Graduation with Carlson and Miss Bock. How did we go to kindergarten? it's time to hide, it seems she's coming

The ball flew away and melted,
Can't catch up, can't return,
But still our memory
Holds the thread tightly to childhood!

Composition for the entrance to the hall “Clouds are floating in the sky”

Presenter - Sound, fanfares and trumpets!

The children are rushing to the joyful holiday.

Today we are taking the kids to school,

It's time to say goodbye to kindergarten!

Meet the most fun and unique graduates of 2016!

Children in groups go to the center of the hall, performing a short dance composition, the leader introduces them.

  1. They charmed everyone around them, always in harmony with the world and themselves,

Mila is friendly with everyone, beautiful both in appearance and in soul.

  1. Slightly lazy and a little imposing, he is dressed stylishly and good-looking,

He looks like a dandy from a magazine, anyone will tell you that!

  1. Artists! Created for the stage, people are used to surprising
  1. Always in good mood laugh themselves, make their friends laugh,

They sparkle with laughter and fun, and their heads are full of ideas.

  1. They look at the world with open eyes, are always resourceful, smart,
  1. They will find an approach to any girl, they dream about them in the evening and during the day,

Serious passions are boiling in the group, who can dance with them together?

  1. I checked everything, folded it and put it in order,

She lit everyone up with a smile and lifted everyone’s spirits.

And he doesn’t walk, but flutters like a dragonfly in spring,

Her gray eyes shine like stars.

  1. There is nothing to surprise them, they will always bring everyone up to date,

Who brought what, where he went, will be told quickly and skillfully.

  1. He is a mystery to everyone in the area, he is independent and smart,

Like everyone else, he doesn’t want to be at all, he only goes his own way.

Presenter - Today we are escorting our children to first grade,

As a farewell, we invite you to dance a preschool waltz.

Farewell waltz, a little sad, it’s not easy to spin in it

Farewell waltz, farewell in a light prom dress.


1 - We have gathered together with you

Not for sadness, not for tears

Today, look for yourself, we

Brighter than the brightest stars.

2 - Let the dawn always burn in the window,

Blazing with bright rays

Let the calendar pages fly.

This means that you and I are growing.

3 - Our kids have become a year older.

We dream of entering first grade as soon as possible.

Why are our teachers sad?

And tears fall from gentle eyes?

4 - We once lost socks and tights,

You were angry with us over such little things,

But they always remained calm and meek,

Dealing with socks. And they knew where - whose!

5 - Today we will tell you: your work cannot be appreciated,

Patience and care cannot be measured by anything!

We will never tire of thanking you for your work!

We will remember you! And we will love!

6 - Well, that's all! The time has come to say goodbye.

And the school is waiting for yesterday's preschoolers.

Everything is ahead of us, but only in kindergarten

We will never return.

7 — There are crosses and toes on the sidewalk,

The flowers wave “Goodbye”.

We're leaving - we're almost like schoolchildren,

We are leaving - you are staying...

8 - Here they sang about mother, spring, New Year,

They sang about the sun, danced in a circle...

We begin to sing a farewell song.

After all, we are leaving kindergarten forever!

Song "Kindergarten - a magical country"

9 — My first step!

My first friend!

I remembered all this and suddenly it became bright!

I thank you with all my heart

Everyone who has walked this long path with me!

10 - My dear doll,

The hour of farewell is coming!

Girls favorite dolls

Never forget!

11 - You can talk to the doll,

Reveal all the secrets to her!

Sing her a simple song,

Tell a story quietly.

You can take a walk with the doll,

Spin around in a quick dance.

And now it's time to say goodbye -

We're going to school to learn!

12 — My ball is bright, cheerful,

You came to say goodbye.

Follow us to school

And score a goal!

Dance "Farewell Toys"

Presenter - The holiday started off great!

Children, do you agree with me?

Maybe a song, maybe a dance?

Presenter - Well, of course, it's a fairy tale!

Yes, today comes the hour that we have all been waiting for.

We gathered for the last time in this cozy room.

We are both sad and happy, and our hearts still beat!

Today, even if for the last time, the fairy tale will return to us again!

King Pea enters and sings.

1. The Tsar has Peas

Life is going quite well.

2. I manage everything in the world

All children should know me

Wow, wow, they love Father Tsar.

3. I’ll stomp, I’ll stomp with my heel,

Let me walk sideways.

Wow, wow, they love Father Tsar.

Tsar- What kind of meeting is this? Who gathered all the children here?

What kind of company is this? Why are there so many people?

Presenter - The holiday is here! After all, summer is coming soon, then autumn will come to us -

Autumn will send all our children to school to learn!

Tsar- “To school!” How cunning! School... What else is this miracle?

Maybe an overseas fruit? Explain to me here!

Presenter - This is where at first they will torture you, but then they will teach you everything!

Tsar- School! They found a miracle for me! I'll finish the school quickly!

All the people will go to the Tsar’s school, so cute!

Here! The decree is already ready!

Presenter - Let's read... "At this very hour

I'll tell everyone to come to school! Everyone will study now!”

But tell us a secret, where will you open this school?

Tsar“The children all came here, they studied all the approaches...

I can't find a better place. The school will be here! In the garden!

And to make it more interesting, I’ll bring the princess here!

She could use some studying here too!

Let him take his girlfriends - they need to study too!

He leaves, calling the princess.

Presenter - And word spread around the world about this Tsar’s school!

In fairy tales, everyone was fussing - they were suddenly in a hurry to go to school!

Two daughters and Cinderella come out.

1 daughter- Cinderella! Where are you, lazy one? Knock out all the carpets!

2 - Wash the windows, floor, stove - get it clean!

1- You should, so be it, give me a new broom!

2 - And to boot - garbage! Lovely! So that you don't stay too long!

Together- Mother will come soon and bring us gifts!

Stepmother enters.

Stepmother- Why is it so dirty here? Did not make it? So, everything is clear!

I don't want to listen to you! Go away! Prepare us to eat!

Daughters! What have I learned! My neighbor told me

A school has been opened in the kindergarten! Learned and you're done:

You will become a princess in no time!

Daughters- We will go to study together!

Song of a stepmother and her two daughters

They go behind the curtain.

Cinderella- And I would like to go there, but another thing awaits me...

There is no end in sight to all the work! How offensive this is, after all!

Leaves. The Tsar and the Princess enter.

Princess- I do not want to study! I won't! Don't want! I won't!

Tsar- Quiet! Calm down! Take a better look!

Do you see what is happening in the world? Children are starting school!

Princess- What a miracle! What kind of school is this?

There are different professors in the castle since the morning

They teach me non-stop!

Tsar- It’s just not much use!

Princess- Still studying? Don't want! And I will teach others:

Rather than enrolling in this school, it’s better to sit and not care!

Tsar- Daughter! What kind of manners? You should be an example!

But other guests are coming! Come in! Please, please!

The stepmother and daughters come in.

Stepmother- Tsar! Where are you? My respect! Congratulations!


1- This is... Whatever... Congratulations and I wish you something!

So, get moving, give me your diploma!

2 - No - no - no! Listen to me! My knowledge is better!

Twice two is 4! Dot! You'll give me my diploma, right?

Presenter - No, listen, friends! Well, you can’t do it right away!

Hush... Someone is walking there, singing a gentle song!

Cinderella's song

Tsar- This is what I understand! And I accept it!

Who sings so beautifully? I'll give her a diploma, that's clear!


1 - So it’s me: la - la - la - la!

2 - No, it’s me: la - la - la - la!

Presenter - Who's standing over there on the sidelines?

Daughters and stepmother: (covering her with his back) One nasty girl!

Presenter - You are Cinderella! And your singing

It was a wonderful performance!

Enter Professor Sour Shchi.

Professor- Hello, Your Majesty!

Princess-Who are you?

Professor— I would like to introduce myself quickly:

I am Professor Kislykh Shchi!

Princess— (laughs) You made me laugh, wow!

What is it like - Sour Shchi?

Professor- Don’t rush to laugh,

Write down my recipe.

Princess- Why do I need to know how cabbage soup is cooked?

I'm not a cook. I'm a princess.

It will take me a long time to find the letter.

And I have no interest in this.

Professor- Does it matter what letter it is?

Either this letter or another...

Don't strain, don't search.

It is important that the cabbage soup be sour!

Princess- Wow, professor...And I like you!

Leading(to the children) - That's it, princess! That's how Professor Kislykh Shchi is! They don’t even know the letters and are happy. We'll have to teach them.

Game “Collect the word”

Princess- I don’t want to learn letters! And keep quiet!

Professor– It is important that the cabbage soup be sour!

If you don't want to repeat the letters -

Let's start the dance! (claps his hands)

We will invite overseas guests now

And we will start dancing together.

Gentlemen's dance

Princess- Oh, how beautifully they danced... They didn’t take me to the dance!

And there were seven of you dancing here!

Princess- But I sing like that! Ta-ra-ra!…

Leading- And we are all masters of singing!

Song "Teach us music"

Princess- Oh, how beautifully they sing! Do they even know your notes?

Leading- You should study at school! Learning will come in handy in life!

And do physical exercise!

Princess - Yes, apparently, you need to sign up...

Oh, it’s time to run then and take a place at school!

Tsar- So, I ran... And I didn’t manage to open a school here... And the children will soon go to a real school... And I will be left without them in my fairy tales, all alone...

Leading- Don’t be sad, Father Tsar! Children go to school, but do not leave the wonderful country of Childhood. And they will be with you for a long time!

Let's go back from fairy tales to kindergarten.

Let's see and listen to our guys!

14 - Goodbye, our beloved, kind kindergarten!

We were together for many years in a row!

And now we are parting - we have to go to school,

But we will not forget you on our life’s journey!

15 - We will remember more than once that kind planet,

Where sunrises meet the rays of the eyes,

Where sunny dreams where are the star paths,

Where you can hear laughs and sadness in the songs.

16 - Here they believe in magic, here they are friends with miracles,

All fairy tales in reality come to visit themselves.

Here the clouds are not visible, but the smiles make it crowded -

“Planet of Childhood” flies under the sail of spring.

Song "Childhood"

Presenter - Our graduates learned a lot in kindergarten. Now we need an experienced teacher who will check and evaluate their readiness for school. Just who should I invite? Perhaps I’ll call the Good Offices Bureau so that they can send such a specialist to us.

The presenter takes the phone and dials the number. The sounds of telephone beeps are heard.

Presenter - Hello! Please send an experienced teacher to our kindergarten to test the knowledge of children going to school.

The presenter dictates the address.

Presenter - Thank you very much (hangs up the phone). While the teacher is coming to us, I suggest not to be bored,

It's very fun and friendly

Sing a song, or dance.

Summer is just around the corner!

Don't forget about this!

Dance "Summer"

After the end of the dance, the hat that the dancers “lost” remains in the hall.

Leading- It’s not for nothing that this hat remained in our hall (listens). Exactly! She is magical. With the help of this hat we can read thoughts, get answers to questions, and just get to know each other. Shall we try?

Questions for boys:

1.- What day do you think it is today?
/What a wonderful day/

2.- What car will you drive in 10 years?
/black BMW/

  1. - Do you go to school eagerly or are you a little afraid?
    /What is snow to me, what is rain to me/
  2. - Will you tell your friends at school if they are called to the blackboard?
    /I don’t know anything...I won’t tell anyone anything/
  3. - Will you spy on your friend at school?
    /Oh, once again/
  4. - What will you think if you are called to answer to the board in the 6th lesson?
    /Tili-tili, trawl-vali/

For girls:

  1. - What is our _________ thinking about?
    /After all, that’s who I am/
  2. - Our hat knows all __________ secrets.
    /I'm a fashionista, I'm a fashionista.../

Questions for parents:

  1. - Summer will pass quickly and what awaits our parents from September 1?
    /Not a moment of peace/
  2. - How do you think. What is necessary for your child to be successful in school?
    /Two tape recorders.../
  3. - Let's meet this dad, introduce yourself...
    /I'm smart and handsome.../
  4. - Do you need a lot of money to be happy?
    /Million US dollars/

Manager's question:

  1. - Do you like our holiday?
    /It’s great that we all gathered today/

There is a knock on the door. Freken Bock enters the hall with a cat sitting in special cage for transporting animals.

Freken Bock - Hello! You need a housekeeper, honest, with good character? So this is me! My name is Freken Bock.

Presenter - But we invited an experienced teacher, a teacher.

Freken Bock - Who needs to be educated here?

Presenter - There is no need to educate anyone. But we would really like to know how our children prepared for school.

Freken Bock - Well, where do we start? (Takes out notebooks and pens and puts them on the table, then barely audibly says.) Oh, what a torment it is to raise children. (Loudly.) For now, get ready, and I’ll go wash my hands. Matilda (affectionately addresses the cat), let's go, I'll show you a place where you can rest, my treasure.

Freken Bock leaves. Carlson noisily enters the hall, holding a briefcase in his hands.

Carlson - Hello guys! (The guys greet in unison.) Why don’t you ask where I’ve been all this time? (Children ask a question.) I was with my grandmother. You know what kind of grandmother I have! As soon as she sees me, she shouts to the whole village: “Karlson, dear!” He'll swoop in and hug you. She is my champion hugger. Don’t believe me?.. (Looks at the guys with bewilderment.) What are you doing here?

The children answer that today is their kindergarten graduation.

Carlson - And how will your knowledge be tested?.. And by whom?.. Now I’ll check myself to see how ready you are for school. (Takes out a notebook and pen. Looks at the children.) Oh, it seems like someone is coming.

He puts the notebook and pen back into his briefcase. Hides behind a chair. There he puts a sheet on himself, turning into a ghost. Freken Bon enters the hall with buns on a tray, which she places on the table, and she sits down in a chair next to her.

Freken Bock - So! Are all the children there? I'll check it now.

Freken Bok conducts the roll call of the children, while Carlson “steals” the buns one by one... After the roll call, Freken Bok puts the notebook-magazine on the table and sees that there is nothing left on the tray.

Freken Bock - Excuse me, where are my buns?

Carlson(speaks from behind a chair) - Madam!

Freken Bock - By the way, mademoiselle!

Carlson(jumps out from behind the chair, waving his arms) — Mademoiselle, greetings from the best motorized ghost in the world.

Freken Bock - Brrr! They told me that I shouldn’t watch TV from morning to evening. Here's the result!

Carlson(gets down on one knee, takes Freken Bock's hand) - Well, let's get acquainted!

Freken Bock(takes his hand away) - Don’t, I’m afraid of you.

Carlson(takes her hand again) - But why?

Freken Bock - I'm afraid of ghosts (removes his hand again and runs out the door).

Carlson- Well, she ran away (takes off the sheet). I do not play like that. Let's have some fun, guys.

M musical game “One-two-three-four-re-five”

Children perform exercises to the music: jumping, running in place, side gallop, etc.

Carlson(sitting down in a chair) - Take a seat. Let's continue the conversation.

Freken Bock enters.

Freken Bock -(comes to the table) - Excuse me, who is this?

Carlson(gets up from his chair) - I am Carlson, who lives on the roof. I am a man anywhere, in full bloom!

Freken Bock - So you were the one buzzing in my ears?

Carlson- Well, to be honest, me!

Freken Bock - So you stole my buns?

He takes a carpet beater from the table and runs after Carlson around the hall.

Carlson- Stop! And your milk has run out.

Freken Bock(stopping abruptly) - God! The milk ran away... Excuse me, what kind of milk? I don’t have any milk... I played it again. Naughty girl!

Carlson- Yes, I like to have fun. I like it when everyone around me laughs. And now

let the guys dance something sporty and fun. At the same time, we’ll check your progress in physical education.

Sports dance

Freken Bock - The next exam is to familiarize yourself with the objects around us.

It will be necessary to name what students should take with them to school.

Carlson- I! I know!

He takes out various objects from his briefcase and explains their purpose. For example: jam, if you are hungry and want to eat; bell, if you are tired of sitting in class, you can ring it, then the teacher will think that the lesson is over and let everyone go; a toy to prevent boredom in class; candy, box, etc.

Their dialogue is interrupted by Dunno, cheerfully bursting into the hall.

Dunno - Hello, girls and boys! And what are you doing here?!.. Is it a holiday?.. Interesting! And what kind of holiday is this today?.. Graduation?!! So why are you sitting so modestly?!.. We need to celebrate so that everyone around knows that the kids are graduating today! Well, we all shout loudly and together “Hurray!” and clap your hands!!! 3-4!

Well done! Well, now, tell me, how are you going to live further?.. Childhood is all - bye bye, over! It's time adult life start off! Tomorrow, you'll probably go to work to get a job! Here you are, boy, what do you want to work as?.. Probably a pilot?..

And you, girl, are probably a doctor?.. But this boy looks like a banker!.. What are you up to - to school, to school! Is it really necessary to study at school first in order to work as a pilot, doctor or banker?...And how many years do you need to study?..

Eleven years?!.. But why so many? I, for example, without any study, will take it and become... Oh! Invented! School director!!! And what? I have a hat and a tie too! All is decided! I'll be the director!

Freken Bock - Wait, wait! Who are you?

Dunno- What, you didn’t recognize me? My name is Dunno

From me to you a balalaika!!!

Presenter - Wait, Dunno, director, this is good. But to be a director you need to know a lot.

Dunno - And I already know a lot.

Presenter - Now let's check... You have 2 apples in your pocket...

Dunno -(feels in his pockets) Are you lying?! I don't have any apples!

Presenter - This is how the problem says that you have 2 apples in your pocket. Someone took one apple from you, how many are left?

Dunno - Two!

Presenter - And why?

Dunno - But I won’t give Nect the apple. Even if he fights and screams!

Freken Bock - Think, Dunno, what if someone still took one apple. How much is left?

Dunno - No one.

Freken Bock - Why?

Dunno - And I managed to eat them!

Freken Bock - No, Dunno, you don’t know how to solve problems and you definitely won’t become a director.

Dunno - What should I do?

Freken Bock - Pack your briefcase urgently. Maybe you’ll still have time to go to school with our kids.

Dunno - But I don't know what to put in my briefcase.

Freken Bock – Then look at the guys. Let them collect only in a briefcase school supplies. I need two students. At my signal, they will collect in a briefcase everything they will need at school. Whoever does this faster will win.

Freken Bock rings the bell, and the guys compete to collect school supplies in a briefcase.

Game "School Bazaar"

Several hoops contain different items, including school supplies. Children run in circles. When the music ends, they take one of the school supplies and put it in their briefcase. The winner is the one who never mixes things up and collects only school supplies in his briefcase.

Dunno - Thank you guys for your help! You know so much! I’ll run and collect my briefcase! (runs away)

Freken Bock – And I see that you know and can do a lot, but at school you will have to sit and listen to the teacher for a long time, remember a lot, and prepare your lessons. To do this you need to be diligent, organized and very attentive. Carlson and I will now check to what extent you have cultivated these qualities in yourself.

Carlson takes several (5-b) toys and places them in front of the children. The children look at them for one minute.

Carlson- Look carefully at the toys, remember them and how they stand. Now let's close our eyes. One-two, one-two.

Children close their eyes, and at this time Carlson removes one toy or swaps them.

Freken Bock - Now take a look and quickly tell me what has changed here?

The first one to name the changes wins.

Carlson- Well, I don’t play like that - I cope with all the tasks, I can’t even come up with anything. Do you know how to dance?

School polka

Leading— At parting, we’ll tell you, we’ll even show you something:

How we played in kindergarten, what we read, drew,

How we had fun together and what we learned!

17 - You were our favorite home

He warmed me with his warmth.

And more than once we will remember

About you, kindergarten later.

We know in the group at the window

Every indoor flower.

Carefully planted in the ground

Delicate, thin sprout.

18 — Setting the table for dinner

Learned etiquette.

And they drew in albums

House, trees and dawn.

The builders were here

Doctors and tailors.

In this bedroom hundreds of times

We rested during a quiet time.

19 - And more than once, during leisure hours,

Sitting quietly on the carpet.

Together with the book we visited

In a kind, fairy-tale country.

In September other children

They will come to the good group.

Well, we'll close the doors:

Great things await us.

20 - Our kindergarten, goodbye

Our dear, beloved home.

We'll sing to you goodbye

We call you little Motherland.

Song "Goodbye, kindergarten"

21 - Today we are leaving you.

We are sad, well, what can we say.

We came last time with flowers,

To thank you for everything

For your care and affection,

For great and honorable work,

For health, songs and fairy tales,

And for everything that was taught here.

Presenting bouquets

Freken Bock - Well, guys, you completed all the tasks, everyone has excellent grades and you are ready for school. And I will be happy to present you with diplomas. But there are so many of them that I’m calling your manager for help.

Leading- This is where our farewell celebration ends.

Carlson- And it's all? Well, I don't play like that! Where are the fireworks? Where are the balls in the sky? Am I in vain?

Leading- Dear guests! We ask you to come with us to the fountain to release wishing balls into the sky. And you are with us, dear Carlson!

Music plays, everyone leaves the hall.

22 – Blue balloon

I'm holding the thread.

I'll release him into the sky

And I’ll say goodbye to him.

23 - He will soar above the earth,

Flying into the clouds

And then hello last

It will be sent to me from afar.

Childhood balloon

You can't be caught up.

Don't even hope

That we'll meet again.

24 - But I ask you very much,

So that on the wings of spring

Definitely came back

At least flew into dreams.

They release the balls into the sky

25 — The ball flew away and melted,

Can't catch up, can't return,

But still our memory

Holds the thread tightly to childhood!

Olga Eremenko
Scenario “Graduation in kindergarten with Freken Bock”

This year, in our kindergarten, there was a very acute problem with those teachers who could play roles at the holidays, including at the graduation party. Therefore, I took several scripts from different sites, including Maam, and arranged some scenes and excerpts so that the entire holiday was led only by the host, who is also the teacher of the group, and one hero, in this case, Freken Bock. The children and parents really enjoyed the holiday; I hope the revised script will help other music directors who also have problems choosing heroes.

Here's what I got:

Graduation celebration with Freken Bock

Children enter in pairs to the accompaniment of music, stand in a semicircle, facing the guests of the holiday.

Poems for editing

Pair dance (children sit down)

HOST: Our children have grown up. Summer will fly by and they will go to school. And who will look after them after school? We decided to advertise in the newspaper: “Governess needed for first-graders who loves children. Contact us any time"

There's a knock on the door.

HOST: It’s probably her.

Miss Bok enters to the music. She is holding a cage with a toy cat in her hands.

FREKEN BOK: Hello. I will raise your children. My name is Freken Bock! But my assistant is Matilda, for special hooligans! (puts the cage on the table)

HOST: Hello! But, to be honest, we wanted to invite someone more experienced...

MESS BOK: Matilda, did you hear that? These ill-mannered people consider me inexperienced. ...

Song Freken Bock

FREKEN BOK: Come on, children, say hello to me!


FREKEN BOK: Matilda, did you hear these children? What disorganization! Come on, dear guests, set an example!

Guests: Hello!

FREKEN BOK: Yes indeed! Is this how you set an example? Oh, well, one more time, more friendly, all together!

Parents and children: Hello!

FREKEN BOK: This is better. It is immediately obvious that I have done the work. (To the presenter) Learn! I don’t understand, is this a school or a madhouse?

HOST: This is a kindergarten.

F.B.: Oh, yes, well, of course - kindergarten!

HOST: I hope, Freken Bock, you love children?

FREKEN BOK: Uh...How can I tell you...Crazy! (See the camera) Oh! Tell me, are you from television? What a luck! You know, I really dream of getting on television! Well, it's decided, I'm staying. Matilda and I would like to know how your children are prepared for school (sits down, lays out pens and notebooks on the table and speaks). Oh, what a torment it is to raise such a bunch of children! So, let's test! You must say the answer out loud, continuing the line of the riddle:

The letters are all from “A” to “Z” on the pages.... primer

Every student should take with him to school…. diary

To write with pens, we will prepare…. notebook

And the album will be colored by our well, of course... pencil

So that it doesn’t suddenly disappear, I’ll remove it…. in the pencil case

FREKEN BOK: Well, well, you know how to solve riddles.

HOST: Yes, we not only know how to solve, but also show the answers! Guys, come out! While the music is playing, dance, and when it ends, I will quickly tell you the word. If I say “briefcase”, show it like this, if “pencil” - hands above your head, and if I say “eraser” - you have to quickly sit down.

Game "Briefcase - eraser - pencil"

FREKEN BOK: Well, okay, that's enough, sit down, children. Now I will work with everyone individually. Come on, give me that talkative boy over there. Well, baby, say hello to your aunt.

CHILD: If you come to see someone, do not greet anyone.

Don’t say the words “please” or “thank you” to anyone.

Turn away and don’t answer anyone’s questions.

And then no one will say about you that you are a talker. G. Oster

FREKEN BOK: Already a conspiracy. Go to the place. Well, okay, the children are neglected, but not lost.

HOST: No, no, our children are good, well-mannered, they love jokes. Yes, they will tell you about themselves with their cheerful comic dance!

Comic dance

FREKEN BOK: I will eradicate these jokes of yours! Got it, comedians? Well, okay, don't bother me raising my children. (The presenter leaves). And you children, sit up straight, straighten your backs and don’t move, otherwise you’ll give me a headache. I’d rather sit at the table and drink some tea and something tasty. Be kind! (to the teacher)

Freken goes to the table, drinks tea, tries sweets.

FREKEN BOK: (to the teacher) The tea is not bad, not bad at all. Well, I'm strong again. Let's do the vocals. And you go away (speaks to the music director). Children, sing: la-la-la. (plays anything on the bass with both hands and sings). Children, I can’t hear you at all, sing with me. Did a bear step on your ear? Your children can't sing at all.

HOST: Our children sing and read poetry wonderfully. Listen here.

read poetry

MESS BOK: Matilda, did you hear that? Singing about kindergarten when they have me! Outrageous! It’s okay, I’ll check your parents’ upbringing now! Are they ready to send their children to school? To my question, pull the ticket, say your answer loudly:

Who will set the alarm clock in the evening?

And who monitors the first-grader’s form?

Who will get up at 6 am?

Who will eat breakfast first?

Who will have to collect the briefcase?

Who will cry, left without strength?

Who is to blame for the child getting a bad grade?

Who will attend the meetings?

Who will take the child to school?

Who will kick the ball around with the children during recess?

Who will answer in class?

Answers that may come across: watchman, teacher, teacher, school principal, mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, neighbors, himself, friend (girlfriend)

MESS BOCK: Matilda, it seems to me that these parents have never had a housekeeper like me: smart, kind and fair. There's still a lot of work to be done here! So! And now, mothers and grandmothers, let’s braid our first-graders for school!

LEADING: (invites two teams of 4 people each, gives two of them rings with ribbons in their hands) Hold the ribbons by the ends in threes - these are our future braids. We need to braid them quickly while the music is playing!

Game "Pigtail"

FREKEN BOK: Well, mothers and grandmothers tried their best, and now, dear parents, we don’t yawn when asked, we answer in unison: “We promise!” (practice)

Whether I am a mother or a father, I will always say “well done” to the child. Do you promise?

Don’t “build” in a child’s studies and with him foreign language will you master it, promise?

Don’t scold him for failing him and help him with his homework, promise?

Then you will be ideal parents, and you will never forget your promises!

FREKEN BOK: Well, okay, I see that the parents have realized the importance of the moment and are already ready for school.

HOST: Yes! And our children are ready not only for school, but also for choosing a profession! Guys, we’re going to play now: I have a daisy here, but it’s unusual - on each petal there is the name of a profession.

Game "Chamomile" (1st part of the music - girls run around the daisy easily, on their toes; 2nd part - free dance; when the music stops, the girls lift the petal closest to them, turn to the audience; for the second time, the presenter changes the petals with female professions to petals with male professions, play boys)

FREKEN BOK: Okay, now let’s check how smart your children are.

HOST: Come out, (names 3 children of one team and 3 children of the second team). You need to read the word and form it correctly from the cubes. Get started!

Game “Make a word from cubes”

HOST: And now homework for parents! I need 2 teams of 4 people from the smartest parents!

Game with dads "Mittens"

Players are divided into two teams of four players. The presenter distributes 2 mittens to each player of two teams. According to the rules of the game, each team, as quickly as possible, must make a word from the letters that are glued to the mittens, but at the same time, the mittens cannot be removed or exchange mittens with other players. The words “briefcase” and “schoolboy”.

FREKEN BOK: Well, well, I’m happy with the result, I’m announcing a change! (ringing)


FREKEN BOK: Dear teacher, I see that your children are not completely neglected, they know and are able to do a lot. Can they count?

HOST: Our guys are very attentive and can count well! Guys, let's count together:

Math problems

MESS BOK: Matilda! (touched) What cute children they are, I’m almost completely used to them. But I have one last task for you! You need to pack your school bag, and I must say that not all children, even the most well-mannered ones, know what to take with them to school.

Game "Collect a briefcase"

FREKEN BOK: And, truly, your children are talented, attentive, obedient and the best. I see that you don’t need my services, I’ll have to look for students elsewhere.

HOST: Freken Bok, don’t be sad, you will definitely find good students, just like our children!

FREKEN BOK: Will your television show everyone how well I know how to educate?

HOST: Well, of course! Do not worry! Guys, let's wish Freken Bock obedient pupils and say goodbye. (say goodbye to Freken Bock)

Poems by children to kindergarten staff

Farewell song

Parents' response

Word from the head of the kindergarten

Presentation of diplomas and memorable gifts to children

Non-separated structural educational institution

MAOU secondary school No. 12

Graduation party scenario

for children of preparatory groups “Freken Bok - Housekeeper”

Target: Showing the results of graduates in mastering musical culture.


    Forming in children a desire to actively participate in a joint collective holiday performance.

    Cultivate a sustainable interest in music and works of art, friendly attitude towards each other during performances;

    To form an emotionally positive attitude towards musical and artistic works performed by children;

    Create conditions for the natural satisfaction of children’s needs for movement and play;

    Foster positive emotions, free and relaxed communication between adults and children;


    Phonograms of musical works;

    Colored ribbons for dancing; bells;

    Dance costumes;

    Equipment for games;

Holiday plan:

    introduction leading;

    Dance composition with balloons “New Day”

    Song “We are now students” by music Struve

    Song "Dreams" music. Oliferova

    Dance composition “Sail of Childhood”

    Congratulations to the kids. Dance with kids “Doll Masha”

    “Give a smile to the world” Dance with ribbons.

    Song "The Bell Rings" music. Eremeeva.

    Song "Funny little man" music. Zhurbina

    Carlson's arrival

    Dance of the Mice.

    Dramatization “Four Cockroaches and a Cricket”

    Dance "Polka" music. Savelyeva

    Attraction “Solve the problem and find the answer”

    Game "Collect a briefcase"

    Song “I’m Collecting a Briefcase” by music Belova

    Song "Sandbox"

    Scene “This is how we meet”

    Dance "Tango Carlson and Freken Bok"

    Farewell poems for children

    Song “Song of Parting” by music artist Kulikova

Compiled by:

Tsvetkova S.I.

Musical director

GO Pervouralsk

Freken Bock – Housekeeper

Graduation party script for preparatory group

Two children come out

Children: 1. Bouquets, music, poetry and a hall bright with smiles -

2. All this for us, graduates, today is our last ball.

Presenter: The heroes of the occasion are a little worried today.

And the warm ones hear the words everywhere: both in the garden and on the street,

From adults and children, from grandmothers, fathers and mothers...

Applause to our graduates!

The whole group comes in

Dance composition with balloons “New Day”

Children line up in a semicircle near the central wall

Presenter: The hall today cannot accommodate all the guests gathered:

Today we escort children from kindergarten to school.

Children: 1. You accepted us as kids, kindergarten, our home,

We have become big now and say goodbye to you.

2. We had so much fun here, we sang and danced,

and didn’t even notice how big they became.

3. Now we stand dressed up, we speak words, worried,

How sad it is to leave our garden, but we have all been given a start to school.

4. The school opens the door for us, but you, beloved garden, believe me,

That we will never forget our preschool years.

5. This holiday is a day of farewell, sad and cheerful,

Our kindergarten...

All: Goodbye! Hello, hello, school!

Children release balloons

Song “We are now students” by music Struve

Presenter: So preschool time has flown by,

And, of course, you need to go to school.

What kind of future do you dream about, kids?

Who did you decide to become? Reveal the secret to us.

Children: 1. There are a great many schools in our city:

Special, musical, sports, English,

distant and close.

How can you not get confused here? Where to go?

2. I think that school is the same as college.

They take the smartest people there through a competition.

They take you and put you at your desk

And they teach for eleven years!

3. What should we teach? We know a lot.

We've been reading books for a long time!

4. How is this “what to teach”? The most important thing: Who to be!

5. And I've known for a long time. I don’t sleep in quiet hours, but I dream!

Become a great football player!

6. And I am a Cool financier!

7. And I'm a pop artist!

8. I want to fly a plane, be the first pilot on a plane.

9. And I am a captain, sailing the seas!

10. But I haven’t decided who to be.

Song "Dreams" music. Oliferova

Presenter: Today is the last ball for you, graduates,

School activities and school bells await you.

Don’t forget to take a guiding star,

Let the star tell you the right path.

School country then sooner or later

It will become not a simple country, but a starry country.

Dance composition “Sail of Childhood”

Children sit down

Presenter: Someone is knocking on our door, but is afraid to come in here.

I'll go and have a look, and then I'll tell you! (goes to the door)

Our guests came here and brought their gifts.

Music is playing “Stomp, stomp baby”

Children of the younger group enter.

Educator: Everything is behind – horses, dolls, bears.

You adults have all grown up.

And the little ones remain in the kindergarten,

They came to congratulate you.

Children: - We guys are kids, we came to congratulate you.

Enroll in first grade, don't forget kindergarten!

You are going to first grade, maybe you can take us?

Graduate: No, you need to grow up, you should go to school early.

When we grow up a little, we’ll come to your school too!

Well, guys, goodbye, we ask you not to forget,

And now we are very happy to dance together with you.

Dance with kids “Doll Masha”

Presenter: Our children have grown up. Summer will fly by and they will go to school. And who will look after them after school? We decided to advertise in the newspaper: “Governess needed for first-graders who loves children. Contact us any time." There's a knock on the door.

It must be her! Freken Bock enters to the music. She is holding a cage with a cat in her hands.

Freken Bock: Hello! Do you need a governess? So there you go! Not a governess, but a housekeeper. It's me! Here's my Matilda!

Presenter: Hello!

Freken Bock: Is this your apartment? The apartment is suitable. There's even a piano. You know, I really like to play all sorts of symphonies.

Presenter: Here are my children!

Freken Bock: Are these all your children? And I have to educate them all? I have never tried to raise such a bunch of children at once. I will work with everyone individually. Come on, give me that talkative boy over there. Well, baby, say hello to your aunt.

Child: If you come to someone, do not greet anyone.

Don’t say the words “please” or “thank you” to anyone.

Turn away and don’t answer anyone’s questions.

And then no one will say about you that you are a talker.

Freken Bock: Already a conspiracy. Well, okay, the children are neglected, but not lost. I’ll take them seriously while they’re soft, like wax, then they’ll harden, and it’ll be too late.

Presenter: No, no, my children are good, well-mannered, with a sense of humor.

Freken Bock: I will eradicate the sense of humor! Got it, comedians? Well, okay, go to work, mom, don’t interfere with raising your children. Children, did you do exercises today? No matter, one more time won't hurt. And Matilda and I will control it. We will do exercises with ribbons.

“Give a smile to the world” Dance with ribbons.

Freken Bock: Let's do the vocals. And you go away (music director says) don't interfere with raising children. Children, sing: la-la-la. (Press one key) And now with the accompaniment: “The chrysanthemums in the garden have long since bloomed” (plays the bass with both hands, whatever happens and sings) Children, I can’t hear you, sing with me. Do you think a bear stepped on your ear? Your children can't sing at all!..

Music Supervisor: Our children sing wonderfully! Listen to the song about school.

Song "The Bell Rings" music. Eremeeva.

With bells

Freken Bock: What, you want to go to school? Matilda, have you seen these children? Well done! Now sit down, hands on your knees, don’t move, eyes closed. And until your mother comes, everyone should go to sleep! Matilda! Keep an eye on them. I went to the supermarket. Leaves to the music

Children: 1. Guys, why are you sitting: Well, you won’t sleep?

We need to act!

Look what happens in every house at night:

The adults lie with their noses turned to the wall, silently.

They move their lips in the pitch darkness

And with eyes closed They jerk their heels in their sleep.

2. Never agree to go to bed at night,

Don't let anyone put you to sleep.

Do you really want your childhood years?

Spend it under the covers, on the pillow and in your sleep?

3. Of course we don't want to. I know who will help us. Carlson will help us.

Song "Funny little man" music. Zhurbina

At the end of the song, Carlson flies in

Carlson: Hello guys! Did you call me?

Child: Save us, Carlson, this housekeeper ordered everyone to sleep!

Carlson: Calm, just calm. I am against such methods of education. After all, I am the best teacher in the world. Let's have a little fun? I, too, was once so small and funny. I sat on such a wonderful potty and sucked the nipple. I have a potty here for you, shall we play with it a little?

Game "Who can sit on the potty faster"

They run in circles to the music, and when they finish, they have to quickly sit on the potty.

Carlson: And now a game for future schoolchildren. These are your parents. They will also go to school on September 1st. Really, daddies and mommies?

Game "Collect pens"

Two teams: parents and children. There are 5 disassembled pens on the tables. For speed, teams collect pens and place them in cup holders.

Carlson: Do you have a cake? No?...

Carlson: Well, that's not fair, I don't play like that.

Music hand: Don't be offended, Carlson, now our mice will please you.

Dance of the Mice. After the dance, F.B. runs in.

Freken Bock: Guard! Mice! Perhaps it was my imagination? Children, have you seen mice here? My nerves are not right. (Sits down at the table, lays out his purchases) Let me have some tea with buns and sweets. And you sleep, flour spoils your figure, and sweets make your teeth hurt. (drinking tea)

Dramatization “Four Cockroaches and a Cricket”

Freken Bock: Guard! Either mice or cockroaches, I'm crazy! What should I do?

Child: If there are cockroaches marching on the table in the kitchen

and the mice have a mock fight on the floor,

So it's time for you to stop fighting for peace for a while

and throw all your strength into the fight for purity!

Freken Bock: I will do so!

(Takes a vacuum cleaner and cleans the carpet. At this time, Carlson eats all the buns and candies)

Freken Bock: Children, don't laugh. You've gotten away with it again! Let's do the choreography.

Dance "Polka" music. Savelyeva

The Presenter enters, Carlson hides.

Presenter: What fun you are having here! Thank you very much. Freken Bock notices the loss.

Freken Bock: Who ate my buns and candies? Oh, that's them, gluttonous children.

Presenter: Guys, did you eat the buns? Children: No.

Freken Bock: Ill-mannered children eating other people's buns.

Presenter: I don’t know who ate the buns, but I know for sure that they weren’t children.

Freken Bock: Well, it’s okay, I’ll make real people out of them. I'm leaving, but I'll be back. You can hear “kook-ka-re-ku”

Presenter: Who is this? Children: Carlson! Carlson comes out to the music and bows.

Carlson: The best tamer of housekeepers in the world is Carlson, a lover of buns and sweets, a man in full bloom.

Presenter: So you ate the buns?

Carlson: Of course it's me. Who else is capable of such heroism? Do you have any jam?

Presenter: No.

Carlson: Well, I don't play like that. I come to them with all my heart, with all my soul, and they for best friend regretted the jam.

Presenter: I just bought vegetables. Want to?

Carlson: Ugh, what is this, I don’t eat this.

Presenter: Carlson, these are vitamins!

Carlson: Okay, we’ve persuaded you, give me your basket, and I’ll see what’s in there. How many: 3,5,7,10.

Presenter: What, you can't count?

Carlson: I can, but I'm a little confused. But can you?

Presenter: Listen and see how the children can count and solve problems.

Attraction “Solve the problem and find the answer”

Numbers are laid out on the floor. Children listen to the problem and raise the number.

Presenter: And you stand in a circle with us and take a look.

Game "Find the word"

Children wear medallions with letters. The driver runs in a circle. The child near whom the driver stopped comes up with words starting with this letter.

Carlson: Yes, you guys are great, solving problems like you’re cracking nuts. It's time for me to hide, it seems she's coming.

Freken Bock: Children, I have returned to take on you with renewed vigor. I decided to introduce you to poetry.

Presenter: Dear Freken Bock, our children know a lot of poems and love to read them.

Freken Bock: I'll check now. We take turns going out to the middle and telling the story loudly.


“Marks” by A. Barto

I recognize Volodin’s marks without the diary.

If a brother comes with a three, three bells ring.

If suddenly a ringing starts ringing in our apartment -

So, he got five or four today.

If he comes with a deuce, I hear from afar:

Two short, hesitant rings are heard.

Well, if it’s one, he knocks quietly on the door.

Mom's reflections

And I still admire my son:

He's like a grown man in the morning

He smoothed his curly forelock and said to me:

Mom, hello!

So I was thinking - after all, you took me to kindergarten,

She took me back, read and sang, sewed suits for me,

You built slides, you were in a hurry for the holiday

And you were even sick with me!

So today is your graduation?

Dad's Reflections

I look at my daughter and don’t recognize...

I want to see my baby in her:

Funny, in sneakers, with a pigtail,

Sometimes with tears in my eyelashes,

And today I see the princess.

And the father’s heart is tight...

I'm packing my briefcase

Packing for school a new briefcase bought by my mother.

A simple pencil - one, I will draw with it.

Two is a notebook, three is a pencil case, I chose it myself.

And four is my primer, a pen is five, the sixth is a lantern,

No, I don’t need a flashlight, I’ll take the sixth album.

Here the line is seven, but what will I play with?

No, you need to take a flashlight, at least play under the desk.

Eight are paints, nine are glue. Yes, the briefcase became heavy.

Ten are counting sticks, I really want to go to school.

Did I take everything I needed? Tell me together!

Freken Bock: Children, when you read poetry, you need to stand like a monument to Pushkin, like this (depicts). Have you learned how to assemble a briefcase?

Presenter: Guys, let's show that we can do everything, and even put together a briefcase.

Game "Collect a briefcase"

Presenter: And our girls will sing a song about the briefcase.

Song “I’m Collecting a Briefcase” by music Belova

Freken Bock: So be it. I give you permission to watch TV. I'll turn it on now (knocks, turns on) Well, look, I’ll take a break from you for now. (leaves)

Presenter: Our Freken Bock is resting, and the children will continue their performances.

Song "Sandbox"

Scene “This is how we meet”

Graduate: It’s a pity to part with friends, but I hope to meet you,

When we take our grandchildren to our kindergarten.

Grandfather: Anya, hello! Is that you? How glad I am to meet you!

I remember our beloved kindergarten so often!

Grandmother: Hello! I’m also glad that you recognized me, my friend,

Remember, we didn't divide younger group pie?

Grandfather: The pies were great, good, so good,

I still remember them, we ate them with all our hearts.

Grandmother: Oh, what years these have been! You can’t bring them back, you can’t catch up with them,

Even in our venerable old age we will remember the kindergarten.

Grandfather: How they played, how they played shawls, how they sometimes disobeyed.

Together: We will remember you for a long, long time, dear kindergarten! (hugging each other and leaving)

Freken Bock: Well, have you watched your children's program? And now I will watch my favorite series. He sits down. Carlson settles down in front of the TV.

Carlson:(announcer's voice) The program “From the Life of Ghosts” is on air. Attention attention! A terrible ghost has appeared in our city. We ask all eyewitnesses to call 0055521, the ghost feeds only on housekeepers, we ask other citizens not to worry.

Freken Bock: Matilda, did you hear? They want to eat me. It's all this TV's fault; it shows all sorts of horror films.

Carlson dresses in a sheet with a painted face and holes for eyes. He runs out with a bucket and mop and starts running after F.B.

Freken Bock: Help! Guard! (runs away from K., climbs under a chair)

Carlson: Where are you going? I do not play like that!

Freken Bock: Save! Help!

Carlson: Let me introduce myself. The world's best ghost, wild but cute.

Freken Bock: Will you eat me?

Carlson: Get out. (gets out) Yes, I will, if you don’t stop raising poor children.

Freken Bock: And who will raise them? (Climbs in again)

Carlson:(takes off the sheet) Carlson, the world's best specialist in raising children. (F.B. faints on a chair)

Carlson: Madam, well, don’t faint, it’s not fair, I invite you to tango.

Dance "Tango Carlson and Freken Bok"

Freken Bock: Children, I am incredibly glad that such a smart, handsome tutor was found for you. I think that now your parents will work calmly, without worrying about you, and I will go and relax with pleasure. Matilda, we have to go.

Carlson: Madam, I won’t just let you go, only to our applause!

Freken Bock: Oh, how sweet it is!

(Does a lap of honor to applause and leaves the hall)

Carlson: At such a solemn moment, I would like to boldly, without hiding, congratulate you on your graduation from kindergarten and wish you all the best...sweet, tasty and as much as possible. And don't forget to save a jar of jam for me next time.

Presenter: Dear Carlson, you are saying something wrong.

Carlson: What could you wish for on such a wonderful day?

Presenter: Study well, study, don’t be lazy,

Get an “A” every day in class.

Carlson: During recess there are sweets, lollipops and cutlets. Is that allowed?

Presenter: Yes, during recess you can relax and refresh yourself and even play.

Carlson: That's great! I thought of what to wish. Let it be fun during breaks, and let it be even more fun during lessons. And so that every day a portfolio full of fives. And now it’s time for me to go home, to the roof. If you get bored, I will definitely fly over, because I am the best friend in the world! Carlson, having made a circle, flies out.

Presenter: And now we will listen to future first-graders.

Children: 1.(absent-minded) I promise the teachers - I will be attentive at school,

I’ll try not to yawn and not count the crows in the window.

2. (soft-spoken) I want to say in front of everyone - I will answer loudly,

To get A's and B's in classes.

3. (slender) I promise our nanny there will be soup and porridge at school.

4. (the most lively) We are laughter-turners, two girlfriends, two talkers,

I really want to say.

5. Why won’t we chat, because behavior can also get a bad mark?

get it.

6. (the fastest) I have to tell you the truth - I won’t give it to teachers

completely bored.

Presenter: So our children have grown up, and they themselves are responsible for everything,

And I must tell you a secret: we all decided to become excellent students.

Presenter: Well, now comes the most solemn moment.

All games have been played, all songs have been sung.

The holiday is over, good luck, friends!

The kindergarten family wishes you good luck in school, courage and patience!

Children:1. Now the time has come to say to you: “Goodbye!”

But we won’t be sad anyway.

Today I want to go to the farewell party

Just say a kind “Thank you”!

2. “Thank you!” we will tell the teachers

And we will repeat this word a hundred times,

For being kind, strict, attentive to us,

And we will keep the good memory of you!

3. Our favorite kindergarten is a cheerful planet,

It became a common home for us, where there was a lot of light!

Where kind smiles greeted us in the morning,

Where we knew no sadness, no boredom, no sadness!

4. To you today, kindergarten, “Thank you!” we talk

And we thank all your employees a hundred times!

Although it’s a pity to leave, it’s time to say goodbye to you.

Greetings from preschoolers!

All: Farewell, beloved, kindergarten!

Song “Song of Parting” by music artist Kulikova

Presenter: The word for congratulations is given by the head

Presenter: The word for congratulations is given to the parents.

Presenter: The children leave on their way to school, But a part of us remains in them!

From kindergarten to school threshold

We'll see them off to school, good time!

Characters: Presenters, Freken Bock, Carlson, Three Little Pigs (children).

The presenters enter the hall.

1st presenter:

Oh, how many times in the spacious hall

We celebrated the holidays with you!

But we've been waiting for this one for so many years -

And now the solemn moment has come!

2nd presenter:

We are our sweet babies

Today we'll see you off to school,

We wish them well and happiness!

Make way for schoolchildren quickly!

Children enter the hall in pairs and are introduced. "Waltz "School Years".

1st presenter:

We've been waiting for this day for five years

But it came somehow right away.

And the lilac blossomed for you,

Like it has never bloomed before.

2nd presenter:

Bouquets, music, poetry

And the hall, bright with smiles -

All this for you, graduates,

Today is your last ball.

1st child:

You accepted us as kids,

Kindergarten, our home,

We've become big now

And we say goodbye to you.

2nd child:

Here the walls have become family,

And cribs and toys,

Teachers and nannies,

And my friends and girlfriends.

3rd child:

But it's time to learn

The bell will ring soon

And a spring, ringing song

He will call us to class.

4th child:

OK it's all over Now! The time has come to say goodbye.

And the school is waiting for yesterday's preschoolers.

Everything is ahead of us, but only to kindergarten

We will never return.

Song "Let's not forget kindergarten."

Presenter: Look, guys, who came to take you to first grade. Let's listen to what they have to tell you.

Kids (in unison):

We have come to you today

Conduct to first grade.

That's it!

Two - we want to wish you

Become excellent students.

Three - sighs very heavily

Chipollino with Cheburashka...

Don't forget about them

Kindergarten visit.

And four - we promise,

What would it be like in my native garden without you?

We learn a lot of new things

And we'll save the toys.

Well, five - we ask you

Don't be lazy at school.

We wish you guys

Study well.

Presenter (addresses kindergarten graduates): What good wishes you guys heard. You came to our kindergarten just as small, and now you are already graduates... Let's, guys, give these kids the toys you danced with. Let them play in a group with them and remember you.

Graduates give the kids toys and balloons, then accompany them to the door.

Presenter: Our graduates learned a lot in kindergarten. Now we need an experienced teacher who will check and evaluate their readiness for school? Perhaps I’ll call the Good Offices Bureau so that they can send such a specialist to us.

The presenter takes the phone and dials the number. The sounds of telephone beeps are heard.

Host: Hello! Please send an experienced teacher to our kindergarten to test the knowledge of children going to school.

Host: Thank you very much (hangs up the phone). While the teacher is coming to us, I invite everyone to sing a song together.

Song "We'll be going to school soon."

After the song ends, there is a knock on the door. Freken Bock enters the hall with a cat sitting in a special cage for transporting animals.

Freken Bock: Hello! Do you need a housekeeper who is honest and has a good character? So this is me! My name is Freken Bock.

Host: But we invited an experienced teacher, a teacher.

Freken Bock: Who needs to be educated here?

Host: There is no need to educate anyone. But we would really like to know how our children prepared for school.

Freken Bock: Well, where do we start? (Takes out notebooks and pens and puts them on the table, then barely audibly says.) Oh, what a torment it is to raise children. (Loud). For now, get ready, and I’ll go wash my hands. Matilda (affectionately addresses the cat), let's go, I'll show you a place where you can rest, my treasure.

Freken Bock leaves. Carlson noisily enters the hall, holding a briefcase in his hands.

Carlson: Hello guys! (The guys greet in unison.) Why don’t you ask where I’ve been all this time? (Children ask a question.) I was with my grandmother. You know what kind of grandmother I have! As soon as she sees me, she shouts to the whole village: “Karlson, dear!” He'll swoop in and hug you. She is my champion hugger. Don’t believe me?... (Looks at the guys with bewilderment.) What are you doing here?

The children answer that today is their kindergarten graduation.

Carlson: And how will your knowledge be tested?... And by whom?... Now I myself will check how ready you are for school. (Takes out a notebook and pen. Looks at the children.) Oh, it seems like someone is coming.

He puts the notebook and pen back into his briefcase. Hides behind a chair. There he puts a sheet on himself, turning into a ghost. Freken Bock enters the hall with buns on a tray, which she places on the table, and she sits down in a chair next to her.

Freken Bock: Yes! Are all the children there? I'll check it now.

Freken Bok conducts the roll call of the children, while Carlson “steals” the buns one by one... After the roll call, Freken Bok puts the notebook-magazine on the table and sees that there is nothing left on the tray.

Freken Bock: Excuse me, where are my buns?

Carlson (speaking from behind a chair): Madam!

Freken Bock: By the way, mademoiselle!

Carlson (jumps out from behind his chair, waving his arms): Mademoiselle, greetings from the best motorized ghost in the world.

Freken Bock: Brrr! They told me that I shouldn’t watch TV from morning to evening. Here's the result!

Carlson (gets down on one knee, takes Freken Bock’s hand): Well, let’s get to know each other!

Freken Bok (takes his hand away): Don’t, I’m afraid of you.

Carlson (takes her hand again): But why?

Freken Bock: I'm afraid of ghosts (removes his hand again and runs out the door).

Carlson: Well, she ran away (takes off the sheet). I do not play like that. Let's have some fun, guys.

Conducts a musical game.

Carlson (sitting down in a chair): Take a seat. Let's continue the conversation.

Freken Bock enters.

Freken Bok (approaches the table): Excuse me, who is this?

Carlson (gets up from his chair): I am Carlson, who lives on the roof. I am a man anywhere, in full bloom!

Freken Bock: So it was you who was buzzing in my ears?

Carlson: Well, to be honest, me!

Freken Bock: So you stole my buns?

He takes a carpet beater from the table and runs after Carlson around the hall.

Carlson: Stop! And your milk has run out.

Freken Bock (stopping abruptly): God! The milk ran away... Excuse me, what kind of milk? I don’t have any milk... I played it again, Rogue!

Carlson: Yes, I like to have fun. I like it when everyone around me laughs. Now let the guys sing something funny.

Song "Funny Man".

Freken Bock: The guys sing well, but I’ll check now whether they know mathematics. Children, listen carefully to the tasks.

1. In a clearing by the river

Lived May beetles:

Daughter, son, father and mother.

2. In the clearing near the oak tree

How many fungi did the mole find? (three)

3. To the gray heron for a lesson

Seven forty arrived.

And of them only three are magpies

We have prepared our lessons.

How many quitters are forty

Arrived for class? (four)

Freken Bock: The next exam is to familiarize yourself with the objects around us. It will be necessary to name what students should take with them to school.

Carlson: Me! I know!

He takes out various objects from his briefcase and explains their purpose. For example: jam, if you are hungry and want to eat; bell, if you are tired of sitting in class, you can ring it, then the teacher will think that the lesson is over and let everyone go; a toy to prevent boredom in class; candy, box, etc.

Freken Bock: Wait, Carlson! Let's listen to the guys. Let them tell us what school supplies are called, and riddles will help them with this.

Children give answers to riddles.

1. The letters are all from “A” to “Z” on the pages... of the primer.

2. Every student must take with him to school... a diary.

3. Who will color your album? Well, of course... a pencil.

4. So that it doesn’t suddenly disappear, put it in... a pencil case.

5. To write with pens, we will prepare... a notebook.

6. There is a clatter of feet in the corridor. Who calls everyone to class?... The bell rings.

7. Who goes to school with a bag of books in the morning?... Student.

Freken Bock: And now I invite the guys to compete to see who can assemble the briefcase faster. (Children are preparing for the game.) I need two students. At my signal, they will collect in a briefcase everything they will need at school. Whoever does this faster wins.

Freken Bock rings the bell, and the guys compete to collect supplies into a briefcase.

Carlson: I invite my friends.

The piglets run into the hall and sing.

Piglets, piglets

We live very happily

We don't need a house at all,

We grow in the air

Oink, oink...

Presenter: Hello, piglets! It's time to introduce myself to the guys.

1st: My name is (surprised) – If, If...

2nd (even more surprised): And my name is Af, Af...

3rd (crying): And me: Ugh, Ugh...

Host: What's wrong with you? What's the matter?

Piglets: Our names have disappeared, what should we do now?

Host: Guys! Help us, tell me which letter is missing?

The children answer.

Piglets: Where can we get it?

Host: Children, let's help the piglets find the letter.

Piglets: We will show it now (they make the letter “H” using exercise sticks).

1st: My name is Nif, Nif!

2nd: My name is Naf, Naf!

3rd: My name is Nuf, Nuf! Hooray! The letters are back!

They bow and run away.

Freken Bock: Now let's see how you can read and form words from letters. You need to choose participants for two teams, each of which will write their own word.

The guys are given cards with letters. Children are looking right place for your letter. The first command makes up the word SCHOOL. The second team makes up the word FRIENDSHIP.

Carlson: How quickly and funly the teams made up the words!

Freken Bock: I see that you know and can do a lot, but at school you will have to sit for a long time and listen to the teacher, remember a lot, prepare lessons. To do this you need to be diligent, organized and very attentive. Carlson and I will now check to what extent you have cultivated these qualities in yourself.

Carlson takes several (5-6) toys and places them in front of the children. The children look at them for one minute.

Carlson: Look carefully at the toys, remember them and how they stand. Now let's close our eyes. One-two, one-two.

Children close their eyes, and at this time Carlson removes one toy or swaps them.

Freken Bock: Now take a look and quickly tell me what has changed here?

The first one to name the changes wins.

Carlson: Well, I don’t play like that - I can handle all the tasks, I can’t even come up with anything. Can you sing me songs about your kindergarten?

They sing the song “Our Favorite Kindergarten.”

Freken Bock: Well, guys, you completed all the tasks, everyone has excellent grades.

Carlson: Now let's say goodbye to our teachers in this house, who have worked for you all these years.

1st child:

The cuckoo sings on the clock,

He says: “It’s time to say goodbye!”

2nd child:

Goodbye toys

It's a pity to part with you.

3rd child:

Goodbye, dolls, bears

And pictures in our books!

The guys will play with you

How we used to play.

4th child:

And now it's time to say goodbye

We go to school to study.

They sing the song “We are now students.”

1st presenter:

Today it is impossible to contain the excitement

Your last holiday in kindergarten

Our hearts are light and anxious

After all, the children have grown up and are going to school.

2nd presenter:

And how difficult it is for us to part with you

And let you out from under the wing into the world

We became family, we became friends

And it seems like you couldn’t be found better.

1st child:

“Thank you,” we say tenderly

We are our educators.

We also confess to you:

You look like our mothers.

Thank you a hundred thousand times,

We will remember you all our lives.

2nd child:

Thanks to our lovely nannies

For their work and effort!

3rd child:

Thanks everyone,

Who worked in the kitchen?

He cooked porridge for us and prepared compotes!

4th child:

Because our home is a kindergarten -

It was more beautiful year after year,

We must say “thank you”

Our manager.

All children:

For what we dreamed about here

For many years in a row we

For what was, will be, is

Thank you, kindergarten!

Song "Goodbye, kindergarten!" (music by Y. Slonov, lyrics by V. Malkov). Children give flowers to kindergarten staff and invite them to a waltz.

Freken Bock: Let me say once again, guys, that you passed all your exams with excellent marks and are ready for school. And I will be happy to present you with diplomas. But there are so many of them that I’m calling your manager for help.

The head of the kindergarten congratulates the children and parents on their graduation and presents gifts and diplomas.

Host: This concludes our farewell celebration.

Carlson: Is that all? Well, I don't play like that? Where's the birthday cake? Where's the treat? Am I in vain?

Host: Dear guests! We ask you to come to our group, there is a graduation cake waiting for us.

Music plays, everyone leaves the hall.

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Page creation date: 2016-04-27

Two children come out.
1. Attention! Attention!
2. Listen everyone!
1. The kindergarten is very excited today,
Accompanying his children to school.
2. How many guests are at the party?
Give way - first graders are coming!
The children come in and stand in a semicircle.
1 presenter.
Today it is impossible to contain the excitement -
Your last holiday in kindergarten.
Our hearts are both warm and anxious,
After all, the children have grown up and are going to school.
2 presenter.
And how difficult it is for us to part with you
And let you out from under the wing into the world!
You became family, you became friends,
And it seems like you couldn’t be found better.
1 presenter.
We've been waiting for this day for five years
But it came somehow right away.
And the lilac blossomed for you,
Like it has never bloomed before.
2 presenter.
Bouquets, music, poetry
And the hall is bright with smiles -
All this for you, graduates,
Today is your last ball.
1. Oh, how beautifully our hall is decorated,
There are many guests today.
We are now opening the graduation ball
And we invite friends.
2. Farewell holiday,
Cheerful and sad
It's hard to contain my excitement.
Moms and dads and teachers,
They came to see us off to school.
3. You accepted us as babies,
Kindergarten, our home,
We've become big now
And we say goodbye to you.
4. Here the walls have become family,
And cribs and toys,
Teachers and nannies,
And my friends and girlfriends.
5. But the time has come to study,
The bell will ring soon
And a spring, ringing song
He will call us to class.
6. And when did we have time?
So suddenly we grew up!
At school he is waiting for us with flowers
Real first class!
7. It’s a pity, we’re leaving the garden.
We need to say thank you to everyone.
How many festive balloons -
There will be so many kind words.
8. Well, that's all! The time has come to say goodbye.
And the school is waiting for yesterday's preschoolers.
Everything is ahead of us, but only to kindergarten
We will never return.
Song "We are students."
9. All kindergarten employees
We are grateful from the bottom of our hearts.
Look, our mothers,
How good we have become.
10. Because our home is a kindergarten -
It was more beautiful year after year,
We must say "thank you"
Our manager.
11. What should the guys do?
How to study and when?
How to go out and have fun?
We don't know, that's the problem!
The methodologist will tell us
From all of us, thank you!
12. Thanks to the teachers
For affection and warmth,
We were next to them
And on a gloomy day it is light.
You pitied us, you loved us,
You raised us like flowers.
It's a pity that we can't see you
Take it with you to first grade.
13. Thanks to those who treated us
And taught me how to set a thermometer,
I looked at our cheeks
Aleli, like flowers!
14. Thank you for your songs,
That they danced with us together,
What is the music of all our days
Sounded more fun with you!
15. To our caretaker -
Thanks for taking care of me -
Very very important
She has work!
16. Thanks to all those
Who worked in the kitchen?
Cooked porridge for us
And I prepared compotes.
17. We say “thank you” with all our hearts
We told our laundress that she laid out the linen smoothly.
For the frosty freshness of sheets, feather beds,
On which we slept so sweetly.
Children give flowers, thanks, sit on chairs.
Leading. Our children have grown up. Summer will fly by quickly and they will go to school. And who will look after them after school? We decided to advertise in the newspaper: “Governess needed for first-graders who loves children. Contact us any time."
There's a knock on the door.
Host: It's probably her.
Freken Bok enters to the music, holding a cage with a cat in her hands.
Freken Bock: Hello. Do you need a governess? So here it is. Not a governess, but a housekeeper, that’s just me! And here is my Matilda.
Host: Hello!
Freken Bock: (pointing to the hall) Is this your apartment? Nothing...the apartment is suitable. There's even a piano. I really love, you know, playing all sorts of symphonies.
Host: Meet me, these are my children.
Freken Bock: Are these all yours? And I have to educate them all? I have never tried to raise so many children at once. I will work with everyone individually. Come on, give me that talkative boy over there. Well, baby, say hello to your aunt.
If you come to someone,
Don't say hello to anyone.
The words "please", "thank you"
Do not tell anybody.
Turn away and ask questions
Don't answer anyone's questions.
And then no one will say
About you, that you are a talker.

Freken Bock: Already a conspiracy. OK. The children are pedagogically neglected, but something can still be molded from them. I'll take them seriously!
Host: No, no, my children are good, well-mannered, cheerful...
Freken Bock: No fun! Parenting is serious business! Okay, go to work, mom, don’t interfere with raising your children. Children, did you do exercises today?
Children: Yes!
Freken Bock: Never mind, you’ll do it again, it won’t hurt you. And Matilda and I will control it.
Dance "Banana Mama".

Freken Bock: Let's do the vocals. (To the music director.) Go away, don’t interfere with raising the children. (Press one key) Children, sing: la-la-la. And now with the accompaniment: “The chrysanthemums in the garden have bloomed a long time ago, soon I’ll go for a walk in this garden...” (Pressing any keys with both hands) Children, I can’t hear you, did a bear step on your ear? (To the music director) Your children don’t know how to sing at all.
Host: You are mistaken, our children sing and dance wonderfully.
Song "Farewell toys."
Hello guys,
Girls and boys!
I am a doll - a toy,
My girlfriends are with me.
Dance "Dolls".

Freken Bock: Ha!!! Surprised!!! Is that all you know?
Host: What are you talking about? Our children can not only sing and dance, but also write, count and dream...
Dramatization of "Three Friends".
Three friends on a spring day
Were in a nice mood
They cooed on the benches
And they dreamed about the future.
1 girl:
That's when I grow up
I'll get married right away
I will choose a husband, like dad,
To meet me at the gangway.
Oh, I forgot to say:
I'll be flying in the sky.
I want to become a flight attendant
I'll go on the plane.
2nd girl:
Don't get distracted, Mila,
What else did you forget?
1 girl:
And then I will become a mother,
And I'll tell you straight.
What about your children, Natasha,
I won't stuff myself with porridge,
I will take them to the cinema,
Buy them popsicles!
2nd girl:
Would I like to become your daughter?
1 girl:
You can only dream!
2nd girl: (addressing 3rd girl)
I want to become an artist
To perform on stage,
So that flowers are always given,
They only talked about me.
So that I can be filmed,
The main roles were given,
I received a lot of money
I bought everything I wanted!
Why are you silent?
Are you saying anything?
3rd girl:
I will study at school,
I promise not to be lazy
Because when I grow up,
I want to become a scientist.
And study the computer
Be friends with mathematics
Own geography
To see the whole world.
Geometry and Russian,
Biology, French
You need to study at school
To be the smartest!
This is what our children are like!
Everyone wants to know the world,
Let's wish them good luck
So that all problems are solved.

Freken Bock: What, you want to go to school? Matilda, have you seen them? Well done! Now sit down, hands on your knees and don’t move until your mother comes or whatever her name is... never mind. Matilda, keep an eye on them, while I went to the supermarket.
Freken Bock leaves.
Child: Guys, why are you sitting there, we need to act, if Carlson were here now, he would help us.
Carlson: (looks out from behind the curtain) Hello guys, what happened here again?
Child: Hello, Carlson, please save us from this housekeeper, she wants us to sit quietly and not move.
Carlson: Calm, just calm. After all, I’m the world’s best specialist in raising housekeepers, so there’s no need to worry, let’s just have a little fun.
Game "Burst the Ball". TO balloons An elastic band is tied and the children put them on their feet.
Freken Bock enters, Carlson hides.
Freken Bock: What kind of chatter is this? Children, you've gotten away with it again. (Puts buns on the table) I’ll have some tea, but you can’t, the flour spoils your figure, you kids, do better choreography, the gentlemen are inviting the ladies.
Pair dance "__________________________________________". After the dance, Carlson quietly takes buns from the table. The presenter comes out.

Host: What fun you are having, I see you get along with the children.
Freken Bock: Of course, we got along... (notices the missing buns). Who ate my buns? Is it you, nasty kids?
Host: What are you talking about, the children couldn’t do this.
Freken Bock: Well, that’s okay, I’ll make real people out of them. I'm leaving, but I'll be back.
Freken Bock leaves, Carlson peeks out from behind the screen.
Carlson: Well, what did I tell you, who is the best housekeeper in the world?
Host: Carlson, is this your tricks again?
Carlson: Of course, my friends, who else is capable of such heroism? I also brought you something. (Shows the number “5”). This is what one excellent student gave me. (Shows “2”). And here’s another assessment, given by an acquaintance who was a bad student.
Presenter: I think that among our guys there will be no poor students.
Carlson: Now let's see...
Game "Collect marks". Freken Bock enters.

Freken Bock: Children, I have returned to take on your upbringing with renewed vigor... (notices Carlson). So that's who stole my buns!
Carlson: Madam, your milk has run out.
Freken Bock: (getting ready to leave) Excuse me, I don’t have milk on the stove. Oh, what a naughty boy.
Carlson: Let me introduce myself, Carlson is the world's best specialist in raising children.
Freken Bock: Children, I am incredibly glad that such a smart, handsome tutor was found for you, and I will be happy to go and take a break from you. Matilda, we have to go.
Carlson: Madam, let me show you out. Well, that's it, guys, do well in school, if you need me, I'm on my roof. Bye.
Carlson and Freken Bock leave.
So my preschool childhood flew by,
We are on the threshold of another life,
Let the blue bird remain in your memory
Our first graduation party.

1 child:
IN first spring leaves,
Our kindergarten now.
2nd child:
The guys from our group
They go to first grade.
3rd child:
For what you dreamed of
We've been here for so many years in a row.
For what was, will be, is,
Thank you, kindergarten.
Song "Farewell". Presentation of gifts. Congratulations to the parents.