Is it possible to get pregnant from an animal? Can an animal give birth to a human? What genetic engineering is silent about

Many people are concerned about very piquant at first glance questions concerning not quite standard sex life. For example, some people are interested in whether it is possible to get pregnant from a dog? Let’s not pretend to be moralists and go into details of the history of the emergence of such issues. Let's just try to figure it all out and answer this question correctly.

Of course, first you will have to brush up on some biology information.

All information about a living being is contained in deoxyribonucleic acid and ribonucleic acid (common abbreviations DNA and RNA). DNA is a macromolecule that stores and transmits genetic information programmed in it about the development and functioning of living organisms. DNA, in turn, forms the basis of chromosomes. RNA is a macromolecule in the body of living beings, consisting of units - nucleotides. Nucleotides arranged in a specific way in RNA store genetic information.

With the help of these two structures, all information about a living object is encoded. The set of genes contained in them determines the structure of a living object, its external and internal view, hereditary traits, character, etc. But, it is worth noting, despite the fact that all living beings have information encoded using these acids, the method of this encoding varies significantly.

Now let's come closer to the issues of pregnancy and fertilization.

Is pregnancy possible from an animal?

Pregnancy in humans occurs as a result of fertilization of an egg by sperm. As a result of the fusion of identical gene sets of male and female reproductive cells (sperm and egg), the genetic material of the parents’ organisms is combined, and a new, unique individual is obtained. But the main and fundamental condition for fertilization is a set of sexual partners similar in structure, similar to DNA.

But, pay attention to the fact that a person contains 46 chromosomes, and a dog has 78. This means, even based on the different number of chromosomes, it becomes clear that these chromosome sets will be incompatible with each other. The genetic information encoded in the DNA of a human and any other animal will differ significantly, which means fertilization will not be able to occur.

So, now the answer to the question of whether it is possible to become pregnant from an animal naturally, even if the seminal fluid of any animal, including a dog, enters the woman’s genitals is obvious. Of course not.

And if you hear the opposite somewhere, then know that it is possible to fertilize a woman’s egg with the sperm of other animals only with the help of genetic engineering. But such experiments are considered unethical and therefore are not carried out.

Let's move on to more real problems of the calendar method of birth control -

Debunking the Myth

Fertilization of the egg of one animal with the sperm of another is impossible. The process can be successful only if the pairs of genes in question are functionally identical. The difference in structure and development between us and animals poses an insurmountable barrier. Even with direct sexual intercourse between a person and an animal, conception will not occur.

What about the crossing process?

A natural question. Let's consider it too. If we assume a natural process, then crossing is possible. But only for genetically close relatives. For example, when crossing a donkey with a horse, a mule may be born, but it will no longer be fertile. Anyone interested in history has heard about Ivanov’s unsuccessful attempts to obtain a “man-ape” hybrid. Many years of attempts still ended in failure. The similarity between apes and humans is undoubtedly great. However, the difference in the chromosome set rejects the beginning of the onset in the vestibule. So can a person become pregnant from a dog if crossing him even with the animals closest in genotype is impossible? Once again the answer is obvious: no! Do you want it easier? Please. There are completely different DNAs here! The responsibility of the chromosome set does not end with reproductive functions. That's why it's a set, to include everything - character, color, appearance, and internal structure, and a skeleton, and a skull, and...
Everything is different. And if someone may confuse the chromosomes of different animals in the pictures (schematically they are indeed often similar), then here everything is clearly visible. Even if the dog's seminal fluid gets directly into the vagina, there will be no fertilization. For the stated reason. The question of whether a person can become pregnant from a dog is identical to the following: “Can a fish give birth to a bird?” Agree, you won’t even think about the answer. And here’s your third question: “Can a dog get pregnant from a person?”

What is genetic engineering silent about?

The media have already reported on the desire of British scientists to “play” with human DNA. Their goal is to get a child from three parents. The essence lies in the implantation of the nucleus of an already fertilized egg from a mother with abnormalities into a donor egg, but with the nucleus removed. The bet is supposedly placed on the organelles mitochondria, which monitor intracellular energy metabolism. The idea of ​​the experiment was dictated by the desire to improve the quality of the population's gene pool. British embryologist Mary Herbet and Professor Doug Tenbul are confident that transplanting a nucleus from an egg with inherent defects into a healthy carrier can solve the problem. Imagine what a leap genetic engineering will make if the experiment succeeds... Who knows, maybe then science will switch to splitting DNA molecules and replacing cell nuclei of the “human-animal” type. But for now, only a dog can get pregnant from a dog, and a person can only get pregnant from a person.

Question 1: Can a dog get pregnant?

Answer: No, it is impossible to get pregnant from a dog.

Question 2: why?

It's all about the genetic code. Humans and dogs have completely different DNA structures and different chromosomal sets (a set of genes that is entirely responsible for appearance, character, internal structure, ability to reproduce). During sexual contact between a person and a dog, even if the seminal fluid enters the “partner’s” genitals, fertilization will still not occur, because the chromosome sets of both of these types of mammals are completely incompatible with each other and rejection occurs between them.

Now you can be sure: it is physically impossible to get pregnant from a dog.

Can a person get pregnant from a dog? They say there were cases... They say... But only where and who? Such information usually appears either in correspondence between teenagers, or on websites (magazines, newspapers) that seek to attract the visitor’s attention to their resource in any way. And this is called a “duck” or “move”. And the gullible reader, who until this moment knew the answer to the question, suddenly begins to think. What if such a miracle is really possible?

Of course, progress is continuous and does not stand still, but even Homo sapiens is unable to step over the laws of nature. The answer to the question of whether a person can get pregnant from a dog is obvious - no. Definitely. And we will prove it.

The Internet today is very different even from what it was just a year ago. However, this is not surprising - after all, people expand the boundaries of their perception every day and every hour. And here are the scientists, and after them ordinary people We came to a very interesting, but not quite decent question - is it possible to get pregnant from an animal?

Of course, you don’t want to ask such a question even to your closest people, otherwise you don’t know what they’ll think, and it’s simply inconvenient. But curiosity and the thirst for knowledge never go away so easily, and therefore, at this time, according to statistics, more than 40 thousand requests for the words “Is it possible to get pregnant from an animal?” have been registered on the Internet.

History of the issue

No one doubts that behind this is an inquisitive mind, and not a desire to test the assumption in practice. And therefore it is worth talking about this in more detail.

When the first experiments with genetic engineering began, the so-called pioneers of this science were firmly convinced that this was a direct path to getting rid of many diseases and solving many other problems. Then they stopped believing that solving problems would take several years. But still, experiments continue and genetic engineering is successfully developing.

At one stage of development, they came to this question, scandalous in its literary meaning - “Is it possible to get pregnant from an animal?” These assumptions began to be actively tested through experiments. Of course, the vision of the problem was not so narrow and the topic of research was interspecific crossing. This topic covered not only human pregnancy from animals, but also animal pregnancy from humans and the crossing of other animal species. Now we can say with all confidence - It is impossible to get pregnant from an animal.

The essence of the problem

Pregnancy, or in other words, fertilization, is primarily the joining of chromosomes, and this requires identical pairs of genes. Different breeds of animals, including humans, have completely different DNA, chromosome structure and anatomical features. In order for fertilization to occur, all three components must match for the father and mother of the intended child.

Even with direct sexual contact between a person and an animal, fertilization cannot occur - simply the foreign chromosomes will reject each other and will not be able to connect properly.

The only exceptions to the rule are close relatives in chromosome structure and gene set. For example, a lion and a tiger, a donkey and a horse. Everyone knows that a mule is the result of crossing a donkey and a horse. But a new species of animal is not being created - every mule is sterile and it is impossible to continue breeding the breed in a natural way. Nature has made sure that the set of animals on Earth remains virtually unchanged, with some exceptions.

Man and monkey - what are the prospects?

Then a new question arose, which geneticists rushed to solve with all their fervor - what about the primate, our closest relative? Alas, the chromosome set of humans and primates still differ significantly. Probably, initially, at the very beginning of our development, when primates and humans only recently separated and each went their own way, such cases were possible. Now, due to a long evolutionary process, our chromosome set has undergone significant changes, just like the chromosomes of monkeys.

But science does not tolerate unfounded statements, even those based on indisputable facts and axioms. Therefore, a series of experiments were carried out, which confidently proved the veracity of all the above facts. IN recent years a number of such experiments were carried out in Great Britain.

It must be said that when the intentions to cross a human embryo with a monkey were published, the public was outraged and called it an “inhumane act.” Besides on the side public opinion there was also a law prohibiting such actions.

But scientists were able to provide irrefutable evidence of the need for such experiments, in particular, the potential discovery of a cure for cancer. Therefore, the authorities listened to the voice of science and some amendments were made to the law, which made such experiments legal, but with some amendments.

During the experiment, which lasted three years, 155 embryos with human anatomy and the genome of an animal were grown. Currently, based on the results of these studies, a cure for cancer is being developed, which, according to most scientists, should be successful.

History of crossing

The first experiments on crossing humans with monkeys were carried out at the end of the 19th century by Ilya Ivanovich Ivanov. He decided that best place Africa, where there are many different monkeys and illiterate native women who will agree to become pregnant from a monkey, will be the place to conduct such experiments.

However, his idea was not successful - the natives would never agree to an incomprehensible experiment, and the monkeys were not eager to become sperm donors. In the process of catching strong monkeys, many men were injured and the experiment had to be stopped. Then the researcher took a different route and inseminated female orangutans with human semen. But they died one by one and not one of them was pregnant.

Of course, scientists will try again and again, planning to find a cure for all diseases or simply make a breakthrough in modern science. Although some experiments are not very pleasant, they are necessary and provide food for new thoughts and experiments.

In the end, it is precisely questions like these, seemingly stupid at first glance, that drive the progress of science forward. And we shouldn’t be embarrassed by our seemingly inappropriate curiosity, because sometimes such curiosity leads to unexpected discoveries. But now we know that natural crossing of two species is impossible and, to put it simply, it is impossible to get pregnant from an animal.

Many people are concerned about very piquant at first glance questions concerning not quite standard sex life. For example, some people are interested in whether it is possible to get pregnant from a dog? Let’s not pretend to be moralists and go into details of the history of the emergence of such issues. Let's just try to figure it all out and answer this question correctly.

Of course, first you will have to brush up on some biology information.

All information about a living being is contained in deoxyribonucleic acid and ribonucleic acid (common abbreviations DNA and RNA). DNA is a macromolecule that stores and transmits genetic information programmed in it about the development and functioning of living organisms. DNA, in turn, forms the basis of chromosomes. RNA is a macromolecule in the body of living beings, consisting of units - nucleotides. Nucleotides arranged in a specific way in RNA store genetic information.

With the help of these two structures, all information about a living object is encoded. The set of genes contained in them determines the structure of a living object, its external and internal appearance, hereditary traits, character, etc. But, it is worth noting, despite the fact that all living beings have information encoded using these acids, the method of this encoding varies significantly.

Now let's come closer to the issues of pregnancy and fertilization.

Is pregnancy possible from an animal?

Pregnancy in humans occurs as a result of fertilization of an egg by sperm. As a result of the fusion of identical gene sets of male and female reproductive cells (sperm and egg), the genetic material of the parents’ organisms is combined, and a new, unique individual is obtained. But the main and fundamental condition for fertilization is a set of sexual partners similar in structure, similar to DNA.

But, pay attention to the fact that a person contains 46 chromosomes, and a dog has 78. This means, even based on the different number of chromosomes, it becomes clear that these chromosome sets will be incompatible with each other. The genetic information encoded in the DNA of a human and any other animal will differ significantly, which means fertilization will not be able to occur.

So, now the answer to the question of whether it is possible to become pregnant from an animal naturally, even if the seminal fluid of any animal, including a dog, enters the woman’s genitals is obvious. Of course not.

And if you hear the opposite somewhere, then know that it is possible to fertilize a woman’s egg with the sperm of other animals only with the help of genetic engineering. But such experiments are considered unethical and therefore are not carried out.

Let's move on to more real problems of the calendar method of birth control - is it possible to get pregnant immediately after your period.

And, of course, we will be glad to receive your comments via the form feedback below.

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Vasilisa Ionova

2 years ago CAMELLIA Higher Intelligence (1022567) 3 years ago It would be most accurate to say that this is a collie dog that loves to herd the herd. To guard in order to protect, for the sake of the process itself, is the attitude of a policeman and a shepherd. Such a person’s views on the world are very specific and real, he is confident in himself and that he is right. The Leo Dog is characterized by accurate and verified decisions based on correct judgments and perceptions. Such a person is a fighter for justice, incapable of treason. He believes that for the sake of success one should not spare time and effort, and will achieve the goal with specific practical activities.

trong>Other answersAbout people born in the year of the Dog: Positive features character: attentive, sympathetic, modest, devoted, careful, intelligent person. Negative character traits: The Dog can be angry, overly convinced that he is right, superficial, sometimes quarrelsome. The most suitable professions and occupations for the Dog: church activities, teacher, doctor, judge, lawyer, scientist or researcher. The dog of the zodiac sign is Leo - most often the leader of the pack. or at least a shepherd. The lion dog loves to herd, protect and control - to be in a situation in which everyone obeys its wise and insightful commands. The Leo dog is always confident that he is right. Those who do not understand such obviousness cause her sincere surprise. Nevertheless, all her decisions are responsible and fair. Both men and women born under the signs of the dog and lion are able to make right decisions in the most difficult situation. They are champions of justice, purity of ranks and do not forgive betrayal that they themselves are not capable of. To achieve the goal, they are ready to spend any amount of money - not only their own, but also those of others. In a marriage, the Leo dog is not a partner, but the head of the family, regardless of gender (male or female), age, income and social status

It's no secret that many people are concerned about the question of whether a person can become pregnant from a dog or any other animal. We can only guess about the reasons for such questions, but nevertheless, in this article we will try to answer them.

Can a person get pregnant from a dog??

It is known that a woman’s pregnancy occurs after the fertilization of an egg by a man’s sperm. As a result, thanks to the interweaving of identical genotypes, an embryo is formed, which during nine months of intrauterine growth and development turns into a full-fledged human child. Genetics and physiologists emphasize that a woman’s pregnancy from any other living organism, including a dog, is impossible for the following reasons:

  1. a person's genetic information is encoded in a set of 46 chromosomes, and in a dog - 78, which excludes a positive answer to the question of whether a person can become pregnant from a dog;
  2. The genetics of a dog carries with it the development of organs and systems that humans simply do not have, so the embryo will not be able to fully develop;
  3. no matter the size of the dog, its penis will not match the size of the woman’s genitals;
  4. In order to produce puppies, the male and female must remain in the so-called “lock” for some time, which is formed when the penis is compressed by the muscles of the bitch. During this process, fertilization of the egg occurs. In humans, such a process is not provided for by physiology, from which it follows that a dog will not even be able to fertilize a female egg;
  5. the reproductive cells of a woman and a dog differ in all respects (size, shape, chemical composition etc.);
  6. A male dog will feel the call of the reproductive instinct only if he smells the secretion that occurs in a female dog when she is in heat. In all other cases, he lacks sexual excitability;
  7. the significant difference in the biorhythms of dogs and people will also play an important role when trying to fertilize.

This is not a complete list of obstacles, but the main signs are indicated that explain that a person cannot become pregnant from a dog. As for artificial insemination, the essence of which is the transplantation of a human egg fertilized by a dog into a woman, pregnancy is also excluded due to the features listed above. In addition, the woman’s body will simply reject such an egg as foreign body. But then another question arises: “Can a dog become pregnant from a person?” Definitely not! For the same reasons listed above.

Comforting conclusions

Thus, the question of whether a person can get pregnant from a dog has found an answer. And if there is such information somewhere, you should not believe in it, since most often it is a figment of a sick imagination. Having carried out a huge number of experiments on transplantation and introduction of such “mutants”, even in laboratory conditions, experts received negative results, which indicates that such conception will not happen in living nature.

Sometimes questions arise in your head that you don’t dare ask your loved ones. What if they misunderstand? “Is it possible to get pregnant from an animal?” is just one of them. However, many people want to know the answer. This answer is very simple - a person cannot become pregnant from an animal, just as an animal cannot become pregnant from a person. Under natural conditions this is impossible.

The fact is that fertilization occurs at the chromosomal level, and each chromosome must consist of pairs of genes that are identical in functionality. Humans and animals belong to the type of mammals, but they have completely different DNA structures, chromosome sets, and biological classifications. And all these three components are responsible for the process of fertilization. If they do not match, fertilization is impossible. Nature is wise in this sense: a woman can become pregnant only from a man, a dog from a dog, a horse from a horse, etc. Even if sexual contact occurs between an animal and a person, during which the seminal fluid of one or the other enters the female’s genitals, pregnancy will not occur. There will simply be a rejection of some chromosomes from others.

In nature, crossbreeding is possible for genetically close relatives. For example, when crossing a lion and a tiger, they got a liger, and when crossing a donkey and a horse, they got a mule. Is it possible to get pregnant from a primate, since they are our closest relatives? This is impossible, since the genetic codes of primate development and modern man vary greatly, and as a result, chromosome rejection will occur, but not fertilization. Similar cases may have occurred in prehistoric era. Then our Neanderthal ancestors could interbreed with other animals and anthropoids.

The issue of crossing humans and animals has long been of concern to humanity, in particular to scientists. Experiments on artificial crossing are being carried out. For example, there are known experiments in the UK. Previously, this was prohibited, but certain amendments to the laws allowed scientists to conduct experiments on crossing human embryos with animals. These experiments continued for three years, and 155 embryos containing animal and human genetic material were grown. Many people were against such scientific experiments, because they believed that it discredited the honor and dignity of humanity. However, scientists look at these experiments differently: many are confident that such crossing will help create a method of treating cancer.

There were also numerous experiments on crossing humans with monkeys. It is possible that they are still carried out to this day. But they became very popular in late XIX- the beginning of the 20th century. Such experiments were carried out by the famous breeder scientist Ilya Ivanovich Ivanov. He believed that the most favorable place for such experiments was Africa. In his opinion, there lived a large number of great apes and illiterate native women, to whom he was going to offer the seminal fluid of animals. Main goal Ilya Ivanovich saw such experiments in obtaining new and important information about the origin of man. But what looked brilliant in theory caused a lot of difficulties in practice. One of them was related to catching the necessary monkeys. They were all wild, lived in the jungle, behaved aggressively and had great strength. As a result of their capture, many hunters who helped the professor were injured, and his son ended up in the hospital. The second difficulty was related to finding women who would agree to become pregnant by a monkey. African women turned out to be not as stupid as the scientist thought. They did not agree to the experiment for any money. As a result, he managed to impregnate several female monkeys with human seed. Who became the sperm donor is kept secret. As a result, the fertilized females began to slowly die, and upon autopsy, pregnancy was not found in any of them. The experiment was a failure.

In any case, even if science has difficulties with the crossing of humans and animals, then in the natural environment this is even more impossible. Now to the question: “Is it possible to get pregnant from an animal?” - you know the exact answer: you can’t.

It's no secret that many people are concerned about the question of whether a person can become pregnant from a dog or any other animal. We can only guess about the reasons for such questions, but nevertheless, in this article we will try to answer them.

Can a person get pregnant from a dog??

It is known that a woman’s pregnancy occurs after a man’s sperm. As a result, thanks to the interweaving of identical genotypes, an embryo is formed, which during nine months of intrauterine growth and development turns into a full-fledged human child. Genetics and physiologists emphasize that a woman’s pregnancy from any other living organism, including a dog, is impossible for the following reasons:

This is not a complete list of obstacles, but the main signs are indicated that explain that a person cannot become pregnant from a dog. As for the essence of which is the transplantation of a human egg fertilized by a dog into a woman, pregnancy is also excluded due to the features listed above. In addition, the woman’s body will simply reject such an egg as a foreign body. But then another question arises: “Can a dog become pregnant from a person?” Definitely not! For the same reasons listed above.

Comforting conclusions

Thus, the question of whether a person can get pregnant from a dog has found an answer. And if there is such information somewhere, you should not believe in it, since most often it is a figment of a sick imagination. Having carried out a huge number of experiments on transplantation and introduction of such “mutants”, even in laboratory conditions, experts received negative results, which indicates that such conception will not happen in living nature.

Can a person get pregnant from a dog? They say there were cases... They say... But only where and who? Such information usually appears either in correspondence between teenagers, or on websites (magazines, newspapers) that seek to attract the visitor’s attention to their resource in any way. And this is called a “duck” or “move”. And the gullible reader, who until this moment knew the answer to the question, suddenly begins to think. What if such a miracle is really possible?

Of course, progress is continuous and does not stand still, but even Homo sapiens is unable to step over the laws of nature. The answer to the question of whether a person can get pregnant from a dog is obvious - no. Definitely. And we will prove it.

Debunking the Myth

Fertilization of the egg of one animal with the sperm of another is impossible. The process can be successful only if the pairs of genes in question are functionally identical. The difference in structure and development between us and animals poses an insurmountable barrier. Even with direct sexual intercourse between a person and an animal, conception will not occur.

What about the crossing process?

A natural question. Let's consider it too. If we assume a natural process, then crossing is possible. But only for genetically close relatives. For example, when crossing a donkey with a horse, a mule may be born, but it will no longer be fertile. Anyone interested in history has heard about Ivanov’s unsuccessful attempts to obtain a “man-ape” hybrid. Many years of attempts still ended in failure. The similarity between apes and humans is undoubtedly great. However, the difference in the chromosome set rejects the beginning of the onset in the vestibule. So can a person become pregnant from a dog if crossing him even with the animals closest in genotype is impossible? Once again the answer is obvious: no! Do you want it easier? Please. There are completely different DNAs here! The responsibility of the chromosome set does not end with reproductive functions. That's why it's a set, to include everything - character, color, appearance, internal structure, skeleton, skull, and...

Everything is different. And if someone may confuse the chromosomes of different animals in the pictures (schematically they are indeed often similar), then here everything is clearly visible. Even if the dog's seminal fluid gets directly into the vagina, there will be no fertilization. For the stated reason. The question of whether a person can become pregnant from a dog is identical to the following: “Can a fish give birth to a bird?” Agree, you won’t even think about the answer. And here’s your third question: “Can a dog get pregnant from a person?”

What is genetic engineering silent about?

The media have already reported on the desire of British scientists to “play” with human DNA. Their goal is to get a child from three parents. The essence lies in the implantation of the nucleus of an already fertilized egg from a mother with abnormalities into a donor egg, but with the nucleus removed. The bet is supposedly placed on the mitochondrial organelles, which monitor intracellular energy metabolism. The idea of ​​the experiment was dictated by the desire to improve the quality of the population's gene pool. British embryologist Mary Herbet and Professor Doug Tenbul are confident that transplanting a nucleus from an egg with inherent defects into a healthy carrier can solve the problem. Imagine what a leap genetic engineering will make if the experiment succeeds... Who knows, maybe then science will switch to splitting DNA molecules and replacing cell nuclei of the “human-animal” type. But for now, only a dog can get pregnant from a dog, and a person can only get pregnant from a person.

What kind of questions occupy people's minds? For example, is there a chance of getting pregnant from an animal and how great is it? Since this is interesting to someone, then let’s try to answer the question, and in a very reasonable manner.

Can a woman get pregnant from any animal?

It is clear that pregnancy cannot occur after sexual intercourse with an animal. Neither a woman nor an animal. Natural natural conditions this is not allowed.

Crossing different animals

In nature, there are examples of crossing animals belonging to different types, but they are extremely rare, and they do not produce offspring capable of reproduction, like, for example, a horse and a donkey. Neither the mule nor the hinny, which are the result of such a pregnancy, give birth to their own offspring; they are initially sterile. In this way, nature makes sure that mutants are not born.

Can an animal become pregnant from a human?

As for humans and other animals, they are too far apart from each other for fertilization to occur in principle. And all because this process occurs at the chromosome level. As you know, all chromosomes consist of paired genes, which must be identical in their functionality. Although man is a mammal, the difference in genes between him and his closest relatives, chimpanzees, is so great that conception or fertilization cannot be discussed even in this case, not to mention such representatives of the animal world as a horse or a dog.

The fact is that even in the case of sexual contact between an animal and a woman, during the eruption of seminal fluid, the chromosomes are torn away from each other, and their unification does not occur.

Returning to the primates - chimpanzees or macaques, which are closest to humans on the natural ladder, it is worth noting that the divergence of genetic codes that is written in their DNA is incredibly large. And this divergence occurred back in time immemorial, when Neanderthals could no longer interbreed with monkeys to form offspring.

Crossing animals with humans

Of course, you all constantly come across abbreviations such as RNA or DNA in texts – scientific and pseudo-scientific. Behind these three mysterious letters are ribonucleic acid and deoxyribonucleic acid. What are they?

So, deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA is a spiral-shaped macromolecule on which all genetic information about a specific living organism is recorded in full. It is on the basis of DNA that chromosomes are built. RNA or ribonucleic acid is another macromolecule, the links of which are nucleotides, which also transmit information recorded in the genes of a living creature.

In fact, it is these two small spirals that contain in encoded form not only the appearance and structure of a living organism, but also hereditary factors, character traits, diseases and others necessary information. It is through genetic analysis that one can determine what type a particular organism belongs to, and also whether it is related to another organism.

However, depending on the type of living organism, this encoding will differ significantly in its properties.

Experiments on artificial crossing of humans and animals

Indeed, the question of whether a woman can become pregnant from an animal has long been of interest to natural scientists. And although such experiments were constantly under a hail of criticism, both from the Church and from the public, who believed that in this way a person lowers himself to the level of an animal, in fact, they pursued not just informative purposes, but completely scientific ones. In particular, in this way they tried to find vaccines or another method of treating many diseases that are incurable to this day, for example, cancer. Similar experiments were carried out by British scientists and even amendments were made to the relevant legislation so that these experiments could continue.

It must be said that scientists managed to achieve some success in combining genetic material taken from humans, as well as from various animals, and even a number of corresponding embryos were grown, but they all died at some stage.

Crossbreeding between man and ape

At the turn of the 19th - 20th centuries, experiments on crossing humans with monkeys were especially popular among Russian scientists. They tried to scientifically substantiate Darwin's theory of human origins. Unfortunately, all female great apes that were even able to be fertilized with biological material taken from various men, they simply died. We can say that this experiment was a complete failure, because even in the dead females no pregnancy was detected.

Is it possible to get pregnant from a dog?

As you know, pregnancy in both a dog and a woman occurs after the egg is fertilized by a sperm. During fertilization, those genetic codes that are recorded in the germ cells of the parents are combined, from which a new individual begins to develop, carrying in its DNA and RNA information about the genetic codes of both parents. However, in order for such a union to occur, it is necessary, at a minimum, that the sets of chromosomes be identical in structure and can be combined into one whole.

A human cell contains 46 chromosomes. And the sex cell has half of this number - 23 chromosomes. At the same time, when the sex cells of a man and a woman unite, a complete set of chromosomes that are identical in structure and coding is obtained, fertilization occurs and development begins.

A dog's cell contains 78 chromosomes, and the structure of a dog's DNA and RNA helices is completely different from that of humans. The chromosome sets that the dog's germ cells carry are completely different from the chromosome set that exists in humans. They differ significantly from each other, just like parts from completely different puzzles or construction sets.

Thus, even if you artificially try to introduce a dog’s sperm into a woman’s egg, a match will not occur, the puzzle will not work out, and conception will not occur. And even if you do try, somehow forcefully fasten this material, and then transplant it into a woman’s uterus, then her body will immediately reject this mutant. Nature reliably ensures that only viable individuals are born.

Therefore, only a dog can become pregnant from a dog, and certainly not a person. And if you hear chilling stories somewhere about how a woman became pregnant by a dog, and then gave birth to a baby with a head covered in hair or dog teeth, don’t believe it. This is complete nonsense.