Growing petiole celery seedlings from seeds. Growing seedlings of root and petiole celery

It is impossible to imagine Caucasian cuisine without celery leaves; in Russia they prefer white root, growing petiole celery and caring for it is typical for residents North America, Great Britain, Mediterranean countries, it is also appreciated in Japan. In comparison with the root and leaf varieties, the petiole (salad) varieties are more tender, juicy, and healthy. Only from them can you make juice - a drink for health and maintaining ideal shape.

The petiole variety of celery is winning the hearts of Russian gardeners

Biological features of culture

Petiole celery is cold-resistant, so many gardeners wonder whether it can be grown as perennial or not. Let us immediately note that this is a two-year crop of the Umbrella family, which produces a rosette of succulent roots and leaves in the first year, and seeds in the second. In the south, provided that the soil freezes slightly, celery is cultivated as a perennial, but only to produce greens. High-quality petioles, like the root, can be obtained only in the first year of the plant’s growing season.

The vegetable belongs to long-growing crops - from full shoots to ripening, it takes 140–180 days, depending on the variety of petiole celery. During this period, a powerful bush will grow up to 65 cm high with a rosette of thick stems and large pinnately dissected leaves, often dark green and glossy. The petioles have a curved shape, outside slightly ribbed, the flesh is juicy, crispy, with a spicy aroma and a slight bitterness. Old varieties are more fibrous, new ones are delicate and have practically no hard fibers. Light green, bleached or yellow-fleshed petioles are sweeter; they are more bitter - green or reddish in color.

One petiole celery plant proper agricultural technology cultivation gives from 300 g to 1.2 kg of marketable products.

Note! Root celery also has large, thick stems, but unlike the petiole variety, they are not fleshy, but sinewy, and also hollow inside.

Crispy petioles are a unique product with a “negative” calorie content that burns excess fat

Successful varieties

In garden centers you can find seeds of domestic and foreign varieties of petiole celery. When choosing, pay attention to the timing of ripening - for regions with cold climates, early and mid-early varieties, mid-late varieties are also suitable for greenhouses.

Taste characteristics play a role. If you like a piquant bitterness, plant celery with green stalks; adherents of traditional neutral tastes will like self-bleaching or yellow-fleshed plants. Let's give short description several of the most successful varieties.

    Utah celery was bred by Italian breeders. The petioles are long, light green, very tasty, practically without fibers. In terms of ripening time, the variety is medium, the yield of stems with leaves is up to 3.5 kg/m².

    Malachite is one of the most early varieties(85 days), allowing you to enjoy healthy products already in the middle of summer. Productivity – 1.2 kg of petioles per plant.

    Nuget is a variety of petiole celery of Czech selection. Among the advantages - early date ripening, neat, tightly closed rosette of stems, pleasant taste and aroma.

    Tango is a common variety with bluish-green petioles. It takes a long time to ripen - the growing season is 180 days. It attracts with its delicate, fiber-free pulp, high yield (1.0 kg per plant), and excellent keeping quality.

    Golden will appeal to lovers of self-bleaching varieties. From one plant, up to 800 g of elastic petioles with light pulp, pleasant taste and aroma are collected.

Selection of seeds and producers

How to avoid mistakes when growing?

To avoid disappointment, you need to know and follow the agricultural techniques for cultivating petiole celery. It is in many ways similar to the other two varieties, but has a number of nuances. What mistakes do beginner gardeners most often make?

    The seeds are sown too late. Since the crop has a long growing season, it is recommended to plant seedlings at the age of 70–80 days. And taking into account the fact that celery seeds are slow to germinate, it needs to be sown in February, or at least early March.

    The seedlings are planted early, in cold soil, and the plant takes off. The paradox of this culture is that despite its cold resistance, it is heat-loving. Petiole celery seedlings will not die when early boarding, but the cold depresses her, her growth stops. Plus, the plant perceives this as a forced period of rest and moves on to the “second series” - it expels the flower shoot.

    The petioles are stringy and have a bitter aftertaste. This happens if the vegetable is planted in poor soil. The plant itself is large and requires a lot of nutrition to actively grow. If it is not there, it sits in place, the stems become coarser. The petioles will be fibrous without watering. An important agricultural technique that allows you to remove bitterness is bleaching the stems. Many people don't know about him.

Let's look at how to properly grow petiole celery from seeds.

Timing and technology of growing seedlings

The vegetable seeds are soaked in essential oils, so they do not sprout for a long time. To speed up this process, it is necessary to destroy the inhibitors that suppress germination. There are several ways.

    Alternately soak in hot (up to 50⁰ C) and cool (18⁰ C) water. This is done in three steps, keeping the seeds in hot water for 5 minutes, 10 minutes, respectively, and the third time until the water cools.

    Germination lasts 7–10 days. To do this, they are soaked, and after swelling, they are placed on a damp cloth and placed in the refrigerator.

Prepared petiole celery seeds are sown in shallow boxes; loose soil based on peat and humus is taken for planting. After sowing, they are not covered, as light is needed for germination. The seeds are sprinkled with water from a spray bottle on top so that they adhere well to the substrate. You can cover them with a layer of snow, which melts and slightly pulls them into the soil. Next, the box is covered with foam (glass) and placed in a warm, bright place, for example, on a windowsill. When thin seedlings appear, sprinkle them half a centimeter with soil and remove the film.

Water the crops carefully - from a sprayer or through a strainer, so as not to damage the fragile seedlings.

Plants dive at the stage of 2–3 true leaves, pinching off the 4th part of the central root. Suitable as a container plastic cups. Seedlings are deepened to the cotyledon leaves. The harvested seedlings are protected from direct rays of the sun for several days, and after rooting, they are returned to the windowsill.

After planting in the garden, strengthened and hardened seedlings will quickly take root and begin to grow green mass.

Planting in open ground

The next stage of growing petiole celery is planting in open ground. Please pay attention to the following nuances.

    The indicator for planting seedlings is the onset of stable heat (16–18⁰C during the day).

    The culture loves fertile, loose, slightly acidic soils (pH 5.5–6.5) with good aeration.

    Prefers sunny places, in partial shade a vegetable with a more pungent odor is obtained.

    When planting, you cannot cover the heart of the seedling with soil.

Advice! The culture is suitable for compacted crops. The vegetable is planted together with cucumbers, along the borders of the beds, along the paths.

Subtleties of care

Care vegetable plant is regular watering, fertilizing, frequent loosening.

It is recommended to do the first fertilizing 2 weeks after planting - apply 20 g per 1 m² ammonium nitrate, 10–15 g of potassium salt and superphosphate. This mixture can be replaced with nitroammophos or other complete fertilizer. Application form: aqueous solution. From organic matter, a solution of bird droppings in a concentration of 1:10 is suitable, mullein - 1:5.

Feed again in mid-summer - emphasis on potash fertilizers; microelements are also needed, namely boron and magnesium.

The plant loves deep abundant watering, but this must be done at the root, avoiding water getting on the stems and leaves. Overmoistening is one of the causes of stem rot.

A mandatory element of caring for petiole celery is frequent loosening (5-6 times per season). In addition, it needs hilling, unlike root celery, the fruit of which is exposed.

Bleaching petioles

When the petioles become thick, a care technique such as bleaching is used. The stems are collected in a bunch, bottom part wrapped in opaque material - paper, burlap, lutrasil, but not film - the plant must breathe. Some people simply cover the socket with earth - but the quality will be worse, and it’s difficult not to cover the heart.

Reception leads to a decrease in the level essential oils, the bitterness goes away, the aroma becomes more delicate.

The petioles are wrapped for bleaching a few weeks before harvest.

What is wrong with celery?

The main causes of diseases of petiole celery are related to improper care, waterlogged soil, poor aeration, lack nutrients. In rainy summers, the above-ground part of the plant can be affected by fungal infections.

    Cercospora blight appears as spots with a light center and a red-brown edge on the leaves and petioles. Diseased parts of the plant dry out. For prevention, it is recommended to disinfect the seeds. Affected crops should be sprayed with a fungicide solution.

    Septoria blight, unlike cercospora blight, affects celery by the end of summer. This is also spotting, but different - the spots are oblong, yellow and as if depressed. Control measures are the same as with the previous disease.

    Rust is a cold summer disease. The red-brown growths begin to powder as the spores mature. Spraying with phytosporin helps.

In addition to diseases, petiole celery also has pests, although not as many as other crops - it repels them with a pungent odor.

The plant can be affected by celery and carrot flies. The pest lays eggs in the petioles and under the skin of the leaves. The larvae eat through the passages in them, after which they become rough and bitter. Effective method control - pollination of plantings with tobacco dust, wood ash, dry mustard during the summer of the fly (June, August).

Planting and caring for celery:

Celery is also a kind of seasoning for dishes, rich in various vitamins. Many people like to see fresh herbs on their table, be it dill, parsley or even celery. This means that you need to learn how to grow this plant correctly. Celery has a very specific aroma and spicy taste. People eat celery both as a seasoning and as a side dish.

By nature, petiole or leaf celery is unpretentious in care and can grow in many climate zones. So, this means you can safely plant it in your garden and add it to your daily diet. You shouldn’t deny yourself this pleasure, because there is a whole range of different useful substances. In addition, there are a lot delicious dishes, where you simply cannot do without it.

Even though there is nothing overly difficult about growing celery, special approach and care it needs it just like any other plant. Its quality will depend on how you care for it. The quality of a plant can be identified by the following characteristics:

  1. Rich aroma.
  2. The splendor of the leaves.
  3. Strong and elastic stems.
  4. Taste properties.

In any case, all plants have their own subtleties that need to be studied and understood.

The plant can be safely placed both in a shaded area and in areas open to the sun's rays. Moreover, in slightly shaded areas, celery will grow more fragrant. But at the same time, according to the recommendations, it turns out that it is better to put open to the sun territories.

For petiole and leaf celery, the ideal air temperature is no more than + 20 degrees. The temperate climate is a “paradise” for him. In this zone he will feel his best and even small frosts will not harm him. Celery varieties whose roots have a reddish tint are considered frost-resistant.

Celery prefers soil fertile, slightly loose and with the addition of drainage. But even in this case, it is necessary that such soil retains water well. Soil with high acidity or neutral is suitable. It is better to add a little lime before planting.

Under no circumstances should you choose parsnips as a neighbor for celery. Both plants can simply be spoiled by insect pests such as celery flies.

Seed selection

Choosing celery seeds is very important procedure. Often, it is the choice of certain seed varieties that will affect what kind of plant it will be.

When purchasing seeds, you should pay attention to the following points:

Especially variety selection plays an important role in exclusively home growing. It will completely depend on which variety was chosen. appearance and pleasant taste and aroma in combination with other products.

Leaf and petiole variety. Seedling cultivation and care

Before planting seedlings you need seeds rinse and soak for 3 days. Is it possible to grow celery without seedlings in open ground? It is possible, but only in this case you will have to bother and germination may be incomplete.

In open ground the plant grows very slowly. This is why celery is often grown seedling method. That is, you first need to plant the seeds in a small container and place it on a closed balcony or windowsill.

We either make the soil ourselves, or we also purchase ready-made soil in the store. To prepare the soil yourself, it is better to mix leaf soil, sand, humus and peat. Under no circumstances, this cannot be solid ground, it must be fluff and loosen.

Sowing petiole and leaf celery seeds

Seeds distribute evenly over the entire surface of the box and sprinkle with a small layer of peat. Since the seeds are very close to the surface, watering with a direct stream of water is unsafe. It’s better to stock up on a small watering can in advance or use improvised items that everyone has - a sieve or a small colander. The room temperature should be about 20 degrees.

Soaked seeds should sprout on the fifth day after sowing. After germination, it is better to lower the temperature to 15 degrees. This is done to prevent the seedlings from starting to grow and stretch quickly.

Petiole and stem celery for good growing care required:

  • light;
  • moderate watering (do not allow the soil to dry out);
  • ventilation and temperature.

After 2–3 true leaves appear seedlings are picked. Each seedling needs its own “house” with good soil. For this, as always, you can use cups. At the same time, it is not recommended to deepen the seedlings too much. The main condition for transplanting is that the rosette of the seedling from which new leaves appear must remain open. Under no circumstances should you fall asleep. We place the cups in a well-lit place. Window sills are perfect.

Seedlings are planted in open ground after frost has passed. Usually this is the end of April-May. In order for the plant to take root well in open ground, it is still a seedling. are starting to harden, taking it outside for several hours on warm sunny days. Celery is planted in beds according to a pattern of 20 by 30 centimeters.

Plant breeding experts advise prepare in advance beds for celery. It is necessary to take care of the location of the future celery in the fall. Therefore, you need to mark and dig furrows. Their width should be at least 40 cm, and their depth should be about 30 cm. We fill the furrows with manure or compost and fill them back with earth, carefully leveling them.

To each stem plant, whether celery or not needed loosening and hilling. This is necessary for the roots to accept white shade and had a richer and more pleasant taste without notes of bitterness. As an option, you can buy self-bleaching celery varieties.

Their advantage is that they do not need to be hilled up and planted in trenches. But their taste is far from the same; there will be no characteristic crunch. And besides, they are not frost-resistant.

Planting seedlings of petiole and leaf celery in open ground

Concerning self-bleaching varieties, then everything is very simple here. They do not require trenches and can be planted in regular beds. There is no need to hill up or loosen either. To give the petioles of this variety a little sweet taste, it is recommended to cover the soil with straw about 20 cm.

Leaf celery is also much easier to grow, unlike its fellow stalked celery, which is much easier to care for. The leafy plant needs regular weeding, loosening and moderate watering. One condition is that until the seedling sprouts keep an eye on the soil. It should not harden otherwise the celery will not break through. In this case, mulching helps.

The petiolate harvest is cut at the end of autumn. The self-bleaching variety matures after 12–15 weeks after planting in the ground. You can see leaf on your tables first of all. Since July they have been slowly starting to pinch him


Celery is a favorite type of green for many. It is used to prepare a large number of salads and other dishes. It has a specific smell and taste, but at the same time the benefits of celery are great. The plant contains a large amount of vitamins that are necessary for the human body.

In order to always have fresh greens, you can try planting them in your garden. To do this, you need to know the rules of planting and growing, as well as a description of the varieties and characteristics of celery.

Many gardeners love to grow stalk or leaf celery, due to the fact that it has a rich aroma and unusual taste, which makes any dish unique. The big advantage is that this plant is quite unpretentious and can be grown in almost any type of soil.

Types of celery

Before you start growing celery, you need to consider in detail its main types:

  • Sheet;
  • Chereshkovy;
  • Root.

The name of the species coincides with the main purpose of its cultivation.

Effects of Leaf Celery provides green and juicy plants that have a very interesting taste. The leaves are large, the bushes grow quite large and spreading. The stems can be cut during the warm season and used for food both raw and as a raw material for preparing various dishes.

Petiolate species- This favorite plant, which is mainly grown in dachas. It got its name because its petioles are the most valuable. They prefer to prepare soups or cocktails from them, simply grinding it in a blender.

Growing Celery Root, is necessary to provide gardeners with rhizomes. This species usually has small leaves and stems, but produces a large root late in the season. It is usually used to prepare various seasonings. Spicy rhizomes are added to the preparation of salads, hot dishes or used in preservation.

Celery varieties:

  • Gentle;
  • Kartuli;
  • Cheerfulness;
  • Zakhar;
  • Cabin boy;
  • Malachite;
  • White feather;
  • Maksim;
  • Diamond;
  • Apple.

Growing celery in the country

In order for the plant to grow to the highest quality, it is necessary choose the right place and type of soil for planting. Sowing is best done in quiet places, protected from the wind and at the same time well lit. Slightly acidic soil and partial shade are well suited, then the qualities of the celery will change slightly, its leaves will become a little lighter and the aroma will become subtle. The less sunlight, the brighter and tastier the leaves and petioles grow.

Celery is a cold-resistant plant; it tolerates frost well and can overwinter even with uncut stems, which do not spoil.

Initially after planting, the plant grows and develops very slowly. It depends on the fact that they usually sow small seeds that have a small percentage of germination. Therefore, many summer residents prefer to grow celery using seedlings.

Growing Leaf Celery

Seeds of this species They are quite small and must be prepared before sowing. The material must be soaked in a special weak solution of potassium permanganate and left for several hours. After this, the seeds are germinated on wet gauze for several days.

When everything is prepared, you will need a special soil mixture. This is a special composition of sand, leaves, humus and peat, in equal proportions.

It's best to sow at the very beginning of March in special small boxes that are kept in a room with a stable temperature of about twenty degrees, as soon as the shoots appear temperature regime reduced to fifteen degrees Celsius.

When the plant produces two true leaves, you need to pick. Grown plants should be transferred to open ground at the end of April or beginning of May at a distance of twenty centimeters from one another.

Growing Celery Root

Due to the fact that the development of bushes of this type of celery takes a very long time, it is best to grow it only by seedlings.

Among the features of celery root are: double dive.

When growing a plant, you need to remember that you need to grow a large root. This means that the collection of leaves and stems from each bush should be minimal.

Caring for bushes of this species is no different from others. It is necessary to constantly loosen the soil, water and feed the plantings in a timely manner.

Collection of celery rhizomes must be done after preparing the plants for this. They tear off the side leaves and rake away the soil from the top of the fruit. This must be done fifteen to twenty days before collection. After this, the harvest is harvested, this should be done no later than the end of October. If harvested later, the root may no longer retain as many vitamins as before due to the fact that it is affected by cold temperatures.

Growing petiole celery

The plant must be grown following the rules. First of all, the seeds are sown, then they are planted, and then the seedlings are planted in open ground.

Before the last transfer it is necessary to prepare the place. Special shallow grooves are made into which the seedlings are planted. It is important that the apical bud is not covered with soil. Later, when the plant grows, it is necessary to carry out hilling.

Petiole celery grows for two years. In the first year, stems and leaves develop well, which are used for food purposes. In the second year, seeds are formed that will be used for propagation.

Collect petioles before frost; they can be stored for a long time do not spoil your nutritional quality.

Diseases and pests

From time to time, celery can be overcome by pests and various diseases. To protect the plant, you need to follow the rules of agricultural technology.

The following can harm the plant:

  • Bacterial spot;
  • Heart rot;
  • Viral mosaic.

To protect celery, it is necessary to constantly thin out the beds. But also weed out the weeds located next to the bushes.

The following disease carriers are common:

  • Scoops;
  • Carrot fly larvae;
  • Snails and slugs.

You can quickly get rid of all of them if you periodically spray the bushes and the soil next to them with a special solution.

Also in a good way prevention is mixed planting, for example, it is good to plant celery along with other herbaceous plants and vegetables.

How to harvest and store crops

Harvesting should be done as it ripens. This largely depends on the climate, best done from August to October. By doing this before frost, we can preserve all the beneficial substances.

Celery is best stored dried or frozen. Fresh stems may lose their taste after some time.


Growing petiole celery for seedlings is a simple undertaking. The grown crop is widely used in cooking - celery can be eaten boiled, stewed or fried. Let's learn about the intricacies of sowing, picking and caring for the crop.

The climate of some regions of our country does not allow for growing and harvesting a rich harvest of celery. It is for this reason that our gardeners grow this crop for seedlings. The growing season of the plant requires approximately 80–140 days, so when sowing seeds in open soil, they will not have time to ripen before frost, even in milder climates. In addition, by sowing and growing celery seedlings, you can safely count on a harvest in the same year that you started growing the crop, which provides an additional incentive for the propagation of this vegetable.

Petiole celery after harvesting

The most popular varieties of crops are considered to be Golden Feather, Golden Path and Yutu. Gardeners often choose other types of petiole celery, but not all of them have the same high yield as the first three. Celery seed material differs in that it germinates rather poorly. This must be taken into account before planting the crop. Dry seeds can sprout no earlier than 20–30 days after sowing. In addition, the germination percentage will be very modest. In this regard, the seeds will need to be processed before planting. To do this, pour the seeds into a container with hot water and leave for 3 days. Change the water regularly - at least three times a day.

A large amount of essential oils inside the seeds prevents their rapid germination. Hot water will help normalize the amount of oils. When the next dose of liquid cools down, a large amount of liquid can be seen on its surface. greasy stains. Before changing the water, the seeds must be removed from the container and washed under running water. After 3 days of soaking, remove the seeds and place them on a paper towel. Place the paper on a plate and place it together with the seeds in a plastic bag. Such an improvised greenhouse should be kept in a dark, warm place, ventilated regularly.

You can germinate seed in another way. To do this, take a glass container and fill it with wet sawdust. Cover the top of the sawdust with sand mixed with seeds. Place the container in a warm but well-lit place. For seeds to germinate, you need to constantly maintain stable air humidity, sprinkling the room with water from time to time.

Working with soil - the “right” soil for active growth

Celery seeds are sown in the first ten days of March. To successfully propagate a crop for seedlings, it is necessary to properly prepare the soil before planting. You can buy ready-made soil mixture. However, many gardeners prefer to do it themselves. To do this you need to use:

  • 3 parts peat;
  • 1 part wood ash;
  • 1 part humus;
  • 1 part fine sand.

Preparing the soil for planting seedlings

All this is thoroughly mixed and poured into a container for planting. Several wide boxes are suitable as containers. Fill them with soil and water the soil warm water. Then make shallow grooves and spread the seeds evenly in them. Do this very carefully, as the sprouted roots are quite weak and thin.

Celery seeds are very small, so after planting they only need to be lightly sprinkled with a small layer of soil. Often, gardeners use a different method of germinating vegetables. Instead of watering, a layer of snow is poured onto the ground, and seeds are placed on top of it. With the gradual melting of the snow, the seeds will sink into the ground to a shallow depth.

Caring for young shoots will not take much of your time and effort. In order for the seedlings to actively develop, you will need to regularly water the soil. However, be careful not to over-hydrate. It is best to spray the soil with a spray bottle. An important factor is temperature. There is no need to heat the air in the room with seedlings to more than 20–22 °C. Seedlings must be constantly illuminated. Apply the first fertilizing 3 weeks after planting the seeds. To do this, use nitrogen or phosphorus.

Young seedlings of petiole celery

After another week, the seedlings can be planted into separate pots. This is done only when the seedlings reach 2-3 true leaves. When transplanting, deepen the stems into the soil to half their height. 15 days after picking, we advise you to reapply fertilizer. This time use organic fertilizers - peat, bird droppings or mullein. A week after the second feeding, begin preparing the seedlings for planting in open ground. To do this, you need to take the pots of celery outside and leave them there for 60–90 minutes. We do not recommend hardening off seedlings at temperatures below 15 °C.

In order for the seedlings of cultivated petiole celery to enter the next stage of their development in time, they must be transplanted into open soil in a timely manner. Do the picking no earlier than mid-May. It is very important to follow the landing scheme correctly. The distance between the rows should not be less than 35 cm, and a distance of 20 cm between the bushes is enough. Before and after planting, you need to water the soil generously. After the transplant, you will be required to organize proper care behind the garden bed – promptly remove weeds, water and loosen the soil. Otherwise, your garden bed is in danger of meeting with.

Seedlings ready for planting

Apply the first fertilizing 15 days after transplanting into open soil. The second time, fertilizers are applied during the active growth of green shoots.

The third time feeding is added 2 months after picking. You can use organic and mineral fertilizers, alternating them with each other. In order to stimulate the growth of bushes, many gardeners perform the procedure of pinching the lateral roots of seedlings. To do this, carefully fold the soil on the sides of the bush and cut off the side roots. This must be done at least 2-3 times before harvesting. In this case, the soil needs to be mulched. Plants need to be watered abundantly, but not too often. If the weather forecast promises frosts, then it is better to cover the bed with film.

Insect control is as important a factor in growing seedlings as watering and fertilizing. We do not recommend relying on chance; take the real threat seriously. The borscht or celery fly is considered to be one of the most dangerous pests of this crop. The emerging larvae begin to eat the leaf tissue, making brown tunnels in them. This causes the petioles to acquire a bitter taste, and their yield is significantly reduced. To combat flies, we recommend regularly mulching the soil around the bushes and spraying the plants with fungicides. It is best to remove infected bushes from the garden immediately.

Celery pest - carrot fly

Another dangerous pest- This is a carrot fly. After emerging, she lays white eggs on inside leaves. The larvae can eat both roots and other parts of plants. You can fight this insect in different ways. To do this, regularly treat the bushes with an ash solution or weakly concentrated solutions of chemicals. To combat bean aphids, we recommend treating infected bushes with tinctures and decoctions from the tops of tomatoes, dandelions, potatoes or yarrow. Using a water tincture will be effective. orange peels. The product must be kept for at least 4 days.

An attack by carrot psyllid will be no less dangerous for the garden bed. This pest prefers to spend the winter on coniferous trees and begins to feed from mid-spring to late autumn. The main delicacy for this is the juice of celery leaves.

As a result, the bushes become dry and lifeless. To combat psyllids, we advise you to promptly remove weeds, apply fertilizer and loosen the soil. In the first ten days of August it is necessary to cultivate the soil special means. To prepare, take equal amounts of sand, dry mustard and tobacco dust each and mix the ingredients. You need to sprinkle the mixture between the rows 3 times with breaks a week.