Transit of Saturn in houses and aspects. Transit of Saturn through the natal Sun

Key principle:structure, responsibility, obligations, authority, construction, taking shape, strengthening a person’s position in life, oresponsibility for re-evaluation, manifestation and success.Speed ​​of passage through the zodiac: 10-12° per year. At the same time, moving forward by 18°, Saturn returns in retrograde motion by 8° (for 4.5 months every year). The time for a complete revolution around the map is 29.5 years. With each natal planet Saturn formstransit aspects approximately once every three years(each time the exact aspect can be added once or three times). He spends 2.5 years in the sign and on average the same natal houses.

Use in predictive work : forms and accepts transits, accepts progressions.

Figures: Any person or group of people who can have power over you. Chief, representative of government agencies. Older relatives. People or groups of people for whom you are responsible.

Saturn is a planet of material form. His questions concern being here and now, existing in a physical body while having to cope with our physical needs and deal with the consequences of previous physical actions. At times it seems that Saturn is the nemesis of the human race, for if there is productive or beneficial growth (Jupiter), there must be a time of pause and strengthening - a time of limitation, a time of testing. Since all life is subject to this pulse of expansion and contraction, the indicator of periods of contraction - Saturn - becomes a very important planet among the instruments of the astrologer.

Thus, whether it shapes or takes on aspects, it is always strongly felt in predictive work. When Saturn forms contact with personal planets, it indicates periods of needing to acknowledge the consequences of one's actions. When interacting with the outer planets, Saturn places milestones on the map of a person's life, showing the periods and ways of a person's struggle against the heaviness of the physical world and its needs in the search for awareness.

When people are young (before the Saturn return), Saturn contacts are usually experienced as limiting, perhaps even frightening. During these contacts, Saturnian figures (symbolic father, law, teacher or boss) surface, subjecting the person to restrictions so that he learns lessons of responsibility and restraint. The same contacts can bring a desired increase in responsibility (promotion) or life stability for a mature person.

Whatever the stage of life, Saturn transits will have one general theme hard work. During contacts of Saturn, a person is called to answer (for sorrow or joy). The following are some general guidelines for Saturn transits.

The sensations during the periods of Saturn transits are reminiscent of the state of climbing a mountain along a confusing, winding path: a process that pleasantly excites you if you are ready and trained, and sheer torture otherwise (“Be careful, there is a long rocky slope behind!”). If you are ineffective or shirking responsibility, you may feel like a traveler painfully making your way through the muddy bottom of a viscous swamp (“The alligators won’t reach you, so the sinkhole will suck you in”). Transit aspects Saturn restricts or fetters the manifestations of the natal planets in such a way that, when responsibly controlled, the manifestations of these planets are magnificent, but otherwise they are suppressed.

The passage of Saturn through the houses causes a re-evaluation of what has been done and is being done in the relevant areas of life, which is essential for preparing future activity. Saturn often plays the “come on, take it away” game (reduces it) or delays something in order to teach important lessons. As a rule, when entering a house, the unpleasant side of Saturn first makes itself felt (delays, shortages, intense efforts). Responsible re-evaluation and diligent attention allow Saturn's influence to be transformed into control, success and, finally (which is rarely achieved), mastery.

Saturn's movement by quadrants horoscope can be interpreted in accordance with each of the three intertwined cycles that describe our progress in the career of Survival, the career of Pride and the career of Duty.

Survival Career (Saturn transiting through A.S.C. and angles) are purely earthly affairs, ensuring material existence, control of material living conditions, responsibility for obtaining specific results, for reliability and stability.

Career Pride (transits of Saturn to the Sun) is a path associated with orientation toward an uplifting goal, a path that reflects self-improvement and personal significance through the magnifying glass of personal and social approval, prestige, and social status.

Career Debt (Saturn to Saturn transits) is the path of devotion, the path of selfless actions and efforts to create or achieve something. It requires patience and perseverance, and everything connected with it is considered by a person as a necessity and a personal obligation, as part of personal responsibility, privileges and even rights.

Horoscope quadrants

Quadrants of Saturn measured in the three above cases respectively from the Ascendant, the Sun and Saturn itself: to the lower square to each of them; from the bottom square to the opposition; from opposition to top square; from the top square to the connection.

Saturn moves people through all three careers simultaneously: rejecting, empowering, elevating, and finally leading to plateaus in different professional careers or in relation to different aspects of one career. Examples: Astrology often represents a Pride career for those whose Survival career is related to business or commerce, and whose Duty career is related to something else, perhaps their family responsibilities or some kind of volunteer activity. In another case, an astrologer on the path of the Survival career can be a consultant, the Pride career - a lecturer (or author of books on astrology), the Duty career - an author of books or a performer of some duties in an astrological organization.

In the careers of Pride and Duty, a person may well receive income and material rewards (just as in the career of Survival - non-material benefits); a lot becomes achievable if you shift the emphasis in time from a downward career to an upward one. Catch the wave that goes up and rise with it as long as possible, and then jump onto the next one to continue climbing. Be aware of the pitfalls of Parkinson's Law (related to going beyond the level of competence) and do not kick the fallen horse that was carrying you in the direction you need. Continued success is determined by changing horses in the middle of the crossing - in right place flow of time.

Which path is suitable for a particular person in each of the careers, he can find out only through careful discussion with an astrologer. But there are some general guidelines:

- for a career in Survival natal chart often indicate the X house (signs and planets, if they are in it) and the positions of the Sun and Saturn in the houses.

The career of Pride is often described by the sign of the Sun, the solar X house and the solar house of Saturn.

The sign, natal and solar houses of Saturn and its aspects can be the key to a Debt career. If Pluto is strong enough, it should also be taken into account, as well as other modern indicators of career choice and success.

The movement of Saturn along the paths of careers is at the same time a transit movement through houses, encompassing both quadrants and everything in general.

The first quarter of the cycle plunges you into hopelessness like “if you pull out your head, the tail will get stuck” and makes the world around us completely uncertain unless the client makes a strategic retreat into tasks of self-improvement based on self-exploration, reordering and relearning. This is the right moment to shift the focus to another, Saturn ascending cycle, if there is one.

Transit of Saturn through the houses of radix

Saturn Ascendant: taking on more responsibility; the person is considered capable of wielding power; authority.

Transit of Saturn through the 1st house begins with a “blow in the face”: doubts arise about our appearance, image and other people’s reactions to us. We are forced to retreat into the shadows or reconsider our style. Verifying shortcomings, then correcting or accepting them, and discarding unfounded doubts clears the field of activity. From dissatisfaction comes practicality, and from maturity comes improvement in professional self-presentation. Helpful polish comes at the same time as better operational strategies are developed.

Passing the cusp of the 2nd house Saturn usually signals the depletion of a client's bank account and the onset of prolonged financial difficulties. Cash receipts are late, and even if there is no shortage of money, then you certainly have to take change. However, some clients find abundance through the adoption of new principles and practices, as well as the thoughtful discovery of new sources. material resources to prevent difficulties. Restructuring of values ​​leads to an increase in resources.

Movement of Saturn on III home promotes pessimism and slows down thought processes enough to allow old decisions to be reconsidered and the “common sense” truth to be extracted. To create a solid foundation for future success, it is useful for clients to study during this period to determine their field of activity and understand how to achieve success in it. When Saturn reaches the lower square and turns the corner, the time of uncertainty comes to an end: people begin to see the opportunity to succeed in proportion to the effort put in, and begin to work hard and disciplined to gain recognition.

Saturn conjunct IC

Transit Saturn-IC: family obligations that tie a person to home; possible problems with a father figure.

Entering the IV house, Saturn sometimes pushes a person out of his own house - into a smaller (limiting) one or into the parental house, where problems of rules, duty and loyalty become more difficult. Take your work home to get ahead, or set up a home office to start your own business. There is nowhere to move but up. Get started right now!

Transit of Saturn in the 5th house tries to deprive our life of joys: business comes into conflict with love, we lose lovers and give up previous pleasant activities. However, rest is necessary to remain productive, so you have to make time for fun. Taking a side hustle seriously can initiate the process of turning it into a profession.

At the time when Saturn travels through the 6th house, a person may feel sick from stress or long working hours. Don't let yourself burn out at work: health goes hand in hand with business; it is just as necessary for work as professional skills. This is a period of incessant work, accompanied by feelings of overwork, underpaid and (still) undervalued. Clients can pursue a career or training for a future career while maintaining a second job.

As Saturn turns into the third quadrant, struggles begin to transform into triumphs. “The head is out and the tail is fine.” Many clients see the achievable goal of their efforts immediately in front of them, but continue to worry about the path to getting there.

Saturn-Descendant Transit: review and change of obligations in relationships of a business or personal nature. A realistic view of the nature of a relationship or business partnership.

Entering the 7th house, Saturn spoils our relationships with partners. Conflicts with spouses, business partners, and in professional settings force us to reconsider all of these relationships, which can make us more whole and consistent in our agreements, and sometimes provide reliable partners and partnerships. Clients should be warned against breaking promises; Saturn will take care of the unpleasant consequences of such behavior.

Making our way through the VIII house, Saturn can rob us of sexual interests, energy and/or chances. A sense of duty can result in a blocked experience, which then rises to self-control and is compensated for in work. There may be delays in receiving an inheritance or reaching an agreement; difficulties in the sphere of capital accumulation. Failures during this period are favorable chances for a breakthrough to a new level of psychological self-regulation and personal strength.

Transit of Saturn through IX home requires a revision of basic concepts, premises and authoritative opinions. Clients develop a more pragmatic approach to life, which may lead them to obtain new education for further advancement (or be generated by new education) if life commitments do not prevent this. This is a rather dull, duty-motivated enterprise, but it can, however, attract attention to clients and even develop (practical) wisdom in them. To achieve recognition and success during this period, it is recommended to demonstrate sound judgment.

Transit Saturn-MS: greater responsibility in career; the ability to stand on one's own two feet. The transition of Saturn into the upper quadrant is the peak moment when people can build themselves something like a temporary landing camp, providing a bridgehead, stability and protection from the elements, allowing consolidation and further advancement. Otherwise, one extra step and the ground will disappear from under your feet. One must prepare wisely for landing and defense.

Saturn entering the X house makes a person very career focused. Success, achieving recognition, using authority, and perhaps also demonstrating one’s own status - this is what absorbs him almost entirely. Success that comes too quickly can raise one's aspirations too high. At this critical time, you should think about dynamic consolidation, carefully building a permanent foundation for your career. It's not how high you climb, but how long you stay at the top that matters.

Then Saturn falls into the 11th house, and people leave friends for proven friends, however, they can join professional communities in order to establish business contacts. Giving up unrealistic aspirations, changing priorities, pushing hopes into the future and committing to clear goals allows you to get what is actually missing.

In the XII house Saturn slides down not with a roar, but rather with a sad howl. People get hit where it hurts the most, both personally and professionally, if they don't trust their own conscience. Uncertainty, previously deeply hidden, comes to the surface; You can’t give in to it, but you can’t brush it aside either: you have to face it. The best protection for a person during this period is, in spite of everyone, to be true to one’s own principles, as long as these principles are compatible with current reality. Anyone who has not sought and found a way to serve will suffer. He who seeks and finds will survive. The one who will do best is the one who learned his lesson before the exam. Saturn's entry into the first quadrant restarts the cycle.

Saturn-Vertex, Antivertex : Meeting authority figures or long-awaited responsibilities.

Transit aspects of Saturn

Saturn-Sun: increasing responsibility or being “under the thumb.”

These aspects lead people into a dark world where uncertainty reigns, little or no vital energy exists, and choices seem to be few or nonexistent. A serious determination to advance, no matter what, promotes the development of resilience and practicality, responsibility and productivity. We should not forget that aspects to the Sun mean an important transition - a change sunny house- and this must also be interpreted. The conjunction, both squares and oppositions are turning points in the career of Pride discussed above.

Saturn-Moon: loneliness, isolation, feeling of lack of support; the need to consolidate resources. It's a cold front bearing down on emotions, it's stormy weather in relationships and the potential for separation. These aspects promote a serious attitude towards needs and necessities and a realism sufficient to realize that it is possible - and should - to do something. Diligence in these needs-fulfilling activities is the primary cure for depression. As always, the severity of the condition depends on factors in the natal chart, as well as on the type of transit aspect.

Saturn-Mercury: serious decisions, burdensome paperwork, studies.Saturn aspects to Mercury bring worry, even if there is nothing to worry about. With tense aspects, rough cynicism and harshness in words come to the fore; with moderate transit tension, pessimism and sarcasm appear; finally, mild cases are characterized by practical, orderly thinking. You should perceive your anxiety as warning signals, that is, develop plans: if problem number one arises, plan “A” is used; if problem number two, plan “B” is used. Problems arise for people to be solved. If there is already a solution, then the occurrence of a problem is not a problem. And when there is no need for a problem to appear, it may not appear.

Saturn-Mars: arthritis, physical limitations, physical damage, exhaustion, hard work. Aspects of Saturn to Mars deplete the energy supply and make it impossible to somehow use even the remaining resources. The blues are trying to swallow you whole. If you give up, a sharp “I don’t want to!” leads to depression. The first step is the hardest, and people who manage to take it can be productive. Subsequently, fatigue may set in (but it would also come from doing nothing), but at least they managed to do something!

Saturn-Jupiter: controlled expansion. Saturn's aspects to Jupiter force difficult decisions to be made in what are initially perceived as win-pay-heavy situations. These are situations of conflict between the requirement of duty and the freedom to do as one pleases. During periods of intense aspects, people feel caught between two fires, and the lesser of two evils means more to them. The wise way out is to go outside: when faced with two unacceptable alternatives, you should choose the third.

Saturn-Saturn: An important life phase associated with the Saturn cycle.First return of Saturn occurs around age 29. It is responsible for realism. The classic ending to most fairy tales is: “... and they lived happily ever after.” We were indoctrinated into believing that if we could make the transition into adulthood and do what was expected of us, then we too could live happily ever after. The Saturn Return is the realization that this is just a fairy tale and that if we truly want to live happily ever after, we must take control and arrange our lives in a more realistic way.

Unrealistic expectations we carry over from childhood to perfect marriage, children, careers, etc., crumble and fall into the cold light of day real life. Any part of life that is supported by the illusions or plans of other people will feel the measuring stick of Saturn. The ship sets sail, but if the sails are not ready, the ship will have difficulties.

This process of testing by the Cosmos can be rewarding or devastating. This is a time of accepting responsibility on all levels and freeing oneself from parents, real or symbolic. This may be a period of recognition and moving forward as the person is given greater responsibility, or a time of experiencing the consequences of previous unrealistic positions.

Transit Saturn will also form squares and oppositions to its natal position, and these periods will repeat issues similar to the Saturn return.

Arriving Saturn square ages 7, 36, and 65 are periods of action to begin a cycle of other commitments and responsibilities: going to school, establishing one's career and life path, or retiring.

Saturn oppositions at ages 14, 43 and 72 are periods of challenging what has power over you, and the waning squares at ages 21, 50 and 79 are periods of productive giving based on the hard work one has already done.

Saturn's second return (at about 56 years of age). Resignation and recognition that the “young active phase” of life is over; evaluating what you did in the first phase and planning for the next phase. This period can again be rewarding - a time of release from some responsibilities - or sorrowful with the feeling that you have wasted your life.

Saturn-Uranus: Frustration, slow progress towards new goals. Forging new paths. During periods of Saturn transits to Uranus many aspirations are devalued and some of them are abandoned; others are postponed for the future if possible; From the remaining actual desires, the best are selected for implementation in reality. Priorities and preferences thus revised restructure the future. Aspects of Saturn to transiting Uranus moderate or refine ideals that are currently on the path of progress. Clients may pledge their highest hopes (including future heirlooms) in order to gain faster gratification.

Saturn-Neptune: illness, fatigue, depletion of resources, despair, hopelessness. It is an important indicator of health problems in predictive astrology. Saturn's aspects to Neptune discolor the rainbow of hope; By creating a short circuit, they disable the psychic radar. People do stupid things like refuse further actions or, figuratively speaking, they freeze in immobility just when they need to move quickly. Focusing on the products of the imagination and focusing on somehow bringing those hopes, dreams, visions (instead of generating new ones) into reality ensures inner world a reliable channel of communication with reality. Through the practical application of inner imagery, following the rainbow of ambition can ultimately lead clients to the reward they deserve.

Saturn-Pluto: Blocked energy leading to emotional outbursts that can be violent; melancholy, emotional “darkness”; being in a “black hole”. During the transit of Saturn to Pluto, a person's life is tested. Its course and direction are checked for completeness, the personal goal becomes the topic of cross-examination. If the findings are negative (and the person is declared guilty and despairs), severe depression follows. However, with course correction based on a re-examination of intentions and achievements and a redefinition of life purpose (accepting it as a life commitment), the overload of this period will be constructive and rewarding.

Saturn-North Node

Key principle:structure, responsibility, obligations, authority, construction, taking shape, strengthening a person’s position in life, oresponsibility for re-evaluation, manifestation and success.Speed ​​of passage through the zodiac: 10-12° per year. At the same time, moving forward by 18°, Saturn returns in retrograde motion by 8° (for 4.5 months every year). The time for a complete revolution around the map is 29.5 years. With each natal planet Saturn formstransit aspects approximately once every three years(each time the exact aspect can be added once or three times). He spends 2.5 years in a sign and, on average, the same amount in natal houses.

Use in predictive work : forms and accepts transits, accepts progressions.

Figures: Any person or group of people who can have power over you. Chief, representative of government agencies. Older relatives. People or groups of people for whom you are responsible.

is a planet of material form. His questions concern being here and now, existing in a physical body while having to cope with our physical needs and deal with the consequences of previous physical actions. At times it seems that Saturn is the nemesis of the human race, for if there is productive or beneficial growth (Jupiter), there must be a time of pause and strengthening - a time of limitation, a time of testing. Since all life is subject to this pulse of expansion and contraction, the indicator of periods of contraction - Saturn - becomes a very important planet among the instruments of the astrologer.

Thus, whether it shapes or takes on aspects, it is always strongly felt in predictive work. When Saturn forms contact with personal planets, it indicates periods of needing to acknowledge the consequences of one's actions. When interacting with the outer planets, Saturn places milestones on the map of a person's life, showing the periods and ways of a person's struggle against the heaviness of the physical world and its needs in the search for awareness.

When people are young (before the Saturn return), Saturn contacts are usually experienced as limiting, perhaps even frightening. During these contacts, Saturnian figures (symbolic father, law, teacher or boss) surface, subjecting the person to restrictions so that he learns lessons of responsibility and restraint. The same contacts can bring a desired increase in responsibility (promotion) or life stability for a mature person.

Whatever the stage of life, Saturn transits will have one common theme of hard work. During contacts of Saturn, a person is called to answer (for sorrow or joy). The following are some general guidelines for Saturn transits.

The sensations during periods of Saturn transits are reminiscent of the state of climbing up a mountain along a confusing, winding path: a process that pleasantly excites you if you are ready and trained, and sheer torture otherwise (“Be careful, there is a long rocky slope behind!”). If you are ineffective or shirking responsibility, you may feel like a traveler painfully making your way through the muddy bottom of a viscous swamp (“The alligators won’t reach you, so the sinkhole will suck you in”). Transiting aspects of Saturn limit or constrain the manifestations of the natal planets in such a way that, when responsibly controlled, the manifestations of these planets are magnificent, but otherwise they are suppressed.

The passage of Saturn through the houses causes a re-evaluation of what has been done and is being done in the relevant areas of life, which is essential for preparing future activity. Saturn often plays the “come on, take it away” game (reduces it) or delays something in order to teach important lessons. As a rule, when entering a house, the unpleasant side of Saturn first makes itself felt (delays, shortages, intense efforts). Responsible re-evaluation and diligent attention allow Saturn's influence to be transformed into control, success and, finally (which is rarely achieved), mastery.

Saturn's movement by quadrants horoscope can be interpreted in accordance with each of the three intertwined cycles that describe our progress in the career of Survival, the career of Pride and the career of Duty.

Survival Career (Saturn transiting through A.S.C. and angles) are purely earthly affairs, ensuring material existence, control of material living conditions, responsibility for obtaining specific results, for reliability and stability.

Career Pride (transits of Saturn to the Sun) is a path associated with orientation toward an uplifting goal, a path that reflects self-improvement and personal significance through the magnifying glass of personal and social approval, prestige, and social status.

Career Debt (Saturn to Saturn transits) is the path of devotion, the path of selfless actions and efforts to create or achieve something. It requires patience and perseverance, and everything connected with it is considered by a person as a necessity and a personal obligation, as part of personal responsibility, privileges and even rights.

Horoscope quadrants

Quadrants of Saturn measured in the three above cases respectively from the Ascendant, the Sun and Saturn itself: to the lower square to each of them; from the bottom square to the opposition; from opposition to top square; from the top square to the connection.

Saturn moves people through all three careers simultaneously: rejecting, empowering, elevating, and finally leading to plateaus in different professional careers or in relation to different aspects of one career. Examples: Astrology often represents a Pride career for those whose Survival career is related to business or commerce, and whose Duty career is related to something else, perhaps their family responsibilities or some kind of volunteer activity. In another case, an astrologer on the path of the Survival career can be a consultant, the Pride career - a lecturer (or author of books on astrology), the Duty career - an author of books or a performer of some duties in an astrological organization.

In the careers of Pride and Duty, a person may well receive income and material rewards (just as in the career of Survival - non-material benefits); a lot becomes achievable if you shift the emphasis in time from a downward career to an upward one. Catch the wave that goes up and rise with it as long as possible, and then jump onto the next one to continue climbing. Be aware of the pitfalls of Parkinson's Law (related to going beyond the level of competence) and do not kick the fallen horse that was carrying you in the direction you need. Continued success is determined by changing horses in the middle of the crossing - in the right place in the flow of time.

Which path is suitable for a particular person in each of the careers, he can find out only through careful discussion with an astrologer. But there are some general guidelines:

- the career of Survival in the natal chart is often indicated by the X house (signs and planets, if they are in it) and the positions of the Sun and Saturn in the houses.

The career of Pride is often described by the sign of the Sun, the solar X house and the solar house of Saturn.

The sign, natal and solar houses of Saturn and its aspects can be the key to a Debt career. If Pluto is strong enough, it should also be taken into account, as well as other modern indicators of career choice and success.

The movement of Saturn along the paths of careers is at the same time a transit movement through houses, encompassing both quadrants and everything in general.

The first quarter of the cycle plunges into hopelessness of the type “if you pull out your head, your tail will get stuck” and makes the world around you completely uncertain, unless the client makes a strategic retreat into tasks of self-improvement based on self-exploration, reordering and relearning. This is the right moment to shift the focus to another, Saturn ascending cycle, if there is one.

Transit of Saturn through the houses of radix

Saturn Ascendant: taking on more responsibility; the person is considered capable of wielding power; authority.

Transit of Saturn through the 1st house begins with a “blow in the face”: doubts arise about our appearance, image and other people’s reactions to us. We are forced to retreat into the shadows or reconsider our style. Verifying shortcomings, then correcting or accepting them, and discarding unfounded doubts clears the field of activity. From dissatisfaction comes practicality, and from maturity comes improvement in professional self-presentation. Helpful polish comes at the same time as better operational strategies are developed.

Passing the cusp of the 2nd house Saturn usually signals the depletion of a client's bank account and the onset of prolonged financial difficulties. Cash receipts are late, and even if there is no shortage of money, then you certainly have to take change. However, some clients find abundance through the adoption of new principles and practices, as well as the thoughtful discovery of new sources of material resources to prevent difficulties. Restructuring of values ​​leads to an increase in resources.

Movement of Saturn on III home promotes pessimism and slows down thought processes enough to allow old decisions to be reconsidered and the “common sense” truth to be extracted. To create a solid foundation for future success, it is useful for clients to study during this period to determine their field of activity and understand how to achieve success in it. When Saturn reaches the lower square and turns the corner, the time of uncertainty comes to an end: people begin to see the opportunity to succeed in proportion to the effort put in, and begin to work hard and disciplined to gain recognition.

Saturn conjunct IC

Transit Saturn-IC: family obligations that tie a person to home; possible problems with a father figure.

Entering the IV house, Saturn sometimes pushes a person out of his own house - into a smaller (limiting) one or into the parental house, where problems of rules, duty and loyalty become more difficult. Take your work home to get ahead, or set up a home office to start your own business. There is nowhere to move but up. Get started right now!

Transit of Saturn in the 5th house tries to deprive our life of joys: business comes into conflict with love, we lose lovers and give up previous pleasant activities. However, rest is necessary to remain productive, so you have to make time for fun. Taking a side hustle seriously can initiate the process of turning it into a profession.

At the time when Saturn travels through the 6th house, a person may feel sick from stress or long working hours. Don't let yourself burn out at work: health goes hand in hand with business; it is just as necessary for work as professional skills. This is a period of incessant work, accompanied by feelings of overwork, underpaid and (still) undervalued. Clients can pursue a career or training for a future career while maintaining a second job.

As Saturn turns into the third quadrant, struggles begin to transform into triumphs. “The head is out and the tail is fine.” Many clients see the achievable goal of their efforts immediately in front of them, but continue to worry about the path to getting there.

Saturn-Descendant Transit: review and change of obligations in relationships of a business or personal nature. A realistic view of the nature of a relationship or business partnership.

Entering the 7th house, Saturn spoils our relationships with partners. Conflicts with spouses, business partners, and in professional settings force us to reconsider all of these relationships, which can make us more whole and consistent in our agreements, and sometimes provide reliable partners and partnerships. Clients should be warned against breaking promises; Saturn will take care of the unpleasant consequences of such behavior.

Making our way through the VIII house, Saturn can rob us of sexual interests, energy and/or chances. A sense of duty can result in a blocked experience, which then rises to self-control and is compensated for in work. There may be delays in receiving an inheritance or reaching an agreement; difficulties in the sphere of capital accumulation. Failures during this period are favorable chances for a breakthrough to a new level of psychological self-regulation and personal strength.

Transit of Saturn through IX home requires a revision of basic concepts, premises and authoritative opinions. Clients develop a more pragmatic approach to life, which may lead them to obtain new education for further advancement (or be generated by new education) if life commitments do not prevent this. This is a rather dull, duty-motivated enterprise, but it can, however, attract attention to clients and even develop (practical) wisdom in them. To achieve recognition and success during this period, it is recommended to demonstrate sound judgment.

Transit Saturn-MS: greater responsibility in career; the ability to stand on one's own two feet. The transition of Saturn into the upper quadrant is the peak moment when people can build themselves something like a temporary landing camp, providing a bridgehead, stability and protection from the elements, allowing consolidation and further advancement. Otherwise, one extra step and the ground will disappear from under your feet. One must prepare wisely for landing and defense.

Saturn entering the X house makes a person very career focused. Success, achieving recognition, using authority, and perhaps also demonstrating one’s own status - this is what absorbs him almost entirely. Success that comes too quickly can raise one's aspirations too high. At this critical time, you should think about dynamic consolidation, carefully building a permanent foundation for your career. It's not how high you climb, but how long you stay at the top that matters.

Then Saturn falls into the 11th house, and people leave friends for proven friends, however, they can join professional communities in order to establish business contacts. Giving up unrealistic aspirations, changing priorities, pushing hopes into the future and committing to clear goals allows you to get what is actually missing.

In the XII house Saturn slides down not with a roar, but rather with a sad howl. People get hit where it hurts the most, both personally and professionally, if they don't trust their own conscience. Uncertainty, previously deeply hidden, comes to the surface; You can’t give in to it, but you can’t brush it aside either: you have to face it. The best protection for a person during this period is, in spite of everyone, to be true to one’s own principles, as long as these principles are compatible with current reality. Anyone who has not sought and found a way to serve will suffer. He who seeks and finds will survive. The one who will do best is the one who learned his lesson before the exam. Saturn's entry into the first quadrant restarts the cycle.

Saturn-Vertex, Antivertex : Meeting authority figures or long-awaited responsibilities.

Transit aspects of Saturn

Saturn-Sun: increasing responsibility or being “under the thumb.”

These lead people into a dark world of uncertainty, little or no vitality, and seemingly few or no choices. A serious determination to advance, no matter what, promotes the development of resilience and practicality, responsibility and productivity. It should not be forgotten that aspects to the Sun signify an important transition - a change of solar house - and this must also be interpreted. The conjunction, both squares and oppositions are turning points in the career of Pride discussed above.

Saturn-Moon: loneliness, isolation, feeling of lack of support; the need to consolidate resources. It's a cold front bearing down on emotions, it's stormy weather in relationships and the potential for separation. These aspects promote a serious attitude towards needs and necessities and a realism sufficient to realize that it is possible - and should - to do something. Diligence in these needs-fulfilling activities is the primary cure for depression. As always, the severity of the condition depends on factors in the natal chart, as well as on the type of transit aspect.

Saturn-Mercury: Big decisions, burdensome paperwork, studying.Saturn aspects to Mercury bring worry, even if there is nothing to worry about. With tense aspects, rough cynicism and harshness in words come to the fore; with moderate transit tension, pessimism and sarcasm appear; finally, mild cases are characterized by practical, orderly thinking. You should perceive your anxiety as warning signals, that is, develop plans: if problem number one arises, plan “A” is used; if problem number two, plan “B” is used. Problems arise for people to be solved. If there is already a solution, then the occurrence of a problem is not a problem. And when there is no need for a problem to appear, it may not appear.

Saturn-Mars: arthritis, physical limitations, physical damage, exhaustion, hard work. Aspects of Saturn to Mars deplete the energy supply and make it impossible to somehow use even the remaining resources. The blues are trying to swallow you whole. If you give up, a sharp “I don’t want to!” leads to depression. The first step is the hardest, and people who manage to take it can be productive. Subsequently, fatigue may set in (but it would also come from doing nothing), but at least they managed to do something!

Saturn-Jupiter: controlled expansion. Saturn's K aspects force difficult decisions to be made in what are initially perceived as "if you win, you pay dearly" situations. These are situations of conflict between the requirement of duty and the freedom to do as one pleases. During periods of intense aspects, people feel caught between two fires, and the lesser of two evils means more to them. The wise way out is to go outside: when faced with two unacceptable alternatives, you should choose the third.

Saturn-Saturn: An important life phase associated with the Saturn cycle.First return of Saturn occurs around age 29. It is responsible for realism. The classic ending to most fairy tales is: “... and they lived happily ever after.” We were indoctrinated into believing that if we could make the transition into adulthood and do what was expected of us, then we too could live happily ever after. The Saturn Return is the realization that this is just a fairy tale and that if we truly want to live happily ever after, we must take control and arrange our lives in a more realistic way.

The unrealistic expectations we carry over from childhood to a perfect marriage, children, career, etc. are shattered and exposed to the cold daylight of real life. Any part of life that is supported by the illusions or plans of other people will feel the measuring stick of Saturn. The ship sets sail, but if the sails are not ready, the ship will have difficulties.

This process of testing by the Cosmos can be rewarding or devastating. This is a time of accepting responsibility on all levels and freeing oneself from parents, real or symbolic. This may be a period of recognition and moving forward as the person is given greater responsibility, or a time of experiencing the consequences of previous unrealistic positions.

Transiting Saturn will also form squares and oppositions to its natal position, and these periods will repeat issues similar to the Saturn return.

Arriving Saturn square ages 7, 36, and 65 are periods of action to begin a cycle of other commitments and responsibilities: going to school, establishing one's career and life path, or retiring.

Saturn oppositions at ages 14, 43 and 72 are periods of challenging what has power over you, and the waning squares at ages 21, 50 and 79 are periods of productive giving based on the hard work one has already done.

Saturn's second return (at about 56 years of age). Resignation and recognition that the “young active phase” of life is over; evaluating what you did in the first phase and planning for the next phase. This period can again be rewarding - a time of release from some responsibilities - or sorrowful with the feeling that you have wasted your life.

Saturn-Uranus: Frustration, slow progress towards new goals. Forging new paths. During periods of Saturn transits, many aspirations are devalued and some of them are abandoned; others are postponed for the future if possible; Of the remaining actual desires, the best are selected for implementation in reality. Priorities and preferences thus revised restructure the future. Aspects of Saturn to transiting Uranus moderate or refine ideals that are currently on the path of progress. Clients may pledge their highest hopes (including future heirlooms) in order to gain faster gratification.

Saturn-Neptune: illness, fatigue, depletion of resources, despair, hopelessness. It is an important indicator of health problems in predictive astrology. Saturn's aspects discolor the rainbow of hopes; By creating a short circuit, they disable the psychic radar. People do stupid things, such as refusing to take further action or, figuratively speaking, standing still just when they need to move quickly. Focusing on the products of the imagination and concentrating on somehow bringing these hopes, dreams, visions (instead of generating new ones) into life provides the inner world with a reliable channel of communication with reality. Through the practical application of inner imagery, following the rainbow of ambition can ultimately lead clients to the reward they deserve.

Saturn-Pluto: Blocked energy leading to emotional outbursts that can be violent; melancholy, emotional “darkness”; being in a “black hole”. During the transit of Saturn to Pluto, a person's life is tested. Its course and direction are checked for completeness, the personal goal becomes the topic of cross-examination. If the findings are negative (and the person is declared guilty and despairs), severe depression follows. However, with course correction based on a re-examination of intentions and achievements and a redefinition of life purpose (accepting it as a life commitment), the overload of this period will be constructive and rewarding.

Saturn-North Node

Speed ​​of passage through the Zodiac: about 12° per year.
Time to complete a revolution around the map: about 29 years.

Transiting Saturn conjunct natal Saturn

When transiting Saturn conjuncts your natal Saturn, you are between the ages of 25 and 30, your life is coming to a turning point. You critically evaluate your goals, achievements and failures. Common phenomena of this period are categorical judgments, a feeling of parting with youth, disappointment that you managed to achieve and experience so little and life has nothing more to offer you. It is necessary to reflect on past failures and disappointments, but it is even more important to find out what experiences you have gained. By refusing to succumb to depression and despondency, and to the pointless self-indulgence that should be avoided at all costs, you will begin to imagine your future as more organized and purposeful. This will likely lead to a serious attempt to change or end current relationships and situations that will interfere with your planned growth. On the other hand, present circumstances bring satisfaction: during this period you will have the opportunity to check your current course and outline plans for the future.

Transiting Saturn sextile natal Saturn

When transiting Saturn sextiles your natal Saturn, the people and situations you encounter will help you decide which methods and activities are effective in achieving long-term goals and which are not. You will come into contact with those who have the same goals as you, are moving along the same path, using the same methods and will be able to initiate you into the more subtle nuances of their experience. The information and experience that these people will share with you will allow you to move even more purposefully towards your goal, feeling solid ground under your feet.

Transiting Saturn square natal Saturn

Current circumstances do not leave freedom of choice. The main thing is to find at least minor advantages in them. When transiting Saturn squares your natal Saturn, the people and situations you encounter appear too standard, impose the same limitations, raise the same concerns, and require the same formalities—all of which hinder new growth and success. The positive thing is that these situations are temporary and should not fundamentally change your plans and goals.

Transiting Saturn trine natal Saturn

Although this period is generally successful, you are unlikely to be guaranteed particularly favorable circumstances or incredible luck. But when transiting Saturn trines your natal Saturn, you may feel the satisfaction of discovering that your previous dedication to a job, tradition, or organization has helped you connect with like-minded people and secure profitable situations. Thus, your position has become stable, and your lifestyle has become more comfortable.

Transiting Saturn opposition to natal Saturn

If in the past you had something to regret, then during this period the situation will worsen even more. The potentially negative circumstances you may encounter when transiting Saturn opposes your natal Saturn can and should be viewed as life lessons related to what you have failed at in the past and what you are clearly failing at in the present time. Real freedom or progress will be very difficult to achieve, so all that remains is to reflect on the lessons of the past and plan positive and constructive actions that can be successfully implemented when this period ends.

Sources: Jay Jacobs, "Career Cycles and Compensation." Grant Lewey "Astrology for Millions."

Responsibility for re-evaluation, manifestation and success

Saturn circles the zodiac in 29.5 years. He spends in almost all cases 2.5 years in any sign or solar house and on average the same in the natal houses, but due to retrograde movements through the cusps he usually leaves these sectors of the chart completely only three years after entering them. Saturn's net annual motion is 10°, resulting from a forward motion of 18° and a retrograde motion of 8° (for 4.5 months each year). With each natal planet, he forms transit aspects approximately once every three years (each time the exact aspect can form once or three times). The transit occurring during the period of direct movement, when the exact aspect is reproduced only once, fits into one month. However, during retrograde returns, the aspect of Saturn with the natal planet remains within the orb for five to six full months out of ten, elapsed from the entry of the aspect into the orb until the final exit from it.

The sensations during periods of Saturn transits are reminiscent of the state of climbing up a mountain along a confusing, winding path: a process that pleasantly excites you if you are ready and trained, and sheer torture otherwise (“Be careful, there is a long rocky slope behind!”). If you are ineffective or shirking responsibility, you may feel like a traveler painfully making your way through the muddy bottom of a viscous swamp (“The alligators won’t reach you, so the sinkhole will suck you in”). Transiting aspects of Saturn limit or constrain the manifestations of the natal planets in such a way that, when responsibly controlled, the manifestations of these planets are magnificent, but otherwise they are suppressed.

The passage of Saturn through the houses causes a re-evaluation of what has been done and is being done in the relevant areas of life, which is essential for preparing future activity. Saturn often plays the “come on, take it away” game (reduces it) or delays something in order to teach important lessons. As a rule, when entering a house, the unpleasant side of Saturn first makes itself felt (delays, shortages, intense efforts). Responsible re-evaluation and diligent attention allow Saturn's influence to be transformed into control, success and, finally (which is rarely achieved), mastery.

The movement of Saturn through the quadrants of the horoscope can be interpreted in accordance with each of the three intertwined cycles that describe our progress in the career of Survival, the career of Pride and the career of Duty.

The Survival Career is purely earthly matters, ensuring material existence, controlling the material conditions of life, responsibility for obtaining specific results, for reliability and stability.

The Pride Career is a path associated with an orientation toward an uplifting goal, a path that reflects self-improvement and personal significance through the magnifying glass of personal and social approval, prestige, and social status.

A Career of Duty is a path of dedication, a path of selfless action and effort to create or achieve something. It requires patience and perseverance, and everything connected with it is considered by a person as a necessity and a personal obligation, as part of personal responsibility, privileges and even rights.

The quadrants of Saturn are measured in the three above cases respectively from the Ascendant, the Sun and Saturn itself: to the lower square to each of them; from the bottom square to the opposition; from opposition to top square; from the top square to the connection.

Saturn moves people through all three careers simultaneously: rejecting, empowering, elevating, and finally leading to plateaus in different professional careers or in relation to different aspects of one career. Examples: Astrology often represents a Pride career for those whose Survival career is related to business or commerce, and whose Duty career is related to something else, perhaps their family responsibilities or some kind of volunteer activity. In another case, an astrologer on the path of the Survival career can be a consultant, the Pride career - a lecturer (or author of books on astrology), the Duty career - an author of books or a performer of some duties in an astrological organization.

In the careers of Pride and Duty, a person may well receive income and material rewards (just as in the career of Survival - non-material benefits); a lot becomes achievable if you shift the emphasis in time from a downward career to an upward one. Catch the wave that goes up and rise with it as long as possible, and then jump onto the next one to continue climbing. Be aware of the pitfalls of Parkinson's Law (related to going beyond the level of competence) and do not kick the fallen horse that was carrying you in the direction you need. Continued success is determined by changing horses in the middle of the crossing - in the right place in the flow of time.
Which path is suitable for a particular person in each of the careers, he can find out only through careful discussion with an astrologer. But there are some general indications: the Survival career in the natal chart is often indicated by the X house (signs and planets, if there are any in it) and the positions of the Sun and Saturn in the houses. The career of Pride is often described by the sign of the Sun, the solar X house and the solar house of Saturn. The sign, natal and solar houses of Saturn and its aspects can be the key to a Debt career. If Pluto is strong enough, it should also be taken into account, as well as other modern indicators of career choice and success.

The movement of Saturn along the paths of careers is at the same time a transit movement through houses, encompassing both quadrants and everything in general.
The first quarter of the cycle plunges into hopelessness of the type “if you pull out your head, your tail will get stuck” and makes the world around you completely uncertain, unless the client makes a strategic retreat into tasks of self-improvement based on self-exploration, reordering and relearning. This is the right moment to shift the focus to another, Saturn ascending cycle, if there is one.

In general, transit through sector 4 represents the end of one phase and the beginning of another; The period of growth before entering sector 7 represents your personal progress until your achievements first attract public attention. The transition from sector 7 to sector 10 (ascent) represents the most public part of your career, which culminates in sector 10. Between sectors 10 and 1, you consolidate the position achieved in sector 10 and try to act towards providing security for the future, rather than further advancement. With the crossing of the border of sector 1 (ascendant), a period of obscurity begins. This is the most difficult time, especially if you come to the Ascendant with flags flying, for in this case a period of obscurity almost certainly promises difficulties that will plague you until Saturn reaches the border of sector 4 and gives you the opportunity of a new beginning . If Saturn is expected to enter a period of obscurity in your horoscope in the near future, try to voluntarily step away from business and care more about your current well-being than about changes. Go back to Chapter 7 and see how other people responded to Saturn transits and how it matches up with the situation in your life.

Transit of Saturn through the houses of radix

Transit of Saturn through the 1st house begins with a “blow in the face”: doubts arise about our appearance, image and other people’s reactions to us. We are forced to retreat into the shadows or reconsider our style. Verifying shortcomings, then correcting or accepting them, and discarding unfounded doubts clears the field of activity. From dissatisfaction comes practicality, and from maturity comes improvement in professional self-presentation. Helpful polish comes at the same time as better operational strategies are developed.

Passing the cusp of the 2nd house Saturn usually signals the depletion of a client's bank account and the onset of prolonged financial difficulties. Cash receipts are late, and even if there is no shortage of money, then you certainly have to take change. However, some clients find abundance through the adoption of new principles and practices, as well as the thoughtful discovery of new sources of material resources to prevent difficulties. Restructuring of values ​​leads to an increase in resources.

Movement of Saturn in the 3rd house promotes pessimism and slows down thought processes enough to allow old decisions to be reconsidered and the “common sense” truth to be extracted. To create a solid foundation for future success, it is useful for clients to study during this period to determine their field of activity and understand how to achieve success in it.

When Saturn reaches the lower square and turns the corner, the time of uncertainty comes to an end: people begin to see the opportunity to succeed in proportion to the effort put in, and begin to work hard and disciplined to gain recognition.

Entering the IV house , Saturn sometimes pushes a person out of his own house - into a smaller (limiting) one or into the parental house, where problems of rules, duty and loyalty become more difficult. Take your work home to get ahead, or set up a home office to start your own business. There is nowhere to move but up. Get started right now!

Transit of Saturn in the 5th house tries to deprive our life of joys: business comes into conflict with love, we lose lovers and give up previous pleasant activities. However, rest is necessary to remain productive, so you have to make time for fun. Taking a side hustle seriously can initiate the process of turning it into a profession.

At a time when Saturn travels through the 6th house , a person may feel sick from stress or long working hours. Don't let yourself burn out at work: health goes hand in hand with business; it is just as necessary for work as professional skills. It is a period of incessant work, accompanied by feelings of overwork, underpaid and (still) undervalued. Clients can pursue a career or training for a future career while maintaining a second job.

As Saturn turns into the third quadrant, struggles begin to transform into triumphs. “The head is out and the tail is fine.” Many clients see the achievable goal of their efforts immediately in front of them, but continue to worry about the path to getting there.

Entering the 7th house , Saturn spoils our relationships with partners. Conflicts with spouses, business partners, and in professional settings force us to reconsider all of these relationships, which can make us more whole and consistent in our agreements, and sometimes produce reliable partners and partnerships. Clients should be warned against breaking promises; Saturn will take care of the unpleasant consequences of such behavior.

Making our way through the VIII house , Saturn can rob us of sexual interests, energy and/or chances. A sense of duty can result in a blocked experience, which then rises to self-control and is compensated for in work. There may be delays in receiving an inheritance or reaching an agreement; difficulties in the sphere of capital accumulation. Failures during this period are favorable chances for a breakthrough to a new level of psychological self-regulation and personal strength.

Transit of Saturn through the 9th house requires a revision of basic concepts, premises and authoritative opinions. Clients develop a more pragmatic approach to life, which may lead them to obtain new education for further advancement (or be generated by new education) if life commitments do not prevent this. This is a rather dull, duty-motivated enterprise, but it can, however, attract attention to clients and even develop (practical) wisdom in them. To achieve recognition and success during this period, it is recommended to demonstrate sound judgment.

The transition of Saturn into the upper quadrant is the peak moment when people can build themselves something like a temporary landing camp, providing a bridgehead, stability and protection from the elements, allowing consolidation and further advancement. Otherwise, one extra step and the ground will disappear from under your feet. One must prepare wisely for landing and defense.

Saturn entering the X house makes a person very career focused. Success, achieving recognition, using authority, and perhaps also demonstrating one’s own status - this is what absorbs him almost entirely. Success that comes too quickly can raise one's aspirations too high. At this critical time, you should think about dynamic consolidation, carefully building a permanent foundation for your career. It's not how high you climb, but how long you stay at the top that matters.

Then Saturn falls into the 11th house , and people leave friends for proven friends, however, they can join professional communities in order to establish business contacts. Giving up unrealistic aspirations, changing priorities, pushing hopes into the future and committing to clear goals allows you to get what is actually missing.

In the XII house Saturn slides down not with a roar, but rather with a sad howl. People get hit where it hurts the most, both personally and professionally, if they don't trust their own conscience. Uncertainty, previously deeply hidden, comes to the surface; You can’t give in to it, but you can’t brush it aside either: you have to face it. The best protection for a person during this period is, in spite of everyone, to be true to one’s own principles, as long as these principles are compatible with current reality. Anyone who has not sought and found a way to serve will suffer. He who seeks and finds will survive. The one who will do best is the one who learned his lesson before the exam.
Saturn's entry into the first quadrant restarts the cycle.

Aspects of Saturn

Saturn - Sun. These aspects lead people into a dark world where uncertainty reigns, little or no vital energy exists, and choices seem to be few or nonexistent. A serious determination to advance, no matter what, promotes the development of resilience and practicality, responsibility and productivity. It should not be forgotten that aspects to the Sun signify an important transition - a change of solar house - and this must also be interpreted. The conjunction, both squares and oppositions are turning points in the career of Pride discussed above.

Compound. During this period, you reap the benefits, you get what you worked for and what you deserve. This law is absolute and fair in all respects. If success comes to you during this transit, then you have definitely earned it, and if failure befalls you, then, undoubtedly, for one reason or another it was destined for you. You may have to dig deep to find the reasons why you deserve what you have, but you will find them if you look. At its best, this period crowns constructive efforts with achievement and can be a heady time at the peak of success and popularity. And at worst, it marks the end of a path that was chosen incorrectly from the very beginning, and which deservedly ends in defeat. In any case, this is the period of culmination, when the chickens of ambition are counted in the fall. If they have been well fed and cared for, they begin to lay golden eggs of success and honor. And if the chickens were starving and picked up crumbs from the neighbor’s garden, you won’t even be able to make a decent broth from them. If everything is going well, don't let success go to your head. Don't tempt fate. Remember, this is the climax and after that you should slow down. And if things turn out unsatisfactorily or poorly - if during this period you are haunted by difficulties and obstacles - then you need to carefully reconsider your ambitions and plans with an eye to some realistic and accessible achievement and ignore, as far as possible, past failures. If deep in your soul you are able to forget the success or failure that the transit in question brought, you will be able to smoothly and gracefully switch to other achievements.

Opposition. This is one of the most difficult periods in life, but if you understand it correctly, it can be the most fruitful in terms of personal development. This is a time when the world seems complex, harsh and antagonistic. You are temperamental and probably feel insulted. It's not easy to get along with you. This period may be preceded or accompanied by financial difficulties. Your vitality level is low, and your desire to express your personality, your will, your ideas, and your feelings to others can lead to quarrels, conflicts, and broken relationships. In the absence of any alternative, you become isolated and spiritually isolated from others. Real or imaginary health problems are possible, more often of mental and psychological origin than of physical origin. You are going through a period when the ego's drive to express itself is thwarted by both circumstances and your personality. You rebel against this state of affairs, and it is your rebellion, not external events, that makes this time difficult. You come into contact - perhaps for the first time - with some earthly realities, practical problems of human relationships and individual shortcomings of your own personality and refuse to acknowledge what you see. As a result, character is strengthened and the horizons of the individual are expanded; but in this transit you are unlikely to notice this, because you will withdraw into yourself and begin to feel sorry for yourself, feel that you are misunderstood and bullied. It will take some time before you realize that the reasons for your rude treatment are in you and you can put an end to it whenever you want - by coming to terms with the status quo, learning to adapt to circumstances and accepting people as they are. As a result, you will understand that you can only control yourself, and the meaning of everything external is determined by your interpretation.

Naturally, people with an innate tendency for introspection, under such influence, will quickly get to the bottom of it, experience the full depth of despair and depression, find the root of the problem in themselves and immediately root it out once and for all. They will be reborn with a deep understanding of themselves that will never fail them, and with increased self-confidence that will stabilize their lives forever.

Less introspective people will have a more difficult time because they are not quite ready to accept the blame. For them, the described period may last longer than the actual transit time and last for many years. Such people are constantly at war with the world - if not openly, then with internal indignation. Life for them loses its charm and turns from an exciting adventure into a tedious road to a poorly planned goal.

Try to get to know yourself during this transit. When you yourself become a person whom you understand and with whom you no longer need to fight, it will be easier for you to live in the world in general, and you will turn into a useful and progressive citizen.

Top square. This is a time of results that reward the work done in the past. It can represent high prestige and income if your previous efforts have been reasonable, or it can be a time of frustration if your hopes have been unrealistic and their implementation inconsistent. In the first case, you should be congratulated. So you somehow sensed the rhythm of what was happening and made it work for us. During such a period, you should just not tempt fate too much. This is the time to consolidate what has been achieved. Pause and do not interfere with the natural course of events. This is the peak of achievement, and you must be ready to realize that the path further leads only down. Therefore, make your descent voluntary. Choose a new goal and never try to move in the same direction. If your income has been growing so far, now turn your attention to something else other than money. If power is concentrated in your hands, give it up and achieve something else. To ensure that the progress you've already made continues in another area of ​​activity, make your goals less public and tangible than before. Let them be more personal in nature. And in the second case, you can be sure that you were moving in the wrong direction for you or that your efforts were not consistent. Look for the roots of difficulties within yourself. Reconsider your goals and methods; make them less material and ambitious, bring them closer to your ideals. To achieve maximum success in the years following this difficult period, objectify your own desires now; moderate your demands on the world and other people, but demand more from yourself.

Bottom square. This is a period of new beginnings. It is usually accompanied by the breaking of old ties and new responsibilities or new maturity. Such a transit may represent leaving the parental home; finishing school and starting a career; marriage as a severance of previous ties and the formation of new ones; business failure and a new beginning. This period always proceeds slowly. The foundation of a transformed life is being built in a direction that requires serious personal restructuring. This takes a lot of effort, and therefore the transit can be tense, full of conflicts and resentment that events are not developing the way you want. He will not satisfy you if you expect miracles that are not forthcoming. During this period, concern will not add to your height of position or speed of progress. You need to come to terms with the current state of affairs and moderate the pace of implementation own desires so that it matches the pace of what is happening in the world. If you are ready to go for it, transit time. it will not be in vain for you. Gradually and patiently implemented enterprises with a carefully planned perspective usually come to their logical conclusion in 7-14 years. Otherwise, they should be discarded. Capturing the pace and rhythm of what is happening now means truly moving towards the highest success in the future. While rebellion and getting ahead of events lead to exhaustion and despair, the need to start again later, under less favorable conditions.

Saturn - Moon. It's a cold front bearing down on emotions, stormy weather in relationships and the potential for separation. These aspects promote a serious attitude towards needs and necessities and a realism sufficient to realize that it is possible - and should - to do something. Diligence in these needs-fulfilling activities is the primary cure for depression. As always, the severity of the condition depends on factors in the natal chart, as well as the type of transit aspect.

Compound. During this period, you are very sensitive to circumstances, and quite rightly so. Events and people around you challenge the self-image you have created, and you will have to see yourself not as attractive as you used to imagine yourself, but as you appear in the eyes of others. Without protection, you stand in the midst of the hustle and bustle of what is happening. As your self-image is shattered one by one, the result is first inspiring and then depressing. This is not an easy or very pleasant period. Many things seem unfair and undeserved to you. You may feel misunderstood, in some ways truly misunderstood, and suddenly you realize that you are unable to present yourself to the world as you want. Between intention and its implementation, between action and its result, there is a deep chasm. You feel disappointed and bewildered. However, all of this allows you to deeply understand the lesson that making the desired impression requires taking into account more than just your own vision of yourself. You also need to take into account the rules that exist in the world, which may not correspond to yours. Only by following them will you be able to present a cherished image of yourself to others. Here you are fighting for understanding, for external approval of what you consider to be your true nature. In frustration and disappointment, you will learn to do this, if not now, then more successfully in the future. Often such a period is accompanied by physical or nervous ailments, usually of mental origin, since dissatisfaction of the mind and spirit affects the physical body. Be suspicious of your ailments. It is likely that this is your unconscious attempt to gain sympathy from others, and you resort to illness when all other efforts fail. This is not necessarily the case. The disease may be real. Consult a doctor if you feel necessary, but be prepared to take his word for it when he tells you that you can handle your illness on your own.

Opposition. Emotional stress. Physical or financial difficulties are possible. You've been channeling your aspirations, your entire personality, into something concrete, and now you've discovered that you've lost something in the process. The main recommendation of the current period is not to feel sorry for yourself. Mainly, you have said goodbye to sentimentality, to an attitude towards yourself that is better to forget about. But at the same time, they won in that they reassessed their personal qualities, gained the ability to see themselves from the outside and manage their mental and emotional energies. You have become firmer, but this does not weaken your humanity, but allows you to use your mental and creative abilities more effectively in the future. The beneficial effect of this transit is to gain self-control, which you achieve through objectivity and impartiality. Difficult period for love. Stagnation is also expected in material matters. The ego is too preoccupied with itself to succeed in earthly affairs, but through experience it learns the need for efficiency.

Top or bottom squares. The situation is similar to the conditions of the previous transit, but the situation is less tense. The transit through the lower square occurs approximately seven years before the transit through the opposition and paves the way for the latter. The more you learn now, the more stressful the coming opposition will be for you. The transit through the upper square occurs approximately seven years after the transit through the opposition and represents a course in refining what you have learned under opposition. During the transit, you will be able to learn from the experiences of others or help them with what you have learned from own experience. Here you need to carefully approach what is happening to you or those around you and analyze it. Emotional experiences will help you to know yourself so that you can take whims less seriously and take your true virtues more seriously.

Saturn - Mercury. Saturn aspects to Mercury bring worry, even if there is nothing to worry about. With tense aspects, rough cynicism and harshness in words come to the fore; with moderate transit tension, pessimism and sarcasm appear; finally, mild cases are characterized by practical, orderly thinking. You should perceive your anxiety as warning signals, that is, develop plans: if problem number one arises, plan “A” is used; if problem number two, plan “B” is used. Problems arise for people to be solved. If there is already a solution, then the occurrence of a problem is not a problem. And when there is no need for a problem to appear, it may not appear.

Compound. Deepening and intensifying mental activity. You take yourself and life very seriously. You take a philosophical position, which, depending on your character, turns out to be more or less fundamental. An excellent period for learning and intense mental work, especially in science or business. Creative efforts are fruitful if you are disciplined and rely less on inspiration than on hard work. Some financial limitations. Self-discipline and spending planning provide a chance to improve the situation. Profit through sustained routine efforts and improved operational efficiency.

Deepening mental processes, concentration in learning and thinking. Usually accompanied by melancholy and depression in mild or acute form, which are minimized by work and self-discipline. Self-esteem may weaken. The feeling that you are good for nothing intensifies. Focusing on something external helps. Studying, reading and literary activities are recommended. However, creativity and originality leave much to be desired. At this time, the motto that will suit you is: “Face the facts and don’t worry.” Escapism will only add to the confusion. A good transit for studying at school or college, when the most favorable opportunity for learning is provided, and the “cold and cruel world” does not yet bother you. In adulthood it represents a period when it is useful to return to a state of apprenticeship and focus on facts rather than on feelings and concerns. Limited finances. Cost planning and savings are required.

Saturn Venus . These aspects have a chilling effect on emotional attachments (but can also feel like a simmering simmer of resentment), and they can also block the financial pipeline. The impact of transit can be mitigated by establishing criteria for budget planning, priorities and spending schedules. The work done during this period, as well as the necessary investments (in labor tools, training, materials, advertising), can later bring big dividends.

Compound. It has both practical and emotional meaning. At both levels, realities make themselves felt. The transit promises an important and perhaps final re-examination of your emotional life and your relationship to it. Sometimes it ends sadly if your love is unable to bear the truth of reality. But he can strengthen it forever if it is firmly based on earthly realities. Avoid being overly sensitive, as the very fear of possible heartache can break your heart. In this case, self-analysis will help you understand that what you feared happened precisely because your fear was transformed into actions that contributed to what you least wanted. In material terms, your situation will stabilize. It is necessary to exclude extravagance and plan expenses. Started now financial enterprises slowly but successfully moving forward. Try not to develop, but to strengthen your position in matters of property, income and work.

Opposition. The situation is very similar to the conditions of the next transit. Increasing emotional stress. A deeper revision of ideas that feels fuller. Immediately before the wedding, such a transit can mean a sad break in relations, which is then explained by earthly affairs or considered destined by fate. In family life, this transit often brings a marriage to the brink of divorce, and sometimes beyond it. Due to emotional distress, your financial situation suffers.

Top or bottom squares. The experience leaves an imprint on your heart. You are struck by some family truths of an emotional nature. Usually accompanied by a breakup or divorce, which is caused by circumstances or quarrels. Then mental maturation begins, allowing you to reconsider your emotions in a more practical way. Disappointment in others or in oneself leads to a more reasonable approach to human relationships. Financially, austerity is usually required to make ends meet. Possible financial losses or lost well-being.

Saturn - Mars. Aspects of Saturn to Mars deplete the energy supply and make it impossible to somehow use even the remaining resources. The blues are trying to swallow you whole. If you give up, a sharp “I don’t want to!” leads to depression. The first step is the hardest, and people who manage to take it can be productive. Subsequently, fatigue may set in (but it would also come from doing nothing), but at least they managed to do something!

Compound. Energy needs to be contained. Illness is possible - especially if you take on too much. Strict control of physical strength and temperament is required. Your dynamics have difficulty finding external expression. You may believe that your personality cannot assert itself, but you should not impose your will and way of acting on others. Avoid struggling and trying too hard, otherwise you will feel like you are being deliberately made difficult and will become irritated. Relax - you are being driven by the chariot of fate, and now is not the time to fight it, trying to change the natural course of events. Willpower works ineffectively. After any serious effort, after each attempt to break the resistance of circumstances, a retreat to previous positions and complete rest is required. Take care of your health, nerves and normal relationships with others.

Upper and lower squares or opposition. Individualism and energy face obstacles; circumstances require additional responsibility. At first you may take this as a personal insult and rebel. This will not lead to anything good - unless you are completely devoid of conscience and are not ready to ignore obligations. A review of positions is required. It is necessary to bring your own desires into line with reality, and you can do this in various ways. Any of them will be good if it does not awaken the spirit of rebellion in you. Temperament must be adjusted to the existing state of affairs. The more you have to restrain it, the more you will become convinced of the need for such measures.

Saturn - Jupiter. These aspects force difficult decisions to be made in what are initially perceived as win-pay-heavy situations. These are situations of conflict between the requirement of duty and the freedom to do as one pleases. During periods of intense aspects, people feel caught between two fires, and the lesser of two evils means more to them. The wise way out is to go outside: when faced with two unacceptable alternatives, you should choose the third.

Compound. Your response to opportunities is practical, and as a result, with your feet firmly on the ground, you will be able to extract much from somewhat limited circumstances. Calmness and balance should prevail in your life. What you get may not be spectacular, but it is stable and can be turned into the cornerstone of your current confidence and future success. The enterprises started now have a solid foundation. And other things that continue during this transit become an increasingly important part of your life. Don't expect anything exciting. It's time serious intentions, when at first glance an insignificant chance can be profitably developed. Save money in your bank account, make long-term investments, buy real estate.

Saturn - Saturn. Aspects to natal Saturn produce career-related anxiety—the fear that you won’t have time to conquer a mountain peak before the end of your life. People fight against obstacles and delays, moving as fast as possible without moving. In fact, they should think carefully about their career goals and strategies. Career anxiety is rewarding effort with a headache, or a puzzle like “can I cope, but if so, is this too low a bar for me?” Redefining the nature of responsibility and its scope - honestly recognizing your capabilities - will allow you to derive lasting benefits from this testing time.

Conjunctions, both squares and oppositions of transiting Saturn to natal signify the turning points of the Debt career described above.

Conjunction (Saturn Return). This is the most well-known and, according to some astrologers, still underrated transit that has been written about the most.
If you are yet to make your first return of Saturn to its natal position, Grant Lewey is a great guide. Unfortunately, there is an influential but irresponsible group of astrologers who see the influence of this planet exclusively in gloomy terms. Grant Lewey tried to calm unfounded fears. The point of the transit is not that you deserve the struggle that the Saturn return brings, but that you learn from this struggle and can categorically declare to Heaven that only you are responsible for your own life. If you've already experienced your first Saturn Return, think back to that time.

There was a time when Saturn was considered the last outer planet away from the Sun. Saturn was the First Cause, the Guiding Force of the Earth. Its slow, majestic movement ruled Time itself.

In the distant past, 28 years of the full cycle of Saturn corresponded to the average life expectancy. Now we see in our lifetime two, and sometimes three, cycles of Saturn’s revolution. The course of human life corresponds to its cycles. Who knows in what direction we are developing? The first Saturn cycle represents a rite of passage from dependence to freedom, and the second from wonder at the world to wisdom.

The Saturn cycle measures the pace of our spiritual rejuvenation. We are used to living under someone's care. But if we understand the significance of the Saturn return, then the need for guardians will disappear. In a sense, we will become our own parents, we will be able to ensure our own well-being. If you had a difficult childhood, Saturn's return will bring added significance to the question of "who is in charge" of your life. If you straighten your shoulders and stand tall and proud, you will be able to move forward freely. Now read about Saturn's return to his natal position.

This transit occurs twice in the average lifespan (three times if you live into your nineties), and each time it brings with it profound and important changes. His influence is always distinguished by similarity of direction and longevity of results. It deepens your awareness of your surroundings, heightens your sensitivity, and encourages you to fundamentally recognize your own abilities, limitations, and potential. This recognition comes from within and usually leads to a complete overhaul of ideas and plans, so that by the time this transit ends, you find yourself a completely different person, living a new life with a deeper and clearer purpose for you.

When you first return to your natal position (between the ages of 26 and 30), Saturn encourages you to look within and think deeply about what you have already achieved. This is the most important period of introspection and self-analysis, which you turn to yourself or are forced by circumstances. Radical changes in the sphere of human relationships can occur here: marriage, divorce, change of place of work, dismissal from work, separation from parents, moving to a new place of residence, or anything in the outside world that changes the course, direction and pace of life. But still the main changes occur inside. You remember the past, critically evaluate your goals, desires and achievements, and thoroughly revise your ideas about many things. When the period ends, you will find yourself a completely new person. You have said goodbye to many old ideas and this may not have been easy for you. Sentimentality will disappear - or at least there will be a great opportunity to get rid of it if you are not too soft. When the transit is completed, you will be freed from many previous restrictions. You will be cleansed of what is completely rotten and prepared for actions that will be less hindered by internal complexes and personal problems. In short, you will put aside everything childish and become a mature person, ready to take your place in life as an adult.

Saturn's transit through his natal location is very important point, when free will manifests itself in life in an unprecedented, unhindered and regardless of circumstances. Recognize the obligations that such privilege requires. Here and now, take into your hands your rightful power over yourself and over your life. You will never be this independent again. You have freedom of choice. Use it wisely, because right now you are literally forging your destiny for many years to come, if not for your entire life.

This is always a period of unforgettable stress. The climax in it occurs 12-18 months before the actual contact of Saturn with its natal location. Tension may be due to temperament, nervous or physical illness, which, most likely, has a mental background and is just a way to help the inner “I” and promote resentment over the unpleasant inevitabilities of life that are revealed.

Shifting the blame to circumstances is useless. They look unsightly, but they are only a reflection in the outside world of what is happening inside you and requires revision. In order to make the most of the transit to your advantage, so that after its completion you really find yourself reborn, so that the whole subsequent life becomes a new, exciting adventure, you need to take the blame for everything that happens to you. You must understand that what matters most is not what happened to you, but your reaction to it and how you behave in the current situation. As a result of the influence of this transit, you either bend under the weight of the realities of the world (failing to learn the proper lesson from the acquired experience), or with new pride and strengthened self-confidence, straightening up, you move forward to better and larger things. Make no mistake, this is a very important period. It gives the beginning of a new life. In it you will be able to feel more free and act more effectively, in direct proportion to the degree of sincerity with which you accept the revision of ideas that has now been carried out.

In the conditions of the second return (between the ages of 54 and 62 years), all the main factors are similar - stress, looking into the past, correcting mistakes. But at this age the temperamental reaction will be less violent. If the lessons of Saturn's first contact with your natal position are fully learned, the period of the second transit will pass without much excitement, but your ideas about material success and confidence in the future will have to be reconsidered on a more realistic basis. The second return may be accompanied by a deterioration in health, which will lead to a change in life plans in an easily recognizable direction. But if the lessons of the first contact are ignored or relegated to the unconscious, then the second transit is a clear shock and revelation. You will have to pay dearly for everything unconstructive that remained in you throughout all the previous years. If you refused to be spiritually reborn when you were given the first chance, you will have to do it now. The transit may be accompanied by temperament, illnesses caused mainly by mental disorders and poor adaptability, and physical troubles, which, as in the first case, require at first deep, careful and honest self-analysis, followed by a change in attitude towards material and worldly affairs. Saturn's second contact with its natal location may indicate the time of retirement. People who at this time try to persistently move on stumble upon insurmountable obstacles and, as a result, often lose everything previously earned through fruitful work, because they do not pay attention to the warning signal and rush to the red light. Here it is necessary to take care of well-being and forget about aggressive actions.

Opposition. It is observed twice before the age of seventy.

1. Teenage rebellion. The first transit is observed between thirteen and fifteen years and marks a reorganization of the personality aimed at self-justification. At this time, the teenager decides how best to protect himself from the world and declares himself to the world. Knowing this, parents can accurately determine the period when they should more closely monitor the child's development. And taking into account the correction for other transits operating at this time, it is possible to create a complete picture of the formation of his “I”. Benevolent and understanding guidance at such a time can go a long way toward helping a perplexed young person find himself in the world he is entering. There are two main options. The personality either withdraws into himself, that is, refuses the struggle for self-expression in the world and seeks reconciliation with it, or chooses an extroverted way of self-expression and makes it a constant psychological background for an aggressive statement about himself to the world.

Analyzing what you decided and did during this transit provides clues to the mystery of your Self and helps you unravel those personal mysteries that have been confusing you.

2. Midlife crisis. This transit occurs between forty and forty-four years and usually marks a turning point in a career, the main goal of which is not to move aggressively forward, but to provide security for the future. Depending on the choices you made between the ages of thirteen and fifteen, the second transit of Saturn through opposition to your natal location will find you in a satisfactory or unsatisfactory mental and material state. But be that as it may, here you need to move away from aggressive activities in the world, make personal rather than material progress your goal and strive to strengthen well-being. At this time, the way things are done often changes, for example, in business, “gentlemen's agreements” are used instead of formal contracts, and this leads to success if unnecessary risk is eliminated. Falling at the time of the “prime of strength,” this transit sometimes pushes the ego to further growth (see the transit coinciding with the current one in time). But for best results, you must be willing to take a calmer, safer course than before. To this end, consider every change you are considering now in light of how it will affect your well-being and personal satisfaction in the years to come.

Top or bottom squares.

1. Transit through the lower square occurs seven years after transiting the conjunction and represents a period of achievement corresponding to the lessons learned during Saturn's contact with its natal position. Wise choices made at that time lead to success. The small cycle has completed, and you are smoothly moving towards the point of maximum achievement, which will be reached in about seven years. Some changes in methods are possible, but not in their main direction. Changes are important, both in the material world and in thinking. They must be thoughtfully correlated with the main goals. It requires curbing some impulsiveness and limiting the ego's attempts to interfere with your practicality.

2. Transit through the upper square observed seven years after transit through the opposition. You are moving towards redefining your intentions and goals. The important change brewing here gives you seven years during which you will find answers and solutions - more and more within yourself and less and less in the outside world. If your actions during the transit through the opposition, as recommended, were truly aimed at ensuring well-being, then during this period you will be able to strengthen it. If you acted in a less stable direction, now you are again given a chance to switch to a safe course, and you must do this, no matter how much self-sacrifice it requires. Over the next seven years, you will be approaching a conjunction of Saturn with its natal location, when you will have to eradicate everything that is rotten from your life. If you start doing this now, you will have fewer acute problems in the future.

Saturn - Uranus . During periods of these transits, many aspirations are devalued and some of them are abandoned; others are postponed for the future if possible; Of the remaining actual desires, the best are selected for implementation in reality. Priorities and preferences thus revised restructure the future. Aspects of Saturn to transiting Uranus moderate or refine ideals that are currently on the path of progress. Clients may pledge their highest hopes (including future heirlooms) in order to gain faster gratification.

Compound. Very ticklish vibrations. Read on for an analysis of the influences coinciding with, immediately preceding, and immediately following the present. Under the most favorable circumstances, it promotes the practical application of originality and talents. And in the most unfavorable conditions, it threatens to manifest the worst character traits, indulge in one’s desires and become disobedient. In any case, this transit turns out to be a period of tension: the individualist in you fights with the world for self-expression in one way or another. Switching from personal and selfish to mental and creative achievements to for many years will provide you with a smooth and progressive development of your deepest individualism. And giving in to weakness means postponing lessons that will still have to be learned later.

Saturn - Neptune . These aspects discolor the rainbow of hope; By creating a short circuit, they disable the psychic radar. People do stupid things, such as refusing to take further action or, figuratively speaking, standing still just when they need to move quickly. Focusing on the products of the imagination and concentrating on somehow bringing these hopes, dreams, visions (instead of generating new ones) into life provides the inner world with a reliable channel of communication with reality. Through the practical application of inner imagery, following the rainbow of ambition can ultimately lead clients to the reward they deserve.

Compound. Your inner self is tempted by the carnal, the worldly. As with the transit through the conjunction of Uranus, watch out for the influence of other planets. The best result of the transit, which endows the character with magnetism and the personality with charm and thereby magically promotes success, is the sharpening of intuition, the practical use of firmly rooted truths and a thorough comprehension of unexpected, even deeper truths. If you live in a purely materialistic, non-spiritual plane (and this often happens), the world seems cold and cruel, callous to you. The limitations of reality put pressure on your innermost dreams, interfere with you, encourage you to withdraw into yourself and give rise to disappointment with life. Neptune stays in one sign for fourteen years, so for anyone born during this period, Saturn's transit through Neptune will occur at approximately the same time. So the spiritual and materialistic sensations it awakens will be similar for all people around your age. However, each of us is unique, so you can interpret the current general influences in your own way in accordance with the characteristics of your ego, character, and the direction you have chosen for personal development.

Saturn - Pluto . A person's life is being tested. Its course and direction are checked for completeness, the personal goal becomes the topic of cross-examination. If the findings are negative (and the person is declared guilty and despairs), severe depression follows. However, with course correction based on a re-examination of intentions and achievements and a redefinition of life purpose (accepting it as a life commitment), the overload of this period will be constructive and rewarding.

Conjunction, upper and lower squares or opposition. A time of confusion, at least initially. The principles of saving and transformation begin to contradict each other. If you are afraid of risks and difficulties, you may be overcome by fear. On the other hand, if you tempt fate too much, this can also lead to disaster, and you will collapse, like a tired salmon heading to the upper reaches of the river to spawn, unable to jump over the rocky rapids. Goals must be sound. It is very easy to take the position of a daredevil and stop listening to reason. Here you are dealing with opposing energies. Pluto commands: “Forward!”, while Saturn calls: “Wait!” Try to stick to the golden mean. A great opportunity for meditation. The cycle consists of seven-year periods, and each of them should be completed with a deeper knowledge of oneself, since the lessons not learned now will remain an unfinished task that will have to be returned to later.

15 chernya 2009

Transiting Saturn square natal Saturn

The first thing to understand about transiting Saturn squaring natal Saturn is that this transit occurs more often than all other Saturn transits. For every return of transiting Saturn to the natal location, every opposition of transiting Saturn to the natal, there are two squares of transiting Saturn to the natal. This square occurs every fourteen years, starting at age seven, meaning that if you live to age eighty, you will experience six such transits. This is why it is extremely important that you know how to handle this transit.

We know that the first such quadrature is formed at the age of seven, when the child encounters diverse and important physical, psychological and social change when he passes from the complete dependence of infancy to the beginnings of autonomy. Of course, this transition is not easy for everyone. It was at this point in her life that Oprah Winfrey made the fateful decision to stay with her mother in Milwaukee, and Gloria Steinem had to take on the role of guardian for her mentally ill mother.

The second square of transiting Saturn to the natal occurs when a person turns twenty-one. From the point of view of the legislation of many countries of the world, it is at this age that people become adults, which is often marked by important and noticeable changes. Bono, Britney Spears, Jim Bakker and Lee Harvey Oswald got married during this Saturn transit, and Gloria Steinem began dating the man who would later become her fiancé. Jerry Siegel received word that Detective Comics wanted to acquire the Superman comics he co-created with Joe Shuster. Jayne Mansfield met with an advertising and press relations expert who took her by storm in Hollywood. Of course, as with any Saturn transit, there are a lot of not-so-happy stories that can be cited as examples. O. J. Simpson suffered his first major setback sports career when he joined a team that showed little interest in him unique abilities runner, and Bill Clinton fought hard to resist the draft, weighing all his options in the face of the threat of ending up in the Vietnam War.

Later squares of transiting Saturn vary much more and are much less predictable. For example, Bill Clinton was able to win an impressive victory in the elections for governor of Arkansas for the second time under this transit. During the next such transit, President Clinton awaited a decision from Congress regarding his impeachment. During the same transit, Jim Bakker took full control of PTL. When transiting Saturn next squared natal Saturn, Bakker was on his way to prison. Like Bill Clinton, Hermann Goering also won an election under Saturn's square when he was about thirty-five years old, and the Nazi Party grew from a fringe group to the second most powerful group in the German parliament. Then, under Saturn's next square, Goering surrendered to the US Army after Germany's defeat in World War II, only to find that he would not be treated as the head of state he had hoped for, but as a common war criminal.

As these examples show, transiting Saturn's square to the natal has such varied effects because, like transiting Saturn's opposition to the natal, it is usually part of an ongoing process. What happens to you during a Saturn square, especially in adulthood, is a direct result of the choices you have made and the work you have done during previous Saturn transits. Very often, Saturn's square represents the next step, the inevitable outcome, saying "b" after you've said "a." Even though the events coinciding with this transit may take on a dramatic nature, they represent the completion of a process that has already begun.

In other cases, a person may begin to make efforts under Saturn's square, but this usually concerns long-term interests and ambitious plans. Typically, such a start is some small action that can often have large consequences. For example, Jimmy Carter entered his first political battle with transiting Saturn squaring his natal one. As a member of the local school board, he recruited a segregationist (separate education for white and colored children) and lost. Fourteen years later, under another Saturn square, Carter's long-term political dreams came true when he won the Iowa caucus and became the 1976 Democratic presidential candidate. Another example is Carl Jung. During a Saturn square at age twenty-one, Jung experimented with spiritualism, using his teenage cousin as a medium. During the next Saturn square, Jung used the ideas that came to him from these sessions and developed a new, spiritual approach to psychoanalysis.

Saturn's squares are like small rocks on which you can ford a river, but their importance cannot be underestimated. Like any Saturn transit, squaring a transiting Saturn to a location in the natal chart becomes a challenge. When Jimmy Carter tried to push his school district toward integration, he had to make difficult choices between the dictates of his own conscience and his position as a businessman and community leader, and when Carl Jung encouraged his cousin to act as a medium for the sake of scientific research, he risked both the girl’s mental health and her family’s position in society. Things like Saturn transits don't come easy for anyone. They require your maximum effort and deepest wisdom.

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