3D model of a house made of paper. DIY paper house model with diagrams and photos

This craft will not take a lot of time and materials, and this activity will be very useful for the child.

nom. When working with paper and three-dimensional figures, spatial thinking develops, imagination and ingenuity work. Among other things, this is simply a fun activity for both adults and children.

Every girl dreams of her favorite doll living in a house. Is it worth spending huge sums of money on purchasing a doll’s home if you can easily make it with your own hands? In addition, the child will treat the toy more carefully when he himself takes part in its creation.

To do beautiful house from cardboard boxes, you need very few materials and most importantly – imagination!

You'll need:

  • Boxes made of durable cardboard of different sizes;
  • Paints;
  • Colored paper;
  • Knife and scissors;
  • Glue gun;
  • Scotch;
  • Pencils or markers.

You can make any house - large or small, with a removable roof or a stationary one, with separate rooms or one large one. To get an idea of ​​what the house will look like, take a look sample diagrams and sketches on the Internet (instructions are attached to each). Based on them, you can draw your own dollhouse plan.

Large do-it-yourself cardboard house for children

Getting your baby interested is quite easy. Build him a house! If you live in an apartment, making housing from plasterboard at home will be very difficult due to the lack of free space. But there is a way out, because probably each of you has large boxes of household appliances– TV, refrigerator or gas stove. Unless you're planning a big move, you probably won't need these boxes. But you can make an excellent little house out of them for your child. It will be interesting for the baby to play in such a spacious house.

To do children's playhouse with your own hands, you need:

  • A large cardboard box or two medium ones;
  • Glue;
  • Scotch;
  • Colored paper or wallpaper;
  • Ruler;
  • Stationery knife.

Place the box so that the opening parts are at the top. Cut a piece of cardboard from an unnecessary box to create a quadrangular roof. Secure all bends with tape.

You can leave the top of the roof empty to allow better air flow.

Figure out where the door will be located. The hole should be of such a size that the baby can crawl inside the house. Draw a door and cut it out with a utility knife. We do the same with windows. The finished holes can be decorated with old tulle, this will make the home cozy.

You can lay a warm blanket on the floor, so the baby will not freeze, even if he sits inside the house for hours.

The homemade house is ready and waiting for its owner!

DIY cardboard houses: diagrams and nuances of construction

To create a house, first of all, you need to draw a sketch. Finished drawing You can download it on the Internet at home or try to draw it yourself, based on your child’s requests. If you wish, you can make a model of the house from plain paper.

House project:

  1. According to the drawing, cut out sketches of the future toy house from a cardboard box.
  2. Cut through windows and doors. Remove unnecessary pieces of cardboard.
  3. The joints need to be taped.
  4. If the folds are glued correctly, the house can be folded, and in this form it will take up very little space.
  5. The roof of the house is made from the end parts of the box. They are fastened together with tape, and the roof can be covered with colored paper on top.
  6. To make a second floor, you need to install interior partition. Place a sheet of cardboard on top and secure it firmly along the edges with the walls of the house.
  7. The staircase between floors is also cut out of cardboard.

Now the house can be decorated doll furniture or make it yourself from cardboard.

Helpful tips for making:

  • The door of the house should open outwards;
  • To make the house stable, you need to install cardboard pipes in the corners;
  • For safety reasons, only adults should cut cardboard.

How to make a cardboard house with your own hands: step by step with pictures

A beautiful and original house for Barbie can be made not only from boxes, but also from ordinary colored sheets of cardboard. Let your daughter help you create a house, do the layout and think through the decor.

For work you will need sheets of thick cardboard, colored tape, felt-tip pens and a stationery knife.

Let's get started:

  1. Our house will not have a front wall - this makes it more convenient for a child to play with a doll if the house has several tiers.
  2. The basis of the house is four standard sheets of cardboard, which are fastened together with colored tape.
  3. Before joining the sheets, you need to cut out the window of the future house.
  4. Having fastened the sheets, we make the second floor. To do this, you need to connect 3-4 sheets together to make the overlap more durable.
  5. Glue the sheets along the entire perimeter to the walls of the house using tape.
  6. The walls of the house can be covered with wrapping paper, imitating wallpaper, and thin felt can be laid on the floor - like a warm carpet.

The child will be very interested in playing with the new acquisition and decorating the house. These skills will definitely be useful in adulthood.

If the child is already going to school, he can take his creation to an exhibition or simply show off to his classmates.

DIY cardboard house: how to decorate a doll's house

Dollhouse, like ordinary apartment, requires comfort. To make your home more comfortable, you need to put wallpaper on the walls - made from colored paper, packaging wrapper or simple glossy magazines. You can hang curtains on the windows; you probably have a piece of unnecessary fabric. To attach them, use pushpins or a stapler.

Like any apartment, the house should not be empty. Your favorite doll also needs furniture. From the boxes you can build a voluminous sofa, a wardrobe or bookcase, a table and chairs. They can be painted with watercolors or pasted over with appliqués.

The floor can be covered with felt, which is attached to the box using glue gun. Now the Barbie doll can walk on the floor barefoot.

To make the house light and cozy, you can hang LED garlands along the walls.

Around the house you can place decorative flowers in pots and build a fence from plastic bottles. However, this option is acceptable if space in the nursery allows.

Let your child decorate the house himself, as your tastes may differ. Entrust this work to your baby, let him develop his imagination!

Step-by-step master class: how to make a cardboard house for a cat

If you have a tailed, mustachioed animal living at home, you know how cats love to hide - they jump into a stroller, climb into boxes or onto shelves. You can make a house out of a box and your pet will have a personal apartment that no one will claim.

Cardboard cat box - original and interesting idea, but, alas, such a house will quickly fall into disrepair. Cardboard is afraid of water, so it cannot be washed. If your pet confuses the house with the litter box, the cat's apartment will have to be thrown away.

In addition, cats love to sharpen their claws, and this can also damage the house.

Despite the disadvantages, this option is the cheapest and fastest to implement.

Building a cat house:

  1. You need to choose a box in which your cat will not feel cramped. Cats love space and enjoy visibility, so you shouldn't place the box in the farthest corner of the room.
  2. You need to lay a rug or a pillow on the floor.
  3. You can cover the outside of the house with old wallpaper so that the cat’s home does not disturb the interior of the “human” room.

When the house is ready, invite the cat to explore it. Let him get used to the new thing, study it. There is no need to force the cat to immediately climb inside, this may only scare him away.

How to make a house out of cardboard (video)

If you have imagination and love to tinker, you will be able to make toy house from cardboard. This gift will appeal to both babies and older children. Even an adult girl will appreciate such a gift, because very often you want to return to a carefree childhood and play with Barbie dolls again.

Have you ever noticed, driving through the outskirts of your city, how much there are unfinished and already seemingly abandoned brick boxes of houses, cottages with gaping holes in the windows? Apparently, a lot of money was invested in so much brick, concrete, digging pits and other construction. In fact, most of this money is buried in the ground and thrown away. After all, these unfinished houses and cottages are then sold at a price much less than what was invested in their construction. And if you look at some houses or cottages built in the recent past, you are unlikely to find among them not only an architectural masterpiece, but just a house with its architecture that evokes at least respect, and not regret. Russia is probably still the richest country in the world, since we allow ourselves to spend money so unreasonably.

Where does such extravagance come from? Why are we used to investing money in the construction of ruins or in some clumsy buildings?

Firstly, from the fact that a private developer often cannot calculate his real capabilities and, as a rule, aims to build a house or cottage larger than he can handle, bring to mind and subsequently maintain.

It also happens that a person who has built himself a four-story house or cottage, as a rule, lives on one floor and goes on excursions to the rest, but on these floors of the cottage he needs to do cleaning, wash the windows, and finally heat them. The cost of construction and operation of such a house or cottage turns out to be very high. To prevent money from going down the drain, you must act on the principle of reasonable sufficiency.

When starting to build a house or cottage, private customers often console themselves with the thought that they will be able to find some wonderful, almost free builders, cheap but talented architects. As a rule, all these dreams in the process of building a cottage turn out to be nothing more than an illusion. And the savings begin. But they don’t save on what is needed. As a result, it turns out that correcting the work of these miracle builders will cost even more than initially finding normal designers and listening to their recommendations on choosing a contractor for building a house.

I would like to warn potential customers against architects who swear to design your dream home in a couple of weeks. Even when building a house or cottage, this approach to business can backfire, not to mention whether you can live in this dream. After all, if you want to start building a house in the summer, it is better to contact an architect in the fall.

The practice of building houses and cottages shows that the more attention is paid to the project, the lower the financial costs await you at the construction stage. It’s better to design a house once than to rebuild it seven times, experience suggests.

In order for your idea of ​​your future home to be as complete as possible, you should order a model of the house with the surrounding area from the architect. Many customers believe that a model of a cottage is needed to get the customer out of it. more money. This is fundamentally wrong. A cottage layout will help save your money and nerves, because you will imagine your future home, and the result will no longer be unexpected for you. A model of a cottage made on a scale of 1:100 gives a fairly complete idea of ​​the object, but on a scale of 1:50 it will be possible to show everything architectural features houses and various types of finishing in such a way that it will allow you to literally get used to your not yet built home. Photos of house models you can look on our page.

It is imperative to carry out geological surveys on the site and a geodetic survey of the site's relief - they are necessary as initial data for designing the foundation of the cottage. The foundation is the foundation of the house and problems with the foundation can lead to the unusability of the entire structure. Most houses abandoned at the construction stage are abandoned because they have problems with the foundation. Either due to uneven settlement of the foundation, or due to the force of frost heaving of the soil, which distorted the foundation. Cracks may appear along the walls of the house, so it will be easier to order geological surveys than to grieve over your warped and cracked house.

Also, in order to save money, it is better not to bury the basement floor into the ground - you will save on earthworks, foundation material and waterproofing. It’s another matter if you want to get a maximum usable area with a minimum building area - here without ground floor you can’t get by, usually there are swimming pools, gyms, storage rooms - everything that doesn’t fit on other floors.

To achieve tangible savings during construction, considerable attention must be paid to the selection of building materials. The most progressive wall material for country house is aerated concrete laid on a special glue solution. A modern aerated concrete block, produced using German technology, with a thickness of 375 mm, fully satisfies heat engineering standards. The wall turns out to be very smooth, because the seams between the blocks are no more than 2 mm, and does not shrink. Therefore, after minor preparation of the wall surface, you can begin to final finishing. In general, the cost of material and installation aerated concrete wall half the price of brick and at the same time three times warmer. One of the advantages of aerated concrete walls is that it is vapor-permeable, which allows such walls to breathe, getting rid of excess water vapor inside the house.

But it should be remembered that the load-bearing capacity of aerated concrete is low, although it is quite enough to carry reinforced concrete floors two or three floors. Aerated concrete also absorbs moisture well, so its surface should be protected from its effects.

For finishing facades, the most economical material is vinyl siding. It is attached to the sheathing, leaving an air gap, which allows you to ventilate the outer surface of the aerated concrete, removing excess moisture from it.

Siding does not need to be painted, it is not subject to rotting; to maintain its appearance, it is enough to wash it from time to time. Siding finishing can be combined with other, more expensive types of finishing, for example, decorative synthetic plasters with various fillers: quartz, marble, granite chips of various fractions, it is important that the plaster is moisture-resistant and vapor-permeable.

Brick cladding will undoubtedly add solidity to your home; to save money, you can use products from domestic factories. The use of these materials in harmonious proportions will give the facades of your home a unique, individual look.

Quite inexpensive roof covering which can be used - bitumen shingles, but to give the house a more representative look, you can use domestic polymer sand tiles. It has the same standard sizes as Finnish ceramic or cement-sand tiles, but at the same time has half the weight at a much lower price, and does not chip when dropped. The disadvantage of ceramic, cement-sand, polymer-sand tiles in relation to bitumen tiles is their relatively large weight, which entails increased material consumption for truss structures. But bituminous shingles will quickly become unusable, while traditional shingles have been tested for centuries and are undoubtedly more durable.

Metal-plastic windows are the most the best option for a person who knows how to count money. U metal-plastic windows same benefits as vinyl siding- they do not need to be repainted over time and they do not rot. In our climate, it is imperative to install double-glazed windows. It is better if the windows have a triple seal along the contour and high-quality shut-off valves that tightly press the window sashes to the frame. At the same time, we must remember that it is better to contact a company that gives a long-term guarantee on its windows, because some problems with windows may appear after a year of operation or after two years. Excessive savings on windows can subsequently lead to unjustified expenses.

A thoughtful planning and design solution plays a big role in saving money. By simplifying the design of the house as much as possible, we will reduce the number necessary operations during installation, the amount of material required will reduce labor costs and expenses accordingly.

As you know, a plane that flies well and also looks beautiful. Beauty is derived from its functionality. Yes and good house does not require anything extra. After all, a house can have a spectacular appearance not due to architectural excesses such as turrets and columns, but due to thoughtful proportions, combination various types finishes, interesting color scheme and at the same time be simple from a constructive point of view. Moreover, we already live in the twenty-first century and classical columns and stucco details on the facades look at least strange on new buildings. Modern architecture does not focus on details, but operates with color, plane, volume, texture....

What heating system you choose also plays an important role in saving money. Or it will be a traditional radiator system which initial stage It will undoubtedly cost less, or a heating system through the floor. The advantage of a heating system through the floor is that the water here does not need to be heated to high temperatures, because the heat transfer area in this case is larger, resulting in savings of 15-20% compared to a radiator system. In addition, when heating through the floor, the air rises to a lower height and there will be much less dust in the house. Also, giving up radiators will make it possible to arrange furniture more freely, which is important if the area of ​​the premises is small and every square centimeter counts.

What is the recipe for building a good home? Firstly, compare your capabilities with your needs, find a reasonable proportion in their relationship. Secondly, take a balanced approach to choosing builders; be sure to look at the houses they have built, which have been in use for several seasons. Thirdly, do not contact designers who will depict everything on a computer in a week, it’s not the computer that thinks! When the architect offers you layout options, try to imagine them in reality, think about whether everything is convenient in the layout. (The same applies when you order finished project according to the catalog). Fourthly, if you have already decided on the designers, negotiate with them for the production of a house model and for interior design work, listen to the architect’s recommendations on the choice of builders. Fifthly, decide on the materials from which the house will be built, either it will be expensive, durable materials, or less expensive and less durable - the choice of materials depends on the future for which the house is being built, how soon you want to live in it. Simply put, if you want to build a beautiful, comfortable home for yourself and your family and not go down the drain, you need to approach this matter seriously and carefully.

Based on all of the above, we can formulate a collective image of a good economical home, which, in our opinion, will be affordable for a fairly wide range of families who want to live in their own home.

In terms of area, such a house corresponds to a decent city apartment - 150 m2. On the ground floor: living room - 28 m2, kitchen - 12 m2, hallway, bathroom, storage room, boiler room, attic floor: 3 bedrooms - 20, 16 and 11 m2, as well as two bathrooms. All this is like a residential module, to which it will then be possible to attach a garage, terrace, veranda, and additional living quarters. The cost of such a residential building will be lower than the cost of a similar city apartment and at the same time have the opportunity for development. In plan, the house is a square with sides of 9.4 m. This feature of the project makes it possible to save a little on wall material and heating, since a square has a smaller perimeter than a rectangle of the same area.

The walls are made of aerated concrete. The absence of a middle load-bearing wall saves on the foundation for this wall and on the wall itself and also makes it easier to carry out redevelopment if necessary. Exterior wall decoration - siding and decorative plaster. Roofing - bitumen tiles. This project may be suitable for the second guest house on your site and for standard development of the village.

DIY polystyrene foam house model

How it all began

I wanted to visualize what the future house would look like. For this reason, this general drawing was born.

The result was not at all impressive, and I really wanted to look at the house from all sides. That's when the search for ideas for creating a layout began. I remember in the old days of childhood I made soldiers out of cardboard and paper, but when I tried to build at least part of the foundation from these materials, it became clear that it was much easier to build real home than its layout. Without hesitation, I bought polystyrene foam, which is used to paste over the ceiling to give it a divine look. (Unfortunately, it was not possible to find polystyrene foam that was even on both sides, so I took one that was more even - without any flowers or petals, but with a “loose plaster” type texture.) This material came at just the right time. Firstly, it has a thickness of 0.5 cm, which is almost proportional to the thickness of a real wall, and secondly, the foam is very easy and quick to process - it can be cut into even pieces with an ordinary knife. I used PVA as glue.

Now let's begin

To make a house model, you need to know exactly what you are doing. That is, you need to have a house drawing, sketch or plan with basic dimensions.

All I needed was the architect's rough sketch, which by luck happened to be at hand. Having estimated the dimensions, I decided to take a scale of 1 m = 2 cm as a proportion. This proportion is easy to calculate, and the dimensions of the layout are good - the layout of the house is neither large nor small, the thickness of the walls is almost proportional. And then there is a lot of routine work - marking the foam, cutting out the foundation, walls, roof, gluing the pieces together.

Entrance door into the house is visible on a white background. Ask why there are no steps?! How to get into the house?! There will be steps! And there will be a corridor, just in the place where the wall is white. See below. I needed a collapsible model of the house so that I could see the internal arrangement of the rooms, stairs and furniture. For this reason, I did not glue the second floor, but made it removable. This is what it looks like interior design Houses.

To be honest, I was too lazy to make the staircase completely proportional - one model step is equal to two real ones. As they say, next time :-). But everything else is correct - the slope, the occupied size, the width. The staircase closes bearing wall made of brick, which is needed so that the floor slabs of the second floor rest on it.

Using the layout, you can clearly assess the spread of light during daylight hours. You just need to know in which direction to the north the house will be located.

The model of the first floor shows how the stairs go to the second floor. The descent to the basement is visible. Yellow stripes under the windows indicate heating radiators. The bathtub and toilet are visible to the naked eye. Green heating boiler is indicated. The ventilation niche runs behind the toilet. You can also see the descent to the basement. In principle, it would be more logical to place the descent to the basement under the stairs, but these are questions for the architects. The front door to the house is near the sofa. Entering the house, on one side there is a bathroom, toilet and closet. On the other side is the kitchen. The room on the ground floor is quite spacious, so any redevelopment is possible - you can separate, for example, the kitchen with a partition, or hide the entrances to the bathroom and toilet from view. The sofa can be placed near the stairs, and the kitchen can be separated by a bar counter. Option without partitions or with sliding partitions it is preferable if you are going to host parties and crowded gatherings - then you will need a lot of space.

Floor slabs are indicated in orange. Naturally, they will be hidden under the brickwork, but for clarity of the layout I brought them out.

On the second floor there is one large bedroom and two small children's rooms. As well as shower and toilet. Also visible are the stairs to the attic and access to the balcony in one of the children's rooms.

In this picture, two children's rooms are better visible, as well as the entrances to the rooms. Heating radiators are located under the windows. Unfortunately, the picture does not show the staircase leading from the first floor to the second - it is covered by the staircase to the attic. You need to see the layout of the house live!

Now we make the roof of the house and place it above the second floor.

I made the roof of the house single-pitched, since the house will border on its neighbors with a blank wall, although a gable roof would look much more beautiful.

The house layout is almost ready! The only thing left is to add a corridor. The corridor can be built not immediately, but as funds become available for construction

The corridor can be made of any size - it all depends on your taste. The roof of the corridor is also a balcony where you can hang clothes to dry or install a hammock. If desired, you can glaze the balcony or simply install a transparent plastic rain canopy.

Part of the balcony extends behind a blank wall. Tired parents can hide there and smoke without their children seeing.

The final touch is the garage. Adjusted as funds become available. From the garage you can immediately enter the corridor through inner door. If someone thinks the balcony is too small, then it can be made above the garage roof. The garage and corridor are being built on light foundation, since the weight of these buildings is insignificant.

What did I need

The following materials are needed: polystyrene foam 0.5 cm thick, PVA glue, paper, tape. Tools: blade or sharp knife for cutting foam, scissors, pen for marking foam, pencils, ruler.

The “exterior finishing” in the form of a brick was done on a printer, followed by “lamination” - glued with tape. This is not a rewarding task, because as soon as the tape sticks crookedly, the workpiece needs to be thrown away. In the future I want to try it on real laminate. Without lamination, it will not be possible to stick the texture on the house, since the glue causes the paper to swell. But if you still manage to glue it, the paper will very quickly come off and the house model will lose its beautiful shiny appearance.

My brick is black - I didn’t have a color printer at hand. Now this is not a problem and you can make a “finish” to match any material. And special fans can stick wallpaper and make parquet. But I pass. This is a thankless task.

That's all!

How to make a house model out of paper with your own hands?

How to make an architectural model from paper with your own hands.

This lesson shows in sufficient detail how you can make an architectural model from simple materials at home. We decided to show you how to work with paper and how to transform it into three-dimensional forms using the example of an architectural model of a business center with many complex elements and sections.

Materials: thick tinted paper, self-adhesive film, double-sided tape, PVA glue, children's colored paper, handle from a brush (for a spire).

Tools: Scissors, metal rulers different sizes, a paper knife, a compass and a few tools that I forgot about :-).

Step-by-step creation of a building model.

Part 01. Consistent execution of structural elements of walls.

1. Ground floor.

To show the wall thickness up to window frame ribs need to be installed.

The glass of the outer part of the window is simulated using auto-tinting. The tint is applied to slightly larger double-sided tape.

2. First floor.

The first and subsequent floors of all walls of the building are constructed according to a similar pattern as the ground floor.

All decorative elements are made by gluing parts end-to-end, which reduces dimensional errors.

3. Floors from the second to the fourth.

4. Fifth floor.

Part 02. Connection of structural elements of walls in a block.

1. Wall No. 1.

2. Wall No. 2.

3. Wall No. 3.

This wall is a little more difficult than the previous ones.

4. Wall No. 4.

Part 0 3. Sequential execution of frontal sections of the layout.

1. Section No. 1.

Because The layout of the building is partially completed; it is necessary to make cuts. One of them will be detailed, and the other will indicate only the main structural elements at the cut site.

2. Cut No. 2.

Unlike the drawing, the cross-section of the model also shows the internal elements of the structure (windows, doors, walls and partitions hidden from the sectional area), which makes it more accessible to perception.

Actually for simplicity gray indicates what falls within the cut area in the drawing.

Part 04. Connection of frontal sections with the walls of the building.

1. Section No. 2 with walls No. 1 and No. 2.

2. Section No. 1 with walls No. 3 and No. 4.

Part 05. Sequential execution of prefabricated layout elements.

1. Dynamic structural block No. 1.

A dynamic structural block means a moving part of the layout, which is essentially a complex section.

2. Dynamic structural block No. 2.

Both dynamic elements are fixed in the layout using magnets.

Part 06. Installing the layout blocks on the stand.

The stand is made of plywood.

Part 07. Step-by-step implementation of the central entrance.

Part 08. Stage-by-stage implementation of the façade part of the building (tower) model.

Part 09. Sequential execution of a horizontal cut (fifth floor).

Part 10. Sequential execution of a dynamic structural block (roof).

Part 11. General form layout with exterior.

How to make a house model from plywood with your own hands

Many people, seeing beautiful and neat models of buildings made by architects, dream of learning how to create the same small copies beautiful houses. Learn to make real ones complex layouts It’s not easy, but it’s within your power and capabilities to assemble a decorative model of a house on a scale of 1:50, having previously drawn on paper the contours of the details and facades of the house, as well as the roof and frame.


1To create a layout, you will need plywood 6-8 mm thick, as well as materials for facades, partitions and roofs. Make a house frame from plywood and place it on a flat surface.

2Separately prepare the facades, cut out according to the drawings, and cut door and window openings in them. Then sand the cuts and joints.

3Make the foundation of the house from wide slats, gluing them onto the finished frame of the house, and also separately make a porch with stairs from solid blocks of wood.

4From thin plywood cut out the doors separately and window casings, sand them down sandpaper, paste it along the contour with thin slats and glue it tightly to the frame of the house in the openings. Instead of glass, insert millimeter-thick plexiglass into the windows with plastic or wood frames glued to the outside.

5Take a separate sheet of plywood and cut gable roof for the house, and then the roof for individual buildings, if you want to add a yard to your home. Solder from thin sheet metal drainpipes and gutters, and then secure them to the roof slopes. Make stove pipes from small blocks of wood.

6After the small parts are ready, start assembling the house. First, assemble the box of the house, then place the roof on it, and then attach the porches to the outside doors.

7Cut individual beautiful posts or slats with which you will cover the joints of the plywood sheets to make the house look more beautiful. Sand the surface of the building, cover it with stain and varnish or paint it.

8Start making building models with simple models- for example, small huts or barns. Then you can improve your skills and move on to building more complex layouts.

Build cardboard house you can do it yourself without any effort special effort. Designs can be different - this is Dollhouse, and a garage or parking lot for toy cars. Children will be delighted to participate in joint creativity. After all, the process of making crafts in the form of a hut is fascinating.

At the same time, you can create a cozy nest out of cardboard, which will accommodate a little fidget.

How to make a craft with your own hands

By spending a little time working with your children and giving free rein to your imagination, you can build many original designs. And we will tell you how to do this further.

New Year's hut

When making crafts, you need to focus on diagrams and templates of cardboard houses. After you choose the most suitable option, the markings should be transferred to the workpiece. Well, then there’s nothing complicated:

Cut out the parts according to the template white sheet paper and stick them in established sequence on cardboard. You can use glue or double-sided tape.

All cardboard parts are carefully cut out. To arrange windows and doors, you should use a stationery knife.

Adhering to the drawn folds, bend the workpiece and glue the structure. For strength, a primer can be applied to the house.

The hut should be decorated and decorated, for example, the roof is often sprinkled with glitter. Having attached a rope to the structure, the hut is used as a Christmas tree decoration.

House made of cardboard and foam

This option is more labor intensive. But our instructions on how to make a house out of cardboard will help you quickly cope with the construction.

Take a regular cardboard box. The size is selected individually. A house is built from it - you need to cut the necessary parts and glue them together. After the window and door openings are drawn on the structure, they should be cut out with a stationery knife.

The hut can be decorated or covered with colored paper. But the decoration will look more original polyurethane foam. It is applied in strips, leaving 3-4 mm gaps between them for swelling. The foam will dry in 30-40 minutes.

In the meantime, you can build a stand:

  • cut a piece of cardboard into a rectangle with an area slightly larger than the base of the house;
  • attach the stand to the building frame with glue;
  • imitate snow using foam or cotton wool glued to the stand with PVA.

Excess foam from the craft is cut off with a knife, and then the structural elements are painted in the chosen color scheme.

Housing for gnomes

The task can be simplified if you use existing blanks, for example, cylinders from rolls toilet paper. In order for the composition to be original and attractive, as in the photo of a cardboard house, you need to be patient. You can take 2-3 cylinders and cut them into two parts so that you get parts of different lengths.

Then you should cut out the paper strips. Their length will be about 150 mm, and their width will be 15-30 mm greater than the height of the cylinder used as a house. Windows and doors are cut out of colored paper and glued to a white strip.

The cardboard cylinder should be wrapped in paper with windows, after applying an adhesive mass to the surface. The edges of the paper extending beyond the cardboard are folded inward. You need to make cones out of colored paper that will serve as a roof. They are attached to the cylinders with glue. The village for the gnomes is ready.

House made by a child

Many people are interested in how to make a cardboard house with their own hands. Even your baby can handle the proposed technology. Mark the house on white cardboard or print a template from the Internet. The kid himself will be able to cut out the entire structure along clear lines.

To make a roof, you should take a rectangle of cardboard of suitable length and width for the slopes. This sheet is folded in half and attached to assembled frame Houses.

Cardboard dollhouse

If your child asked to make a home for dolls, then you should not immediately run to the garage and start sawing boards.

Everything can be done much easier - just use our instructions on step by step production houses for beginners:

Take a cardboard box the right size. For example, this could be packaging for parcels or household appliances. Open it from the bottom and top.

The two small side parts on top are cut off so that triangles are formed on both sides, pointing upward. The triangles on top are aligned vertically, and the longitudinal long elements of the lid are attached to them with glue or tape, forming bottom part roof slope.

It will not always be possible to form a roof completely - its top (ridge) will remain open. You can solve this problem by cutting off the lids from the bottom of the box. The longitudinal elements are attached to each other in the form of a hut and fixed to the already constructed part of the roof. As a result, the roof ridge will be built. The main thing here is to take all measurements and fasten, observing the joints.

Windows and a door are drawn on the walls of the house, which are then cut with a knife. The roof can be painted to look like tiles and the walls can be painted in your preferred color.

Cozy house for children

You can make a structure that will accommodate a child from an ordinary cardboard box from large household appliances.

It is advisable that the height of the walls be at least 1-1.5 m for a comfortable stay for the child. If this option is difficult for you to choose, then a cardboard house for children can be made from two boxes connected to each other with tape.

The top cover must be tightly closed and the joints secured with tape. A sheet of thick box cardboard is placed on top to strengthen the structure. The roof can be made in several ways:

By fastening two rectangles of cardboard together, this is how the roof slopes are formed. If you make them with a slight launch beyond the boundaries of the walls of the house, you will get a more durable mount.

Rafters are mounted on top. They are made from two intersecting plastic pipes small diameter. They are attached to the house at the corners of the structure. A piece of wide pipe should be placed in the middle so that the rafters do not bend. A light blanket or blanket is placed on top of the rafters.

It’s quite simple to build a house for dolls, decorating a Christmas tree, or having fun for your child. This requires the use available material. Your child’s participation in construction will help you to use your imagination to the maximum and keep your child busy with exciting work.

Photos of cardboard houses

Tatiana Khadyka

It's no secret that in everyone kindergarten great importance is devoted to educating children in correct behavior on the road and the ability to navigate difficult situations on the roadway. In this regard, in kindergartens, a mandatory condition for instilling in children a culture of behavior on the road is the production layout"Our Street" and working with him.

Today I bring to your attention, dear colleagues, master- manufacturing class multi-storey buildings for layout, which shows a city street.

For work we need:

a) Empty matchboxes.

b) Glue gun.

c) Colored cardboard and self-adhesive paper.

So let's get started.

1. Using a glue gun, glue the internal (2 pcs.) and external (2 pcs.) parts of a matchbox.

2. Three pairs of “tops” are glued together. Then we glue another box in the center.

4. There can be as many floors as you like. Now let's start decorating the balconies with colored paper.

Here's what We got high-rise buildings. The children were delighted! And immediately posted them on our layout.

This work is not difficult. Guys can even do it preparatory group, but always under the guidance of a teacher who works with a glue gun!

Try it and you will succeed!

To color sawdust, take ultramarine blue and dilute it in hot water, where the wood powder is immersed, colored before our eyes to the desired color. Once removed from the paint, it is wrung out and placed in a thin layer on a baking sheet to dry.

Wood powder can be used to cover models instead of paint, but for this it is prepared in a wide variety of colors, dried and placed in jars. Best paint for this purpose - aniline, sold in bags for dyeing cotton fabrics. The powder is applied in a thin layer to hot wood glue and pressed down. When it dries, the excess is poured into a jar and stored for future work.

The snow surface is made like this: the desired part is smeared with glue and sprinkled with brown powder mixed with boric acid to add shine. You can also make the surface of cotton wool (absorbent), which is spread in an even and thin layer on top of white paper. The cotton wool is sprinkled with boric acid on top.
When the glued parts are dry, they are covered with putty made from chalk (tooth powder) and glue. Depending on the color that the soil should have, different paints are added to the chalk. The putty is applied in a thin layer, and in those places where it is required, it takes the shape of the necessary convexities, relief, protrusions, banks, etc.

The purpose of coating with putty is to hold the model together, smooth out or create unevenness, and make it dense and monolithic. When applying it, the putty can contain pebbles and roots that imitate one or another object.

The background of the layout can be painted with brown paint or sprinkled with wood powder over glue, or covered with dark paper. After finishing, the entire model, while it is raw, is sprinkled with diamond mounds, which makes it come to life, especially in the evening light.

The inscriptions are made on drawing paper in ink and placed under glass, like labels, and the layout is ready.
Let's turn to making some details of the layouts.

The forest and bushes conventionally represent green deciduous mosses. They gather in advance. You need to choose the greenest, brightest and not very juicy ones, dry them in a draft, but not in the sun. Very dense bouquets are tied from mosses, which are inserted into holes made in the model with an awl.

Grass layout

The grassy surface on the models can also be depicted with moss. The surface is covered with matte green paper or painted with green paint. The green background is smeared with glue and sprinkled with finely trimmed moss. Moss can be replaced with painted green color small sawdust. If you need to present part of the vegetation in its natural form, then you have to take real plants or parts of them dried in sand.

For surface unevenness, pits, small elevations, etc., deal with this: moisten a wad of thin paper in liquid wood glue of the required size and stick it on the surface of the stand. Soak another piece of colored paper in glue. When it becomes soft, place it on the lump and press the edges around the lump to the surface of the stand. Coat the irregularities with glue and sprinkle with cut moss or soil.

Imitation of the earth's surface. The easiest way is to create a flat soil surface. It is enough to grease a piece of cardboard and sprinkle it with earth or sand. The cardboard must be painted the same color as the soil being prepared.

“Earth” is done like this. Take thin cardboard and matte black paper. Cut out a piece of cardboard of the required size, cover it with matte black paper, reverse side The cardboard must be covered with paper immediately, otherwise it will warp. In the absence of paper, cardboard can be successfully painted with soot using glue. Apply wood glue to the black side of the cardboard, cover it thickly with soil in an even layer, let it dry for half an hour and only then shake off the excess soil.

Dry soil is not black, but gray, and therefore, in order for it to remain black, it must be painted. This is done before applying the sticker. Take black mineral paint, spread it on a saucer and pour earth into it. Dry the paint-soaked soil in the sun or in an oven.

The sand surface is made using exactly the same techniques, you just need to take yellow paper instead of black, preferably ordinary wrapping paper. Occasionally it is necessary to paint the background with watercolor paint if the “breed” being prepared has a shade of a different color.

For sandy landscapes, artificial sand is prepared. It is made up of 20% natural sand and 80% ocher. The mixture is thoroughly mixed.

Of the natural pebbles, it is best to use pebbles taken from a stream, as well as fine gravel. In order to attach pebbles, sticks or any objects to cardboard, they are smeared with very thick wood glue and lowered into their designated places. When cooking lei, add a little granulated sugar for strength.

Stream layout

The stream is decorated with paints, and its bed is filled with specially applied putty. of blue color powder of the blue embankment, which gives off a shine, and the shore - with earth and pebbles.

To enliven the landscape, animals can be cut out of plywood, painted and attached in appropriate places on the layout. Also the foreground plants. The stones must be prepared from paper pulp and then painted. You can also use corresponding drawings for this purpose by cutting and gluing them onto cardboard, and then attaching them to the layout.

High slopes and cliffs. A box of the required size is bent and glued from cardboard. It is glued bottom up onto a piece of cardboard. This will be the skeleton of the mountain. You can glue a sheet of thick paper on all or some sides so that one edge of it is attached to the edge of the bottom of the box, and the other to the cardboard, you will get a slope of the desired steepness. The paper is taken in the appropriate color depending on whether the slope is earthen, sandy or grassy. When the model is finished, this slope is smeared with glue and sprinkled with sand, earth or cut moss.

For tearing, use thin gray wrapping paper. Cut the desired piece, soak it in liquid wood glue and apply it in the same way as the “slope”, but, of course, lower it much steeper. The glue will dry soon, and you can easily assemble the paper into any folds or gathers. When the glue dries and the paper hardens, coat it with glue again and, holding the “break” up, sprinkle with sand. Then the assemblies and folds will resemble potholes washed with water on the slope of a ravine. You can sprinkle the “cliff” not only with sand. Having collected multi-colored clays, pour them onto the glue in horizontal stripes and visually depict the layering of the earth's crust.

Such models of mountains, cliffs, banks and even ravines can be easily made from life if you have drawings and maps of the area.

If you are building a collection of rocks from a cliff, an accurate, well-proportioned model of the cliff, made (with glue) from genuine, locally sourced materials, will greatly enhance the value of your collection.

Building model dwellings or villages develops students' resourcefulness and creative initiative. And such models produced will serve as valuable aids for the geography classroom. Pictures, drawings, etc., as well as descriptions in magazines and books can be used for guidance. As an example, here is a description of one layout.

In front of the cave entrance, a man is sitting by the fire. All the inhabitants of the cave went hunting. The remaining one must guard the home and maintain the “eternal flame.”

A well-made model of a primitive man's cave will help you imagine the life of our ancient ancestors. The size of the base is 40 X 40 cm. The height of the back wall is 40 cm. Model a model of a mountain with a cave out of clay. Cover the model with layers of paper. Pre-tear the paper into pieces of 150×150 mm. You will have a papier-mâché cast of a mountain. Sew the mountain to the base and to the back wall of the layout.

Cover the area around the mountain with earth and green sawdust. Color the mountain so that it looks like it is made of stone. Animal skins are made well from pieces of an old shaggy towel. Paint the “skins” and glue them inside the cave. There are stone tools in the cave. Model the stone parts of the ax and spear from plasticine or other material. Make a fire from tissue paper painted red and yellow. For the figure of a primitive man, make a frame from soft thin wire, then apply plasticine to it. Dress a person in a piece of animal skin.