Growing phlox from seeds at home. Annual phloxes - growing from seeds How to plant perennial phloxes with seeds for seedlings

Growing perennial phlox from seeds: detailed plan actions

Phlox from seeds are unpretentious and versatile plants; they are used in landscape design. Flowers vary color scheme. Prevail perennial species, living up to 60 years. There is an annual plant - Phlox Drumond. To grow a lush flower garden, learn about the care features.

Reproduction and sowing

Source: Depositphotos

Growing perennial phlox from seeds

Annual plants reproduce only by seeds. A perennial phlox- 3 ways:

  • using seeds: sowing in spring, autumn and early winter;
  • by dividing the root system: planted in the spring, used to rejuvenate the plant;
  • using cuttings: select strong, young shoots, plant them in the soil, cover them with a jar, water them and wait for development.
  • Sowing directly onto the site is carried out in late spring. If there is snow, the area is cleared and sown on the surface of frozen soil every 5 cm, covered with 2 cm of soil and covered with a cover of snow. 70% of the planted plants germinate in the spring. The appearance of 2 leaves signals the need to replant at a greater distance - 20 cm between crops.

    During spring sowing, 4 seeds are immersed in each hole, covered with soil, watered and covered with film until the first shoots. After 2 weeks after germination, fertilize with nitrophoska.

    For seedlings, use boxes or peat pots. The seeds are placed on the surface. Cover the top with film. Comfortable temperature- from +10 to +18 °C. Refresh with a spray bottle. Peat gives strength to plants and increases decorative properties.

    Planting from seeds and care

    Sow seeds every season. The time of planting determines the method of cultivation. Standard plan for growing phlox:

  1. In February, seeds are planted in containers.
  2. After 2–3 leaves appear, the seedlings are picked.
  3. At the beginning of May, the seedlings are taken outside for hardening.
  4. In May-June the seedlings are transferred to open ground.
  5. In July, pinch the stem above 5 leaves.
  6. From May to September they are fed with fertilizers.
  7. In October, phloxes are cut off and the soil is enriched with peat.

After planting the seedlings, the soil is constantly loosened and watered for 2 weeks every 3 days. Grass is laid between the rows to prevent weeds and retain moisture. For regular and rich flowering, faded buds are removed.

In May, once every 3 years, the plant is removed and divided root system. For the winter, perennials are covered with peat. In winter, with a layer of snow more than 50 cm, the plants are not covered. Flowers suffer from its absence.

Insecticides are used against pests for preventive purposes.

At correct landing and proper care, phlox will delight you with flowers of rich shades.

Phlox are incredibly beautiful bright flowers that have a strong pleasant aroma. Plants are perennial, so for abundant flowering you need to take care favorable conditions growing. In this article we will tell you about growing perennial phlox from seeds and give recommendations for planting and care.

How to propagate perennial phlox in the garden

Unlike annual phloxes, which are propagated only by seed, perennials propagated in three ways:

  1. Seeds. Phlox is sown in spring, autumn or early winter.
  2. Dividing the rhizome. In the spring, the bush is dug up, the rhizome is divided into several parts and young bushes are planted. Most often this vegetative method used to rejuvenate a flower when it for a long time grows in one place.
  3. Cuttings. At the beginning of summer, cuttings are prepared and strong young shoots are selected. They are planted in open ground under a jar, watered abundantly and wait for rooting. At winter sowing phlox blooms the following year in autumn.

If the bush has lost its decorative properties, then it can be propagated by dividing the bush even in the fall (late August to mid-September). To renew the phlox, the oldest rhizomes are thrown away, and only the side parts are planted.

Summer and spring reproduction is more successful than winter reproduction.

How to plant phlox seeds

There are two ways to grow a flower from seeds.

Sowing seeds directly into the flower garden

Seeds are sown at the end of May or in November-December:

  • Pre-winter sowing. If snow has already fallen during pre-winter sowing, it is removed, the seeds are sown on top of the frozen soil at a distance of 5 cm from each other, sprinkled with a 2 cm layer of soil and covered with snow. Germination rate when sowing in winter is 70%. Sprouts appear in the spring, and when two leaves bloom, the seedlings are planted at a distance of 20 cm from each other.
  • Sowing in spring. Fertilized wet soil phlox seeds are sown. Place 4 seeds per hole. Cover with soil, water and cover with film until shoots appear. Two weeks after the seeds have fallen, the flowers are already fed with slurry or nitrophoska.

Sowing phlox seeds for seedlings

Favorable conditions for growing phlox

The main requirements are put forward to the quality of the soil. The decorativeness and development of phlox depends on the fertility of the soil. Soil requirements in the table.

Soil acidity is determined using litmus paper. Phloxes are suitable for the climate of the middle zone, where it is not very hot and there is moderate rainfall. For planting, choose an area with flat terrain, protected from the wind. On open sunny places Phlox is not planted, but shaded areas where the flower is shaded from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. are ideal.

When growing seedlings, the following conditions are favorable:

  • humidity above 70%;
  • the temperature after the seeds fall to 21 ˚С, within two weeks the temperature is reduced to 15 ˚С;
  • The container with seedlings is placed on sunny windowsills, and the film is removed.

Preparing the soil for planting phlox

If the soil is not suitable for planting phlox, it can be improved:

  • sand and manure are added to clay soils;
  • Clay and lime are added to sandy loam soils, and peat is added to sandy soils;
  • poor soils are filled with peat, manure or compost.

Prepare the soil in the fall. Apply up to 8 kg/m. sq. peat or manure; add up to 300 g/m2 to acidic soils. sq. lime The soil is plowed to a depth of 30 cm. In the spring, the soil is plowed again, harrowed, and nitrophoska and potassium salt are added. A week before sowing the seeds, the ground is disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Phlox planting and care plan

Phlox seeds are sown in spring, summer, autumn or winter. It all depends on the growing method. Let's consider an action plan for growing seedlings and caring for them.

Action Deadlines
Sowing seeds in pots February
Picking When 2-3 true leaves appear
Hardening (seedlings are taken outside for a day) April-early May
Transplanting seedlings into open ground May June
Pinching over the fifth pair of leaves July
Feed 5 times: May-September
1. Liquid manure (100 g of manure per 10 liters of water). The end of May
2. Slurry with potassium salt or superphosphate. The beginning of June
3. Slurry or chicken manure solution. Early July
4. Superphosphate and potassium salt. Early August
5. Use ash, nitrophoska, Beginning of September
Trimming phlox and mulching the soil with peat October November

Phlox bloom from July to the end of September; they prefer potassium-phosphorus fertilizers

How to care for phlox in the garden

While the phlox sprouts are not yet strong after being transplanted into open ground, the soil is regularly loosened and the flowers are watered. Freshly planted phloxes are watered every three days for two weeks. The row spaces are mulched with mowed grass to prevent weeds from sprouting and moisture from leaving the soil.

If the summer is dry, up to 2 liters of water are poured under each bush every 2-3 days. In hot weather, the soil is mulched with peat or humus with a 4 cm layer.

Tip #1. In order for phlox to bloom profusely, faded inflorescences are always removed.

For abundant flowering, perennials are fed up to 5 times per season. Fertilizers for phlox are given in the table.

Fertilizer name Description Application
"Ekorost" for garden flowers Fertilizer based on humic acids. Increases seed germination, seedling survival rate, and increases disease resistance. Root and foliar feeding: 2 caps per 10 liters of water, water once every two weeks.
"Grow" fertilizer for flowers A complex product that contains nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Accelerates growth, increases flowering duration and flower brightness 1 tbsp. l. per 1 sq. m.
"Windsor" for gardens and indoors A complex product that provides abundant and long-lasting flowering 50-80 g/m. sq.m., water the flowers 1-3 times during the entire growing season
"Bud-2" for garden flowers Provides long and abundant flowering 10-20 g/per 10 liters of water
Buoy fertilizers “Flower Paradise” for flowering plants A complex liquid product that stimulates growth, flowering and increases disease resistance 10 ml/1 l water
Universal fertilizer for garden flowers "Pokon" Improves soil composition, nourishes flowers and accelerates their growth 1 measuring spoon per 1 sq. m. Feed once a season in the spring.

In autumn, grown up phloxes of spring sowing are planted

Regardless of the growing region, perennial flowers are covered with peat or straw for the winter. In the South, fallen leaves are used instead of peat, but such mulch can harbor pests. Cover the bush when the stems have turned yellow and dried out. Dry tops are cut off, and the root zone is covered with a layer of mulch. In a snowy winter, if the layer of fallen snow is more than 50 cm, the phloxes do not need to be covered. Flowers are afraid of snowless winters, even if the frost is -10-15 ˚С.

Tip #2. Phloxes are used in landscape design for creating abundantly flowering flower beds. The flowers go well with monardas, astilbes, marigolds and heliopsis.

At abundant watering in dry summers, flowers are affected by powdery mildew or septoria. To prevent diseases, flowers are treated with fungicides.

How to deal with pests and diseases of phlox

Phlox diseases include spotting and powdery mildew. Recognize diseases by characteristic features. Let's look at the symptoms of diseases and methods of combating them in the table.

Name of the disease Signs Prevention and control methods
spotting Dots on the leaves, with further twisting Diseased leaves are removed, and the flower itself is treated with Bordeaux mixture
Powdery mildew White coating on leaves and stems To prevent infection of healthy flowers, the diseased plant is removed and burned.
Variegation Peculiar patterns appear on the leaves
Fomoz The leaves begin to dry out and the stems become thinner For prevention in the spring, while the air temperature does not exceed 18 ° C, colloidal sulfur is sprayed on the stems and leaves
Septoria Dark brown spots on leaves The bush and the soil around it are treated Bordeaux mixture every two weeks

For disease prevention in the calendar spring work In the garden, phlox should be treated with a solution of Bordeaux mixture. Pests include threadworms, nematodes, slugs and caterpillars. If the bushes are damaged by nematodes or worms, the flower is dug up and burned. The land is treated with nematicides or lime every 20 days. Three treatments are needed.

Features of growing perennials and annuals

Growing perennials is generally similar to growing annual phlox, but there are the following differences:

  1. Perennials are often sown in open ground rather than growing seedlings.
  2. Perennials bloom later but last longer.
  3. Before winter, perennials, unlike annual plants, are not sown because they are not frost-resistant.
  4. Perennials need five feedings per season, and not 3-4, as is the case with annual phlox.
  5. Seedlings are not planted closer than 0.5 m from each other, because perennials grow strongly in one place.

Answers to common questions

Question No. 1. When is the best time to sow seeds in a flower garden?

Phlox belongs to those garden flowers that are propagated year-round. They are planted in spring, summer and winter. But spring is more suitable for seed propagation. In the second half of April, phlox seedlings are planted in flower beds. Spring planting has its advantages. The flowers manage to take root, but they bloom two weeks later than planned.

Autumn planting of seeds is possible only in southern regions And middle lane, where frosts occur later. Seeds are sown in early September. Before the first frost, the flowers take root and bloom the following year in July.

Question No. 2. How to pick phlox seedlings?

Sprouts dive 20 cm from each other into a greenhouse or greenhouse. Also, each sprout is planted in a separate pot, and when it warms up, they are planted in open ground.

Question #3. Is it possible to mulch the soil in the summer when it is very hot?

Yes. To protect from the scorching sun, the soil is mulched with peat or humus in a 5 cm layer. You can water on top of the mulch.

Question #4. When can you replant phlox bushes?

The best period is April or September. Replant as necessary in the summer, but without dividing the root system. Be sure to move the roots into a new hole along with a lump of earth.

Question #5. What are the popular varieties of perennials?

Popular varieties include the following perennials:

  1. Subulate. The plant is completely covered with flowers ranging from white to dark red. Blooms in May.
  2. Spread out. Blooms lilac-blue. The plant prefers shaded areas. Blooms in May.
  3. Paniculate. Blooms in mid-summer. The inflorescences and leaves are large. Bushes 70-100 cm high.

Mistakes gardeners make when growing perennials

The mistakes gardeners make are as follows:

  1. Phlox should not be watered in hot weather. cold water, otherwise the stems will crack.
  2. Withered flowers cannot be left on the plant; they prevent new ones from blooming and delay flowering.
  3. Many gardeners do not cover phloxes for the winter. If there is little snow in winter, then the flowers can die even at -10 ˚С, so it is necessary to mulch the soil in November.
  4. Phlox cannot be planted in an area where strawberries were previously grown. Otherwise, pest invasion cannot be avoided.

Phlox are plants that are distinguished by their attractive appearance and ease of care. Due to the wide selection of flower shades and petal shapes, each gardener can create his own unique flower arrangement. At the same time, caring for phlox is completely easy.

Description and varieties

Phlox is distinguished by the presence of colorful flowers. Among the variety of shades, they can be blue, white, red or pink. In addition, each type of plant differs in the shape of its leaves and petals. So before choosing one or another variety, you need to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of each.


This variety is considered the most widespread today. It can be seen on almost any personal plot. The paniculate phlox received this name due to its flower stalks. They are collected in inflorescences that resemble panicles. Each crop variety has its own growth pattern. It can range from 40 to 1.5 m.


Paniculata culture has the appearance of a bush, on the top of which there is a cap of inflorescences. Their color can be very different, but except for yellow. Shoots of paniculata can be found in your flowerbed immediately after the snow has melted. Every year the number of plant stems increases. In June, their growth stops, and flowers form at the top.

From July to September the bush will be strewn with bright flowers. This period lasts 45 days. When the flower stalks have formed seeds, the paniculate phlox begins to slowly dry out, and by winter the stems die off.

When choosing seeds for planting, you need to take into account the height of the bush, the color of the flowers and the shape of the petals. The latter can be smooth, corrugated and wavy.

For those who love bright flowers, you need to purchase the following varieties:

If you like flowers of soft colors, then the following varieties will be an excellent option for you:

In addition, phlox of such varieties as Albatross or Snow White can decorate any flowerbed. All presented varieties of crops are decorated with monochromatic flowers. Today, paniculate phloxes can have inflorescences that combine several shades at once:


All varieties of this crop are distinguished by sharp and narrow leaves. Subulate Phlox counts ground cover plant. The height of its bushes reaches no more than 10-15 cm. If you choose a plant with a recumbent stem, it will resemble a path of blooming clover. This phlox has inflorescences containing 6-7 flowers.


The awl-shaped culture blooms profusely. Sometimes the bush is literally covered with flowers that it is simply impossible to see the green mass through them. The next feature of the culture is the flowering period. Phlox blooms for the first time in May-June, and the second time in August-September. Peduncles can take on various shades, including white, blue, lilac and pink.

Also, the flower stalks may not be monochromatic. You can often notice spots, edging or stripes of other colors on them. The awl-shaped phlox is a winter-hardy plant that is not afraid of even severe frosts.


This is another variety of perennial. Its inflorescences have a wide palette of shades. But only the period of its flowering does not last long. It is only 20-30 days. won't cause you much trouble.



This plant is the only annual. During flowering, the bush looks so beautiful that it can compete with its perennial brothers. Drummond is characterized by such forms as star-shaped, dwarf and tetraploid. The stems of the crop have numerous branches, as a result of which the plant has a rather lush appearance. takes place in March.


Peduncles are distinguished by their delicate aroma, shape and color range. In the flowerbed you can plant plants with lilac, pink, blue and white flowers. - This is the only species that blooms from July to October.

Anna Kalugina

Anna Kalugina is a famous collector who collects different varieties plants, grows phloxes and selects them. All crops bred by her are resistant to external conditions, beauty and density of inflorescences. Varieties such as Viy, Ekaterina Gordeeva and Blue Patterns are considered quite popular.

Flowers of Anna Kalugina

Among the new varieties, Stargazer, Lavender Dream and Blue Whirlwind remain promising.

But what hairy Rudbeckia looks like, and in which part of the garden it should be planted, is described in great detail in this

How and when to plant

So that phloxes delight you with their abundant flowering, it is necessary to properly plant the seeds and subsequently care for the seedlings.

Soil selection

Soil composition plays an important role when growing phlox. A soil that is rich in humus, loose and contains a small amount of loam for low acidity is excellent for them.

Sowing of planting material must be done in special containers filled with soil mixture. In this case, the container should be big size so that plants can develop a strong root system. 7 days before planting, the soil should be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Fertilizing the land

And although phloxes are unpretentious plants, applying fertilizers at the stage of growing seedlings is considered mandatory procedure. Feeding should be applied in small quantities. Great fit here mineral fertilizers. Thanks to them, it is possible to accelerate the development and growth of culture.

On the video - how to plant Phlox:

Bright phloxes are often found in city flower beds, as well as in areas near dachas. They are grown on balconies and placed in school flower beds. Such popularity is completely unsurprising. The name of this plant is translated from Greek as fire.

Phlox are able to bloom for a long time, they give owners a pleasant aroma and treat any weather vagaries with calm. These flowers are most often propagated vegetatively, by dividing bushes or by cuttings. However, it is possible to grow them from seeds. In most cases, seed division is used when growing annual varieties of this plant, however, perennials can also be grown in this way.

Seed preparation

Collect phlox seeds. Before this, it is necessary to determine the degree of their maturity. on their appearance this is not particularly reflected, because they are located inside the boxes. If you miss the moment of ripening, the seeds may scatter from the ripened boxes, and you won’t even notice it. If you collect seeds that are not ripe enough, they will not be able to ripen.

To determine the degree of ripeness, take an awl, carefully drill through one box and examine its contents. It should contain fairly large seeds, colored green color and having a dense structure. Planting material can also be purchased at flower shop.

Seeds of perennial phlox quickly lose their viability, which is why you should not wait until spring to plant them. Please note that full development of plants is possible only after the seeds are frozen, so planting should be done soon after collecting them.

Soil preparation and site selection

Determine a place on your site where the plant can grow quietly for several years. Remember that phlox loves sunny areas and semi-shaded areas. Do not plant them in swampy lowlands or under dense tree canopy.

Prepare the soil thoroughly for planting. It should be loose and nutritious, since on such soil phlox will grow well, and their flowering will not only be long-lasting, but also very lush. These plants do not do well in soils with a high sand content; they also do not like heavy soils with strong acidity. You are unlikely to be able to achieve seedlings in such places. Flowerbeds or beds should be prepared before the first frost.

Planting seeds

It is worth sowing seeds in late autumn-early spring. This process can also be carried out in January. You should not postpone this process to February, and even less so to March, since such crops most likely will not sprout. If there is snow on the beds, simply shovel it to the side.

Place the prepared seeds on the frozen area of ​​your flower garden, placing them four to five centimeters from each other. Sprinkle them with a small amount of ordinary garden soil on top. You can prepare it in advance and store it in a fairly warm room without letting it freeze. Optimal soil can be selected in gardening stores, where it is sold throughout the year.

The layer of soil does not need to be made continuous, just sprinkle some seeds. Place snow on top of the bed and leave it until spring. Thus, you will get almost one hundred percent spring germination, while half of the plants should also bloom.

Home cultivation

If you plant seeds of perennial phlox at home, it is worth subjecting them to artificial stratification. First, place the container with the sown seeds in a room with a temperature room level, after fifteen to twenty days, move them to the cold (from minus two to plus four degrees) and leave for fifteen to twenty days.

Then place the container with the seeds near the window and put a screen away from the room and heating appliances, so that the temperature around it does not rise above twelve degrees. If phloxes were planted in February, then in April you can take the container with them out into the garden, covering it with agrospan or plastic film. Plants germinate best between five and twelve degrees.

After two or three pairs of true leaves appear on the flower, transfer them to the main place of growth, keeping an interval of twenty centimeters between them.


The main care for phloxes is systematic weeding, loosening the soil, watering and fertilizing. Small plants You can mulch the soil between them with mowed grass. Thanks to this, the soil remains soft longer and retains moisture, and weeds do not grow on it.

On hot and dry days, phlox should be watered, at the same time they may suffer from powdery mildew. For this reason, the plant must be sprayed with fungicides, otherwise it may die.

After the flower has grown stronger above the fifth pair of leaves, a clothespin is made. This procedure helps phlox tillering. The flowering of these plants lasts from mid-summer until the end of September. It is important to promptly remove faded inflorescences. Once every three to four years it is worth dividing the rhizomes, best time for this - early spring or September.

For the winter, the plant needs to be pruned, mulching the roots with dry peat or plant debris.

Phloxes are able to grow over a fairly significant area, forming a bright, beautiful carpet during the flowering period.

There are never too many flowers summer cottage, especially if they are like this unpretentious plants like phlox. Phlox (translated from Latin as “Flame”) amazes not only with its exquisite and subtle smell, but also with the uniqueness of its colors. It is unreservedly admitted that there are practically no problems with them. However, one cannot ignore some features in planting seeds of annual and perennial phlox in open ground in the fall and for seedlings in the spring.

Varieties and varieties of phlox

Very important! Perennial phloxes are not only paniculate, although seeds of other types are practically impossible to find :)

Varieties and varieties of perennial phlox:

The only variety of annual Phlox is Drummond, which is named after the British botanist who brought this plant from America to old Europe.

Growing perennial phlox from seeds

Perennial phloxes are planted with seeds, usually to obtain large quantity plants, for example, to create borders and dividing strips in the garden.

You can purchase seeds in the store or collect seed pods in the garden yourself in the fall.

Note! Phlox from seeds, with proper care, bloom in the second year. Just be sure to cover them for the winter!

Phlox seeds can be sown before winter in open ground or at the end of winter and beginning of spring for seedlings.

Sowing in autumn in open ground

If you are going to sow phlox seeds directly into the beds at the end of autumn (October-November), then it is very convenient to do this in plastic rings that can be cut from plastic 5 liter bottles. According to the rules for sowing before winter, you need to sow only on frozen soil and cover it with dry soil without watering.

Advice! Sowing rate in winter period it is advisable to increase it compared to sowing seeds in containers.

Sowing seedlings in spring

It is convenient to sow phlox at home in disposable containers with a lid, in which drainage holes must be made.

You can take the most common universal soil for growing seedlings, preferably with vermicompost. The soil should be fertile and loose.

Step-by-step instruction sowing perennial phlox seeds:

  1. Fill the containers with a little more than half of the soil. Level it out well.
  2. Spill the soil before planting with a solution to disinfect it.
  3. Gently and evenly spread the seeds over the surface. The seedlings of perennial phlox are not small and are convenient to sow.
  4. Sprinkle soil on top.
  5. Cover the container with a lid or spunbond.
  6. Now you will need to place the container with the crops on Fresh air under the snow, as close to the ground as possible (it is best to place it on a board or plywood so that there is a flat surface). Under such conditions, the most acceptable temperature is maintained for the germination of phlox seeds. Thus, they will undergo natural stratification.

Video: how to grow perennial phlox from seeds

If you don’t have the opportunity to bring containers with crops to the garden (let’s say you live in an apartment and you can’t get to your dacha in winter), then you can use another way growing phlox from seeds.

Pre-soaked seeds are kept for 2 weeks at a temperature of +18-22 C degrees. Then mixed with sand and placed in the refrigerator for stratification for 6 or more weeks until the seeds hatch. After this, they are planted in containers to a depth of 1 cm and grown at home at a temperature of +17-25 C degrees.

Planting in open ground and further care of perennial phlox

When phlox seedlings have 5-6 true leaves, they should be planted in open ground. Usually this time is around May, when the frosts will have passed and the seedlings will no longer be in danger.

It is advisable to choose a place that is sunny or with light partial shade.

For the normal development of a flower, soil is required to be loose and fertile, rich in organic matter. If your soil is too heavy, then add sand, peat or any other soil loosening agent.

Further care behind the phloxes consists of regular watering as the soil dries, loosening and weeding, as well as timely fertilizing.

Advice! If you want to achieve better tillering (branching), then pinch 4-5 pairs of leaves.

It is especially important to water frequently in hot and dry conditions. summer days, otherwise the flowering will not be so abundant and rich.

It is important not to overwater the flower, as the plant does not tolerate stagnation of water and may simply rot.

Worth knowing! It is advisable to replant phloxes every 4-6 years to a new location.

As a rule, phloxes begin to be fed with nitrogen in the spring to increase green mass. Urea can be used as such a fertilizer, ammonium nitrate. Plants will also be grateful for organic fertilizers. So, you can fertilize with a fermented infusion of mullein (diluted with water in a ratio of 1:15) or chicken manure (in a ratio of 1:25 with water). The next feedings during the period of budding and active flowering, naturally, should be without nitrogen (or with it minimal amount), but exclusively using potassium and phosphorus. Wood ash is great for this.

If you want to prolong the flowering of phlox, then promptly remove the dried inflorescences of early and mid-late varieties this plant.

Important! Read more about caring for phlox in the fall and preparing them for winter (pruning, covering).

Video: secrets of caring for perennial phlox

Growing annual phlox from seeds

Important! If before this information was exclusively about perennial representatives of these wonderful flowers, then later you will be able to learn better about the specifics of sowing and growing annuals phlox from seeds.

The timing of sowing annual phloxes differs from their perennial varieties. For example, you can plant them for seedlings in March-April.

By the way! Seeds of annual phlox (Drummond) can be sown immediately in open ground if you live in the south or have had a very warm spring.

As for the planting container, the most important thing when choosing it is that you can make drainage holes in it. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a food container or special plastic cassettes for seedlings.

Advice! It is very convenient to make drainage holes using a mini soldering iron, which can be purchased at any store such as Fix Price.

The most common and universal soil for flower seedlings is suitable, but it is advisable to supplement it with vermiculite or perlite, sand, ash or dolomite flour, depending on what you have on hand. To loosen the soil, you can add coconut briquettes to it in a 1 to 1 ratio, because for the normal development of seedlings, the soil mixture must be moisture- and breathable.

Sowing seeds

Step-by-step instructions for sowing perennial phlox seeds for seedlings:

By the way! Some gardeners, on the contrary, do not recommend sprinkling.

  • Re-moisturize upper layer soil from a spray bottle warm water with the addition of vermicompost.
  • Close with a lid or cover with plastic wrap (alternatively, a shoe cover).
  • Place the container in a warm and bright place, where the temperature is around +20 degrees.

Video: sowing annual phlox seeds for seedlings

Caring for phlox seedlings

Every day in the morning, it is advisable to ventilate the planting containers and remove condensation from the shelter that has accumulated overnight.

The first friendly shoots of phlox appear after about 5-7 days.

Now all care for phlox seedlings will consist of watering as the soil dries and maintains optimal temperature And daylight hours(either the sunniest windowsill, or additional illumination with phytolamps).

Video: review of phlox seedlings


Phlox seedlings are picked when they have 2-3 true leaves.

It is convenient to plant phlox in individual cups in which drainage holes have previously been made.

After filling the containers with soil mixture, it is recommended to spill the soil with water with the addition of Energen, and then make small holes.

By the way! Don’t forget to water the container with seedlings before picking so that the seedlings are easily removed and their roots are not injured.

You can take out phlox seedlings with any tool convenient for you and bury 1-2 pieces to the cotyledon leaves in cups. After replanting, pour water along the edge, being careful not to get it on the plant itself.

Video: picking phlox seedlings

Advice! Immediately after picking, keep the seedlings on the table or in some other place until the end of the day, without placing them on a bright windowsill.

Care after picking includes moderate watering and fertilizing. Like any other seedlings, phlox cannot be overwatered.

As for fertilizing, use fertilizers such as liquid Fertika “Kristalon for garden flowers” ​​and mineral Fertika Lux (formerly Kemira Lux). You should feed it 2-3 times before planting it in a flowerbed in open ground.

Planting and caring for annual phlox in open ground

Optimal time planting phlox seedlings in open ground occurs when the spring season has finally passed return frosts, that is, this is approximately the second half of May - the beginning of June, depending on the region of your residence and, accordingly, its climatic features.

Annuals, like perennials, grow well both in well-lit areas and in partial shade. But it’s still better to plant them in some shade. A place near the ridge is perfect for planting phlox. It is very beautiful to plant these flowers on hills.

Both rain and downpours are beyond all praise, except that they fall a little, of course, but then they rise safely.

They should be planted at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other.

Advice! In order for the soil to better retain moisture, it is advisable to mulch the area with peat or humus immediately after planting.

Caring for phlox must necessarily include the following garden manipulations: loosening and weeding of grass and weeds, active watering in dry weather and fertilizing. During the flowering period, annual phlox respond well to fertilization with nitrophoska (calculated at 20 grams of product per 10 liters of water).

Video: growing and caring for annual phlox

Thus, to the delight of both advanced gardeners and novice gardeners, caring for these amazingly beautiful and fragrant flowers called phlox is not particularly difficult. Just for the benefit of the flowers, grow them not anyhow, but correctly, adhering to our recommendations for choosing containers for seedlings, location, soil, and also using advanced agrotechnical methods.

Video: planting perennial and annual phlox with seeds

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