What comes first: tiles or bathtub? Determine the sequence. How to install a bath correctly: before or after laying the tiles Plumbing box first or tiles on the walls

Victoria Vyrupaeva
Are bathroom tiles placed on the floor or walls first? First the walls. You don't want to damage the floor if it's the other way around, do you? It happens that a tool falls, a tile is dropped, even if you lay hardboard on top - it will still break through in some places. Read about masonry methods at Http://dushik.ru/start.html Of course, on the walls! Floor, then a bathtub is placed on the floor, and from the level of the bathtub, tiles are laid on the walls. On the walls.

Victoria Krysova
We are renovating the bathroom. A dispute arose: should the tiles be laid on the floor or on the walls first? There are so many tilers - so many opinions. I tried it in different ways, and for myself I chose - first the floor, so that later I could rest the walls on a horizontal surface. In addition, floor tiles are cut much worse than wall tiles - they can’t be used on finished walls... Either way is correct, but it’s better to start with the walls, then if the floor is not perfect, the bottom tile can be cut so that the seam is the same around the entire perimeter.

Kristina Lokhotskaya
When renovating a bathroom, should you tile the floor or the walls first? On the walls first, stain the floor - complete nonsense; if the door is changed, then you should start with it, then adjust the new floor to the threshold, and then lay the walls on a flat floor horizon, thereby covering the undercuts on the floor. sequence... On the walls. On the walls On the floor. then a bath and then tiles on the walls. If you put it on the floor first, you need to wait until it hardens and when laying tiles on the walls, the new floor can be stained

Oleg Trifonov
Laying tiles in the bathroom (+) What is the correct way to lay tiles on the walls first, and then on the floor, or vice versa? First the walls, and then the floor. First they put me on the floor. First the walls, then the floor! It doesn’t matter in what order they are laid, the main thing is that the floor tiles go under the wall tiles, so that water from the wall flows onto the floor tiles, and not into the seam. First the walls, and then the floor. This is more convenient for anyone. In any case, if you want to lay tiles on the floor and walls, the order of the work does not affect the technology in any way. Here everything rather depends on the desired result (size of joints, what kind of tile...

Alena Terebova

Vladimir Korelin
Should I tile the bathroom floor or walls first? First you need to align the walls, according to the beacons, and only then, otherwise it will be like this, like a bull pissed, oh, sorry, peed. Something like THIS You work on the floor, mix the mortar, chop the tiles, smoke, tear down the walls, etc. first, and with the floor you finish all this beauty) Maybe we are wrong, but first we did the floor. It’s possible in different ways, although ideally first from the second row, then the floor, then the tab of the first row

Gleb Chugin
Do the bathroom doors go in first or do the tiles go in first? Everyone gives different advice. And when should I lay tiles on the floor? Thank you. The doors are placed after gluing the walls and floor - on the finished floor. Then the tiles are glued around the door and tile slopes or door extensions are made. After that, all the glued tiles are rubbed down and that's it. Yana has been working on tiles for about 10 years! First, the door with the frame is installed! Then the door is removed (the frame remains in place. The tiles are laid on the walls (Except for the bottom row and only then the floor (the floor last! because if the floor...

Vitaly Vargasov
In the bathroom, should you tile the floor or the walls first? Walls Probably walls. Of course walls, what kind of question are they? Walls First the floor, then you put the bathtub, then the walls. Naturally the walls of the Wall Sergei, repairs, like the rain, come from top to bottom. Wall tiles first

Valeria Fatieva
Please tell me where to start laying tiles in the bathroom, from the floor or from the walls? Do you need tiles behind the bathtub? When to install the bathtub? First, lay the tiles on the floor, it’s easiest, then install the bathtub, lay out the walls, there’s no point in laying tiles behind the bathtub, no one will ever see the space between the bathtub and the tiles and seal the seams with silicone. Walls, floor, bath. First the floor, then you try on the bathtub, remove it, then the walls, then the final installation of the bathtub. Behind the bathroom - at your discretion, but you can save money.

Elizaveta Gubinskaya
What should you do first in the bathroom, the ceiling or the tiles? And why is this so? At first our floors were leveled. then they laid the tiles, then the ceiling. Ceilings last. Depends on the ceiling covering. If it is something in the form of paint (whitewash), then they are the first. If they are tensioned or suspended, then they are the last ones. I did the ceiling last. I have it in tension. But at the same time I left a place for it, that is, it was without tiles. Stretch ceilings are not so easy to make. If you decide to make a different type of ceiling, then do it first...

Ksenia Gorshkova
Why should you first lay tiles in the bathroom or change the door? First, you need to level the walls in the bathroom, and then decide whether the tiles will fit the frame or whether there will be a wooden panel with trim on the side of the bathtub. Based on this, the issue is resolved. First the door, then the tile under the door, you will have to adjust the Door tile first, then the tile! Change the door of course. Everything is much simpler! A false frame is installed (this is if the platband is only on one side and the tile fits directly to the frame), the tiles are brought in, and then after all the work the door with a new frame is installed

Alexander Richter
Tell me, are the tiles in the bathroom laid first on the floor or on the walls? Otherwise, every master says something different! Before the light bulb, look where the most beautiful one is and put it second. I put it on the walls and then on the floor. This way the floor doesn't get dirty. Each master says something different because everyone’s bathroom is different, and each master has his own method. but there is no single rule, you need to look at the screed, the walls, how and where the pipes run, and how you will hide them, and so on.

Artem Pelyavin
Where to start laying tiles in the bathroom from the floor or from the walls (leveling is the first thing) From the floor. It is better to lay the tiles from the second row from the floor and from the corner that will be clearly visible when entering the bathroom. How to do this can be found on www.youtube.com. First you need to make a screed, then lay out the floor, and then lift the walls off the floor! well, it depends on the walls, but definitely from the floor

Natalia Titova
In the bathroom, you need to put tiles, where to start with the floor or walls? It doesn't really matter, it all depends specific task and the skill of the worker, I started this way and that, no matter the drum, the clients did not complain, and more than one thousand squares have already been glued. I start from the floor. I put it strictly according to the level. Then it is easier to cover the walls. Only the seams on the floor need to be grouted last, when the walls are already tiled. Floor tiles are thicker and stronger than wall tiles, so there is no need to worry...

Stanislav Yakovenko
Question about bathroom renovation. What is better to do first: sculpt tiles on the wall or install the bathroom first? The tiles are placed below the bathtub - this is a renovation primer, depending on what kind of bathroom you have and where you place it. Tiles of course. We have tiles from floor to ceiling. How to lay it if there is a bathtub and there are tiles on the floor under the bathtub. How do you plan to put it? If you do it for yourself and conscientiously, then you first need to lay the tiles and only then install the bathtub. Some, in order to save money, do not lay tiles in places where it is not visible (behind the bathtub) (just like some soldiers clean their boots only in front...

Valery Khomenko
It is more correct to first lay tiles on the walls, then install the bathtub. First, they install the bathtub and make all the outlets (electrics, water), and then lay the tiles. First install the bathtub, then lay the tiles, leveling them. Of course it's the other way around. Technically it is possible to do both. The difference is that in the case of a Tile-Bathtub, you will have the opportunity to change the bathtub in the future without any problems, and if the Bathtub-Tile, then replacing the bathtub will mean a “new” renovation...

Antonina Yudina
Be so kind as to tell me. This is when they renovate the bathroom. First, a new bathtub, and then tiles on the wall. First, tiles on the floor, then tiles on the wall where the bathtub will stand, then they put the bathtub in, and then lay the tiles on. I did some renovations this year. I installed an expensive French bathtub (and am very pleased). Be sure to install the bathtub first.

Which comes first, tile or bath?

then lay the tiles. Exactly. Bath first, then tiles

Nadezhda Shapina
Is it possible to do it in the bathroom first? suspended ceiling, and then tiles on the wall? I can do that because drilling guides in the tiles is almost 50 percent more expensive. That’s how they first make a suspended ceiling. Of course, you can do the ceiling first, then tiles, but it will be more expensive to maintain in the future, because in order to unfasten the canvas you will have to dismantle the tiles. Well, that’s right, that’s what everyone does, by the way, the ceiling in the bathtub comes with a bluish tint rather than a white matte hehe, they suggested another option for bathroom renovation?

Alla Chichagova
How to install an acrylic bathtub? Tile on it, or it to the tile on the wall. First the communications, then the tiles and only then the bathtub I installed this way. and iron or cast iron even before the tiles. To eliminate the gap between the bathtub and the tiles, there are a lot of special plastic strips on sale with a flexible silicone edge. Furniture makers use similar ones to hide the transition between the apron and the built-in countertop...

Alina Lukicheva
Help me find out how to glue bathroom tiles to the wall? and which is better: install the bathtub first and then glue it, or vice versa YouTube tiles in the bathroom Install the bathtub first! Now adapters are sold; they are attached to the edge of the vnn and then the tiles are laid. It’s better to tile first. An article about how I glue tiles Tiles are little things in the work - the main work is preparation for this task

Tatyana Artemyeva
Bathroom renovation Where to start? LAY TILES (walls and floors) or INSTALL DOORS? The doors are in the last line. tile first. Polnostiu ustanavlivautsya dveri s korobkoy i moldingami potom dveri snimaut dlia udobstva i plitkoy podxodyat k moldingam! If you put the door from the beginning, it can be damaged first by plumbing, electrical, plaster, then you can damage the door, depending on who will lay the tiles and how.

Zhanna Valneva
Put tiles on the bathroom walls! Really, what would it be exactly? Hands are moving from the right place. It was difficult when there was no Internet and YouTube. You had to learn from the Master and each profession was exclusive with its own secrets. Now, if you have straight hands, a clear head and YouTube, you can take on anything. I'm like that... Go ahead, it’s not that complicated, but don’t forget the plumb line and level. Well, try it. My dad had never laid tiles before. and in the bathroom he did everything perfectly himself.

Sergey Zotikov
How to lay tiles correctly? Elchelde memelde kulbe, naschalnika says correctna mademana Look here about gluing tiles http://ujutportal.com/index.php/otdelochnie-materjaly/192-kafelplitka http://ujutportal.com/index.php/video/93-pokleikaplitki This it’s a whole science, you’ll have to spend half a month to explain 50% to you. The seam between the floor and the wall is covered with a plinth, so there’s nothing to be afraid of

Eduard Korekhov
How often do you do general cleaning in the apartment? General once a month. Although I clean every day. You won’t be moving furniture every day. And once a month I move it aside and wipe the dust there. I go through my closets and throw away what I don’t need. Never. I clean all the rooms one by one, so everything is clean. I washed it once after we hadn’t lived here for 3 years. In 8 hours I didn’t wash everything (including the windows). I don’t suffer from any more bullshit.

Irina Lopatkina
Where to start? Should I enamel the bathtub and then lay tiles in the bathtub, or vice versa? They don’t put tiles in the bathtub They put tiles in the bathroom A bathtub is a vessel for bathing, a bathroom is a room in an apartment Am I being clever? First tile, and then enamel. First, tiles, and then a bathtub, or even better, a shower stall. The tiles are laid first.

Zhanna Iglina
Should I lay the tiles in the bathroom from the top or from the bottom? Answer please! To be honest, the question seems strange to me: well, it’s as if you asked: should you start building a house from the floor or from the roof? Generally from below. But when you go around the door, you go up along one edge, put it over, and go down. For convenience, there is ceresit glue for laying from top to bottom. If the tiles are to the middle of the wall, then from above

Lilia Glebovskaya
Where to start renovating a bathroom First, tiles, then suspended ceiling Tiles, then the ceiling, so that it is not visible, it will cover the defects of cutting the tiles at the junction with the ceiling. But first, install the electrics and, if necessary, pipes and water lines, which must be hidden in the wall. And think, maybe the bathtub can be turned towards another wall; maybe install a shower stall instead of a bathtub. Throw it out first old bath. replace the pipes. to the kitchen. if necessary, also prepare the walls for tiles. then screed on the floor later floor tiles, bath installation.

What comes first? Bath or tile.

then the wall tiles and only then the ceiling

Gleb Chugin
Please tell me! Where should you start renovating a bathroom? Buy everything you need. a bath first pvc pipes with fittings and shut-off valves and floor tiles. in a day you can rip everything off, change the comb and lay the tiles on the floor. install the heater and after 6 hours you can install... Do not rush to install a new one. the door has not yet been dismantled with old coverings and appliances. Agree, put new door and then invite a master to knock down the old tiles—nonsense! Make sure you are ready for repairs first,

Kirill Neklyudov
Where do you start laying tiles on walls or floors? It’s clear that it’s from the floor. Why are you such evil people, don’t mock a person. My husband and I started from the floor, and then above the bathtub. From the border tiles (if you have one), which separates the top and bottom part walls Beat the level and forward, and then up or down without a difference. The bottom row is trimmed, the floor tiles will cover the trim. My husband speaks from the walls, and he is special.

Valery Borovykh
Where should you start putting it first? ceramic tiles into the bathroom on the floor or you can directly on the walls. The corner of the wall is above the bathtub itself. Floor - before laying the lowest row of the wall. If you need to go back and forth, then I would start from the floor to the walls

Georgy Kuryavin
How to start laying tiles over a bathtub? how to start from the floor and what other tricks are there? Start from the floor with a stick-rail and screw it parallel to the floor, level two, row of clast patoma rest stands tiles

Nadezhda Shapina
About the tiles It all depends on the area of ​​the room; it will not have time to dry and will float down. But in general, there are many factors at play. If it’s just random, then you can do it all at once, that’s why the builders have an expression: “fast or good” Correctly, in different ways, someone ties their room in three rows, someone lays the entire wall at once, both ways are correct It’s not entirely clear your idea of ​​the process of laying tiles, but in rows

Yuri Antsyferov
Where is the best place to start laying tiles in the bathroom? From the middle? There will be a border decor. You are not far from the truth. Ideally, all the tiles are laid from the middle in order to maintain symmetry. This applies to the entire wall, floor. Not always from the middle. More often I start from left to right with the most open wall, but in general it depends largely on the location of the furniture and plumbing fixtures Correctly, if you go into the bathroom, then the most visible corner is placed with a whole tile, and in those corners where...

Oksana Kobeleva
Where to start renovating a bathroom? Should I replace the door or start laying tiles? Stop making nests, you're not a bird, of course it's better to use tiles First they install the bathroom, then the tiles - the door at the end It happens in any way According to the rules: 1. Door 2. Then take measurements of the tiles 3. Lay out the tiles But in principle, you can lay out the tiles on those walls that do not come into contact with the door Replacing pipes, wiring, leveling walls, floors, laying tiles on the floor, installing a door, laying tiles on the walls, grouting joints, installing a ceiling with lighting, installing plumbing.

Victoria Kuikova
Where to start laying tiles in the bathroom from the floor or from the walls (leveling is the first thing) From the floor. Level the rail or profile at a height equal to, say, one tile, and start laying from there, and do the trimming at the bottom, in short, calculate the distance between the floor and the ceiling to install the profile so that a whole tile fits at the top. You can start from the walls, or maybe from the floor, I usually from the floor, since then I put a bathtub on the finished floor (if it is planned) and then from the bathtub I start laying the walls, thereby closing the seam between the bathtub and the wall with whole uncut tiles. If the bathtub...

Victoria Krysova
I don’t want to offend RUSSIAN GIRLS, but I’ll ask: If a woman falls in love, she will start cooking and cleaning and cross-stitching and whatever she wants, just to make her man happy next to her, and so much depends on upbringing. Ukraine is a country where not everything is yet know what “Computer and Internet” is. It’s these people who don’t know this who sit at home and cook potatoes. Well, there are more Ukrainian prostitutes too!

Ivan Chernyshov
How long did it take you to complete the renovation? How long have you been doing renovations in the secondary building after the old tenants? It depends on the anatomical structure hands, or rather where they grow from. Depends on the volume of repairs and the presence of interfering subjects - residents. I am finishing the kitchen for the second month. Most of the time was spent on searching and delivering materials and equipment, we do it ourselves. I will invite a carpenter only to do the ceiling (plastic lathing) and the door (moved...

Alexander Richter
How to correctly start laying tiles on the walls in the bathroom and in what order should the rows be laid around the perimeter or something else? You drill the guide profile above the bathtub + the height of the tiles and minus the floor, 1 cm. Well, you place the tiles on this profile. Someone immediately begins to put it on the bathtub, but the bathtubs are all semicircular and not even, they still need to be trimmed with a grinder... Look on YouTube. There's plenty of material there. This is how I personally glue tiles

Alexandra Kapelina
I bought an apartment, where is the best time to start renovating? First, sit down and think about what you want, if you don’t have a chair, you can walk around the apartment, if nothing comes to mind, take care of the windows, look at how the builders made them, you may have to redo the slopes, press on the window sill... With electricity and plumbing There is an old Russian proverb - Stove splashes - start with the kitchen - the main thing is that later, if the renovation takes longer, there is something and where to cook

Which comes first, bath or wall tiles?

The question of choosing the priority of covering floors and walls with ceramic tiles has been observed quite long time.

The age-old question

The question of choosing the priority of covering floors and walls with ceramic tiles has been going on for quite a long time. Some craftsmen argue that laying tiles should begin with the walls, while others argue that finishing the floor should come first. Both the first and second are right in some ways, but at the same time both are wrong in some respects. Let's take a closer look at each opinion and draw a conclusion about the primacy of finishing the bathroom. Pay attention to where to start renovating an apartment, as specialists from the website http://remoskop.ru/ tell you.

Walls first

Many builders have great support for the idea that it is the walls that need to be covered first. Before this, the wall must be leveled, preferably also level. If there are any unevenness when laying the tiles, they will “come out” and will subsequently be visible. After leveling, you can start laying. Here, too, opinions are divided - some say that the tiles must be laid from the very bottom, leaving a small gap for floor tiles. Others advise laying from the second row (starting from the floor). Still others advocate starting to lay tiles from the very center of the wall. Another part of the craftsmen begins laying from a block or profile, which is fixed at the bottom of the wall at a level and from it they go higher to the ceiling. However this option does necessary installation skirting boards, and these are additional costs.

In support of this option of starting to lay tiles in the bathroom, its adherents point to the fact that while laying tiles, you can either stain the floor tiles with glue or cement mortar, or as a result of activity, some tool or the tile itself may fall on the floor, which will cause damage to the ceramics. Another advantage of starting laying from the walls is that after laying the tiles need to “rest”, that is, you should not press on them and apply other mechanical impact. It follows that after laying the tiles on the walls, you can immediately begin laying the floors.

First the floor

The second part of masters and craftsmen assures us that it is advisable to start laying tiles from the floor. Before this, the floor is leveled, after which the master proceeds to the installation itself. In defense of this method, its proponents point out that it is much easier to start laying walls from the floor than from some other point on the wall. If the floor is laid level (and this is necessary), you will only need to leave a gap of 3-5 mm from the floor and then begin laying tiles on the walls. The gap can be made with the same crosses that you will have between the tiles. By setting the same gap between them, you will get perfectly straight lines. And in response to the fact that the floor can be stained with glue or something else, supporters of the primacy of the floor suggest simply covering it with newspapers, and if you are afraid of heavy objects falling on the floor, cover it with cardboard, and then your floor will no longer be afraid of anything.

However, in this method styling has a significant disadvantage. After laying the tiles, it needs a period of so-called “rest”, during which it should not be stepped on. And this time is significant - several days, if the layer of glue is thick (in the case of an uneven floor) - up to a week. That is, a whole week of your time will be lost.

What to do first: install a bathroom or lay tiles on the wall

But if you are not in a hurry, this will not be a big problem for you.

And still …

What should ultimately come first - the walls or the floor. As it turned out above, you can start laying tiles from both the floor and the walls. Each order has its pros and cons. It should be noted that not all craftsmen adhere to any specific tiling system - in one room they start laying from the floor, in another - from the walls. It all depends on the specific situation. In any case, the determining factor of primary importance should be ease of use. If it is convenient for you to start laying from the floor, then start from the floor, otherwise - from the walls. But don’t be afraid to experiment - perhaps if you try another technology, you will notice that it is more convenient and simpler.


Each master or craftsman is looking for something of his own - something that is convenient for him and seems more correct. It is impossible to find a specific answer to the question of primacy; everyone sets it for themselves, guided by the information received and their own experience. You can argue about this problem for a long time, arguing that the first method is correct and the second is wrong (or vice versa), but the choice is always left to the individual master who begins laying ceramic tiles in the bathroom.

Alina Lizunova
New bath. How to start laying tiles correctly? Lay out the entire main plane (all main planes), while leaving space for the bathtub itself, then place the bathtub and lay everything else. First lay out the tiles. Floor, and then walls Start laying tiles on the walls at a height of 56-57 cm from the floor, drawing a level line around the perimeter of the bathroom. Then bring in and install the bath. Good luck First lay the tiles on the walls, then install the bathtub, and then glue the plastic rigid border. If you want to lay out a tile border, then you need to install a bathroom, transfer the actual markings to the wall, and only then remove the bathroom...

Olesya Ozerkova
Bathroom renovation Where to start? LAY TILES (walls and floors) or INSTALL DOORS? The doors are in the last line. tile first. Start by replacing the fannina and some of the pipes (as needed), followed by treatment of the floor and walls - surface preparation, washing, notching. the floor is level, you will splash from it later, there will be less fucking with the level of the walls. when the tiles... If the door is standard, install the door and approach it with tiles. The platbands are placed on one side, usually from the corridor; the slopes with the bathroom are also tiled.

Daria Likhanina
Where should you first start laying ceramic tiles in the bathroom on the floor or you can directly on the walls The corner of the wall above the bathtub itself. Floor - before laying the lowest row of the wall. On the walls If you need to go there and there, then I would start from the floor

Yuri Maizerov
Question about bathroom renovation. What is better to do first: sculpt tiles on the wall or install the bathroom first? The tiles are placed below the bathtub - this is a repair primer. An interesting question is that some people do this: first they install the bathtub, then the tiles. But if the bathtub is installed first, then it must be installed in the most thorough manner. If you do it for yourself and conscientiously, then you must first lay tiles and only then install the bathtub. Some, in order to save money, do not lay tiles in places where it is not visible (behind the bathtub) (just like some soldiers clean their boots only...

Maria Alexandrova
When renovating a bathroom, should you tile the floor or the walls first? On the walls first, stain the floor - complete nonsense; if the door is changed, then you should start with it, then adjust the new floor to the threshold, and then lay the walls on a flat floor horizon, thereby blocking the undercuts... On the floor. then a bath and then tiles on the walls. Iavik On the walls. On the walls Repair is like a natural disaster, isn't it? But here it is: natural disasters (hail, snow, rain) come from top to bottom. I recommend doing repairs in the same way. Ceiling, walls, floor PS You can, of course, paint the floor first, then paste it over...

Oleg Zdelev
Why should you first lay tiles in the bathroom or change the door? First, you need to level the walls in the bathroom, and then decide whether the tiles will fit the frame or whether there will be a wooden panel with trim on the side of the bathtub. Based on this, the issue is resolved. The door, then the tiles! Everything is much simpler! A false frame is installed (this is if the platband is only on one side and the tile fits directly to the frame), the tiles are brought in, and then after all the work the door with a new frame is installed

Kirill Budrin
Tell me, are the tiles in the bathroom laid first on the floor or on the walls? Otherwise, every master says something different! Before the light bulb, look where the most beautiful one is and put it second. I put it on the walls and then on the floor. This way the floor doesn't get dirty. First, all the walls are plastered along the beacons and a smooth screed is poured. The tiles are glued first to the walls from the second row, then the floor and the first row of wall tiles. Well, in order not to be mistaken and the first row was a whole tile, a normal craftsman has a tool...

Lyubov Bedanova
What should I put under the toilet between it and the concrete floor? How to cover the gap between the bathtub and the wall If it is already installed on 4 large matches, then enough liquid nails one roller and remove the matches After half an hour, tighten the screws, after 24 hours, apply sealant in color. On the concrete floor you need to make a layer of leveling mixture, after that Once everything is dry, lay the tiles. and only then attach the toilet with special bolts (complete with the toilet) to the finished floor with tiles. You can use sealant along the edge. Next...

Vladimir Sumarokov
Are bathroom tiles placed on the floor or walls first? First the walls. You don't want to damage the floor if it's the other way around, do you? It happens that a tool falls, a tile is dropped, even if you lay hardboard on top - it will still break through in some places. Read about laying methods. It doesn’t matter. On the walls of course! The floor, then a bathtub is placed on the floor, and from the level of the bathtub, tiles are laid on the walls. It is more correct to first finish the work with laying the floor, and then move on to the walls. But sometimes they do the opposite, for certain reasons.

Zhanna Likina
Where to start laying tiles in the bathroom from the floor or from the walls (leveling is the first thing) From the floor. .literate, even logically, we start laying tiles from the walls, first level them, then make a light screed for the floor to level, wait a day, lay the tiles on the floor, the seams on the wall and grout on the floor after the tiles are in place (depending... First the Screed Must Be Made, Then Lay out the floor, and then raise the walls

Semyon Figurin
Bathroom renovation. What should you do first - suspended ceiling and then tiled walls? Or what is the right way to do it? Thanks. I first lay the floor, then install the bathtub so that it’s tight, “it won’t be pulled off with a tractor,” and then I start the wall tiles from the bathtub, and the ceiling is drilled onto the tiles and don’t forget about the sockets and pipes first. First the walls. Then the ceiling! Walls first, and then no matter what you want, maybe the floor, then the ceiling, but what if something falls on your floor? Then better ceiling, then we pierced the linoleum floor in the kitchen and dropped the shelf

Olga Dementieva
Bathroom renovation: what first - install new doors or lay tiles? Doors first! After that - the floor, then the tiles on the walls. And before the tiles, the ceiling needs to be done, then the tiles and at the end of the renovation the doors are installed. Don’t listen to anyone - the doors are adjusted to fit the tiles (extensions. platbands. Threshold) First the tiles on the floor, then the doors - just don’t take universal hinges, take right or left, depending on where the door opens. I took the doors off their hinges and glued some tiles, and when I was done, I hung the door back up.

Timofey Levoniev
First we lay tiles on the floor and walls and install doors? or do we install the doors and then lay the tiles? I don’t know how anyone sells doors, but just think about it - lay the tiles nicely, and then you’ll tear it all down and install doors? Place the box and then hang the canvas when everything is ready. If the box is already covered with paint or varnish, seal it... First we do all the dirty work, and then we install the doors! No, you can, of course, put the box, and then the tiles, then hang the door and nail the trim! But according to the rules, first the floor, and only then the doors

Evgenia Podomareva
Professionals, tell me, when renovating a bathroom, what should they lay tiles on the floor or on the walls first? I can give you one piece of advice. The tiles should be laid SPECIAL and nothing more. If an amateur puts it, it’s just money down the drain. 🙁 Specialists Lay tiles The walls (except for the bottom row) then lay out the FLOOR, then the last row (bottom) of the wall Only when laying tiles... I start with the wall Floor. I started on the floor that week.

Zhanna Valneva
Tell me first they make the ceiling or lay tiles in the toilet, bathroom Walls floor ceiling First the tiles. then the ceiling. Damn the experts! plumbing, tiles on the walls without the bottom row, then the floor, then the bottom row adjacent to the floor, then the ceiling. There are no rules - there is common sense and various options. Plasterboard ceiling It doesn’t hurt at all to paint over the tiles, tension ones over the tiles, and so on. Ceiling after walls. But floors are an independent matter.

Anna Kharkina
What should I put under the toilet between it and the concrete floor? How to cover the gap between the bathtub and the wall? A sheet of rubber with a hole for the direct outlet of the toilet is laid between the floor and the toilet. It is also possible to fasten the toilet with screws to taffeta - wooden board with a hole for the socket embedded in concrete Installation…

Ilya Kotkin
Please tell me where to start laying tiles in the bathroom, from the floor or from the walls? Do you need tiles behind the bathtub? When to install the bathtub? First, lay the tiles on the floor, it’s easiest, then install the bathtub, lay out the walls, there’s no point in laying tiles behind the bathtub, no one will ever see the space between the bathtub and the tiles and seal the seams with silicone. Walls, floor, bath. In the bathroom, it is better to either start with the floor but make it ideally level because the walls will go up from it like a beacon, but if the qualifications are not high, then a profile is placed around the perimeter on the leveled walls and tiles are laid from the second row,

Vitaly Negushin
Where do they lay ceramic tiles first - on the walls or on the floor? Align the guides along the perimeter of the bathtub to the height of one tile and drive out the walls. then the floor. and then the last row of wall tiles On the walls, so as not to shit and break the tiles on the floor!

What comes first: tiles or bathtub? Determining the sequence

But there are also craftsmen who start from the floor, but it’s problematic to have to cover the floors so as not to guess! On the floor. If you don’t make the floor plinth, then do the walls first, without adding the very bottom row of tiles. The walls begin to be laid from the 2-3rd row. And then the floors, and lastly the bottom row on the wall

Artem Spekhin
We are renovating the bathroom ourselves. How should you lay the tiles: first on the floor, then on the walls, or vice versa? We had it done by a professional. He first leveled the floor, then laid tiles on it. And then on the walls. Of course, on the walls, first of all, and then on the floor. First the floor is done, then the walls

Sergey Basargin
After laying the first (the horizon of a row of tiles on the walls of the bathroom, there is a second, etc., or the entire wall to the top, lay it in rows. Whoever likes it. I lay down the floors first, then the walls up to 2 m, two walls at a time. Then the tops from the trestle. The installation of the tiles begins from the 2nd row from the floor, from the center of the wall, from the ceiling, a whole tile is marked into the floor; after laying the floor tiles, the floor is also trimmed from the center to the wall. Classic version. Good luck

Problem large gap between the bathtub and the wall is very common in new buildings. It is not at all clear what the developer is guided by, because the length of the bathtub was determined a long time ago by clear standards and is 150, 160, 170 centimeters. However, the space for the bath is often 5-7 centimeters wider than this standard.

Solutions options

There are several solutions to this issue:

You can build up the wall where the bathtub adjoins and tile it like the rest of the walls. In my opinion, it looks “clumsy” and not aesthetically pleasing.

You can take a bath 10 centimeters longer (the next standard size) and “crash” into the walls with the edges of the product. A fairly high-quality solution, but the thickness of the tile cladding should be taken into account so that the tile fits aesthetically on the side and does not extend too far. Applicable mainly only with wide, flat sides of the bathtub or when the edges cut into the walls quite a bit.

A better solution would be to construct a box made of plasterboard (or gypsum fiber) the width of the bathtub, from floor to ceiling. This option is good because you can close significant gaps between the wall and the bathroom.

In addition, often the walls are not at 90 degrees to each other - a floor-to-ceiling box allows you to hide defects in the geometry of the room. Thanks to the box, the “wedge” on the tile will not be visible anywhere. You can build up the missing centimeters with plasterboard along the entire wall. If this is done along the wall where communications are planned, then the problem with hidden placement of pipes will be solved. The most correct solution, in my opinion: 5-7 cm of space does not solve anything in terms of plan total area

, but there is an opportunity to get rid of pipe boxes. After all, it is often not possible to trench walls under sewer pipes in order to hide them.

It is the option of hiding communications that we will consider in more detail.

Relevant or not?

To determine the relevance of plasterboard (gypsum fiber) cladding to eliminate an unpleasant gap, first of all you need to try to mark the cladding. This will allow you to judge the feasibility in general, how much space the cladding will “steal” and whether it is possible to hide all communications.

When marking, you need to carefully consider all the little things: how the frame will fit (will it interfere with the pipes), the thickness of the glue and tiles. In the end, you need to decide whether the bathtub will be installed before tiling or after. In general, most craftsmen adhere to the first option (first install the bathtub, then lay the tiles), including me. In general, everything needs to be carefully measured and taken into account. It is worth noting that it will not be possible to completely eliminate the box: at a minimum, you will have to make a box where 110 mm goes.

Thanks to the false wall and the fact that the sewer riser is located outside the bathroom, we were able to get rid of the boxes. The only box had to be erected under the toilet, at the entry point of 110 mm. sewer pipe. 50 mm sewer pipes are hidden behind the plasterboard lining. And water pipes. And most importantly, the lining is made in such a way that the bathtub fits perfectly without gaps. Please note: the bathtub was installed after the tiles were laid - this was the customer's request. In general, it will be more practical to lay the tiles to an already installed bathtub.

After the arguments about boxes, any reader will say: if boxes cannot be completely abandoned, then what is the point of covering the entire wall at all, is it really just for the sake of a clear fit for the bathroom? Not only... Horizontal water pipes, sewer pipes 50 mm. will be hidden behind a false wall. Without a false wall, you will have to make a horizontal box along the entire length of the pipes, and the box will interfere with the installation of furniture, for example, a cabinet with a washbasin. And in the end, extra boxes mean extra corners, and corners spoil the design of any room, even if they are made perfectly.


As described above, all the pipes are hidden behind the cladding, and only water sockets for the necessary plumbing fixtures stick out. There is plenty of space for the water supply, but for the sewer pipe it is 50 mm. you'll have to make room. Where, according to the plan, the drywall profile should go and the profile gets in the way sewer pipe- the profile can be cut. That is, the pipe can pass close to the drywall. In more severe cases, when there is not enough space, you can cut the drywall itself where it interferes with the pipe. Ultimately, the main thing is that the pipes do not interfere with the laying of the tiles.

Subsequently, when the wall is being sewn up, it is important not to forget the places where the pipes are too close to the cladding and not to accidentally pierce them with self-tapping screws. I strongly recommend marking places where such problems are possible.

False wall close to the bathtub

When facing with plasterboard, questions may arise: is one layer of plasterboard enough? how often should you create a profile? My answers are simple: one layer of 12.5 mm drywall. quite enough - tiling will significantly strengthen the structure, moreover, under heavy objects mortgages are made (see below). As for the distance between the profiles, 60 cm is more than enough.

Also, the question may arise: is it necessary to fill the empty space under the cladding with insulation? Here you need to weigh the relevance - if sound insulation from neighbors is needed, then insulation will only give a small effect. It is worth understanding that it is worth insulating with polystyrene foam or extruded polystyrene foam, mineral wool does not tolerate high humidity.

For the canopy of the water heater and heavy furniture (if any), plywood inserts should be provided. For storage water heater

50-100 liters require at least two layers of 18 mm plywood; for a cabinet with a mirror, one layer of 10 mm is enough. for eyes. Plywood inserts are attached to the frame of the false wall. When screwing gypsum board sheets onto the mortgages, thin zigzags should be applied polyurethane foam

and attaching the sheet, do not screw it too often.

We reviewed the main points of designing and installing a false wall made of gypsum plasterboard to eliminate the gap to the bathtub and conceal the laying of communications. In general, the topic can be covered on several pages, because it includes pipe routing, frame installation, and so on that deserve detailed attention. In subsequent publications we will fill this gap.

When planning a bathroom renovation, almost all people wonder what to do first: install a bathtub or tile the room? Both of these options have the right to be considered correct, because the choice of one or another sequence depends on several factors. The material from which the bathtub is made, the size of the bathroom, the skill and responsibility of the tiler and plumber are taken into account. Let's consider the features, advantages and disadvantages of both repair sequences.

In this case, first the bathroom is completely tiled (walls and floors), and then the plumbing is brought into the room and installed.

The junction of the bathtub with the wall is sealed with sanitary silicone with antifungal additives or covered with a decorative plinth.

The advantages of this method include the convenience of performing the work, since nothing interferes with the master. There is also no risk of damage to plumbing equipment. Another plus is that it’s easy to replace the bathtub with a new one, if necessary.

The main disadvantage is that silicone sealant (even sanitary sealant) develops mold over time and has to be replaced.

Note! According to the manufacturers' instructions, this method is mandatory for use when installing an acrylic bathtub.

In this case, a bathtub is brought into the room prepared for laying tiles and placed. More often this method is used when installing a cast iron bathtub, since if you bring it in after finishing works, tiled flooring can cause serious damage.

After installing the plumbing, the bathroom tiles are laid. With this method of wall cladding, the bathtub turns out to be embedded or built into the tiles. The tiles should not rest on the edge: a gap of 1–2 mm is left, which is filled with sanitary sealant or a waterproof fugue, for example, based on epoxy resin.

This technology has several advantages:

  • The edges of the bathtub are recessed into the lining, so the water flows directly into it.
  • Also the bath takes less space due to the fact that it is built into the cladding. This is important for small combined bathrooms.
  • Tiles are saved, since with this technology the wall behind the bathroom is not tiled.

The disadvantages of finishing the walls after installing a bathroom include the fact that the equipment must be protected from dirt and the possible fall of tools, tiles or other objects inside, which will damage the enamel. After installation, it is recommended to line the bathtub with cardboard and cover plastic film, and put thick plywood on top so that the master can veneer the wall above it.

Option number three

This option is considered optimal for steel bathtubs, but is suitable for any type. After preparing the bathroom for finishing, a bathtub is brought into it and installed, but not connected to the communications. Markings for laying tiles are made according to the actual location of the equipment (along the side). After marking is completed, the bathtub is moved to the side or taken out, and they begin to line the walls, while the tiles are mounted not from the floor, but from the marked line, taking into account the gap. Another option is to start laying the tiles from the floor, and make a gap the width of the side to move the bathtub close to the wall. When the installation is completed, the bathtub is installed and connected to the sewer system, and a mixer is connected to the water sockets.

The advantage of this method is that the bathtub is protected from the risk of damage during wall finishing. Also, the sides are recessed into the tiles, which preserves the usable area of ​​the bathroom. Among the disadvantages, they note the need to maintain accurate markings: even with a slight mistake, the bathtub simply will not fit into the prepared “niche”.

Nuances when performing work

When planning the layout of the tiles, it is taken into account that it is advisable to lay whole tiles near the side and above the ceiling: this way the finish looks more attractive. If whole tiles do not fit the height of the wall, practice decorative design border - such inserts make the cladding elegant and original.

Before sealing the joint with the wall or starting to lay tiles from the edge, the bathtub is filled with water so that it shrinks.

If you choose the option with a bathtub recessed into the cladding, you should understand that if it is necessary to replace the equipment, the tiles adjacent to the side will have to be dismantled.

The material of the bathtub is of primary importance when choosing the order of work in the bathroom. In an already finished sanitary room, it is recommended to install acrylic, corner, hydromassage and large (non-standard) size products.

A Jacuzzi should not be embedded in tiles, as repairs will require moving the equipment away.

Cast iron bathtubs are ideal for built-in installation. With steel products, both options are acceptable, since they weigh little and are strong enough to stand on the side when finishing walls.

You should also listen to the opinion of the experts: specialists with extensive experience will determine on site best option taking into account the specific situation and circumstances.

Advice! If you need bathroom renovation specialists, there is a very convenient service for selecting specialists from. Just fill out the order details, the experts will respond and you can choose who to collaborate with. Each specialist in the system has a rating, reviews and examples of work, which will help with the choice. Looks like a mini tender. Placing an application is FREE and does not oblige you to anything. Works in almost all cities of Russia.

If you are a master, then go to, register in the system and you will be able to accept orders.

When planning a bathroom renovation, you need to decide on the sequence of work. What to do first: lay tiles or install a bathtub? Which algorithm is the most correct and rational? The answer to this question depends on several factors. The size of the room, the material of the bathtub, and the level of skill of those who will carry out the finishing and plumbing work. There are some other nuances.

Sequence options

Option 1: first tiles, then bath

The bathtub is brought into the tiled bathroom. All that remains is to install it. To fill the gap between the bathtub and the wall, sealant is most often used. It keeps water out and holds the bowl.

If the bathroom is large and the bathtub is on legs, you don’t have to put it against the wall at all.

Option 2: first the bath, then the tiles

The bathtub is brought in before finishing the walls begins. Installed and fixed. Only after this does the laying of tiles begin.

In fact, the bathtub is lined with ceramics or, in other words, built in. The tile goes onto the side of the bathtub, but does not rest against it, but “hangs” with a gap of several millimeters. The gap is subsequently filled with sealant and/or moisture resistant (preferably epoxy). Next, the junction can be decorated with a special ceramic border or plastic corner.

Option 3: first measure the bathtub, then lay the tiles

The bathtub is brought into an unfinished room and installed. Measurements are taken and markings are made for the tiles. Then the bath is taken out or moved aside. The tiles are not placed from the floor, but from the level of the side of the bathtub, taking into account the required gap. When the finishing is completed, the bathtub is placed under the already laid tiles.

Mistakes are unacceptable here: if you missed the measurements a little, the bathtub may not fit.

How to choose the right option?

Depending on the size of the room

If the bathtub fits exactly from wall to wall, it is risky to choose the first option. It may happen that after leveling the walls and laying the tiles, the distance will be reduced, and the bathtub simply will not fit. Therefore, if the bathroom is very small, you first need to install a bathtub and then lay the tiles from it. It's more reliable.

If the bathroom, on the contrary, is large, you can choose the third option: bring in, install, measure, mark, move and lay the tiles not from the floor, but from the level of the side of the bathtub.

Depending on the type of bath

You should read the instructions for the new bathtub. As a rule, manufacturers of acrylic bathtubs recommend laying tiles first and only then installing the bathtub, sealing the joint with the wall with sealant.

Manufacturers of steel bathtubs are not so categorical, but they do not advise placing the edge of the tile directly against the side. Steel bath capable of “walking”. As a result, a row of tiles lying on the side can be squeezed out. Overlay steel bath You can use tiles, but you need to leave a gap.

A cast-iron bathtub is most often “built in” into the tiles, rather than placed against an already tiled wall. Such bathtubs are the most reliable, heaviest, and most stable. And they usually last a very long time. Therefore, their integration does not entail any special risks.

There is another important aspect associated with a cast iron bathtub. If you tile the bathroom and only then bring in the bathtub, the finish may suffer. Cast iron is hard and heavy, so it’s not even very swipe on tiles can lead to chips and cracks.

Unlike cast iron, acrylic bathtub, especially inexpensive ones, may require replacement in just a few years. If it is built into the tile, you will have to break the structure. Before deciding on a sequence option, you need to decide - are you ready for unplanned repairs? If the bathtub is installed in a tiled bathroom, and the joint with the wall is filled only with sealant, there will not be any particular difficulties in replacing it.

The size of the bath also matters. If it is very large (corner models, for example, have such dimensions), covering it with tiles will be, to put it mildly, inconvenient. How will this affect the quality of styling? Will the new bathtub be damaged during finishing work? Maybe such a bathtub should only be installed in a tiled bathroom?

Here, of course, a lot depends on the skill and experience of the tiler. If he is ready to work in such conditions and at the same time guarantees that the bath will not be damaged, you can give preference to the “built-in” option.

If the bathtub is equipped additional functions(hydromassage), “sewing” it into the tile is fraught. If any breakdown occurs, you will either have to put up with it or destroy the structure.

  • acrylic bathtubs, especially inexpensive ones
  • atypically large baths
  • bathtubs with additional functions
  • heavy cast iron bathtubs

The exception is, of course, free-standing cast iron bathtubs, including clawfoot bathtubs. They are never built in and often are not connected to the wall at all.

Depending on the budget

Laying tiles only from the side of the bath allows you to save on material. After all, the walls under the bathroom are not tiled.

If renovations are being done in an apartment that will be rented out, it is still advisable to bring the bathtub into the already tiled bathroom. Here it is better to save on the bath itself. Fortunately, changing it, with this installation option, will not be difficult.

Depending on whether the bathroom is used during the renovation

If the owners live in an apartment where renovations are taking place, they want to minimize the period during which the bathrooms are not functioning. In this situation, it will be convenient to bring and install the bathtub into a prepared but not yet tiled bathroom, and then cover it with tiles. While the renovation is ongoing, the bathroom can be used.

Depending on the opinion of the masters

If conditions allow you to choose any of the options, you can trust the craftsmen doing the repairs. Specialists with extensive experience will determine the optimal sequence themselves and tell you about all the possible pros and cons.

1. If a whole tile comes from the side of the bathtub, rather than a short cut, the picture turns out to be more attractive. When planning to bring a bathtub into a tiled bathroom, it is advisable to approximately determine at what height the side will be before laying the tiles.

2. Before caulking the “seam” between the wall and the bathtub silicone sealant, it is recommended to fill the bowl with water until it drains. You can drain the water only after the sealant has dried. It is claimed that if you “seal” an empty bathtub, then after filling it can come off the wall. To protect the bathtub and walls from traces of sealant, before work you need to stick mounting tape on them.

3. If you want to “drown” the bathtub into the tiles that were laid long ago, you can make a shallow groove in the tiles. The width of the groove is the size of the side of the bathtub. The bathtub is pushed into the groove, the joint is treated with sealant and/or moisture-resistant grout.