However, the investment is recouped by a price premium for each unit produced or by calculating the final profit taking into account increased demand.

As for expenses, they consist not only of the cost of specialist services. Funds are additionally spent on the implementation of the main elements of the facility, as well as on conducting certain studies during long-term development.

The largest educational institution in Russia

The St. Petersburg University of Industrial Design will help you master a useful and highly paid profession. It is the largest in Russia. The educational institution is a multi-level complex. It consists of higher schools, educational centers, research institutes and colleges, preparatory faculties.

St. Petersburg University of Industrial Technologies and Design is currently implementing more than two hundred educational programs, in which more than 15 thousand students study. Preparation is carried out according to different forms training. There is a correspondence system for acquiring knowledge using distance technologies.

As a conclusion

To create a sketch, industrial designers must engage not only in analytical and artistic activity, but also be able to use modern graphics programs. They allow you to bring concepts to life as efficiently as possible. In fact, there are quite a lot of applications, but it is recommended to choose those that are popular among developers.

The phrase “industrial design” is now heard by many people. But the idea of ​​what it is is completely different for everyone. Industrial design is the same type of creative activity as ordinary design, but the objects of industrial design are most often industrially manufactured household products.

Manufacturing companies today have to resort to various tricks in order to withstand competition and adequately present their product on the market. consumer market. Interesting and high-quality design of an industrial product - effective way stand out among competitors and interest consumers. The purpose of industrial design is to define the exterior, structural and functional features objects to which industrial design techniques are aimed. Industrial design items include dishes and other kitchen utensils, household and industrial appliances, furniture, equipment, and even high-tech and knowledge-intensive products. Industrial design options include today's popular automotive and transportation designs.

Thus, industrial design is not only the art of combining design with technology, but also a marketing tool.

A professional who creates a design for an industrial product must be at the same time an artist, a designer, and a process engineer. After all, industrial design requires using your creative imagination so that the technological meaning of the final product is not violated.

The artistic design process itself consists of 8 stages:

Formation of the main idea

Concept development

Working with sketches


3D modeling


Engineering design

Creation of a prototype

The professional’s task is to guide the industrial design object through the preliminary seven stages so that the eighth production stage proceeds without delay and produces the final result in accordance with the main idea.

Copyright for the design concept and basic ideas of an industrial product belongs to the designer, except as otherwise specified in the contract. In accordance with Article 27 of the “Law of the Russian Federation on Copyright and Related Rights No. 5351-I”: copyright is valid during life and 70 years after his death; copyright, the right to name and protection of reputation are preserved indefinitely. In addition, the designer has the right to display original works in a portfolio in order to attract the attention of new customers.

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Industrial designer is a specialist who studies ready-made market samples and creates a high-quality prototype. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in drawing and drawing (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

He does not develop innovative products, is not responsible for the quality of designs, but improves items that we use every day.

Short description

Representatives of this profession must be distinguished by mathematical thinking and have a creative approach to work. After all, this specialty combines 3 popular areas:

  • marketing;
  • art and design;
  • modern technologies.

The field combines science and creativity, so to master this profession you need to obtain a higher education.

Features of the profession

In higher education institutions and educational courses, future industrial designers are taught how to create more convenient, beautiful, practical and safe things. Most often, these specialists choose one or several similar areas for themselves, although they can work with different subjects if they have the time and desire to learn.

Direct industrial modeling consists of several stages:

  • discussion of the project with the customer;
  • thorough study of existing products and all available information about them (3D models, technical documentation, drawings);
  • developing a concept and transferring it into sketch format;
  • after this the specialist must select necessary materials and technologies for creating a product;
  • creation of a 3D model;
  • if the customer approves the model, then the process of prototyping and testing begins;
  • If there are no problems, the improved product/service is refined, retested, and launched into production.

During these processes, the industrial designer works closely with engineers, marketers, chemists, biologists and other specialists who take part in the project.

The main goal of the work is to create an improved product that will attract consumer interest. It must also be functional, safe and cost-effective.

Pros and cons of the profession


  • Industrial design is one of the highest paying industries in this segment.
  • The work is difficult, but quite interesting.
  • Career prospects.
  • Specialists of this profession are in demand both in Russia and abroad.
  • You can get an education in any region of the Russian Federation.
  • A representative of the profession examines ready-made products, so he only needs to improve them.
  • You can work remotely or in the office, which makes the profession more attractive.


  • The work is nervous, and the specialist is tied to the requirements of the customer and the market.
  • The work can take a lot of time, because the customer sets a deadline, and if the designer does not have time, then he will have to work day and night.
  • In small towns, it is difficult for a specialist in this profile to find work.
  • You need to work a lot at the computer, which can negatively affect your health, in particular your vision.
  • You need to constantly improve your knowledge by studying different areas (design, materials science, marketing and others).

Personal qualities

  • Creativity and mathematical mind.
  • A penchant for analysis.
  • Knowledge of foreign language.
  • The desire to understand the intricacies of the product, without losing sight of the little things.
  • Skill to work in team.
  • Ability to listen and analyze ideas and comments from colleagues.
  • The desire to create something new.
  • Minimum knowledge about the field of activity of accountants, because representatives of this profession may be required to draw up estimates and develop a project within strict budget limits.

Industrial designer training

Representatives of this profession must study throughout their lives, but they should start by obtaining higher education in a specialized educational institution (specialty code 54.03.01). The competition is quite large, upon admission you must Unified State Exam results in general education subjects. During admission, you will need to pass an additional exam in the Russian language, social studies and a creative competition, for example, this could be a drawing or composition. Admission conditions depend on the highest educational institution. Form of training: full-time.

In this course, you can obtain the profession of an industrial designer remotely in 1-3 months. Diploma of professional retraining established by the state. Training in a completely distance learning format. Largest educational institution additional prof. education in Russia.


Place of work

A professional industrial designer will find work in any enterprise that creates products - these are factories for the production of clothing, furniture, dishes and others. Also, representatives of the profession are in demand in companies that specialize in the development and creation of websites, mobile applications and other types of software.


Salary as of 03/17/2020

Russia 25000—60000 ₽

Moscow 40000—150000 ₽

An industrial designer can officially find a job in a public or private company, or he can look for customers in the domestic and foreign markets, working as a freelancer. Wage specialist depends on his experience and the direction he has chosen (equipment, products for household use, household chemicals and others).


A specialist can gain first experience while working as a freelancer, at the same time he must prepare his own portfolio. After 1-1.5 years, a designer can apply for a solid position and official employment.

This is one of the most successful areas of design, because representatives of the profession can count on career growth. After just a few years of fruitful and quality work an industrial designer can head a department and take the position of creative director, which will have a positive impact on his salary.

Also, designers working in this direction can give lessons and consultations, which can be the first step towards creating your own school.

Professional knowledge

A specialist must be able to draw well, using both a regular pencil and modern programs for 3D visualization and design:

  • Solid Edge;
  • Pro/Engineer and others.

Also, the designer must know everything about computer modeling, types of materials, packaging features different groups goods. The ability to create estimates, correct mistakes of other team members, and study technical documentation in a foreign language is important.

Famous people in this profession

  1. Victor Papanek.
  2. Karim Rashid.
  3. Maarten van Severen.
  4. Michael Thonet.
  5. Eero Aarnio.

Industrial design or, as it is also called by dedicated people, industrial design, object design, industrial design, is a branch of design, an area of ​​artistic and technical activity (whatever you call this conglomerate of art and technology), the purpose of which is to determine the formal qualities of products and other objects industrially produced habitats. One might even say more, the field of activity of industrial design is the structural and functional features of a product, as well as its appearance.

Industrial design involves the effective development of ideas through a process that leads to the production of new products, even if these are photo essays.

The history of industrial design is a little shorter than that of design in general. The first designers working in the industrial sector appeared in the 18th century on English territory. The first milestones of industrial design are associated with the name and activities of J. Wedgwood, who with his creativity contributed to the development of industrial production of printed fabrics, but the definition of “industrial design” as such appeared much later.

It was first defined as “industrial design.” The German architect Walter Gropius had a hand in this in 1918, who founded a revolutionary school of industrial design in Weimar, Germany. Now this is nothing special, but then this event revolutionized the world of industry and the world of design. Walter Gropius officially announced the fusion of art and technology into one whole.

The next round of development in the history of industrial design occurred after the Second World War. It was then that it received a serious impetus for development in Scandinavia and the Netherlands, at the same time interest in this direction of design was shown in the United States of America, where industrial design brought incredible success to its pioneers - sales literally skyrocketed. And by the 60s of the twentieth century, it was in the USA that the College of Industrial Design was organized, and design flew into, so to speak, mass use.

The members of the Board gave a very succinct definition of “industrial design”. They claimed that this was a manifestation creative activity, which is capable of improving the external advantages of goods produced by industry.

At the present stage of the globalized 21st century, industrial design is no longer entirely the new kind The activities of design studios include three elements: art, marketing and modern technology.

As in all types of creative human activity, in industrial design there is protection of rights intellectual property to an object or objects developed as part of a project on which the designer is working. The result of the creativity of an industrial designer must be protected by a patent for an invention, utility model or industrial design. This is the kind of world it is, even creativity in it is overshadowed by legal issues.