Find out compatibility by date of birth. Compatibility by date of birth in love and marriage: numerological calculation

*** - June 18, 2013 To whom this site is contraindicated. If you have just broken up, and not even six months have passed, then do not rush to search. Most likely you are losing something valuable. And if you leave a child without one of the parents, then it is better to wait at least 1 year to find a new soul mate. Having a child together is a HUGE plus for family life. This don't measure combination of planets. If you recognize yourself here, you can relax, believe me, this site can cause you more harm than good, it’s better to save your time for something useful.

*** - April 27, 2013 I reconsidered my attitude to the categorical conclusion issued by the program when there are 3 or more red aspects in the table, conflicting tables and aspects. The following conclusion was written: “The relationship will definitely fall apart.” But since there were real examples married couples who had these aspects and lived quite well, I decided to change the wording to “The relationship is unstable! There is a high probability of separation.” So the probability is high, but there is no inevitability. There is no fatalism. There are difficult karmic problems that require careful personal processing. And some people, without any spiritual education, manage to do this.

*** - April 17, 2012 I’m putting a link for those who want to save their relationship. It is clear that it is impossible to move the Sun or the Moon, and therefore it is impossible to deal with conflicts astrologically, so I recommend clicking on the way to glue the family together.

*** - November 30, 2011 Increased the range in the search for a soul mate to 3 years. Now I’m eliminating the error on the Moon, making a more accurate compatibility analysis and therefore more accurate conclusions. An error on the Moon of up to 1.5 degrees now exists for about a third of users. I think it’s not difficult to check the existence of an error for a specific date and make its correction. Therefore, check the position of the moon with another service or with the search page. I also make conclusions more detailed. When these changes are made, I will write that this happened - you will see for yourself.

*** - November 8, 2011 Please pay attention to the aspect of the conjunction of Mars (f) and Venus (m) in the sign, the side of love is internal. Its color is not pure green. He is harmonious only when both he and she are interested in building a future together, and also have enough responsibility for intimate relationships. A kind of test for “bed-intimate” strength. If anyone doubts, “Is it he or is she?” It's better not to rush.

*** - October 31, 2011 Increased the range by year for calculating the date of birth of a spouse in the program from 1911 to 2001.

*** - October 20, 2011 I don’t know how long it will take to create a dating service - from 2 weeks to six months, I hope not long. To the attention of those who ordered the birth dates of their halves earlier, you can receive an extended and more full list right now absolutely free. As it turned out, semi-manual calculations gave less results.

*** - October 7, 2011 I found an error in taking into account summer time in the calculations. The error applies to those born from April to October. It is expressed as a spread across the Moon by 0.5-1 degrees. Eliminating it.

*** - February 20, 2011 corrected the “error” in the Mars(f)-Venus(m) conjunction in the sign The Inner Side of Love. Now these compounds are marked with a gentle olive color to draw your attention to the peculiarity of this aspect.

*** - February 8, 2011 corrected the “error” in the conjunction of Mars(f)-Moon(m) and Mars(f)-Venus(m) in the sign The Inner Side of Love. Now these connections are marked with red, that is, a tense aspect. The Mars(m)-Moon(w) conjunction is also now marked red in the tablet Outer side love. I apologize for not doing this sooner. But now the decision about halves will be based on a completely precise basis. The conflicting aspects from the “love” tablets also have a strong attractive effect, but this attraction is excessively impulsive. Therefore, for a long-lasting relationship, it is important to see green aspects in signs about “love”.

*** - January 26, 2011 corrected an error in the Jupiter-Jupiter conjunction in the table of conflicting planets and aspects. Also changed the orb to define conflict type personality. Now the orb for conflicting aspects in the natal chart = 6. Previously it was 8 - pay attention. Now, according to this program, there are 1.5 times fewer conflicting personalities, and the results are more accurate.

There are several sides to a relationship. For example duration. This worries many people. So the “Conflict planets and aspects” sign clearly gives an answer about the duration of the relationship. The quality of the relationship is assessed according to the remaining tables, taking into account the type of relationship.

Site news and astrology sensation.

I do not provide consultations on natal chart reading and rectification. There are many software services that are quite good and do analysis of the natal chart and even rectification.

But when it comes to compatibility with someone, that is, a specific pair of people, the participation of a person, rather than a program, is much more useful. If you have any doubts about what to do about a difficult relationship and want to know the opinion of an astrologer, not a theorist, but a practitioner, please contact us. You will receive recommendations for harmonizing relationships.

Explanations for this program. Free online compatibility horoscope by date of birth.

What is this astrological program for checking spouses for compatibility? In order to absolutely freely and accurately find out the compatibility of two people by date of birth (and not only potential spouses). It is easy to check how suitable two people are for each other, not only as husband and wife, but also as friends or business partners. About what is implemented here scientific approach already wrote. This is truly scientific astrology due to its scientific approach. The entire program is based on real statistical research conducted by astrologer Shestopalov, founder of the Academy of Astrology in St. Petersburg.

Although I personally would not be too lazy to conduct these studies again, for greater reliability of the data. Unfortunately, it has not yet been possible to obtain information about the dates of birth of married and divorced spouses through the registry office. So if anyone has data I will be glad. You can, of course, collect data via the Internet from you, from site visitors. However, the reliability of the data may be low, since sending copies of documents will be burdensome for you. So I haven't decided on it yet. However, Academician Shestopalov’s research was not with such a small number of marriages, but these were 1800 married couples. In general, the program is already worthy of at least 85% trust.

Thus, this program determines compatibility more accurately than various types of compatibility horoscopes. Why? Since the average compatibility according to the horoscope and stars is offered for information, let’s say Capricorns and Taurus are well compatible. Or Libras are not compatible with Capricorns. Of course, I don’t argue, there are synastric natal charts. But for their normal understanding, a considerable understanding of astrology is required. Planets in these natal charts form many aspects and it is not always easy to understand which of them are the most important. Here in this program everything is short and clear. Ask!

Calculate compatibility by date of birth turns out Can and at the same time quite reliable.

That is, the program calculates “half or not.” However, a question arises. Where can you actually find this half? The answer is simple, it suggests itself. Thanks to the Internet, new times are coming. And this will be done easily and, moreover, with great speed. If someone implements a similar dating service before me, I will only be glad.

Regarding the cities above in the form. If your city is not there or settlement, take the nearest city in your time zone. Summer time is taken into account adequately, so there can be no errors regarding the planets. Only a very small one can be expected on the Moon - up to a degree.

Definitions of some astrological terms

A few words about what a trine, conjunction, sextile is. These are aspects. In general, this is the name of the angle between the planets at the current moment. The more precise the aspect, the more pronounced and stronger its effect. Let's say, if the male sun (meaning the sun in the natal chart of a man) and female moon will be in strict (exact) conjunction, that is, there will be zero or almost zero degrees between them, then these people will seem like a 100% couple to others.

Or another example. If the female sun is in strict, no more than 2 degrees, conjunction with the male moon, then these people will feel like halves. It doesn't matter what other people think.

Positive aspects

Trine- 120 gr. (Very good).

Compound- 0 g between planets. This is the strongest positive aspect, but not in the case of Mars, Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn in the "Conflict Planets and Aspects" table.

Sextile- 60 degrees between planets. Positive, but not as bright as a conjunction or trine.

Negative aspects

Quadrature- this is 90g. Poor communication.

Opposition- 180 degrees is also a bad interaction or a bad aspect.

Orb- the word is outlandish but not complicated. Orb - permissible spread in degrees. Let's say there are 122 degrees between the Sun and Venus. Which is very close to a trine (120 degrees). The difference between 122-120 is 2 degrees and the aspect is considered valid. And if this difference is 8 degrees, then the strength of the aspect is reduced to almost zero. An aspect is considered effective when the difference is no more than 6-8 degrees. This is the orb. The boundary level at which an aspect is considered valid. In different astrological schools there are different meanings orbs for various aspects and planets.

This is the location of the planets of the solar system and the Sun itself at the time of human birth, and is clearly presented in the figure. You can see it in the picture.

I am sure that many of the icons in the picture are already familiar to you. You can easily distinguish the Sun, Moon, Mars and Venus. The answer to the question “is a person a soul mate for another” is found in the table: the internal side of love and the external side of love.

Conflict planets and aspects

If there are THREE OR MORE red aspects in the “Conflict Planets” sign, then the marriage (or partnership) will sooner or later fall apart. Also on this plate...

Here if, let's say, the word Mars highlighted in bold means the planet Mars is aggressive in the natal chart. And the more aggressive planets from this table a person has, the more difficult it is for him to cope with his character, with his emotions, be it waywardness, “hard-headedness” such as fanaticism or aggressiveness. If 3 - 4 planets are highlighted in bold, then this person is very aggressive on his own or is experiencing feelings within himself with big tension. If 3 red aspects are visible in this tablet, the relationship is likely to be terminated, keep this in mind, at least the probability is very, very high.

By human conflict one should understand the following. If Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in the natal chart of this person are aggressive, that is, what larger number of these planets are aggressive, then the more difficult it is for a person to cope with his character. He can be extremely hot-tempered, and if he does not manage to splash out his emotions, then he “gets it”, since it is not easy to experience so many charged emotions within himself.

“Conflict,” however, is not always noticeable from the outside, and even less so to an outsider, unless it is a relative or friend. But in a long-term relationship with someone, this conflict always makes itself felt.

Of course, the opposite situation happens. He looks like an aggressive person. Raises his voice and perhaps even threatens. However, this is not always a sign that aggressive planets must be "aggressive". This person simply experiences less emotions within himself. And splashing them out doesn’t bother much about the consequences.

Seals of happiness and unhappiness

This sign shows something completely different. That is, the strength of the union is does not show. Actually there are two of these signs. One concerns a man, the second a woman. By the way, it is not necessary to watch a man and a woman here. You can have a man and a man, for example. The seal of happiness here is the green aspect. If he exists, say, for a woman, then she will feel very good next to this person. A sort of feeling of happiness, well-being and fullness of being. Especially if there is not one, but two or even 3 - 4 of these seals of happiness. But do not be confused, the other half does not live here. This is not where you should look for it. Only as supporting information, but very significant.

It is also important that the seal of misfortune is not found, even if it is your soul mate according to the table, the internal side of love. The seal of misfortune is an aspect of the color red. An astrologer has no right to recommend marriage to people if at least one of them has at least one mark of unhappiness. The marriage will not break up because of this, but there will be no happiness. Or it will not be a marriage, but a “karmic test”.

I repeat. If there is at least one red aspect in the “Seals of Happiness and Misfortune” signs, then it is better not to create a marriage (or partnership). But if the seal of misfortune damages not the Sun but the Moon, then there may be errors in the hour of birth, so fill out this field more carefully.

The physics are simple. Planets Saturn And Jupiter are very large in size (see picture below), so their impact is also large. Jupiter forms a seal of happiness if the partner’s aspect to the Sun or Moon is positive. Saturn forms seals of misfortune, again due to negative aspects. But here not only the square or opposition will be negative, but also the conjunction.

The inner side of love

This most important sign to find your soulmate.

When choosing a soul mate, what do you need to know? I mean from astrology. Of course, you need to know about the importance of planets when choosing a partner. Planets are very large objects. That's why they are important. Which planet is most important? It is clear that this is Earth, but usually only the time zone is used based on the characteristics of a person’s birth on Earth, that is, the longitude of the place of birth, the time of birth. Very little. This data can help determine the time zone in which your significant other was born. Of all that surrounds the Earth, the most important celestial body is naturally Sun, why, it’s very simple. Take it away and we'll freeze very quickly. The sun is the nearest star. This is a photograph from space during a time of increased solar activity.

And here you can see a solar eclipse, photograph by NASA. Isn't there something sinister about her?

The diameter of the Sun is 1400 thousand km, and the diameter of the Earth is only about 13 thousand km. So the difference in size is more than 100 times. Then it goes Moon, since it is the closest and is the only satellite of the Earth. Despite the fact that the diameter of the Moon is 3.5 thousand kilometers, it is quite capable of blocking the Sun for us at the time of a Solar Eclipse. Then they go Venus And Mars, since their orbits around the Sun are adjacent to the Earth. It is these planets that have the greatest influence on a person’s character and, accordingly, the choice of a soul mate. This is about the significance of the planets. In the figure below you see a more or less adequate size of the planets of the Solar System. The diameter of Jupiter (140 thousand km) is 10 times smaller than that of the Sun and 10 times larger than that of the Earth.

How to find out who is your soulmate? To begin with, I will say that there are quite a lot of halves for everyone on Earth, say, every five hundred people. This is according to the astrological idea of ​​compatibility. But searching for your soulmate using a survey method in our modern age is somewhat stupid. For this purpose, I will create a dating service specifically for finding soul mates. After all, it is not enough to have a correspondence of planets; upbringing and education, a person’s goals, are also very important, and they can be too different for this “astrological half” to really be a half. Do not rule out the possibility of chance. That is, if a boy is sitting at the same desk with a pretty girl for a long time, it would be a good idea to pay attention to this. But actually, why am I sitting at the same desk with this girl? The question is not difficult. So sometimes fate itself gives a person a soul mate. But for most lonely people, fate was not so kind. Therefore, we need to act. Including using astrology.

If the sign “Inner side of love” (for marriages) does not contain ANY trine, conjunction or sextile, then this union is most likely not based on the partner’s compliance with the ideal; another (or new) union is possible. Although the conflicting aspects (opposition and square) also, oddly enough, attract people. But in this case, the relationship is not harmonious, let's say sex, more reminiscent of animal sex rather than human sex.

The level of sexuality of the partners also plays some role in a successful marriage. It should not be very different (a difference of 1 is acceptable, and a difference of 2 is acceptable, but not desirable). This tablet is the basis for real online horoscope compatibility (and for free:).

The external side of love

The meaning here is also not complicated. This sign shows how other people will perceive a man and a woman. Like a couple or not. Let's say if this sign doesn't have positive aspects, then, for example, it would be natural for a man not to take off a woman’s coat when it would be appropriate. People around you notice such things. But inside, they don’t often see this among themselves. If according to inside In love, they are halves, then it does not matter to them how different their height, physique or slight lack of politeness is.

The side is friendly

Already from the title it is clear that here we will learn how to choose the right true friend. When choosing a friend, you need to look at the planets from the “friendly” side, these are the Sun, Moon and Venus. It's simple here. If all are trines, conjunctions and sextiles, then friendship is very possible, if there are no three red aspects among the conflicting planets in the conflicting planets tablet. You already know that the conjunction is best, then comes the trine, and the last one in terms of positivity is the sextile. As for the negative aspects. If here you see opposition or, even worse, a square, and especially if it’s across all the planets, then these people will not be friends. There can be mixed, both positive and negative aspects. The more positive, the better.

Business partners

Well, when choosing a business partner, the addition of friendly Jupiter and Saturn is very important. Good aspects to Jupiter give effectiveness in accumulating money or material resources and wealth, and good aspects by Saturn allow business to be economical and not wasteful. Everywhere, in any relationship between people, the sign Conflict planets and aspects is very important; it is important that there are no 3 or more red aspects.

Here connection is not a positive aspect.

If I don't know the hours or minutes of my birth. What to do?

Try to find out this from your parents. Contact an astrologer for a rectification service.

If it is impossible to do this right now, set the hour of birth, say 12 noon, this is the middle of the day. Decide for yourself what to do with the minutes. Of course, the data on the Moon will be very inaccurate (in 12 hours the Moon travels 12.5 degrees). But in general, the Moon does not participate in determining the possibilities of relationships. This is the top plate of conflicting planets.

How to check the accuracy of the data?

See the tablets with the positions of the planets in the natal chart below. Units of measurement are degrees, after the dot there is a decimal value. If it is important for someone to have more accurate values, write to e-mail f_777@bk(dot)ru, insist, I will take into account the longitude of the place of birth and more accurately account for summer and winter time. It will be even more accurate. However, this accuracy should be sufficient for most users.

Good to know!- The moon moves 1 degree in 2 hours!

Attention!- I used to make a mistake on the Moon by 0-1.5 degrees! Now this error does not exist. There are no errors for the other planets either. The main thing is not to make mistakes yourself!

Just below is the same text as on my contact page. So those who read it don't have to read it.

Astrology or astronomy is not the most important thing.

The main thing is not to be blind and deaf to life.

////////////////--- ABOUT LOVE ---////////////////

For example, one cannot ignore the significance of being adjacent to someone or something. Living or just being with one person is easy, but difficult with another. Also large objects. If there is a forest or stadium nearby, that's good. And if there is a large garbage dump nearby, then this is clearly not the best neighborhood. So, if planets and stars are classified as large objects, then it is highly advisable to take into account how they influence. And it turns out they influence.

Imagine a person crossing a railway crossing on foot, who has deliberately blindfolded himself and plugged his ears and crosses by tapping a stick, like a blind man. What is the probability that he will be hit by a train? After all, a train is a very large object?

There are simply no such fools, you say. But no, there are many such fools. And most of us don't want to see or hear that the moon or the sun can affect us either positively or negatively. (If the Sun goes out, what will happen to us?) However, our fate is not 100% dependent on the stars. It is we who influence our destiny, we make our choices.

Everyone knows that in order to make jam you need to take sugar and, say, berries. But if you don’t know the proportions, the jam will not be stored and will sour or ferment. The same goes for any area of ​​life. If you simply don’t know something, then the “jam” will turn out to be as worthless as the knowledge itself.

If family and love are something that require knowledge, then it is advisable to have this knowledge before having children. Or spend years before finding some kind of happiness and harmony in the family.

I don't believe in love in a vacuum.

She has her reasons
-external and internal beauty
- worthy goals and actions (worthy of what? - the meaning of life)

Personally, I use astrology to narrow down my search for my soul mate. And instead of rummaging through a haystack looking for a needle, you can look for your soul mate born on a certain day, month and year.

It seems to me that the task of each of us is to find it. Why do you need to follow the path of truth and knowledge?

Moreover, on the website there is a very convenient search by date of birth, and it’s free.

//////////////////--- ABOUT HEALTH ---/////////////////

Is life expectancy an indicator of health?

Interestingly, there are people on Earth who have lived more than 200 years.

For example, Li Qing Yun was born in 1677 and died in 1933. A photograph of this man has been preserved and can be easily found on Wikipedia. He had 24 wives during his life and 23 of them died before him. At the age of 71, he went to work as a martial arts instructor in the Imperial Chinese Army. What is the secret of his longevity? Isn't that an interesting question?

According to some reports, people have not gotten sick before. And if suddenly an illness arose, it took a matter of days to heal. And this was achieved not with drugs or

genetic engineering

, but with the help of SANE. I'm going to create an online dating service where it will be easy to find your soulmate. I can’t give a quick time frame, maybe half a year. Statistical information from the registry office is very necessary if anyone works there. I will be glad to receive your help.

What questions will this page help solve? Who is your soulmate?... How to calculate compatibility by date of birth?... How to find your soulmate?

The result will be presented along with brief characteristics for each. Compare them in order of criteria. The favorability or tension of relationships will be determined by the nature of the Zodiac sign and the planets of the same name.

The date of birth must be supplemented by geographical location and daily time. If it is known, and you want to find out in more detail compatibility by date in the field of romantic relationships, use the “He and She” service.

The usual analysis of horoscopes for compatibility by date of birth

Knowledge is knowledge of the first causes, without this our understanding of something cannot even be called knowledge, it is rather delusion and ignorance.

There is a lot in the horoscope useful information, which can be used practically. For example, understand the nature of conflicts in the family, surrounded by friends or colleagues. It contains the potential for interaction with others who also possess it. Under their influence, he will change, causing feelings of sympathy or antipathy.

Many people believe that in astrology, compatibility is determined by the zodiac signs of the Sun. This opinion is propagated by many means. mass media and popular books. This is naive and wrong. Comparing partners by sun sign is only part of the truth. How should it really be?

Let's consider specific example couples: She - born 03/24/1985 at 00 o'clock. 55 minutes, He was born on January 28, 1980 at 5 p.m. 30 min., both were born in Moscow. Their compatibility is analyzed based on the combination of two horoscopes. In simple astrology, the date and month are enough; a year is not needed at all. Almost everyone knows about their date of birth. Let's get the couple's horoscope shown in the figure.

1. There is a sequence of signs from Aries to Pisces. we can say that the Sun (the principle of self-affirmation, the fullness of being) in Aries and the Sun in Aquarius do not contradict, they complement each other. Using the indirect method of symbolic houses and adding a little everyday experience, you can write texts on compatibility for all signs for all occasions. They are not contradictory, are easy to read, excite the imagination, hold attention, preparing the reader to perceive the main material of the publication (advertising), in fact, this is what they are made for.

What does compatibility reveal in more detail? All remaining planets solar system, their relative position at the moment of birth (daily time), as seen from the Earth. Taking into account the daily time of birth of each, the horoscope of our couple will look like in the picture.

Here is the usual set of planets of classical astrology - the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Lunar nodes. The list can be expanded to include asteroids, fictitious planets, and various points. The planets reveal the fullness of the existence of the Sun, therefore the information content is significantly higher and more reasonable than the assumptions of simple astrology.
The place factor brings in the last necessary element of the horoscope - houses. If the signs of the zodiac and the calculation of the positions of the planets according to them relate to the ecliptic (the orbit of the Earth around the Sun), that is, to the heavens, space, then the houses are analogues of the same signs assigned to a specific point on the Earth, since from different geographical places the positions of parts of the sky are seen according to differently. It is the houses that fill the cosmic view of the sky with earthly content. The couple's horoscope takes on its final form.

Compatibility by date, time and place of birth

This geometric picture really is compatibility horoscope. Here are signs, planets, aspects - angular distances (colored lines in the inner circle) between the planets, indicating their positive or tense relationship, houses - sectors, indicated by numbers from 1 to 12. This picture is analyzed by an astrologer, drawing up an explanation, interpretation or interpretation horoscope, translation from symbolic-geometric language into ordinary.
Agree that this is completely individual and has very little in common with the horoscope of simple astrology.
It is interesting to note that the compatibility of partners based on date of birth cannot be limited to pair comparisons. The people around them, with whom they are constantly in contact, also make an involuntary contribution to their relationships. Everyone is familiar with situations when a young couple lives with their parents, a child communicates with classmates and friends, a person works in a group of employees or a team, and so on. The influence of the environment can be significant. Combining more than two cards in one picture becomes very difficult to read, which is why we never see the characteristics of more than two partners being compared at the same time. "Astropartner" offers a way to bypass this limitation and expand the view on the problem of compatibility by date of birth in the section "

In numerology, partner compatibility as a concept does not exist. Based on your dates of birth, you can determine the type of your union and its main features, and build on this.

You will need a pen, a piece of paper and dates of birth: yours and your partner's. The calculation will look like in the following way(let's look at an example):

  1. First, write the date of birth in the line: 16101991
  2. Then we sum up the numbers: 1+6+1+0+1+9+9+1 = 28
  3. We continue adding: 2+8= 10
  4. From the first amount we subtract 2 if the date of birth is before 2000. If after, add 19
  5. And finally, add up the numbers of the last value
  6. We enter all the resulting figures from the calculation into the table.
  • Boss - there are more ones than twos
  • Performer - twos are more than ones
  • By itself - an equal number of ones and twos

After all calculations, it can determine numerological compatibility.

Determining the type of union

How to determine the type:

  • If one of the partners has a psychotype on its own, and the other has a boss or executive, this is a karmic union
  • If the psychotypes are the same - mirror
  • If the opposite (chief-executor) - fate

Let's look at the traits of each type separately.

Karmic union

A union of the “karma” type means that people have already met in past lives and left each other debts. As a rule, these are sick, dependent relationships in which it is bad together and unbearable without each other.

Such a couple is almost always doomed - separation is inevitable, or people will torment each other all their lives, constantly sort things out, quarrel, and start conflicts.

It is possible to stop karmic interaction, provided that the partners create some kind of common Creation. It could be:

  • Child. Often divorced after the birth of the first child, less often - the second child
  • A common cause: creating something creative, a business, a discovery in science or something similar

If people manage to fulfill their mission in a karmic union and create some kind of creation, they part and very quickly meet their real other half, entering into a “destiny” union.

Fate union

The “Fate” type union is considered the most favorable: the compatibility of partners in this case is almost ideal.

What is typical for such a couple:

  • For a long time, people can be friends, communicate, cooperate, without feeling attracted to each other. But sooner or later there comes a moment when they understand: you need to be either with this person or with no one, and love comes
  • Such a couple can break up, but only under the condition of irritating external factors. For example, mother-in-law, mother-in-law or friends put a spoke in the wheels. It is very important to be able to maintain the relationship, because after a breakup it is almost impossible to find new happiness in your personal life

This is a union of opposites: people find the missing qualities in themselves in their partner. Therefore, they develop and help each other become better.

Mirror Union

This is the notorious “love at first sight,” a passion that flares up instantly. The most common type of relationship in modern world. A union of two very similar personalities who understand their partner well, because they themselves are the same.

The development and fate of relationships will depend only on the desire of people in a couple to interact, develop, build love, happiness and strive for harmony.

Numerology clues

“Hooks” are qualities that one partner has, but the other does not. This is neither good nor bad. It all depends only on whether it will annoy you or, on the contrary, will help you develop.

Watch the video about numerological compatibility:

In our example, there is a clue on the fours - this is a sense of duty, responsibility. That is, hyper-responsibility and the desire to control everything in a man are combined with constant “creative disorder” and irresponsibility in a woman.

This can cause conflicts if a man begins to “build” and limit her freedom. But it can also be a positive thing if a woman is willing to submit and give the reins of power into his hands.

Briefly about clues for each quality (ones, twos and nines) in the numerology test, everyone has them, we don’t consider them):

  • Three is thriftiness, a tendency to hoarding, overgrowing with personal property, grounding
  • Four - responsibility, sense of duty, desire to control all external processes, adherence to laws and moral standards
  • Five - sensuality, the ability to express and show your love through words and actions, gratitude and praise
  • Six is ​​a tendency to systematize, search for new knowledge, desire to learn
  • - intuition. The more sevens in the test, the more developed the gift of premonition
  • Eight is success, unlimited luck without effort

Analyze your numerology tables. Here are some examples:

  1. Let's say you have several A's on the test, but the man doesn't have any. Then he may seem like a “cracker” to you, an insensitive person. You will miss his expressions of love, affection and tenderness. In fact, he is used to showing his feelings through actions; he doesn’t know any other way.
  2. Or you don’t have threes, but the man has them in abundance. This means that he is very rational in everyday life, a perfectionist, he needs everything to be in its place. And you are slack, accustomed to disorder. This can be annoying and cause arguments

It is important to learn to accept the qualities of your partner and explain to him the features of your character. This is what helps numerological calculation. By stopping expecting from your chosen one what he is simply not capable of due to his personal, innate qualities, you will significantly reduce the number of quarrels.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Compatibility analysis by element is the simplest, but quite effective method understand in general how well the partners suit each other in temperament. After all, the elements are the basic elements of a horoscope, reflecting its basic energies and, accordingly, a person’s psychological inclinations and his life values. We consider the balance of the elements in detail in an individual horoscope. You can read more about the elements in a small fragment from the book “Astrology, Psychology and the Four Elements” by Stefan Arroyo. According to the author, “analysis of the harmony of the elements in a comparison of cards shows how and where two people can nourish each other’s energy fields, as well as block the flow of the partner’s energy and, therefore, bring disappointment to each other. If such a blockade exists, people experience great disappointment or serious energy depletion, and sometimes both in the case of mutually harmonious. energy metabolism people experience satisfaction, revitalization and a sense of completeness."

There are different opinions about which combinations of elements are best for an alliance. For example, some believe that for harmonious relations It is necessary that the partners have a common element or a related one, for example, related pairs are fire-air, earth-water. Others believe that partners should complement each other, i.e. have an attunement to opposite elements. As often happens, the optimum is somewhere in the middle. Experience shows that people with opposite temperaments are often more interesting to each other at first, but over time it turns out that it is difficult for them to be together for a long time, so their energies are depleted. On the other hand, people tuned in to the same energy feel comfortable in each other’s company, but over time, without complementary and balancing energies, such a union can lead to boredom, routine and stagnation (in the case of passive elements) or to confrontation and rupture (in case active). Thus, for strong and harmonious relationships, it is better to have in the overall balance one or two elements, common or related, and a certain number of opposite elements, which will allow the union not to stand still and develop. That is, if one partner has the predominant element of air, it is important that this element is present in some quantity in the other, especially if the other has the main element, for example, earth, and vice versa, then you can count on the first one not too impractical for the second, and the second not too boring and mundane for the first. Our approach to compatibility assessment was based on this “recipe”.

For experienced users, it should be noted that the analysis of the elements on this page is a bit simpler than that, which we use in the birth horoscope, since it does not take into account the place of birth and therefore the Ascendant and its ruler. If you received a positive assessment of elemental compatibility on this page, it means that a more complete method will not worsen the result. If you receive incompatibility, then consider the balance of the elements of each partner separately - perhaps the element of each Ascendant will add the missing element to your overall balance.

The diagram reflects the balance of the elements of the partners, on the right - the conclusion and interpretation of this distribution of energies.

Analysis of partners' expectations and needs

In this section we move on to a more specific analysis. Here we will consider the so-called significators. Traditionally, the significator (indicator) of the husband in women's horoscope is the Sun, and in the masculine is the Moon. There is also an approach in which for a woman born during the day, the man’s indicator is the Sun, and for a woman born at night, the main significator of the man is Mars. For a man born during the day, the significator of his wife is Venus, and for a man born at night, the main significator of his woman is the Moon. We will use a third approach where both significators for a man and a woman are considered. For a man, Venus symbolizes his beloved, and the Moon symbolizes his wife and mother; for a woman, Mars symbolizes the image of a beloved, lover, and the Sun symbolizes her husband and father. It is logical that in our time not everyone and not always loved ones become marriage partners and parents of children. For a woman, we will also consider here both her Venus and the Moon, as a signifier of the need for love and the need for security.

The position of the significators in the sign and element indicates the qualities that a person expects to find in some form in his partner. If your significator X is in the sign Y, this does not mean that your partner must be Y, but the qualities of this sign will be present in his character, behavior or profession. Therefore, we analyze the partner’s horoscope and look for qualities Y in his natal chart. Of course, first of all, these are his planets in the Y sign, the strong position of the ruler of the sign or his aspects to personal planets, which can give the desired qualities. If there are no or few such signs, it is important for compatibility that at least the qualities of the elements are present in the horoscope, therefore we also consider the affiliation of the significators to the elements.

Thus, the best compatibility is when the element of your significator is represented in the partner’s horoscope in sufficient quantity, and there are qualities of your significator’s sign.

As in the first section, it should be remembered that in our analysis we do not take into account the Ascendant and houses of the horoscope, and this can add the desired qualities to the partner. You also need to understand that our expectations and needs are always expressed positively, i.e. we do not need "bad" qualities, however, the qualities of the sign that we study in the horoscope are not always real person will be in a positive way. For example, Taurus may not be a hard worker, but a stubborn lazy person; Aries may not be a brave hero, but a selfish impudent person. To do this, it is necessary to consider the partner’s horoscope as a whole.

Synastry analysis

Analysis of the relationships of planets with each other in the horoscopes of partners is a fairly common approach in assessing compatibility, although it should be noted that it is not always decisive. You also need to consider that many aspects may not be noticeable at the beginning of a relationship and will appear years later. Astrologers have different approaches to the interpretation and classification of synastric aspects. In this section we will use the approach of the St. Petersburg School of Astrology, which has become quite popular, with some of our modifications and our own, which has been present on the site for several years. We display both approaches in the form of a chart and percentages to quickly and clearly assess the potential opportunities and problems of the relationship. The calculation method was developed by us; its essence can be found below.

So, the first diagram looks at relationships in various areas of interaction:

  1. Happiness. Here we are looking for Jupiter and Saturn in aspects to the Sun and Moon for a partner. Favorable aspects of Jupiter promise happiness to a partner whose Sun or Moon is aspected by the other partner's Jupiter. This is called the "seal of happiness." Unfavorable aspects of Saturn, accordingly, are the “seal of misfortune.” It’s very simple, but, as our at least not very extensive experience in observing “seals” shows, it’s a fairly effective technique.
  2. Sexual compatibility. Here, pairs of planets that are traditionally considered indicators of physical attraction are considered and evaluated: the Sun, Mars with the Moon, Venus. We have also added to the classic aspects Uranus, Neptune and Pluto aspects to Venus, which often also contribute to passion.
  3. Level of conflict. This indicator takes into account the aspects of Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto among themselves and is considered very important, since with any negative value, conflicts and disputes cannot be avoided. Although SPbSA does not consider positive aspects, we have added them to the calculation ( green part) as opportunities available for conflict resolution. We also added aspects of Uranus, because in our opinion, tense Uranus often leads not just to conflicts, but to a breakdown in relationships.
  4. Psychological compatibility. We consider the aspects of the personal planets Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars. Shows how comfortable partners will feel with each other in everyday life.
  5. Intellectual compatibility - aspects of Mercury - thinking, interests, communication, exchange of ideas, etc.
  6. Social compatibility - all other aspects that show what interactions arise in a couple when in contact with external environment: society and its attitudes, values, global ideas, etc.

Clicking on a column will take you to the list of aspects of the planets that were taken into account in the calculations. Click on an aspect name to read what it means. Each heading of the interpretation text is structured as follows: Name of the aspect - Planet of your horoscope (first partner) - Planet of the horoscope of your partner (second). Asterisks indicate the significance and importance of a given astrological influence

In the second technique, we divide all aspects into 4 categories:

  1. Love - feelings and sexual compatibility. Here we look at all aspects that may indicate the possibility of romantic, platonic or passionate love. It is difficult to imagine close relationships without mutual attraction and love, so the first section shows the relationships of the planets that are most conducive to the emergence of feelings.
  2. Friendship is mutual understanding and commonality of views and tastes. In order to have something to talk about and spend interesting time together, it is important that the partners are similar in some ways and complement each other in some ways. This is, in general, psychological compatibility.
  3. Cooperation and partnership. Strong and lasting relationships are impossible without the skills, abilities and conscious efforts aimed at maintaining them. The desire to make a partner happier and mutual acceptance of responsibility for each other, as well as the desire for understanding and cooperation make the relationship more mature and stable.
  4. Values ​​and worldview. Common values ​​are an important basis for mutual understanding and support, helping to cope and survive inevitable personal crises and periods of unfavorable circumstances together. Here we consider aspects with the so-called. higher planets, symbolizing global values, meanings and archetypes.

How does this all count?

It is usually quite difficult or impossible to adequately translate qualitative indicators into quantitative ones. For example, there are some favorable aspects and some unfavorable ones. How good and bad is this? Although it is initially incorrect to pose the question this way and it is impossible to answer quickly and correctly, everyone asks))) we have developed a methodology that, in our opinion, makes it possible to make an approximate and relative assessment. First, using a scoring system, we evaluate all aspects between the planets of the partners according to 3 indicators: the accuracy of the aspect, its strength (sextile, square, etc.) and its significance (+/-) for the relationship. Then we added separately the positive and negative indicators by category - we got absolute numbers. But, for example, is 10 a lot or a little? In order to evaluate the totals relatively, some criterion that is the same for everyone is needed. A sample of 100,000 random pairs was created, for each the indicators for all categories were calculated, sorted and ranked. And so on several times. We verified that the distribution of scores does not change with changes in the composition of the sample. This means that such a distribution will be valid for both a million and a billion pairs, i.e. it can be used as a basis for evaluation.

And finally, what do percentages mean?

The percentage shows how many pairs have a similar indicator less than yours. Those. if your score is 90%, this means that approximately 90% of the pairs are worth less than you, and only 10% are more. Thus, indicators less than 50% may not be considered as something special, but this does not take away the importance and significance of the planetary aspects of your horoscopes.

Resonance of natal aspects

There are unions when partners have low indicators in synastry, but in their natal charts there are aspects between the same pairs of planets, often the same. Those. their horoscopes and, accordingly, their characters are tuned, as it were, to the same wavelength. This is how resonance occurs. This approach is rarely found even in professional literature, so we were interested in implementing it and testing it. The program calculates natal aspects, searches for matches and displays the characteristics of the found pairs.

Karmic synastry according to M. Shulman

This section examines synastric aspects as interpreted by Martin Shulman, author of the famous series of books "Karmic Astrology." The diagram was calculated using the method described above. The blue bar shows how many aspects there are between the planets in the partners’ horoscopes, which symbolizes the strength of interaction and connection between them. The green column reflects the opportunities and potential that were initially given to the partners, and the red column shows how many karmic tasks and knots the partners face that need to be untangled. A textual description of the aspects of synastry explains their meaning and offers recommendations for building harmonious relationships.

Partners are attracted to each other and want intimacy. If they receive it, then this is accompanied by significant satisfaction, since both partners “speak the same language” and understand well what each other needs. Their passions may coincide at the most necessary moments.

Seal of happiness for a man

A woman makes a man happier. This can be expressed in completely different ways, but one thing is clear - a man enjoys the company of this woman, since at the right moment she can cheer him up, give advice, and even (not uncommonly) please him with some kind of gift. She is ready to support his endeavors in many ways. This is a very good aspect.

Non-conflict union

With this combination, the man and woman do not oppose each other. They are tactful where necessary, and their actions are also quite coordinated and do not affect the interests of their partner. Even if a clash occurs (which is rare), then in almost any case they can sooner or later find a compromise.

A man and a woman go well together in appearance. Their gender roles fit well together, resulting in the “flourishing” of the woman and the “masculinity of the man.” This can be expressed, for example, in the same taste in clothes, in the same lifestyle, in the same facial features or compatible build. This aspect is very good for theater actors or dance partners - they can be similar in appearance and in their “habits”.

Psychological Understanding

Examples of intimate compatibility horoscope:

intimate satisfaction

Partners are attracted to each other and want intimacy. If they receive it, then this is accompanied by significant satisfaction, since both partners “speak the same language” and understand well what each other needs. Their passions may coincide at the most necessary moments.

Intimate dissatisfaction

Partners are attracted to each other, and there may even be a connection, but it cannot become strong after a while. It will be difficult for them to get satisfaction from each other, since in the compatibility horoscope there are no common points of contact, as if they “speak” different languages.

Excellent intimate compatibility!

A man and a woman can truly enjoy each other, being on the same wavelength of sensations and pleasant impressions. This is exactly the compatibility horoscope that gives the best picture- partners “charge” each other with positivity, which greatly strengthens their union.

No intimate crossings

In this case, it is more of a negative situation than a positive one. Partners need a certain core of the relationship, attraction, satisfaction with each other, which will keep them together and not allow them to look at other, more interesting candidates. It's quite difficult to get it here. Especially in the long term.

Examples of the level of happiness in the compatibility horoscope:

Seal of happiness

A woman makes a man happier. This can be expressed in completely different ways, but one thing is clear - a man enjoys the company of this woman, since at the right moment she can cheer him up, give advice, and even (not uncommonly) please him with some kind of gift. She is ready to support his endeavors in many ways. This is a very good aspect in the compatibility horoscope.

Seal of happiness

A man makes a woman happier. He treats her more favorably than women with whom he does not have this aspect. This can be expressed in completely different ways, but the essence is the same - he is generous to her, ready to support and please her in every possible way. He is ready to answer her “Yes” more often to her various endeavors, requests and even whims. This is a very good aspect in the compatibility horoscope.

Mutual seal of happiness!

This is a unique case - both partners make each other happier. Couples with this combination are very happy due to the fact that the partners mutually support each other and treat each other with warmth. With this combination and in the absence of other negative aspects in love horoscope they can survive almost any adversity that in ordinary couples creates a difficult mood and disunity.

Examples of the level of unhappiness in the compatibility horoscope:

A sign of misfortune for a man

A woman suppresses a man. This is a very negative aspect in the compatibility horoscope, which overshadows the effect of other harmonious aspects. In this case, the woman treats the man very strictly, dryly and perhaps even cruelly. In her presence, he clearly feels this on himself: an outflow of strength, a drop in mood and motivation. Married couples with such aspects in the compatibility horoscope are rarely formed, but if they are formed (for example, forced circumstances), then the man then suffers from the woman’s attacks, unless he is accustomed to matriarchy from childhood or loves the woman so much. A woman should pacify her demands on a man and try to treat him more gently and kindly.

A sign of misfortune for a woman

A man suppresses a woman. This is a very negative aspect in the compatibility horoscope, which overshadows the effect of other harmonious aspects. In this case, the man treats the woman very strictly, dryly and perhaps even cruelly. In his presence, she clearly feels this on herself: an outflow of strength, a drop in mood and motivation. Married couples with such aspects are rarely formed, but if they are formed, the woman then suffers from the sometimes unreasonable harsh attitude of the man. This is fraught with depression on her part. A woman should not take a man’s harshness to heart and try to maintain a good mood.
(please check the accuracy of the entered time of birth of both partners - this aspect may disappear if the correct time of birth is entered)

Mutual seal of misfortune!

Both partners suppress each other. This is the most negative celestial combination that can be encountered in life. Couples with this aspect live in discord. Living in harmony and a healthy state of mind is very difficult. Usually such couples are formed due to forced circumstances.
(please check the accuracy of the entered time of birth of both partners - this aspect may disappear from the compatibility horoscope if the correct time of birth is indicated)

Examples of the level of conflict in the compatibility horoscope:

Non-conflict union

With this combination, the man and woman do not oppose each other. They are tactful where necessary, and their actions are also quite coordinated and do not affect the interests of their partner. Even if a clash occurs (which is rare), then in almost any case they can sooner or later find a compromise.

Conflict alliance

With this combination, a man and a woman oppose themselves to each other. There come times when they are tactless where necessary. It happens that a conflict arises out of nowhere: they become aggressive, stubborn or principled, believing that they are right, while refusing to apologize or take the blame. Failure to agree often leads to disunity, distance, and often the breakdown of relationships. If there are 3 such aspects in the compatibility horoscope, then good intimate compatibility is necessary, so that there is “something to forgive for”, so that there is affection.

Examples of external compatibility in a horoscope:

"External" compatibility (nice addition)

A man and a woman go well together in appearance. Their gender roles fit well together, resulting in the “flourishing” of the woman and the “masculinity of the man.” This can be expressed, for example, in the same taste in clothes, in the same lifestyle, in the same facial features or compatible build. This aspect in the compatibility horoscope is very good for theater actors or dance partners - they can be similar in appearance and in their “habits”.

Minor "external" incompatibility

A man and a woman may not be exactly alike. This can be expressed, for example, in different tastes in clothing, in different lifestyles, in different features faces or different builds. In itself, this aspect in the compatibility horoscope does not cause any trouble.

Examples of psychological compatibility in a horoscope:

Psychological Understanding

A man and a woman understand each other well psychologically. With such aspects it is quite easy for them to communicate, share impressions and experiences. Perhaps a general sense of humor. The ability to understand your partner’s mood and adapt to the wave. Or sympathy for the partner’s inner world.

A little psychological misunderstanding

In this case, difficulties may arise in understanding one partner by the other. There are situations when it is difficult to convey your mood or experience so that your partner gets into it or at least understands what we are talking about.