Cast iron and acrylic bathtubs have a difference in depth. Traditional cast iron or modern acrylic – which bath to choose?

Installing a new bathtub is a troublesome task, but sometimes necessary. The question is different - how to choose the right one. Install a cast iron monster that can survive several generations of owners or use modern capabilities acrylic? This is the question many people ask themselves when they decide to major renovation. It’s worth studying the differences between a cast-iron bathtub and an acrylic one, so that you can be fully armed when global changes begin.


Cast iron bath is an ancient monster weighing 80 kilograms or more, which is installed in the bathroom and can delight its owners for several generations. However, cast iron has a number of properties that are currently considered disadvantages. For example, cast iron is not elastic and is quite fragile (if dropped from a height or a strong impact, it can crack or even break apart). The difficulty of the manufacturing process does not produce a wide variety of shapes. However, in cast iron bathtubs ah, there is a certain solidity, a classic spirit of bygone eras, a certain monumentality. Although all this looks archaic to some people, it has its connoisseurs.

Cast iron bath

Acrylic bathtubs- from the moment of its appearance on Russian market, these products have changed a lot. Their walls have thickened, the quality of workmanship has increased, and unique properties the material is difficult to count. There is longer heat retention (a drop of 1 degree per half hour), elasticity, and shock resistance. However, they are slightly inferior in strength to cast iron. The raw materials for such baths are plastic, which means it makes it possible to obtain the most various shapes finished products. There are free-standing or built-in models. And the bottom coating is not slippery, which is the fault of cast iron and enamel. In terms of service life, they are not much inferior to cast iron.

Acrylic bathtubs


Cast iron requires space, specific design, possibilities of the apartment. But acrylic bathtubs are more compact and can be placed in cramped conditions.

Cast iron as a material is quite strong, but at the same time fragile upon impact. Acrylic can withstand significant mechanical stress.

There is also a significant difference in weight. A cast iron bathtub can weigh up to 100 kg, while the weight of an acrylic product is around 15-25 kg.

Cast iron is not elastic, but acrylic is. Moreover, the plasticity of the latter makes it possible to obtain the most various forms bath

The ability to retain heat is the trump card that has always distinguished cast iron from other materials. However, the use of thick acrylic walls and special reinforcement of the material currently makes it possible to obtain a product capable of lowering the water temperature by one degree per half hour. And this is six times better than cast iron.

Conclusions website

  1. Acrylic does not require space or special room design; it can “adapt” to its surrounding conditions, while cast iron needs space.
  2. Acrylic resists well mechanical stress and is quite durable, and cast iron breaks when hit or dropped.
  3. The weight of an acrylic product is around 15-25 kg, while cast iron breaks records in its weight category from 80 kg.
  4. Acrylic is elastic, and this makes it possible to create bathtubs of a certain design, while cast iron lacks this quality.
  5. Acrylic retains heat six times better, while cast iron has long lost its ground here.

A modern bathtub is more than just a container for washing. Many models are technically complex designs, having a hydromassage unit, lighting, heater and electronic control. Choosing such plumbing requires knowledge of various nuances, and in the first place is the question of what the font is made of.

Bathtubs are made not only from the materials mentioned above, but also from wood, marble, glass, faience and copper. However, it is this trinity that is most popular due to its consumer qualities.

Cast iron

An alloy of iron and carbon with a content of the latter from 2.14% to 6.67% - that’s what cast iron is. Plumbing products have been produced from it since the 19th century. The material is hard, but fragile due to the high percentage of carbon. Resistant to corrosion even under conditions of constant exposure to oxygen and moisture at the same time (rust forms more on the surface and penetrates reluctantly inside). Demonstrates good casting qualities. Fonts made from this alloy are usually covered powder paint outside and several layers of enamel inside.

A cast iron bathtub is one of the symbols of Soviet life; every apartment was equipped with such a product. Russian manufacturers still produce them, but in a much larger assortment. The aesthetics of modern domestic cast iron bathtubs have changed for the better; just look at the products of the Novokuznetsk brand “Universal” or JSC “Kirov Plant”.

Foreign goods are represented in this niche by the Spanish company Roca, the Finnish Timo, the French Jacob Delafon and many others. Fans of retro will be interested in the proposals of the Italian company Magliezza - bathtubs in classic style, as well as antique legs and faucets for them.


Another iron-carbon alloy, but containing less carbon than cast iron. This gives the material flexibility, ductility, and reduces fragility. Stainless steel competes with cast iron in terms of corrosion resistance; products made from it do not require coating. Bathtubs made of structural steel are protected from external influences by enamel.

Due to its flexibility, the material lends itself well to stamping, which allows you to diversify the choice of shapes. In addition to the usual ovals and rectangles, corner, round, polygonal and asymmetrical models are produced. The prestige rating in this segment is headed by Europeans: German company Kaldewei, Portuguese BLB and constant nominee of all Roca sanitary tops. Among the domestic products, the most notable are the Reimar, Antika and Donna Vanna lines of steel bathtubs, manufactured by VIZ OJSC.

pros Minuses
  • Light weight.
  • Variety of shapes.
  • Resistance to aggressive environments.
  • No damage from temperature changes.
  • Reasonable prices.
  • High noise level.
  • Fast cooling of water.
  • For stainless steel products – loss of appearance without careful care.
  • Flexibility.


The third material is an acrylic resin based polymer. To achieve the required strength, the products are reinforced with fiberglass. By adding pigments and fillers, plastic is given various colors and textures, including the so-called cast marble. At a temperature of about 100°C (the exact figure depends on the composition), the material softens, and as it cools it hardens again. This makes it possible to give the fonts any shape from standard or angular to the most bizarre, allowing you to choose a model for a specific design. The advantage smoothly turns into a disadvantage: acrylic plumbing warps when water is too hot.

According to many experts, the three leaders responsible for the production of the best polymer baths are the Polish company Cersanit, the Czech Ravak, and again Roca could not be avoided. Also worthy of attention are the products of the German company Villeroy&Boch, which has patented its own type of acrylic - quaril. The difference between this material is its higher strength. Among the Russian manufacturers, it is worth noting the Aquanet company.

Comparison criteria

Easy to install

The problem when installing a cast iron bathtub is its weight. Even a person in good physical shape cannot move and install such a product alone. This aspect causes inconvenience when independent execution work, and in the case of hiring hired labor requires additional costs. However, massiveness provides such structures high stability without fastening, so you just need to put the bathtub in the right place.

Acrylic hot tubs are mounted on metal carcass, which must first be collected. The frame and racks distribute the load on the sides and strengthen the bottom of the container to prevent significant deflections. Assembling the base requires some time, but does not pose any technical difficulty, and the lightness of the bathtub compensates for the minutes spent.

Installation of steel models is no different from manipulations with cast iron ones, but there is no gravity factor. The legs are attached, the siphon is screwed on, the product is put in place. If the font is not placed near walls, additional measures are taken to prevent shifting.




Summary. Cast iron bathtubs are more difficult to install than others, but only because of their heavy weight. Otherwise, this work does not require special skill or sacred knowledge. To install an acrylic font, you will have to assemble a frame. As a result, the steel bathtub receives the highest rating for ease of installation.


The winner of this round is known in advance: of course, it was acrylic. Plastic baths traditional forms weigh 15-25 kg depending on size. Wherein good product must withstand a load of 500 kg. Fiberglass gives the structure strength, but it also increases its weight. Therefore, an acrylic bowl that is too light should raise suspicions: perhaps the manufacturer has shown dishonesty.

Metal is heavier than plastic, and steel containers receive a lower rating. Full-size European models (170 cm) weigh about 30-40 kg, the exact figures depend on the thickness of the walls and enamel coating.

Cast iron is again an outsider. And this despite the fact that the density and, as a consequence, specific gravity it is less than that of steel. The reason for the unbearable weight of cast iron bathtubs lies in the increased fragility of the material, due to which the walls of the bathtubs have to be made thicker - 5-10 mm. For comparison, the body thickness of steel bowls rarely exceeds 3 mm, with an average of 1.8 mm. Soviet models made of cast iron measuring 170x70 cm pull 117 kg, modern Russian ones - 95-110. Foreign analogues generally demonstrate similar or higher performance, but there are also products that are not so heavy. Roca's assortment includes cast iron bathtubs of this size, weighing 78 kg.




Summary. The weight of the acrylic bath allows you to handle carrying and installation alone, even with below average physical abilities. Steel models are heavier, but working with them also does not require extreme effort. It is better not to install a bathtub made of another iron alloy alone, unless you are a weightlifter.


Caring for a cast iron bathtub does not depend on the properties of the base material, since the surface being used is covered with enamel. It is usually applied in several layers, the final thickness is about 1 mm. This protects the product from corrosion and creates an aesthetic appearance. When cleaning such a surface, you should avoid abrasive agents: damaged enamel begins to acquire a porous matte texture, which, in addition to loss of gloss, accelerates the accumulation of dirt. Acid-containing compounds are used as a last resort; it is advisable to leave them for less than five minutes. Iron brushes are also contraindicated.

Similar recommendations are suitable for cleaning enameled steel products. But stainless steel bathtubs are more demanding to maintain. On a shiny metal surface, lime and grease deposits immediately become visible; even dried drops of water leave a noticeable mark. To prevent such a font from losing its beauty, you will have to add wiping it dry after each use to the measures outlined above.

Acrylic is the most picky when choosing a cleaning product. This is a soft polymer, it can be scratched by ordinary washing powder containing solid particles. Sensitivity to acid is stronger than that of enamel, its use is excluded. Ammonia and chlorine are also prohibited.




Summary. Cast iron bowls are the least demanding, however, they also have limitations in the choice of tools and care products. The steel bathtub was let down by stainless steel models. Products made from acrylic turned out to be the most demanding in terms of the composition of the cleaners.

Resistance to damage

On inner part Enamel is applied to each cast iron font. The strength of the coating depends on the number of layers and thickness. Most often, three layers are applied, giving a total of 1-1.5 mm. This is sufficient, since enamel is hard and has a low coefficient of friction. Normal operating loads will not harm it. With resistance to impacts, things are worse: in terms of fragility, enamel is not far from ceramics. Nevertheless, such a coating can withstand a load of 0.6 J (a weak hammer blow). Cast iron itself is also relatively fragile, but with a wall thickness of 5 mm or more, products made from it are difficult to break without intent and heavy tools.

There is a misconception that steel bowls have thinner enamel. The coating may vary in thickness depending on different models, but this is not a feature of any type of bathtub. The enamel on steel products is the same in strength as on cast iron, but the likelihood of damage is slightly higher. The problem is the low resistance of the base material to bending loads. Even reversible deformations of the body that occur when swimming in steel bath a person with a lot of weight, over time lead to cracking of the coating. Also, the fall of a massive object or an accidental blow from a tool can leave a dent on the product.

When repairing a faucet in the bathroom, it is not advisable to drop the tool.

It is not recommended to bathe pets in acrylic containers: claws will be left exposed. soft plastic noticeable marks. Scratches and abrasions are difficult to avoid when the bowl comes into contact with metal objects such as basins and plumbing tools. The fall of a heavy object often results in the appearance of a crack.




Summary. The coating of the first two nominees is identical and can withstand workloads and light impacts. However, steel exhibits a tendency to deform. Acrylic is the least durable of the materials under consideration and is susceptible to scratches.

Variety of shapes

The peculiarities of cast iron and the casting process do not imply experimentation with design. Bathtubs made of this material are available only in the classic design - rectangular or oval; variations with a back and sides are possible.

Steel sheet can be given almost any shape by stamping. The most popular are bathtubs with traditional shapes, but the available range is much wider and allows you to implement any ideas for arranging a bathroom.

Acrylic is malleable, which allows for a greater level of detail in finished products. Polymer bowls are more diverse than others, not only in their external contours, but also in the layout of the interior and the presence of decor.




Summary. The plasticity of acrylic is unrivaled. Steel is a little inferior, but also gives complete freedom to choose the shape of the bathtub to suit your taste. Cast iron models will please only fans of the classics.

Variety of sizes

If we talk about bathtubs of the usual type, then the available sizes do not depend on the material. If desired, you can choose a bathtub of the specified or acceptable parameters close to them from acrylic, cast iron or steel. The most popular containers are those with dimensions of 150x70-80 cm and 170x70-85 cm. Also domestic and foreign manufacturers They offer a variety of seated models from all three materials with lengths from 100 to 120 cm. Large containers are produced with parameters of 200x85-120 cm.

However, the variability of shapes implies a variety of sizes, so steel and acrylic bathtubs have an advantage here, with polymer models having priority. Almost any combination of length and width is possible in the range from 100x70 to 200x200.




Summary. A natural result due to the variety of forms.

Life time

Cast iron itself deteriorates very slowly; in heating and plumbing systems it lasts 50 years or more. For example, in the State Academic Chapel of St. Petersburg there are cast iron radiators that have crossed the century mark. However, the suitability of the bath is also determined by the condition of the enamel, which is less durable. Manufacturers claim the service life of cast iron bowls is 25-30 years. Warranties vary from 2.5 to 10 years. It is assumed that during this time the coating will retain its original appearance. Over the years, the enamel will begin to wear off and crack, but even after extensive and numerous chips appear cast iron bath retains functionality for decades.

The service life and guarantees of steel bowls are similar. But if the integrity of the coating is compromised, corrosion will eat through the metal to holes within a few years. Stainless steel products are as durable as cast iron, but with use they only lose their shine.

Acrylic bathtubs are generally guaranteed for 5-10 years. The actual service life depends on the quality of the material and is about 15-20 years, although proper care and careful attitude is not the limit.




Summary. The result of the round follows from the resistance of materials to damage, therefore hardware win.


The most common problems with cast iron and steel containers are related to damage to the enamel. In such cases, it is not always worth buying a new bathtub - you can restore the old one. There are three ways to do this:

  1. Application of new enamel.
  2. Installation of the polymer liner.
  3. Liquid acrylic coating.

Acrylic liner installed on mounting foam.

The service life of the surface after repair is much shorter than that of the original version. Appearance Stainless steel products are refreshed by polishing.

Acrylic models are the most susceptible to damage, but they are also the easiest to repair. Scratches and abrasions are removed by sanding. To eliminate small cracks and chips, repair kits are sold, including sealing compounds, sandpaper, polish, tools, gloves. Large holes are covered with fiberglass and filled with liquid acrylic. Repairs have almost no effect on the strength and durability of the case.




Summary. Metal bowls are equally repairable, but their restoration requires significant costs and time. Acrylic wins in these indicators.

Ease of use

The level of comfort when using the bathroom depends more on additional options, but the material also makes its contribution. In cast iron and acrylic hot tubs, the water stays hot longer, and the polymer itself is also warm to the touch. Also, containers made of these materials absorb noise well, while steel bowls ring under the falling stream and do not maintain temperature well.

Advice. Application polyurethane foam on the bottom and sides of a steel bathtub improves its heat-saving and noise-absorbing characteristics.




Summary. The winners are obvious. Steel models, after modification with foam, behave no worse, but are inferior in their original form.


Let's consider proposals for bathrooms of traditional shapes with a size of at least 170x70.

Cast iron bowls domestic production will cost $220 and above, European branded ones - from $350. For a model that includes minimal comfort options - anti-slip coating and handles - you will have to pay about $500. Among the premium class there are many lots priced at $1.5-3 thousand.

A budget steel hot tub can be purchased for $85, and there is no difference between foreign and Russian products in this segment. The option with amenities is also not incredibly expensive - $115. Elite products will cost $1.5-2.5 thousand, and some up to $5 thousand.

Imported and domestic acrylic bathtubs also do not differ much in price and start from $100-120. There is a nuance with the comfortable versions: on plastic models there are rarely handles in the usual sense; more often they are replaced by protrusions that you can grab onto. The reason is simple: a soft body is not suitable for such additions, and strengthening the frame will make the structure more expensive. A container with protruding handles and a non-slip bottom can be purchased for $130. If we compare the offers with normal pens, they are about $150 more expensive. For those who are accustomed to bathing not only in bathtubs, but also in luxury, there are acrylic models for $17 thousand and above (more than 1 million rubles).




Summary. In all price segments, steel bathtubs are more affordable than others. The cost of cast iron hot tubs matches their weight. Acrylic bowls have taken the middle position in the budget and comfortable class, but their fashionable options are beyond competition.


We have tabulated the criteria given earlier, for each first place the material receives 2 points, for the second - 1 point, for the third - 0 points.


Cast iron baths

Steel baths

Acrylic bathtubs

Easy to install
Resistance to damage
Variety of shapes
Variety of sizes
Life time
Ease of use
Bottom line

Although cast iron bathtubs were last in our ranking, they came first in such important performance qualities such as resistance to damage, service life, ease of maintenance and ease of use. Therefore, if price, weight and ease of installation do not matter to you, and you are a fan of classic forms, then you should choose cast iron bathtubs, otherwise it is better to take acrylic bowls. Steel bathtubs are a kind of cheap compromise option, with average performance in almost all evaluation criteria. Set your priorities wisely and choose the best option for myself.

Advice! If you need bathroom renovation specialists, there is a very convenient service for selecting specialists from. Just fill out the order details, the experts will respond and you can choose who to collaborate with. Each specialist in the system has a rating, reviews and examples of work, which will help with the choice. Looks like a mini tender. Placing an application is FREE and does not oblige you to anything. Works in almost all cities of Russia.

If you are a master, then go to, register in the system and you will be able to accept orders.

In recent times Soviet times, the question of which bath to choose did not arise at all. They grabbed what was thrown onto store shelves. These were mainly cast iron products.

  • cast iron;
  • steel;
  • acrylic;
  • earthenware;
  • glass;
  • copper;
  • marble;
  • wooden.

Cast iron and acrylic bathtubs remain the most popular. Cast iron products are durable, so they do not lose their position in the plumbing market. Cast iron is not a plastic material, so ordinary, classic models are made from it: oval or rectangular. It is worth noting that European cast iron products are more varied in design than Russian ones.

The surface of cast iron bathtubs is covered with such strong enamel that it protects the product from external damage, treatment with modern cleaning chemicals and from exposure to hot water. To give such strength, the enamel is dried in a special oven with infrared radiation. From this treatment, the surface becomes strong, smooth and shiny. This is what standard models do, at reasonable prices. More expensive cast iron products are made beautifully curved and covered with colored enamel.

Positive aspects of purchasing cast iron bathtubs:

  • durability, operation up to fifty years, without loss of material properties;
  • thermal conductivity, in such a bath the water maintains a hot temperature for a long time;
  • the enamel can be restored, there is no deformation or chipping due to impacts or falling heavy objects;
  • thick walls, up to eight millimeters, which makes the bath stable.

Bathtubs made of cast iron do not deform or sag over time, and do not require additional supports or structures. Easy to clean. You can use various cleaning agents for care without damaging the enamel.

Negative aspects of cast iron baths:

  • heavy, over one hundred kilograms, which makes delivery and installation difficult;
  • Not big choice in design;
  • high price.

Acrylic bathtubs are made of plastic polymer, coated with epoxy resin. Thanks to the flexible qualities of the material, the design and shape of bathtubs is distinguished by a huge range. But you shouldn’t buy too elaborate products; they are made with thin walls. In operation, such a bathtub will not last long. It is better to choose a bathtub with thick walls.

Positive aspects of acrylic bathtubs:

  • very beautiful, wide choice of models, colors and configurations;
  • thermal conductivity is high, greater than that of cast iron products, it maintains water temperature well;
  • easy care and cleaning, just purchase special remedy for acrylic, apply with a sponge to the surface to be treated and rinse with water;
  • durability, provided the correct model is chosen: expensive and with thick walls, does not require replacement for up to twenty years.

Negative aspects of acrylic bathtubs:

  • withstands temperatures no higher than 160°C, deforms;
  • causes a feeling of discomfort when using, the bottom bends under the weight of the body;
  • fragile, may burst if dropped by a heavy object;
  • You cannot use standard cleaning agents and detergents to treat enamel; it can scratch and ruin appearance, yellowing is possible;
  • very expensive, if you buy it, it’s better not to save money; cheap models quickly fail: they turn yellow and become deformed.

When purchasing and choosing a product from a particular material, you need to decide what is more important - strength and durability, or beauty and aesthetics.

The main advantage of cast iron is its durability. When producing a bathtub, it is enameled and gives it an aesthetic appearance. The enamel is applied directly to the surface of the finished bath or immediately to the product that is hot after low tide. Thanks to this, a degree of additional strength of the coating and its resistance to corrosion is achieved. High-quality cast iron bathtubs have a twenty-year guarantee.

Most often, cast iron bathtubs are produced in a classic form, since this material does not lend itself well to complex molding.

Modern cast iron bathtubs are sold with built-in handles for ease of use, and also have much less weight compared to Soviet bathtubs. However, when the tide ebbs, even with thin walls, its weight will still remain quite impressive - at least 90-100 kilograms. Cast iron bathtubs are easy to clean and do not require special detergents. When washing such bathtubs, it is advisable to avoid sponges or brushes with an abrasive surface, which can scratch the enamel; it is still the weakest link in cast iron products.

Acrylic bath

Acrylic bathtubs are today considered the queens of design, gradually displacing steel and cast iron products from widespread demand. The range of acrylic bathtubs includes a huge variety of models of all sizes and shapes. Using compact acrylic bathtubs the bathroom can be designed in any design, which is very important for apartments with small living space dimensions.

Acrylic bathtubs are in no way inferior to steel and cast iron in their characteristics, and in some respects they even surpass them.

Despite the deceptively fragile appearance of acrylic, this material is very durable and even elastic. Its thickness ranges from 4-6 millimeters, but the bottom of acrylic bathtubs is made thicker, since it bears the main load. The warranty on such products is about ten years, they are easy to care for and quite durable. Harmful bacteria do not multiply on acrylic, and it is also resistant to various household chemicals.

Acrylic bathtubs are available in rectangular, asymmetrical and oval versions; in addition, they are often equipped with hydromassage systems and lighting. Considering the possibility of easy reconstruction of acrylic bathtubs, they can be safely recommended as best product for the bathroom.

Which bathtub is better, acrylic or cast iron? Both plumbing products are distinguished by their quality and ease of use, but there are significant differences between them. A review of the advantages and possible disadvantages of both options will help you decide on the final choice.

When replacing old bath it is important to choose a new one sanitary product himself High Quality, which will fit perfectly into the interior and will meet all the requirements of the owners. The most popular are bathtubs made of cast iron and acrylic, which differ from each other not only in the material of manufacture, but also in service life, care rules, etc.

Reliable and durable cast iron

Cast iron bathtubs are chosen primarily by connoisseurs of high-quality plumbing fixtures that will last for decades. The material takes a relatively long time to warm up, but the water temperature does not decrease for a long time - it remains warm from 1.5 to 2 hours. During the manufacturing process, the top of the cast iron product is covered with a layer of enamel, which cannot be cleaned with abrasive substances.

Cast iron bathtubs are a classic. They are strong and durable

It is also highly undesirable to drop heavy objects into it so that the enamel does not chip. Before purchasing, it is important to pay attention to the coating of the bathtub - the enamel layer should be smooth, uniform in color, without the slightest roughness or smudges. Only in this case will the product be of high quality, which means it will be able to retain its shine and its original appearance for more than 50 years with proper care.

Cast iron bath - advantages

Cast iron has a number of advantages:

  • service life of 50 years or more;
  • high safety margin;
  • sustainability;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • good noise absorption;
  • ease of care.

A cast iron bathtub retains the heat of the water poured into it for a long time, which makes it possible to significantly save on heating and maximum comfort take water procedures for a long time. In addition, a durable cast iron bathtub is difficult to break even with a heavy hammer; it is very heavy and stands firmly in place.

Among modern cast iron bathtubs, it’s easy to choose a product to suit your bathroom interior

The surface can only be damaged by a very strong impact or by dropping it on it. heavy object, and enamel that is chipped or cracked over time can be restored and the product can be used for many years to come. A bathtub made of cast iron perfectly absorbs sounds and splashes, and it is also easy to maintain. pure form. Over time, the coating will not fade even with exposure high temperatures, the color and shine of the enamel are preserved.

Cast iron bath - disadvantages

Disadvantages include:

  1. heavy weight;
  2. limited choice of form;
  3. slippery surface.

The average weight of standard cast iron bathtubs reaches 120 kg, which creates particular difficulties both during transportation and during dismantling and installation. All products of this type are mostly large, have a rectangular or triangular shape, which is not always suitable for small bathrooms and may not fit into the overall design idea.

Cast iron bathtubs are quite massive. This complicates their delivery and installation

The disadvantages also include the slippery internal coating - for safe water procedures, it is recommended to lay a special anti-slip rubber mat on the bottom of the bathtub.

Lightweight newfangled acrylic

In fact, acrylic is a type of plastic - a material that easily takes the desired shape, is reinforced and can be painted in any color. One of the most significant advantages of bathtubs made from acrylic is that they are available in various sizes, colors and shapes.

Acrylic bathtubs offer a large selection of not only shapes, but also colors

This opens up the possibility of installing them even in any bathrooms, including small ones. By installing plumbing fixtures, for example, in a corner, you can thus free up enough space for washing machine or under furniture. Since the material is quite flexible in nature, it must be reinforced with fiberglass or metal mesh at the manufacturing stage to give the required strength. At the same time, naturally, the better the bathtub is strengthened, the more expensive it will cost.

Advice. When purchasing an acrylic bathtub, it is better to give preference to a model reinforced with metal mesh.

Bathtubs made of acrylic can be not only standard white, but also painted in any shade of the rainbow - the color is added by adding dye to the material at the manufacturing stage, due to which the paint does not wash out and does not lose its color over time.

Corner acrylic bathtub

Before purchasing, you should pay attention to the uniformity of color and thickness of the acrylic sheet; in particular, products with a wall thickness of 5 mm or more are considered the strongest. Also, you should not buy plumbing fixtures with dents or a rough surface, which directly indicates its low quality.

Acrylic bathtub - pros

Modern bathtubs made of acrylic have the following advantages:

  1. light weight;
  2. variety of forms;
  3. non-slip surface;
  4. ease of care;
  5. low thermal conductivity.

The weight of bathtubs made from acrylic varies on average within 30 kg, which greatly facilitates delivery (especially to the upper floors). In addition, the installation process itself is simplified in many ways, which can be easily handled by one specialist. The bath itself retains heat well, and its surface heats up quite quickly, unlike cast iron.

Acrylic bathtubs do not slip and are therefore safe

Manufacturing technology allows you to blow acrylic into any shape of the desired width and height - you can even order a custom model that will fit perfectly into the interior. Some models are equipped with hydromassage and other functions for the most pleasant water treatment.

The inner surface of the products is non-slip, which will allow you to take water procedures without anti-slip mats. At the same time, bathtub care is as simple as possible and boils down to wiping the dirty surface with a gel-based cleaner.

Acrylic bathtub - cons

Acrylic bathtubs are not without some disadvantages:

  1. service life from 10 to 15 years;
  2. relatively low strength;
  3. possibility of damage to the surface by sharp objects.

The surface of an acrylic bathtub is more fragile than the enamel of a cast iron bathtub

On average, a bathtub made of acrylic lasts 2-3 times less than a cast iron one. Moreover, the service life and strength directly depend on the quality of the product and the degree of its reinforcement. If you buy a fake or with weak reinforcement, deformation may occur, and if the plumbing fixtures are made of very thin acrylic, then it may spring underfoot. On the contrary, high-strength products reinforced with metal mesh can easily withstand even a greater impact than a cast-iron bathtub.

Attention! When purchasing non-standard plumbing fixtures, experts recommend purchasing bathtubs of the simplest possible shape, since manufacturers often use thin sheets of acrylic to make complex and elaborate products.

It is also important to know that acrylic is afraid of direct impact from sharp metal products, it can melt from an unextinguished cigarette, or be scratched from the claws of a pet.

Which bathtub is better to buy?

When choosing which bathtub is better, acrylic or cast iron, you need to focus primarily on what size and shape the plumbing is needed. If the area of ​​the room allows, you can install a large cast-iron bathtub if the size of the room is limited or required design idea, it is better to choose an acrylic product the desired shape and colors.

You need to choose a bath that will be easier for you to care for.

As for the parameters of thermal stability, in cast iron the water temperature decreases by 1 degree every 10 minutes, in acrylic - only after 1 hour. Therefore, those who like to bask in the water for as long as possible hot water It’s still worth paying attention to acrylic products. Moreover, modern manufacturing companies offer models equipped with lighting, hydromassage and a number of other useful functions.

Cost also plays an important role when choosing plumbing fixtures. When compared, the prices are approximately the same, with the exception of acrylic bathtubs of complex configuration with additional reinforcement, which will cost much more.

Care and restoration

In principle, both products will last quite a long time, the main thing is to properly care for them. The surface of cast iron is porous, as a result it absorbs rust and dirt and requires frequent cleaning. If a cast iron bathtub is damaged, it will have to be restored, and this process is quite labor-intensive and dusty. In some cases, restoration using glass acrylic (liquid acrylic) may be required, when the enamel is renewed by filling cracks and voids, completely leveling the surface.

The surface of an acrylic bathtub can be easily restored with liquid acrylic

An acrylic bathtub is more hygienic; to remove dirt, it is enough to rinse its surface with a sponge soaked in water or a special detergent. In general, caring for acrylic is simpler; the only important requirement is the use of products containing abrasives and aggressive solvents to remove contaminants.

In case of serious damage, the product can also be restored using liquid acrylic, while eliminating scratches is much easier than in the case of cast iron.


Both cast iron and acrylic can be considered one of the most the best materials for making bathtubs. Each of the materials has its pros and cons. In terms of strength and reliability, cast iron models win, but in terms of hygiene, weight, choice of shape and color, acrylic ones come first. In addition, transportation and installation of the latter is much easier.

You need to select suitable plumbing fixtures first of all, based on the size of the bathroom and the overall interior design. Before purchasing, you should make sure that the bathtub will fit through the doorway, has no defects and is not a fake.

The inner surface of a cast iron bathtub can be restored with special enamel