Growing porcini mushrooms at home. Mushroom growing technology

Kirill Sysoev

Calloused hands never get bored!


Most people perceive going for mushrooms in the forest as a pleasant pastime. But quiet hunting is extremely dependent on the season, weather and climate of the region. Few people think that cultivating mushrooms can be profitable, but the most common varieties can be grown at home in almost no time. industrial scale.

Growing mushrooms at home for beginners

Mushrooms are an ingredient with a minimum amount of calories and fat, high in potassium and fiber. The process of growing them is extremely simple, but, like any other enterprise, it requires certain preparatory stages. Observing basic rules mushroom gardening, you can provide the product not only for your family, but also make a significant profit by selling mushrooms for sale. Where to start growing mushrooms? Find out how the whole process happens step by step:

  1. First, decide on the species you are going to grow. The most popular and easiest to cultivate are oyster mushrooms, shiitake mushrooms, and champignons. There is no particular difference in the process, but the nutrient medium changes for each species.
  2. Buy mycelium. It looks like sawdust in which mushroom mycelium has sprouted - root system or "seed". In fact, these are seedlings or seedlings, if we draw an analogy with ordinary garden plants. The substrate with mycelium can be purchased in the online store (the cost is relatively low). Growing oyster mushrooms and other edible species from spores is a troublesome process, it requires good practice and a long time.
  3. Creation of a nutrient medium. Straw and sawdust must be sterilized to kill all foreign microorganisms. They can compete with mycelium, even absorb it. One of the sterilization methods is steam heating of the medium material until the moisture completely evaporates. Hot steam treatment of the dry substrate is important here.
  4. To spread the mycelium throughout the nutrient medium, it needs to be heated. Sawdust or straw with mycelium already added are evenly distributed on a baking sheet or in a shallow but wide pan. Then the container is placed on a thermal cushion, which will maintain the temperature (21 degrees Celsius). For 3 weeks the nutrient medium is left in a dark place.
  5. After 21 days, the mycelium that has grown in the nutrient medium moves to a dark place with a constant temperature of about 15 degrees Celsius. A cellar is quite suitable for these purposes. Sawdust or straw is covered with a small layer of clean soil and moistened generously, but not poured. To control humidity, you can place a towel on top and add additional moisture to the soil as needed.
  6. After another 3 weeks, the first fungi will appear. The medium must be kept moist at all times to aid mushroom growth. The room should be without lighting maximum amount time.
  7. The first harvest can be harvested when the cap is fully formed and structurally separated from the stem. Mushrooms need to be cut, not picked, so as not to damage future fruits.

Growing mushrooms as a business

A business plan for cultivating mushrooms does not require serious expenses. Mycelium can be purchased everywhere, the price for it is incredible. The main thing you need is a room with the ability to regulate humidity and temperature. As practice shows, a mushroom growing business pays off after the sale of the first harvest. The costs of maintaining growth are negligible, so net profit is received within a month, while profitability is maximum.

How to grow mushrooms at home

Growing mushrooms at home is not a costly process and brings quick income. The main thing is to create suitable conditions for growth (described above) and maintain them. For personal consumption, some craftsmen convert storage rooms or balconies of their apartments. Greater results in making a profit can be achieved using a garage or basement. At the same time, you can calmly do your main work. Myceliums do not require constant care, weeding and watering.

In the garden plot

Growing mushrooms in a country house or garden plot is even easier than indoors. For the location of the mycelium, a moist and shaded place is selected. You should make a retreat of about half a meter from the nearest buildings and trees. It is important to remember that forest species of mushrooms do not tolerate proximity to fruit trees. It is better to cultivate them close to the species familiar to them in the forest: boletus near birch, boletus near aspen. There are several options for breeding on land:

  1. Disputes. To do this, you need to collect overripe caps that are missed during the usual “quiet hunt”. Even wormy specimens will do. They need to be placed in a bucket, filled with rain or river water, added sugar or starter, kneaded until smooth and left for a period of several days to a week (the contents need to be stirred periodically). Then strain through a large sieve. The resulting liquid mass should be diluted with water (1 part of the mushroom mass to 100 parts of water) and water the area with it using an ordinary watering can.
  2. Mycelium. To do this, you need to dig up a fragment of soil with mycelium and plant it in moist soil. It should also be kept moist during transportation.
  3. Ready mycelium. A grain or compost base with mycelium filling, purchased at a low price, is planted according to the instructions. This method is the easiest for those who want to achieve the fastest results.

In the basement

Growing mushrooms in the basement is much easier than indoors on the surface - a suitable microclimate is constantly maintained here. Regardless of the species that will grow, you should prepare the basement before germination begins. Walls and floors are disinfected with any of the antiseptics. After this, the room is thoroughly ventilated. Ventilation holes cover with a fine-mesh lattice to prevent insects from getting inside.

Depending on the type of mushrooms, racks or hangers are installed (their cost is low). If the basement area is large, it can be zoned into two parts - for incubation and for growth. The most important thing is temperature and humidity, which must be maintained at the same level. In all other respects, mushrooms are extremely unpretentious and grow independently.

What mushrooms are grown at home?

The idea of ​​growing mushrooms at home, first of all, will present you with the question - which type to choose? Almost all “household” mushrooms do not require extra effort for cultivation. The exception is champignons, but even they will not be a problem for an experienced gardener. Therefore, you have to choose solely from personal preferences and desired profit (if you plan to organize a mushroom business). The most popular types can be divided into two groups:

  • woody ones - shiitake, oyster mushrooms, winter mushrooms;
  • soil - champignons, ring mushrooms.

Methods of growing mushrooms

Depending on the desired result, there are two ways to grow mushrooms - extensive and intensive. For gardeners who do not strive for enrichment, the first one is more suitable. For those who care about regular yields, you should pay attention to the second one. The difference between them is the same as between the natural breeding of chickens and the production of broilers.

  1. Extensive - independent growth of mushrooms in the natural environment on the site. The harvest is the same as in nature. But there are also the same dangers - pests, weather changes, mycelium diseases.
  2. Intensive - active cultivation in prepared conditions - basement, on the balcony, pantry. Requires competent preparation nutrient medium, humidity and temperature control.

Mushrooms at home - technology

The traditional technology for growing mushrooms was described above - a prepared medium where the mycelium is placed, regular watering and light mode. After 3 weeks the first result appears. The alternative growing method is more labor intensive. Growing on logs or stumps of deciduous trees requires a long preparation stage (drying logs, cutting holes). The result will be only in a year. It can be called a plus unusual species mushrooms that can be grown - boletus, chanterelles, reishi.

There are alternative ways to grow mushrooms at home: ready-made kits purchased online, growing on coffee grounds. They look more like a hobby than actual breeding for food and sale. The result will be a minimum yield of the finished product. This option is especially interesting for preschool or school-age children as a home experiment.


Creating a mycelium for growing mushrooms - 40% of the time spent on cultivation. At the same time, experienced mushroom growers prefer to grow mycelium themselves, so as not to depend on sellers, because even time-tested suppliers can fail. The mycelium is grown on a grain substrate or wooden sticks. It depends on the type of future mushrooms.


An artificial substrate for growing mushrooms is the basis in which the mycelium develops. In terms of its chemical and mineral composition, it should be as close as possible to natural soil. The prepared substrate mass, with the correct composition (depending on the type of mycelium), will give greater yield in the absence of pathogenic factors and natural pests.

Under what conditions can mushrooms be grown?

Conditions for growing mushrooms various types are not different from each other. During incubation, the growth temperature (21 degrees Celsius) and high substrate humidity are maintained. During growth, it drops to 13 degrees at the same moisture level. For the maximum time, the mycelium and sprouted bodies are kept without direct access to light. Minor nuances are present only in the types of mushrooms.

Production equipment

Equipment for mushroom production at home can be easily assembled with your own hands. For the incubation period you will need an electric oven with a temperature controller. Stands for placing the substrate are shelves for trays, if these are ground types. In the case when the substrate is in bags, it is suspended on crossbars or directly to the ceiling. Actually, this is the minimum set for starting a business.

How to grow oyster mushrooms at home

The technology for growing oyster mushrooms is considered the most optimal for home conditions (can be found in the video below). The finished substrate with mycelium is placed in PVC bags for their entire volume, which must be placed half a meter from each other. They are installed on the floor or suspended; cuts of 2-3 cm are made in the film for growth and evaporation of excess moisture. The room temperature is about 20 degrees Celsius. Watering – 1 time/day.


Shiitake mushrooms (pictured) are grown using conventional “bag” technology. Sawdust from deciduous trees is used for the substrate. It is important to pay attention to the size of the sawdust mass. A fraction that is too small will form clumps and interfere with the aeration of the mycelium. The rest of the technological process is completely identical to the method of cultivating oyster mushrooms.

White mushrooms

Cultivation of porcini mushrooms best occurs on natural soil in a personal plot. But the harvest will be exclusively natural, that is, once per season. Indoor breeding requires a constant temperature of 8-12 degrees, good ventilation of the room with a humidity of 90-92%, and daily dim lighting must be turned on for a short period of time.


Growing champignons at home is considered the most expensive (in preparation), but quite profitable. The most expensive thing is to buy mycelium and prepare the substrate. The soil should initially be high in minerals and microelements. Humidity is maintained at 80% at a temperature of +12 degrees. The rest of the process of cultivating champignons is no different from porcini mushrooms.

Mushrooms have become a part of life modern man. Tasty, nutritious and valuable medicinal properties– they are present in the menus of fine dining restaurants, the culinary delights of the average housewife, and dietary nutrition for certain diseases.
Unfavorable ecology does not allow you to fully enjoy mushrooms grown in natural conditions. The fear of poisoning has long since transformed the traditional gathering in the forest into a pleasant memory. Fortunately, there is a worthy alternative - growing mushrooms at home. Growing mushrooms in small quantities is possible in ordinary apartment or on the balcony. But conditions with high (90-95%) humidity and periodic drops in temperature to 10-15C can hardly be called comfortable for humans.
But owners of a private house with a basement, barn or garage can easily grow mushrooms not only for their table, but also for sale.
To start, you will need three components - a suitable room, mushroom mycelium and substrate (or soil).

Before you start growing mushrooms, you can familiarize yourself with the mushroom business on our website.
The room can be above ground or underground. The main thing is that it is possible to create optimal humidity, ventilation, lighting and temperature regime. All these conditions are feasible and require a minimum of investment. To create a humidity of 90-95%, a household spray bottle is suitable. And with the help of a fan it is easy to produce artificial ventilation. For above-ground rooms, lighting from windows is sufficient; for underground rooms, 100-watt light bulbs are used at the rate of 1 per 20 sq.m. Although champignons do not need light; they bear fruit well without it.

How to grow mushrooms at home all year round.

Room temperature should vary depending on the stage of cultivation. For the incubation period it is 20-24C, and during fruiting – 10-15C. Therefore, in cold weather it is advisable adjustable heating, for example, stove or floor water.
The straw of cereal crops (wheat, barley, rye) or sunflower husk is used as a substrate for oyster mushrooms. When choosing it, it is important to consider:
— The main quality criterion are cleanliness, dryness, absence of mold, foreign odors and impurities.
— According to the degree of productivity Wheat straw is in first place, followed by rye and barley straw, and oat straw in last place.
Fresh husks are used, since it becomes infected during storage.

-For growing champignons better to use as a primer horse dung. But cow milk may also be suitable if you add straw, leaves, and potato tops to it.
Mushroom mycelium is nothing more than a mycelium, which is planted in the substrate, due to which mushrooms are formed.
Experienced entrepreneurs and mushroom growers advise starting to grow mushrooms with oyster mushrooms.

They are considered the most unpretentious, early ripening and least expensive to grow artificially.
The first harvest can be harvested within thirty days (45 in winter). Oyster mushrooms grow well at moderate humidity (80-85%) and wide temperature ranges (from +10 to + 30C). They grow wildly not only on straw and husks, but also on sawdust different trees, corn stalks and dry sugar cane fibers. The process of growing oyster mushrooms requires special mushroom blocks. In fact, this is a plastic bag into which the substrate, mushroom mycelium and bio-additives are poured. 2.5-3 kg is removed from one such block at a time. mushrooms Serving 100 blocks on an area of ​​30 sq. m. can easily be handled by one person.
Mushrooms bear fruit for quite a long time, up to 5 years.
As for champignons, they are able to grow in the absence of light, in cool (12-18C) and damp room(65-85%), by laying mycelium in the soil.
The first harvest can be harvested after 45-50 days, and subsequent ones - within 3 months.
Growing mushrooms at home is an affordable and economical activity that can bring pleasure and a stable income.

Oyster mushrooms on tree stumps video.

Fresh mushrooms on the table all year round? Why not! Many gardeners have been growing crops at home for a long time and enjoy natural, crunchy and low-calorie products. Even beginners can cultivate mushrooms at home. Important criteria in this matter are high-quality seeds, mycelium and conditions for planting and growing.

Skilled gardeners shared the secrets of mushroom growing and told how to achieve productive results.

Basics of home mushroom growing

Not all types of mushrooms are suitable for indoor use, with the exception of winter mushrooms. Their compact size allows you to grow the crop directly on the windowsill, and their unpretentiousness makes this process very simple.

In addition to honey mushrooms, you can grow oyster mushrooms and champignons at home. But they will require more serious conditions and separate premises.

Mushroom cultivation includes:

  • Suitable premises.
  • Optimal conditions are temperature, humidity and lighting.
  • Types of mycelium.
  • High quality seeds and spores.
  • Growing technology and containers.
  • Type of culture.

Before you start breeding, you need to decide on the type of plants and the method of cultivation; the choice of premises and creation depends on this. favorable conditions. Each type of mushroom requires a certain air temperature, humidity and ripening time. Therefore, the selection of varieties must be approached very seriously.

Types of indoor mushrooms

Most often, the most popular types of mushrooms are used in home production, which do not require much trepidation and hassle when growing in a garden plot or indoors. These can be woody or soil varieties, namely:

  1. 1. Oyster mushrooms - grow well at +16–20 degrees in a specially equipped room (continuous fruiting) or in natural conditions - in the garden (fruiting period is only 1 season). Harvesting occurs after 25–40 days. Suitable for beginners.
  2. 2. Champignons - considered the most expensive type of mushroom in the world initial stage. For cultivation, a substrate with a high content is purchased nutrients, high-quality mycelium and conditions for growth are created: good ventilation maintaining an air temperature of +12 degrees and a humidity of 80%, include diffused lighting daily, but at short term. Champignons ripen in approximately 30-40 days.
  3. 3. Shiitake - performed well in deciduous sawdust environments. PVC bags are filled with large sawdust from deciduous trees, hung by hooks or placed on pallets. Holes are made on the surface of the bag through which condensation escapes. Watering – 1 time per day. The cultivation technology is suitable for oyster mushrooms and shiitake, but the harvest of the latter will have to wait much longer.
  4. 4. Porcini mushrooms, like champignons, love compost humus with a high nitrogen content and high humidity (at least 90%), air temperature +8-12 degrees; as “whims”, daily illumination with diffused, dim light is required for a short period of time. It is possible to grow porcini mushrooms in the garden, but harvesting is seasonal.



All these delicacies can be purchased in the store at any time of the year, but homemade and grown with love and care are much tastier.

Growing methods

Growing methods are divided into several categories and determine the productivity of the crop and its volume. Some of them are suitable for homemade, and others for business.

  • The extensive method helps to breed a culture for home use: cooking, drying or preserving food in medium volumes. In this case, the mushrooms grow in the garden or country house, in a suitable place for them with high humidity and shade, the harvest here is small and seasonal. The advantages of this method are that it is cheap and easy to maintain - maintaining moisture and selecting a suitable stump or substrate. The downside is the risk of a lack of harvest in bad weather conditions (cold or extreme heat).
  • The intensive method lies in the equipment special premises for cultivation for industrial purposes or harvesting, regardless of the time of year. The disadvantage of this method is the investment and creation of the necessary requirements for the growth of mushrooms.

Optimal conditions and room for growing

Having decided on the type of mushrooms and the method of growing them, it is worth creating a favorable environment for the development of mycelium. First of all, you need to find a place or room. If planting will be done in the garden, you should choose an area protected from direct sunlight, with the necessary humidity and optimal temperature. Courses for beginner mushroom growers offer detailed information.

As a room for growing mushrooms, you can choose a basement, cellar or other building that meets the following requirements:

  • Availability of ventilation.
  • Ability to maintain a certain air temperature and humidity (install a heater if necessary).
  • Plenty of space to accommodate shelving with boxes or bags.
  • Additional lighting.
  • An area for processing raw materials and storing crops (preferably protected by a partition).

A greenhouse can be adapted for cultivation by equipping it with a heater.

Necessary materials

In addition to the premises, you will need mycelium (mycelium, seeds), substrate and containers for germination.

Mycelium is the root system or germinated seeds of mushrooms that are placed in a nutrient medium for future growth and harvest. The mycelium can be purchased online, at a nursery or a specialty store. It looks like a layer of sawdust infected with fungal spores.

The containers most often used are boxes (for champignons), plastic bags (for oyster mushrooms) and tree logs (for oyster mushrooms and shiitake mushrooms). In the basement, metal racks are made, on which containers or bags with mycelium are distributed. And for convenience, mushroom growers recommend isolating the area work surface partition for processing, cleaning and storage harvested.

Selecting a substrate for planting

Along with the purchase of mycelium, it is necessary to purchase a substrate in which the “mushroom seedlings” will multiply. Each type of mushroom is suitable for a specific habitat. For example, champignons and porcini mushrooms grow well in compost, oyster mushrooms grow well in straw, and shiitake mushrooms grow well in sawdust.

The substrate can be purchased ready-made in plastic bags or prepared independently. As a nutrient mixture for champignons you will need:

  • Any manure.
  • Rye or wheat straw (fresh and oven-roasted for pests and fungi).
  • Mineral components (chalk, urea, saltpeter, superphosphate, meat and bone meal or gypsum).

All ingredients must be fresh, otherwise harmful microflora will simply destroy the crop or develop much stronger than the seedlings. The best substrate for oyster mushrooms is considered to be wheat straw or sunflower husks (as fresh as possible). A good harvest will come from rye or barley straw, but not so much from oat straw.

Straw or sawdust is sterilized to remove pathogenic viruses and diseases. This can be done in a regular kitchen microwave. Chopped straw is placed in a large ceramic container and filled with water for impregnation, after which it is sent to the oven for drying.

After processing the substrate, heated straw and mycelium are placed in a container (basin, bowl, pan, box), mixed, heated in a warm place at a temperature of +21 degrees and placed in a dark place for 3 weeks.

On day 21, the overgrown mycelium is placed in a cool place (cellar) to ripen and form a harvest. The mixture is moistened as necessary, but overmoistening should be avoided. The first collection will appear in 2.5-3 weeks. The mushroom is considered suitable for cutting when the cap is fully formed and separated from the stem.

Mushrooms on a tree

You can grow mushrooms not only in nutrient substrate, but also on the trunk deciduous tree, cut a week ago. This method will require a suitable log (poplar, oak, elm, maple) and birch plugs infected with mycelium (these are commercially available). Holes 5 cm deep are cut out on the log in a checkerboard pattern and filled with plugs that already contain fungal spores. Distribution occurs over the entire surface of the log; the distance between the plugs should be at least 10–15 cm.

When carrying out this procedure, you should be as careful as possible and adhere to hygiene: wash your hands thoroughly with soap and disinfect tools (hammer, drill bit). When plugging holes, you need to make sure that there is no debris in the area on the plugs.

Gradually, the mycelium from the birch blanks will spread throughout the entire log, and mushrooms will form on the cracks. This will take from 9 to 12 months. The harvested log is placed in a basement with optimal conditions and the required humidity.

Coffee grounds as soil

Possessing high antifungal actions coffee grounds can also be used as a substrate for germinating mushroom culture. After heat treatment (brewing a coffee drink), it is ready for use. Only a fresh portion of ground grains is suitable. At home, it is unlikely that you will be able to collect such a quantity of grounds, but you can solve the problem by asking for waste at the nearest coffee shop.

The grounds contain a large number of microelements necessary for the growth of mushrooms: manganese, potassium, magnesium, nitrogen, etc. As container will do a regular freezer bag with holes punched in it. This soil is good for growing oyster mushrooms; it is not suitable for other crops.

To germinate, the mycelium is mixed with grounds and placed in a bag, which is stored for 25-30 days in a dark but warm room. When the substrate turns white, make a couple of holes in the bag. Spraying is carried out through them. The first mushrooms will appear from there.

Porcini mushrooms are valued for their unique aromatic and taste properties. This is one of the most popular types of boletus among gourmets around the world. globe. They contain a huge amount useful substances, fiber and vegetable proteins. The only drawback is the seasonality of this species, because you can see them on sale only in the warm autumn, at the very height of the mushroom season. Of course, it’s very nice to go looking for mushrooms in the forest or buy them from experienced mushroom pickers, but it’s even nicer when they grow in your dacha.

In this article you will learn how in a parallel universe you can grow porcini mushrooms at home in your garden plot, but in practice this idea will end an absolute failure. Let's try to figure out why.

To grow a porcini mushroom at home you will have to sweat a lot and uselessly. The thing is that this variety is in close symbiosis with its habitat, namely trees (spruce, oak, pine, birch). They do not grow under leaves, but in places with moss cover.

Boletuses are very demanding on the climate, and their largest harvest can be observed after a foggy night, with high air humidity. The place for growing porcini mushrooms should be well lit and warm. However, to recreate similar climatic conditions for home grown impossible!

Do not pay attention to the articles and videos found on the Internet, this is all pure deception, just read the comments!

Requirements for the premises and conditions for growing porcini mushrooms at home: necessary equipment

As a rule, various articles write that porcini mushrooms can be grown on personal plots, recreating their natural environment or in greenhouses (specially equipped premises). An ordinary greenhouse, which is empty after the last harvest, is also suitable.

Many desperate advisers suggest growing porcini mushrooms even at home on the windowsill.

However, you should not consider the option of growing porcini mushrooms at home on window sills or on the balcony - this is just a waste of time. We repeat once again, home conditions are absolutely unsuitable for this lesson.

In some articles you can read that ideal option for intensive cultivation of porcini mushrooms will be isolated basement, as it retains temperature and humidity well. But this is not enough! To grow mushrooms at home you will need special equipment, which includes:

  1. Heating system with temperature regulator. Optimal temperature for growing porcini mushrooms is 15° - 18°C. For supporting required level temperature will require a heating system.
  2. Air conditioning system. Any varieties of mushrooms, including porcini mushrooms, grow exclusively on fresh air. Indoors, with high temperature and high humidity, the air becomes stale and saturated carbon dioxide, which significantly slows down their development. The room must be systematically ventilated. For this purpose, special hoods are installed that remove dirty air and supply fresh air.
  3. Fluorescent lamps. Porcini mushrooms are very light-loving, as they naturally grow in open areas. That is why their myceliums have to be illuminated. Best to use special lamps with diffused lighting for greenhouses. They can be purchased at any large garden center.
  4. Shelving. To optimize the space in the room, special racks are installed on which containers with the substrate are placed. This allows you to fill the area more efficiently and significantly increase the number of landing places. Naturally, you can do without shelving by placing containers on the floor, but with this method, significantly fewer containers will fit. Can be used as growing containers plastic pots, plastic bottles volume 6 l, felt bags.

Before you start planting mycelium, it is necessary to disinfect the room. The floor and shelving are treated with a 0.4% sulfate solution, and the walls and ceiling are covered with a mixture of lime and copper sulfate. Additionally, the room is treated with a smoke bomb.

Note! You should not believe these tips; no equipment will help you grow porcini mushrooms at home. Another thing - or!

How to grow porcini mushrooms at home: growing technology

Equipping a basement into a greenhouse for growing mushrooms should not break the budget. All materials are available and easily replaceable. It is important to do everything correctly so that the invested funds do not go to waste, but pay off and generate income. To do this, you must strictly follow the technology for growing porcini mushrooms.

Note! There is no technology for growing porcini mushrooms at home! Everything that is written below is an invention of storytellers!

Substrate preparation

As mentioned earlier, the difficulty of growing porcini mushrooms lies in recreating the conditions of their natural habitat, namely in fertile soil. Specialized stores sell ready-made soil for growing mushrooms, but not a single manufacturer will give you a guarantee of the quality of such a substrate. Fertile, natural and quality mixture You can cook it yourself, and most importantly, it will be completely free. To do this, you need to collect dry field grass, dry leaves of trees (birch, oak, acorn), small twigs with needles coniferous plants. It is recommended to add some dried moss to the substrate. All components must be dry, as they must be crushed in a special garden harvester. The porcini mushroom grows in sandy and loamy soils. Add a little sifted sand and dry clay to the already crushed mixture in a ratio of 4:1. The substrate for growing porcini mushrooms should sit for about two weeks in a dry and warm place before planting.

Selection and purchase of mycelium

For ready-made substrates, purchased mycelium of various varieties is used. Plant it according to the manufacturer's instructions. If you prepared the soil yourself, then planting material It's worth preparing accordingly. Already formed porcini mushrooms are suitable as seedlings; you can even use a spoiled mushroom, the main thing is that the cap remains intact. Next, you need to separate the caps and twist them into a meat grinder or chop them very finely with a knife. The crushed caps are placed for 4 hours in a weak solution of manganese (1 gram per 10 liters) and sugar (10 cubes). Thus, you receive a nutrient mixture that contains fungal spores.


The ready-made substrate must be distributed among planting containers. The substrate is poured in an even layer of 30–35 centimeters, lightly pressing down the top layer to create a more even relief. It is necessary to place drainage at the bottom of the container, which will give air gap, and fertile soil will breathe, because this is very important for mushrooms. Next, planting material is distributed evenly over the surface, which must again be covered with substrate (about 3–4 cm from above), without pressing down. At the time of planting, the room temperature should be 27° and remain at this level until the first shoots.

Further care

After planting, the first shoots appear already on the 7-9th day. It is very important to maintain the correct climatic conditions, temperature, humidity and lighting. The temperature is maintained at the same level throughout the entire period from planting to germination. It is necessary to regularly moisten the soil and indoor air. To do this, you can use ordinary sprayers and spray the soil with them. It is recommended to place containers of water near heating devices or hang wet towels, sheets, and rags. This way you will achieve optimal air humidity. It is necessary to ventilate the room twice a day to ensure a good flow of oxygen. Porcini mushrooms are light-loving, so they will have to be illuminated with fluorescent lamps (5-6 hours a day). After germination, the temperature in the room should be lowered by 10°, to approximately 16° - 17°. After the first harvest, the mycelium will come out and will be above the level fertile soil. To avoid drying out, the mycelium should be sprinkled with the remaining substrate. For larger offspring, add a fifth to the substrate ammonium nitrate. The soil is scattered evenly, covering the stems of the mushrooms.


Already 22–25 days after planting, the first harvest can be harvested. The fruiting period of porcini mushrooms is 40–45 days with a frequency of 10–12 days. It is recommended not to cut the mushrooms with a knife, as many people prefer, but to carefully twist them so as not to damage the mycelium. The hole that remains after removing the mushroom must be sprinkled; a new one will grow in that place. If you follow all the growing rules, you can harvest about 20 - 25 kg from one m²!

You will get such a harvest of porcini mushrooms only if you go around the entire forest yourself!

Important! Don't believe videos like this, but rather just read the comments under it.

There are more than enough mushroom lovers in our country! But to go into the forest for a “quiet hunt” you need the right weather and certain climatic conditions. Not everyone will think about growing mushrooms at home, and even on an almost industrial scale. Most people consider this to be science fiction. However, everything is real. And we will tell you further how to grow mushrooms in a greenhouse or at home.

The very thought of growing mushrooms at home poses a choice of a specific species. All varieties suitable for home breeding do not require special material costs or additional effort. The only exception is champignons, but experienced gardener

  • will cope with this problem too. The choice must be made, first of all, based on the desired profit. All varieties of mushrooms suitable for growing at home can be classified into two main types:
  • woody;

soil The first include the well-known shiitake, oyster mushrooms, and winter mushrooms. But the second one includes no less popular champignons and ring mushrooms. Even if there is small areas The harvest can be excellent.

That is why these varieties are recommended for cultivation on an industrial scale.

Growing technology for beginners The bulk of the time needed to grow mushrooms is spent creating the mycelium. However, the advice of experienced mushroom growers suggests that it is better to grow this material yourself. After all, even the best and most trusted suppliers fail badly from time to time.

  • Mycelium can be grown in two ways:
  • in grain substrate;

on wooden sticks.

The choice depends on what kind of mushrooms you plan to grow.

Growing mushrooms on a nutrient substrate

Mycelium is grown in a specific substrate. It is recommended to ensure that its chemical and mineral composition is as similar as possible to the one in which mushrooms grow in natural conditions. The composition of this medium must again be selected depending on the type of mushrooms being grown.

For example, shiitakes feel more comfortable in wood, champignons - in compost, but oyster mushrooms prefer straw. With proper care, chopped straw and sawdust can provide a harvest of any of the listed types of mushrooms. However, the substrate must be of high quality. This is ensured by its dryness, absence of mold, and also unpleasant odors

and third-party impurities.

Wheat straw is best suited for growing mushrooms. You can also use rye or barley. Oyster mushrooms can be propagated in sunflower husks. However, you need to use only fresh material, since old material can multiply pathogenic bacteria. The mycelium is the base in which the a large number of

germinated mushroom spores. As soon as this base is placed in the substrate, the process of active growth begins. Initially, only the appearance of thin threads can be observed, which over time turn into edible mushrooms. It is worth purchasing high-quality planting material only in specialized stores. Preference should be given to wood containing viable fungal spores. They will be more resistant to diseases. Than those planted from grain mycelium. You can also buy regular mushroom spores.

Only in this case will it take more time and effort to grow your crop. The procedure will be similar to growing any crop from seeds. Beginners should avoid this method. To obtain maximum yield, you need to ensure that the mycelium is distributed as thoroughly as possible in the compost. To do this, the plantings need to be kept warm. They can be heated using a special electric pad. Heat is needed only during the incubation period. Once the mushrooms enter the growth phase, it is best to keep them cool.

A glazed and insulated balcony is well suited for this.

As a rule, shoots appear in the third week after planting the mycelium. Readiness for harvest is determined by the cap. You need to cut off ready-made mushrooms exclusively with a knife, so as not to injure those that are still in the soil and are just getting ready to produce a harvest. The finished collection can be used either immediately or after preliminary freezing.

Other ways to grow mushrooms at home

In addition to the basic ones, there are also additional ways to grow mushrooms. True, they do not bring such large-scale results and are used mainly by children as experiments. For example, some types of mushrooms can be grown on log blanks. For this Logs up to half a meter long are cut from deciduous trees. This must be done at least 2 weeks before colonization with mycelium.

In the resulting workpiece, holes are made in a checkerboard pattern at a distance of 10 cm. After this, it is necessary to compact the sticks with mycelium. A hammer can be used for this procedure.

Before starting work, you must disinfect your hands and make sure that there is no debris in the holes.

Logs filled with mycelium are placed in the basement and wait until it fills the entire space. The procedure is lengthy and can take up to 1 year. The key conditions are temperature and humidity.

There is a known method of growing mushrooms on coffee grounds. It contains many microelements:

  • manganese;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • nitrogen.

This environment is ideal for oyster mushrooms. In addition, coffee grounds do not need to be subjected to additional sterilization. The disadvantage of this method is that it is very difficult to get a large amount of freshly roasted cake at home. You'll have to ask for it at the nearest cafe. The growing container can be regular freezer bags or ice cream containers.

The mycelium must be mixed with the cake, and then close the container tightly. It can be stored under the sink. Germination time will be about 1 month. As soon as the surface turns white, you need to cut a small hole in the top of the bag. Through it you need to spray with water 2 times a day. After a week, you will notice how small mushrooms begin to grow.

Growing porcini mushrooms and other species at home for beginners is a very exciting and useful activity. The needs of your family can be fully satisfied, even without special skills and large areas. The main thing is patience and the desire to see the result. After all, you can grow them all year round!