Types and installation options for rotary doors. Rotary doors Mechanical drawing of a rotary door

Classic version door opening - swing doors. Despite the many advantages of this method, new ways of closing and opening valves are still appearing. This is due to different conditions operation of premises in which the usual option turns out to be extremely inconvenient for one reason or another.

Roto interior doors are distinguished by an atypical way of opening.

What it is?

In fact, Roto is a door leaf with pendulum mechanism. As such, it was used for quite a long time, but not as an interior door, since it did not ensure a tight fit of the sash. Modern models, in particular, from the company Sofya or Framir, this problem is successfully solved.

The Roto door system consists of 2 guides that are attached to the door leaf - most often made of wood or wood material, and to the opening. The device has special rollers that provide sliding movement of the sash. When opened, the door leaf rotates around its axis and moves towards the jamb. The photo shows a Roto sash.

A “pure” pendulum mechanism does not provide such an effect: in this case, the sash only rotates around an axis located in the center of the product or offset. However, special systems from Sofya or Framir are rotary and sliding. The door actually turns and then fits completely against the end of the opening. In this case, the opening turns out to be as open as possible, and the sash does not interfere with movement, as happens with a hinged one. small area premises.

Advantages and disadvantages

The Roto door mechanism provides the product with a number of advantages:

  • This opening option can be installed on any surface - wood, MDF, PVC, glass, mirror, and so on. Moreover, the system can be strengthened to already ready product;
  • The interior Roto door opens in any direction. There is no need to follow a certain direction; moreover, this allows you to temporarily place large objects on one side of the opening;
  • You can install the fittings yourself. Mounting is very simple, and the device comes with a full set of fasteners;
  • the sash, when shifted to the ends of the opening, as in the versions from the Sofya or Framir companies, occupies only 50% of its width. In addition, you can open it in the currently free direction;
  • this method of opening, according to reviews, completely solves the problem of sagging door leaf;
  • Roto flap fits tightly to door frame when closing, so that in terms of the degree of heat and sound insulation, rotary interior doors are in no way inferior to swing ones;
  • The kit includes magnetic or mechanical locks that prevent the doors from spontaneously opening.

The products also have disadvantages:

  • the cost of such a solution is noticeably higher than the swing option;
  • this mechanism is not suitable for fabrics with a large weight;
  • the opening option looks harmonious in modern styles– high-tech, techno, but not very suitable for rural and classic style even with appropriate design.

Types of products

In fact, there are only 2 types of Roto doors:

  • single-leaf - the opening is blocked by one door leaf. It is possible to install the lock as in a regular swing door. The dimensions are limited by ordinary common sense - it is very inconvenient to move a product with a width of more than 1.2 m anywhere. Maximum weight – 70 kg;

  • double-leaf - an important difference from other models is the restriction on proportions: the sashes can only be the same. In the photo - Sofia Roto's door.

Equipment for Roto sash

The door leaf can be initially intended for installation of this system or can be chosen arbitrarily. The only limitation is the weight – the fittings will not support more than 70 kg.

The mechanism kit includes:

  • magnetic lock – sometimes there is a mechanical version;
  • box with a built-in rotating device;
  • set of platbands;
  • guides;
  • brush seal– if you bought an interior door.

Roto door installation

The installation scheme for a rotary sash is not much different from the installation of a swing sash, so it can be easily done with your own hands.

If you believe the reviews, it’s even easier to do this, because instead of door hinges here the guides are fixed:

  1. Prepare the canvas and the doorway: the slopes must be exactly horizontal, as well as the vertical strip.
  2. First of all, the door frame is assembled and temporarily fixed to the wall. Carefully adjust the position of the frame using wooden blocks. Only after the box has taken the required position is it secured with anchors.
  3. They install the guides - it’s difficult to make a mistake here, since the fittings are fixed at the very top and at the very bottom of the box. Therefore, it is important that there is no difference in height between the rooms and that there is no threshold: the gap between the canvas and the floor is only 3 mm.
  4. The door leaf is temporarily secured to the guides and the position is adjusted. Only after achieving ease of turning and opening, the sash is fixed.

In the video, the installation process of a Roto MDF door is presented in detail.

Interior doors are no longer purely functional units. Today they create a special atmosphere in the interior and can even serve as a main feature. Modern models are able to save space thanks to such an atypical opening system as rotary doors. They are distinguished by their fastening and the fact that they do not simply swing open, but turn 180 degrees and literally retract, “enter” the opening.

Rotary doors are not only practical, but also stylish. It’s not for nothing that designers prefer them, especially in conditions small apartment or office. Rotary doors open with an easy movement free hand, smoothly unfold and free up space for free movement. When closed, they are no different from a standard single-leaf door.


These doors get their name from the rotational movement they make. We are accustomed to swing doors that require at least one free square meter to open.

Rotary doors have a number of advantages that outshine conventional models:

  • Versatility. Roto doors are suitable for small and spacious rooms, office premises where it is important to preserve free space;
  • Stylish and unusual design, which is ideal for modern interior trends: loft, minimalism, hi-tech;
  • They save space because they open into the opening, that is, they are in it at a right angle and in this state they occupy the space of both rooms;

  • They are sound and heat insulated, just like regular doors. Although this characteristic is more influenced by the door material and the insulation pad laid along the lower edge;
  • They are airtight if alkaline insulation is built into the bottom of the canvas;
  • Convenient to use for adults and children due to ease of opening and closing;
  • They are not afraid of drafts. A strong air flow will not be able to close the rotary door;
  • Safe.

The door fastening system is called rotary, not the door leaf itself.

A similar opening system can be installed on a leaf weighing up to 70 kg. This is explained by the fact that the system will quickly fail and the safety of such a design will be called into question. The door, of course, is unlikely to simply fall off, but it may become deformed. Another condition: the door should not be completely glass. The system is ideal for small-sized housing, children's rooms and apartments with a narrow corridor, where there is a high probability of hitting someone with this door.

The disadvantages include the high cost of installation: it will cost more than classic hinges, but not more than sliding design. The high price is a temporary phenomenon, experts say. Rotary doors are not yet as popular as swing doors, and people of the old school are openly wary of such structures.

The final disadvantage concerns the creation of similar interior paintings: do it yourself without special equipment and technology will not work.

Principle of operation

Any wooden door can become rotary if you install it in the opening on a rotary sliding mechanism instead of the usual loops. The system for opening the leaf is simple: it moves to the side and at the same time rotates around its axis - into the doorway.

The rotary mechanism consists of a guide with a groove in the upper part of the door frame and a rotary hinge with a roller, which are responsible for the easy opening and closing of the door, its rotation around its axis and movement along the upper guide. A lever is installed at the bottom of the doorway, which is directly connected to the upper element. The lever fixes the door in a vertical open position, which makes the structure safe.

The roto-system is unique in that it does not allow the fabric to sag under its own weight, as happens with classic hinges.

It is known that the hinges have to be adjusted as the canvas sag, even if it is not made from 100% solid wood.

The following fittings are installed on the rotary door: a rotary-sliding mechanism and a magnetic lock (the “tongue” is not visible when open). Additionally, an insulating tape is laid at the bottom of the canvas for noise, heat and odor insulation. You can also install conventional “reed” fittings on the rotary door, but this is not necessary, since today there are modern and affordable models.


Rotary mechanisms are divided into:

  • Mechanical;
  • Automatic.

The former are much cheaper than the latter; the door is opened by pressing the handle. The automatic design does everything for you: as soon as a person approaches the opening, the door swings open in front of him.

How to install?

The elements of the rotor system are installed at the factory during the production of the door leaf itself: technological holes and grooves are created on the door. Manufacturers of roto systems usually give detailed instructions on self-installation of newfangled fittings.

Before installing the structure, you should make sure that it is complete:

  • The presence of a door leaf with embedded fittings and grooves for installing an opening system;
  • Door frame with rotary mechanism;
  • Brush insulation;
  • Flat platbands.

To finish the opening, an extension may be required: it can be used to cover a wall that is too wide.

It is possible to install revolving doors yourself, but you should take into account important features during assembly:

  • Rotary blades are installed at the final stage of finishing, when the floor is laid and wallpaper is hung. It is important that the doorway matches the size of the frame. The maximum permissible gap is 5 mm;
  • The door frame must fit perfectly into the doorway, since even a slight deviation in size can become a problem correct installation canvases;
  • The floor and walls must be smooth. This should be taken care of at the rough finishing stage;
  • It is important to pay attention to the thickness (width) of the box - it must fit exactly into the opening and not stick out from it. Otherwise, it will be difficult to install the platbands;
  • After installing the rotary-type door leaf, you need to adjust it: at the top of the frame there is a screw with a lock that needs to be rotated. Rotation in different directions allows you to adjust the width of the possible gap and the position of the blade in the level.
Scheme for opening a rotary door The rotary door is the latest design with optimal organization of free space in the room with an improved opening mechanism. It originally appeared in the design doorways public premises(hospitals, supermarkets, restaurants, hotels). With fashion trends in the world of design and the desire for minimalism in the interior, it has become relevant to use interior doors with a rotary (turn and slide) mechanism in residential premises.

The practicality and comfort of these structures makes their installation in apartments and houses profitable:
- conditional zoning of space, doors do not interfere with free movement;
- for apartments with small square footage and narrow, inconvenient passages;
- if among the residents there are small children and people with disabilities in movement;
- to implement various design solutions, they are beautiful and original.

Rotary doors

The principle of opening a rotary door

A unique opportunity to open the canvas, both from the left and right side. A rotary door, like a product with a pendulum mechanism, allows you to move the door in any direction, just like a sliding door and a sliding door save space. When turning, the leaf does not go completely beyond the boundaries of the door perimeter, but becomes perpendicular to the frame, half remains outside the room and the other inside. Opens easily, effortlessly, silently. The magnetic lock ensures safe closing, which fixes the door securely in the frame, saves heat, and prevents noise penetration.

Requirements for the doorway

The doorway must be for standard leaves (400 - 900 mm wide and 2100 mm high);
- between the vertical and horizontal slats of the box the error should not exceed 5 mm;
- the same thickness of the walls of the opening around the entire perimeter;
- the presence of a flat floor without differences with a uniform coating.

You can order a door based on your personal design (various sizes and door leaf designs), in which case the opening parameters are determined individually.

Installation of the structure is carried out after finishing works for room renovation.

Rotary door in open position

Requirements for the material of manufacture and design of the canvas

Any door leaf can be equipped with a rotary-sliding mechanism. The only limitation is that a door with a solid glass panel cannot be used as a rotary door. Glass is heavy and the weight door design with a rotary mechanism should not exceed 75 kg, and it is also impossible to fix the rotary mechanism. This problem can be solved by using glass in combination with plastic, wood, and aluminum. The design of a pivoting interior door depends on general style premises. Often such products are used for high-tech rooms with strict lines or, like flush doors, conveniently, the mechanism is completely hidden in the box.

The canvas can be either double or single.

Complete set of doors with a rotary mechanism

1. Door leaf with brush seal.
2. Door frame, prepared for assembly.
3. Roto-mechanism (levers, guide, brush seal, fasteners, bushings for the door and axle, rod and lock).
4. Telescopic platband.
5. When installing in an opening whose thickness is more than 120 mm, an additional panel is provided.

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Many will agree that the best options, which will help save usable space, are sliding doors and book doors. sliding in that by sliding parallel to the wall (compartment on rails). The book consists of two doors that fold in half when opened.

But not everyone knows that Russian company"Sofya" has developed a new design - rotary and sliding. The similarity with a book and a sliding door is that they move to the side and thereby free up the passage.

Roto mechanism, which is attached to the box. The door roto consists of two guides that are attached simultaneously to a wooden (or other) solid wood and to the opening. The device is equipped with a special roller for sliding door opening. Doors that open in both directions (away and towards you) are very convenient. When the sash is opened, it creates the impression of rotation around an axis, moving towards the jamb.

The mechanism does not in any way affect the properties of solid wood, so the door provides sound and noise insulation at the proper level.

It opens absolutely silently. Most often, pivoting doors are installed to save space without compromising the style of the room. The rotary door mechanism has the same cost for any door structures, regardless of their size and material of manufacture. Reliability, durability and convenience The roto mechanism makes the cost of the rotary door high compared to other types.

Pivoting interior doors are made from one leaf or two.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • an array of any material (glass, wood, PVC, MDF) can be equipped roto-mechanism, even a previously installed door;
  • The roto mechanism is simply attached and does not require much working time or special skills;
  • the sash can open in any direction;
  • allows you to save space, as it extends in both directions by 50% of its width;
  • the door array does not sag over time;
  • (or mechanical) included in the kit prevent independent plowing.
  • high price;
  • not suitable for heavy fabrics;
  • not suitable for rooms in a “rustic” style.

Accessories for Roto doors

Roto fittings include:

  • rotary sliding device;
  • magnetic lock;
  • brush seal.

Typically, the fittings are cut into revolving doors directly at the factory, which greatly facilitates their installation.

For a book

Fittings for folding doors book includes:

  • main roller for the driven leaf on ball bearings;
  • two;
  • two supports for the leading leaf;
  • rotary axes for both supports;
  • fastener

This book is designed for two folding parts.

To work with it, the package may include:

  • adjusting key;
  • stubs.

Book door hardware may vary slightly for different models. This may depend on the weight and material from which the sashes are made. Or, there is a book of fittings consisting of 2-6 separate leaves.
The handles are mortise, not overhead, so as not to protrude beyond the door array. This way they don't interfere with folding.

The lock for the book should not be bulky so as not to interfere with the easy movement of the door array. The door itself is needed more for visual separation of rooms than for privacy.

For sliding sashes

accessories for sliding doors consists of guide rails and roller mechanisms that are attached to door array up and down. Handles for sliding doors not the same as swing ones. They do not protrude beyond the canvas and look like recesses. Locks for sliding sashes are connected to a mortise handle. This lock looks almost invisible; it is a small device placed in the recess of the handle.

DIY installation

Preparation for installation of any type of door consists of:

  • preparing the opening;
  • array preparation;
  • preparation of accessories.


Preparing the opening before installing the rotating door means:

  • monitoring the compliance of the door parameters with the parameters of the door frame;
  • the depth of the opening should be the same anywhere in the box;
  • All slopes are set according to level. The largest error (slope deviation) should not be more than 5 mm.
  • The walls must be covered with finishing material before installation.

Before installing the roto door, you must check the roto door kit. It should include:

  • canvas with installed magnetic lock. Also, all the necessary holes must be made on the canvas;
  • box with installed rotating mechanism;
  • brush seal;
  • telescopic trims (Easy to install without screws, glue, etc. - simply assembled);
  • , if the slopes are very wide.

Installation of the door frame is carried out as standard:

  1. the vertical and horizontal parts of the box are connected strictly at an angle of 90 degrees;
  2. the box is installed in the opening and fixedly fixed in it, for example, with wooden blocks;
  3. the box is attached: for this it is better to use mounting foam in the spaces between the box and the opening that are not covered with wooden spacers;
  4. after drying polyurethane foam wooden blocks are removed, and the place where they were is filled with foam.
  5. After the mounting foam has completely dried, the box is considered installed.

Since the rotary mechanism for the doors is already attached at the factory, all that remains is to put on the door leaf and attach it using the existing fittings.

Installation of the “book”

The book door mechanism consists of two folding door leaves. A guide is used. The greatest load on the folding mechanism is up to 40 kg. The minimum thickness of the door leaf is 2.5 cm.

Installing book doors involves attaching two 0.4 m wide panels instead of one door, or installing two regular panels in the form of one folding door.

  1. The leading part of the canvas (the one closest to the jamb) is attached from below and above (to the floor and to the guide).
  2. On the other hand, the driving part is attached to the driven part on hinges. The loops will create a fold.
  3. The other side of the driven part is attached by the roller mechanism carriage in the guide.

The system is designed in such a way that the entire load from the door leaf falls not on the hinges, but on the roller mechanism.

Installation cost

Books, sliding and roto doors themselves are not cheap, so many people want to save at least on installation and try to do it themselves. One A roto mechanism costs around 14-17 thousand rubles. The door leaf, extensions, platbands, door furniture. The cost of accessories for the book is the same.

If you buy a piece of wood with an installed roto-mechanism, it will cost around 16-18 thousand rubles, that is, cheaper than when purchased separately.

The range is from 1000 to 2000 rubles, depending on the prices for services in the region, the complexity of the work (preparation of the opening, installation of extensions, installation of the door leaf), and the pricing policy of the company that provides installation services.

In fact, a rotary door is a structure that has the principle of joint action of swing and sliding mechanism. Such doors swing open and close, both in one direction and in the other. At the same time, they move, which allows you to save useful space in the room.

As a rule, rotary doors are produced in a complete set ready for direct installation. This is due to the presence of a rather complex mechanism.

Roto doors have a lot of advantages and some disadvantages. The advantages of this design are the following:

The disadvantages of the rotational design include the following:

Swivel mechanism for doors that open in both directions and corresponding fittings

The original mechanism was developed in Russia and in Lately has become widespread among manufacturers of doors and windows. Essentially, it represents some combination different designs in one set. When closed, rotating doors are identical to conventional swing doors, which provide good sound insulation.

The mechanism allows you to open the doors in both directions, while there is a similarity with the book-type version. The swing design for the doors in question consists of a roller system. The roller itself moves along the provided groove in the upper part of the structure. The lightness and noiselessness of the system ensure their comfortable operation. The door rotates around its own axis while remaining in the middle of the frame.

Typically, prefabricated revolving doors are manufactured according to standard sizes. If desired, you can order a similar design on a purely individual basis. The door can have one or two leaves. The material for the manufacture of the structure can be plastic, MDF, tempered glass, strong wood and other suitable raw materials. Almost any door leaf can be equipped with a rotary turning mechanism.

Regarding the fittings for the design in question, it includes a direct sliding mechanism, a unique magnetic lock with a handle and a brush-type seal. Mostly all fittings are installed at the door manufacturing plant. A special tool is used for installation, which extends the service life of the product and reliability of operation.

DIY rotation system installation

Usually, the installation of rotary doors is trusted to professionals. However, having some skills and suitable tool, this procedure can be performed with your own hands. Since the revolving door is manufactured in assembled form, its installation does not take much time and effort. However, it is worth considering a number of nuances, namely:

It is worth noting that doors of the presented type must be purchased before the renovation is completed. This is due to the formation of the doorway and the calculation of the required manipulations for the installation of the structure.

Self-installation of a roto door is quite accessible, but requires compliance certain rules. Definitely, the assembly of the rotating mechanism should be carried out by a specialist, and the finished product is quite capable of being installed by yourself.

Price of materials and related attributes

Cost of revolving door design compared to conventional ones swing doors is higher. This is due to the fact that the presented option has a more complex mechanism responsible for opening and closing the doors. Also, the price of the door depends on the material of manufacture, the number of leaves and the size of the product. As a rule, roto structures are delivered to the consumer assembled. This also affects the cost, since almost all the fittings and other attributes are already built into the locking system.

Photo and video tutorial on installing roto doors yourself

The presented video and photographic materials will allow the average consumer to install a rotary door. These samples are some design options for a rotary-movable structure. In reality, it all depends on your preferences, needs and capabilities.

For fastening, holes with a diameter of 5 mm are drilled. This eliminates possible tilt and distortion of the structure. The next step is to cut the cover guide on the specified side. The door leaf is being installed. The lower and upper strips and brushes are mounted. Bolt and screw fastenings are fixed with the necessary force using a hex wrench or screwdriver.

The axial rod is placed in aluminum profile and attach the shoulder mount to it. Then the liner axles are mounted and the extensions, mounting brackets and strips are attached. At the final stage, the axle is attached to door frame followed by adjustment of the blade, as shown in the photos and videos. The final verification is carried out by level and by checking the operation of the door.

DIY interior roto door: roto door - what is it, sliding fittings and a lock with a rotary mechanism for doors that open in both directions, self installation rotation system, price, video, photo