All currant diseases. Pests and diseases of black, red and white currants

Black currant diseases are divided as follows:

  • fungal;
  • viral;
  • bacterial;
  • infectious.

Powdery mildew on leaves

Powdery mildew is a real scourge of young bushes. IN Lately This problem occurs very often due to climate change in some regions and heavy rains.

The causative agent of the disease is a fungus of the Sphaerotheca species. If treatment is not done, the plant may die.

The main signs by which the disease can be recognized include the appearance of black spots on leaves and shoots, as well as curling and falling of leaf blades.

The methods of struggle are as follows:

  • "Fitosporin".
    It is a microbiological fungicide that penetrates deep into the plant's cellular system and acts as a natural antibiotic.
  • "Fundazol".
    This drug used in severely advanced cases. This is a systemic and contact fungicide that copes well with fungal infections.
  • Iodine solution (a bottle of the drug 5% per bucket of water).

This is a common fungal disease

Develops on leaves, aerial parts of bush shoots and very rarely on fruits


This is a serious disease caused by the fungus Colletotrichum. The first sign is the appearance of red spots on the leaves. Later they enlarge and form obstacles to the movement of nutrients. The disease can also be recognized by leaf curling. Treatment should be started immediately.

Methods to combat the fungus are as follows:

  • Copper sulfate. The plant is treated with a 1% solution, spending on average 1.5 liters per adult bush.
  • "Fitosporin". Usually 5 grams of the drug are diluted in one bucket of water.
  • "Previkur".
  • "Fundazol".

The disease is caused by ascomycete fungi

Tomatoes, cucumbers, melons, grapes, cherries and other crops are also susceptible to this disease.


Currant terry is a virus that can destroy the plant. It is quite difficult to identify it. Sometimes characteristic symptoms appear only at 3–4 years of age.

These include:

  • lack of berries on bushes and individual shoots;
  • transformation of leaf plates;
  • lack of characteristic currant aroma.

The disease can be detected by the following signs on the leaves:

  • foliage deformation:
  • their darkening;
  • disappearance of aroma;
  • stretching flower brushes;
  • deformation of flowers.

There is no effective treatment.

Affected bushes must be uprooted and burned, and healthy ones, in order to ensure safety, should be treated with preparations that have insecticidal properties: a solution of Lepidocide, Fufanon, Akarina and others, strictly following the instructions.

This is a very dangerous disease that can lead to the death of the plant.

The second name of the disease is currant reversion

White spot or septoria

This disease is widespread in central Russia. Many people do not even pay attention to this kind of damage to the bush, and in vain: if treatment is not carried out, the matter may result in loss of harvest and death of the plant.

The causative agent is a fungus from the genus Axomycetes. The main signs of the disease include the following:

  • the appearance of brown spots on the leaves;
  • drying of leaf plates.

Treatment is carried out by destroying the affected areas, spraying the bushes with 1% Bordeaux mixture or treating with fungicides (Bayleton, Ridomil Gold, etc.).

Most often appears in the first and second decades of June

At the first sign, immediate treatment is required


If a plant begins to lose leaves in mid-summer, this is an alarming sign. Similar symptoms are characteristic of a disease caused by a dangerous fungus. There are 2 types of rust:

  • Glass-shaped. It looks like raised brown spots.
  • Columnar. It is a growth on the bottom of the leaves.

The disease causes a decrease in the plant's immunity and can cause crop loss. Treatment should begin immediately after detection characteristic symptoms. For processing use:

  • Bordeaux mixture.
  • Drug HOM.

This is a fungal disease

The disease is also typical for gooseberries

Striped mosaic

This is a viral disease. One of the characteristic symptoms is a change in the color of the leaves: patterned grayish-yellow spots appear on them. Carry out treatment in in this case useless: it is necessary to dig up and burn the bush to prevent the spread of infection.

When digging, you must ensure that not even a tiny root of an infected crop remains in the soil. This may cause infection of another healthy plant.

This virus can also appear on grains: wheat, barley, oats

This disease cannot be cured

Main pests and methods of controlling them

Pests of black currant include:

Most likely, this is a glass beetle - an insect that attacks currants

How to treat bushes in autumn

After the harvest, a crucial period of preparation for the new season begins. How seriously you approach this will determine whether it will bring black currant for next year good harvest or not.

As a rule, in the fall, shrubs are sprayed with special chemicals, for the purpose of their protection. The soil under each plant is loosened and cultivated, and fertilizing is applied.

The procedure involves pruning the bush

Preventive measures to prevent diseases and pests of currants

If the blackcurrant is young (3 years or less), it is recommended to thin out the bush by removing old or diseased shoots.

Juicy and fleshy berries can only be obtained with proper care of the plant.

Treating a plant is a troublesome and slow task. To avoid unnecessary problems, it is enough to adhere to the simplest rules of care and spray in a timely manner. You also need to pay attention to the condition of the currant bushes and record the slightest changes in order to prevent the development of the disease.

In order not to lose a powerful source of vitamins and healing substances, you need to take care of the health of currants like the best doctor and assistant. Knowledge about pathogens and symptoms of the most common diseases will help you begin to act promptly and correctly.


Among summer residents and gardeners, the name fly-catcher is more common. The disease is relevant for all types of currants. But the pathogen has the greatest selectivity for red currants.

How to recognize the disease?

The pathogen is highly resistant and thrives in last year’s currant leaves, overwintering under bushes. Its spread is facilitated by water and numerous bugs and insects. Fungal infection affects bushes during the rainy season. High humidity stimulates the rapid growth of pathogenic fungus. It spreads throughout the bush, leading to its death. Main signs of the disease:

  • the appearance of small brown spots. Their diameter is up to 1 mm. There are dark tubercles in the center;
  • the spots grow and merge, involving the entire leaf blade in the inflammatory process;
  • as a result, the leaves dry out and fall off;
  • the bush is dying.

Red currants tolerate the disease much worse than black currants. A few small spots are enough and the leaves will begin to fall off.

Fungal spores can persist in contaminated plant material for many years, perfectly tolerating any frost.


  1. Dead bushes are dug up and burned.
  2. Old and diseased leaves must be completely destroyed.
  3. Mandatory digging of the earth along the periphery of the bushes is carried out. The depth of the top layer is 10 cm.
  4. In the contaminated area you need to carry out a special autumn processing fungicide. You can generously spill the soil around the bushes with a solution copper sulfate.
  5. New bushes should not be planted on contaminated soil. You need to choose a new place at least 5 m from the fungal outbreak.
  6. All weeds must be carefully weeded. It is better not to leave them on the site. The infection persists in them.


Timely treatment is the key to saving the bushes in time. What you can use for this:

  • Bordeaux mixture is the highlight of all gardeners for many pathologies. It kills fungi and stops the disease. Therefore, when spots with tubercles are detected, immediate treatment should be started. The drug is diluted as follows - 100 g of product per 10 liters of water;
  • Nitrafen. A 3% solution is an effective remedy against fungi. Therapeutic dose is 300g per 10 liters of liquid. Plants are sprayed in the spring before the buds swell. At the end of October - after the leaves have completely fallen off;
  • Cuprosan;
  • Colloidal sulfur.

Choice resistant variety ensures success when growing currant bushes.

Powdery mildew

Forms of pathology

The disease has characteristic feature- white coating, like flour. The disease has two types:

  1. European - the type of lesion is somewhat reminiscent of a cobweb. Less common. Red currants are mainly affected.

  1. American. Another name for the sphere library. A loose powdery fungus grows on the leaves. Soon it becomes dense and felt-like.

The process involves:

  • leaves,
  • branches,
  • shoots,
  • ovaries,
  • green berries.

The disease develops at the end of May. The leaves dry out and curl up. Shoots and branches die. The disease is caused by a special marsupial fungus that overwinters in leaf litter and on bushes.


All types of bushes are affected, but red currants are most susceptible to it. Shrubs suffer great damage. The disease is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • whitish, loose coating;
  • gradually it takes on a felt appearance if the form of the disease is spheroteca;
  • the plaque completely involves the plant in the infectious process;
  • leaves and berries dry and fall off;
  • the growth of shoots stops, they begin to bend;
  • the tops become black and look burnt;
  • the leaves become smaller and turn yellow;
  • internodes are shortened

At timely processing The outcome is favorable, the plants respond well to treatment.

How to defeat powdery mildew?

Not only fungicides are effective for treatment, but also products that are always at hand.

  1. Fitosporin;
  2. 5% iodine. One bottle is diluted in 10 liters of water. Spray the affected bushes several times. The interval between treatments is three days.
  3. 1% copper sulfate. 1 teaspoon per seven liters of liquid.
  4. Biological products – Trichodermin, Phytodoctor.
  5. Antifungal agents – Paracelsus, Horus.

The treatment is carried out 3 times. It's important to do this

  1. before flowering
  2. after flowering,
  3. after picking berries.

Traditional methods for treatment powdery mildew show high efficiency. Use a solution soda ash. You can prepare soapy water using laundry soap. Chloride of lime is diluted in a dosage of 2 tbsp. for 10 liters of water.

Preventive measures:

  • Never plant currants, grapes and gooseberries next to each other. These shrubs are most susceptible to infection by a harmful fungus. The disease can continuously circulate in a circle, it will be very difficult to stop it.
  • Cut out infected branches in a timely manner;
  • Treat currants after fruiting, before wintering, and before bud break. To completely get rid of pathogens.

What do they offer in selection?

Selecting varietal resistant shrubs is not an easy task. Here is a list to help you make your choice:

  • Red Cross;
  • London Market;
  • Ceres;
  • Tsiralt;
  • Ural white;
  • Natalie;
  • Radiant;
  • Temptation.

White spot

Scientifically called septoria. The disease is caused by a pathogenic fungus. Damaged leaves fall off much earlier than expected. The branches stop growing, the buds dry out.

Manifestations of white spotting

Main features:

  • the formation of a huge number of small dark spots on the leaves;
  • the spots are round in shape;
  • the color of the affected areas is brown with a pronounced lightening in the center and a brown border along the edge;
  • black dots in the spots appear a little later. They contain spores of a pathogenic pathogen.

  • then ulcers form in place of the blackheads. This means that the fungal spores have matured and scattered into new leaves.

  • the disease usually begins in June;
  • mass destruction of bushes occurs in August.

Treatment measures

In early spring, before the buds begin to hatch, the bushes are treated with Biological Preparations. You can spray with Phytodoctor or Nitrofen. At the height of the disease, Bordeaux mixture can be used effectively.

Rust on currants

Types of pathology

Such damage to bushes can be seen at any time in the spring. summer season. There are two subtypes of the disease:

  1. Goblet - convex elevations are formed on the leaf blades. They resemble warts or small mounds. The bright orange pads are easily identifiable.

Spores are hidden in them. They are located on the reverse side of the sheet. It is difficult to confuse this disease with something else. Sometimes ovaries and inflorescences are involved in the process. Affected leaves quickly turn yellow and fall off, and along with them crumbles future harvest. Fungal spores arrive from sedges, where, under conditions of optimal humidity, fungi multiply abundantly and begin migration.

  1. Columnar. Bright orange and yellow splashes are clearly visible on the leaves.

On the back of the sheet you can see small pads. They attract attention with the brightness of their orange hue. As the disease progresses, spore columns appear here - brown bristles. Pathogen spores are abundantly hidden in them.

The pathogen lives in needles and easily spreads to currant bushes. It causes the greatest harm to black currants. Leaves fall off at the height of flowering or fruiting. The growth of shoots is inhibited. The bush weakens and loses stability. The next year the harvest drops significantly.


If you have goblet rust, you should not plant plants next to sedge. If the weed itself unexpectedly grows around the currant, it is necessary to get rid of it quickly. Columnar rust is transferred from any coniferous trees. The best place for planting is in elevated areas, away from increased humidity and wetlands. All leaves in the fall are raked and burned, if suddenly orange elevations are found anywhere.

The bushes are treated with antifungal agents in several stages - at the opening of the buds, during flowering, and during the formation of ovaries.

For prevention, currants are sprayed with Bordeaux mixture three times:

  • before the buds open;
  • on the eve of flowering;
  • after flowering is completed.

For this purpose, it is good to use a Cuprozan suspension. You can use 1% colloidal sulfur at a dose of 3 kg/ha. Spraying is also carried out three times - before the flowers appear, 12 days after flowering and after fruiting.

Variety selection

The right fungus-resistant variety is the key to currant health. Which varieties should you especially pay attention to:

  • Dutch red;
  • Kyiv Suite;
  • Minsk;
  • Versailles white;
  • Goliath;
  • Faya is fertile;
  • Cantata;
  • Neapolitan;
  • Nina;
  • Chereshneva.


A number of means help to effectively cope with fungal pathogens. The following control measures are used:

  1. Spraying infected bushes with 1% Bordeaux mixture. It is diluted in water at the rate of 1 tsp. for 7 liters. The treatment is carried out 4 times, maintaining an interval of 10 days.
  2. Powerful fungicidal drugs are widely used if the disease has become widespread. Or if other methods of struggle do not help.
  3. Fitosporin is diluted and used according to instructions.
  4. Phytodoctor is widely prescribed; it copes well with fungi.

Terry, blackcurrant threat

Reversion of black currant occurs when infected with a virus - Riber virus 1. The virus causes mutations at the molecular level, leading to genetic damage. As a result, blackcurrant bushes become barren. Carrier – kidney mite

Features of the disease

It is most convenient to determine doubleness during the flowering period. Leaves and flowers must be carefully examined. The following characteristic signs are important for diagnosis:

  1. Changes in leaves
    • the shape of the leaves changes. They can lengthen and acquire pointed tips;
    • sharp teeth along the edge of the leaf become deeper and larger;
    • new additional cutouts appear;
    • leaves become asymmetrical;
    • instead of five blades, three are formed;
    • the number of veins is reduced;
    • color changes.
  2. Changes in inflorescences
    • the flowers stretch out, acquiring an elongated shape;
    • the petals acquire a purple, green, dirty pink hue;
    • the inflorescences disappear without forming berries;
    • flowering is delayed;
    • fruiting is reduced, subsequently until it stops completely;
    • currants do not have a characteristic special smell.

The disease can be detected when flower stalks appear. Bushes affected by the virus are a source of infection healthy plants. In this regard, they need to get rid of them. Spraying with drugs will not work. Pruning will only prolong the existence of the virus and will not completely eliminate the disease. The infection can last for more than one year. The reason for this is insects that carry viruses. These are aphids and currant mites.

What can be done, how to prevent

Because there are no drugs to treat the disease. And in case of infection you will have to say goodbye to your black darling. It is necessary to create the most healthy conditions for growing, to increase the immunity and immunity of shrubs. Basic Rules:

  1. The only way to protect healthy bushes is to uproot and burn affected plants;
  2. Control tick vectors and aphids.
  3. Fertilize with phosphorus and potassium fertilizers.
  4. Reduce the use of nitrogen compounds - they weaken the bushes when the dose is exceeded.
  5. Treat with Karbofos after fruiting.

Nectria drying

Disease of shoots of red and white currants, less often black. Young shoots and new branches are mainly affected. The causative agent is a marsupial fungus that lives at the base of branches. Often found on living and drying shoots. The disease begins with the appearance of tubercles on the bark of the affected branches. They contain pathogen spores.

Diagnostics by appearance

External signs have the following features:

  • At the base of the branches there are abundant stromas, well convex and noticeable.
  • They are shaped like a pillow.
  • At the beginning of the disease, the color is bright red or bright orange.
  • The density is leathery, fleshy.
  • By the time the spores mature, darkening occurs.
  • The stroma breaks through the cortex and rises to the surface.
  • Damaged shoots dry out and die.

Control measures

Timely treatment starts leads to good results. What you need to do to save the plant in time:

  1. When the first signs appear, you should immediately carefully prune the bush. Completely remove infected branches and burn.
  2. Immediately treat the cutting areas with Bordeaux mixture.
  3. Apply garden varnish to the cuts.

Striped mosaic, how to find out?

Why does it occur and how does it manifest?

A disease that cannot be cured. The causative agents are viruses, and the carriers are sucking insect pests. These are currant mites, aphids. They, feeding on plant sap, spread the infection through the salivary glands throughout the area with bushes. Sometimes the disease can be transmitted through the graft of an infected cutting. Carrying out pruning without following the rules for disinfecting pruners also contributes to the spread of the virus from diseased plants to healthy ones. The mosaic looks quite specific - bright yellow stripes appear on the leaf blades. They form a mosaic pattern around the leaf veins.

Timely measures will help prevent the spread

A remedy for treating dangerous viral disease not yet created. Therefore, all efforts must be directed to prevent the pathological process. What rules must be followed to avoid striped mosaic?

  1. Choose healthy bushes for cuttings.
  2. Purchase strong and proven planting material.
  3. Fight insects that carry viruses. To do this, treat currants against aphids and mites twice a season.
  4. Uproot disease-damaged bushes completely and burn them.
  5. It is not recommended to plant currants in the area where bushes with mosaic disease grew for 5 years.

Gray rot

The disease occurs when infected with a dangerous fungus that causes illness in almost everyone garden crops. The source is infected spoiled fruits, affected branches and leaves. Fungal spores are transported by wind and rain.

Signs of gray rot

Main manifestations:

  • brown spots on leaf blades;
  • lumps of mold on twigs;
  • White currants are more susceptible to the disease than other bushes.

Protection measures

Prevention comes down to treating bushes with Zircon in the spring. Repeated spraying is carried out at the end of August. Follow the watering regime, avoiding waterlogging of the soil. Infected branches and leaves are burned. To destroy fungal spores in early spring and during leaf fall, the bushes are treated with a urea solution. Dilute 700 g into a ten-liter bucket.

Almost all summer residents and land owners give their preference to growing currants. On the plots we most often find black currants (Ribes nigrum), red currants (Ribes rubrum) and white currants (Ribes niveum), recently yellow currants have also become popular.

Currant diseases and their treatment

If you want your bush to delight you with berries year after year, then you should know not only about the basic subtleties of care, but also diseases and pests of currants. About your illnesses currant bush“signals”: ​​the leaves turn yellow, dry and fall off, the berries dry out, the trunk begins to rot. And about the details of currant treatment, about the most popular folk remedies ah for currants we will talk in this article.
Almost all summer residents and land owners give their preference to growing currants. At the sites we most often encounter black currants(Ribes nigrum), red(Ribes rubrum) and white currants(Ribes niveum), yellow currants have also become popular recently. If you want your bush to delight you with berries year after year, then you should know not only about the basic subtleties of care, but also diseases and pests of currants. The currant bush “signals” about its diseases: the leaves turn yellow, dry and fall off, the berries dry out, and the trunk begins to rot. And we will talk about the details of currant treatment and the most popular folk remedies for currants in this article.

Anthracnose (fly beetle)

Probably every gardener has noticed that in the middle of summer (most often in July), after heavy rains, red spots with a brown tint begin to appear on currant leaves. Over time, these spots “spread” over the entire area of ​​the leaves. Usually this leads to the fact that the leaf begins to dry out at the edges and takes on the color of the spot itself, because the fly beetle also affects the petioles of the leaves.

Anthracnose is a fungal disease, and if it affects your bush, then you will reap a much smaller harvest, and if you do not start treating the currants, the plant will die in 4 years. This disease is insidious, because in winter the fly beetle spores “live” in the leaves that have fallen from the bush.

Important!The plant will not get sick if you remove fallen leaves for the winter and sprinkle the ground under the bush with dry sand.

American powdery mildew (spheroteka)

Spherotheca is a fungus that appears in mid-summer on young currant leaves. It manifests itself in the form of a white, easily erasable coating, which then develops into a white cobweb on the currant - over time, it affects both old leaves and even the crop. There is another type of powdery mildew - European powdery mildew, which has the same symptoms and methods of control. It is best to combat this disease in early spring, before the buds open. The best method is to spray the bushes with a solution iron sulfate(ratio 10 g per 30 liters of water).

This spraying should be carried out immediately after flowering, and then repeated 2-3 times with an interval of 10 days. Also, a fairly effective way to combat spheroteca is to spray the bush with an infusion of humus. To prepare it, you need to pour well-steamed humus with water in a ratio of 1 part humus to 2 parts water, leave for 2 days, strain and spray the plant with this solution. If there is already an affected shoot on the bush, it must be destroyed.

Did you know? Red currants survive American powdery mildew disease much more easily than black currants.

Reddish-brown warts are goblet rust. This disease affects all the “organs” of the bush: from the ovary to the trunk. If sedge grows near your site, this is the first and main cause of currant disease. This disease can lead to crop loss and drying out of currant branches. The fight against this disease consists of treating the bushes with phytosporin; if this does not help, you can use Bordeaux acid. Such preventive measures should be carried out 4 times with an interval of 10 days.

Terry (reversion)

Reversion affects all types of currants without exception, because the pathogen of this plant is hidden in the juices. It appears mainly in purple color: the petals become purple and narrow, the fruits do not set. If your plant is already affected, swatching branches or leaves will not help. Here we're talking about only about destroying the entire bush. To prevent this disease, you need to regularly add potassium and phosphorus to the soil, and you can also water the bush with solutions of manganese and boron.

Important! Nitrogen fertilizers only contribute to the development of this disease.

Nectria drying of currant shoots and branches

This disease is one of the most “severe” for currants, which affects mainly red and white currants and leads to total drying out of currant branches. The first sign is the appearance of red-brown tubercles at the base of the branches. To prevent this disease, you need to follow the rules of agricultural technology, and if it has already fully developed on the bush, then the affected branches need to be cut off and burned, and the wounds need to be lubricated with garden varnish.

Striped (veined) mosaic

Conventional treatment of spring currants against pests and diseases will not help prevent the viral disease - striped (veined) mosaic. Usually this disease overtakes bushes at the beginning of summer. The main and only symptom: a pale yellow pattern appears on the leaves, around the main veins, which becomes brighter over time. In this case, there is no need to talk about currant treatment; the only way out is to uproot the bush and burn it. But, preventive methods can be carried out: treat the bush from insects in a timely manner, and also use healthy material for planting.

Gray rot

Gray rot is a fungal disease that causes the leaves to turn dark brown, and even the wood of white currants can be affected.

Did you know?Gray rot affects almost all berry plants.

If your bush is affected, this will lead to the “death” of the leaves, deterioration in the quality of the berries and the imminent death of the entire plant. The main method of combating the disease is to collect and destroy the affected areas, and you can also treat the plant with fungicides, but this can only be done before fruit formation. It is best to carry out treatment during the flowering period.

Columnar rust appears in summer. Warm and too humid weather is the main causative agent of the disease, which massively affects currant bushes. To protect your bushes from this disease, you need to regularly rake fallen leaves and treat the bushes with 1% Bordeaux mixture. This processing is best carried out in three stages:when blooming, when buds are forming and after the color has fallen. It is also important to loosen the soil in time, but not deeply (approximately 3-5 cm). But the main way is to choose right place for planting: columnar rust develops on bushes near coniferous trees, so it is better to plant the bush away from them.

Septoria (white spot) on currants

This disease is caused by a fungus that lives on fallen leaves. Brown spots appear on young leaves, with the development of which a white dot, which grows and remains over time White spot framed in red. In the areas, diseased bushes are treated with nitrafen, and if the damage is very severe, then a solution of copper sulfate should be used. But in the fight against this disease, it is important not what to treat currants with, but when to do it, and it is better to do it in early spring before buds form.

Important!A large number of weeds contributes to the development of diseases.

Drying of currant shoots and branches

Everyone knows that the woody part of the currant is very elastic, but the symptom of this disease is the loss of elasticity of the bush and the appearance of cracks on the trunk and branches. A fungus develops in these cracks, the spores of which contribute to the spread of this disease. The methods of combating drying out are very simple: following the rules of agricultural technology and treating the cuttings with Bordeaux mixture (100 g per 10 liters of water).

Prevention of currant diseases

The first and most main advice in the fight against diseases and pests of currants - compliance with the rules of agricultural technology, namely regular loosening of the soil and digging up the bushes. Many, of course, are proud lush garden from currants, but you should not allow the planting to be too dense; for this you need to regularly trim the branches of the bushes.

Currant pests: how to fight

Protection of currants from pests in the spring mainly consists of preventive measures acceptance. But if your garden is already infested with insects, then you should not immediately resort to chemicals, as they can harm your plant. To begin with, you can try folk remedies such as decoctions, infusions and sprays. We will talk further about their effectiveness and nuances of use.

Two-year-old leaf roller

The leaf roller attacks the buds and berries of the bush. The leaf roller looks like a caterpillar up to 22 mm in size. Again, the cause of their appearance may be uncollected fallen leaves in which they overwinter. The transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly occurs in mid-May from eggs that are laid on the buds and embryos of berries. Caterpillars eat the buds from the inside. One such caterpillar can eat 30 buds in a week. Butterflies fly out after 50 days. To reproduce, butterflies lay eggs on already formed berries. You can fight the two-year-old leaf roller by spraying the bushes with insecticides: Antio, Gardona, Zolon.

Females and males of scale insects differ: the female is wrinkled, pear-shaped, covered with gray-brown skin. The male is elongated, with two grooves, one pair of wings and antennae. The female lays purple-red eggs in the subcortex of the branches of the bush. The settlement and revival of the larvae takes the entire period from currant budding to the end of the flowering period. Typically, willow scale invades bushes that are not taken care of. There is only one method of combating this pest: cutting out damaged bushes and destroying them. For prevention, you can treat the bushes with Bordeaux acid in early spring, at a temperature no higher than 4 degrees.

Gooseberry moth

The gooseberry moth is a butterfly whose wingspan reaches 3 cm, while the body itself grows only up to 2 cm in length. The caterpillar is light green in color, and the wings of the butterfly have a brown stripe and dark brown spots. The eggs laid by the female overwinter in the upper layers of the soil, in cocoons made of cobwebs. When the butterflies appear (in mid-April), they lay eggs in the flowers of the bush and in the buds. The fight against currant moth consists of timely removal of cobwebs from the bushes, and after flowering it is advisable to spray the bush with an insecticide. Hilling up the soil with mulch (a layer of about 8 cm) is effective in combating moth.

Did you know?After flowering, the bush needs to be opened to ventilate and improve the quality of the berries.

The methods of combating the sawfly are almost no different from the fight against other pests, the only difference is that spraying must be carried out in two stages: against the first generation - from the moment of bud formation until the buds open, and the second stage - immediately after flowering. If after you have harvested the crop, insects appear again, then spraying with insecticides can be done again. The easiest way to combat sawfly is to shake off the larvae by hand.

Gooseberry shoot aphid

Aphids live in colonies: the larvae overwinter in the subcortex of a young shoot, and in the spring the female “disperses” her young throughout the bush. The invasion of a colony of aphids causes young leaves to dry out and, as a result, die. To combat the pest, you can use a soap solution: 300 g per 10 liters of water. Anthracnose treatments are also effective for killing insects. Insecticides are effective, but they cannot be sprayed on fruits.

Moth false caterpillars eat leaves: first they gnaw out small holes, then together with them they “envelop” themselves in a cocoon and fall to the ground for wintering. The female moth lays her eggs in the summer inside leaf. The females are quite large - their wingspan can be 5 cm. The methods of combating moths are the same as against other pests: spraying with insecticides, shaking off the larvae by hand, loosening the soil.

Leaf gall aphid

This insect has another name - “red gall” aphid. They usually overwinter on the bark of shoots, next to the buds. In the summer, when the growth of fresh shoots slows down, they move to nearby plants, and by autumn they move to the bush. Females emerge in summer and distribute their offspring. They usually live on the inside of the leaf, eating it. Yellow-red swellings - galls - appear on the damaged leaf. Soap solution, insecticides (treatment in early spring), entomophages are effective means to combat these insects.

This small sucking insect infects the leaves of the bush, turning them “marbled”, after which they dry out and fall off. These larvae live on the inside of the leaf and spend the winter under fallen leaves. By damaging the leaf, mites sharply reduce the yield and quality of the fruit. Most often, spider mites appear on weeds, and then “move” to the bush. It is necessary to fight the tick even before the female lays eggs: spraying with any of the acaricides will be an effective method.

Important! Necessary alternate medications, as the ticks will develop immunity and there will be no effect over time.

A good folk method is to water the currant bushes with hot water with the addition of potassium permanganate (the water should be soft pink).

This pest overwinters in loose currant bark. You can distinguish a young moth - it is red, and an old one - olive green. The bud moth feasts on buds and berries, and also damages shoots in winter. The eggs are laid in green berries, from which the seeds are then eaten, not allowing the berries to ripen. Control methods are as follows: cutting out damaged bushes and shoots in the fall, treating with Karbofos (10%) no more than twice per season. It is also very important to monitor the density of the planting and, if necessary, clean the planting site.

Currant gall midges

There are three types of gall midges that can attack your currants: shoot, flower and leaf. Their operating principle is very similar, although they appear in different time: shoot - during the flowering period of currants, leaf - at the beginning of flowering, and flower - during the formation of buds. They also lay eggs in different ways: leafy - on young leaves, not allowing them to bloom; flower - in buds that turn yellow or red over time and do not fall off without blooming; shoot - on the lower part of the shoots, which are already covered with wood. To combat gall midges, you need to cut out damaged shoots and bushes and also spray them with insecticides during the formation of buds.

- this is a greenish-copper beetle, small size. Usually overwinters in shoots. The larvae hatch in late May - early June. The larvae create "tunnels" in the middle of the shoot. The branches that have been damaged by the borers dry out and die, and the growth on the remaining ones is very small. They fight borers by destroying damaged shoots and burning them. In early spring, you can spray the bushes with Parisian greens (15 g per 10 liters of water, and for better effect you can add another 30 g of lime).

Currant bud mite

Currant bud mite- the most dangerous insect pest for currants, because it attacks the buds, feeds on them and, worst of all, overwinters in them. Over the course of a season, several generations of mites may appear in the garden; they are usually spread to other plants by the wind. Best method fight against bud mites - timely pruning of damaged bushes and uprooting of completely infected bushes. To prevent the appearance of ticks, you can also plant onions or garlic between the bushes - ticks do not like strong odors. It is important to use healthy planting material; to be completely sure, you can keep the seedlings in hot water 15-20 minutes.

Female glassworts lay eggs in the damaged bark of branches and trunks. Caterpillars that hatch can make tunnels up to 40 cm. The caterpillars spend two seasons in the bark, gradually “making their way” to the exit. The glass itself appears after flowering. The butterfly is scaly, lilac-black in color with transverse stripes on the belly. The fight against glassware on currants is a complex process. It consists primarily of timely pruning of bushes, spraying with insecticides, regular inspection of the bush and lubricating the cuts with a disinfectant.

Preventative pest control measures

Prevention of pests should begin before winter: Write in the comments what questions you have not received an answer to, we will definitely respond!

111 once already

Garden blackcurrant, diseases and treatment

Currants (from the Latin Ribes) became popular in Rus' back in the 11th century. The aromatic berry got its name due to its strong smell, for which it was called “currant”. The culture belongs to the Gooseberry family (lat. Grossulariaceae) and has more than a hundred varieties.

Currant diseases and pests are found in almost every private household. Therefore, a novice gardener cannot do without knowledge about measures to combat them and prevent them.

Common currant diseases and their treatment, photos of signs of infection

If there are only a few bushes of this berry growing on your site, you should thoroughly prepare from the beginning of spring. A selection of photos will help identify the disease by symptoms and appearance plants, and timely apply protective and preventive measures.

Currant anthracnose (lat. Pseudopeziza ribis)

The causative agent of this disease is the fungus Colletotrichum orbiculare. The first manifestations of infection can often be seen in the middle of the summer season. Main symptoms:

  • small red and brown spots (up to 1 mm) with dark tubercles in the center appear on the leaves;
  • the spots gradually increase, affecting the entire leaf;
  • leaves dry out and fall off.

This disease is typical for all types of currants, but is especially common on red ones. During the rainy season, the fungus is more active and dangerous to the plant. Its spores can easily survive winter on plant debris.

If currant anthracnose is detected on the site, treatment should begin immediately. To do this, use Bordeaux mixture (0.1 kg of the drug per 10 liters of water). Spraying is carried out immediately after detection, and again after harvesting the berries. You can prevent the disease using simple preventive measures:

  • all fallen leaves and plant debris must be removed from the soil and burned;
  • It is not recommended to plant young healthy bushes in the place where the infected plant was.

Powdery mildew (lat. Sphaerotheca mors-uvae)

The causative agent of powdery mildew is the marsupial fungus Erysiphales. In the middle of the summer season, the following symptoms of the disease can be found on berry bushes:

  • young leaves are covered with a white, loose coating;
  • gradually it spreads to the berries.

Powdery mildew is a rare disease of currants and its control does not cause problems if treated in a timely manner. If symptoms are detected, it is recommended to spray the bushes with Fitosporin according to the instructions.

In the fight against the disease, you can use pharmaceutical iodine: 1 bottle of 5% of the drug per 10 liters of liquid. The procedure should be repeated after 3-4 days. In cases where the treatment has not brought results, 1% copper sulfate should be used: a teaspoon per 6-7 liters of liquid.

The presence of such a disease indicates an unhealthy condition of the bushes. The main prevention is correct agricultural technology. Regular feeding and care will prevent infection.

Rust on currants (lat. Puccinia ribesii-caricis)

You can detect rust on bushes at any time of the season. There are 2 types of it:

  • goblet - expressed in the presence of convex humps on the leaves orange color, resembling warts;
  • columnar - small orange dots form on the leaves.

The source of glass rust is the sedge growing near the site, and the carrier of columnar rust can be a coniferous forest nearby. Spraying with Fitosporin according to the instructions will help overcome the disease. If treatment fails, more powerful fungicides should be used, for example, Bordeaux mixture (a teaspoon per 7 liters of liquid). Treatment should be carried out 4 times with an interval of 10 days.

Blackcurrant diseases and their treatment photo

The most popular variety of this culture is black. Its berries have a strong taste and aroma, and are most often used in canning. This species should be given special attention, since black currant diseases and the fight against them have their own characteristics and differences.

Blackcurrant reversion, or Terry (lat. Ribes virus 1)

The causative agent of the disease is Ribes virus 1, and the carrier is the kidney mite. The virus leads to mutation of the original form of the species and infertility of the plant.

The main symptoms are:

  • change in leaf shape: elongation, asymmetry, presence of sharp teeth;
  • leaves may become three-lobed;
  • reduction in the number of veins;
  • leaves may turn purple;
  • flowers become elongated with narrow petals;
  • lack of fruiting and characteristic smell of the plant.

Such a disease can be detected already during the flowering period. Infected plants are a source of infection for healthy ones, so the former must be removed. Treatment with drugs or pruning will not be effective.

You can prevent terry in the following ways:

  • for planting it is necessary to choose only healthy and proven material;
  • Potassium and phosphorus fertilizing makes the plant more resistant to disease;
  • excess nitrogen supplements reduces immunity to the virus;
  • After harvesting, the bushes are treated with Karbofos according to the instructions.

White and red currant diseases and treatment

Diseases of red currants and their treatment differ from black ones, and often occur in white berries as well. The disease can be prevented with the help of medications and preventive measures.

Nectria shoot drying (lat. Sphaeria ribis Tode)

Quite often, currants are subject to the disease of nectar drying of young shoots and branches. The causative agent is a species of marsupial fungus Nectria ribis. Main symptoms:

  • orange dots form on branches and shoots, which gradually grow, turning into voluminous brown tubercles;
  • during the period of ripening, spore formations become black;
  • young shoots gradually dry out and die.

If treatment is not started in time, you can lose the entire plant. When the first symptoms are detected, the bushes are pruned: the affected branches are cut off and burned. The cut areas should be disinfected with Bordeaux mixture and treated with garden varnish.

Infection can be prevented using proper agricultural practices: it is necessary to regularly remove weeds, remove fallen leaves and systematically feed plants. With proper care, currant diseases, photos of which you will find in this article, are not terrible.

Currant pests and their control

Aphid (lat. Aphidoidea)

This crop is most often affected by leaf gall aphids. Small insects reach no more than 2 mm in length and feed on plant juices. The main signs of the presence of a pest:

  • large spots in the form of swellings, colored yellow or red, form on the leaves;
  • Gradually the leaves dry out and die.

Another type of aphid is the shoot aphid. It affects the branches, bending them and inhibiting growth. The insect lives throughout the summer, and during this period it can change up to 7 generations. The best remedy for aphids is Actellik or Karbofos. Spraying is done in accordance with the instructions. The procedure is repeated after 10 days.

You can avoid damage to berry bushes thanks to the following preventive measures:

  • regularly remove weeds and fallen leaves;
  • prune diseased bushes;
  • attract insects that feed on aphids (such as ladybugs). To do this, plants such as daisies, tansy or yarrow are planted nearby.

Fireweed (lat. Pyralidae)

Small gray butterfly moths reach 1 cm (wingspan up to 3 cm). The pupae easily survive the winter in the soil under the bush, and during the flowering period, butterflies infect the flowers, laying eggs in them.

The main symptoms of the presence of a pest:

  • hatched caterpillars on a bush feeding on berries;
  • the fruits are entwined with cobwebs.

The affected plant cannot be cured. The only way to protect a bush from moth is to cover the soil around it with roofing felt or linoleum before flowering so that the pest cannot get out onto it. When the crop fades, the shelter can be removed.

If the plant cannot be cured, it must be urgently removed and burned. Following all the rules of agricultural technology for growing currants, and regularly preventive treatment, damage to bushes can be easily avoided.

Black currant is a berry of our strip, so it is grown in almost every area. Diseases and pests prevent blackcurrants from fully developing.

The harvest of both the current and next year may suffer, because the placement of buds is laid in the spring and summer with increased shoot growth in the current year.

And what a shame when a bush dies from an invasion of pests or disease! What to do to save the berry bush?

To defeat pests, you need to know each of them in person in order to select effective measures to combat them.

This article selects the most common pests and diseases of black currant with detailed descriptions and photographs to visualize the process.

Diseases of black currant.

For gardeners and gardeners, the ability to recognize blackcurrant diseases is of paramount importance, because many currant diseases are so similar to each other. It's quite easy to make a mistake. Let's start in order.

Terry black currant.

It is almost impossible to cure a plant from this disease. Severely affected bushes do not bear fruit at all. One of the main signs is ugly, irregularly shaped flowers. Therefore, it is convenient to identify the disease during the flowering period. Terry growth gradually spreads throughout the bush, so you can see both healthy and diseased branches on one plant.

photo of a blackcurrant bush affected by doubleness

How to deal with black currant terry?

Because the effective method they have not yet come up with a solution to combat this scourge, great importance has prevention. First of all, the destruction of the kidney mite, which is the carrier of the disease. The affected bush must be removed from the garden as quickly as possible, uprooted and destroyed.

Under no circumstances should cuttings be taken from such a plant for propagation. Cuttings should only be taken from healthy plants that have not shown signs of disease over the past 3-4 years.

Currant anthracnose.

Symptoms: In the second half of summer, on some bushes, small brown spots first appear on mature leaves - these are fungal spores. As the disease progresses, the spots increase in size, then the leaves turn brown and dry out and fall off prematurely. This is a fungal disease called anthracnose.

Not only leaves, but also petioles and young shoots are susceptible to anthracnose infection. The fungus spends the winter on fallen leaves. Can be spread by irrigation water and insects.

Fungal spores are especially active during periods of prolonged rain. During this period, the fungus can cause significant damage to currant bushes, especially if they are densely planted.

Experts believe that blackcurrant varieties are less affected by anthracnose: Primorsky Champion, Zoya, Koksa, Belorusskaya Sladkaya, Golubka.

How to deal with currant anthracnose?

First of all, remove and burn all fallen leaves. It is also important to regularly thin out the bushes; a thickened crown is favorable for the development of fungal diseases. Be sure to dig up the soil under the bush.

For spraying, 1 percent Bordeaux mixture and special antifungal agents are suitable. Spraying must be done immediately at the first signs of anthracnose infection; in addition, currant bushes must be treated with 1% Bordeaux mixture after harvesting. For a more effective effect of the drug, it is necessary to capture bottom part leaf.

To improve the processing quality, add 50 grams of laundry soap to this solution after grating it and dissolving it in a small amount of water. This ingredient will allow the copper sulfate solution to better adhere to the blackcurrant shoots.

In addition, nitrafen has a wide spectrum of action and is effective against most pests. Such as aphids, scale insects, leaf rollers. Helps in the fight against fungal diseases: septoria, rust, powdery mildew.

Plant blackcurrant varieties resistant to anthracnose.

Currant columnar rust.

Symptoms. Yellowish spots appear on the upper side of the currant leaf. And on the underside, in these places, orange-yellow growths with spores form, which then become like yellow hairs.

This is a fungal disease associated with Siberian cedar and Weymouth pine. If these plants themselves are affected by rust, then the spores scatter over nearby growing plants, and currants are very sensitive to them.

How to deal with columnar rust of currants?

Spray with 1% Bordeaux mixture 3 times per period: the first when the leaves bloom, the second when the buds separate, the third after flowering. If the currants are severely affected by rust, 10 days after the third treatment, another treatment is carried out.

Produces timely raking of diseased fallen leaves and burning them.

Goblet rust of currants.

Symptoms. At the end of May - beginning of June, black dots appear on the currant leaves on the upper side, and large yellow “pads” with goblet-shaped depressions appear on the lower side. This indicates that the currants are affected by goblet rust.

The spores overwinter on an intermediate host (sedge). In spring, rust spores attack currants, causing orange and yellow spots to appear on the leaves. yellow spots. The affected berries are deformed, they dry out and fall off. With strong development, up to 40-50% of black currant berries die.

How to deal with currant glass rust?

A 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture will come to our aid.

Gray rot of currants.

Symptoms Gray rot is caused by a fungus that overwinters on plant debris. The disease appears in the second half of June, when the first wave of shoot growth ends.

Growing shoots, zero and first order, begin to wither, and this process begins from the top, then the entire shoot dries out and in wet weather is completely covered with a gray coating similar to mold - the mycelium of the fungus.

On leaves, the disease manifests itself in the form of shapeless large light brown spots on the edges of the leaf blade. Subsequently, the spots crack, and in humid weather a gray coating forms on them.

The disease manifests itself most strongly in dense plantings - where sanitary pruning is not carried out, as well as when the shoots inside the bush are very dense. The development of the disease is promoted by excessive application of nitrogen fertilizers.

The wood suffers mainly in white currants, becoming covered with lumps of mold.

How to deal with gray rot of currants?

Carry out sanitary pruning annually - you need to leave 10-12 shoots on the bush of different ages. Immediately after flowering, remove weak shoots from inside the bush.

In autumn, cut out and burn damaged shoot tips. Dig up the soil under the bushes, covering fallen leaves and berries. In early spring, before the buds open, the bushes can be irrigated with hot water (60–65°).

Treat the plants and the soil under them before and after flowering, as well as immediately after harvesting, with an infusion of ash (3 kg per 10 liters of water). You can use a solution of soda ash with soap (50 grams of soda + 50 grams of soap per 10 liters of water) or a soap-copper emulsion (150 grams of soap + 20 grams of copper sulfate per 10 liters of water).

Alternaria blight or black spot on currant leaves.

Symptoms black currant leaves are covered with small grayish-black spots. When the disease occurs, the fungus affects leaves, cuttings, stalks, green shoots, and berries. Gradually, the spots stretch along the edge of the leaf blade or on the shoots. The latter become distorted, turn black, dry out, resembling burnt and charred ones.

Favorable conditions for the development of Alternaria fungi are wet weather, heavy dew and thickened currants. The pathogen's spores can persist in the soil and even overwinter on affected plants that were not removed last year during autumn harvesting.

The disease provokes plant depression, poor ripening of branches and their freezing in winter.

How to deal with black spotting of currant leaves?

Treatment consists of spraying Nitrofen with a sprayer at the beginning and end of the season on bare branches. In addition, before flowering and after harvesting the fruits, 1% Bordeaux mixture, Fitosporin, Previkur, Acrobat, Ridomil are sprayed.

A mandatory procedure will be the removal and incineration of all litter, leaves and berries. It is necessary to loosen the soil under the currants. In new plantings it is better to use varieties with increased resistance.

Pests of black currant.

Great currant aphid

Symptoms Aphids are visible to the naked eye. These are small light green insects that are usually located on the underside of the leaf and suck the juices out of it. Young apical leaves of the plant are especially affected. They are curled and wrinkled.

How to deal with large currant aphids?

The difficulties in controlling aphids on black currants are that aphids on currants settle exclusively on the tops of young shoots. The juice from which she feeds. And as a result of the activity of aphids, the leaves on these shoots curl. Thus providing aphids with protection from both unfavorable natural factors. The same goes for plant protection products.

Therefore, the most effective and in a fast way get rid of aphids on black currants. This is the cutting off of twisted apical shoots. And dispose of them in a bucket with soapy water. After the torn curled leaves lie in the bucket for 5 hours. The solution along with the leaves can be poured into a cesspool.

Curling leaves on black currant

Except mechanical method there are many ways to combat aphids on black currants folk ways get rid of aphids on black currants. Since aphids do not like strong odors, traditional methods an infusion of garlic or onion peel. But if the pest invasion has already gone too far, then only chemistry will save you. You can spray the bushes with a 0.2% solution of anabasine sulfate with the addition of laundry soap.

A soap solution also helps very well in the fight against aphids. Seventy-two percent laundry soap weighing 300 grams. divide into 5 parts = 50 g. grate it on a fine grater. Fill in 3 liters. water, leave to brew for a day, stirring occasionally.

Take 2 liters of water and add 300 g. ash and boil for 20 minutes, then cool and strain.

Then mix 3 liters of soap solution with 2 liters of ash solution and bring the total volume of liquid to 10 liters. All the effective remedy against aphids is ready, you can safely spray currants and more.

There is a variety of currant Lama that is not affected by gall aphids under any circumstances. He also has high stability to kidney and spider mites.

The variety is drought-resistant, winter-hardy and high-yielding. The only drawback of this variety is that the berries are not quite large as we would like.

Currant bud mite.

Symptoms The currant bud mite is common and quite difficult to get rid of. It settles in the buds of the plant. In the spring, as soon as they appear on the branches, you will notice that some of the buds are greatly enlarged. And as soon as the buds begin to unfold, irregular leaf primordia are visible.

Such buds soon dry out, so you won’t get a harvest from the affected bushes. Each damaged kidney contains several thousand mites. These pests are unpleasant not only because they destroy the buds of the plant, but also because they can carry a serious currant disease - terry disease.

The bud mite harms black currants throughout the entire growing season. It is possible to determine the infestation of a bush with a currant mite in the summer, at the end of June - beginning of August. The upper leaves on such bushes change color, becoming darker, leathery and glossy.

Wind or birds help ticks spread to other bushes. If there are a lot of mites on the plant, then you may be left completely without a harvest. Therefore, the currant mite is rightfully considered the most dangerous pest black currant.

How to fight kidney mites?

If you were able to notice a pest infestation in early spring, before the tick emerges from the buds, then the best way The fight will be to cut out diseased shoots and burn them immediately. During the period when the first flower clusters appear, you can spray the bushes with a suspension of colloidal sulfur (75 grams per 10 liters of water).

If you fail to notice, another way to combat the currant mite is a hot shower.

Before the sap begins to flow, the currant bushes are spilled with very hot water, the mites die immediately. But it is best to carry out this procedure several times. Pests won't like the smell of garlic either. When inflorescences begin to appear on the branches, the plants are sprayed with garlic infusion. The smell will force insects to hide in the old place, the affected branches can be cut out and the entire plant can be saved.

If you still want to save blackcurrants from bud mites, take 100 grams of laundry soap, grate it and dissolve it in 0.5 liter warm water. Next, add 100 ml to it. unrefined vegetable oil. Mix everything well until smooth.

Then you need to add 10 liters of water to this mixture and mix everything thoroughly so that the water combines with vegetable oil. Fill the resulting mixture into a sprayer and spray the currants immediately after preparing the solution. This solution must be used within 1 hour after preparation.

Willow scale

Symptoms Scale insects infect shoot trunks. Stray larvae appear around the time of currant flowering. The larvae stick to the shoots, become covered with a shield and begin to draw juice from the plant. This leads to drying out and death of the entire shoot.

How to deal with willow scale?

In early spring, bushes affected by scale insects are cleaned with cheeks. If this does not help, the shoots are cut out and burned. After flowering, you can spray the currants with a 50% solution of karbofos at the rate of 20-30 grams per 10 liters of water.

Currant leaf gall midge

Symptoms The first sign of the presence of gall midges is the upper leaves rolled into a tube, which gradually turn brown and dry out. The gall midge larva lives in rolled leaves and feeds on their juices.

How to deal with currant leaf gall midge?

As soon as you notice similar damage on currant bushes, you should immediately cut out the infected shoots and burn them. The larvae overwinter in the ground, which is why it is so important to dig up the soil under the bush in the fall and cultivate the soil under the currant all summer. You can spray the bush with chlorophos or a complex pest control product.

Spider mite.

Symptoms The first signs of black currant damage spider mite is the appearance on the leaves large quantity white inclusions. As shown in the photo below.

Damage to the bush by terry and spider mites

These pests are very small, measuring only about 0.5 mm. But having multiplied quickly under favorable conditions, I can completely destroy the bush. Favorable conditions for spider mites are hot and dry weather. And also the dustiness of the currant bushes.

How to deal with spider mites on black currants?

The first one effective method it's mechanical. As in the case of aphids, we tear off the affected leaves and put them in a bucket with a soap solution. We wait a couple of hours until the tick dies and pour it out.

From the chemical and biological spectrum, acaricides will help in the fight against ticks.

Acaricidal agents are divided into:

  • Insectoacaricides. Means that destroy ticks and insects. These include inorganic sulfur preparations and organophosphorus compounds.
  • Specific acaricides. These include drugs containing bromine (bromopropylate), sulfur (propargite), heterocycles with nitrogen.
  • Acarofungicides. Substances that have a detrimental effect on ticks and pathogenic fungi.

When treating blackcurrants for spider mites, attention should be paid to the ambient temperature. Because at an air temperature of + 21 ° C, it is necessary to carry out three acaricide treatments with an interval of 8 days.

And at 30 °C, the number of treatments increases up to 4 times, and the interval decreases to 5 days.

Because acaricides are toxic not only to ticks, but also to humans. To put it mildly, it is not worth treating your plants with such preparations after setting berries.

Among the folk remedies that will work in the fight against spider mites:

  • wormwood, datura, dandelion, yarrow, calendula, celandine;
  • you can make a solution from finely chopped onion and garlic, diluted with water and infused for 24 hours;
  • An infusion made from potato tops has proven to work well in the fight against spider mites.

The only disadvantage of such infusions is that they will have to be treated with them 2 times more often than with acaricidal agents. But on the other hand, it is completely safe for human health.