Types of magic: what is the difference between white and black magic and how they influence a person. Type of magic

In order to learn the types of magic and witchcraft, you first need to understand what magic is and what it is like, you should know that it itself is the same profession as, for example, a doctor, an artist, a programmer, a teacher and a lot others.

In magic, in order to achieve success, you need to study in the same way, put in a lot of effort, patience and endurance, as in any other specialty, only with the difference that the future magician learns to control something incomprehensible to ordinary person way, with various energies and elements, influence weather conditions and all kinds of objects, force a person or even a group of people to do what the magician himself wants, communicate with spirits and see phantoms of dead people, and the like.

Magic is divided into different subsections; for ease of understanding, we will give an example from medicine. There are different doctors: therapists, oncologists, ophthalmologists, dentists, gynecologists, andrologists and many others.

Types of magic and witchcraft, their classification

  1. Sympathetic.
  2. Theurgy and goetia.

Let's briefly consider their semantic meaning.

  • Sympathetic is a type of witchcraft in which the relationship between all kinds of objects that surround us and behavioral forms is taken as a basis. It is also divided into subgroups:
  • Contact magic.
  • Initial.
  • Simile or imitative.
  • Contagious or partial.

The subtype “Contact magic” involves the transfer of forces or replenishment of energy imaginary force to a certain person through direct contact. For example, these are when worn or eaten: talismans, runes, amulets, various potions prepared in a special way and from certain magical components.

The next subtype is “Initial Magic”. Its principle of operation lies in the strength, desire and faith of the magician in success, but with the help of spells and magical tools. “For example, in order to reach, say, an enemy at a distance, a magician points a magical dagger or knife towards an imaginary enemy and casts a certain spell. As a result, the enemy will be destroyed and it doesn’t matter how, that is, a disease may occur, a car may hit you, or a brick may simply fall on your head. Much depends on the strength of the magician and the mental defense of the enemy.

The subspecies of “Similar” or “Imitative magic” involves the transfer of harm from an inanimate object to a living one. For example, to destroy an enemy, a doll is made using certain rituals, and the magician pierces it with the edge of a knife while reciting spells.

Also, for, for example, successful childbirth, shamans use similar practice. It consists in the fact that the shaman poses as a certain woman in labor, ties a stone loosely to his waist, which smoothly falls down under heavy weight. Consequently, the birth of the woman in labor he represents will have to proceed just as smoothly and without problems or complications.

The last subtype of witchcraft is “Contagious” or “Partial magic”. Its meaning is that any thing, having visited a person, remembers him and maintains an energetic connection with him, even at a great distance. Especially blood, hair, nails, teeth. In this regard, they are so often used in various magical rites and rituals.

All these subtypes of magic are difficult to distinguish from each other, since in certain rituals they interact or are interconnected. For example, if we take Voodoo magic, then when making a doll to harm a certain person, the above subspecies are used, since the doll is given the name of the victim, is soaked in blood, if any, and hair or nails from the victim are also attached (no matter), a piece from any clothing and the doll is pierced with a sharp needle or pin.

Type of witchcraft - “Theurgy” and “Goetia”

From the ancient Greek “Theurgy” - rite, deity, divine activity and “Goetia” - witchcraft.

This type of magic is based on belief in various demons, planetary spirits, deities, and the like. It lies in the fact that the magician must be able not only to get closer, cajole or summon, but also to subjugate, for example, spirits or demons to his will. It's quite complex look magic, which can be called “Theurgy”, since it is associated with the practices of spiritual advancement upward, but can also be called “Goetia”, since it is Goetia that is built on rapprochement with various demons and spirits.

Type of magic - “Psychurgy”

This type of witchcraft is based on interaction with the soul a certain person. Psychurgy also includes:

  • Magnetism.
  • Hypnotism.
  • Telepathy.
  • Mediumship.
  • Clairvoyance.
  • Clairaudience.
  • Claircognizance.
  • Psychometry.
  • Astral projection.

We will consider psychurgy and its subtypes in detail in other notes. In addition to all of the above, there are also such types of magic as:

  1. Black.
  2. White.
  3. Gray.
  4. Ceremonial.
  5. Sexy.
  6. Love.
  7. Combat.

But we’ll talk about them in the next article. Regarding the topic raised in this article, it is intended for people to know and understand how complex, dangerous and difficult everything is.

In contact with

Variety and types of Magic,as Art - Achievement of the Intended

There is a certain number of varieties or types of Magic, the main ones of which the beginning Aspirant must know in order to subsequently become able to distinguish between their hierarchical gradation.

Special attention should also be paid to the fact that in real life Many types of Magic are often combined with each other, uniting into a single whole, which is why it is often difficult to distinguish between them.

The data presented below is intended to give only a brief description for the purpose of initial familiarization, since a more complete guide to each type of Magic is offered to adepts at the moment when they come close to mastering one type or several of the types of Magic at the corresponding levels of Initiation.

Natural Magic - This type of Art is also called Natural Magic (or Natural), that is Natural Magic. She studies and deals with the lowest Forces of Nature, found in her three Kingdoms: Mineral, Vegetable and Animal.

The main representatives of this class of Forces are elementals - imperfect spirits of Nature and the four elements, better known under the names of gnomes, sylphs, salamanders and undines.

It is well spoken of in Agrippa's Occult Philosophy. It includes such branches of the Occult, like: Botanomancy- herbal divination,

Phytotherapy herbal treatment, Dowsing - determining the presence of waters, minerals, treasures, etc. with the help of a forked branch of a vine, Lithomancy, divination by stones, most of the Druidic Magic-Runes, almost all known fortune-telling - Tarot, and many other areas that we will not list here now.

Manipulative Magic - This type of Art is called Small, Village Magic, and also Witchcraft.

It consists of all kinds of manipulations, tricks and tricks achieved through various devices and set-up situations, which, if properly executed, can lead to changes in accordance with the will of a person.

Moreover, the results of such actions will arise naturally; and to maintain them, replenishment is necessary, which the magician must do from time to time. The period of fulfillment of desires through the use of Non-Ritual Magic is usually long, regardless of the will of the magician, for the Forces that are activated in it belong to the category of astral, and even even hierostral spirits.

A magician who practices the methods of Manipulative Magic is usually equipped with an innumerable number of different things and objects that he needs in his activities, from which it is clear that his inventory quantitatively exceeds the set of magical devices used in Ritual Magic. In addition, this type of Magic involves the use of special calendars that help to find out the time and nature of the Forces that are most effective on specified days of the year. All this and much more seems possible to learn, for example, from Grimoires, the contents of which must be correctly understood.

Sympathetic Magic. From the very first words, we will especially stipulate this type of Art: the fact is that it includes under its auspices the following two varieties, which, although they are part of Sympathetic Magic, are, at the same time, independent links of a single Magical Science. The types of Magic we have named generally tend to overlap with each other, which must be constantly remembered.

Here is what George Frazer said about this: “Both varieties of magic - Homeopathic and Contagious - can be designated by a single term - Sympathetic magic, since in both cases it is assumed that, thanks to secret sympathy, things act on each other at a distance and the impulse is transmitted from one to another through the astral light, called the still invisible ether ("Od" of the Martinists, "amniatic fluid" of the Kabbalists; not to be confused with the etheric plane of existence, located above the mental - author's note). This ether is not so different from the ether, the existence of which is modern science postulates for a similar purpose, namely to explain how things can interact with each other in seemingly empty space." N. Belsky, based on the words of Frazer, writes: " Sympathetic Magic operates on the principle of sympathy. According to this principle, the world is viewed as a living organism, permeated with thousands of threads connecting things, objects, people and all nature with each other. Such connections are mutually directed and continuous in time, which makes it possible for the existence of both magic (impact on nature and people) and various fortune-telling."

Let us only add that at high levels of initiation, adepts comprehend fairly simplified methods of Sympathetic and Contagious Magic, based on the presence in all people of a sub-element - the light body and the universal interconnection of the entire set of things, manifested creatures, which owe this state of affairs to Ouroboros-God OA - the “Priceless Axis” Universe.

Homeopathic Magic. Let us listen to the remarks of George Fraser: “This type of magic is best designated by the term Homeopathic, because the alternative term is Magic Imitative– does not exclude or even imply a consciously imitating agent, which excessively narrows the scope of Magic.

Homeopathic or Imitative Magic can be called techniques based on the law of similarity, the lengthy formulation of which reads: like produces like or the effect is similar to its cause. From the law of similarity, the magician concludes that he can produce any desired action by simply imitating it, for example, inflicting injury on a person by influencing his image - a wax figurine, any personal item, a photograph, a portrait... Homeopathic Magic is based on the connection of ideas by similarity ".

Contagious Magic.George Frazer gives the following data regarding this type of Magic: “Contagious magic can be called techniques based on the law of contact, the full formulation of which is as follows: things that have once come into contact with each other continue to interact at a distance after the cessation of direct contact. If nothing happened to one of them, the same thing should happen to the other. Based on this law, the magician concludes that everything that he does with the object will also have an impact on the person who was once in contact with this object (as a part). his body or otherwise). Contagious magic is based on the connection of ideas by contiguity."N. Belsky develops his words: “So, there is a connection between a person and his hair, nails, clothes, traces left by him, etc. According to the same principle, magical power is transferred from the source to the object of influence (wearing amulets and talismans).” It follows, However, note that human energy, like any other energy (for example, static electricity), transferred or imprinted on any object, over time loses its original charge and dissipates, which is why experts in Manipulative Magic recommend renewing magical ingredients once a year famous days and that is why in Ritual Magic one must not forget to “recharge” talismans.

Operational Magic. The names synonymous with this type of Art are: Ceremonial or Ritual Magic, Greater or Higher, Theurgy, Akleosta - the Adlanian word for “Magic”, as well as Transcendental Magic according to Eliphas Levi. Among the Jews it corresponds to Kabbalistic Magic, or practical Kabbalah.

According to Crowley, "Operative Magic uses two methods of establishing communication with Beings: invocation and evocation." There are others, but they belong to more exalted varieties, such as: Divine Magic, Death Magic and Point Magic. La Vey describes it as follows: “Ritual magic consists of the performance of a formal ceremony or a scenario composed by the magician himself, balanced in all respects, the implementation of which requires entering into certain states and feelings - author's note. Her main function

It is also appropriate to mention that High Magic deals with Forces that are an order of magnitude greater than the elementals, and therefore the timing of the fulfillment of the wishes of the magician dealing with her is usually quick and swift, although it depends solely on his skillful leadership. Elemental spirits, however, are highly specialized specialists, experts in their fields, with whom it is much easier to contact than with demons, with the possible exception of the lower ones.

Sexual Magic. The same as the Magic of Love. She uses the loving spiritual energy of arousal of a magician - a man at the moment of his highest controlled attraction to a woman, brought through special techniques to exaltation, and natural sexual desire, directing it through ritual actions. It also uses auric forces that are awakened in intimate contacts among a couple who performs the ritual in known bodily positions and according to a predetermined pattern. Sexual Magic uses majestic Black Masses, but has nothing to do with orgies in which unbridled lower human nature plunges its riders into various excesses and perversions! Divine Magic.

One of the highest types of Magic for flesh-clad Aspirants, as an Art, which we symbolically named Perfect or Universal magic.

Apart from the Atlanteans, few authors have said anything about it, because its methods of achievement are incredibly simple, although they require a fairly strong development of the spiritual tools of the adept and sometimes bring lightning-fast results to those who are able to master them.

Divine Magic brings into use a powerful creation in dreams, in projection through the manipulation of auric vortices and pillars of light, as well as thought, which makes the initiate prepared, for example, for a psychic attack at any time and in any place. Communication with your true Self is established here through automatic writing according to Crowley - through “Achieving Knowledge and Conversation with your Holy Guardian Angel”, with the innermost Self through the acceptance of insights in the mental field.

Death Magic. It can well be called the Magic of Silence and Power, echoes of which can be seen in the Enochian language if you look at its substrate; by the way, the Enochian form of speech, based on the relationship of letters in their correct arrangement, in principle does not contain words as such; its so-called “lexical units” are misinterpreted by all interpreters, since each letter of this language reflects a certain idea and is textually expressed in several sentences, or even a whole paragraph. The “words” of androgynous language are composed and parsed in a similar way. The magic of Death makes the adept who uses it, focused on being in the present moment, equal to the inhabitants of the Threshold, for the very desire for such is often enough an instant result. An applicant who has mastered these techniques cannot be taken by surprise - he can always be engaged in magical activities, as long as he needs it; and moreover, he is constantly ready to deliver an early astral strike, preventing any attacks from enemies, since he has mastered the Magic of Death and is in contact with the Ancients - creatures, the world of the dead, who warn him of any unfavorable changes due to their gift of foreseeing future events. The main difficulty in comprehending this type of Magic is that a person, a creature with a huge set of moods and states, must become fixated on just one of them, which will become possible only after overcoming his element and forcing it to obey by passing through the galaxy powerful curses that could negatively affect his psyche. The most difficult type of Magic to master.

Point Magic. Point Magic, which can also be called - Symbolic Magic, is a method and means of influencing oneself, people and Nature entirely borrowed from the Adlan magical tradition through working with astral maps and mystery tablets, based on the Forces of the Universe, enclosed in a hieroglyphic system. It is directly related to the androgynous Tree of Sephiroth, which is why its effects are corresponding. The principle of its operation is such that when a certain combination of previously charged symbols is sequentially set with a consecrated magical Pointer, a contamination vibration arises, directed towards achieving the necessary change. This type of Magic is also valued because of the dynamism with which any such operation is carried out. Its development is impossible without open feelings.

Below are the types of magic and witchcraft, as well as a list of magical traditions of the world. Find out how different practices differ from each other and what is the difference between white and black witchcraft.

In the article:

Main types of magic and witchcraft

First of all, witchcraft is usually divided into White and black. These are two main directions, as well as the very first “crossroads” on the path of a novice magician. Much depends on the path he takes. It is believed that with help you can bring good, and with black help you can bring evil. The Christian Church considers both of these types of witchcraft to be a sin, but despite this, magicians use the power of its egregor. In addition, there is so-called cathedral magic, which is inextricably linked with the church, but more on that below.

Practical white magic has only one important difference - it is an appeal to light spirits. These can be either light gods from the Slavic pantheon or angels from Christian mythology. Of course, you shouldn’t turn to egregors that conflict with each other; you need to make your choice even before starting serious practices. So, the country or religion to which your chosen pantheon belongs does not matter. But if these are light spirits or deities, we're talking about about white magic.

Black sorcerers use the help of only evil spirits - good ones will not pay attention to their requests. These are not only demons, demons, or Satan himself. These can be dark deities and entities from any pantheon of the world, not just the Christian one. A black magician may have nothing to do with Satanism, but the essence of his religion is almost always the worship of dark forces. He turns to them during rituals. This is the so-called work through demons, and receiving help from other entities.

The term gray magic appeared relatively recently. It is unknown who exactly introduced it into circulation. Not all magicians recognize the existence of gray witchcraft. It is a cross between white and black magic. They combine these directions in their practices, turning to both dark and light forces - which is why the existence of gray magicians is questioned. The fact is that it will not be possible to maintain neutrality as a magician. Sooner or later you will have to choose a side.

It is not so easy for a white magician to become black and vice versa. The dark forces are not always happy to join the ranks of sorcerers who use their help. Perhaps they will not want to help the former white magician, and the forces of light will turn away from the one who broke his vows. A black magician can be helped to move to the side of good by repenting of his sins, but the forces of darkness do not like to let go of their victims. Traditionally, it is customary to distinguish only two colors, directions or types of magic and witchcraft - black and white. And one of these directions is what a novice magician must decide on first of all.

What types of magic exist - witchcraft traditions of the world

The very concept of magic as a fusion of science, art and religion implies that there are an almost innumerable number of witchcraft traditions.
Let's look at the currently most popular esoteric and witchcraft movements, which began their history in different parts of the world. globe. Some witchcraft traditions can be either black or white. For example, the infamous necromancy is capable of exorcising poltergeists as well as healing. And, which enjoys considerable trust among believers, may well kill or seriously ruin life. So, what types of magic exist and what traditions of witchcraft are most in demand at the moment?

Magic is inherently connected with religion. Therefore, it deserves special consideration christian magic. The white direction implies turning to saints and angels, reading special prayers and conspiracies in which only light forces from Christian mythology are mentioned. Cathedral witchcraft is work through a church demon, which serves as an intermediary between the black sorcerer and dark forces. The white direction implies the use of the energy of the Christian egregor and compliance with its rules, while the black direction is directly related to the dark forces of Christian mythology - those same demons and demons.

Before the advent of Christianity, pagans lived on Russian lands. Our ancestors, the Slavs, knew a lot about witchcraft. True, this tradition is considered almost completely lost, but something has still been preserved and has survived to this day. The Slavic pantheon contains the names of both dark and light gods. Slavic tradition of witchcraft can also be divided into dark and light. However, our ancestors did not recognize such a division and did not make big difference between the main directions. There are no big differences in rituals either; they usually include praise and offerings to deities, as well as texts of spells addressed to them.

A voodoo doll

The African (and subsequently Haitian) magical tradition is called voodoo. Everyone knows about it, but horror films almost always feature it. In fact, this type of witchcraft does not always involve its use. In voodoo magic, the doll is not the main component.

In Africa, the words “doctor” and “priest” are equated, and magic is commonplace. Voodoo sorcerers are characterized by the worship of African deities, the presence of a cult of ancestral spirits, belief in the afterlife and the deification of animals. The tradition is distinguished by the harmonious combination of African beliefs with Christianity.

White African magic, or sangoma- this is healing, working to expel evil spirits that are accused of causing illness. It is closely related to the magic of plants and elements. Black magic, as understood by Africans, causes death and other harm. They believe that there are no natural deaths; they are always to blame for death evil spirits and black sorcerers. The legends about zombies owe precisely to the black sorcerers of voodoo. For black voodoo rituals, parts of the bodies of people and animals, calls on spirits and the dead are needed. The charge of causing damage in Africa is one of the most serious. Those accused of black magic may not live to see trial - a priest can determine the black gift by looking at his guts. To this day, in the Congo, children are expelled from the streets, suspecting them of black magic.

European magical tradition has great variety. She absorbed knowledge different nations- and these are not only residents of Europe. European witchcraft is closely related to Greek and Roman mythology, as well as the knowledge of the sorcerers of Egypt. Everything related to healing belongs to the white direction of magic, and harmful rituals belong to the black direction. Druids lived in England and Ireland, who left a rich heritage, influencing the development of witchcraft throughout Europe. In addition, movement New Age originated in the West, like medieval ceremonial magic. The medieval black magic tradition is called Goetia, it is based on summoning and controlling demons.

There were magicians in the East, and legends about the knowledge of the ancient Sumerians and Assyrians are still known to this day. Muslim white witchcraft involves removing negativity by reading the Koran. The Jewish magical school is called Kabbalah. Many people have heard about the magic of gypsies. There are many legends about the power of witchcraft of nomadic people, as well as the power of their evil eye. Almost every nation can boast of a tradition of witchcraft born on its lands.

Necromancy difficult to attribute to any movement. This separate species magic, which may imply mythological aspects various countries and religious branches. There is no point in explaining that the basis of death magic is an appeal to the gods of death, to the spirits of the dead, as well as other creatures associated with the afterlife. Some of the rituals in the cemetery and an entire section of black magic called cemetery witchcraft are closely related to necromancy. Like any other type of witchcraft, necromancy is capable of both good and evil deeds.

Green Witchcraft- this is the same herbalism, but it takes into account not only medicinal properties herbs Each plant has its own meaning, and with the help of herbs you can do both harm and benefit. Knowing the properties of herbs, a magician can bewitch, destroy or enrich. There is also elemental magic, which involves receiving energy, purifying objects and turning to one of the elements for other purposes. At the same time, the mythological base of elemental magic is very rich; it includes deities and spirits from beliefs all over the world - from Slavic mermaids to African spirits of fire.

existed among several peoples. Altai and Siberian shamans are known to this day; little is known about Chukchi shamans. The features of this magical current can vary greatly depending on the region. Shamanism is based on communicating with spirits in a state of trance. Even within Asia, the mythology of this movement varies greatly, what can we say about the shamans of Africa and America, who have completely different beliefs.

Does magic really exist - legends and truth

The question of whether magic really exists is difficult to answer unequivocally. It developed along with man. Archaeological finds indicate that the roots of magical arts originate from ancient times. Witchcraft has been an integral part of human life at all times - people also knew how to cast magic. primitive people

, and ancient pagans, and medieval inhabitants of cities and villages. To the afterlife, rebirth of the soul, as well as effectiveness man believed at all times. Only with the advent of Christianity did magic begin to be considered a reprehensible activity, which was allegedly invented by the Devil. Perhaps the influence of the medieval church was so strong that attitudes towards witchcraft remain somewhat tense to this day.

So, is there magic on Earth? Given her history, the answer is yes. There is no logical explanation for the effectiveness of rituals. Perhaps science will one day prove the existence of witchcraft. Until this happens, everyone can start looking for answers to this question. Is there magic in our world, what do you think?

It is unlikely that a practicing magician would ask such questions. If your rituals have not worked and you have doubts about the existence of witchcraft, it may be a matter of improper execution rather than witchcraft in general. Mages are not allowed to doubt the success of their actions. Rituals work only for those who believe in their effectiveness.

Practical white magic - basics and theory

Practical white magic is a rather demanding branch of witchcraft. Serving the light is much more difficult than serving the darkness. At the same time, it is generally accepted that the rituals of black magic are much stronger, and dark witchcraft works faster and more accurately than light witchcraft. Perhaps this is why there are so few strong healers and white magicians.

The basis of white magic is mercy and compassion. These qualities need to be developed if you want to achieve success in light witchcraft. Dark feelings and thoughts are inherent in everyone, but white magicians successfully fight them. Follow the purity of your actions and thoughts, develop your spirituality and devote time not only to material pleasures.

It is unacceptable for a white magician to take revenge on offenders using witchcraft. They cannot practice love spells, and in some traditions even predicting the future is strictly prohibited. In order to experience a craving for white magic, you need to be a real altruist.

Black magic signs and other theoretical knowledge about dark witchcraft

Black magic is the complete opposite of white magic. Even the signs of black magic are, for the most part, inverted symbols of white witchcraft. For example, this is an inverted pentagram or cross.

Almost anyone can become a black magician. But to do this you need to be brave, cunning and curious. In addition, you should be smart enough not to fall into the trap of a more experienced sorcerer - black magicians often quarrel with each other and rarely come to each other’s aid.

Magic is all around us

Magic surrounds us from birth to death.

In our lives there is always a place for a miracle or the unknown, and every person sooner or later tries to learn magic and apply this knowledge in his life.

There are different types and directions of magic.

Sympathetic Magic- based on the existence of a direct connection between existing inanimate objects of the world and various forms behavior.

Sympathetic magic is divided into several subtypes:

1. Contact magic- this is a certain force that is transmitted or given to a person through direct interaction with the bearer of an imaginary magical power, this includes wearing amulets and talismans, using prepared magical potions and infusions.

2. Initial magic- during magical manipulations, only the beginning of the action is reproduced, its ending is assigned to the power of magic. An example is the actions of an Australian sorcerer who, wanting to hit an enemy representing a neighboring tribe, performs the following procedure: he points a sharpened wand in the direction of the enemy and whispers curses, he expects that after this action the enemy will be struck down by a quick death, or will die for a long time from painful diseases.

3. Imitative magic- it is based on the principle of philosophy that like produces like. This type of magic is common among Voodoo priests, who, in order to cause as much harm as possible to their opponent, stab sharp objects into a drawn human figure or a manufactured doll. According to the principle of philosophical similarity, harm done to an image or doll should affect the offender.

4. Contagious magic- is based on the fact that things that once came into contact with a person maintain a long-term and inextricable connection at a distance. An example of the use of magic would be the use of teeth, blood, nails, and hair to perform witchcraft rituals.

It is very difficult to distinguish types of magic, this is due to the use various principles simultaneously during witchcraft rituals.

Theurgy- associated with animistic beliefs in demons. When performing magical rituals, a magician, sorcerer, or shaman strives to receive help from a deity or even makes attempts to subjugate a spirit who must fulfill what he wants.

Psychurgy- implies a magical effect on the soul of the person himself. This concept includes various techniques accepting divine imaginary forms: hypnotism, mediumship, magnetism, telepathy, astral projection.

Magic and religion

Official religions Christianity, Judaism, Islam recognize the existence of various types of magic, but at the same time consider witchcraft a prohibited and not acceptable practice for all believers, which is carried out with the help and mediation of Satan or his messengers. In Christianity, magical procedures are called Sacraments. Magical and supernatural powers According to legend, the son of God Jesus Christ himself possessed it.

Other types of magic

White magic- serves to protect people. Conspiracies and rituals of white magic help a person get rid of harmful vices. Treatment of alcoholism, drug addiction traditional medicine doesn't always bring positive result, but when performing a ritual of white magic, you can help a person get rid of a terrible illness. White magic conspiracies can help in cases where a curse has been sent to a person or damage has been imposed.

Black magic- the complete opposite of white magic and one of its manifestations is belief in Satan and submission to his power. Black magic carries an attack on the human soul with the aim of causing harm and damage. The worst thing about black magic, this is the return of negative energy to the magician who used it. Ceremonial magic refers to black magic. Its effect is based on a call for help from spirits, demons and other evil spirits. The Witches' Sabbath can also be classified as a ritual of ceremonial magic.

Love magic- with the help of rituals and love spells evokes a feeling of love.

For people who are interested in the theory of magic, I will give a certain classification of types of magic and types of magical protections, which I tried to compile.

What is magic? Magic, in my opinion, is a way of interacting with the outside world, with the goal of changing the surrounding reality in accordance with one’s will and desires through the use of esoteric knowledge and energies of living and inanimate nature. In short, to achieve what you want, knowing how it’s done and being able to do it.

If we talk about the types of magic in the order of their development, then the first one here will be natural magic.

Natural magic traces its history back to animism - the practice of empowering nature, natural phenomena and objects with supernatural, magical characteristics. The belief that nature and everything it contains is living, thinking energy is widely represented here. The spirits of the elements, the evil and good spirits of forests, rivers, deserts, mountains, fields, swamps, and dungeons, originate here. It also presents work with the energy of the Earth, with egregors of places, with geopathogenic zones. Sacrifices to all the above-described spirits and elements are also presented here. It seems that this is partly where shamanism originates.

Natural magic has emerged from itself homeopathic magic. This is the use of stones, minerals, plants, mushrooms, trees - their healing and poisonous properties, as well as the energy of these elements. This is where healing, homeopathy, herbal medicine and other types of medicine originate. practical work with the world of minerals and plants. This is close to druids, alchemists and shamans.

Sympathetic Magic built on the principle of “like begets like” or “like is transferred to like.”

This is where the practice of “rebirth into a beast” comes from, which was used by ancient hunters; ritual cannibalism, when a killed enemy was eaten to gain his strength. Its use can be traced in modern world in the form of so-called “village magic” and Voodoo magic.

In village magic sympathetic magic manifests itself in the form of love spells, when the customer’s biological objects - blood, sweat, secretions, saliva - are used to enter the victim’s body.

The same methods of sympathetic magic cause damage when bad manipulations are carried out on the biological objects of the victim - blood, hair, nails, sperm.

The same magic is used to remove damage, diseases and other negativity from a person by transferring it to another living organic object - an egg, apple, wax, animal, plant.

Voodoo magic has manifested itself in sympathetic magic with its famous dolls, where, by the way, biological objects of the victim are also added. And these dolls themselves are called by the names of the victim and then bad manipulations are carried out on the doll.

Ritual magic. Ritual magic includes magical actions built according to a clearly thought-out program - a ritual. The purpose of the ritual as such is to expand the capabilities of a specialist magician through the use of magical attributes - artifacts, magical symbols, and appeals to otherworldly forces. Solomon's magic (goetia), Enochian magic will also belong to this section. This can also include (however, this is my opinion) church magic. Ritual magic also includes the rituals of Satanism with their evocation of demons and spirits, as well as necromagic - working with dead energy.

Magicians and researchers who followed the path of working with space, and who excluded the use of any rituals and intermediary objects, relying only on their strength and ability to control the energy of space and man, came to mental-energy magic.

Qigong, yoga (especially raja yoga), bioenergy - all these areas allow you to change events, influence the surrounding space and people - their health and consciousness, through mental concentration and control various types energies.

When connected modern science and esoteric knowledge, viewed through the prism of science, appeared information magic. This is the use of digital series, vibration techniques, psycho-energetic techniques, methods remote control human consciousness. These include DEIR, transurfing, NLP, hypnosis. And NLP as such has already received a separate name - social magic.

What about so-called black and white magic? Any of the above types of magic already carries both a light and a dark side. With a knife you can cut bread and stab your neighbor. Hypnosis can cure a person or turn him into a zombie. It all depends on the morality of the “magician”.

Perhaps this classification is “damp”; perhaps you have your own approach to the classification of magic. I do not claim maximum accuracy and completeness of this classification; I described what I encountered in practice.

If we briefly talk about the types of magical protections, I believe that they can be reduced to three types.

The first is egregoric protection. An egregor is an energy-information structure artificially created by adherents of a certain idea, religion, order, group. The most powerful egregors are the egregors of religions. Psalm 90 contains the words, “He who dwells under the shelter of the Most High, shall rest in the shadow of the Almighty.” The egregor of religion “takes under the protection” of its adherents, subject to faith in help and this protection. This includes prayer protection. Also - the protection that sacred and sacred symbols and attributes provide - crucifixes, pentagrams, the Star of David, runescripts, relics of saints and objects from sacred “places of power”.

This type of protection includes protective talismans and amulets, which are made by specialists for the customer, and which perform specific functions.

Protection is structured very interestingly in magical orders, where unique rituals of protection are used.

The second type is mental protection. This includes psychological techniques and NLP techniques. These techniques protect the psyche from mental and psychological attacks, as well as from attempts to manipulate consciousness. Also – the use of visualization methods to set up defenses. This is the mental installation of mirrors, walls, and other types of protective obstacles around oneself. These techniques protect the energetics from energetic attacks.

The third type is energy protection. This is the installation of energy blocks and shields, energy cocoons, the creation of energy doubles, the use of phantoms. Here, both the personal energy of a person and the energy of the surrounding space are used.

According to the vector (direction) of protection, protection methods can be divided as follows:

Active protection. In this case, a person’s protective structures reflect the energy attack and return destructive energy to the aggressor. Also, such defenses may have the peculiarity of delivering preemptive strikes - a person thought badly about someone else, only managed to wish something bad, and he himself already felt bad. The defense worked according to the algorithm “identifying the threat of attack - concentrating energy - delivering a counter-preemptive strike.”

Passive protection (absorbing). This type of protection can absorb negative energy, which will be absorbed and concentrated in protective talismans. Do you remember how many people noticed that silver jewelry darkens? Silver is an active metal that is often used to create magical protections. And he himself can arbitrarily collect negativity from a person.

Diversion protection. This type of defense allows you to divert attack energy to so-called “traps” - energy phantoms. Or divert an attack on animals, elements or other objects.

There is a type of people who can do without artificially installed protections. Their type of energy, either from birth or due to long-term practices, is built in such a way that the negative energy coming to them is absorbed and transformed into pure creative energy and benefits them.

This is my view of magic and magical protections. If you have anything to add, write, we will make this article more extensive.