Wi-Fi from iota to computer. Is it possible to bypass Yota operator restrictions?

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People who use the services of the Yota operator may sooner or later encounter a problem when they need to distribute the Internet from a mobile device, but the transfer speed is catastrophically low. Operator Yota on technical level blocks the ability to distribute the Internet to third-party devices, and speed can be increased only for an additional fee.

In order to bypass this limitation and distribute the Internet at normal speed, you need to perform the following steps:

  • Change IMEI on the distributing device

This step applies to all devices except Windows OS devices. Its meaning is to replace the IMEI with the IMEI of mobile devices running Windows. In this case, the operator will consider that the device is simply sending traffic to Windows resources. It is important to remember that the IMEI replacement procedure is not entirely legal.

To change IMEI, you must:

  • Write down the default IMEI in case of recovery. To find out your IMEI, you need to go to “Settings” > “About phone” > “Ident. phone code" or dial *#06#.
  • Find the IMEI from a Windows phone (preferably Nokia Lumia) or generate it in special programs. It is important that the new IMEI be unique within the same network, i.e. Of the two smartphones, only the first one to connect will be able to enter the network.
  • Change IMEI. There are two ways to do this, through the terminal and through the engineering menu.

To change through the engineering menu, you need:

  1. Dial the code *#*#3646633#*#* on your phone.
  2. Go to the Connectivity tab.
  3. Select CDS Information > Radio Information > Phone 1.
  4. In the AT+ line, add EGMR = 1.7,”new IMEI” to change on the first SIM card.
  5. For the second SIM card, repeat the previous step, but add EGMR = 1.10,”new IMEI”.
  6. Click SEND AT and reboot the device.

To change IMEI through the terminal, you will need a terminal emulator. In such an emulator you need to write the following commands:

Su echo "AT +EGMR=1,7,"YOUR_IMEI""> /dev/pttycmd1

For the second SIM card

Echo "AT +EGMR=1,10,"YOUR_IMEI""> /dev/pttycmd1

For non-Chinese brand phones:

Su echo -e "AT +EGMR=1,7,"YOUR_IMEI""> /dev/smd0

Su echo -e "AT +EGMR=1,10,"YOUR_IMEI""> /dev/smd11

For HTC phones

Radiooptions 13 "AT +EGMR=1,10,"YOUR_IMEI""

  • Bring TTL values ​​on the donor and recipient to the same type

The Yota operator monitors the constancy of the TTL, that is, the number of packet passes. When a smartphone (donor) sends packets to the operator, its TTL is always equal to 64. When the donor starts distributing the Internet to other devices, for example, to another smartphone, the following happens: the smartphone sends a packet with TTL=64 to the donor, a decrement occurs on the donor ( decrease by one) TTL value and a packet with a TTL value of 63 goes to the operator. It follows that you need to change the TTL value on the devices so that it is always equal to 64 on the donor, or change the TTL on the donor so that when packets pass from the devices to the donor, their value is equal to the default value on the donor.

In order to change the default TTL on the donor, you can use the TTL Master application, but you must have root access on the phone for it to work. You can read about how to get it.

In order to change the TTL on recipients, you need to perform certain actions, which depend on the system.

To change TTL on Windows:

  1. Press the Win+R key combination and enter regedit in the line to open the registry editor.
  2. In the editor, go to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters branch.
  3. In the window, right-click: New -> New DWORD value (32 bits) -> Name it "DefaultTTL".
  4. On the created element, right-click: Edit -> On the number system, put a dot “Decimal”, enter the value in the field (TTL 65).
  5. Save and restart your PC.

To change TTL on Linux:

You need to enter a command that will overwrite the /etc/sysctl.conf file:

Sudo echo "net.ipv4.ip_default_ttl=56" >>/etc/sysctl.conf

Instead of 56, enter the required TTL. Apply changes without rebooting:

Sudo sysctl –p

To change TTL on iOS:

Enter the command in the terminal:

Sysctl -w net.inet.ip.ttl=63

To change TTL on another Android device:

You can also use the TTL Master application or perform all operations manually (root rights are required), for this you need:

  1. Enable airplane mode so that the device does not see the network.
  2. Using any file manager, open the file proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_default_ttl and change the TTL value in it.
  3. Turn off airplane mode.

It is important to remember that after rebooting the smartphone, the TTL value will return to default and you will need to repeat the steps.

To change TTL on Mac OS:

In the root of the disk, go to the etc folder and create the sysctl.conf file. Write in the created file:


  • On a PC, edit the hosts file

This is necessary so that the PC does not have access to sites through which Yota determines that the user is distributing the Internet. Universal solution does not exist here, each user must independently monitor which sites are using tethering and block them.

  • Use a VPN or proxy

The VPN will hide part of the traffic, with the help of which you can use services (Steam, Blizzard application), for which Yota blocks access. To do this you need:

  1. Find SOCKS proxy. Both paid and free ones are suitable, you need to decide for yourself which option is more suitable.
  2. Download and install Proxifier.
  3. Add the found proxy to it.
  4. Set rules for it so that it works only in certain applications; to do this, you need to specify the application executable files and set the added proxy for them.

Now applications will work through a proxy.

Many people, when purchasing a modem with a built-in Wi-Fi module, ask themselves the question: how to distribute the Internet? We have answered this question.


Many Yota customers are wondering how to distribute Wi-fi from a Yota modem? We will examine this question in this article.

general information

To begin with, it’s worth saying that there are Wi-Fi routers that have the ability to connect a USB modem to them. Thus, they can distribute the Internet from a modem. This option is the most acceptable in every sense. The router consumes less electricity and thanks to this solution you don’t have to keep the computer on all the time.

But not everyone has the opportunity to purchase a router that has a port for connecting a modem. In such a situation, you will distribute the Internet through a computer or tablet. If you have a tablet with an Android system, then everything is simple - connect a USB modem and enable Wi-fi distribution in the settings. But such an operation is not possible with every device, since it must support OTG technology and work with external modems.

How to organize a distribution?

First you need to set up a virtual wireless network. There are two ways how this can be done:

  • Setup via command line
  • Using Virtual Router Plus

Looking ahead a little, it’s worth saying that this is essentially one method, since the second one configures the command line, only in this case it will work automatically. That is, you don’t have to assign commands and configure shared access. The program will do everything itself. All you have to do is set the parameters.

Setting up distribution via the command line

To run the command line with administrator rights:

  • Go to the Start menu
  • In the search bar and enter CMD in it
  • In the cut out CMD results left click
  • Select run as administrator
  • netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=My_virtual_WiFi key=12345678 keyUsage=persistent– the command installs the driver and creates a virtual Wi-fi adapter. Here SSID is the name of your network, KEY is the access password. These parameters can be entered as you like, but they must consist of Latin letters and numbers. In other words, instead of " My_virtual_Wi-Fi"You need to write any name you like. And instead "12345678» enter any numbers
  • Netsh wlan start hostednetwork– using this command you will enable the network. If instead of the word start you enter the word stop, the network will stop working

Setting up sharing

  • After setting up and turning on the network for the first time, you can configure sharing:
  • In the program tray, find the Wi-fi icon and click on it. You need a line for setting up networks and sharing
  • When the window opens, click on change advanced sharing settings. Here, check all the boxes to enable them, except for password protection. It needs to be turned off
  • Return to home page manage your networks and go back to the section for changing adapter settings
  • Here you will see one active connection. It will be called Yota or Local Network. Depending on the configuration of your computer, it may have a different name.
  • Right-click on the icon and select “Properties”
  • Now you need to find the “Access” tab
  • Next, give permission so that other users can use the network
  • In the “Home network connection” tab, click on the desired connection
  • Now save the entered parameters and you will receive a full Yota distribution via Wi-fi

Configuration via the Virtual Router Plus program

Yota 4G LTE - setting up Wi-fi distribution

Download this program and install it. Here you need to set the following parameters:

  • Network name
  • Password
  • And also indicate which connection will be active

Basically, the last parameter is determined automatically. That is, when connecting to the Yota network using a USB modem, the program will see this connection and begin to use it as an active one. By the way, she doesn’t always manage to do this. In this situation, updating the firmware will help.

Video: How to distribute Yota over Wi-Fi with Windows 7?

In my city, the mobile operator Yota has become available for connection. What's attractive about him? Price 240 rubles per month and unlimited mobile internet with 4G support.

Bypass Yota speed limit

To our joy, now this limitation is not difficult to cheat / remove / disable :)

If your operating system Windows, then you need to open a command prompt (Run), enter regedit.exe in it and follow the following path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters. Then you need to right-click on the empty space (in the right window) and select NEW > QWORD (64-bit) Value. Name it DefaultTTL, then double-click on it on the right side, switch the radio button to Decimal and enter the value 65.

For Mac OS everything is much simpler :-) You need to open the Terminal and paste the following command there: sudo sysctl -w net.inet.ip.ttl=65

Now all that remains is to restart the computer and it is advisable to wait half an hour before trying to distribute the Internet again. After this, the restriction on Internet distribution will be lifted.

P.S. Torrents will unfortunately download at a limited speed. I don’t know how to solve this problem without buying a VPN or its analogues.

The Yota operator, which relatively recently appeared on the Russian market, offers its subscribers the opportunity to use the Internet without any traffic restrictions. For example, a subscriber can use a speed of 2 MB, but at the same time use network resources as much as he sees fit, while smartphone owners are provided with unlimited access. However, many people noticed that the traffic speed was reduced, and therefore they were interested in bypassing the Yota restriction.

What are the restrictions?

It is quite natural that many technically advanced people try to use SIM cards from their smartphones in various tablets or modems, as well as provide Internet distribution using Wi-Fi. In such a situation, users have to deal with initially invisible restrictions - SIM cards can only be used in devices specially designed for them, while distributing the Internet without any speed restrictions will only be possible after paying for an additional service.

Also, bypassing the Yota limitation is also of interest to those people who prefer to use torrent clients to download various files, because such programs will download various resources at a speed of no more than 64 kbps, which is a very, very modest result. It is for this reason that any owner of a mobile device connected to this operator should know how the procedure for eliminating any “braking” effects is carried out. At the same time, you need to correctly understand that bypassing the Yota restriction will vary depending on what device you are using.


First of all, you will need to understand in detail how the SIM card is moved from one device to another. For example, many people prefer to use their smartphone card via a modem, but in order for this tariff to be used for your modem, you will need to change its IMEI to the same IMEI of your smartphone. The exact same procedure should be carried out with tablet computers if you want to bypass the Yota restriction on such gadgets. At the same time, do not forget that IMEI substitution is officially prohibited, therefore, if detected, various sanctions may be applied to your number.

What is TTL?

Next, you should understand the concept of TTL, as well as exactly how you need to interact with it, since this is also quite important if you are bypassing the restriction Yota distributions. The TTL number is a specific value that determines the total lifetime of traffic packets. Initially, it is 64 for the vast majority of modern operating systems. In other words, after a connection is made to your operator’s network, the device begins to fully automatically transmit this default value to it, but if the connection is not made directly, but using some router, the TTL value will be reduced by one unit, which allows Yota see use additional devices from the user's side.

In other words, if you try to distribute the Internet through your smartphone, you will use it as a router, but for normal distribution you will need to bypass Yota restrictions. W3bsit3-dns.com and its users have described a lot of information about how the network detects this and begins to take action in the form of cutting speed. Also, over time, they have developed a large number of methods and technologies on how to eliminate these restrictions.

Setting up the router

IN in this case the general essence of the operation comes down to the fact that you distribute the Internet through a router in conjunction with a modem, but at the same time bypass the restriction Yota speed is to send the standard value TTL=64 to the network. To do this, you need to set a command in the router that will force the device not to decrease this value; in this case, after connecting the computer to the router, the TTL value will still drop, but the router will return it to normal.

We work with USB modems

It’s worth mentioning right away that such functionality is often absent in standard USB modems, as a result of which you will need to download specialized router configuration files from the control panel that comes with it, then look for the main parameters of the modem there and add the line “ip adjust” to them -ttl inc 1". After this, you need to upload the file back, reboot the router and use the Internet at normal speed.

Also, bypassing Yota Internet distribution restrictions may consist in the fact that you add the TTL value by 2 units at once for the reason that a computer has been added to the router, but you are already doing this on the device connected to the router. It is worth saying that the TTL procedure is different models routers may differ slightly from the description above, so if necessary, it is recommended to find instructions for your router model on the relevant specialized resources.

Setting up the modem

We have already figured out how to make the modem interact with a standard smartphone SIM card - just change the IMEI of the modem to the IMEI of the smartphone, and you can use relatively cheap mobile Internet. But after this, you will need to make sure that your modem can communicate normally with the computer and start transmitting the TTL=64 value to the network, thus bypassing Yota restrictions. 4PDA contains individual information on various modem models, so it is recommended that you read the individual instructions specifically for your device.

Changing the value via the computer

If you don’t want to somehow get involved in the settings of your modem, then you can try changing the TTL value using your computer. In this case, its value should be 65 to bypass Yota restrictions. The modem is connected to the computer, and this value is reduced to 64, since a node in the form of the computer itself is added and the TTL value is reduced by one unit.

Setting up Android

Also, Internet distribution directly from smartphones may be limited. Since in the vast majority of cases it is not customary to install superuser rights on smartphones. You will need to know what exact TTL value your device will transmit to the network. To do this, the smartphone must have a program that allows it to work in terminal mode, while the line cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_default_ttl is entered and launched on the command line.

Once you know the base TTL value, external device in the form of a computer, you will need to increase it by one so that in this connection the mobile device still gives TTL in accordance with its base value. After this, the connection will be reconnected and you will be able to use high-speed Internet without any restrictions in accordance with the established tariff. Thus, bypassing distribution restrictions mobile internet Yota can be run on any device running the Android operating system.

Also in some situations it is possible to set desired value TTL and in mobile phone, but to do this you will first need to obtain superuser rights for your device model.

Setting up iOS

If you are going to use a device running on operating system iOS, then in this case you can immediately set the TTL value to 65 on the connected computer or first reduce the value of this parameter on the device itself to 63. To reduce the TTL on a smartphone, you will need to use a specialized TetherMe tweak, which operates in absolutely automatic mode.

Setting up the computer

If you need to bypass Yota restrictions on Windows, then in this case you will need to first connect your computer to your smartphone, and then increase the TTL value in it by 1. The standard value of your mobile device will be transmitted through the network.

Now, to bypass Yota restrictions on your computer, you need to open the registry editor using the regedit command, then find the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters branch and create a new DWORD value (32 bits) in it. The new parameter should be renamed DefaultTTL, and the value 65 will already be entered into it. After this, it will be enough to activate the connection and connect to the network.

We remove restrictions when using torrents

There are two options for how to eliminate Yota speed limit if you want to download various files via torrents:

  • Enable the encryption feature in the torrent client you are using.
  • Connect to the network using a VPN.

It’s worth mentioning right away that the encryption function is not provided in every torrent client today, but you can look for a program that has it. In particular, you can use the qBittorrent program, in which you just need to go to “Settings”, enable DHT and then click on the “Require encryption” item. However, this approach does not always work, as a result of which you may not see a decent data loading speed.

VPN Features

VPN services are mostly paid and also require additional computer setup. However, despite all this, over the past few years, many people who actively use the Internet prefer to use VPN services.

In the vast majority of cases, users use the Internet from work, from home, or from any public place, but not everyone realizes that no matter where you use the Internet, your security, anonymity and freedom to surf the web are constantly at risk.

This is exactly what VPN services are designed for. Initially, such a resource will deploy a full-fledged virtual network that will be used on top of your existing connection. Thus, any Internet traffic in a fully encrypted form is passed through a virtual server, thanks to which you will:

  • Remain completely anonymous to any sites you visit.
  • Provided with effective Wi-Fi connection protection.
  • Completely freed from restrictions on ports, protocols and location.
  • Get much more effective Internet surfing security.

At the same time, it is quite important to choose the right VPN, since they differ in a large number factors. In particular, you need to look at the location of the servers, and here you will need to make a choice depending on your preferences. For example, if you want to get easy access to certain resources that are restricted for Russia, then you can choose any service from the USA or European countries, but if you just want to make your connection more secure, it is better to choose a server closer to you, to get normal Internet speed at the output.

After you enter the parameters specified on the site of your choice, data transfer will begin via an encrypted channel, and the operator will not even know which transmission protocol is used.

Yota is the first mobile operator to offer fully unlimited internet. For those living in remote regions or the private sector, where it is impossible to lay a fiber optic cable, this has become a real salvation. But the operator limits and blocks the distribution of access, imposing high tariffs for sharing the network both via Wi-Fi and through a phone as a USB modem. The topic of the article will be bypassing the restrictions of the Yota operator.

When you try to distribute Wi-Fi from Eta to a computer or laptop, the operator offers to pay for shared access to the network. Yota allows you to choose from the following tariffs:

  • Shared access for 30 minutes at low speed 128 Kbps for free. The tariff is useful for checking email, finding information on the Internet or logging onto the network to pay for communication services from another provider, but is not suitable for active surfing, viewing images, movies or listening to music;
  • general access for 2 hours on maximum speed will cost 90 rubles for Moscow and 50 rubles for other cities;
  • 24 hours of Internet distribution from a smartphone at maximum speed will cost 190 rubles for Moscow, and 150 rubles for other cities.

Thus, in order to distribute Yota Wi-Fi from an iPhone or any other phone, you will need to pay for access or find a way to deceive the Yota operator.

How to distribute the Internet from a Yota modem

Operators offer a line of modems that can be selected depending on the tasks being solved on the Internet, as well as routers that can distribute Internet for a fee from Iota. When connecting the modem to a computer, a driver is installed for the correct operation of the equipment. After this, a network connection “Connect via local network" Then you need to open your browser and activate your Yota subscriber profile on the home page.

If the user activates programs that allow the device to be used as an access point, a page with tariffs for paying for Wi-Fi access again appears on the connected device.

How to bypass Iota's restriction on Internet distribution

But what if it’s not possible to pay tariffs, and you want to give away Yota Wi-Fi for free? To do this, several ways have been invented to bypass the Yota Internet block.

Internet distribution options for any PC, which will be discussed below, involve changing IMEI and TTL, editing the registry and the host file.

Do not forget: attempts to bypass Yota restrictions may be noticed. Operators will impose a fine for sharing the Internet or block the SIM card altogether, and then you will have to buy a new one. To protect yourself, it is better to prefer those sites that you can access via a smartphone (to maintain anonymity). In addition, it is recommended to immediately disable Windows Update, since a harmless system update will also expose the user to the computer.

How the operator identifies the device

Editing the registry

To distribute the Internet of the Yota operator from your phone via Wi-Fi without restrictions, you need to edit the registry. This method is most suitable for owners of Android devices and Windows phones and may not work for iPhone users. It will help you avoid the limit on using the Iota Internet and figure out how to bypass the blocking and start distributing.

It is necessary to bring the parameter to an indicator that will not arouse operator suspicion, namely, make it similar to the value of a smartphone. TTL on phones is most often 64, and as soon as the user starts sharing the Internet, it decreases to 63. This means that it is enough to set 65, and operators will not be able to notice suspicious activity.

For Lumia phones on Windows OS the value is 129, so you need to enter 130.

Editing host

To prevent Windows from transmitting information about itself to operators, you need to fix the hosts file. The instructions are like this.

  1. Open File Explorer and then navigate to the “C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc” folder.
  2. Right-click (RMB) on the hosts file and open it as administrator in any text editor. You can choose a regular notepad, but it is advisable to use Notepad++.
  3. Then you need to download the host file (you can find it in a search engine by asking the appropriate request), copy all the information from it and paste it instead of what is in the default file.
  4. Next, save the file and restart the computer.

The already generated bypass host file, which can be found on the Internet, is universal and suitable for most Windows computers, but you need to understand how it works to make sure that it is applicable to a specific PC.

The file itself consists of two parts:

  • file header, where on English language information about it is indicated, and examples of information blocks are listed. Here, each line begins with a pound sign "#". A hash at the beginning of a line means that it is a comment that is not processed by the operating system;
  • file information blocks. They are headed with a comment explaining for which resources the set of strings is listed, followed by the strings themselves. Each includes local IP (it is needed so that you redirect the request to yourself) and its letter address.

It is the letter request addresses that are blocked by operators through special firewall programs.

If, when using the host file, the Iota restriction still sometimes appears, and the distribution is unstable, this means that the computer is trying to access an address that is not yet registered in the file. The address must be looped back to the local IP so that access to the letter address of the request is returned back, and not to the real IP address of the server.

Removing locks by changing IMEI

IMEI is a mobile device identifier in international format. It is a 15-digit number in the decimal system. Each device is assigned its own identifier.

When using the network, the operator pays attention to what IMEI the device has and can track the distribution through this indicator; thanks to its analysis, he notices an attempt to bypass the restrictions set by Yota on Wi-Fi distribution. Next we will talk about how to remove the Yota distribution speed limit by changing the IMEI.

If you need to distribute the Internet from a Yota modem using a SIM card, you need to replace the IMEI of the router or modem with the values ​​of the smartphone.

Windows OS does not cause suspicion among operators, so it is best to use the IMEI from a smartphone based on this system. You need to check that the identifier itself is not registered in the network for which the point is registered.

Changing IMEI is a measure that is best used only in extreme cases, since it violates the law and may lead to negative consequences.

Via TTL change

Time-to-live or TTL is the lifetime of a data packet (IP packet). Simply put, this is the period of time during which a data packet exists. The maximum value is 255. On Linux, Mac, Android and iOS operating systems the initial value is usually 64, and on Windows it is 128.

Settings on iOS and Android

When distributing Yota Internet, the modem mode enabled on the iPhone or Android will not be sufficient. Additional settings will be required, these vary depending on whether you have superuser rights or not.

If you do not have root rights, you must do the following:

  • download the Terminal Emulator program or any other terminal application;
  • switch the device to “In Flight” mode (“Airplane”);
  • in the terminal enter the following line: “cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_default_ttl”;
  • The default TTL will be displayed. You need to change the indicator by one point on the PC.

If you have superuser rights to distribute Iota Internet from Android phones, you need to follow the steps:

  • install the Sysctl Editor program;
  • select the “SYSCTL EDITOR” item in the menu and find “et.ipv4.ip_default_ttl” there;
  • reduce the value to 63 and reboot the device.

For iOS users, the steps are similar.

Setting up devices on Windows Phone

To distribute the Internet from Iota to Windows Background, you will need to configure Interop Unlock. You can read more about how it is configured on specialized forums.

In the Interop Unlock application, you need to select “This Device”, open the menu and select “Registry” – “Registry Editor”. In the “Registry Key Path” field you need to insert the line: “SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters”, in the “Value Name” the name “DefaultTTL”, then in the “Registry Value Type” drop-down menu select “Integer” (REG_DWORD).

All that remains is to set the desired TTL value in the “Registry Value Data” line. For Windows OS - enter 127, and for Internet distribution on Android - 63.

On Windows computers

For a Windows-based PC, first you need to go to Start and type regedit.exe in the search bar, running it with administrator rights.

As soon as the program opens, go to the address - “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters”.

On the right, you need to right-click and select “Create DWORD Value” in the context menu that appears, then name it “Default TTL”.

Now you need to change the value to 65 for Android or 130 for Windows, select the decimal number system and save the changes. After this, it is advisable to restart the computer. This way you can bypass Yota restrictions for computers running Windows 10 and earlier versions.

On Mac OS

If you are using Mac OS, just open the Terminal application, which is located in the Utilities folder in the list of programs. Then you need to enter the following command: “sudo sysctl -w net.inet.ip.ttl=65;” for Android and “sudo sysctl -w net.inet.ip.ttl=130;” - for Windows. Then the terminal will ask for your computer password, you will need to enter it and click Return (Enter) on the keyboard. After this, it is important to reboot the system.

Changing TTL on Ubuntu

Ubuntu is a free operating system based on Linux.

To change the TTL on this operating system, you need to press Ctrl+Alt+T to bring up the built-in terminal program. Next, enter the command: “sudo vi /etc/init.d/local.autostart”, enter the computer password and press the “i” button on the keyboard to start editing.

Then you need to enter the following line: “#!/bin/bash sudo iptables -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -j TTL -ttl-set 65” – at the end of the line there is the number 65, replace it with the desired one by analogy with the previous methods. To save changes, you need to press Shift+Z.

This creates a script to change the TTL on Ubuntu, now it needs to be given administrator rights so that it can work correctly. To grant permissions to the script, enter “sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/local.autostart” in the terminal and press Enter.

In order for the script to be launched simultaneously with the system startup, you need to add it to autostart with the command “sudo update-rc.d local.autostart defaults 80”.

How to remove Yota restrictions on downloading torrents

To remove operator restrictions on downloading torrents, that is, to bypass download speed limits on Yota, you need to use one of following methods: connect to a virtual VPN or use encryption directly in the torrent client.

Connecting to a VPN

VPN is a technology that allows you to hide your IP address and replace it with another one to ensure the security of data exchange between devices and on the Internet.

The operating system has built-in tools for using VPN; they allow you to bypass the ban on downloading files. There are special VPN programs that provide both paid and free VPNs in order to bypass Youtube and other bans and blocks.

Using encryption in a torrent client

Torrent clients use an automatic encryption option to allow files to be downloaded anonymously. Let's look at the settings using the µTorrent program as an example.

You need to go to the “Settings” menu in the torrent client, then go to “Program Settings”. In the root settings menu, select “BitTorrent” and check “Enabled” in the drop-down menu next to the “Protocol Encryption” option. After this, you should uncheck “Support for UPD trackers” and save the changes.