Age-related changes from what age. Age-related changes in a woman’s body: what is important to know

Are age-related changes in the skin on the face of women inevitable? This is not very pleasant to realize, but such metamorphoses happen sooner or later.

But when the first wrinkles appear depends largely on the woman herself.

In this article:

Why does skin age?

The skin reflects the processes that occur in the body, being one with it.

The following signs of facial skin aging are noted:

  • color changes;
  • the number and depth of wrinkles increases;
  • the clarity of the oval is lost;
  • nasolabial folds deepen;
  • appear around the eyes;
  • capillary vessels dilate.

Scientists claim that The aging process of the face begins at 25 years of age. Gradually, fibroblasts (the so-called dermal cells) reduce the production of collagen, which is responsible for strength and elasticity. According to research data, the concentration of this protein after 30 years decreases annually by 1%.

The renewal of the skin as a human body is regulated by the nervous, endocrine and immune systems, under the influence of which cells divide. Over time, these processes are inhibited, which affects the condition of the epidermis. Subcutaneous fat cells atrophy, the skin becomes dry and scaly, and loses its ability to retain moisture.

With age, the layer of functionally active cells decreases, while the stratum corneum thickens.

If in at a young age The cell replacement period was 28 days, but over time it increases to 45−60 days.

Dead cells peel off more slowly, and the dermis becomes thinner.

These are the internal or biological reasons why facial skin aging in women is inevitable.

The speed of this process varies from person to person and largely depends on genetics. Additional factors that determine these processes - lifestyle, diet, habitat.

Premature aging

A woman gradually gets used to the idea of ​​aging. But if this happens prematurely, then psychological discomfort appears and the usual course of life is disrupted.

Early aging not only decreases self-esteem, but can also affect the attitude of others towards such a person.

The folds of skin around the eyes and between the eyebrows give the face a sullen and angry look. An experiment by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania showed that subjects considered these emotions even in “smiling” photographs of elderly people.

Why does false start occur? The fact is that there is a distinction between biological and chronological (actual) age. Under unfavorable circumstances, there is a gap in these indicators.

The greatest enemy of a youthful face is called the sun's rays, or ultraviolet radiation.

One of the most important components of human skin is hyaluronic acid, which takes part in tissue renewal. When it is exposed to ultraviolet light, inflammation occurs, the rate of breakdown of the substance increases, and synthesis stops. This causes oxidative stress, as a result of which the cell structure and genetic apparatus are destroyed. This process is also called photoaging.

Causes of premature aging of facial skin:

  1. Unfavorable environmental conditions, when contaminated, not enough wet air, wind contribute to clogged pores, inflammation, and metabolic disorders.
  2. Lack of moisture which changes the structure of the skin. Deficiency cannot be eliminated by drinking, since it is necessary cosmetical tools that hold water molecules.
  3. Bad habits- smoking, alcohol, drugs as a source of toxins. The resulting toxic compounds destroy cells, promote the formation of free radicals, and provoke deficiency nutrients.
  4. Lack of nutrients and vitamins- participants in metabolic, oxidative, reduction processes, immune reactions.
  5. Stress and a busy life schedule, a tendency to workaholism.
  6. Active facial expressions are the habit of wrinkled nose, forehead, and eyebrows.
  7. Incorrect care causing loss of moisture, inflammation, and with early use of age-related cosmetics - disruption of skin functions.
  8. Sleep less than 7 hours a day, because of which the tissues do not have time to renew themselves.

Early aging is also caused by hormonal imbalance due to diseases of the genital area.

A decrease in estrogen levels provokes the appearance of wrinkles, loss of elasticity, and does not inhibit the growth of adipose tissue. Ozone creates potential risks. Under its influence, the skin loses tocopherol or the vitamin of youth.

Types of facial skin aging and their characteristics

Despite the fact that everyone’s face ages, it happens differently. One of several aging scenarios is being realized. What it will be like depends on your skin type, as well as your body type, face shape, and health status.


This type of aging typical for those with normal and combination skin, with an average degree of development of subcutaneous fat and muscles. They have a thin or normal build and a diamond-shaped or oval face.

Fatigue aging is accompanied by the following phenomena:

  • fades;
  • muscle tone and turgor decrease;
  • pastiness develops and volume is lost;
  • the corners of the mouth and eyes droop;
  • a tear trough appears and the nasolabial fold deepens.

Pastosity is an unexpressed swelling or pre-edema state, which is accompanied by a decrease in elasticity and a feeling of doughiness when pressed. In the morning the face is fresh, but by the end of the day it takes on a sad or sad expression.

The “tired” type of aging is considered favorable; it easily responds to procedures.

"Baked apple" (fine-wrinkled)

This is how thin women age, with poor development of the subcutaneous fat layer. As they age, they experience:

  • moisture deficiency;
  • wrinkles around the mouth, eyes, forehead;
  • drying out of the face like a baked apple.

The advantage of this development is that due to the absence of a fat layer on the face there is no ptosis (sagging), therefore, the oval contour is preserved for a long time.

"Bulldog cheeks"

This type of aging is also called deformation. He occurs in thick-set people with full faces who have combination or oily skin, with a well-developed layer of subcutaneous fat. Often such women suffer from venous insufficiency, so they are characterized by facial redness and.

Signs of this type of aging:

  • “creeping” oval face;
  • jowls (sagging skin in the area lower jaw and neck);
  • formation of a double chin;
  • edema;
  • nasolabial folds;
  • “marionette lines,” which run from the corners of the mouth to the chin, giving the face a sad or stern look.

The lower third of the face suffers the most.


This type of aging combines all the phenomena described above. He typical for normal or slightly overweight, combination skin. Small wrinkles appear in “dry” areas, and where fatty tissue is developed, pastiness appears.

The combined type is the most complex, but at the same time the most common.


This is how the face of women of Asian origin changes with age, who have well-developed muscle muscles as opposed to a layer of fat. The face looks young for a long time, the oval remains clear, wrinkles do not bother you over the years.

Age-related changes occur rapidly, within one to two years due to weakening of muscle tissue. Creases appear, deep wrinkles appear, and the upper eyelid droops.

Old emaciated face

This is the final stage, which is marked for everyone after 75 years. At this stage, the signs listed above appear.

Is it possible to prolong youth?

The answer is yes. It is enough to follow simple rules from an early youth:

  1. Protect yourself from the sun's rays - like wearing hats wide brim, and cosmetics with light filters, wear sunglasses.
  2. Do not smoke or abuse alcohol, give up drugs.
  3. Include fresh vegetables and fruits, seafood in your diet, reduce the amount of sugar, simple carbohydrates, and cholesterol.
  4. Maintaining normal weight, fluctuations are also undesirable.
  5. Sleep at least 7 hours.
  6. Avoid stressful situations.
  7. Take vitamin complexes, but only after visiting a doctor who will determine the body's needs.
  8. Exercise in moderation.
  9. Do gymnastics and facial massages.

The cosmetologist will select care, taking into account the types of facial skin aging and the problems that need to be solved. Thus, with muscular aging, hydration and protection from pigmentation are sufficient, and with “bulldog cheeks”, contour plastic surgery is sometimes used.

Useful video

How do they grow old? different types faces.

In contact with

Sometimes, old people seem to us to be always dissatisfied with something and forgetful citizens, with wrinkles on their faces, but now science reveals to us a completely different side of the coin: older people usually become smarter over the years, more tolerant in their views and, generally, satisfied with their fate.

Liberal views

Previously, it was believed that as humanity gets older, its outlook on life becomes ossified, but recent research by scientists proves otherwise.

Researchers conducted a survey of several thousand people, during which results were obtained demonstrating age-related changes in views on the world different categories of people.

It turned out that with age a person shows more liberalism in relation to political activities, family, material and spiritual values.

Aging of stem cells together with humans

Depending on how quickly the body ages, almost all cells go through a stage of change, and despite the fact that renewal and replacement with a new stem cell is constantly taking place, it still wears out.

Scientific evidence has proven that the ability to regenerate cells decreases with age.

Experiments conducted by scientists on mice only confirm this fact.

And, of course, the genetic background of the human body, which is responsible for diseases and stressful situations, becomes more dynamic over time.

The need for sleep decreases with age

Having studied the sleep needs of several age groups, with an interval of 20 to 83 years, scientific experts have concluded that the need for sleep decreases with age by 20 minutes.

This is explained by the fact that an elderly person does not need much time to sleep, although many elderly people 65 years of age and older suffer from it, this happens when it takes more time to fall asleep.

The ability to disengage is deteriorating

Frequent problems of abstraction in time and comprehensive flow of information are another disappointing factor affecting the lives of aging people.

The ability to control a situation and concentrate attention on something gradually deteriorates with age

Still, according to Canadian psychologists, old people can distinguish more important information from insignificant, which has a positive effect on.

Skin condition will worsen

Upon reaching 50 years of age, the epidermis begins to sag, the epidermis becomes thin, and along with this, the elasticity and firmness of the upper layer of the skin is lost, which leads to the formation of wrinkles and folds on the facial skin.

Usually, in such cases, the use of various types of injections and rejuvenation procedures gives insufficient, ineffective results, since the bones of the jaw and eye sockets also wear out over time, resulting in sagging upper eyelids and sunken cheeks.

The sense of humor will remain the same

Laughter has always been beneficial for the human body, including for older people.

Old people who appreciate humor and treat it with understanding respond effectively and tolerate stress more easily

As a result, the quality of life improves, and the aging process itself is easier and more optimistic for people to accept.

More positive attitude towards life

Imaginary stereotypes about dissatisfied and gloomy people of the older generation have not been proven by science; it is quite typical to test the level of joy and happiness in more mature years.

Sociologists, in the course of surveys and observations, note: the level of happiness, in most cases, directly depends on such components as health, having a family and material income, which usually do not always pay off in old age.

And although the younger generation is often happier than older people, age changes still change their attitude towards the environment.

For example, there is scientific evidence that the older generation remembers its past with optimism and a positive mood, perceiving everything in a rosy light.


Old age is not a final sentence, but a special gift.

Despite the fact that over time the physical body and the human body undergo significant changes, the soul always remains young, with a great, rich experience of the days lived.

Freed from fears and illusions, an elderly person becomes kinder, more loyal and less critical of himself.

The main advantage of old age is the great accumulation of wisdom and prudence in life, given all these advantages, you should not forget about this, and then life will be filled with meaning and become complete.

Life in a big city is exhausting. Not proper nutrition, polluted air, daily stress - destroy health and beauty. We spend money on going to salons, drinking vitamins and sweating at the gym. But we inevitably grow old anyway. Many people ask: is it possible to increase life expectancy? How to prolong youth, overcome age-related changes and protect the body from wear and tear?


Every person dreams of living as long as possible. Modern scientists confirm: increasing life span is real. But it was not always so:

Only in the middle of the 20th century did average life expectancy (ALE) begin to increase sharply. During this period, medicine, science, and economics are rapidly developing. Conditions of existence have reached high level. Now the average life expectancy in Russia has reached a historical peak - 71 years.

Life expectancy rankings in countries around the world in 2018

SPZh different nations even today varies greatly. The fact is explained by the peculiarities geographical location and national secrets. Let's look at the average life expectancy of the world's countries in the table:

Place in the ranking A country Siberian Lifestyle, years The Secret of Longevity
5 Spain 82 Warm climate, sports, proper nutrition. The diet includes seafood, vegetables and fruits.
4 Australia 82,5 Positive thinking, active lifestyle, adherence to daily routine and nutrition.
3 Singapore 83 Stable climate, protection environment, health control, mental balance.
2 Switzerland 83,2 Healthy lifestyle, high life status, balance between work and rest.
1 Japan 83,7 Devotion family values, traditions, culture, as well as an environmentally friendly and balanced diet.

Scientists have proven that the key to a long life is proper nutrition, sports, love for loved ones, and the absence of stressful situations. With the modern rhythm, the main thing is to remain in harmony with the world and yourself. It is important to be attentive to your health and respond to body signals.

Great scientific discoveries of mankind

For many years, scientists around the world have been working hard on the issue of extending human life. Some inventions have saved millions of people:

The achievements of modern medicine have saved humanity from a number of dangerous diseases. But now people are faced with new problems that old age brings.

How to deal with aging of the body

The passing years affect the human body and internal systems. The aging process of the body begins smoothly at the age of 30. Biological metamorphoses slow down normal functioning. Blood circulation, metabolism, and tissue tone are disrupted. This is what happens to the body inside.


It is believed that this organ is one of the first to age. Cholesterol plaques appear in the vessels, resulting in hypertension. With age, the main engine literally becomes swollen with fat. The walls of the organ thicken. Therefore, less blood is pumped for the same size.

Until the 19th century, cardiovascular diseases were treated with bloodletting. Taking large amounts of blood temporarily lowered the blood pressure. In the 21st century, scientists have proven that you can prolong the youth of your heart if you eat 6 times a day. It is recommended to eat in small portions to distribute the load on the body. This regimen reduces the risk of death from cardiovascular diseases.

How longer person If you exercise in your life, the slower your heart wears out. This fact should be taken as the basis for the fight against early aging.


The organ is considered the main blood filter in the human body. Over the years, regulation deteriorates. The ability of the kidneys to actively remove toxins is reduced. As a result, the filtration volume is reduced by 2 times.

Even 100 years ago, patients with kidney disease were referred for treatment mineral waters. For most, therapy did not help. Nowadays it has been proven that blood pressure control helps maintain organ health. Regular monitoring of indicators helps detect kidney disease in the early stages.

Simple exercises at home will help strengthen the walls of the organ, as well as reduce the load. Exercises to improve kidney health will take no more than 10 minutes a day.

Watch the video: How to treat kidneys: three exercises


With the advent of old age, lung tissue loses its elasticity. This leads to a decrease in oxygen supply. Due to the shortage, lung capacity gradually decreases. Inhalation becomes shallow and the airways narrow.

In the 19th century, doctors prescribed fish fat and walks in the mountains. Modern scientists say: the youth of the lungs can be preserved if you monitor the magnesium content in the body. The easiest way: eat seeds, nuts, legumes. The products are rich in essential microelements.

A 50-year-old smoker looks significantly older than a 50-year-old non-smoker. The lungs also wear out faster, we just don’t see it.


Age-related changes cause atrophy of the digestive tract. Due to a lack of enzymes, food is less digestible. The absorption of essential nutrients is impaired. Failures affect the entire body.

200 years ago they tried to cure the stomach with wine and pepper. It was only in the 80s of the 20th century that scientists discovered that many diseases are caused by infections. As a result, they were cured with antibiotics.

The best prevention of gastrointestinal diseases is considered to be: rational nutrition, absence bad habits, emotional comfort. Regular visits to doctors will help to identify the disease in a timely manner.


The older a person gets, the worse their internal systems work. Including immunity. Protective cells and T-lymphocytes form a special organ - the thymus. It is located in the upper chest. As we age, the tissue is replaced by fat cells. That's why protective system does not cope with infections.

But it is possible to regain strong immunity. The thymus recovers well with a low-calorie diet. Scientists believe that regeneration occurs thanks to the hunger hormone - ghrelin. Therefore, the easiest way to increase the body's defenses is to simply eat less.

It has been scientifically proven that mental stress and positive emotions strengthen the immune system. So train your brain with puzzles and smile more!

The rate of aging of organs is influenced by a person’s genes and lifestyle. We are not yet able to change heredity. Therefore, the only way to prolong youth is to reconsider your lifestyle. You need to move more, eat right and train your brain. In addition, an active life position is considered the best remedy against wrinkles.

Age-related changes in the face and body

With the help of the right clothes and professional cosmetics, you can look younger. However, the main signs of approaching old age are not easy to hide.

This is what happens to a person over the years:

With age, not only the face changes, but also the figure. If a person does not play sports, after 30 years he loses about 10% muscle mass. Its place is taken by adipose tissue. With the same weight, the body becomes looser and flabby. In addition, the distribution of fat in the body changes. If in youth it gives the body a sexy roundness, then over the years it moves to the waist, shoulders and back. In addition, after 30 your metabolism slows down. About 10% every 10 years. Therefore, with the same eating habits, people gradually gain weight.

Not only pronounced wrinkles, but also other biological changes can reveal age. Let's find out how feminine and male body change throughout life.

Aging of the body of women and men

It is a known fact that the fair sex ages faster. However, statistics show that women often live longer than their men. The explanation lies in the biological age of the weaker half of humanity. For example, indicators of the health of women's organs at 45 years of age are often higher than those of men of the same age. After all, girls are more attentive to their health from a young age.

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Age-related changes in women after 25 years

By the age of 25–30, the first visible changes appear. The main problems: dry skin, loss of elasticity, small expression wrinkles and dull complexion.

What to do? Moisturize the skin. Select creams containing azulene, panthenol or allantoin, as well as vitamins A, B, D, E.

Age-related changes in women and men

Age-related changes in men after 25 years

25-year-old men have other problems: bald patches appear, and the removal of fluid from the body slows down. This can lead to swelling.

What to do? To slow down the aging process, you need to improve the blood supply to the scalp tissues through massage. It is also important to review your diet.

Age-related changes in women after 35 years

At this age, physiological changes become visible to the naked eye. Main problems: deep wrinkles, grey colour face, the appearance of age spots and spider veins.

What to do? Wash your face ice water. Cold strengthens the walls of blood vessels, improves blood microcirculation, and restores elasticity and freshness to the skin.

The benefits of washing cold water

Age-related changes in men after 35 years

In men, the main signs of aging are: dry skin, the appearance of wrinkles, metabolic and circulatory disorders.

What to do? It's time to put aside prejudices and start using facial moisturizer. It is also important to give up fast food forever.

Age-related changes in women after 45 years

During this period, women are still active, but fundamental changes occur in the body. Between the ages of 46 and 55, menopause occurs, causing hormonal changes. The main problems: reduction of fatty tissue on the face and sagging skin.

What to do? Avoiding tanning and facial massage will help slow down aging. It is important to balance your diet with essential minerals.

What foods to include in your diet

Age-related changes in men after 45 years

What to do? Protect yourself from the sun, and also include in your diet foods rich in calcium, iodine, zinc, iron, and omega acids. Minerals affect the production of melanin in the body.

From 50 years old disruptions in the functioning of internal organs begin: endocrine, digestive, cardiovascular, and reproductive systems. By the age of 60 after hormonal changes, the skin loses its tone: it becomes loose, wrinkled, swelling and bags under the eyes appear.

Aging of the body is an inevitable process. But it is possible and even necessary to slow it down. Moisturize your skin, massage, wash with cold water, and avoid tanning.

The whole world has been captured by the fashion for graceful aging. Over the past 20 years, Johnny Depp has developed deep wrinkles. Now they are even considered sexy. Brad Pitt's age is revealed by his dry skin and sagging face, which he disguises with a beard. Age-related changes in Angelina Jolie - drooping eyebrows and facial wrinkles.

Age changes of celebrities

Visually, women age slower than men. This is also due to the fact that girls take better care of themselves and behave more correct image life. So women: let's take care of our men so that we can live happily ever after.

People want to maintain vigor and beauty for as long as possible. Now knowledge about the youth of the body is not secret. Trust doctors and take care of your condition internal systems. After all, a healthy mind only resides in a healthy body. Therefore, carefully monitor your body’s signals. And remember prevention of aging - The best way prolong youth .

The sparkle in the eyes has disappeared, vision has deteriorated, muscles have weakened, performance has decreased - this is the onset biological old age V general outline. This is how they manifest themselves metabolic disorders, metabolic deterioration at the cellular level. Modern scientific ideas indicate that metabolic disorders are the primary ones in the aging process of the body. Fortunately, changes occur gradually and are even amenable to some control, since they strongly depend on the external environment.

Interestingly, not every “age” sign can be used to determine biological age. So, with significant aging of the skin, the appearance of wrinkles, and gray hair, the heart and brain can work quite properly. Conversely, with a “healthy” appearance, a person may have diseases of organs important for life. This situation, by the way, sometimes pushes people to inappropriate behavior (they continue, for example, to abuse alcohol or tobacco, visit the bathhouse - in a word, they behave like healthy people and are absolutely not interested in their condition own health), which often leads to so-called premature death.

For accurate determination of biological age use a whole range of information,” says Associate Professor of the Department of Rehabilitation of the State Institute of Management and Social Technologies of BSU, Candidate of Medical Sciences Vladimir Milkamanovich. - This is, for example, anthropometric data(standing height, circumference chest, shoulder diameter, body weight, skin fold thickness, etc.), functional indicators of the state of organs and systems ( pulse, arterial pressure, respiratory rate, vital capacity of the lungs, maximum breath holding during inhalation and exhalation, muscle strength of the hands, chest X-ray, visual acuity, simple memory test, electrocardiogram, pulsating wave speed, rheoencephalography, determination of vibration sensitivity, psychomotor tempo test), laboratory research ( general analysis blood, urine, biochemical blood tests - cholesterol, lecithin, blood sugar, etc.). In practical activities, biological age is not difficult to determine by such indicators as systolic blood pressure, vital capacity, vision, hearing, ability to switch attention, number of healthy teeth and some others. Aging is a large number of external changes body, internal organs and body systems.

However, in the topic of aging, what comes to the fore today is biopsychosocial factor. We are unable to stop the natural process of biological aging. And yet, there are different ways to grow old. The one who is tired of life has become a victim emotional burnout Anyone who is sure that life does not promise him anything new poses a much greater threat to his health than someone who, even if sick, does not succumb to illness, but adapts to new conditions and fights. For a long life and beautiful aging, we need not even material security, but getting positive emotions related to what we have. There is no need to see old age in gloomy tones; it is better to be adequately aware of the changes that occur in the body over time.

Decrease in height with aging it is associated primarily with a decrease in the height of the intervertebral discs and an increase in stoop. After 60 years, height decreases by an average of 0.5-1 cm per five years.

In old age fat redistribution occurs due to a decrease in subcutaneous fat deposition and an increase in internal fat. From the cheeks, fat masses move to the lower part of the face. Fat is also deposited in the chest and abdomen. Age-related changes can also occur quite early mammary glands(breasts sag), which is observed in 20 percent at 18-25 years old, and in 50 percent at 35-40 years old. The amount of muscle tissue after 50 begins to actively decline. A decrease in muscle tone begins in both sexes after 35. By the age of 70-80, strength indicators are approximately halved.

Age-related skin changes starts around age 40. By the age of 60, the closed layers of the skin become noticeably thinner. The skin becomes dry and wrinkled. Due to metabolic disorders, pigment spots form in certain areas.

Starting at the age of 30, the amount of hair decreases, they turn gray because the cells of the hair follicles lose their ability to produce pigment. Although hair growth declines, it is not uncommon for older women to develop facial hair.

In the bone skeleton of an old organism percent inorganic substances in the bones increases. Therefore, bones become more fragile in old age and are difficult to heal when fractured. An almost constant sign of aging after the age of 50 is the liquefaction of bone tissue - osteoporosis. It is based on a complex complex of predominantly atrophic changes. Osteochondrosis of the spine, or destructive changes, is also typical for an aging person. cartilage tissue intervertebral discs, which occurs in 85-98 percent of cases in older ages. Spondylosis- the formation of inert growths on the vertebrae - occurs literally after 45 years and, perhaps, is a kind of response to the development of osteochondrosis.

People over 60 years of age usually suffer from load joints- hip, knee, ankle. The articular surfaces seem to wear out, wear out, and the ligaments become less elastic, which not only makes movement difficult, but also causes pain. The amount of joint fluid also changes.

Changes in the organs of vision can often be observed. Cloudiness of the lens develops - cataracts sharply reduce or completely impair the vision of one or both eyes. Cataracts are often accompanied by increased intraocular pressure - glaucoma. Both of these diseases require surgical treatment.

Aging organ of hearing usually begins after 40-50 years and manifests itself hearing loss, which progresses over time. Tinnitus appears, the person begins to hear speech on the phone worse. Most people after 60 years have a weakened taste, primarily for sweets. Functions sense of smell may weaken from age 45 and progressively decrease after age 60.

Aging nervous system - a leading factor in the aging of the entire organism. Adaptation is associated with the central nervous system, promoting an increase in life expectancy. During life in neurons - nerve cells- necessary vital information accumulates, but after 50-60 years their quantity decreases. The level of neurotransmitters (serotonin, norepinephrine, etc.) also decreases, which increases a person’s tendency to depression in response to psychosocial stress. Signs of aging of the nervous system affect mental and physical performance, memory, emotions, and behavioral reactions.

Aging gonads associated with the decline of reproductive function. The most striking manifestations of aging of the reproductive system are observed in women who, already at the age of 40, experience a decrease in the mass of the ovaries. With the onset of menopause, the secretion of female sex hormones - estrogens - decreases significantly. Subsequently, their main source becomes the adrenal cortex. Men also have their own male menopause"- weakening of muscle strength, increase in body weight. The decrease in potency covers the period from 55 to 65 years, and in women - from 50 to 60. In men 50-55 years old, an enlarged prostate is observed. Much depends on your health and lifestyle, especially at a young age.


Starting from the so-called middle age, it becomes increasingly difficult for the body to cope with everyday stress; physical and sometimes mental abilities begin to gradually weaken. IN developed countries The average life expectancy is more than 70 years. In fact, a person can live 120 years, but this is hampered by disruptions in the functioning of various body systems that occur in the second half of life. Age-related changes lead to chronic and, in some cases, fatal diseases. The most vulnerable are the cardiovascular, digestive, excretory, nervous and reproductive systems. Common "age-related" diseases are Alzheimer's disease, osteoarthritis, cancer, diabetes mellitus, depression and coronary heart disease.


Peak growth and maturation of the human body occurs at approximately 25 years of age. Then comes maturity and aging - natural processes that follow vigorous flowering youth. Some age-related changes are difficult to bear, but they do not always turn a person into a frail old man. Features of the aging process are determined by health status, lifestyle and genetic predisposition. The following changes are most often observed with age:

  • Hearing impairment (perception of high tones is especially affected).
  • An increase in the amount of fat tissue relative to muscle tissue (the ratio can increase by almost 30%). Layer subcutaneous fat, which was previously evenly distributed throughout the body, now becomes thinner and fat accumulates in the abdominal area. A person loses the ability to intensively consume fats (including cholesterol and fat-soluble substances), and they begin to accumulate in the body.
  • Reducing water content in the body. This leads to poor absorption of water-soluble substances. The body produces less saliva and other moisturizing fluids.
  • Deterioration of liver and kidney function. Because of this, harmful metabolic products begin to accumulate.
  • Deterioration of digestion due to decreased production of gastric juice.
  • Weakening of muscles, deterioration of coordination of movements, decrease in mobility, dexterity and flexibility.
  • Decreased production of sex hormones, loss of sexual function.
  • Gradual weakening of taste and smell.
  • Changes in the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems lead to a deterioration in the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to various organs and systems of the body.
  • Deterioration of the nervous system. Brain signals are no longer transmitted as efficiently. Reflexes slow down, memory and the ability to perceive new information deteriorate.
  • Decreased bone density and bone strength.
  • A gradual decrease in the production of hormones, especially the thyroid gland and gonads.
  • Deterioration of vision, increased risk of developing eye diseases (for example, macular degeneration).
  • Deterioration of the natural production of vitamin D under the influence of sunlight.
  • Decreased protein formation, decreased musculoskeletal mass, increased risk of osteoporosis.

Causes and symptoms

There are several theories to explain the aging process. In each specific case, the leading role is assigned to a specific factor (or a combination of them).

  • Programmed aging (“biological clock theory”). Cell aging is programmed at the genetic level. The number of possible divisions is laid down once and for all. When cells begin to die faster than they are restored, organs cease to cope with the vital functions assigned to them.
  • Genetic theory. Cells contain substances that destroy them at the chromosomal level.
  • Structural theory. With age, the condition of connective tissue deteriorates: due to the fact that it becomes less strong and elastic, irreversible changes occur.
  • Free radical theory. The most popular theory is that chemical reactions in the body's cells produce free radicals, which cause cell damage and death. Over time, the number of dead and nonfunctioning cells increases. Because of this, the functioning of the entire body is disrupted.
  • Immunological theory. As we age, the immune system wears down. The body becomes more susceptible to infectious diseases and disorders, which ultimately lead to death. In addition, due to a weakened immune system, autoimmune reactions are triggered: the body recognizes its own cells as foreign and destroys them itself.


Numerous diseases are associated with age-related changes. There is no uniform method for identifying them, but examination of the patient, general and biochemical blood tests help identify problem areas. In older people, the disease often occurs in a mild form at first. An examination is required if the following symptoms are present:

  • loss of appetite
  • weight loss
  • cases of falls


Doctors almost always prescribe symptomatic treatment age-related diseases. Approximately two thirds of people over 65 years of age (among them more women than men) resort to medication. Older people most often take painkillers, diuretics, sedatives and psychotropic drugs, as well as medications for cardiovascular diseases and antibiotics.

Expected results

Elderly people are recommended to take high-quality vitamin and mineral complexes. In old age, there is often a deficiency of B vitamins, vitamins A and C, folic acid, calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, chromium and other trace elements. Since the production of gastric juice decreases in old age, it is better to take vitamins in gelatin capsules, which are easily digestible. In some vitamin complexes contains enzymes to improve digestion.

Antioxidants help eliminate the damage caused to the body by free radicals, considered one of the causes of aging. Antioxidants are also useful in the prevention and treatment of cancer, cataracts and glaucoma.

List of substances that are antioxidants:

  • Vitamin E (daily requirement - 400-1000 IU). Protects cell membranes from damage. Possibly helps prevent Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.
  • Selenium (recommended dose - 50 mcg 2 times a day). Possibly reduces the risk of cancer.
  • Beta-carotene (daily requirement - 25,000-40,000 IU). Used as an adjuvant to treat cancer, colds, flu, arthritis, and to strengthen the immune system.
  • Vitamin C (1000-2000 mg per day). In large doses, it can cause diarrhea. When side effects reduce the dosage.
  • Other useful supplements for age-related diseases:
  • Vitamin B complex 12 /B. According to research, vitamin B 12 improves memory and eliminates mental problems (confusion and depression).
  • Coenzyme Q10. Effective for treating heart diseases. 3/4 of patients with heart disease are deficient in this enzyme.

Hormonal drugs

Listed below hormonal drugs used for the prevention and treatment of diseases associated with aging of the body. Before use, be sure to consult a specialist.

Dehydroepiandrosterone normalizes hormonal levels, helps restore muscle mass, strengthen bone tissue and prevent heart disease.

Melatonin is used to treat insomnia, sexual dysfunction, viral and bacterial infections. Taking this hormone reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer.

Eleutherococcus ( Eleutherococcus senticosus) stimulates the adrenal glands and immune system. There is evidence that it helps eliminate problems caused by stress. Siberian ginseng increases mental and physical activity, prevents memory loss, chronic fatigue syndrome and immune dysfunction.

Sources of proanthocyanidins are pine bark, grape seeds and skins. These substances are useful for preventing cancer and eye diseases.

To increase life expectancy and improve its quality in old age, you need to eat right, lead an active lifestyle, avoid stress and give up bad habits. Physical exercise strengthen bone tissue, improve appetite,