A kite made from an old umbrella. What can you make from an old umbrella? Hanger and door handle

When it comes to such an important item as an umbrella, its origin, alas, does not play a special role... Whether it is a cheap product from China, or an elite accessory from America or Europe, the situation is the same with very rare exceptions. Heavy rain with strong gusts of wind - and the spokes are probably broken or bent. Another problem often occurs: the fabric at the point of attachment to the frame wears out, and after a couple of repair sessions it is no longer possible to mend it.

However, you should not rush to part with broken umbrellas - after all, they can be used not only for their intended purpose. We have several in stock. interesting ideas, how you can use a metal “backbone”, and a thick waterproof fabric, and a wooden handle from an umbrella (if you have one). If your habits do not include storing broken things “just in case,” your friends and neighbors will probably have a couple of broken umbrellas. So, what can you turn an umbrella you don’t need into?


You can sew a comfortable and durable shopping bag from umbrella fabric. It does not get wet, does not tear, is easy to clean, lasts a long time and takes up very little space when folded. And if you leave the clasp from the umbrella itself, it also fastens into a neat little ball. With no less success, you can sew a bright beach bag, a bag for storing sports uniforms or replacement shoes from such fabric (always relevant for schoolchildren).


Italian designer Cecilia Felli makes amazing skirts using fabric from broken umbrellas. Cute, playful - they can be sewn literally in no time. In fact, the skirt is already ready, all that remains is to remove it from the spokes of the umbrella and sew a belt or elastic on top, where there will be a hole for the waist. There is no need to try to hide the “origin” of such a wardrobe item - after all, that is where the highlight lies!

Fancy dress

Look at him, isn't it a miracle? You can use an old umbrella to make your own Halloween costume in one evening. A black umbrella will make an interesting Batman costume or bat, and from a single color you can recreate the image of a dragon or pterodactyl - it can be green, orange, red, purple, silver...

Hairdressing cape and apron

Instead of a skirt (but using approximately the same pattern), you can make a cape similar to those used in hairdressing salons. It can be used for cutting and coloring, and for home hair and facial skin care treatments. In addition, umbrella fabric is perfect for ordinary kitchen apron: it will look beautiful, is easy to wash, will not get wet and will protect your clothes well.

Raincoat for pet

Of course, sewing rain overalls for your four-legged friend will require a little skill, but now you can walk in the rain together without fear that your shaggy friend will get wet. It makes sense to master this tailoring, because ready-made clothes for animals are unreasonably expensive! Use a little imagination, find a pattern online (or create one yourself) and make a few seams - useful and beautiful clothes for your pet are ready!

Lampshade for chandelier

The shape of the umbrella seems to have been specially designed to become a stylish and cozy lampshade over time. The design of the lampshade itself depends only on your imagination, taste and skills. It can be a dome - regular or inverted, which gives diffused romantic light. The last option is good even without fabric - then you can place real candles on the knitting needles of the frame.

Hanger and door knob

From the curved wooden handle umbrella, you can make a nice hook for shopping bags, hats or another umbrella (you need to attach it perpendicular to the wall). If you collect several of these handles, you will get a whole hanger (fastening parallel to the wall). In addition, such a “squiggle” can be turned into a very convenient and stylish door handle. Of course, it will be completely obvious what it is made of - but, again, that’s the point.

Door decor or gift

A great idea for an old cane umbrella is to use it as decoration for the front door for a holiday, such as New Year or Easter. But even just putting a bouquet of fresh flowers in such an improvised vase is very romantic and can be an elegant gift for one of your loved ones. To make flowers last longer, stick the stems into a damp floral sponge and wrap it in cellophane. A small congratulatory note will tell the recipient who such a pleasant surprise is from.

Garland of flags

If you have two umbrellas different colors, or one two-color, you can sew a garland of fun triangular flags. Now your picnics, children's birthdays and other family holidays will be more elegant. The advantage of this garland is that it is not afraid of moisture and does not fade in the sun - it can be decorated children's Corner at the dacha and with a calm heart leave it in the open air for the whole summer.

Children's tent or stole

Children adore all sorts of secluded corners in which they feel cozy and protected - this is where the passion for building improvised “halabudas” “grows legs.” To prevent kids from taking everything they can get their hands on for these purposes, make them a simple tent from an unnecessary umbrella. You can also take this tent with you on a picnic: just hang it on a tree branch. To create such a tent you will need little: a free evening, an unnecessary umbrella and tent fabric. By the way, using the same principle, you can build a romantic stole over the bed.


From a broken or just an old umbrella you can make a favorite children's toy - a kite, which will help children have fun while away more than one summer day (well, at least there is some competition for the Internet!) True, the instructions cannot be called easy, so for some it will be easier to buy a toy than to make it herself. For those who are ready to master this science, there are very detailed master classes online.

Folding greenhouse

If you have a summer house or a vegetable garden, use a large transparent umbrella to create a mini-greenhouse that will protect young greenery or seedlings from the first cold weather (usually people use plastic eggplants for these purposes, but this is much less aesthetically pleasing). You don’t need to do anything special, just stick the handle of an unnecessary umbrella into the ground - and you’re done.

It's not just children who love flying a kite. For adults, a fun hobby allows them to return to a carefree time for a short time and feel the joy of flying. You can buy a finished product, but it is much more interesting to make a kite on a string with your own hands. Using available materials and drawings you can easily cope with this task.

Types of kites you can make yourself

In order to make a kite with your own hands, you need 5 things: basic labor skills, materials, drawings, desire and patience. All designs are made according to the same principle: a base with aerodynamic properties different shapes and rope. The kite can be flat and voluminous, simple or consisting of several links.

Such a thing can be found in a store, but it will be a standard replicated version. It’s better to make a controlled kite yourself, and then fly it and enjoy the result.

The first who came up with the idea of ​​launching a structure in the form of a kite or dragon into the sky were the Chinese. They took up this fascinating business in the 5th century BC.

Flat kite made of paper, nylon or polyethylene

Together with your children, you can make a simple version of a homemade kite called “Monk”.

  1. Take a sheet of thick paper of any color, A4 format. Place the lower right corner to the long left side so that it aligns with the short one. It turns out to be a triangle with an upper single part. Cut it off, unfold the sheet, you get a square.
  2. Mentally or with a pencil, draw a straight line between two opposite corners of the square - mark its axis.
  3. Bend the sheet so that the right and left side the square “lay down” on its axis.
  4. Bend the corners twice upward according to the accordion principle.
  5. Glue a thread 30 cm long into the middle of the accordion on both sides. The result is a “bridle”.
  6. Tie a rope strictly in the center of the bridle to launch and control the kite.

It is impossible to control a snake without a tail, so do not forget to make a rope from ribbons or threads intertwined and tied at the bottom with a tassel.

  1. Make 20 pieces of regular threads or 5–6 from wool. Their length for a small kite should be at least 50 cm.
  2. Place the cut pieces together and tie them with a tassel towards the end or braid them. You can decorate the tail with bows or paper triangles.
  3. Make a hole in the bottom corner of the kite, thread the tail through it and tie it in a knot or glue it.
  4. If you are using ribbons or strips of fabric instead of thread, thread them through the hole, wrap and hem top part to the bottom.

In addition to their decorative and entertainment functions, the first kites in China were used in construction. With their help, ropes were thrown across reservoirs and ravines for the subsequent construction of bridges.

Homemade kite in 5 minutes - video

Paper, fabric and wood construction

Compared to the “Monk”, there are some complications in the manufacture of this kite. In addition to paper, you will need thin wooden slats and fabric.

To make such a kite, prepare in advance:

  • 2 notebook sheets;
  • 3 slats (2 60 cm long, 1 – 40 cm);
  • durable nylon thread;
  • colored fabric.

Instructions for creating a flat “Russian” kite with your own hands - video

Diagram of a triangular kite made of polyethylene

Triangular kite - another variety flat design, more difficult to manufacture. But the result of your work will definitely please you. The snake has a classic triangular shape, bright and very beautiful.

Materials you will need:

  • plastic bag, better bright and dense;
  • slats (straight sticks made of bamboo, willow, linden, pine or just window beads);
  • rope or fishing line with a reel.

Dimensions finished product depend on the size of the package and the height of the launcher. Use percentage notation as shown in the diagram. Decide which number is taken as 100%, and then use a calculator to calculate the specific values.

For accurate marking, substitute your values ​​and calculate the parameters of the kite in centimeters

  1. Cut out the “body” of the kite from the bag according to the drawing.
  2. Prepare 4 slats of appropriate sizes: two side slats of the same size, one long longitudinal and one short transverse.
  3. Secure with any glue first the side slats on the sides, then the longitudinal one in the middle, and finally the central transverse one.
  4. Attach a keel in the middle of the kite using tape.
  5. In the center of the lower part of the canvas, cut a hole into which to thread a tail made from scraps of bags.
  6. Tie one fishing line to each corner and fasten them together with a knot.
  7. Attach a fishing line with a reel to the resulting “bridle” for launching and control.

Interesting fact. In ancient times, kites were used for military purposes: for reconnaissance, sending messages or gunpowder into enemy territory.

Drawing of a diamond-shaped product

This design is made according to the same principle as a triangular kite. You will need 2 slats (60 and 30 cm), a plastic bag, fishing line and tape.

  1. Fold the slats in a cross so that the short one intersects the long one at the height of one quarter of the total length.
  2. Tie them together with tape or rope.
  3. Place the resulting cross on a plastic bag.

    We measure right size and the shape of the future serpent

  4. Cut the fabric into a diamond shape, leaving a small margin.
  5. Pull it over the slatted cross, tuck the stock and glue or hem it.

    We wrap the kite crosspiece with a bag and cut it off

  6. Tie a fishing line to the intersection of the sticks and to the lower corner of the diamond. Just in case, give it a few turns and secure it well.

    We tie the fishing line to the intersection of the sticks

  7. Tie the fishing lines together with a knot to which attach the fishing line and reel. It turns out to be a bridle.
  8. Attach a tail, also cut from cellophane, to the end of the axial stick with tape.

In order for a kite to fly well, its tail must be 10 times longer than its base.

Interesting fact. In the 13th - 14th centuries, aerial structures were used to study natural phenomena and weather observations.

You can also use the diagram to make a kite.

Making your own diamond-shaped kite - video

How to make a bird-shaped design

To get a kite that resembles a bird in flight, use one trick: secure the string between the side parts. Under the pressure of the wind it will either stretch or weaken, making the structure “winged”.

Necessary materials:

  • 8 sticks with a diameter of less than 1 cm and a length of 30.5 cm, 3 sticks of 91.5 cm and 3 of 150 cm from linden or pine;
  • nylon or polyethylene film;
  • fishing line;
  • coil.
  1. Place 150 cm long rods parallel to each other in front of you.
  2. Place a 91.5 cm stick across, 59.75 cm from the edge.
  3. Tie it with threads so that there is a distance of 30.5 cm between the first and second, and 61 cm between the second and third.
  4. Retreating 30.5 cm in the larger side, attach a second stick 91.5 cm long.
  5. Tie 4 short slats at a distance of 30.5 cm from each other at an angle so that at the bottom they converge into a triangle (see diagram).
  6. Closed ends short planks cover with the last lath 91.5 cm long. The result is a “manger” tied in the center of the structure.
  7. Tie everything together with threads coated with glue.
  8. Fasten the ends of long sticks that have been previously soaked in water. You need to wet them so that they do not break when bent.
  9. Stretch a fishing line between the ends of the “wings”.
  10. To make the “body” of the kite, cut out a pentagon from fabric (top and bottom sides are 30.5 cm each, height 91.5 cm + 2 cm for the hem). Make a square in the center with a side length of 30.5 cm.
  11. From bottom corners square, measure 59.75 cm to the left and right.
  12. Draw segments from the ends of the top and bottom sides of the pentagon to the resulting points. The result was a canvas with a window in the middle.
  13. Sheath and glue the wooden frame of the kite.
  14. Additionally, cut out 4 inserts for the “manger”. Each size is 30.5 x 30.5 cm. Insert them into the “windows” and glue them.
  15. Make a tail from rope and leftover fabric, attach it to one side of the “manger”.
  16. On the other hand, make a bridle from two fishing lines tied together and tightly tie a thread with a reel (rail) to them.

To ensure that the structure does not fall on one side and does not fall apart in the air, strictly adhere to the dimensions and firmly tie the parts together.

It is problematic to fly such a kite alone, so call your comrades and get a surge of joy from launching the “bird” into the sky.

DIY air raven - video

Volumetric (box-shaped) kites

To create a volumetric kite you will need:

  • wooden slats (window beads can be used) - 4 pcs. 1 m long and 6 60 cm;
  • large garbage bags;
  • a durable nylon harness on a spool from a hardware store;
  • scotch;
  • ruler;
  • square;
  • scissors;
  • glue.

A voluminous kite flies high and beautifully, and you can make it yourself

Secrets of a successful launch

You can fly a kite alone, but this requires a certain skill. It’s more convenient and more fun to do it together. One holds a kite, the other a spool of fishing line or thread (rail). The main condition for a successful launch is the presence of wind from 3–4 m/s, as well as open space no trees or wires.

  1. The person holding the rope stands so that the wind blows at his back, unwinds 10–20 meters of rope and pulls it tight.
  2. The second one moves back the length of the rope, runs up and launches the kite. He must seize the moment and pull the rope.
  3. If the wind is not strong enough and the kite begins to lose height or cannot rise at all, the “leerman” will also have to run.

If you want to have a great time and get creative with the whole family, make a kite. Making it yourself is not at all difficult. The spirit of unity, joy and fun will be a reward for the time and effort spent.

This device cannot be called an out-of-the-ordinary idea. He will not be able to radically change our future, without him life will not lose its meaning and brightness of colors... But the project itself, called Dreamfly will be able to give a person a few minutes of joy and smiles, and most importantly, return him to childhood, to miracles and the stylish nanny-witch Mary Poppins, flying on her umbrella as soon as the wind changes.

Dreamfly is conceptual kite in the shape of an umbrella, created by designers YuKwang Kang and Jinsu Cho. Missing miracles and children's fairy tales, and also being romantics, like most creative people, they decided to combine business with pleasure and created an umbrella that can not only protect in bad weather, but also fly under the clouds on a sunny but windy day.

So, hidden in the handle of the umbrella is a mechanism similar to a thread spool, only instead of thread, a strong, albeit thin, cable is wound around it. And when the weather and mood permit, one click - and in your hand you no longer have an umbrella, but a real kite in the shape of a dome. Joy for children and adults, great entertainment for weekends out of town, hikes and holidays.

Among other things, Dreamfly is decorated with LEDs around the edges that illuminate the device in the evening. It must be beautiful to watch from the ground how little fireflies are jumping and glowing in the sky...

That means I have accumulated five broken umbrellas - one cane and four folding ones, two of which are black rag and two are bright colored ones made of waterproof fabric. I began to look for information about what can be made from an old umbrella. It turns out there are many versions for repurposing this item.

For example. If the umbrella is not completely broken, then it can be used in the garden. For example, to protect plants from rain and cold, or you can do original flowerbed(just don’t forget to line the bottom of the flowerbed with polyethylene).

With the flowerbed, of course, everything is not completely clear. In just one year, the fabric will turn into rags - wind, rain and wet soil will do their job. There are two options here - you can strengthen the flowerbed with plywood or change the fabric every year. Fortunately, broken umbrellas appear from season to season, and even relatives can be strained by this matter.

The flowerbed umbrella can be hung by the handle on a tree or front door. Very beautiful!

The metal base of the umbrella can be used as a drying rack, a support for garden plants or make a charming hand-made chandelier based on it.

The second version of the chandelier can only be used for a Halloween party.

If the knitting needles are broken or the handle is bent, then use only fabric for the second round. You can use it to sew skirts, sweaters, bags, small bags for storing all sorts of small things.

Italian designer Cecilia Felli makes amazing skirts using fabric from broken umbrellas.

You can sew a comfortable and durable shopping bag. It does not get wet, does not tear and takes up very little space. And if you leave the clasp from the umbrella itself, it also fastens into a neat little ball.

If there is a broken children's umbrella, then your child can easily carry the bag.

Elena Klimovskikh from the site dublirin.com.ua sews such wonderful bags from umbrellas. See sewing instructions here.