The most economical gas boilers for home heating. Choosing economical gas heating boilers for a private home The most economical gas boilers

Fewer and fewer people are willing to pay extra money for the increased energy consumed when heating a private house or apartment. Hence the demand for economical gas boilers designed to replace old ones heating units or take place in the boiler rooms of new buildings.

But try to figure out which boilers are the most economical and how to choose among them suitable model. Homeowners often fall for the bait of unscrupulous sellers and buy more expensive body generators. In the publication we will give explanations about the efficiency of gas boilers; study them before going to the store.

What does profitability depend on?

An ideal gas heating boiler must first effectively burn main or liquefied gas, and then use all the resulting heat to heat the coolant for heating system. In reality, not everything is so smooth, and here's why:

  1. For efficient combustion of fuel and production maximum quantity heat, you need to mix gas and air in precise proportions (approximately 1: 10). Not every heat generator can do this.
  2. During the combustion reaction of methane, carbon dioxide is released and plain water, which immediately evaporates, taking away part of the thermal energy of the burned fuel.
  3. A priori, heated combustion products cannot transfer all the energy to the coolant; some of it will still fly out into the chimney. The size of this part depends on the design of the heating unit.
The efficiency of Atem non-volatile double-circuit boilers with an open combustion chamber is in the range of 86...88%

It turns out that one part of the energy contained in the fuel is lost during the combustion stage, and the other part is lost during heat transfer. The smaller these losses are, the more rationally the fuel energy is used and the more economical the gas boiler for the home is. The efficiency of the heater is characterized by its efficiency specified in the technical data sheet for the product. The higher this indicator, the more heat the heat generator directs to heat the coolant and uses it more economically natural gas.

The efficiency of modern gas boilers depends on their design and ranges from 85 to 96%. The higher efficiency figures announced by heating equipment sellers do not correspond to reality.

Evaluating the efficiency of different heaters

When choosing, the task is somewhat broader than just choosing the most economical gas boiler. It is important that it matches the conditions of your country house or apartment and fits the heating system. Solving the problem is impossible without understanding what types of heat generators exist and how they differ from each other. There are currently 3 types of gas-using units offered on the market:

  • atmospheric, with an open combustion chamber;
  • supercharged (otherwise turbocharged), with a closed combustion chamber;
  • supercharged condensing.

Wall-mounted (left) and floor-mounted (right) model of a gas heater

The listed varieties are produced in execution. Only among atmospherics can you find so-called parapet (wall) models, with a side chimney opening horizontally through the wall onto the street. There are double-circuit modifications of boilers designed to provide hot water 2-3 consumers in a private house.

Floor or wall mounting does not affect power or efficiency in any way gas boiler. Only the design and operating principle of the heat generator matters, so each type should be considered separately.

Units with an open combustion chamber

These gas boilers cannot be considered the most economical, since their efficiency rarely exceeds 85%, and the temperature of the gases at the outlet into the pipe reaches 150 °C. The reason lies in the simple method of burning fuel with a free supply of air from the room where the unit is located. If there is an excess of air in the air-fuel mixture, not the best combustion conditions are created, which negatively affects the efficiency of the heater. A high temperature of combustion products indicates insufficient heat exchange and heat loss.

Scheme of a floor-standing atmospheric boiler with a cast iron heat exchanger

There is another point. Most burners installed in inexpensive aspirated units can operate in one mode. Simply put, to maintain the set coolant temperature, the burner is periodically turned on and off. This is the simplest operating algorithm, but not the most economical. However, these boilers are very popular for the following reasons:

  • the lowest price;
  • independence from the presence of electricity in the house;
  • simplicity and reliability of design, absence of electronics.

Note. Not all atmospheric boilers are energy-independent. There are many models different manufacturers, equipped with controls and operating from the mains. But from the availability of these funds Thermal efficiency the unit does not become higher.

Burners of floor-standing atmospheric boilers work in tandem with non-volatile automation

For a private house with open system heating system that operates by gravity, there is no better option than choosing an atmospheric gas boiler that does not require electricity. Even despite the relatively low efficiency. Such systems exist to heat private homes in areas with unreliable electricity supply. No one will think about saving when, during a power outage, a high-tech boiler stops and the house begins to freeze.

Turbocharged heat generators

Diagram of a wall-mounted heat generator with forced air injection

The closed combustion chamber and forced air supply implemented in such units clearly improve the conditions for combustion of both natural and liquefied gas. Unlike atmospheric heaters, the following types of burners are used in forced-air heaters:

  • two - and multi-stage;
  • modulation.

The bottom line is that when the set coolant temperature is reached, such burners switch to a lower level of combustion intensity (first type) or gradually reduce power to a minimum (second type). That is, the electronic control unit of the gas boiler independently regulates the power of the burner device depending on the thermal load or the appearance of a request from the outside DHW systems. Hence the higher efficiency of a pressurized double-circuit boiler - 90-92%.

Judging by the reviews on the forums, wall-mounted turbocharged heating units occupy the first position in the field of individual heating of apartments. But not at all because of the high efficiency, but thanks to the coaxial chimney, which is discharged horizontally through the wall to the street. This eliminates the need to install a traditional chimney or connect the boiler to a ventilation shaft, which is strictly prohibited by the rules.

Condensing boilers

Essentially, these are the same turbocharged heat generators with a closed chamber, only with a higher efficiency - up to 96%. It is achieved due to the closed design of the heat exchanger surrounding the cylindrical burner on all sides. In this way, it is possible to return and use the heat of vaporization taken during the combustion process. The released water evaporates at high temperature in the combustion zone, after which the steam condenses from contact with the heat exchanger and returns energy back.

A condensing gas boiler is a clear answer to the question of which is the best heat source to choose in terms of efficiency. Provided that your country house is supplied with electricity without interruption or you have alternative source– block uninterruptible power supply or an electric generator.

Like forced-air heating units, condensing boilers cannot function without electricity.

Since these heat sources are high-tech, their price is quite high. This is the only significant drawback of heat generators; in other respects they are beaten only by electrical installations with an efficiency of 99%. Judge for yourself: the flue gases leaving the condensing boiler have a temperature of no more than 70 °C, which indicates the lowest losses and best selection heat in favor of a water heating system.

Due to the condensation of water vapor, the heat generator effectively uses the heat of gas combustion

Which gas boiler is better to choose?

This section is intended to tie all previous discussions to real life, because theory and practice are different things. Theoretically, everything is correct; the most economical gas boiler with the highest efficiency is a condensing boiler. But after learning how much this miracle of technology costs, not everyone will dare to buy it. And is there such a need?

Take the same gravity system, which does not require pumps, automation and electricity. It is not advisable to buy an expensive heat source for it, although a turbocharged or condensing heat generator will cope well with such a system. It will simply force the coolant to circulate forcibly from its own pump. The question is the reliability of power supply and the decent price of equipment, which will pay off when it is unknown.

It is also not very reasonable to buy a condensing boiler for a small house of 100 square meters. m of area with any heating system. In such an area, you are unlikely to feel the efficiency compared to an inexpensive aspirated engine. You can see a real difference if country cottage area over 300 sq. First, heat it with a simple boiler, and then change it to a condensing boiler.

Final Conclusion

When choosing a gas boiler, do not focus on efficiency, use common sense. If you don’t have a chimney in your house, take a turbocharged heat generator; if you have problems with electricity, use a non-volatile aspirated one. If you have a cottage on 2-4 floors, definitely install a condensing boiler. Cost-effectiveness can be achieved in other ways, for example, by simply insulating the building.

Choosing a boiler for a heating system is an important and responsible procedure that determines the microclimate of the house for the coming years.

Errors in this matter are unacceptable, but most users do not have sufficient knowledge on this topic.

You need to imagine clearly enough design features gas boilers, be able to determine the most successful parameters and set of functions.

Sales consultants often try to sell stale goods and give distorted information, so it is useful to have some information about the most important aspects.

Let's consider one of the most effective and popular groups of heating gas boilers - floor-standing models

The basic function of any boiler is to heat the coolant for the heating circuit. All models have it, regardless of what additional features they have.

There are units designed only for the preparation of coolant. This single-circuit boilers, performing a single, main task. In addition there is double-circuit boilers, capable of preparing hot water for domestic needs simultaneously with heating the heating agent.

They are equipped with an additional heat exchanger, which uses part of the excess thermal energy of the coolant.

These units are called dual-circuit. They allow you to get the maximum range of functions, but have some limitations in the performance of the DHW circuit.

Heating occurs in a flow mode, so it is not yet possible to achieve a uniform and stable temperature.


Single-circuit boilers can be connected to external storage boilers. This will require some expenses, but as a result it makes it possible to obtain a stable and even hot water supply.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of floor-standing boilers include:

  • no restrictions on the power of the unit;
  • strength, reliability of all components and parts;
  • ease of installation;
  • stability of operation, the ability to maintain a given mode regardless of external conditions;
  • no unnecessary additions;
  • powerful models can be connected in a cascade of up to 4 units, forming high-performance thermal units.

The disadvantages of floor structures are:

  • large weight, size;
  • the need for a separate room;
  • for atmospheric models it is necessary to connect to a common house chimney

In addition to a separate room, for floor-standing boilers it is necessary to ensure the possibility of connecting to a vertical chimney or leading a horizontal pipe through the wall.

Convection or condensation?

The traditional method of heat transfer from a gas boiler is heating the coolant in flow mode. It passes through the heat exchanger, and gas-burner heats the liquid according to the specified operating mode.

This type of boiler is called convection boiler. Relatively recently, a new design of units appeared - condensing. It uses preheating of the coolant from the heat released during condensation of the exhaust smoke.

The temperature of the liquid increases by a small amount, but this is enough to reduce the heating mode of the main heat exchanger.

The result is a positive effect:

  • fuel consumption is reduced;
  • The service life of the boiler increases.

With properly organized operation of the unit, fuel savings reach 20%. However, there are some specific conditions that sharply limit the scope of application of condensing boilers.

The reason is that the condensation process can only occur when the temperature of the walls of the condensation chamber is higher than the return flow temperature. This is only possible on underfloor heating systems or radiator circuits with a low degree of heating.

It is calculated that the operation of the first stage is possible only if the difference between the outside and inside of the house is no more than 20°. For Russia, such a ratio is simply impossible. If condensation is not possible, the boiler operates as a conventional convection model.

Considering the almost twofold difference in prices, one should weigh the feasibility of such an expensive purchase with its dubious effectiveness.

What is the difference between non-volatile and conventional boilers?

Conventional (volatile) boilers require an electrical supply, without which they cannot operate. The turbofan, circulation pump, and electronic control board require high-quality and stable power supply.

Particularly capricious are control boards, which immediately fail when the current parameters change. Manufacturers claim the ability to withstand large voltage fluctuations, but in practice this is not observed.

At the same time, volatile units have a set of additional capabilities - they can be controlled remotely, integrated into a smart home system, and programmed for some time in advance.

Non-volatile boilers do not have all these additions. They work exclusively with the help of mechanical components and parts, like a regular gas stove.

The design of such units is devoid of all unnecessary components, it is functional and therefore very reliable. In addition, owners of non-volatile boilers do not face the risk of being left without heating in the event of a sudden power outage.

Dilapidated and overloaded networks are a typical phenomenon for remote villages, so the use of independent heating systems is very valuable for many users.

Types of heat exchanger materials – what to choose?

The heat exchanger is the main component of a gas boiler. The coolant is heated in it, so the parameters and design of this unit are of great importance.

For production use:

  • stainless steel. This is a budget option, although the parameters of steel heat exchangers allow you to get quite effective results. Typically, such units are installed on inexpensive medium-power boilers;
  • copper tube (coil). This option is used on expensive models of gas boilers. Copper has a high heat transfer coefficient, so the effect of using such heat exchangers is very high;
  • cast iron. It is resistant to mechanical and thermal loads. For the manufacture of heat exchangers, gray plastic metal is used that is resistant to changes or different meanings liquid temperature at individual points. Massive nodes help equalize the degree of heating and soften sudden changes temperatures

Copper heat exchangers are considered the most preferable, but steel and cast iron units are also quite functional and can provide high-quality heating of the heating agent.

Types of boilers by type of smoke removal and which one is better?

There are two options for removing combustion products:

  • atmospheric. This is the traditional way to remove flue gases using natural stove draft. The technique is well studied, but is unstable and highly dependent on external conditions. Most often used on non-volatile models;
  • using a turbofan. The combustion chamber of such boilers is isolated from the outside atmosphere, so the combustion process and smoke removal are ensured by a turbocharging fan. He serves Fresh air, supporting the flame and displacing smoke into a chimney of a special design (coaxial).

Turbocharged boilers are considered more convenient designs for use in residential premises - there is no smell of smoke, oxygen does not burn out, the unit is completely safe.

However, such boilers need to be connected to the power supply.

Selection of coolant

Usually two options are used:

  • water. Experts recommend using distilled water if the volume of the system allows it. This method avoids the formation of lime deposits, but prevents pipes from freezing in winter time he will not protect;
  • ethylene glycol (antifreeze). This is a liquid that does not freeze when circulation stops. Contains a set of anti-corrosion additives, does not form scale, and does not have a destructive effect on polymers, rubber, and plastic.

For systems that need to be drained frequently, water is the best and most economical choice. The use of antifreeze is recommended for heating circuits that operate under difficult conditions.

Types of boiler ignition methods and which method is the most optimal?

There are three ignition options:

  • electronic. The burner is ignited at the touch of a button using a special unit. This option is present on all models of volatile boilers;
  • piezoelectric. The principle of operation of such a system is similar to all piezo devices - in order for a spark to appear, you need to press on a special crystal. Used on non-volatile boilers. Many users find this type of ignition inconvenient;
  • manual. The flame is ignited with an ordinary lit match (spear). For ignition, you need to have a certain supply of such elongated wooden sticks.

Most users unanimously prefer the electronic type of ignition, but it is not possible on non-volatile units. You have to get used to using a piezoelectric element or ignite the burner with a burning torch.

Types by combustion chamber type

There are two types of combustion chambers:

  • atmospheric (open). They work on the traditional principle - air is taken directly from the surrounding atmosphere, and smoke is removed using natural draft. For the operation of such boilers, appropriate conditions are required, so they are not in great demand. However, atmospheric units are capable of operating in energy-independent mode;
  • turbocharged (closed). The fully sealed design requires air supply, which is done using a turbofan. This method allows you to regulate the combustion mode and the removal of combustion products. It is considered the most convenient and safe.

The choice of combustion chamber is determined by the design of the boiler - all non-volatile models are atmospheric, and dependent units can be either open or closed.

Turbocharged vehicles are preferred.

Rating of TOP 10 floor-standing gas boilers

Let's look at the features of some of the most popular models of floor-standing gas boilers:

Protherm Wolf 16 KSO

The company from Slovakia produces a wide range of gas boilers. Model Wolf 16 KSO is a single-circuit boiler with a capacity of 16 kW. It can successfully heat a house of 160 square meters. m.

The boiler heat exchanger is two-pass, made of of stainless steel.

Main settings:

  • Efficiency - 92%;
  • coolant temperature - 30-80°;
  • gas consumption - 2.1 m3/hour;
  • dimensions - 390x745x460 mm;
  • weight - 46.5 kg.

All series of Protherm boilers are named after various animals. By their appearance, you can determine whether a given model belongs to a specific equipment group.

Lemax Premium-12.5

Floor-standing single-circuit gas boiler Russian production. With a power of 12.5 kW, it is capable of heating rooms up to 125 sq. m. m.

Main characteristics:

  • Efficiency - 90%;
  • gas consumption - 1.5 m3/hour;
  • dimensions - 416x744x491 mm;
  • weight - 55 kg.

Non-volatile units make it possible to increase operational reliability and relieve concerns about the safety of heating in the winter.

Lemax Premium-20

Russian floor heating boiler. The power of the unit is 20 kW, being good choice for owners of houses up to 200 sq.m.

A non-volatile boiler with a steel heat exchanger has the following parameters:

  • Efficiency - 90%;
  • coolant temperature - 90°;
  • system pressure - up to 3 Bar;
  • gas consumption - 2.4 m3/hour;
  • dimensions - 556x961x470 mm;
  • weight - 78 kg.

Single-circuit non-volatile models have the simplest design possible, which increases the reliability and stability of their operation.

BAXI SLIM 1.230 iN

Italian engineers have developed a high-quality and productive model of a floor-standing gas boiler with a capacity of 22.1 kW. This allows the unit to heat an area of ​​up to 220 square meters. m.

  • Efficiency - 90.2%;
  • coolant temperature - up to 85°;
  • system pressure - up to 3 Bar;
  • gas consumption - 2.59 m3/hour;
  • dimensions - 350x850x600 mm;
  • weight - 103 kg.

BAXI boilers belong to the group of elite heating equipment and are one of the leaders in European heating technology.

Lemax Premium-25N

Another representative of domestic heating equipment, manufactured in Taganrog. This is a single-circuit, non-volatile gas boiler designed for floor mounting.

Its parameters:

  • Efficiency - 90%;
  • coolant temperature - 90°;
  • system pressure - up to 3 Bar;
  • gas consumption - 3 m3/hour;
  • dimensions - 470x961x556 mm;
  • weight - 83 kg.

The warranty on Lemax boilers lasts 36 months, which increases the technical support of the manufacturer by one and a half times and allows the user to receive specialized repairs or maintenance of the units.

Siberia 11

Products of the Rostov company "Rostovgazoapparat". The power of this floor-standing energy-independent unit is up to 11.6 kW, allowing you to heat the house up to 120 square meters. m.

All controls are mechanical; a power outage will not affect the heating system in any way.

Boiler parameters:

  • Efficiency - 90%;
  • coolant temperature - 90°;
  • system pressure - up to 3 Bar;
  • gas consumption - 1.18 m3/hour;
  • dimensions - 280x850x560 mm;
  • weight - 52 kg.

The company's arsenal includes single- and double-circuit models of boilers of this series.


Czech floor-standing boilers with a cast iron heat exchanger provide high reliability and stability of home heating. The MORA-TOP SA 20 model has a power of 15 kW and is designed for operation in rooms up to 150 sq. m. m.

Boiler characteristics:

  • Efficiency - 92%;
  • coolant temperature - 85°;
  • system pressure - up to 3 Bar;
  • gas consumption - 1.6 m3/hour;
  • dimensions - 365x845x525 mm;
  • weight - 99 kg.

The heat exchanger design is sectional and consists of 3 compartments. The boiler is non-volatile, but is equipped with two types of pipes - for natural and forced circulation.

Lemax Premium-10

Floor-standing non-volatile gas boiler with a power of 10 kW. Capable of heating a house up to 100 sq.m..

  • Efficiency - 90%;
  • coolant temperature - 90°;
  • system pressure - up to 1 bar;
  • gas consumption - 1.2 m3/hour;
  • dimensions - 330x748x499 mm;
  • weight - 48 kg.

The boiler is single-circuit, all controls work on a mechanical principle.

Lemax Premium-16

Floor-standing gas boiler, designed to service the heating system of a private house up to 160 sq. m.

Its power is 16 kW, other parameters:

  • Efficiency - 90%;
  • coolant temperature - 90°;
  • system pressure - up to 3 Bar;
  • gas consumption - 1.9 m3/hour;
  • dimensions - 416x744x491 mm;
  • weight - 55 kg.

This model is one of the most popular on the market, since its power is optimal for most private homes.

Lemax Clever 30

Single-circuit floor-standing gas boiler. Its power is 30 kW, which allows you to heat 300 sq. m. usable area. The unit is volatile, has electronic control and a comprehensive protection system.


  • Efficiency - 90%;
  • coolant temperature - 90°;
  • system pressure - up to 2 Bar;
  • gas consumption - 1.75 m3/hour;
  • dimensions - 470x961x556 mm;
  • weight - 85 kg.

The power of the unit is excessive for one residential building, so owners often buy such boilers together and use them to operate in 2 systems.

Customer Reviews

Let's consider user opinions:

(( reviewsOverall )) / 5 Owner rating (3 votes)

Your opinion

When choosing an economical gas boiler at home, every consumer is absolutely right to look at its passport with technical characteristics. But high efficiency, and even more so the power of the device, will not always guarantee that heating costs will decrease and conditions will become more comfortable. It is necessary to take into account the heated area, but not only in order to calculate the power of the boiler, although this is also important. If you choose a powerful and economical boiler for a small house, it is unlikely that it will actually turn out to be so, since in order to maintain the set temperature, it will turn on and off more often, which will lead to the loss of some heat.

The next point concerns the operation of double-circuit boilers, which provide the house not only with heat, but also with hot water. In this case, there are no objective losses for gas, but there are for heat. Due to the peculiarities of the operation of such devices, when hot water is withdrawn, heat production stops and, accordingly, the coolant begins to cool. In this case, residents of houses with a large heating system will feel the inconvenience less noticeably, since the coolant travels a longer path before returning to the boiler. If the heating system is short, then the coolant returning to the heat exchanger will not receive heat, which means the room will become cooler.

When choosing a boiler, it is important to pay attention to the type of firebox: open or closed. The former are mainly represented by floor-standing models. Closed boilers use a forced convection air supply system that can be adjusted. In open fireboxes, the atmospheric supply principle is used. But the possibility of automatic control significantly increases the efficiency of the latter, especially if sensors are connected to them that monitor the temperature outside and indoors.

In models with a closed chamber of a turbocharged type, the principle of regulating the intensity of combustion or its smooth switching to lower power is used. Consumers also appreciated another advantage of these boilers - the ability to install a coaxial chimney. It differs from a traditional device for removing combustion products in that it is installed horizontally, through the outer wall, and not vertically, onto the roof.

A type of turbocharged boilers are condensing boilers, with a closed circuit heat exchanger, which is located cylindrically around the burner. In these models, it is possible to return to the system the energy that is lost through the evaporation of water vapor, that is, in this case, the steam itself works for the benefit of the heating system of the house, allowing the boiler to achieve 96-98% efficiency.

How to choose the right economical gas boilers

Of course, receiving any information from friends, from the Internet and magazines helps to form an opinion among a consumer who is busy purchasing a gas boiler for heating a home. But it is best to turn to professionals.

Our company “Alfatep” presents models from all leading manufacturers of gas boilers: European, Russian and Korean. Therefore, choosing equipment with characteristics that are ideally suited to the conditions of each home is not difficult. There is a choice of both wall-mounted compact models and floor-mounted ones, with which you can heat big houses. Double-circuit boilers are also widely available, especially suitable for use in houses without hot water supply.

German boilers are represented by well-known brands Vaillant, Bosch, Buderus, Viessmann, characterized by reliability and functionality

Among the Italian Baxi models, you can choose not only a device that can provide heat to your home, but also one that is as convenient as possible to manage and operate. Many models are equipped with remote control panels with temperature sensors built into them.

You can also give your choice to other “Europeans”, for example, the French brand DeDietrich or boilers from Slovakia - Protherm, represented by the widest possible range of models.

We also have Korean developments, represented by the brands Navien, Rinnai and Kiturami with automatic control and characterized by compactness.

The domestic manufacturer offers boiler models under the Lemax brand, represented by models in several series. For noticeable savings, you can choose a Premium series model for your home, in which, in addition to using modern technologies for gas combustion, concern for the consumer is shown in terms of ease of use of the equipment.

By contacting us, any branch of the Alfatep company, or going to the online store website, you can get any advice on choosing a gas boiler for heating your home. When purchasing, we provide an additional service for delivery of goods to the site, as well as installation and connection of equipment, which is carried out by our specialists quickly and efficiently.

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A gas double-circuit boiler is an excellent alternative if you do not want to connect to centralized heating. Such a device can be installed both in a city apartment and in a private house and take advantage of the benefits of its operation all year round. Our rating of the best models of double-circuit boilers will help you make the right choice.

IN Lately It is double-circuit heating boilers that have become relevant: they can simultaneously heat a building, supplying it with warm water. The design of the model contains two coils, each of them is responsible for its own function. To answer the question of which wall-mounted gas boilers are better, let’s consider the main criteria for selecting devices:

  1. Combustion chamber type. Among the products you can find models with an open and closed combustion chamber. The open type is used for buildings with a large area, as it takes air from the room. The closed type is suitable for apartments and country houses where chimney installation is not required.
  2. Power. It is calculated based on the area of ​​the space, the height of the ceilings, and the number of windows. The more ways of heat loss, the more powerful the boiler is needed.
  3. Performance. The more fence points there are in the house warm water, the higher the boiler performance should be.
  4. Manufacturer. There are a number of models of domestic and foreign production on the market that have equal quality indicators. It is better to give preference to proven brands.
  5. Service and warranty. When choosing a boiler, you should take into account the risk of breakdown and the possibility of purchasing spare parts in your region of residence.

Expert advice

Mikhail Voronov

Specialist in the field of household appliances, electronics, construction tools, goods for cars, sports and recreation, beauty and health.

The most popular modern models can be considered in our rating with a brief overview characteristics.

Rating of double-circuit wall-mounted gas boilers

Our selection of the best wall-mounted gas boilers opens with a model from the Leberg brand. This device is a convection boiler with a power of 20 kW. The design includes a closed combustion chamber, a built-in circulation pump, and an electronic control panel. The device also has a 6-liter expansion tank built into it.

The maximum pressure for the heating circuit is 3 bar, while the maximum pressure for DHW is 6 bar. Among the functions, this boiler is equipped with flame modulation, automatic ignition, pressure gauge and thermometer. The user can be sure of their safety thanks to gas monitoring, freeze prevention, and pump blockage protection. Leberg Flamme 24 ASD is a wall-mounted boiler of good quality and performance, suitable for the home.

  • Simplicity of design and management;
  • Reliability;
  • Availability of all necessary protective functions;
  • Possibility of power adjustment.
  • Not detected.

Gennady, 52 years old

We installed this boiler to replace the old one, which had served its 15 years. I have never regretted this device. Firstly, it is domestically produced, reliable, and the quality of the iron is excellent. Secondly, it perfectly performs its stated functions: I heat a two-story a private house, it also heats the water perfectly.

The seventh position in our hit parade for the best gas boilers is occupied by a model from from Navien. This is a double-circuit unit with a maximum heating power of 13 kW. The device allows you to heat a room up to 130 square meters. The design features auto-ignition and flame modulation. The combustion chamber here is also closed, which ensures safety for the user.

Important! Modern boilers are equipped with a special function that turns off the installation in the event of an emergency.

The device has a built-in expansion tank with a volume of 6 liters, the weight of the boiler is relatively small - 28 kg. The chimney diameter is 100 mm, the installation is equipped with frost protection. The manufacturer claims that the buyer will be able to use hot water even with low gas pressure. In addition, in the event of a power outage, a special chip is activated in the boiler, ensuring that there are no breakdowns in the future.

  • Availability;
  • Economical gas consumption;
  • Quiet operation;
  • The kit includes a remote control panel.
  • Slight delays when turning on.

Maria, 38 years old

Last year, for the first time, they refused central heating and installed our own Navien double-circuit boiler. The device heats an area of ​​80 sq.m., while hot water flows without problems. I like that there is a remote control with which we can set programs for work.

A gas wall-mounted boiler from Mora-Top took sixth place in our rating. This is a convection model with a power of 23 kW, on the front panel of which the most necessary levers are located: adjusting the water temperature and heating. There is also a small display showing the necessary information.

The mounted gas boiler Meteor Plus PK24KT is a convenient and practical solution for a private home. Closed chamber, flame modulation, presence circulation pump– all this allows you to ensure safety during work. The expansion tank has a volume of 6 liters, and the maximum productivity at a water temperature of 35 degrees is 9.4 liters of water per minute. The boiler operates on single-phase mains voltage.

  • Economical gas consumption;
  • Electronic control on display;
  • Auto diagnostics;
  • High level Efficiency – 90%.
  • Heavy weight.

Maxim, 36 years old

I bought this model for one simple reason – low gas consumption. The device operates only with grounding, so it is safe to use. The ease of use also captivated me - you set the temperature on the display, and everything functions. The boiler is easy to maintain - you unscrew a couple of bolts from the side and the panels are removed.

Next in our top wall-mounted double-circuit gas boilers is a device from the company Oasis. The maximum heating power of this model is 18 kW. The design features automatic ignition, as well as an undoubted bonus - the ability to connect heated floors. This unit is capable of heating an area of ​​up to 180 sq.m.

Advice! When installing a gas boiler, hot water intake points must be located in close proximity.

The Oasis convection boiler is electronically controlled and has a closed combustion chamber. The mains voltage must be single-phase. The temperature range during operation varies from 30-80 degrees.

  • Attractive appearance;
  • Frost protection;
  • Fast and high-quality water heating.
  • No remote control.

Anna, 30 years old

My husband and I moved to a country house where there was no heating at all. We installed this boiler and immediately appreciated its advantages. It heats a large area of ​​the room and is also very easy to maintain. When a problem arose, the husband himself opened the panel and fixed everything.

The fourth place in the list of the best gas double-circuit wall-mounted boilers is occupied by a representative of the Lemax company - the best heating and hot water supply device of domestic production. One should not assume in vain that the Russian manufacturer offers low-quality products: Lemax is a combination of modern safety requirements with German and Italian developments.

High efficiency is achieved due to a closed combustion chamber and a coaxial chimney with a turbine. According to the review of this device, it is equipped with two independent circuits based on brass coils. The power range is 11-32 kW, which makes the model productive. The boiler is compatible with a large number of modern thermostats and control systems, which is beneficial when maintenance.

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  • High thermal conductivity;
  • Strength;
  • Corrosion resistance;
  • Compactness;
  • Large heating area – up to 300 sq.m.
  • High cost compared to similar models.

Evgeniy, 45 years old

I installed this Russian-made boiler because, according to reviews, it is the best in its segment. I am satisfied that all the necessary information is displayed on the display, and even a pensioner can master simple controls - this is how I taught my dad to use the device when we are not at home.

The top three wall-mounted gas boilers for heating a private home are opened by a device from manufacturer Baxi. This boiler is a combination of Italian quality and maximum efficiency at a reasonable cost. Distinctive feature The device is a removable digital panel, which is also a room temperature sensor. This feature allows the boiler owner to decide where the control panel will be located.

In terms of reliability, this unit exceeds all expectations: a 60-liter boiler, LCD display, stainless steel dividers, as well as smooth electronic ignition. The installation can be reconfigured to work with liquefied gas, which is also convenient for different conditions life.

  • Brass hydraulic group;
  • Rich functionality;
  • Possibility of programming;
  • Button control;
  • Premium boiler.
  • High price

Vladimir, 49 years old

Despite the high price of this device, I still decided not to skimp on safety and quality. The boiler has been heating my house for three years now, runs very quietly, and also turns off when emergency conditions arise. The boiler allows you to set the exact temperature, which is very convenient when a large family lives in the house.

Numerous reviews of gas boilers allowed us to place a model from the Ariston brand in second place. Stylish appearance - the white body is combined with a silver electronic control panel. Buyers are also attracted by the affordable price and basic functions without unnecessary bells and whistles. This device is suitable for use in rooms up to 220 sq.m.