Oak anemone in gardens and parks. How to grow oak anemone from seeds? What kind of care does this marvelous flower require?

Oak anemone is listed in the Red Book. It has analgesic, diaphoretic, expectorant, antifungal, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory effects.


The plant is self-propagating. The seeds ripen in June. The next year, young shoots grow, densely covering the ground.

Source: Depositphotos

Oak anemone blooms with single white flowers with 5-6 petals

Anemone is popularly called anemone, which translates as “daughter of the winds.” Even with a slight movement of air, the petals begin to flutter.

It has thickened horizontal roots of a cylindrical shape. They spread along the ground and grow quickly, forming dense thickets.

The stem is erect, pubescent in some species. The leaf is dissected in three places, on a short petiole.

Flowers white, sometimes with a pinkish or lilac shade outside.

Each peduncle bears one flower with oval petals up to 6 cm in diameter. The size of one inflorescence reaches 30 mm.

The fruit is an oblong achene covered with short hairs. It contains a large number of seeds

The flowering period does not last long: from late April to mid-May. When leaves grow on the trees, the anemone lies on the ground and turns yellow. In summer, not even traces of the flower remain. And the next year, at the beginning of spring, the anemone blooms again, occupying ever larger areas.

The green part of the plant contains:

  • tannins;
  • chelidonic and ascorbic acids;
  • saponins;
  • anemoneal;
  • resin.

Anemone preparations are used in folk medicine. Used for pneumonia, treatment of migraines, sexual weakness, diseases of the stomach and heart. For rheumatism and gout, compresses are made, wounds and dermatoses are washed and lotions are applied.

Pregnant, breastfeeding and people with kidney disease are contraindicated.

When treating, be careful, the plant contains not only useful, but also toxic substances. Harvest the stems along with flowers and leaves, and protect your hands with gloves to avoid skin irritation.

Where does it grow

Anemone can be seen in lowlands and at higher elevations, but prefers moist deciduous forests and meadows.

It grows in the west and center of the European continent, in the temperate climate of the northern hemisphere.

Anemone is also grown in garden plots as a perennial ornamental plant, pleasing early flowering. The plant must have time to bloom, produce seeds and accumulate nutrients before leaves appear on the trees.

As soon as the first spring rays of the sun hit the ground, snowdrops bloom. And when constant warmth comes, cute flowers called anemone appear. Looking at these gentle creatures, you notice how they gracefully sway even with a slight breeze. And the snow-white buds resemble spring snow on green grass.

The modest flower received its name due to its special sensitivity to wind. Its large petals instantly react to any changes in the air, while remaining resistant to strong gusts. Translated from Greek, the name of the flower means “daughter of the winds,” which shows its unearthly greatness. In gardening, a huge number of anemone species are grown, and in different shades.

Tender beauty at the spring flower festival

When spring comes to earth, and the earth puts on a lush outfit of flowers, you involuntarily want to smile and enjoy life. Looking at the delicate petals of the anemone, it seems that Cinderella is at a flower festival. But once you take a closer look, it is impossible to pass by such a modest beauty.

Anemone belongs to the Buttercup family and is a perennial herbaceous plant. It grows throughout the Northern Hemisphere, where the climate is relatively temperate. It can be seen on forest edges and vast meadows, on mountain slopes and in river valleys. Wherever an anemone (another name for a flower) appears, it gives spring warmth and a smile to people.

This modest plant can grow from 10 to 100 cm in height. The buds come in a variety of colors. Here are some of them:

Flowers consist of five (sometimes 7 or 8 pieces) delicate petals, which can be semi-double or double. They are held on long single peduncles. They bloom in early spring (in colder places in April or May), which attracts the attention of garden plant lovers.

Thanks to the painstaking work of breeders, new varieties of anemone were developed. Some of them bloom in July or September. With a wise approach to growing flowers on your site, you can plant different varieties anemones. As a result, the flower festival will last the whole season.

The anemone plant has three-dissected long-petioled leaves. They are located on short petioles, 3 pieces together. Near the root system there is sometimes a single leaf or no leaf at all. Interestingly, the smooth cylindrical rhizome is capable of quickly throwing out shoots. Therefore, flowers often form entire colonies, turning the area into a luxurious carpet.

In June, when the lush flowering leaves, fruits appear on the anemone. They are an oblong sac with a huge number of seeds. The achene carried away by the wind often ends up in new territories, where delicate spring flowers may appear.

Growing anemone in the garden

The anemone flower usually blooms much earlier than leaves appear on trees and bushes. Therefore, initially it is better to plant them in shady places or in partial shade. After all, their ancient relatives grew in dense thickets of majestic forests.

Anemones look harmonious against the background of dwarf barberry or spirea shrubs. Their delicate outfit stands out cutely among the tulips or pansies. And charming thickets can decorate any country front garden and give a lot of positive emotions.

Planting and caring for anemone involves following simple rules:

When planting pieces of rhizome, do not cover the root collar with soil. It must remain at ground level to germinate successfully.

Cute types of modest flowers

The anemone shown in the photo is beautiful flower, which has been used in gardening for several centuries. It is especially appreciated during lush flowering in early spring. In nature, there are more than 150 types of cute “spring smiles”. About 46 varieties grow in Russia. A detailed acquaintance with some of them will allow you to get to know this sweet shy girl better.

Forest anemone

This pretty flower opens its buds in early spring. It grows in height from 20 to 50 cm. It likes to grow in thickets of low bushes and in forest clearings. It is found in the northern expanses of Europe, in Siberia, on the mountain slopes of the Crimean and Caucasian mountains.

The root system of the forest anemone consists of a powerful vertical rhizome of black color. In early spring, basal leaf plates grow from it, about 20 cm in size. In mid-May, flower stalks with large white buds appear from the rosette. In rare cases, the back side of the inflorescence is painted purple. The core of the modest flower is painted yellow, which looks original against the backdrop of a lush green carpet.

The feathery leaves of the plant are usually green in color. The plate is cut, reminiscent of carrot greens, but slightly bigger size. Flowers grow in large colonies, completely covering the soil.

Anemone oak forest

When the warm rays spring sun The last snow is melting, and oak anemone is growing from the soil. The height of the slender flower reaches only 20 cm in height. The leaf blades are long-petiolate, originally dissected in three places. The buds are most often white, but sometimes purple and light pink specimens are found. Flowering period is April or early May. The fruits appear in the form of an oblong achene containing many seeds. The plant likes to grow under the wide canopies of trees or bushes.

Altai anemone

Some species of anemone are listed in the Red Book. This is what this variety is considered to be. It is a flower with a cylindrical rhizome of yellow or brown color. Thanks to it, the plant grows quickly, completely covering the soil with greenery. The stems of the plant are bare, grow up to 20 cm. The leaves are dissected and stalked. Altai anemone has solitary flower stalks. The buds are painted white. At the base of the calyx, on the outside, a purple tint is visible.

Anemone buttercup

The delicate greenery of this type of anemone appears in early spring on the shady edges of the forest. buds yellow color open in April or May and bloom for 12 days. The palmately dissected leaves of Buttercup anemone are located under the buds. The creeping rhizome is located in the soil at a depth of 5 cm, so the plant grows quickly.

In garden plots it is better to grow decorative varieties of anemone buttercup, which double inflorescences and purple leaves.

Ranunculus anemone

Miniature perennial It is distinguished by a well-developed vertical rhizome. Several leaves on elongated petioles extend from it. An erect peduncle emerges from the center of the rosette, on which yellow buds bloom. Anemone buttercup is often called toadweed or frog's potion. But this does not affect her delicate beauty. The plant blooms in last days March for 4 weeks.

Ranunculus anemone is considered very poisonous plant. Therefore, after any contact with it, you must wash your hands thoroughly.

Baikal anemone

If you look at Lake Baikal from space, it looks like the blue eye of the planet. The nature of this charming place is no less attractive. Among the many plants here, a snow-white beauty, Baikal anemone, blooms in early spring. Based on the observations of botanists, the flower may soon disappear from the plant kingdom. For this reason, it is listed in the Red Book and is protected.

The flower has elegant white inflorescences. They look original against the background of many thrice-cut leaves of a velvet earthen carpet. The plant loves shady places and rich soil. It is advisable to sow Baikal anemone for the winter.

A detailed description of the anemone shows that this plant fits wonderfully into the home landscape country house. It doesn't require special care, easily reproduces and can delight the eye with its flowers for a long time. Maybe you should plant these modest flowers in your dacha? They won't disappoint.

Video about anemone

It is gradually disappearing in nature, so it is listed in the Red Book. This is due to the fact that it has wonderful decorative qualities, which is why it is often torn down. And since the flower is very fragile, after it is picked, root system is also collapsing. It resembles, because it looks very gentle and cute and sways even with the slightest breath of wind. It begins to bloom in early spring and is a sign of the beginning of real warmth. Further in the article we will take a closer look at the oak anemone, provide a description of the external characteristics with photos and tell you how to grow this wonderful spring Flower Houses.

Botanical description

Anemone has a straight stem that can grow up to 20 cm in height. The leaves are divided into three parts. A single white flower is formed at the end of the stem; sometimes pink and light lilac shades can also be found.

Anemone flowers usually have six petals. Flowering begins around April and lasts until May. In June, a fruit is formed that has many seeds inside the seed pod.

Today there are many varieties of oak anemone known that can be grown at home. You can decorate with these flowers.

Some varieties are distinguished by semi-double and double flowers. The buds can be purple, blue and even red. If you provide the plant with decent care, it can bloom already in the third year of growth in a new place.

Anemones are horizontal and vigorously growing. In this regard, many additional young bushes are formed.

If you do not disturb the plant, it will create large, beautiful flower thickets. In the first ten days of summer, the part located above the ground dies off.


The wood anemone plant lives in the forest zone of the Mediterranean, Western Europe and the European part of Russia.
The anemone is distributed in broad-leaved forest types; it is less common in spruce-broad-leaved forests. If the flower was noticed in spruce forest, then this will be evidence that they previously grew here, which were later displaced.

Did you know? The name anemones translated from Greek means« daughter of the winds» . It was once believed that anemone flowers open and close due to the action of the wind. Of course, over time, this theory was not confirmed after the plant was observed. Today it is believed that the flower received its name because of its fragility and sensitivity. Even under the slightest breeze, the plant sways from side to side, and the petals of the flowers begin to flutter and may even fall off.

Choosing a place to grow

For cultivation of an artificial form, anemone is attractive for its external characteristics, as well as the period and duration of flowering. A flower gives its beauty when others don't. personal plot They are just waking up after hibernation.
In addition, it is an anemone, which allows it to please the eye for ten years, or even longer. A very pleasant addition is also the fact that anemone is resistant to. The latter is due to the fact that the flower is poisonous and is not to the taste of harmful bugs and various insects.

The oak anemone flower prefers light, but slightly shaded areas. You should not expose it to scorching direct sunlight. The best option there will be space under wide crowns.
it is advisable to provide sand type, wet and . In this case, the soil should be kept moist throughout the season, even after top part the plant will die. Also, the soil should be loose and fertile.

Did you know? In mythology Ancient Greece It was believed that anemone is the tears of Aphrodite. There are also legends in which anemones were called drops of the blood of Adonis.

Planting anemone

At home, growing anemone from seeds will be quite difficult. So it is better to resort to the method of dividing the bush. After digging, the bushes will be well divided into parts. Division should be done in July, when not all the leaves have completely died off.
When planting, there is no need to unnecessarily deepen the flowers into the soil; a depth of about 5 cm is suitable, maximum - 8-10 cm of plants is not worth it now either.

Also, during the process of planting anemones, you need to ensure that root collar located at ground level. Anemone usually takes root quite easily in a new area.

If it was decided to sow seeds, then it is advisable to do this before winter.
Spring sowing is also allowed, but only subject to preliminary cold conditions. The first seedlings can be seen within 15-20 days. Seedlings will be able to flower in the second year.

Features of care

Look after it forest plant, listed in the Red Book, is very simple.

First of all, we should talk about. It is very important to moisten the soil under the plant during the period when active growth of flowers occurs, as well as their budding.
In this case, weeding should not be carried out, because the roots of the anemone are very close to the surface. It should be removed after the water is completely absorbed into the soil; this should only be done manually and with extreme caution.

Experienced flower growers It is recommended to use fallen leaves around the anemones. This way it will be possible to retain moisture longer after, and also give the plants additional nutrition.

It is also worth knowing that anemones are quite drought-resistant, so if the flowers are not able to grow on their own, they may well need moisture from precipitation.
The plants will be needed only one to two years after planting. In this case, it is unacceptable to use it, since it will be destructive for anemones.

Liquid form is best. They should be added at the stage of flower budding.

As for complex ones, they are introduced already at the anemone flowering stage. But it is also impossible to “overfeed” the flowers, since in this case they will lose their buds.

For the winter, it is better to dig up the anemone and place it in containers with moistened sand or. Such boxes should be stored in a dark and slightly cool place, for example, in a basement or.
Peat or sand will need to be watered from time to time so that the plant tubers do not dry out. If you do not plan to dig up the cultivated plants, then they will need to be sprinkled with sand, peat, and additionally covered with leaves.

In early spring above the site you can construct some

Anemone nemorosa L.
Buttercup family - Ranunculaceae

Spreading. In the Moscow region. oak anemone is characteristic of Western and southwest its parts (1). In the territory now occupied by Moscow, in the 19th - first half of the 20th centuries. the species was recorded in Losiny Ostrov (2), Kuntsevo (3), Petrovsko-Razumovsky and Mikhalkov (4), LOD (2). In 1985-2000 it was observed in Losiny Ostrov (6, 7), Znamensky-Sadki (8), Moscow State University Park (2, 6) and GBS (2). In 2001-2010 the growth of anemone was confirmed in Losiny Ostrov (6), Znamensky-Sadki (8) and University Park (6, 8), it was noted in Novoperedelkino north of Lazenki (9), Troparevsky (10) and Fili-Kuntsevsky (11, 12) l- kah, in Sosnovka in SBL (6), on the bank of the Likhoborka river near the Oktyabrskaya railway. (13).

Number. In Losiny Ostrov in 1995 a clump of 100 vegetative and 5 generative shoots was found (6), in 1997 - 3 closely spaced groups numbering more than 200 generative shoots (7). The first population in 2002 consisted of many vegetative and 9 generative shoots, but was destroyed during windfall harvesting (6); the second in 2006 numbered more than 1,100 copies. in 10-15 compact spots with total area 6-7 sq.m., i.e. its numbers are increasing (6). North of Lazionki in 2003-2004. Several spots with a total number of more than 100 flowering specimens were found in 2 points. (9), in Troparevsky Lake in 2004 - several clumps with dozens of flowering specimens. at the 1st point (10), in Sosnovka in 2005 - approximately 700 flowering specimens, forming 15 spots with a total area of ​​about 10 sq.m (6), on the Likhoborka River - 2 small compact groups of several specimens each. (13).

Features of growth. Herbaceous perennial with creeping branched rhizome. Spring ephemeroid. Under natural conditions, it blooms no earlier than in the 10th year of life. Pollinated by insects. Reproduction is by seed and vegetative. Light- and moisture-loving forest species. In the Moscow region. confined to spruce forests and forests with spruce, less common in oak and alder forests (14), grows en masse on landslide terraces in the upper reaches of the Moscow River (6). In Moscow, found in snytev and zelenchuk linden forests with oak and birch (6), at the border of linden and damp birch forests with spruce (8), in gray alder forests (9), willow forests on the site of vegetable gardens, aspen forests (13), found in large numbers in landslide areas terraces of the Moscow River, but more often grows on flat watersheds. In most locations, it is certainly planted by humans, but in natural habitats the species has become naturalized over many years. The population may have a natural origin in Sosnovka on the steep slope of the Moscow River valley (6).

Negative factors. Rarity of the species in the near Moscow region. A small area within the city is favored by damp spruce and spruce-broad-leaved forests, as well as riverine gray alder forests, landslide slopes and pseudo-terraces. Collection of plants. Long life cycle, because of which new plants do not have time to grow to replace the destroyed ones.

Security measures taken. On the territory of Moscow, the wood anemone has been subject to special protection since 1984. In 2001, the species was listed in KR 1. The main places of its growth are located in protected areas - in the Losiny Ostrov NP, Bitsevsky Forest and Moskvoretsky P-IP, LZ "Troparyovsky". It is planned to create the Peredelkino conservatory and the Likhoborka ecological park. Regularly informing Muscovites through the media about the ban on gathering on the territory of Moscow wild plants and trade in them.

Changing the state of a view. During the audit period, 1 population of oak anemone was lost in Losiny Ostrov, the number of the 2nd increased significantly. Five previously unknown places of its growth have been identified. The species is not threatened with extinction at this stage; its CR changes from 1 to 2.

Necessary measures to preserve the species. Creation of the Peredelkino conservatory and the Likhoborka ecological park. Identification of the species' habitat in Losiny Ostrov in the ZU. Restoration of the species in places of its supposed former natural growth on the landslide pseudo-terraces of the Fili-Kuntsevsky ravine and under the slope in Troitse-Lykovo. Monitoring of the species in all its locations. Gain educational work among the population and propaganda of the inadmissibility of collecting and trading wild plants.

Information sources. 1. Red Book of the Moscow Region, 1998, 2008. 2. Herbarium of the GBS. 3. Herbarium of the Moscow Agricultural Academy. 4. Kaufman, 1889. 5. Introduction. ., 1979. 6. Authors' data. 7. Morozova, Samoilov, 1998. 8. B.L. Samoilov, G.V. Morozova, l.s. 9. V.I. Pakhomov, l.s. 10. T.A. Kiseleva, l.s. 11. K.E.Mikhailov, l.s. 12. G.A.Polyakova, l.s. 13. N.Yu.Stepanova, l.s. 14. Starostenkova, 1976. Authors: L.A. Deistfeldt, Yu.A. Nasimovich

At the end of March - beginning of April, many beech forests are covered with a light, airy white carpet of flowers - the oak anemone blooms. The flower blanket extends deep into the forest, producing indelible impression. It's so wonderful.
Beech forests are shady, so the anemone blooms until the beech buds open.

Stars trembling in the wind

White anemone is called anemone in Danish. Anemos in Greek means wind. This is probably where the name anemone comes from. This may be due to the fact that the light, delicate flowers sway at the slightest breath of wind. It is believed that the word anemone comes from the Latin word animus, which translates as heart or soul. I prefer the latter interpretation. White anemones are light, airy flowers for the soul.

In Denmark, these flowers are sometimes called harbingers of spring (hvidsimmer).White anemones bloom before the beech forest turns green. And in Denmark, many people associate the opening of beech buds with the beginning of spring.

The oak anemone blooms when there are usually no bees yet. That's why flowers don't have nectar. Flowers are pollinated by the wind and small insects. Photo April 4 2017, Marselisborgskov, Denmark.

Oak anemone - life cycle

Anemones often grow in shady forests, so the plants have a very short growing season. In early spring, leaves appear and the plant must have time to bloom, set seeds and deposit reserves in thick rhizomes before the tree buds open.

The anemone spends the rest of the year in the ground in the form of thick rhizomes. This is indicated by the Latin name of the anemone species - nemorosa, which is translated from Latin language means fat. The rhizome grows quickly, creating dense thickets around. These rhizomes are an important source of food for deer in winter time of the year. Numerous anemone seeds ripen in June. The seeds are carried by the wind, beetles and ants, so the anemone occupies new territories.

Oak anemone is an ephemeroid, i.e. a perennial, the above-ground part of which develops in the spring and dies by the end of summer.

The thickened rhizome of the anemone, as indicated by the Latin name of the anemone species - nemorosa, which means thick in Latin. Photo April 23 2017. Front garden of my garden, Denmark

Last leaves of the season. It’s hard to imagine that just 1.5 months ago this place was covered with a white flowering tent. By the beginning of summer, the anemone leaves die off. Now, until the beginning of spring next year, the anemone lives in the ground in the form of thick rhizomes. Photo June 3, 2017, Marselisborg forest, Aarhus, Denmark

Oak anemone in gardens and parks

I have not noticed seedlings or seeds of anemone for sale in Danish nurseries. Various other forms of anemone with large flowers, double forms, and other shades of flowers are sold.

Nevertheless, the oak anemone is sometimes found in parks and gardens in Denmark. Most often, anemone grows along a gently sloping green fence or near large trees. Oak anemone also grows in my garden, although I did not plant this plant. The plant probably spread its seeds from the forest. Or beetles and ants brought seeds from neighboring gardens.

This year, anemone sprouted near the quince bushes in the front garden of my house. During rain and cloudy weather, the flowers roll up into a tube. Photo April 11 2017. My garden, Denmark

The oak anemone has been brought from the forest to the city, where it grows among green fences, near trees, and near roads. Photo April 29 2018, Viby, Denmark

Flower of the winds for the soul

In the old days, the anemone in Denmark was given a special magical power. There was a belief that by conjuring flowers one could learn about existing diseases. In addition, it was believed that oak anemone heals a diseased liver.

Anemone leaves contain saponins, ascorbic acid, chelidonic acid, resins, tannins, anemonel. However, oak grove is not an officially registered medicinal plant or its medicinal properties have not been studied. Oak tree is not recommended for internal consumption, as the plant contains some toxic substances, such as anemonella/anemonol.

The flowers of the anemone sometimes acquire pinkish tints. Photo of flowers on the lawn near the green fence not far from my house. Denmark. Photo April 28 2017

Very rarely, when walking in the forest, among the white flowers you can see flowers of anemone and yellow anemone flowers. This is another species - the buttercup anemone (Anemone ranunculoides). Photo April 28 2018, Marselisborg forest, Aarhus, Denmark

Anemone oak forest - a medicinal plant

Despite the fact that the oak anemone is not yet officially recognized as medicinal plant, anemone has already appeared in the apothecary gardens of Aarhus University. This means that the properties of the plant will be studied in more detail. In folk medicine of countries of Eastern Europe Anemone preparations are used in the treatment of pneumonia, migraines, rheumatism, dermatitis, as an expectorant, diaphoretic and analgesic. Perhaps some of these properties will be recognized in official medicine in Denmark. Time will show.

It is no coincidence that oak anemones appeared in the apothecary gardens of Aarhus University - this is a sign that the plant has medicinal properties. Photo April 29 2017, University of Aarhus, Denmark

In the meantime, oak anemone is a plant for pleasure and for the soul

I saw this cross-stitched pillow with anemone motifs in the window of a store selling handicrafts. Thus, the anemone mentally takes you into the wonderful atmosphere of the spring forest. Ph 14 Apr. 2019, Aarhus, Denmark