What does Olympic gymnast Victoria Shinkarenko do after a long sports career? Victoria Shinkarenko attended the World Rhythmic Gymnastics Championships in Bulgaria Victoria Shinkarenko is a gymnast.

- Victoria, as far as we know, you haven’t completely retired from sports, what are you doing now?

I didn't quit the sport completely. Firstly, I never stopped taking care of myself and immediately after rhythmic gymnastics I went into the fitness field. I even have a diploma as a fitness trainer, and I worked at the best fitness club in the country, Tsarsky, where I became infected with the love of taking care of myself, my figure and my body. As for coaching specifically, I tried to train children, but then I realized that I couldn’t sit all day in one location in the gym. I always have little movement and it’s not enough to do one thing; I like to develop, testing myself in different roles. Therefore, I never gave up sports and followed the results of our girls’ rhythmic gymnastics, its rules and how it developed, but I also always tried myself in something else. It was mainly internet marketing.

- Do you divide your life into “before” and “after” big sport?

I always say: life in sports is a completely different life! So yes, this is “before” and “after” (laughs). First of all, you start making decisions yourself. Life is a continuous choice, your small decisions always bear some fruit in the future, and what you chose today, even if it’s not a significant little thing, for example, get up early, eat chocolate at night or not, it brings results in the future . In sports training, the choice is mostly made for you - they say ready-made solution, which you must follow and discipline yourself to follow these decisions. Everything in life is absolutely not like that.

Another thing that I realized after sports is that I have a lot of free time, since I trained all day, as a result, I had a lot of energy left. I attended various courses, but it turned out to be not enough, I started learning a second language, going to dancing, fitness - I didn’t stop there. The only thing is that I never wanted to work for someone, sit in an office. I tried myself as a hiring coach, and realized that working to make someone else's dreams come true is not my thing. I can motivate myself and force myself to do something only if I work on my project and fulfill my dream.And yes, if I see photos of myself from gymnastics before 2013, I always say: these are photos from a past life.

-Are you training now?

After a big sport, stopping to train completely is very harmful to health; stretch marks on the body and more serious problems may appear. I never stopped being friends with sports. I really like to run, exercise and stretch. You know, when you've already received excellent result, I really don’t want to part with him.

- Give some advice to our readers on how to maintain a figure like yours?

I tried to go on a diet, and like many people I realized that this was all wrong, the main thing is to eat right, regularly, so that there is a built-in system and diet. It happens to me that I eat in the morning and the next time only in the evening due to a busy schedule. I know that this is bad for the pancreas, so you need to control your diet. To do this, it is enough to love yourself, answer the question honestly in front of the mirror: do you like yourself, do you like yourself the way you are? Or would you like to change something, in this case change your figure? And if you are not satisfied with certain moments, then promise yourself to fulfill your dream; if you really love yourself, you will follow it.

- How to quickly switch from one type of activity to another?

It is impossible to switch from one type of activity to another very quickly if these are not similar niches. As it happened for me, from big sport to marketing. But to speed things up, the very first thing you need to start with is changing your environment. There is a very clever phrase: we are the arithmetic average of the 5 people with whom we most often communicate. If we want to become a businessman, then our top five should consist of people in this field, we will gain experience from them and will implement it, because we want to keep pace with them.

And the second is to change the niche to one that you like. For example, if you decide to become a web designer, but you really don’t like sitting at the computer, and you don’t creative person, then you can even force yourself to spend time with web designers, but you won’t move a single step because you don’t like it.

For some time you have been developing your design business, and it is still popular, do you like it more than sports?

I have sold more than one business, the last one was bags - this is an “Instagram” business. I was also investing in cryptocurrency, and while doing all this, I realized that I missed sports, not in the sense of being a coach in a gym or school other than my own. I realized now that I want to create a project related to sports that will meet all my needs. I use all my experience and, already seeing the world as a whole, I formed an online school of rhythmic gymnastics.

- Tell us about your new unique online project, what gave birth to the idea of ​​its creation?

One day a girl Sasha wrote to me on Instagram saying that she and her friends were my fans and would really like to do rhythmic gymnastics. However, since there is no section in their village, the girls asked me to make a video with basic exercises and promised to practice, and when the opportunity arises, they will go to train.And I realized that there are a lot of girls who want to do rhythmic gymnastics, but they do not have such an opportunity: either financially, or there is no school in their city.

I am also often invited to master classes abroad, and I realized that Ukrainian gymnasts have the best jumps, we are so graceful, flexible, and thin.I want to make the online school international. So that I will be remembered as the first founder of such a project.

Many clients may wonder if I would do stretching correctly without the supervision of a trainer. How do you plan to answer this question?

We will show as clearly as possible how to do stretching, we will not give any risky exercises, and in this case you just need to listen to the child’s body and make sure that his body position exactly matches the picture on the screen. It will not be difficult, since everything will be clearly described and shown. We also create a diary feedback, in which you can write your achievements and what you are working on. Participants can also ask any questions.

I’ll immediately answer a frequently asked question: how to interest a child and discipline him so that he knows that from 17:30-18:30 we train, for example, in the kitchen, where there are no toys, and we listen to mom and girlfriend from the screen? We need to show the results of other children on the screen and translate it all into a game of rhythmic gymnastics. There are many methods to find an approach to a child. And using these methods you will choose what is right for you.

- Are you planning to make a program for adults, perhaps with stretching accents?

Yes, I plan to do stretching for women and men of any age, there will be only one limitation - the physical condition of the person. At the beginning there will be a survey and if you pass, you will have access to our lessons. For me, online education is something new, and new in general in the world. It started a couple of years ago. Therefore, this is a rather difficult project to launch, because there are no statistics and experience of others yet. But I’m sure that I won’t stop at just one online project, because besides stretching I have other ideas.

- Will this project be available only to Ukrainians?

It will be available only to Ukrainian users for now until I find a way to accept international payments. After this, the project will be available in English for the whole world. I will pay attention to demand. And thus popularize rhythmic gymnastics in the world - a very beautiful and very underrated sport.

- Why do you think Ukrainian women are so successful in rhythmic gymnastics?

First of all, success lies in the coaches. The founders of rhythmic gymnastics originated mainly in Kyiv, which was then the Ukrainian USSR. The Deryugins are coaches from God, they feel and know what everyone needs. In gymnastics, in general, everything rests on the enthusiasm of several people: coaches, the gymnasts themselves and their parents. Thanks to this structure, we achieve success! For the Deryugina Cup, parents always help - from sewing suits to cleaning carpets. Gymnasts often see another path in sports, to a more successful life, and they all work for the future, and not for one moment. It's very motivating.

- What do you like most about your work?

There are a lot of things I like about my job. First of all, I am only fulfilling my dream and nothing more. I like the fact that thanks to this I am independent in financially. The main thing is the desire to be heard and understood, and with the help of the online school project and stretching I can be heard maximum number people, and this is where human happiness lies.


She started doing gymnastics at the age of 5. At the age of 11, at a record age, she joined the national team and chose a professional sports career.Already at the age of 12, Victoria was paid as a professional athlete.In 2010, she won 2 bronze medals and the right to compete at the first ever Junior Olympic Games in Singapore. She became a finalist and finished 6th in the final.

Became a master of sports at a record age international class- at the age of 15, taking bronze at the World Championships in 2011.In 2013, she won bronze at the World Championships in group competition.

Victoria Shinkarenko on Instagram @viktoriia_shynkarenko

Apply for participation in the first ever online rhythmic gymnastics school

After a long post-Olympic lull, the rhythmic gymnastics clock has been wound up again. The 2013 season is gradually gaining momentum. The first competitions have already passed, we saw the new rules in action, met the contenders for the empty places in the hearts of fans, and also watched with trepidation those who said goodbye to the sport. In a word, the world of gymnastics in the new year may not have turned upside down, but it has certainly shaken up.

We invite you to get up to speed with rhythmic gymnastics and find out what our champions are doing, who replaced them, what gymnastics has become like with the new rules, and what else this season has in store for us.

New rules 2013. Everybody dance! (With)

According to tradition, new rules of rhythmic gymnastics were approved for the next Olympic cycle. What is interesting about the 2013 rules is the sincere confession of the head coach of the Ukrainian national team Irina Deryugina: “I don’t understand anything there!” It is clear that we are still “grinding in” to current requirements, and it is difficult to give an objective assessment. One of the “simplest” and most noticeable changes for everyone is allowing gymnasts to perform in the same form to music and voice. It became interesting, what songs will gymnasts and their coaches prefer? Thus, Alina Maksimenko has a jazz composition with clubs “Fever” performed by Peggy Lee, and Anna Rizatdinova rocks with a ribbon to a remix of the Spanish song “Bésame Mucho”. Russian gymnasts were “patriotic” - Margarita Mamun performs with a ribbon to the Soviet song “Echo of Love,” and Daria Svatkovskaya performs an exercise with a hoop to the Russian folk song “We Rode on a Boat.” Alexandra Merkulova stood out by choosing Jennifer Lopez’s song “Let’s get loud” for her clubs.

Anna Rizatdinova: “Besame mucho”!

Another change is more difficult. These are dance steps. The phrase “Everybody dance!” from the movie “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession” has become very relevant for “women artists”. And everyone danced. According to the rules, 9 seconds of the exercise must necessarily consist of dance steps. At the same time, the number of risks has decreased and one may get the impression that there is less gymnastics behind the dancing. Again, quoting Irina Deryugina, “gymnastics looks like bad ballroom dancing.” But we expect that this change will only bring more benefits to gymnastics, because we hope for the revelation of the image of music, the development of artistry and beautiful movements. The score for the exercise also changed - the artistry score disappeared. The overall score consists of two components - Difficulty (D) and Execution (E), the latter of which takes into account artistic and technical errors. Each component is worth 10 points. Accordingly, a gymnast can earn a maximum of 20 points. Let's see if someone can set a record in the new season, receiving the maximum score, as Evgenia Kanaeva managed in the previous season.

Heroes of the past season

At the end of the Olympics, the champions were constantly asked: “What are your plans for the future?” The answers to such questions sounded very cautious. And official statements about retirement from sports famous gymnasts and there wasn’t much at all. And only now, when the season has already started, we can draw conclusions about who has remained in the sport and who is trying on other roles. It so happened that all the winners at once Olympic Games found themselves left out of the new season. Double Olympic champion Evgenia Kanaeva was elected to the post of vice-president of the All-Russian Federation of Rhythmic Gymnastics. And then in her interviews she stated that, most likely, she left the sport. Irina Viner, on principle, was in no hurry to make such loud statements and said that resting for Zhenya is a sacred thing, and there will always be a place for her on the team. But spectators could watch Kanaeva on the carpet only among the honored guests of the competition.

Evgenia Kanaeva at the Spring Cup tournament, Krasnoyarsk

Lyubov Cherkashina, bronze Olympic champion, announced her decision to end her career as a gymnast, but not to say goodbye to the sport as a whole. Now Lyuba is the coach of the Belarusian rhythmic gymnastics team. And she has already appeared before us in a new role - at the first stage of the World Cup in Tartu, as well as at the Moscow stage of the Grand Prix, she accompanied Cherkashin as a coach to the Belarusian gymnast Arina Sharopa. And in her blog, Lyuba Cherkashina honestly admits that such closeness to the mat creates an irresistible desire to get involved in the fight for medals again... The story of the silver Olympic champion Daria Dmitrieva is not yet fully known. At the moment, Dasha is treating her injury and plans to return to the team. Although Irina Viner stated at a press conference that Dmitrieva had left the sport, Dasha’s personal trainer did not confirm this information. So far, the gymnast has not appeared on the competition mat. The Russian woman also officially said goodbye to sports Daria Kondakova, who received an injury that prevented her from competing at the Olympics and also deprived her of the chance to return to gymnastics.

Who's new?


The Russian team is hardly the most changed team since the Olympics. A year ago, at the beginning of 2012, there were three leading gymnasts - Evgenia Kanaeva, Daria Kondakova and Daria Dmitrieva. In the new season, all of them, as mentioned, will not perform. Thus, the sacred place of the leader of the Russian national team became vacant. At a press conference dedicated to the Moscow stage of the Grand Prix series, Irina Viner named the young girl as the leader Margarita Mamun.

Margarita is coached by Amina Zaripova, whose students already included the world champion in the team championship, Yana Lukonina, who recently completed her career. Comparisons between Mamun and Evgenia Kanaeva are already pouring in. Time will tell how true this is, but for now Margarita performs in the leotards of the legend Kanaeva and, as the leader of the team, wins gold medals, beating experienced gymnasts.

Alexandra Merkulova- is far from a newcomer to the leadership of the Russian national team. It was she who fought for the right to compete at the Olympics together with Daria Dmitrieva. According to the gymnast, she did not train for almost six months after the Games while healing her injury. Alexandra entered the new season with renewed vigor, and has already won medals at past tournaments. Although the gymnast has not yet gotten into shape.

Daria Svatkovskaya- daughter of the famous Ukrainian gymnast Oksana Skaldina, bronze medalist of the 1992 Olympics. In 2011, at the European Championships, Daria, as a member of the junior team, won in group exercises gold medal. And before the 2010 Youth Olympic Games, Irina Viner in an interview regretted that Svatkovskaya could not perform in Singapore due to her age. In the new season, Daria quite successfully represented Russia at previous competitions. Undoubtedly, the champion blood of the young athlete will still make itself felt.


After Lyubov Cherkashina left the national team Melitina Stanyuta became the clear leader. The pre-Olympic period was difficult for the gymnast - Melitina was recovering from a serious injury and regaining the favor of the judges. And at the Olympics itself, due to an unpleasant surprise, I did not make it to the finals. New season for Stanyuta it is a chance to show herself and achieve high results, because she has everything for this. In addition, Staniute’s company at the starts is a talented Arina Sharopa.


Aliya Garayeva, who finished fourth at the Olympics, also said goodbye to the sport. And new girls entered the international arena - Lala Yusifova and Marina Durunda. They started successfully - at the first stage of the World Cup in Tartu they were able to win medals. The girls are very young - Lala will turn 17 this year, and Marina is only 16. With the departure of Aliya Garayeva, Azerbaijani rhythmic gymnastics will not be bored.

Lala Yusifova and Marina Durunda, World Cup, Tartu

Bulgaria and Israel

Silvia Miteva- a girl with enormous experience, and now she has the right and, most importantly, she has the strength to fight for the highest steps of the podium. The Israeli also had a successful start at her first start - the Grand Prix in Thiais Neta Rivkin, winning a bronze medal in the ball exercise.


Here we can confidently say that for this country, after the Olympics, everything is just beginning! Very soon Kyiv will host the main event of the 2013 season - the World Championship. And all the efforts of the team are aimed at preparing for it. To hold the championship on highest level this year they even sacrificed the traditional Deryugina Cup.

From August 28 to September 1, the Kiev Sports Palace will welcome the best gymnasts on the planet. Irisha Blokhina is preparing the championship anthem song “We make this world go”; they promise to create a fan zone near the Sports Palace itself.

Due to the huge hopes for the home championship, the composition of the Ukrainian national team remained the most intact compared to other teams. Only left the team Victoria Lenishin, a group member who works as a coach in her native Lviv. The leaders among the individuals remained Alina Maksimenko and Anna Rizatdinova. Keeps up with them Victoria Mazur, an Olympic group exercise finalist who returned to individual program. Victoria Shinkarenko for a long time was ill, and at the last start - the Grand Prix in Thiais - she performed as part of a group in an exercise with 3 balls and 2 ribbons.

Ukrainian national team in group exercise represented by Evgenia Gomon, Alena Dmitrash, Svetlana Prokopova, Alexandra Gridasova, Valeria Gudym, Victoria Shinkarenko/Alexandra Aslanyan.

The programs of the gymnasts of the Ukrainian national team were compiled with the active participation Irisha Blokhina, who, from a choreographer and director of demonstration numbers, became a coach and director of the main programs of the national team leaders.

After the retirement of the invincible Evgenia Kanaeva from the sport, world rhythmic gymnastics was left without a single leader. And the competition became unpredictable again. Not only do we not know who will be third on the podium, but we are also not sure who will be first and second. Gymnastics is aimed at creating a certain image, and dancing should make it more spectacular. And of course, the main event of the new season is the World Championships in Kyiv, which everyone is looking forward to!

Based on materials from Sport.ua (Irina Matyushenko)

Multiple medalist of the World and European Championships in rhythmic gymnastics Victoria Shinkarenko flew in to support the Ukrainians during the group all-around at the World Championships in Sofia. The popular athlete shared exclusively with website about why we can’t win gold, how the world of rhythmic gymnastics really works, and about our own exclusive online school.

Victoria, having completed a great sports career, began a new round with even more interesting project- the world's first online school of rhythmic gymnastics for beginners. And right now, on the eve of the opening of the school, the girl is closely watching the trends and results of world competitions, because she will have to simple task- developing children’s first skills and abilities during online training, and instilling a love for it beautiful view sports for their growth during further personal training with a trainer in the gym. After all, it is from the first lessons that the spark is born that gives the start to a great sports career.

Let us remind you that in 2013, at the World Rhythmic Gymnastics Championships in Kyiv, Victoria, as part of the Ukrainian team, won bronze in the team exercise “10 clubs”.

Victoria Shinkarenko came to Bulgaria not alone, but together with her husband, in order to be able to compare the objective opinion of the championship from the outside and her professional one.

“We came to the group performances, since we could only get out on the weekends. The first impression is that Ukrainian group gymnasts have greatly improved their skills over the past 5 years, all thanks to the hard work of Irina Ivanovna Deryugina.

My husband went with me, and he, not really understanding everything about gymnastics, said that Ukrainians are very strong and even stronger than Russia, although they and other countries were always ahead. He was especially aware of this judicial injustice in rhythmic gymnastics.

It was a shame when the Bulgarians became 3rd, and ours 4th, with a cleaner performance. And when ours did everything “cleanly”, they were given a fairly low rating, the Bulgarians did it cleanly, but they were given a much higher rating. It was very unfair towards Ukrainians.

But despite this, ours did it without mistakes, after which the Bulgarians failed and the Russians did worse, as a result we still took bronze. But this bronze is always like gold for us!

I came up, congratulated Irina Ivanovna, all the coaches, the girls, met my friends with whom we trained, now they are the coaches of the national team. I received a lot of positive emotions, but also, of course, we were upset during the competition because of this unfairness, which I had already begun to forget, but here you can see that ours did a great job, but the score was lower. They file an appeal for an increase, but it is denied!” - Victoria Shinkarenko shared her impressions of the World Championships in Bulgaria.

After a long sports career, Victoria is a successful businesswoman, wife and now an international coach and founder of the world's first online school in rhythmic gymnastics. The girl told the prehistory of the project:

“One day a girl Sasha wrote to me on Instagram saying that she and her friends were my fans and would really like to do rhythmic gymnastics. However, there is no section in their village; the girls really asked me to make a video with basic exercises and gave me the word to practice.

And I realized that there are a lot of girls who want to do rhythmic gymnastics, but they do not have such an opportunity: either financially, or there is no school in their city.

I am also often invited to master classes in other countries, and I realized that Ukrainian gymnasts have the best jumps, we are so graceful, flexible, and thin.

I want to make the online school international. So that my name will be remembered as the first founder of such a project.

We will show as clearly as possible how to do stretching, we will not give any risky exercises, and in this case you just need to listen to the child’s body and make sure that his body position exactly matches the picture on the screen. It will not be difficult, since everything will be clearly described and shown. We also create a feedback diary in which you can write your achievements and what you are working on. Participants can also ask any questions.”

Victoria Shinkarenko inInstagram @viktoriia_shynkarenko

Apply for participation in the first ever online rhythmic gymnastics school//gymnastschool.plp7.ru/

PR Maria Borovenskaya