White domestic cockroaches. White cockroaches in the apartment - what kind of albinos are these? What harm do white cockroaches cause?

Although white cockroaches can not be found in an apartment very often, sometimes they still catch your eye - this is where the question arises: what kind of strange albinos are these, are they dangerous for humans, and in general, where did they suddenly come from? got it.

Well, if in the kitchen or bathroom you come across such an unusual white cockroach, then for starters it’s worth keeping in mind that in practically nothing, except for color, it differs from the usual ones - it’s not a mutant or a mistake of nature. Moreover, every red cockroach turns milky white several times in its life. True, such transformations do not happen often, and the white color itself does not last long for the insect, so the likelihood of seeing a pest in such an outfit is quite small.

What is the reason for this transformation? Let's find out...

Why are cockroaches white?

The normal color of the outer integument of a cockroach is due to the presence in its chitinous shell (cuticle) of a set of special pigments from the melanin group - by the way, similar in chemical nature to those responsible for the color of skin and hair in mammals.

This is interesting

The type of pigment coloration of cockroaches refers to the so-called cuticular coloration, that is, when the pigments are found exclusively in the outer integument of the insect. Since the cuticle is chemically very resistant, after the death of the insect the color remains for a very long time.

Some insects have hypodermal and subhypodermal coloring - in this case the pigments are in soft tissues under the exoskeleton. Often, after the death of an insect, this color quickly changes - for example, the blue and green coloring of dragonflies after their death quickly becomes faded, grayish-brown.

Red cockroaches - Prussians - have their own specific set of pigments, which differs, for example, from that of black cockroaches. Accordingly, the color of the body and wings of Prussians is less saturated.

So why are red cockroaches sometimes white?

Small cockroach larvae that have just hatched from eggs have very thin body coverings; the pigments in their chitinous shells are contained in very small quantities, and therefore in appearance these larvae appear white, almost transparent. Literally within a few days (and sometimes several hours), as the chitinous cover develops and pigments are produced in it, the cockroaches darken and acquire their typical color.

For example, the photo below shows white larva German cockroach (Grussian):

And here are the larvae of a black cockroach, just hatched from ooteca eggs:

And then - the dark brown female Madagascar cockroach and the snow-white offspring she “gives birth to” (the Madagascar cockroach is an ovoviviparous species, that is, the larvae hatch from eggs in the mother’s body, and only then are “born” into the world - this mechanism increases the survival rate of the younger generation) :

See also our experiments on cockroaches:

We catch cockroaches and test for them different means– see the results...

So, given the fact that everyone hatches from an egg, any larva at the beginning of its life has a white body color. Therefore, if you meet a small white cockroach in an apartment, you should not think that it is a mutant, this only means that quite recently the ranks of pests have been replenished by 20-30 new small individuals (this is exactly how many eggs are on average in the ooteca of a Prussian).

The fact is that as it grows, the hard chitinous cover of the larva (nymph) becomes too small for it - it grows out of it, just as a child grows out of its clothes. This shell can stretch slightly, but does not completely keep up with the growth of the insect.

Therefore, approximately 5-7 times before reaching adulthood, the nymph molts, shedding its old cover. Each time at the moment of molting, a grown larva crawls out of the old brownish shell in weakly pigmented, almost white integuments, which again need from several hours to several days to darken.

The photos below show a newly shed white nymph of a Prussian:

It is these grown-up larvae or adult white cockroaches emerging from the last larval “suit” that residents of apartments and private houses sometimes notice in kitchens, toilets and bathrooms (in places close to water sources).

Take note the next time you see a white cockroach: it probably won't have wings. Still, for every 5-6 molts in the larval stage, an insect has only one moult, after which an adult pest with developed wings appears. And taking into account the fact that no more than 20% of insects survive to the last molt, the probability of seeing an adult white pest turns out to be quite low.

Here are some more photos of white cockroaches:

On a note

Obviously, white color greatly unmasks the insect, especially in nature. Therefore, evolution has contributed to the fact that the body covers of cockroaches darken very quickly, almost simultaneously with drying out. Therefore, red cockroaches remain white for a fairly short period of time.

And here individual species Cockroaches, which do not see light at all and live in caves, are often white throughout their lives. Here, predators do not use vision, and the color of the cockroach does not play an important role in its survival.

White cockroaches in the apartment: why are there so few of them and where are they most often found?

As a rule, cockroaches choose secluded places for molting. This is important for survival, since the individual at this moment is most vulnerable: the chitinous exoskeleton is still too soft and, moreover, unmasks the cockroach with its color.

Therefore, it is unlikely that you will be able to find a white cockroach somewhere on a wall or on a table (however, sometimes this is possible when the individual is disoriented due to the action of some insecticides). Usually white cockroaches in an apartment sit in the most secluded shelters, biding their time after the next stage of growing up.

In an apartment or house, white cockroaches are often discovered during cleaning (when moving furniture or when raking piles of rubbish, among which insects like to hide). If the owner of the apartment is “lucky” and opens such a shelter just after molting, he may see dairy pests. white.

It is clear that there is no unique properties and white cockroaches do not pose an increased danger (as some impressionable residents sometimes think). They are even more vulnerable than their red-haired relatives, and less mobile. Therefore, catching and crushing such an “albino” can be much easier than an ordinary cockroach.

On a note

Total duration of all moults and stay domestic cockroach in a white outfit is approximately 2-3 days during his entire multi-month life. Considering that at these moments insects move little and diligently hide, one can understand why they are so rarely seen even with a relatively large number of pests in the room.

White cockroaches in nature

In nature and in the terrariums of lovers of exotic cockroaches, there are also species of these insects that in adulthood are almost white or simply lightly colored.

For example, the giant cockroach Blaberus giganteus from South America has wide translucent wings that cover a light body (see photo below):

Due to its large size (up to 8 cm) and original coloring, this species is very different from many of its relatives. At the same time, among the dry foliage, in which it spends almost its entire life, this cockroach is camouflaged by its light wings.

Quite similar to the giant cockroach is the so-called death's head cockroach (Blaberus craniifer). On its back there is a pattern that vaguely resembles a human skull, which is why this insect got its name. In the photo the cockroach looks black and white:

In general, it lives in the tropics a large number of species of cockroaches that, as adults, have a light (with shades) color. The photographs below show several examples.

Banana cockroach:

In all these species, the nymphs after hatching from the egg and after molting are almost white for some time.

Are there true albino cockroaches?

Purely theoretically, albino cockroaches can be found in populations - both in nature and in apartments. As noted above, the dark color of the cuticle is determined by melanocyte pigments, which are structurally related to those found in the skin and hair of mammals. And if albino rats are found in nature and in laboratories, there may well be cockroaches that do not produce pigments at all.

However, in practice, it is almost impossible to find albino cockroaches for two reasons:

  1. The primary cause of albinism is gene mutations, and their frequency is extremely low (even among a million normal cockroaches there is almost no chance of meeting at least one true albino);
  2. IN wildlife Albino cockroaches are destroyed by predators even in the first larval stages - the white color unmasks them too much. In human housing, the life of a white pest is also unlikely to be long, and few would figure out whether it is an albino or just a recently moulted cockroach.

If you have ever encountered a white cockroach in your home, be sure to share your impressions by leaving a review at the bottom of this page (in the comments field).

Interesting video: cockroach molting (macro photography)

When we meet simple red Prussians at home, we are not particularly surprised, thinking to ourselves: “Cockroaches, like cockroaches!” But as soon as we see a white cockroach crawling along the wall of our house, we immediately become horrified and think: “Isn’t this a dream?” We don’t know what to expect from this “specimen”; we think that its unusual color is associated with some kind of mutation.

Where did they fall on our heads?

How do they look? Common and white cockroaches inhabiting residential buildings, have:

  • A fairly narrow oval-shaped body, reaching a length of about 1.5 centimeters.
  • Set of 6 feet with special devices, thanks to which cockroaches can move even along walls and ceilings.
  • Long mustache.
  • The wings, which are small in females, but in males, almost entirely protect the abdomen.
  • Chitinous shell of different colors.

But what if the color of the shell that white cockroaches have in the apartment turns out to be white? Will this mean that the creature has undergone mutation? Does this type of cockroach pose a danger to you and me? Will they disturb our sleep? Let's figure it out. Most likely, white cockroaches are found in your home due to the following reasons.

Natural shedding process

In order to figure out where white cockroaches could have gotten into your home, and to keep your healthy sleep, you need to delve into the features of the reproduction process of these creatures:

  • After fertilization has occurred, the female begins to develop a special capsule called an ootheca.
  • Each capsule contains from 12 to 40 eggs, depending on the type of cockroach.
  • The capsule is stored inside the female until the eggs are completely ripe.
  • When the female gets rid of the ootheca, the so-called young nymphs begin to be born from the eggs - these are cubs wearing a white shell.
  • After several hours, their cover becomes tougher and darker.
  • As they develop, the cub will molt at least 6 times, since their coat does not stretch.
  • In the process of crawling out of the old shell, the cub again acquires a white color and will begin to darken only after 5 - 6 hours.

From here we conclude that an albino is not something scary. These are just the larvae of ordinary black and red cockroaches going through a long molting process (they are not so often seen on open place), but at a time when you are already overcome by sleep, they can run out of the shelter to search for food. Quite often they get entangled in glue traps, attracted by the scent of the bait.

If albino is still a mutation

This thought may actually disrupt your normal sleep. Sometimes the white color of the cover can actually be a sign of a mutation experienced by an insect due to higher level radiation. Under its influence, the structure of cells changes. For this reason, cockroaches can not only change the color of their cover, but also acquire special immunity to a variety of external factors. If a lot of white cockroaches (let's call them albino) appear in some place, then this may be one of the signs that there is high radiation there.

However, this is unlikely to apply to your apartment in a densely populated city, so rest assured that you will have a restful sleep.


In the process of combating a pest such as albino in your home, insecticides using chlorine can be used. This component has special bleaching properties, which leads to the fact that an albino who has inhaled a chlorine-containing poison and survives afterward may acquire a white color for some time. So don't be alarmed and take care of your sleep! Gradually, the poison will be removed from its body, and the chitinous cover of the insect will acquire a natural color.

- this is always bad news, because they look disgusting and can bring various diseases into your apartment. They often feed in garbage dumps and are carriers of infection and larvae. An infected cockroach in an apartment tries to find food and climbs on plates and food, leaving an infection that can then get into humans with food.

If black cockroaches in an apartment cause nothing but disgust, then a white cockroach can lead to stupor and bewilderment. The first thoughts when you see such a cockroach will be “what is it and how dangerous it is.”

Are there albino cockroaches?

White animals and birds are rare; such animals are called albinos; their DNA lacks the gene that is responsible for the production of melanin, which is responsible for pigmentation. Albino animals are very rare, so people specifically look for such animals and buy them at a high price and keep them in an apartment in a cage or enclosure.

The situation with cockroaches is different; there are white cockroaches in the apartment, but the light color is for a completely different reason. Scientists conducted experiments and found no evidence that albino cockroaches exist.

Why are cockroaches white?

If you encounter white pests in your apartment, do not be afraid, these are ordinary black or. Why are they white? Very simply, the chitinous shell of a cockroach is very hard and durable and does not grow with the cockroach, so all representatives of the cockroach genus are forced to molt in order to get rid of the tight shell. White cockroaches are found at home in the first hours after molting, when the cockroach has shed its shell, it becomes very vulnerable, since the new one is very soft and white. During such a period, insects try to hide away; in the apartment they try to run into dark and hard-to-reach places.

For my short life Prussians molt 6-8 times, after molting you can see a white cockroach running around the kitchen at home. Even African big cockroach turns white during molting.

Where did many white pests come from - since insects grow in almost identical conditions after hatching, molting occurs simultaneously, this explains the cases when dozens of white Prussians run around the kitchen.

In rare cases, insecticides may affect the color of a cockroach. If you poisoned cockroaches folk ways using bleach, you may subsequently encounter white pests that survive the baiting. When bleach enters the body of a cockroach, it lightens the chitinous cover and the insect becomes white.

Where do house pests come from?

If there are crumbs from half-eaten food and drops of spilled water or tea in the kitchen, you can predict that cockroaches will soon appear in the house. We figured out where white pests come from, but where do ordinary cockroaches get into apartments? The favorite path of cockroaches in apartment buildings is the ventilation shaft; they calmly move along it and can get into any apartment they like. Cockroaches can also easily crawl into small door cracks, holes in the floor near pipes, and even through things moved from another house.

Thus, traveling in backpacks, the Prussians were able to populate all of Europe. To successfully live, cockroaches only need a warm climate or human homes, which constantly maintain a comfortable temperature.

Why is the white pest dangerous?

Cockroaches can cause asthma attacks; the shell of a dead cockroach crumbles and mixes with dust and air. Chitin coating microparticles can cause an asthmatic attack when they enter the respiratory tract.

They can pose a danger to small children, eating skin from the lips, eyelids, ears and elbows, thereby introducing infection with saliva.

How to deal with cockroaches

Nowadays you can find many products that guarantee the destruction of insects in a few weeks. You can purchase both highly toxic aerosol preparations that guarantee the death of insects in a few hours, as well as low-toxic gels and crayons; in the case of a small number of pests, you can use sticky cockroach traps that are completely safe for people.

We recommend reading:

Neighborhood with pests does not cause emotion in a person. Prussians living secludedly in corners kitchen cabinets, under heating devices and in places where wallpaper has come off, they go out hunting mainly at night to feast on food.

The usual appearance of moustaches is a peculiar color or colors. What to do if there are white cockroaches in the apartment? Calm down and figure out what kind of brothers of the new white breed have found refuge in the house or in the bathroom.

Not everyone gets to meet a white Prussian dog in an apartment. This does not mean that exotics have chosen the territory, it’s just that it’s difficult to catch the moment when the pest turns white.

A special breed or an underdeveloped individual? What kind of strange creatures are frightening with their unnatural appearance?

White cockroaches are ordinary cockroaches, but undergoing a molting period.

The duration of the change in chitinous cover is 24 hours; after a day, the albino will become equal in color to its red counterparts.

During molting, the transition of a young individual to a sexually mature one occurs. Intense production of melanin (color pigment) will give the barbel a light brown color. In a day, the “mother” will not be able to distinguish the crawling pest.

Vulnerable and defenseless albinos hide in hard-to-reach places in the apartment during the molting period:

A young organism, during the period of change of chitinous cover and melanin production, requires increased nutrition. It is possible to meet a mustachioed white and red insect in an apartment at night. Arthropods will not miss the opportunity to feast on food waste, food, crumbs on the table and the contents of the trash can.

While insecticides do not always have the desired effect on an adult cockroach, any toxic substance has a detrimental effect on white cockroaches. The chemical penetrates and paralyzes the respiratory center, causing sudden death.

In the white cockroach, the insecticide penetrates into the systemic bloodstream through the weak chitinous cover, which significantly shortens the young individual.

What danger do arthropods pose?

White cockroaches in the apartment and in public catering areas for human health.

Like their red counterparts, pests are carriers of serious intestinal diseases. By crawling over food and leaving their feces, baleens contribute to the development of pathologies such as:

  • Dysentery;
  • Acute intestinal poisoning;
  • Helminthiasis.

While the body of the Prussian is not covered with a durable chitinous cover, it has small villi that lack a protective layer. Microbes, pathogenic bacteria, microorganisms and helminth eggs get onto the villous layer.

With a load of dangerous pathogens, the insect hurries to taste food supplies, which then end up on the table and, accordingly, in the mouth.

If crawling arthropods live in an apartment with people, you should not be surprised that children are infected with helminthiasis and suffer from intestinal disorders.

Hygiene is especially important for restaurant owners and fast food operators. Otherwise, there is a risk of receiving a fine and a reprimand from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station, and losing the reputation of the establishment, which has been deserved for years.

The only customers will be red and whitish pests, they will appreciate the dish from the chef. Take care of timely disinfestation and disposal of food waste.

If you lack the time and opportunity, seek help from professional disinfection services. They're in short time will save the establishment from an unpleasant neighborhood.

Readers of the site write to us

Subject: We got rid of cockroaches! Thank you!

From whom: Vlad Burov(vl**** [email protected])

To whom: Admin


Oh, we are tired of cockroaches in our apartment!

They are so disgusting, and it is difficult to eradicate them. My wife tried a lot of things! Nothing took them :(

I was fed up with all this and I took up the matter myself.

And I accidentally discovered it on one site.

Without thinking twice, I did as it advised. And literally after 5 days we were able to live in peace!! We don't have any cockroaches anymore!

Please give it to others, maybe it will help them too!

Habitual methods of destroying mustaches

New insecticides appear every day, making it possible to thoroughly treat a room of any size.

It happens that a white resident enters a house who has started renovations. Having assessed the situation and identified the presence of food products, the barbel will definitely bring entire columns of multi-colored pests.

To completely free your home from white cockroaches, you need to agree with your neighbors to jointly carry out disinfestation. These individuals usually hide in the bathroom and in the most inaccessible places; it is extremely rare to encounter longhorned beetles during the daytime.

If you suspect the tricks of white and red longhorned beetles, immediately take measures to destroy them.

Most effective insecticides sold at SES. Usually these are powders for preparing a solution yourself. The finished insecticide should be sprayed:

  • Along the perimeter of the room;
  • In closets;
  • Under the refrigerator;
  • Under heating radiators;
  • Near the trash can and directly to the waste container;
  • In bathroom;
  • Along the baseboard.

This type of disinfestation is carried out if the residents are ready to leave the apartment for 2 to 3 days. Pests crawl out of all the cracks. Crazy insects, both white and red, run around the apartment in search of something to drink.

After disinfestation, you should definitely wet clean the room. The chemical is washed off from furniture, interior items and dishes. Pay special attention to toys.

If the insecticide gets into the child’s mouth, acute intestinal poisoning develops. If you suspect poisoning with a pesticide, call an ambulance.

Spend time in the bathroom general cleaning, then rinse with running water.

Don’t forget about the kitchen: cabinets and dishes should be thoroughly washed special means and rinse.

Effective remedies for cockroaches

Other means for exterminating whitish and red arthropods include:

  • Dusts;
  • Pencils;
  • Sprays;
  • Gels;
  • Traps;
  • Lures;
  • Powders.

It happens that a certain chemical can destroy red relatives, but has no effect on white ones. Why does this happen and what to do. The period of transition from a larva to a sexually mature individual lasts several days.

Pests constantly mutate and adapt to the sophisticated tricks of humans. If the product for killing white insects has stopped working, replace it with an analogue with a different active ingredient.

If your attempts to destroy white pests in the apartment on your own are unsuccessful, call the pest control service. They work with professional chemicals that are safe for pets and people, but with high degree effectiveness against red and white cockroaches.

After treatment, wet cleaning of the room must be carried out.

Are there any disinfection services that use household insecticides in their work? Perhaps you have fallen into the hands of an unscrupulous company that wants to make money on the client’s gullibility.

Professionals carry out disinfestation using a cold fog generator. The disinfectant is sprayed in the form of a cloud with high penetrating ability. Disinfectors treat every corner of the room.

White sliders love wet areas, so treatment in the bathroom must be carried out with maximum efficiency.

Moisture and warmth are the most favorite habitats of arthropods. A white cockroach has settled in the microwave and left offspring - warm up the device at maximum power.

An effective way to exterminate crawling pests is freezing. Take the device out into the cold. If it is not possible to carry out the procedure due to summer season, disassemble and clean the devices.

Do not pour any toxic substances inside; such actions can lead to damage to expensive household appliances, burnt fuses and short circuits.

What does the unpleasant proximity to red and whitish pests lead to? TO dangerous diseases and psychological breakdowns. Not everyone can calmly react to white creepers attacking the kitchen, especially at night, when a relaxed person gets up to drink some water.

To ensure that arthropods forever forget the way to the apartment, follow simple rules:

  1. Don't leave the trash can full overnight;
  2. Clean the grate in the sink from food waste after washing dishes;
  3. Remove crumbs from the table;
  4. Do not leave dirty dishes;
  5. Sort the cereals into special jars for bulk products;
  6. Store bread and dough products in a plastic bag;
  7. Carry out plumbing repairs in a timely manner; dripping faucets and faulty valves should be repaired.

If pests “came” into the apartment from neighbors, carry out simultaneous baiting of white and red longhorned beetles. Conduct regularly preventative treatment premises from white cockroaches. Don't forget to change the insecticide.

Newly born individuals have strong immunity to toxic substances used previously. Alternate toxic substances: change a pencil to a gel, a liquid to a dust or spray.

For residents apartment buildings It is advisable to carry out disinfestation against red and white cockroaches every six months. Such events are enough for reliable protection apartments from pests.

White cockroaches are not a special species and are not mutants. These are simply young individuals going through the molting period. It is possible to protect your apartment from white cockroaches by following sanitary standards.

Clean your apartment and get rid of garbage in a timely manner, force yourself to wash the dishes at night, otherwise you will have to make a lot of effort to destroy white pests.

You should not be afraid of white cockroaches and consider them mutants affected by radiation. Science has revealed that radioactive radiation has no effect on insects. The frightening and unattractive appearance of arthropods is the only thing that distinguishes them from ordinary red and black Prussians.

The answer to the question of why cockroaches are white lies in their physiology. All cockroaches go through the “bleaching” period up to 10 times during their lives. During the molting process, they shed their chitinous shell, under which there is a new cover. At first the insect looks translucent, then acquires a light color. Within a few hours, the cockroach acquires its usual brownish color.

During the molting period, insects are not very active; the white cockroach at home prefers to hide in cracks, so it is not often seen. Usually a whole generation from one clutch changes its shell at the same time. This explains the cases when, when the light suddenly turns on in the kitchen or bathroom, many whitish creatures scatter in all directions.

There are other reasons for the appearance of albinos:

  • use of insecticides with chlorine;
  • increased radiation;
  • genetic mutations.

In all other respects, these are our old acquaintances, the Prussians, they also run around in grocery stores, spreading infection, and love apartments where they rarely clean. Running around the house, cockroaches leave secretions, the smell of which is almost imperceptible to humans. Just because your nose doesn't sense danger doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Enzymes can cause allergic reactions and exacerbation of asthma. The same consequences are caused by the shell and excrement shed during molting. In rare cases, a cockroach can bite a sleeping person and introduce an infection into the blood.

How cockroaches get into an apartment

Another common way is to move the colony along with the furniture, household appliances and other items. It is advisable not to buy anything from families where the house is dirty and disorderly. When purchasing goods in a store, there is also no guarantee that cockroaches have not crawled in, especially if there is a food department or cafe nearby. Several individuals can penetrate the TV box and hide there. Insects reproduce quickly, and after a while you will be able to meet white young animals that have recently shed their chitinous cover.

If possible, do not bring new items into the house until you have treated them with an insecticide. In winter, you can leave things outside; at -10⁰, insects will die very quickly. When shopping, remember that in good stores you will pay more, but the likelihood of purchasing a product with a bonus in the form of cockroaches there is close to zero.

How to avoid insects in your home

The best home for a cockroach is an apartment or house where the owners neglect cleaning, leaving unwashed dishes and dirt and crumbs all around at night. At night, not only your insects will flock to the feast, but also those that live in neighboring apartments. Most likely, they will not want to leave such a hospitable place, and they will settle here forever. The second condition is water. A leaking faucet in the bathroom or kitchen, or liquid spilled on the floor will replace not only drink, but also food for pests.

Red and white cockroaches will not just appear in an apartment; they need appropriate conditions. In order not to exterminate insects, it is better to create an environment unsuitable for them to live. The rules are simple, even an inexperienced housewife can follow them.

Cockroaches will not live in a house where:

  • cleanliness and order reign;
  • all products are hermetically packaged;
  • no running taps, no liquid drops on the floor or pipes;
  • all cracks are firmly sealed with putty or glue.

There are also folk remedies preventing the appearance of cockroaches in the house. Insects do not like the smells of some plants. Make small bouquets of elderberry or wormwood and place them in the favorite habitats of the Prussians. Also suitable for these purposes Bay leaf and eucalyptus.

How to get rid of cockroaches

It is useless to kill insects in a cluttered apartment. They already have something to eat; insects can bypass a trap or poisoned bait. Before the decisive battle, take the following steps:

  • do general cleaning;
  • seal cracks in baseboards, floors and walls;
  • take out the trash and rinse the waste bin thoroughly;
  • turn off the water and wipe all drops on building structures and furniture;
  • wash and dry the dishes;
  • Place all products in sealed containers.

IN apartment building It’s better to come to an agreement with your neighbors and carry out the work of exterminating insects in one day. In this case, the pests will not be able to wait out in other rooms and will leave the building. The best option will contact management company and invite a specialized team that will carry out professional processing and apartments, and entrances, and garbage chute chambers.

There are many ways to kill pests. When purchasing any drug, read the instructions carefully. Act strictly according to the manufacturer's recommendations, then you will effectively destroy the colony and will not endanger family members and pets.

Choose the method that is most suitable for your conditions:

  • insecticidal gels and aerosols;
  • special crayons;
  • powder made from equal parts of flour and alabaster scattered along the baseboards;
  • traps.

You can set up a safe trap without using chemicals yourself. Take a tall container with a smooth surface, grease the inner edges generously vegetable oil. Place a fragrant bait, such as cheese, on the bottom. Cockroaches will not be able to get out along the slippery walls; all you have to do is drown them in the sewer every day.

After carrying out the activities, sweep away dead and immobilized insects. You can use a vacuum cleaner, but only after work change and burn the filter so that surviving individuals do not get out. If insects appear in a heated dacha, in frosty weather, drain the water from the pipes in the bathroom and in the radiators, turn off the heating and leave the house for several days. The cold will do all the work for you.