Dolmens names. Mysteries of dolmens in Gelendzhik and tips for visiting

When, in the mid-17th century, a Dutch priest first began to explore the structure he found made of huge stone slabs, he came to the conclusion that it was built by giants.

For a long time there were no other explanations for how stones of this size could be installed on top of each other.

And even now in the history of dolmens, as these stone foundlings were later called, there remain many blank spots, despite the fact that they are found in different countries on different continents and have been studied by scientists of all stripes for more than three hundred years.

Origin story

Dolmens - “stone table” translated from Celtic language- belong to the culture of megaliths, that is, tribes who used huge stones in buildings. Nothing is known about these peoples, nothing remains of them except these huge structures.

Ancient dolmens were found on the territory of the modern Krasnodar Territory and Adygea, then the territory of their appearance resembles a vicious circle: North Africa - Spain - Portugal - France - Holland - northern Germany - along the Danube to the Balkans - Western coast of the Black Sea.

Perhaps the megalith tribes wandered or migrated along this route. But then, scientists don’t know how to explain the existence of dolmens in India or even Japan.

Most often dolmensthese are structures made of giant stone slabs, which are either folded in the form of a round hut, or composed in the form of the letter “P”, or represent the same “stone table”, when four are vertical standing slabs covered on top with the fifth.

These are exactly the kind of dolmens that can be found in the Krasnodar region.

Dolmens of Gelendzhik and southern Russia

Near Gelendzhik the most preserved large cluster dolmens, although individual ancient monuments are found almost throughout the Northwestern Caucasus.

There are about 2500 of them in total. Almost all Caucasian dolmens are of the tiled type, but All of them are unique, and none of them is like the other, which is why they are interesting to world science.

The patterns in their constructions have not yet been identified.

However, there is one feature that distinguishes Caucasian dolmens from all others: a round hole on the front slab with a diameter of about 40 cm.

Human burials and household items were found in dolmens, which allowed scientists to draw a conclusion about the purpose of dolmens.

On the one hand, these were tombs, some of which buried several people. On the other hand, there are religious buildings, monumental, powerful, associated with astronomical patterns.

Traditional theories today have many critics who believe that the few burials in dolmens indicate that these buildings had a different purpose.

Mysteries of the prehistoric era

Most interesting feature Caucasian dolmens is their invulnerability to natural disasters. Located in the mountains, where avalanches and destructive mudflows often occur, dolmens are never in the way of the flows that sweep away everything.

There were cases when a mudflow passed a few meters from the dolmen, but did not touch it. How the ancients determined such safe places is still a mystery. Dolmens are destroyed only by people - during the construction of roads, houses, and during logging.

Another theory associated with the mysterious dolmens concerns the stone itself. All stone slabs were cut from rocks containing quartz. This mineral has some interesting properties, for example, when quartz is compressed, it generates an electric current, and when exposed to current, quartz crystals are capable of generating ultrasound.

Based on these data, a theory was developed that dolmens, under certain conditions, could be a source of frequencies that are not perceived by the human ear, but have a certain, often negative, effect on his brain. It is assumed that this property could be used against enemy troops or ill-wishers.

Many ordinary people consider dolmens to be “places of power” or even portals to other dimensions. Scientists believe that the pilgrimage of precisely these lovers of mysticism and esotericism destroyed a significant number of ancient monuments.

Where and how to see stone structures

Scientists have found that initially there were about 7 thousand dolmens in the Caucasus, now there are just over 150 left .

Most of them are located in the area of ​​the cities of Gelendzhik and Tuapse.

Near Gelendzhik, the largest concentration of stone structures is located in the area of ​​the Shirokaya Shchel farm, on Mount Nexis, on the Zhane and Pshady rivers, on Tsygankova Mountain.

There are several ways to look at this miracle of human history:

On one's own. There are enough maps on the Internet with the location of dolmens. By following them, it is quite possible to find and explore these sights without outside help. About two dozen of them are located near Gelendzhik, and the path to them is not difficult.

Excursions. In this case, an amazing variety awaits the tourist. Excursions are available in groups, the price of the excursion is about 300 rubles plus 100 rubles at the entrance to the protected areas or individual from 500 rubles. per person. You can choose to travel on foot to the dolmens or make it as comfortable as possible - by bus or even an all-terrain vehicle.

There are truly enthusiastic people among the residents of the Black Sea coast who plot their own routes based on books about dolmens or their own observations. Such enthusiasts sometimes organize two- or three-day walking or cycling trips to the most interesting dolmens. Payment is negotiable.

It is impossible to visit the Gelendzhik area and not look at the real miracle and main mystery of these places - the ancient dolmens - older than the Egyptian pyramids.

Many people have heard about such structures as dolmens. However, by whom and why they were created, there is no exact answer to this question to this day. Their creators disappeared, leaving no other traces behind.

These are megalithic structures, the name comes from the Breton tol - table, men - stone, usually they are made of four stone slabs placed on edge and covered with a fifth slab, as a rule the slabs fit very tightly. The thickness of the slabs is about 30 cm, the transverse dimensions are one and a half to two meters. There are dolmens that are made of a single piece of stone, as well as those made of stone blocks, but this is quite rare. There is a hole in the façade, about half a meter in diameter, which is closed with a massive stone plug. The plugs were usually found next to the dolmens or directly in the hole.

The multi-ton slabs from which the dolmens are assembled are almost untreated on the outside, although sometimes the slabs are decorated with ornaments, but with inside, forming the walls of the chamber, are carefully leveled, sometimes almost polished. What’s curious is that around the places where the dolmens are located, either singly or in groups, the soil floats; landslides occur, mudflows sweep through, but we have never seen any disturbances from these formidable and hazardous phenomena, although sometimes the edge of the landslide is only ten meters from the dolmen. And destroyed parts of dolmens have never been found at the sites of ancient landslides. This amazing forecast for thousands of years to come is truly amazing! The local population notes that megaliths are always located in “good” places where you can rest, think, relax, and find water.

Scientists believe that the approximate age of these structures is 3 - 10,000 years. The most famous dolmens are located in Scandinavia, on the Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts of Europe and Africa, on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, in the Kuban region, and in India.

Typically, the material for dolmens was quartz sandstone, which sometimes had to be transported many kilometers to the construction site. In this regard, the hypothesis put forward by Gelendzhik researchers is interesting. Most of all, dolmens resemble the model of an Absolute Black Body, a kind of ideal emitters. The material of the dolmen is quartz sandstone, a mineral that has very interesting properties, in particular, it is capable of generating electric current under compression (piezoelectric effect), as well as maintaining constant oscillations (frequency stabilization). This is the basis for its use in radio engineering. When exposed to electric current, quartz crystals generate ultrasound (inverse piezoelectric effect). It is also known that when mechanically deformed, quartz can generate radio waves.

Faults in the earth's crust, near which dolmens are located, can, under certain conditions, act as waveguides; the dolmens themselves can then serve as both a receiver and an emitter. Let's imagine that a person is standing in front of a dolmen, its radiation can be caught by the dolmen, converted into ultrasonic vibrations and directed along a fault-waveguide to other dolmens, and if there is a person standing next to them who is tuned to the same wave, then he can perceive the transmitted information. Moreover, it is assumed that this information can somehow be accumulated and stored in this system. Well, maybe this is a global information system from ancient times.

Another curious fact: despite their extreme prevalence, dolmens can be found exclusively near the coastline; they are almost absent in the interior of the mainland. The coast of the Black, Adriatic, Mediterranean Seas, Ireland and Great Britain, presumably some of the regions of northern Europe. What kind of culture is this, which spreads so widely and at the same time is tied to the sea coast? The approximate time of construction of dolmens is also noteworthy: 10,000 BC. e. According to many legends, it was during those times that the crash occurred. It is located either in the Mediterranean Sea, or in various areas of the Atlantic, or in the Black Sea. But all these points are somehow very reminiscent of the areas where dolmens are located.

Were the creators of dolmens the remnants of the people of Atlantis? The legend itself indirectly supports this assumption. If you resort to some esoteric sources, you can become familiar with the theory according to which humanity in its development has gone through several stages, races, during which one of the principles of human consciousness developed. Our race is Aryan, its main task is to develop the mental principle, to learn to think, analyze, and trace patterns. The previous race - the Atlantean - developed the astral principle, the principles of feeling and perception. For the Atlas, the world was alive, integral, knowledge about its laws was not deduced logically, but was simply in the human consciousness as a given.

And so, just about 10,000 years ago, the Atlantean race was replaced by the Aryan race, developing the principle of mind. The mind analyzes, compares. That is, a whole, living picture is broken into dead fragments. People temporarily cease to be a harmonious component of the world around them. This forces us to take serious measures to preserve the remnants of ancient, holistic knowledge, and to build dolmens. Evidence from a completely different area is interesting.

As anthropologists testify, many thousands of years ago most people were left-handed, that is, they were dominated by the right, imaginative hemisphere, and approximately 5,000 years ago the bulk of humanity became right-handed. By the way, these were left-handed creative personalities like Einstein, Picasso...

Under many of the dolmens there are human burials, but as modern research has established, these burials are related to a later era than construction. Several skeletons were discovered in large dolmens. Perhaps they served as crypts for the entire family. In most cases, dolmens are located in groups, as if forming a tribal settlement.

Of course throughout different eras, dolmens were both graves and objects of cult worship, but is this their original function? What meaning did the ancient architects put into these mysterious buildings?

The purpose of dolmens - versions

Version 1: Dolmens are part of a single world structure, which also includes other megaliths and Egyptian pyramids. The places and locations of dolmens were not chosen by chance. They act as a kind of conductor connecting the earth with the information grid responsible for the development of earthly civilization.

Version 2: B Lately A popular version is that living people went into dolmens to die. They understood that they must not lose touch with the origins of humanity. In complete darkness and silence they meditated. The radiation around them is significantly lower than the background radiation. It's like she's from another era.

Version 3: Tombs were used for burial by many peoples, who, before burial, removed the remains of their predecessors from dolmens. Therefore, it is almost impossible to find a dolmen with an undisturbed early burial. More noble members of society were buried in dolmens, and certain rituals were performed near them.

Version 4: Perhaps the idea of ​​​​building dolmens was accepted by local tribes and found fertile soil in the local environment precisely at the time when the pyramids were being built in Egypt.

Version 5: Dolmens were used for psychogenic effects on humans. By tuning the dolmen to a certain frequency, it is possible to ensure that a person enters a special state of trance and can prophesy (as shamans do).

Version 6: Dolmens were used for technological purposes, for example, ultrasonic welding of jewelry. There are a number of Celtic jewelry pieces that are made using an unknown technology of attaching small parts to a base, reminiscent of high-frequency or ultrasonic welding.

Some of the dolmens are located in very hard-to-reach places. Another unique feature is the inherent similarity of dolmens around the world. How people who built dolmens at approximately the same time, but in different parts of the world, built such identical structures (and not only externally but, apparently, also in purpose) remains a mystery.

It also remains a big mystery how the place for the construction of dolmens was chosen. It was established that the dolmens are located in places of geologically active faults, oriented according to magnetic and astronomical criteria, and with a high degree of accuracy. How could ancient underdeveloped tribes do what we can only do in our digital age with the help of modern instruments and equipment?

Many theories, both scientific and alternative, that exist regarding dolmens often contradict each other and do not reveal their mysterious origin. Will we ever be able to solve this thousand-year-old mystery and understand the purpose of dolmens? Perhaps they will remain for us only monuments of the outstanding skill of ancient architects, but perhaps over time, we will understand their purpose and what our ancestors wanted to tell us, leaving these mysterious silent structures all over the Earth that stood for thousands of years. Who knows what mysteries and knowledge are hidden under the thickness of the stone slabs of dolmens? Looking at these amazing structures, you can’t help but realize how little we still know about the lost civilizations that inhabited the Earth before us. Dolmens are without a doubt one of the most mysterious grains unknown history A land whose secrets we have yet to unravel.

Total 44 photos

Dolmens! A mysterious word behind which stands a specific unsolved mystery. I didn’t specifically plan to go to the Dolmens, but when I accidentally found myself in Anapa, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to go to them. Just, exactly, the last day was completely free! So it turned out that I visited the Gelendzhik area, which took quite a decent amount of time, and for dessert we had dolmens. I imagined that we would climb mountains somewhere and cross rivers, but everything turned out to be much easier than reaching the highest waterfalls of the Pshada River valley. Returning from the mountain shelter, our ZIL 131, having overcome many water obstacles and almost reaching the village of Pshada, turned right, crossed a small tributary of the Pshada River, and we found ourselves on a small area, next to low hills overgrown with small forest.


At their foot, right at the beginning of the path to the dolmens, there was a simple wooden shed-kiosk, where a variety of and rather inexpressive dolmen figurines were sold...

The path led uphill, and I prepared for a long climb...

But, very soon, the first Pshad dolmen showed its face before me. It was so unexpected that it took my breath away...!

Dolmens are very widespread throughout the world. They are found in Europe, England, France, Turkey, in the East, including the North Caucasus. There are about 9,000 dolmens in the world. Moreover, here in the North Caucasus, about 3000 of them were found! Dolmens are found on a wide coastal strip of 75 km. from the coast of Anapa to Abkhazia. About 100 of them were found in the Gelendzhik area.

Unlike European versions, Caucasian dolmens are strict in their, so to speak, architecture and show us their rather complete form. They are something like a fairy-tale giant's house of impressive size, made up of 5-6 massive slabs. The first photo in which you see a dolmen is precisely the classic form of a composite dolmen, that is, built by assembling massive slabs of rock.

In the front part of the dolmen, as a rule, there is a round hole, which in ancient times was sealed with a stone plug weighing about 100 kg. The diameter of this hole is approximately 40 cm. The weight of the slabs is about 3-8 tons. A characteristic feature of surviving and undestroyed dolmens is the amazingly careful fit of these giant slabs and the similar architecture of such megalithic structures in various parts of our planet.

The dolmen is a megalithic structure, the image of which captures the imagination, especially when you look at it for the first time in your life. In photographs, the dolmen usually looks like a curious exotic structure, like much of what you see on the Internet and on television. However, “live” this impression becomes completely different and voluminous. Some new sensations and extraordinary sensory assessments are included. Consciousness begins to get very worried and react strangely to dolmens - it cannot give them its assessment and “shove” them into existing patterns and frameworks and tries to deny their existence)

I will not describe in detail the history of dolmen research, their classification and numerous hypotheses about who built them, why, and how this process was allegedly carried out by a Bronze Age man with his primitive stone and bronze tools. I leave these opportunities for inquisitive people who want to penetrate the secrets of dolmens by citing a number of interesting links at the end of this material. I was interested in something else. What will I learn and what will I feel, what will be revealed to me that is unknown and mysterious on this ancient land!?

It is academically accepted to outline the date of construction of these megaliths as V-VII centuries BC, however, there are a number of independent estimates dating the construction of dolmens to 7-10 thousand years ago. I am inclined to agree with precisely these assessments, because there is absolutely no information about the builders of dolmens, the methods of construction, and the purposes of constructing dolmens. Well, there are no sources, absolutely! However, I was able to familiarize myself in detail with all the existing versions and hypotheses, and everything related to dolmens, which provided solid food for independent reflection on this topic.

Some believe that these were the burial places of the ancients, others that these were observatories, others consider them objects of worship, comparing them with Egyptian pyramids, and there is also a completely exotic theory that dolmens were used as a means of hiding children and women inside them and old people from external invaders, while the male and active part of the settlement waged guerrilla wars against their enemies) Let’s leave these theories for those who want to delve into the details and hotly discuss them on the forums. But I finally made my conclusions. And now, I will continue my story based on personal ideas, conclusions, my own experience and impressions that the dolmens themselves gave me and spontaneous thoughts that were born from touching this mystery of human civilization. I repeat that this is my personal opinion, and I do not intend to defend my position in any possible form. Whether you accept it or not is your business and your choice. So, let's continue!..


In those distant times, survival was the main task of a living, thinking being. I don’t know what the people of that time looked like when the dolmens were built, I don’t know their way of life, the level of their secular and spiritual relationships. One thing is clear for sure - Rod had to survive...., at any cost! Therefore, a person has always needed to know his future, but not for mercantile reasons as now, but as a means of survival for his local human community. It was always necessary to know when there would be a drought, when it would rain, where and when earthquakes would occur, where and when enemies would attack, where they would come from, for what purpose, where friends and relatives were currently located, and most importantly, in this sense, it was necessary communicate with your gods, patrons of the Family, protectors and elements to prevent dangerous and deadly situations threatening the Family and their unconditional neutralization. Forewarned is forearmed! Then, this was precisely the guarantee of the existence of the Family and the successful continuation of its development in the future on Earth.

In those distant times, there definitely existed a certain civilization that had deep knowledge of the structure of the World and a complex of knowledge about the spiritual laws of the Universe. And, we are talking here not just about shamans, but about people who set as their main task the preservation and prosperity of their Family, ensuring their connection with the Family, with their ancestors and receiving specific help from them.

I will not dwell on the structure of human spiritual bodies, I will only say one thing: in those days there was a layer of priest-magicians who practiced spiritual practices to isolate the astral body, carry out lucid dreams and control reality from other vibrational dimensions of the World. But, even more important were people (read Mages) who would go much further and could consciously provide their relatives with this necessary fully calibrated information and specific advice on how to act in the optimal and only one way to ensure the positive future of their Family. Today's shamanic practices alone would not have been enough. A constant, consciously maintained powerful energetic connection with the spirits of the Family is needed. An instrument was also needed to provide such an extraordinary spiritual task. Dolmens were such instruments.

A specific dolmen was built and served a specific Clan, its unique individual goals and objectives. There could be many clans living in close proximity to each other, so often dolmens were built in groups relatively close to the secular dwellings of ordinary people. The connection with the Family had to be constant, stable and unambiguously interpreted by those who came into contact with the spirits of the Family. Therefore, the clan constantly prepared Mages to sacrifice them as a spiritual sacrifice in the interests of the clan itself, to the people living at that particular time on earth. This person had to voluntarily achieve such a level of purification, spiritual consciousness and enlightenment in order to ensure a stable spiritual connection between the Living and the Dead, between the Spirits of the Family and trained Mages living next to ordinary people. The main character providing such a connection had to enter an altered state of consciousness of such a level that, in a state of deep meditation, he would go into the spiritual world, consciously falling asleep forever. Existing simultaneously in two worlds, and communicating with the earthly world through their powers, these Messengers consciously communicated the necessary information, being in contact with the clan of earthly magicians, accepting the will and advice of the Spirits of the Family.

Thus, the dolmen served as a kind of spiritual resonator for communication with another spiritual world for the purpose of constant online communication with the living and the dead. The dolmen itself was built according to schemes and drawings known from spiritual experience, according to certain laws, techniques, from a certain resonating material that accumulates this specific spiritual energy. In addition, dolmens were located in those places where earthly energy was most fully and powerfully manifested, supporting this invisible connection with the Family, with Mother Earth and the will of the Gods who know the Future. The energy of the Earth acted here as an eternal energy station, supporting the initiated vibrations of those who sacrificed themselves in the interests of the Family.

These people, possessing phenomenal abilities, trained in spiritual practices and infinitely devoted to the Family, the Gods and Mother Nature, penetrated through the hole of the dolmen, the hole was sealed with a stopper and in complete physical isolation from the World, plunging into a state of leaving their body, enlightenment and Duty to the Family, The magician left his mortal body in consciousness, filling the space of the dolmen with his purest energy. His relics, remaining incorruptible, were the very basis of his connection with the physical world and his spiritual body, living in other dimensions of Existence between the Worlds. The energetic replenishment of the planet, the grateful worship of relatives and the extraordinary abilities of magicians living among people provided representatives of the living Family with pure, unclouded information from the World of the Gods, which was the key to their bright and safe Future...

Dolmen looked at me with his ancient and wise eye. This feeling was unlike any other. The place was captivating... I, of course, knew that the vast majority of these buildings no longer contained any real artifacts, relics of saints, offerings to the spirit of the great Magicians who sacrificed their earthly lives for the prosperity of their Family. All this long ago and in the most ancient and ancient times was plundered, desecrated and destroyed and is being destroyed now. But the dolmens themselves remained, the place of Power itself remained, great souls and Spirits remained, tied to these places and these mysterious and great structures, and they are alive and hearing and they see us...

And now, I was here, probably in one of the most powerful ancient places on the Planet - in the valley of the ancient mountain river Pshada, where about 70 surviving dolmens were found. How will this meeting go, will I be able to “pass”, will there be enough intuitive experience and energy that the ancient earthly Mages had enough to connect with their Messiah, who sacrificed himself for the sake of his future descendants!? The dolmens fascinated and beckoned... A subtle understanding was ripening in me that something important could happen now...

The guide, meanwhile, gathered the whole group in front of the main dolmen and began to talk in detail about the dolmens themselves, their history, legends and myths associated with them, but it was important for me to use every moment of this solemn silence and grandeur that was unsteadily spreading around... Therefore, I quietly moved away from the main group and, knowing that soon these mysterious buildings would be surrounded by bustling tourists, I went on a silent walk around this place, unique in its solemnity and beauty.

This was the so-called “Dolmen Village”, where eight megalithic structures were found in this group at the beginning of the 20th century. On the first line there were two well-preserved dolmens, behind them, at a distance of 8-10 meters, there was a second line of two dolmens, already in a rather deplorable state, but, at the same time, in some kind of more virgin state...


In the thicket, the outlines of other dolmens could be discerned, but I tried to focus on my sensations, being precisely between these four. There was clearly not much time. I asked the spirits for permission to enter this ancient place of Power. And it was from that moment that the world around suddenly changed a little...



I didn’t seem to see, but I felt greenish-bluish translucent streams flowing around me. It was as if I was surrounded by thin vertical energy jets, dispersed at a distance of up to half a meter from each other. Considering this phenomenon as approval - I tried to determine the direction - I was somehow automatically turned towards the right dolmen on the second line. And I approached him...

The dolmen was in a depressing, dilapidated state, but retained its former living form. He exuded mystery and a deep, exciting, eternal mystery. In the field of the periphery of my vision and the dolmen itself, tiny golden dots began to appear, randomly flashing with some kind of gentle golden plasma plastic energy...

In any ancient practices and religions, offerings, sacrifices and gifts are always used to interact with spirits. By a lucky coincidence, I had in my bag the mentioned local dry red wine, which had recently so exploded and delighted my taste senses. Directly in front of the dolmen, a little to the right, there was a large moss-covered slab, and on it stood a modest bag of fresh blackberries. It wasn’t long ago that someone brought their gifts...

I, looking around so that no one would notice, opened the plastic bottle and slowly poured a small part of the wine, dark red as blood, onto this slab, asking the Dolmen Spirit to accept my offering and asked for help in all my manifestations in this world. I muttered something there, trying to ask for earthly well-being, for creativity and love, but remembering all this later, I realized that the main thing at that moment was visible, as if from the corner of my eye, a wide green stream of unsteady energy connecting me with the dolmen and my sacrifice. And, I realized that I did everything right.


The person’s feelings and thoughts stopped, but the flow of this amazing, wonderful energy continued. At that moment, I could not comprehend anything, time stopped and a deep, immense silence reigned, sounding so bizarre at the same time as the unknown solemn light, distant and mysterious music, reminiscent of Clannad...

Only then did I begin to reconstruct with my consciousness everything that happened at that moment. Many people say that they see figures of spirits and saints speaking to them near the dolmens) - but I felt the energy of the word pouring into me, the energy of compressed multidimensional information unknown to me...

Still, you have to be prepared for all this, it’s not for nothing that in Egypt the priests studied for many decades to become a Magician with a capital M, to comprehend the great meaning and essence of this absolute information coming from other layers and vibrations of existence, impossible for perception by our consciousness ...

I don’t know how long this went on, but suddenly I realized that I was no longer alone - people inexorably began to disperse throughout this mysterious clearing. People took pictures and began to clumsily cling to the dolmens. Everyone wanted to touch them, feel something, learn something and get their own insight...





The exclamations and laughter of people brought this magical place back to earthly reality, a place where immortal and brave souls live, where Real Magic once happened - a pure and open connection between the Worlds. Consciousness returned and, laughing, began to give me its usual judgments and familiar callous thoughts - they say, it all just seems... It became desperately sad to return to this world, full of vanity, general suppressed internal pain and despair, where we play only our roles, rather than creating and loving...

I wanted to explore the distant dolmens, but the guide was already inexorably urging everyone to return back to the all-terrain vehicle, Dima’s schedule was cracking, we had to urgently go to the bus for the tasting)... That’s right!?)

Hurrying and trying not to miss a single angle, at the same time, in some moments and flashes, plunging into my new sensations and a kaleidoscope of unusual bright and sparkling impressions, I hastily took all these photographs...

Finally, almost everyone left. There were two people left in front of the large dolmen - a man and a woman... At first I thought that he wanted to be left alone with the dolmen and were waiting for me to leave, but everything turned out to be much more banal - the guide instructed them to watch me and not to return without me and to do it urgently ) So I didn’t manage to immerse myself in the energy of the largest and best-preserved dolmen of this sacred place.


Sighing, and under the stern, reproachful glances of the married tourist couple, I went back to my earthly world, casting my last glance at these silent, wise and still living giants, and, suddenly, I deeply felt that we were living in our invented human a world where everything is so stuffy and unbearably consistent with our ideas, criteria and values... and it is in such places, despite the heart-rending cries of consciousness, worried as always about its own, that we can open this World, open ourselves to the World, touch Eternity and find out something that will change us forever!

Article by S. Valganov "70 dolmens of Pshada"- about the tourist route around Pshada with a map of the area.
Article by S. Valganov "Typology of dolmens or the experience of science education" about what kind of dolmens there are.
Interesting resource about Ancient technologies of the Dolmens of the Caucasus
Enough, their classifications and much more...
Curious and interesting Overview of natural and historical sights of Gelendzhik- the most detailed information about all the waterfalls and dolmens in this region, despite the fact that this is advertising material.
Very interesting article Geological aspects of the construction of dolmens in the Caucasus, published in the journal Nature, substantiating the hypothesis about the casting method for constructing dolmens. In my opinion, this is very possible, since the dolmen slabs definitely look, upon closer examination, like they were from under concrete formwork.

In those distant times, when the Egyptian pyramids were erected, the Egyptians were not the only ones who built grandiose and amazing structures. But if the purpose of the Egyptian pyramids is almost completely clear to us today, then scientists have been puzzling over the purpose of the structures described below for decades.

They are called dolmens, what dolmens are, why dolmens were built, why they are needed, what role they played in people's lives, questions, questions and so far, not a single answer, but only guesses and hypotheses.

These strange, incomprehensible, mysterious and intriguing stone structures can be found from India to Britain. Literally translated from English, the word dolmen means stone table.

One of the dolmens in Britain.

In fact, dolmens are structures made of stone slabs, similar to houses; the slabs are uneven on the outside and look natural, like ordinary large stones. But inside, many of them have all the walls carefully polished, perfectly smooth and tightly adjacent to each other.

It should be noted that the size of the dolmens is also amazing; they are certainly not as huge as the pyramids, but still quite impressive, sometimes reaching ten meters in height!

The largest dolmen, southern Russia

And again the questions, how, in those distant times, people could build dolmens, adjust these slabs to each other, polish the stone so skillfully and carefully?!

It is also noteworthy that each dolmen has a hole in the front, like a front entrance, but again it is not clear for whom or what it was intended for.

The internal space of dolmens can be different; there are dolmens that are rectangular inside, trapezoidal, or even round, like hobbit houses.

Some dolmens, not surprisingly, are not assembled from stone slabs, but hewn from huge blocks of stone.

The outside of many dolmens is decorated with elaborate relief carvings or paintings.

How the dolmens are located is another unsolvable mystery, because their location seems chaotic. Somewhere dolmens can be found alone, with large distances between each other. Somewhere they go in a chain, one after another, in some places they are located in a tight group.

You can also meet them in absolutely different places, on mountain tops and in valleys.

People find them almost everywhere, in northern Africa, the Caucasus, Europe, Asia on the Crimean Peninsula.

They are united by another mysterious fact: moving away from the sea, dolmens decrease in size, why this is so is a mystery.

European dolmens differ from those found in Russia; they consist of large unprocessed stones. Dolmens in Russia, on the contrary, are assembled from carefully adjusted, polished stone slabs.

Today, many already know that in the Caucasus there is a long chain of dolmens, stretching almost along the entire Black Sea coast.

No one today can give a definite answer to the question of why dolmens are needed.

Scientists believe that they were built at the beginning of the second millennium AD.

The indigenous inhabitants of the places where dolmens are found have legends about what the dolmens were needed for.

For example, in Adygea there is an opinion that dwarfs called bicents lived in dolmens; they were distinguished by their great strength and could knock down a huge tree with just their gaze.

Even the dolmens themselves are called “sypr-un” in Adyghe, literally translated, meaning houses for dwarfs.

Adyghe and Ossetians are united by similar legends, which say that the owners of dolmens are ancient, great peoples living in the sea, who came to people in those distant times and gave them knowledge.

Ossetians, for example, believe that the ancient mythical Narts, who according to legend are the ancestors of the peoples of the Caucasus, also emerged from the depths of the sea and built dolmens for themselves.

Surprisingly, in some dolmens scientists found skeletons, but it is still unclear how they got there and whether the dolmen was a crypt for them.

Here are some of the most common versions of the purpose of dolmens.

VERSION 1: Dolmens are a connecting link in the chain of all the incomprehensible and grandiose earthly structures of antiquity.

They are supposedly located in places of power, specially selected places and connect the earth with the cosmic information field.

VERSION 2: A more popular version today is that dolmens are a place where people simply came to die.

Dolmens here are compared to ashrams, places where a person retires, meditates and spiritually purifies. If you believe this version, then all dolmens are more than two, but ten thousand years old!

Dolmen Tor (success) - valley of the Zhane River, Pshada, Taman Peninsula.

Proof of this was the radiation background recorded near the dolmens, which seemed to be inconsistent with our era.

VERSION 3: Dolmens are tombs that were used by many peoples. There is a version that the most honorable members of society were buried in dolmens.

VERSION 4: Dolmens as a means of protection against enemy raids. This is a very difficult version, but much more interesting than the tomb version.

Scientists suggest that dolmens are ultrasonic generators and emitters, created in order to stop the enemy with rays coming out of the holes, which could hypothetically stun the enemy and even render him unconscious, or kill him.

Holes in dolmens could be closed special devices, focusing radiation. Similar systems exist today and in our modern world, though not made of stones, of course.

VERSION 5: Hers is one interesting and strange version. Dolmens were created in order to influence a person through the psyche and genes.

The dolmens, tuned to certain frequencies, were designed to help a person enter a trance, so to speak, catch an energy-information wave and utter various prophecies.

Following this version, today many climb inside dolmens, in groups and even families, many allegedly discover some new knowledge.

VERSION 6: And finally the latest version.

Using dolmens for welding or jewelry making.

There are some ancient jewelry in which a method of welding parts unknown to the world was used, so scientists came to the conclusion that perhaps it was dolmens that, using the same ultrasound, could connect the parts of the work.

There are many versions, as well as questions, it is not known how many more decades, and maybe centuries, will pass until the moment when people find out why dolmens were built.

Who built the dolmens, what they are needed for, and what they are all’s just a mystery.

Followers of the famous Siberian Anastasia believe that dolmens are keepers of information. It is strictly forbidden for people to be inside dolmens. That dolmens have enormous power and those people who try to unravel the secrets of dolmens by meditating inside them incur great troubles.

Dolmens near the village. Pshada (Reed Hill), Gelendzhik region.

Source: Oxford Illustrated Encyclopedia of World History (1800 to the present)


a burial structure made of large stone blocks in the Stone Age and Bronze Age.

Source: History of culture and arts: dictionary of terms and concepts. Tutorial for students


ancient buried. structures from several huge stone blocks and slabs. size (weighing tens of thousands of kg), supplied. vertically and covered with a massive horizontal. stove.

Source: Ancient World. encyclopedic Dictionary in 2 volumes


dolmen, from Breton tol - table and men - stone), a type of megalithic structure: several stones placed vertically, covered with one or more slabs.

Source: Dictionary of Ethnographic Terms


megalithic structure of the Bronze and Iron Ages in the form of vertically standing large stone slabs covered flat plate. It is believed that dolmens were built for the burial of tribal elders or they were sanctuaries. Ill.

Source: Historical Dictionary


(English dolmen), in the first archaeological works the term was used as a collective name for megalithic chamber tombs.

IN English language is obsolete, but widely used in French and Russian. In English archaeological literature, the term D. is used for tombs whose original design cannot be determined, or non-standard types that do not fall into the category of gallery or corridor tombs (see Portal dolmen).


(French Dolmen - in the Breton dialect - stone table) - a monument of megalithic culture, a funerary structure of the Neolithic, Bronze and Early Iron Ages (mainly III-II millennium BC). Usually these are huge (weighing up to several tens of tons) blocks of stone, placed vertically and covered with a stone slab. There are also four vertical slabs covered horizontally (like a box). A mound was usually poured on top. In dolmens, archaeologists find weapons, utensils, and coins along with burial remains. The length of dolmens can reach 10 m, height - 3 m, width - 3–5 m. Dolmens are most often found in Europe, North Africa, Western and Southern Asia, the Caucasus and Crimea.

Source: World artistic culture. Dictionary


megalithic structure. They usually consist of vertically placed stone slabs covered with a slab on top (Mediterranean, Atlantic coast of Europe, Caucasus, Crimea). D., discovered in the south of our country, were built ca. 5 thousand years ago. Rus. the population calls them “heroic huts”, the Adygeis and Abkhazians call them “houses of dwarfs (ispun)”, among the Mingrelians they are called “houses of giants”, etc. These are sometimes quite complex structures made of multi-ton stone slabs. In its simplest form, these are 4 large stone slabs, placed on edge and covered with a slab on top. These slabs are quite heavy, sometimes each of them weighs tens of tons. They are usually closed on all sides, with only a small opening leading inside this large stone box. It is usually difficult for a person to crawl into it, since its diameter is small, and yet the house itself sometimes has dimensions that are not inferior to the dimensions of ancient dwellings (2-3 m or more in length and the same in width). For example, D.

Gelendzhik has dimensions inside of 2x1.7 m, and the length of the slab is 3.5 m. There are D.

the total area of ​​which exceeds 70 m2. Interior dolmens are usually trapezoidal in shape, the ceiling is raised high above the base.

Multifaceted dolmens are also known, composed of 11-16 slabs in the form of a tower with a roof. In general, D. is quite complex architectural structures, which ancient man, no doubt, learned to build not immediately.

The purpose of the D. is not known exactly, but it is assumed that they served for the burial of human bones.

Source: Archaeological Dictionary


from the Breton dol - table and men - stone) - ancient burial structures, representing one of the types of megalithic. buildings D. made up of several. huge size cam. blocks and slabs (the weight of which reaches tens of thousands of kg), placed vertically and covered with one or several. slabs on top. In some D., the plate covering the entrance has a large round or oval hole. Mn. D. were covered with earth from above, leaving only the entrance. D. usually contain the remains of several. dead, sometimes buried in a sitting position, with stones. or bronze. tools and decorations. Sometimes D. were used for burials for tens and even hundreds of years. It is believed that the D. were built for the burial of tribal elders; according to another hypothesis, they served initially. family sanctuaries and only later were turned into burial places. D. are common in the coastal regions of Europe and Asia. Within the USSR they are known on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus (Kuban, Abkhazia) and in the Crimea. Refers to the era of the first appearance of metals: in Europe and the North. Africa - to bronze. century; in India and Japan - to zhel. century; Caucasian D. were built in the Early and Middle Bronze Age (3rd-2nd millennium BC), and some D. were used even in the 1st millennium BC. e. D. everywhere reflect the ancient culture of local tribes.

Lit.: Kuftin V. A., Materials for the archeology of Colchis, vol. 1, Tb., 1949; Lavrov L.I., Dolmens of the north-west. Caucasus, in the book: Tr. Abkhazian Institute of Language, Literature and History, vol. 31, Sukhumi. 1960; Obermayer G., Doist. man, trans. from German, St. Petersburg, 1913; Child G., At the Origins of Europe. civilization, trans. from English, M., 1952.

Source: Soviet Historical Encyclopedia: In 16 volumes - M.: State Scientific Publishing House "Soviet Encyclopedia", 1961-1976.

Dolmens of the North Caucasus

Among the most famous North Caucasian ancient stone structures, the following names can be listed: dolmens God, Inf, Tor, Maya, Dukh, Khan, Lit, Gor, dolmens Pshada and the valley of the Zhane River. The real names of the dolmens have not been preserved; those given here were given to the dolmens by employees of the Moscow research center "Anastasia" under the leadership of A.V. Solntsev, who examined these structures in 1997-98. Also, groups of dolmens can be found in Adygea, in the region of Sochi, Lazarevsky, some are also located in the Tuapse region.
Dolmens are found in Crimea, the Far East, and Central Asia. However, most of them are in the Caucasus - about 2.5 thousand! Here along the Black Sea coast (megaliths generally gravitate towards the seas) you can find “classical” tiled dolmens, monolithic dolmens, entirely hollowed out in the rock, dolmen structures made from a combination of stone slabs and blocks laid in two or more rows. Dolmens are unique, as are the peoples living in the Caucasus Mountains. Each dolmen has its own appearance and even its own name. They also talk about the spiritual content of these amazing structures, their energy charges.

Gelendzhik region.


The octagon is a group of 8 dolmens located in the area of ​​the Doguab River (not far from Pshada). It consists of 8 Neolithic buildings, seven of which are located in a circle, and the last one, according to the “Anastasievites”, helps to develop creative abilities, is in the center.

Dolmen Tor

Dolmen of fulfilling our plans. The energy of this dolmen helps to realize our goals. He is the bearer of the potential of male creative energy. It can be seen as an "awakening" force, bringing awareness to what exists in the subconscious realm.

Dolmen Khan

This is the power of striving for a higher goal. This is the ability to sacrifice something dear for the benefit of others and achieve great achievements in your own life.
Restoration of justice, self-sacrifice - these are the feelings that the Dolmen Field awakens. The energy of a warrior of the Spirit is pure energy. He acts openly and has a clear vision of the goal. Dolmen Khan brings something new into our existence, heals with the surprise of new visions. This is Power active movement energy and it is very important that a person takes responsibility for all the circumstances of his life.


Dolmen Tenderness is considered feminine. His spirit helps in everything related to motherhood and children.


The May Dolmen is also considered female. The May Dolmen will protect you from unrequited love, give you happiness in marriage, and help you attract the heart of your loved one.

Zhane River area

A group of dolmens, widely known largely thanks to the enthusiasts working here to study them. Located near the waterfalls

Dolmen Min

Dolmen restored by archaeologists. Considered a dolmen of harmony

Dolmen Spirit.

A separate dolmen in the valley of the Zhane River. Located next to the trail to the falls

Dolmen Year.

Pos. Renaissance

Dolmen Lit.

Known as a dolmen of health.

Pos. Wide Slit

Dolmen Continuation of the Family located by a stream, surrounded by dacha plots.

It is interesting for the three-dimensional pattern on the front plate - four hemispheres above a sign in the form of the letter “P”, in the center of which there was an entrance hole.

Pos. Light

Dolmens are located on Mount Nexis. This group is interesting because it is located in a treeless area.

Dolmen Lunar

Lunar Dolmen Refers to the type of composite dolmens. The corner blocks are curved in plan.

Dolmen Solar (Horus)

The Horus dolmen, another name is the Solar dolmen.

Lazarevskogo area

Lazarevskoye is a small resort town on the Black Sea coast at the mouth of the Psezuapse River. There are many dolmens here and almost all types known in the Caucasus. Even more is probably unknown - the mountains are high, and the forests are dense and often impassable due to vines.

Aul Shhafit on the Asha River.

Dolmen in the village of Shhafit. Situated on private territory, but the owners let everyone in with pleasure. Excellently maintained. It belongs to the type of false portal trough-shaped dolmens - on the other side there is a carved portal and an imitation of a protruding plug.

Nikhetkh Ridge

There is a group of dolmens on the Nikhet ridge. The first dolmen from a group of six buildings is located at an altitude of more than 700 m.

Pos. Mamedova Gap

In the area of ​​this village there is a dolmen above the Mamedki gorge, in profile similar to a pyramid.

Pos. Svirskaya Shchel

The dolmen above the Svirskaya Gap near Lazarevsky has unique convex and incised designs.
The dolmen was miraculously not destroyed during the construction of the gas pipeline. The megalith is half covered with earth.

on the Psezuapse River

Dolmen in the valley of the Psezuapse River, which flows into the sea in Lazarevskoye. Go higher up the valley to the first houses of the village of Maryino (about 20 km along the highway). Dolmen on the right bank of the river on the crest of the ridge. There are several more dolmens in the vicinity, but they are badly destroyed.

On the Tsushvadzh River

In the area of ​​the Tsushvadzh River basin there is a huge dolmen on the Solonitsky ridge, which is one of the largest dolmens in the Caucasus. There is also a dolmen in the valley of the Tsushvadzh River near Lazarevskoye. Located in a holiday village above the mouth of the Vinogradny stream

village Volkonka
Dolmen near the Godlik River gorge.

The only pure monolith known in Russia - the entire huge dolmen is carved into solid rock. There is a hydrogen sulfide spring nearby.

Sochi region

Sochi is the largest and traditional Russian resort on the Black Sea coast. The climate is hot and humid. Communication with the mainland by train or plane via Adler. The Main Caucasus Range is already gaining strength here and the absolute heights of the mountains in the region reach 3000 m. Megaliths are found of all types, especially many trough-shaped semi-monoliths

Shahe river valley

Dolmen group near the Three Oaks tract. The absolute height of the place is about 900 m, super-dense foliage of the ancient forest, steep slopes and difficult thickets of rhododendron. This dolmen is a unique semi-monolith in which the chamber is made in an overhanging arm of the rock. The group of megaliths at Three Oaks has been very poorly explored. 12 dolmens have been found here, but stories from local residents sometimes bring their number to 32. A very difficult search. The group is located above the right bank of the right tributary of the Shakhe River near the village of Bznych.

Boarding house "Svetlana" (Sochi).

A composite dolmen with a solid facade stands on the territory of the Svetlana boarding house in the center of Sochi. The dolmen is taken care of, and it stands in a beautiful place, but in fact it was transported here from the village of Lazarevskoye. According to some sources, he once had a courtyard (in Lazarevskoye).

Tuapse district

Dolmens here come in a variety of designs. Here, in the valley of the Pshenakho River, there is the famous sub-mound dolmen Psynako-1. Somewhere here in the mountains there are granite dolmens.


Dolmen on the territory of the Dzhubga holiday home. One of the largest tiled dolmens in the Caucasus. The courtyard is perfectly preserved and has a slightly elliptical shape.

village Stone Quarry

A group of dolmens above the village of Stone Quarry, near Tuapse. A perfectly preserved so-called false portal dolmen or semi-monolith. Instead of a real plug in the hole there is only an imitation of it, carved into the rock.

Adignalovo, Pshenakho Valley.

Psynako-3, dolmen in the town of Adignalovo in the valley of the Pshenakho River, 8 km from the village of Anastasievka.

Adygea (Maykop region)

Maykop is the capital of Adygea. Half of Adygea occupies Mountain country with absolute heights up to 3000m, but this is on the main Caucasus ridge. In other places, the mountains, although their absolute heights are equal to the corresponding coastal ones, look like low hills.

The climate here is drier, and the vegetation is not at all subtropical. It is convenient to get to Belorechenskaya station by train, and then by car or bus.

A special feature of the megalithic structures of Adygea is their concentration in large dolmen cities (up to 600 structures), as well as a small percentage of surviving buildings.

Guzerpil village

Dolmen in the mountain village of Guzeripl in the upper reaches of the Belaya River. It is located on the territory of the Caucasus Nature Reserve near the office, but access is free. The design is a tiled dolmen with a composite back. It stands on a mound-like mound surrounded by a poorly preserved cromlech. One of the largest tiled dolmens in the Caucasus. No burial remains were found. All research on the megalith, incl. according to its orientation, the director of the museum of the reserve, T.V. Fedunova, makes it.

Amazing Stove

with bowl-shaped recesses is located in the area of ​​the same village in a clearing on the left bank of the Belaya River near the bridge. In summer, tents are often set up near it and used as a table.

Fars Valley, Novosvobodnaya village.

Bogatyrskaya road- one of the earliest studied clusters of Caucasian megaliths. The main part stands in dense rows around the top of Mount Bogatyrka, which is not far (~15 km) from the village of Novosvobodnaya, the former Tsarskaya. Unfortunately, very few megaliths have actually survived. Basically you will find only ruins here.

Belaya River

The Khadzhokh-1 dolmen is located on the first right high terrace of the Belaya River, 370 m west of the Maykop-Kamennomostsky highway, and 400 m east of the Belaya River, on the southern edge of the modern orchard. The dolmen is quite well preserved, but the front portal slabs are badly damaged, and a hole has been punched in the back wall. The dolmen is oriented along the northwest-southeast line. The chamber is trapezoidal in shape. The floor is not traced; inside the chamber there is a layer of earth.

Khamyshki village
dolmen located on the Dudugush ridge near the village of Khamyshki, Maykop district. The monument was named “Dudugush-1” after the name of the ridge on which it is located. The dolmen is located at an altitude of just over 1 km above sea level, on the gentle western spur of the western slope of the ridge, in a place where sandstone slabs naturally emerge yellow color, from which it was constructed. The building is quite clearly oriented from north to south, the portal is located on the south side. The dolmen is composite, the dolmen chamber is ellipsoidal in shape, truncated by the front slab.

What are dolmens

Stonehenge, the Pyramid of Cheops, the temple complex of Baalbek are giant stone structures created by man that bygone eras have left us. Find them everywhere to the globe from America to Korea. Their size, complexity of construction, accuracy, thoroughness of processing, weight of individual elements amaze the imagination of not only tourists, but also archaeologists and modern builders. There are several names for huge buildings that are thousands of years old: megaliths, ancient temples, pyramids. One of them is dolmens.

Dolmens are man-made structures made of large, sometimes huge stones (slabs, blocks). Most often they consist of four vertical elements, covered on top with a horizontal slab, inclined from the front to the rear. The general appearance resembles a stone table, which in the Breton language in the Middle Ages gave the common name to dolmens on the coast of modern France, and subsequently everywhere in the world. Sometimes a dolmen looks more like a stone house, or even a modern bunker, a bunker, which is facilitated by the small hole in the front slab.

In most dolmens, the outer surface of the stones from which they are composed is practically untouched. However, inside the stones are carefully processed, sometimes with geometric patterns.

Why were dolmens built?

The mystery of the construction of these stone structures overgrown with moss has always interested people. Myths, legends, guesses, scientific hypotheses have been attributed to them for centuries different purposes. What it came down to:

  • Ancient temples, altars, altars that belonged to the Druids, priests of the Aztecs, Egyptians and other peoples, depending on the region where the dolmens were located.
  • Tombs of tribal, military leaders, priests, shamans.
  • Ancient observatories, astronomical structures for maintaining a calendar based on the Sun, Moon, and stars.
  • Treasures.
  • Dwellings, warehouses.
  • Magic portals.
  • Ultrasonic emitters.

The last two assumptions are popular among fans of esoteric practices, who consider dolmens as protective structures of ancient people, and objects for communication with the noosphere and teleportation.

The scientific world, of course, does not take these hypotheses seriously. Scientists tend to think that dolmens are more likely to be cult-religious, memorial-funeral structures than utilitarian household or mystical buildings. The astronomical alignment of most known dolmens has also not yet brought success.

During archaeological excavations, bones of animals, including domesticated ones, as well as human burials were discovered inside many dolmens. But radiocarbon analysis showed that their age is much less than the time of construction of the dolmens themselves, dating back to the 5th–4th millennium BC. e. Scientists have not yet come to a common opinion about the purpose and use of dolmens by Neolithic people, so archaeological excavations and laboratory research continue.

Famous dolmens of the world

Here we must give primacy to the ancient buildings in Brittany, which gave their name to all the others. These are the Karnak stones near the city of the same name, which are the largest concentration of megalithic structures in the world, as well as the largest dolmen in France, located in the city of Essay, which is called Roche-aux-fées.

In Europe, dolmens are found in Ireland, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, Spain, Portugal, and Sweden. The most famous of them, attracting tourists from all over the world:

  • The Carrowmore complex in the north of Ireland.
  • The giant Soto dolmen in Spain, where in addition to it in the province of Huelva there are about 200 ancient structures.
  • Glantan East in County Cork, Ireland.

They are in India, China, Israel, Jordan, Algeria. Moreover, in the latter country, a huge number of dolmens (about 7 thousand) are located in the Roknia necropolis. For comparison: in all of France there are about 4.5 thousand buildings. In Israel, about 700 monuments of ancient architecture are located on the Givat Bazak field. Several hundred dolmens are located on the Korean Peninsula. They are found on the Atlantic coast of Canada and the USA.

Dolmens in Russia

In our country, they are located mainly on the Black Sea coast in the Krasnodar Territory in the areas of the cities of Sochi, Novorossiysk, Tuapse, Gelendzhik. And also in the Caucasus: in Karachay-Cherkessia, Adygea. The most famous:

  • Volkonsky dolmen monolith, which was the tourist brand of Sochi 2014.
  • “Cult stone with seats” near Kudepsta.
  • Dolmen on Mount Nexis near Gelendzhik.
  • In the area of ​​the Lazarevskoye resort.

Interest in them here is fueled by travel agencies, since there are few historical sights in the area. beach holiday. Dolmens were found in the Southern Urals on Vera Island in Lake Turgoyak.

One of the mysteries of dolmens is that they have similar architecture regardless of the place, be it Europe, Canada or South Korea, and were built during one historical period when there could not be any regular communication between human communities thousands of kilometers distant.

It is regrettable that unique structures are often destroyed by vandals, “black” archaeologists, and local residents who use fragments of dolmens. This legacy of the ancient eras of mankind hides many more mysteries that can be solved in the future only by preserving them for posterity.

"Dolmen? What is this?" - those who have never heard such a name may ask. The word is Celtic, translated as “stone table”. Dolmens are structures made of processed stone slabs, used for religious purposes. They, especially those built in Western Europe, really resemble tables. The age of such structures exceeds the age of the pyramids. This means that in the areas where they were erected, people were already at a relatively low level at that time. high level development. Anyone in doubt can conduct an experiment and build their own dolmen. That this cannot be accomplished becomes immediately clear. After all, you need to take a stone slab weighing five hundred kilograms, polish it and make a perfectly smooth round hole in the middle. Please note that all this must be done without modern devices, but only with your hands! Although, of course, we cannot say for sure what technologies were known to the builders of these historical monuments.

The first structures of this type were found in Brittany, one of the French provinces, and they began to be studied. They are found in other places too. In our country, dolmens are known in Gelendzhik, Krasnodar Territory, as well as Crimean dolmens. Their distinctive

Many people think when they see a dolmen: “What is it? What is its practical purpose?” The assumption that representatives ancient people they simply decided to leave a memory of themselves only for aesthetic reasons, untenable. Our ancestors were too practical. This means that these structures had a specific practical purpose. But no one can say for sure yet which one. There are two versions: this is a religious building for sacrifices, and possibly a space that transformed and generated energy flows of the human body. Simply put, dolmens were used to heal illnesses.

What role does the dolmen play now? What is this from the point of view of modern man? Their locations are quite popular among tourists. People come not only to see and touch history, but also with the secret hope that the dolmen can cure their ailments and even change their fate. It is difficult to say how true this is. Some people firmly believe in magical properties dolmens, others grin skeptically. But one thing is for sure: these are ancient monuments, and you need to visit them in order to touch history and once again be amazed at the greatness of the human spirit, capable of moving mountains, processing them and stacking them on top of each other. Moreover, dolmens are located in fabulously beautiful places.

Dolmen looks in the following way: this is a structure made of huge stone slabs, four of which are located vertically, and the fifth lies horizontally on them and serves as a ceiling. Such a roof can be up to 10 meters long and weigh several tens of tons.

A notable feature of the dolmens is an unusual oval-shaped hole in the slab located in front. Ancient builders did not process the outside of the blocks from which they created their extraordinary buildings, but at the same time stone walls and the ceiling were matched to each other so precisely that not even a knife blade could fit through the gap between them.

The largest number of dolmens were discovered in Korea. Before the war of 1950-53, there were about 80,000 of them. About 30,000 of them have survived to this day.

Dolmens were built in the form of a trapezoid, a rectangle, and sometimes there are even round-shaped structures. As building material they either used individual stone blocks or carved out a building from a huge stone.

The purpose of these megalithic structures is debated in the same way as the meaning of the construction of Stonehenge. It is not yet known for certain how the peers of the ancient Egyptian civilization managed to work with such stone blocks. However, the answer options to the question “Why are dolmens needed?” Scientists still have it.

Some are inclined to believe that dolmens, like the pyramids of Egypt, are parts of the information grid of the ancient world. Others believe that such structures were used as a final refuge for dying people. According to this version, the dolmens are the same age as the Sphinx: they are more than 10,000 years old.

Since ancient burials were almost always found near such megalithic buildings, some scientists believe that dolmens served as tombs for noble members of society, just like the Egyptian pyramids.

The list of assumptions did not include the opinion that dolmens were religious buildings, whose unique design influenced a person in such a way that he could enter a special state of trance and predict the future.

There is also a version according to which dolmens are a unique device for ultrasonic welding. Scientists came to this conclusion after studying a number of Celtic jewelry: their small parts were attached to the base using a technology that resembles the ultrasonic or high-frequency welding used today.

Dolmens, like any megalithic structure, are universal. In other words, they are found all over the planet. As you can see, dolmens on the maps are located very widely. But their concentration is especially large in countries where Celtic peoples previously lived, as well as in Russia in the Caucasus, in the Krasnodar Territory. In fact, this is not a complete list of countries where you can find these ancient creations.

Unusual dolmen

Typically, a dolmen is a monumental structure made of vertically installed stone slabs, covered with another stone slab on top. A kind of stone box or house, the weight of which sometimes exceeds a hundred tons. The Volkonsky dolmen is not like that. It is carved into a stone boulder. Dolmens of this monolithic type are known to science. But this one is the only one that has survived.

The dimensions of the Volkonsky dolmen are 8 meters wide and 17 meters long. A ritual bowl was carved on the roof with a 60 cm recess, designed to collect rainwater. Many believe that the water from this bowl is healing and has magical properties.

A dolmen is an artifact, that is, a structure about which little is known. Neither who built it, nor why. The literal translation from Breton is “stone table”. That's what the Celts called it.

Naturally, the word “dolmen” did not immediately take root in the Caucasus. Abkhazians call them houses of the soul. Adygs are houses for life in the afterlife, Mingrelians are houses of giants. The Cossacks called them heroic or devil's huts. If there are so many of our own names, then why do we use foreign ones? And this is another mystery. However, there is one answer - so as not to quarrel with the locals. In the Caucasus, 2.5 thousand dolmens are known, of which about 200 are in the Greater Sochi region.

Dolmens in translation stone table, Dolmens are ancient stone structures of a certain shape. Surprisingly, dolmens are older than the Egyptian pyramids, they are more than ten thousand years old. Dolmens contain there are quite a few secrets and gathers around itself many legends.


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"Information about Dolmens"

Information about Dolmens.

Dolmens of Adygea

If you have never heard the word “Dolmen”, then you probably have a question: “What is it?”
Dolmens are the First Wonder of the World. A miracle found in many countries around the world. Dolmens have colossal power, for which there is no explanation. And the most mysterious of them are in Russia, in the Caucasus.
In encyclopedias and dictionaries of past years, you can read that “Dolmens are cult funeral structures of noble people of the tribes who lived in this area and wanted to perpetuate their memory.” They were constructed from several huge stone slabs placed vertically upward and covered with a massive slab on top. Or, at first, dolmens were a family sanctuary and only later became funeral structures. Many scientists consider dolmens to be only funerary structures and date them back to the 2-3 millennium BC.
But who were the builders of the dolmens? Why and for what purpose did they hew multi-ton slabs of stone and move them over vast distances? Is it only for burial? What was the culture of these people who managed to build dolmens in different parts of the world? What did their homes look like and where did the builders finally go?
There are no answers to all these questions. Scientists have more assumptions than data. Dolmens are one of the very mysterious types of archaeological monuments. The enormous range of their distribution in time and space makes it difficult to reconstruct a complete picture.
The Siberian sorceress Anastasia, who, thanks to generations of many ancestors, “retained the ability to communicate with the dimension where thoughts and wisdom live,” says about dolmens that these “shrines ... are more significant than the pyramids of Egypt and the temples of Jerusalem.”
“Dolmens are not funeral structures; about 10 thousand years ago, people who had not lost the ability to use the wisdom of the Universe went to them. They left to help distant descendants find the way to this wisdom..."
For many millennia, the efforts of these people were unclaimed. Subsequent generations no longer understood the true purpose of dolmens and did not know about their capabilities. Until the 19th century, local residents experienced fear when approaching dolmens. But it was not fear of some unknown, it was reverent fear.
Already in the post-war period, when archaeological scientists began to open dolmens in search of confirmation of their hypotheses, local residents dared not only to open, but also to take away dolmens - and some dolmen buildings now have the most unsightly appearance.
If any of the readers have a desire to take away at least a piece of a dolmen pebble as a souvenir when visiting dolmens, this should not be done. Dolmens do not take revenge, but those particles that are taken away lead, unfortunately, to indelible negative consequences.
Dolmens help people look at the world with different eyes and consciously approach everything that happens around them. Dolmens are a repository of ancient knowledge, their purpose is to answer.
In 1997-98, employees of the Moscow Anastasia Research Center visited the Caucasus and worked with some dolmens of the city.

Gelendzhik, using Anastasia’s recommendations. Assembled interesting material and a lot of photographs were taken. The perception of dolmens varies, but they live and speak. They are healing and open to everyone. But an indispensable condition is purity of thoughts. Only through awareness and purity of thoughts will the knowledge of the original sources come to you.

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Earth Mission, Dolmens

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