What do you wish before flying on an airplane? Wishing you a good flight and a soft landing - poetry, prose, SMS

Wishing you a safe journey is an ancient custom. It is believed that good words protect from misfortunes and bad people. Wishes for a safe journey will accompany and protect you like guardian angels. So there can never be too many parting words for the road.

In verse

  • My dear, my beloved, have a good trip!
  • May you find something interesting along the way!
  • So that the road is bright and not at all rough
  • And so that you have space everywhere,
  • And so that you feel cozy, comfortable,
  • Let all the troubles go to hell!
  • Enjoy your holiday and have a great trip,
  • So that the mood is wonderful!
  • Accompanying you, my dear, to long journey,
  • I wish you, dear, rest!
  • May you return healthy and beautiful,
  • May you return sparkling and happy.
  • May you be on your way Dreams Come True,
  • May you meet good people along the way!
  • Everything will be fine, as you want,
  • Well, flowers will be waiting for you at home!
  • You're going on a long journey,
  • Don't forget me on the way.
  • Do you remember that my love
  • Will always be near you!
  • Let your dreams be bright
  • Let flowers please your eyes,
  • Let the beautiful happen
  • And let the troubles dissolve!
  • Darling, may God protect you on your journey!
  • May fate favor you!
  • Let the sun smile from the sky,
  • Sorrows and problems do not occur at all!
  • I love you and will be waiting for you very much,
  • To kiss and hug again!
  • Remember my love on the way,
  • You won't find another like it in the whole world!
  • Darling, let it be on a long journey
  • Your legs won't get tired
  • The soul enjoys
  • What a good trip!
  • May your path not be difficult,
  • And not sad, and not boring,
  • To make you smile
  • And made your dreams come true!
  • May God protect you on your journey,
  • May fate favor you!
  • Let the misfortunes disappear
  • Know that they love you at home and are waiting for you!
  • Don't let your feet hurt on the road
  • And the path will be easy in the end,
  • I love you my dear,
  • And I will be with you in spirit!
  • Have a nice, gentle journey!
  • So that you don’t lose your legs on the way!
  • So that you don’t know fatigue!
  • I received a flurry of emotions!
  • May you be lucky on your journey!
  • Find a true friend!
  • Pleasant, interesting meetings,
  • Every moment and everywhere!
  • Great joy to you
  • And immodest imagination.
  • But don't get carried away by anyone
  • And come back to me!
  • Accompanying you on a long journey,
  • I wish you rest
  • I wish you to dream
  • And desires to fulfill everything.
  • So that you don't feel sad on the way,
  • So that I can find warmth on the road,
  • But the hearth beckoned,
  • Don't let your enemy envy you.
  • Everything will be fine for you
  • I say, I love you with all my heart!
  • Come back, I'll be waiting for you,
  • My beloved, you are my miracle!

In prose

Everyone also knows from the Bible that the ways of God are inscrutable. Even if you know your destination, you cannot know for sure where the long road will take you. I wish that there are as few unpredictable and unforeseen circumstances on your path as possible. Let everything go as usual according to the planned plan and route. Bon Voyage and have a fruitful trip!

What the path will be does not always depend on us. After all, it is necessary that the transport does not let us down, and the weather is good. I wish that nothing takes you by surprise on your trip. Let flights not be canceled or delayed, but follow exactly as scheduled. May the weather always be sunny, clear, generally summery, and most favorable for travel. I wish all the events planned during the trip to be successful. Bon Voyage!

A long journey takes place not only during the daytime. A man follows to his destination under the cover of darkness, in a mysterious, pitch-black darkness. I wish that your entire path will be illuminated by road lamps and the light of the night luminaries. May the moon shine a soft light on your journey. And let a bright guiding star illuminate your path from the night sky. Have a nice trip and a safe journey!

May your flight be wonderful
Successful - soft landing,
I wish you to take off beautifully,
Without fear and with a sweet smile.

May he always keep it in the clouds
You are your good guardian angel,
The plane will deliver you to the place,
Like a powerful, fast fighter.

A flight awaits you today,
Let it go well!
I wish you a soft landing,
May the sky be clear and light.

Let peace flourish in your soul,
I want to set foot on earth as soon as possible.
May joy surround you even in the sky,

Good luck. I wish you a great flight with excellent health, cheerful mood and a safe air journey, as well as soft landing- as if a feather lands on a flower.

Beautiful flight, soft landing,
And so that precipitation does not interfere with the road,
So that the air holes, wind and clouds
Do not darken your future flight.

Let it be warm and calm in the cabin,
Windless, clear in the sky,
May the masterful, brave and wise pilot
The plane leads to a pleasant landing.

I wish you an easy flight
And a perfect fit,
So that the angel takes care of the planes,
And they were not bothered by precipitation.

So that the sky is a downy haze
I hugged you with love,
And after successful flights
It always brought me back to earth.

Take off and don't worry about a thing
After all, the pilot has a lot of experience!
Relax and get comfortable,
Look at the clouds from the plane!

Without fear, worry, apprehension
Fly like you're a bird today!
Let the flight give you pleasure,
May you have a soft landing!

I wish you a good flight
And land very softly,
Don't worry, don't get sick,
And let your dream come true.

Let the plane be the best
And polite flight attendants,
A professional pilot
Will save you from stress.

You have a flight today
Let him be successful.
Let your soul not hurt in anxiety,
Let everything be wonderful, definitely.

I also wish you to land softly,
And get pleasure from the flight,
Let the sky sparkle with sunshine,
So that you don't have to be sad.

Let the takeoff be very smooth,
Without unnecessary fuss and shaking!
Your flight will be successful
Fly calmly, without fear!

Believe that everything will be alright
After all, your plane is in good working order!
I wish you a soft landing,
After all, a real ace pilot!

So that you can fly like a bird,
Yes, have a good landing,
Don't get sick along the way,
Flight attendants cannot be scared away
Admire the skies
Maybe take a break for sleep.
Well, so that there is no failure,
I'll wave after you!

The plane froze
On the runway
The sky opened
Hugs for you
Have a good flight
And the landing is soft
At this moment I want
I wish you.
I wish you
Meet the dawn
Take a swim in the cloudy
Snow-white foam,
In the blue sky
Meet your happiness
And take him with you
Bring it to earth.

Flying is a wonderful, unforgettable feeling. When the plane slowly lifts off the surface of the earth and gains altitude, a feeling of endless freedom appears. Through the windows you can see a wonderful view: the clouds below resemble a fluffy blanket and above it - the blue of the sky. When the plane descends, it seems to dive into the clouds, overcome them, and there it is, the earth - multi-colored squares below. Every detail is perfectly visible. Flying is wonderful. What do people wish before flying on an airplane? What words do you use to say goodbye to loved ones, relatives and friends?

Important words of encouragement

As a rule, wishes are given on the day of departure before landing. Usually they are accompanied on the journey by close people, friends or relatives. Sometimes - colleagues, if the trip is business. Previously, the road was considered a large-scale, long and dangerous undertaking. People could not predict how it would end. Therefore, we tried to put our soul into our parting words. Air travel is now considered safe and in a fast way reach your desired destination. But the wishes for the trip to the plane have not lost their relevance.

What is important to emphasize? Farewell words are somewhat similar to congratulations; they conceal a desire to support a person and encourage him, to give him something good, even fun. Especially when there is a test ahead. Flight attendants of flight companies, finishing the mandatory briefing, usually supplement their speech with standard wishes:

“The aircraft crew wishes you a pleasant flight and a soft landing.”

Wishing you a “good journey” before your flight

What words are most often used:

  • good journey - imply a safe road in which the traveler (passenger) will receive only good impressions;
  • soft landing - professional jargon used by pilots and flight attendants;
  • easy flight - so that the journey passes without any incidents;
  • a comfortable flight is not an unnecessary wish, especially if there is a long flight ahead;
  • delicious food – passengers are fed during long flights;
  • with God - may He always be near and protect;
  • to return as soon as possible - usually such parting words are given by family members; they are sad to see off loved one and I want to see him again quickly;
  • good health - especially if a person flies for the first time, it is impossible to predict how his body will survive the flight;
  • congratulate on the successful purchase of a ticket - this is said if a passenger flies away on vacation.

Of course, wishes for a plane flight reflect people’s feelings and thoughts, their experiences and intentions. It is customary to say only good things, not to allow negative words, even thoughts. Since ancient times, it was believed that any bad word could later affect a person’s condition. However, this is completely justified. Of course, ordinary passengers cannot in any way influence the flight and the work of the pilots, but if your loved one who is leaving soon is a crew member, then it is better to wish him only a happy and easy journey.

Important! Be sincere. You don't have to write long, complicated sentences. Sometimes a few words are enough. They are priceless if spoken from the heart.

If there are several mourners, does everyone need to say something? They decide for themselves. It’s better when everyone has a personal contribution, at least a few words. Especially when they are seeing off a loved one - a relative, a friend, even a colleague. It does not matter what he is going to do then, upon arrival: work or relax. My wishes concern specifically the upcoming flight.

Who can give parting words on the road?

Basically, any person. Most often these are mourners. When saying goodbye, what they wish for when flying on an airplane reflects their mood and attitude towards the departing person.

Family members are more concerned about the health of an airplane passenger, especially if he has any problems. Also, in their parting words, they can add words about attentiveness, frugality, and congratulations on the purchase of a long-awaited trip (if they are flying on vacation).

The beloved girl promises to wait and asks to return quickly, take care of herself, and also not stare at pretty young ladies on the road.

What do you wish for your colleagues when they fly on an airplane? Fruitful work, successful conclusion of the contract, successful negotiations.

Pilots can be wished a successful flight and a smooth landing of the aircraft, good health.

A friend can be happy for the departing person, because he has a flight ahead, a change of scenery. Perhaps new prospects in terms of personal life or career growth for a guy or girl.

Aviation workers usually give standard parting words. However, the wishes apply to them too, because they are flying with the passengers.

What do friends who are far away wish for on a plane trip? Have a pleasant journey, a soft landing and, of course, good company.

What do classmates or fellow students wish for? Have fun, good company, fast travel. So that time on the road flies by. And also - many new impressions are already in place. More often they convey funny poems or short wishes, complemented by funny emoticons.

Interesting! Wishes are not always words. You can send a motivational picture, a short poem, or beautiful drawing, made by hand. The last option is typical for kids who express themselves through drawings.

Examples of wishes

“Have a quick takeoff and easy landing of the plane, let all your wishes come true. Take care of yourself, be careful on your journey"

“Have a good trip, let the time fly by on the road. Don't be bored, let him be nearby good company, meet interesting new people.”

“Happy flying! Clear skies above your head, pleasant flight and soft landing. Let the flight be successful, don’t be delayed and don’t lose your luggage!”

"You fly far away,

It won't be easy without you.

But I'll see you off with a smile,

I'll hug you and give you your luggage.

May the road not seem long,

And the landing will be surprisingly soft.

Be sure to call when you sit down,

And then call more often, preferably.

May the trip meet all expectations,

And I will wait patiently for you"

“Darling, every day spent away from you will seem like an eternity to me. But let it fly by for you. Have an easy journey, good company along the way (but female)! Call often and don’t lose your boarding pass!”

“It’s always sad to see off, but you don’t fly away for long. I wish you a comfortable flight and good health along the way. Don’t be bored, let the food be delicious, the staff attentive, and the company good.”

“Have a good flight, may the sky be clear, the plane will fly without problems. Enjoy beautiful views through the window, delicious food and don’t forget to call when you land!”

“I wish that there would be no thunderstorms, quarrels or unpleasant fellow travelers on the journey. Good luck getting there without delays or complications.”

“Good luck getting there,

The main thing is not to lose your luggage!

Suitcases won't be able to come running at the sound of a whistle,

And you – call as soon as you sit down.

The flight attendants are attentive, the food is delicious,

And don’t miss the landing!

You fly far, for a long time,

But your road is quick and easy!”

Obviously, they wish most often when a person flies on an airplane. Have a good trip, no delays. This is not surprising, because sometimes flights can be delayed and people wait for hours. Various difficulties may arise during a flight; this happens even now, when the development of technology makes it possible to instantly communicate and quickly cover vast distances. Therefore, the importance of wishes cannot be underestimated.

Previously, they even tried not to say anything bad to their enemies on the road. Even the day before. It is considered important to preserve good mood to the traveler, so there will be nothing negative or offensive in your wishes.