Heated water floors: installation diagrams in a private house, technical recommendations and do-it-yourself connections. Do-it-yourself heated water floor in a private house Heated water floors in a private house

Most homeowners choose heated floors as additional device to the radiator circuit. In this case, various wiring diagrams water heated floors in a private house. Such a heating system is effective in rooms where children live, as well as in the bathroom. Schemes are selected when individually designing a house or during renovation work.

Option for a project plan in a private house

Installation diagrams for water heated floors in a private house: features and varieties

Installation underfloor heating produced using cement screed. It is performed to protect the structure from various loads. Warm pipes should not be in contact with air, but with screed elements, transferring heat to the surface.

Installation diagrams of water heated floors used in a private house are planned and designed in accordance with calculations of heat consumption and heat loss and have the following features:

  • The required amount of heat is calculated taking into account the dimensions of wall structures and methods of insulation of different surfaces. The characteristics of a certain climatic zone are also taken into account.
  • Floor elements are not installed under the entire surface flooring. Space remains free for the installation of heavy furniture, as well as indentations from the walls.
  • Premises with an area of ​​more than 30 square meters are divided into sectors. Each individual area is heated using a separate circuit connected to the collector.
  • The distance between the pipes must be the same.
  • This design requires circulation pumps.
  • Installation schemes for heated floors depend on the size of the room and heating methods. If the device is used as additional heating, then the loop pitch should be 0.2-0.3 meters, and if as the main one, then the spirals should be mounted at a distance of 0.1-015 m.
  • The length of the lines and the placement pitch depend on the diameter of the selected pipe.
  • The height of the structure is taken into account when designing window and door openings.

Related article:

Without a competent project get quality system heating is almost impossible. After studying this publication, you can easily calculate the required power, diameter and pitch of pipes. Good luck!

Basic floor mounting patterns include: spiral, snake and zigzag. The choice depends on the specifics of the room, types of pipes and other features. For example, for large rooms, using a simple snake is not entirely correct, since the water in the circuit cools down, “cold” zones will form. While in spiral laying the supply and return pipes alternate, which will ensure more uniform heating.

Helpful information! The diameter of the pipe should be no more than 20 mm. If the section bigger size, then the volume of water and heating costs increase.

Two pipe laying technologies (video)

Heated floor design

An underfloor heating system consists of laid pipes in which heated water circulates. They are installed on concrete or wooden surfaces, and cover the top with the selected finishing coating.

The pipes move hot water. Feeding is done using the main one. The air temperature under the floor rises, transferring heat to the outer surface of the floor covering. At the same time, the entire room warms up.

Design features depending on the finishing coating material

Nuances of installation

The technology of installation diagrams for water heated floors in a private house is determined by the characteristics of a particular heating circuit.

The installation work of the structure has the following distinctive features:

  • The base for the equipment is selected taking into account the floor covering.

1 – floor beam; 2 – longitudinal beam; 3 – logs; 4 – mortgages for pipes; 5 – pipe; 6 – finishing coat

  • A damper tape is installed around the perimeter of the room. The shock-absorbing element reduces heat loss at the junction of the floor and wall surfaces.
  • Waterproofing, reinforcing mesh and a layer of insulation are laid on the base.
  • Pipes are mounted to the frame using clamps or steel wire.

For heated floors, special seamless pipes. The circuit is mounted from a solid line. The pipe material must be resistant to corrosion and resistant to high temperatures.

Helpful information! Profile mats made of extruded polystyrene foam can be used as a frame and insulation. Then the canvases are covered with a layer of waterproofing.

Features of connecting the structure to a heat source

In a floor circuit, most often the average temperature is 35-40 degrees. Water installations in a private house operate using forced mixing of flows. Part of the coolant from the return flow passes into the supply circuit.

Gas boilers are equipped with special automation. Solid fuel units require a more complex device. They are equipped with circulation pumps and a special buffer tank. In this case, more complex combustion adjustment is used.

The best option for a heated floor system is considered electric boilers. Special automation allows you to maintain desired temperature without loss of thermal power.

Helpful information! For heating houses small area Direct connection to the electric boiler is used. In cottages with a large area, a special distribution comb is used.

Advantages and disadvantages of schemes

Installation diagrams for water heated floors in a private house have the following advantages compared to others:

The disadvantages include a large number of time to install the system. If leaks appear, you will have to remove most of the floor covering, including the screed.

Designing schemes for heated floors in an apartment

Designing installation diagrams for water heated floors in a private house differs from an apartment project. After installation, you cannot make changes to the radiator layout. Installation of floor structures powered by central heating, is carried out at the construction stage by special organizations.

In apartments, the coolant is supplied through pipes through a separate riser, and not from the riser radiator heating. The water is heated in a special heat exchanger. If the project initially does not contain data on the installation of underfloor heating, then the connection of a new circuit must be approved by the management company.

Helpful information! After agreeing on the project and obtaining permission, the heat exchanger is installed, and also mounted, circulation pump and a security team. For multiple circuits, a collector unit is used.

Prices for installation work of heated floors

Installation diagrams for water heated floors made in a private house may have different costs. It will include materials, preparatory and installation work, as well as connection and strength testing of circuits. Cost of work for square meter varies from 1500 to 3000 rubles. The price is also affected by the type of base and the quality of the equipment.

Helpful advice! Recommended to purchase ready-made kits equipment for underfloor heating. Many manufacturers offer a free calculation of the entire system.

The density of the pipeline is determined by the required level of heating of the room. Near the walls and entrance doors more dense installation is performed. In this case, the distance from the highway to the wall should be more than 12 cm. The length of one circuit should not be more than 100 meters. In addition, highway joints are made using metal sleeves. The collector is placed in a special distribution cabinet, for which you need to select a location in advance.

The quality of installation diagrams determines the complete heating of the room and the creation of a favorable microclimate in the house. Good luck with the renovation!

Do-it-yourself water heated floor (video)

Every owner of a private house is faced with the question of choosing the optimal type of heating, which will not only adequately perform its functions, but also be in harmony with modern design. Bulky heating radiators are obsolete, deteriorate the interior of the room and dry out the air. An alternative is water heated floors; for a private home this is the most effective option.

What does a water heated floor consist of?

We bring to your attention not only a list of component materials, but also the principle of their selection.

Pipes. For installation of floor heating, plastic or metal are used. plastic pipes. IN Lately pipes made of cross-linked polypropylene, which differ from other pipes, have received recognition from plumbers high resistance resistance to deformation, excellent thermal conductivity and high degree tightness.

An important condition when choosing pipes is their suitability for use in heating systems. Unfortunately, some unscrupulous sellers, taking advantage of the client’s incompetence, sell pipes intended for water supply. The result is an inefficient floor heating system. To avoid this, you need to look at the markings that are on each pipe:

  • linear expansion no more than 0.025 mm/m;
  • thermal conductivity from 0.43 W/m 0 C.

The required amount of pipe depends on indicators such as the laying pitch and the diameter of the material. See the table for more details.

Boiler. You can purchase gas, electric or solid fuel. The choice will be determined by the region of residence. For example, if there are interruptions in the power supply, then it is better to buy a gas boiler. If we talk about power, it depends on many indicators. For standard house with insulated walls, plastic windows and a ceiling height of at least 3 meters, the following calculation is made: the specific power per square meter should be 100 W or 1 kW per 10 m 2. Knowing total area at home, you can calculate the boiler power. In this case, it is better to include a power reserve of about 20%.

Collector. Ensures the functionality of the entire water floor and maintains the temperature set by the thermostat. It is best not to save money, but to buy a manifold consisting of a flow sensor, a drain valve and a Mayevsky valve (bleeds air trapped in the system). Additionally, you will need to select a shield.

Circulation pump. Purchased if it is not already built into the boiler. This device circulates water in the system and can be equipped with a thermostat that will control the speed of water flow and thereby regulate the temperature in the system. The perfect solution– three-speed pump with thermostat (installing a temperature regulator will require knowledge in the field of electrical engineering and not everyone can do it). You can find out how to choose a pump based on performance from the table:

As for the company, it is better to give preference to European manufacturers. The German company Grundfos has proven itself to be excellent.

Accessories. This includes couplings, threads, fittings, Ball Valves etc. The required quantity is calculated individually, based on the characteristics of each water heated floor system. Floor heating in each specific home has to be calculated and planned individually.

Read also about, which will help to seriously reduce heating costs.

Installation of a water floor

First of all, you need to inspect the old floor. Linoleum, parquet, and boards are subject to dismantling. If it is strong enough, you can lay plastic pipes on the tiles without pouring a rough screed.

The rough screed, otherwise called “primary”, serves to lay the thermal insulation as tightly as possible. Therefore, at this stage you don’t have to worry too much about the floor level and the presence of minor irregularities. A layer of concrete a few centimeters thick will be enough. For these purposes, cement grade M-300 mixed with sand in a ratio of 1:4 is suitable.

The next step will be laying thermal insulation. There is nothing complicated here, you just have to pay attention to the joints between the materials. They need to be secured with mounting tape to avoid unnecessary heat loss.

The material for insulation can be different:

  1. Styrofoam. Although it is considered an obsolete insulation material, it copes well with the task assigned to it. The only drawback is its fragility.
  2. Foam insulation with foil reflective layer.
  3. Polystyrene foam insulation for heated floors. This material is best suited for insulation. Having a high density, expanded polystyrene (otherwise known as penoplex) perfectly insulates the water floor from the cold concrete base. You can use Penoplex 35, which is fire resistant.

The last step will be the installation of a reinforced mesh with a reinforcement cross-section of 5 mm and cell sizes of 10-15 cm. The pipes themselves can be attached to it using plastic ties. Besides, reinforced mesh serves as a connecting structure for the concrete floor. Or you can lay special mats for a water floor.

Secrets of masters when installing pipes for floor heating

Do-it-yourself work itself is not particularly difficult, but there are a number of nuances, knowledge of which will help to carry out the installation correctly.

Selecting a laying scheme. There are two known installation methods: snake and snail (spiral). The last option is preferable. The fact is that when laying a pipe “snake”, the water temperature decreases towards the end of the loop, which entails uneven heating of the floor. Arranging the pipe in a spiral will help avoid this: the floor warms up evenly. At the same time, significantly less material is required.

How long should the pipe be? Regardless of the power of the selected boiler, the water will cool as it moves away from the point of entry. Therefore, the recommended pipe length is 100 m. In case it is necessary higher value, use several circuits, each of which is connected to the collector separately.

How to calculate the laying step? Only an experienced designer can accurately calculate the step: to obtain correct value Many factors are taken into account, from wall thickness and window sizes to pipe diameter. However, there are average data with which we will operate. The optimal laying step for the system, which is the main source of heat in the house, is 10-20 cm. This value is not constant. Near the outer walls, the first 5-6 rows are laid in increments of 5-6 cm, closer to internal walls and in the middle of the room the step increases to the above data.

Today, construction stores have special mats for warm water floors, which greatly simplify and speed up the process of laying pipes. Look at the photo to see how it works.

Application of mats for warm water floors

How to solder pipes correctly? There are also several subtleties in this issue that need to be covered within the article:

  • it is better to connect pipes to each other using special adapters (aka barrels);
  • if metal-plastic pipes are soldered, the metal shell must be removed at a distance of about 3 cm from the edge of the pipe.

For achievement High Quality connections must be guided by the following table.

Assembly, installation, connection of the collector

It should be noted that the installation process of the collector will differ depending on the model, the number of heating circuits, and the selected components. In order for the system to function without any complaints, assembly must be carried out in accordance with the instructions supplied with the devices.

Where should the collector be located? When choosing a location for mounting the collector box, you need to take into account an equal distance from all circuits. This is necessary to ensure uniform water pressure in all circuits. If the wall on which the manifold cabinet is installed is not load-bearing, you can make a niche in it.

How to assemble a collector?

Let's look at the assembly process using the Icma UPS model as an example. In this case, we will take into account that the circulation pump and the collector itself are used together, this will ensure ease of heating control.

  1. We install a circulation pump on the union nuts; gaskets are needed between the nut itself and the pump.
  2. We connect the manifold to the pump group by screwing on the adapters with the union nut and not forgetting about the gaskets.
  3. A thermostat and a valve responsible for the flow must be connected to the mixing block. cold water(mixing).
  4. We connect the mixing group to the manifold.

Now the manifold can be installed in an installation cabinet, the supply and return can be connected to the distributor from below, then the elements of the heating circuit can be connected using adapters.

Boiler installation: features, sequence

When connecting a boiler to a heated floor system, a problem often arises. The fact is that the boiler produces a water temperature of 75-80 0 C, and for normal operation water heated floor requires a temperature of no more than 45 0 C. For this reason, the connection must be made in such a way that water is supplied to the pipes from low temperature. Do it in closed system heating can only be done in one way: dilute hot water with cooled water coming from the “return”. This function is performed by the heated floor mixing unit.

During installation, floor heating should be assembled according to following diagram starting from the boiler:

  1. At the beginning of the chain, a control valve is installed, then a circulation pump and a manifold.
  2. A mixing unit is installed between the valve and the pump so that the cooled water from the “return” flows into the supply and then through the circulation pump to the heating system.
  3. The final stage is connecting the return pipe to the boiler.

It should be remembered that the installation principle of the boiler itself will differ depending on different models and types of equipment.

More details: floor with installation diagrams.

Crimping and test run

After graduation installation work you need to test the system. For this purpose, pressure testing is carried out.

There are two ways to check the tightness of the system: water under pressure or compressed air. The first option is preferable: after checking for leaks, you can immediately turn on the heating. Air testing is used when heated floors operate from central heating, and there is no confidence in its timely inclusion. In any case, the pressure should not exceed 6 bar. The system is considered operational if the pressure has dropped by no more than 1.5 bar within 24 hours.

After the leak test, a full start-up can be carried out. The water temperature should be about 80 0 C; for this, the mixing unit must be turned off. At this temperature, the stress in the pipes is reduced, which ensures the durability of the structure.


The concrete screed should be poured after the water in the pipes has completely cooled. For screeding, you can use both traditional concrete and underfloor heating mortar, which has a higher ability to conduct heat. The thickness of the layer should not exceed 7 cm.

After the screed has completely dried, the flooring can be laid.

Comfort and coziness in the house during the cold season depends on temperature regime premises. Poorly heated apartments and cold floors create a threat of colds for family members. One of the means to maintain a stable temperature in a living space is heated floors. Not always and not everyone has enough Money to call specialists to install them. It is important to learn how to make a water-heated floor with your own hands. Today we will tell you about it.

What is a warm water floor?

Water heated floor - a whole system modern heating, replacing radiators.

Water floor heating schemes

The simplest installation layout is snake.

Pipes are routed from the collector in the form of loops, covering the entire area of ​​the room. Each loop goes from one wall to another, replacing the previous one. This method allows you to completely warm up only part of the room. Hot water comes only from this side. Passing throughout heating system, she loses heat. A cooled pipeline does not sufficiently warm up the part of the room remote from the coolant.

The design of a water heated floor with a snake in a private house is a labor-intensive process. Temperature changes in double snake are reduced, but installation remains labor-intensive.

The most famous method of laying pipes is a spiral, otherwise known as a snail. It evenly heats all rooms in the house.

Spiral covers the entire perimeter of the room, starting from the edges gradually approaching the center, and then from the center in the opposite direction. A pitch of 10 mm avoids thermal pits. Installation using this method is quite easy and can be done by one person without an assistant.

Snail It is convenient because the bending of the pipes in it is insignificant. A spiral can be made in any part of the room, going around difficult places. It can insulate cold spaces of the room - at the outer walls, at the entrance to the veranda. An advantage of this scheme will be the possibility of establishing any pitch between the pipes.

Exists combined method pipe laying – combination of snake and spiral. The snake can be installed, for example, at the entrance, where special heat is not required, and the snail can be installed in the central part of the room to create thermal comfort

Stages of installation of warm water floors

Stage 1 – installation of the technological unit in the manifold cabinet.

Stage 2
– floor preparation.

The floor surface must be horizontal without unevenness. Exceeding the level is allowed only by 5 mm. If the surface is uneven, then you need to make an additional concrete screed. We remove debris from the base with a powerful vacuum cleaner, then seal the cracks and crevices with cement.

Stage 3
– laying damper tape.

It is necessary in order to separate the heating plate from the walls, to prevent heat loss and to compensate for temperature deformations. Tape thickness 5-8 mm, height 15 mm. The tape must be laid around the perimeter so that after the screed and finishing coating it protrudes above them. At the end construction work the edge of the tape protruding above the surface of the finishing installation is cut off.

Stage 4 – We put a layer of thermal insulation, which will prevent heat loss from the circuits.

Expanded polystyrene or penoplex is used as a material for waterproofing. It also serves as a basis for laying pipes. Expanded polystyrene mats are overlapped on top of each other, inserted into the grooves. If the coating is exposed to moisture from below, then a vapor barrier is laid under these slabs. Thermal insulation can also be ordinary polyethylene film. You can use multifoil. Then a reinforcing mesh should be placed on top of the heat-insulating material, to which the contours are attached using plastic clamps, steel wire, a stapler and a clamp. Excellent fastening of pipes to reinforcing mesh is a PVC strip.

Stage 5 – Do-it-yourself water heated flooring for a private house also involves laying pipes.

The pipes are laid in a snake or snail pattern. The segments between them (step) are laid out in accordance with project documentation. From correct installation The efficiency of the heating will depend. The contours should be no more than 60-90m. If the room is large, then several more contours should be laid. It is important that they are the same length, from a single piece, otherwise the seal will be broken.

We cut off the ends of the pipes and attach them to the collectors. Tighten the Eurocone fitting with a wrench.

Stage 6 – check the heating system for leaks.

To do this, you need to fill the system with water under pressure. The pressure should be several times higher than usual, but not less than 0.6 MPa. This pressure should be maintained for 30 minutes. The next hydraulic test already takes 2 hours, and the pressure rises to 1 MPa.

Stage 7 – if the pressure testing was successful, then you need to pour the concrete screed. It hardens in about 28 days.

Screed for heated water floors

The screed is a cement-sand mortar with the addition of a plasticizer.

The modifier can be liquid or dry.

The dry plasticizer is diluted with water 1:2. The modifier helps remove excess liquid, making the solution plastic and homogeneous.

The screed in a warm water field protects the pipes from external influences and prevents depressurization of the pipes. It has good heat transfer: receiving heat from the pipes, it transfers it to the air in the room.

Types of coating

Water-heated floors are mainly used for tiles and porcelain stoneware.

These floor coverings heat up quickly and do not emit harmful substances. They are durable, not subject to deformation, and will last long time. Wide design solution will make the tiles a beautiful floor covering to suit your taste.

You can also use other materials: laminate, PVC tiles, linoleum, carpet.

You just need to take into account the features of these materials and listen to the advice of experts on using them as floor coverings for a heating system.

Wood shrinks at elevated temperatures. Therefore, there is no need to warm up the circuits above 27 degrees.

Thermal and sound insulating linoleum will not allow heat to pass through. Thermal conductivity is greater the thinner the linoleum. In addition, you need to take into account that small particles may get into it, which will be felt by your bare feet. Therefore, it is advisable to lay it by professionals. If you take on the linoleum coating yourself, do it carefully so that Decoration Materials lay down straight.

Chipboard, plywood or gypsum fiber board are laid on top of the pipes.

Laminate used as a floor covering in a heated water field has high thermal conductivity. The thinner its layer, the faster and more heat it gives off. This floor heats up faster, creating comfortable conditions for those living in the house.

Parquet is less reliable because it is exposed to high temperatures and pressure changes. This is a capricious material, so it requires careful care and sufficient moisture.

Cost of water heated floor

The price for a water-heated floor is on average 1500-3000 per sq. m. m. This price is made up of the cost of all materials: pipes, fasteners, insulating material, boiler, pump, manifold cabinet, floor installation work.

Water electric heaters are a system consisting of pipes of 20 mm diameter. There is a heating cable inside them. The antifreeze coolant is static and does not move, so a pump, boiler, or manifold are not needed.

Installed in a screed. Operating principle: when the power is turned on, the coolant heats up. When antifreeze heats up, pressure increases, promoting rapid and uniform heat distribution.

So, we told you about the warm water floor system with our own hands, and touched a little on electric floors. We hope that after reading the article, you have learned a lot of important and useful information about this system and will be able to buy a water heated floor and install it yourself.

The underfloor heating installation project involves installing a heating system yourself. The following types of underfloor heating can be installed independently: infrared, electric, water and film. Water-based types of heated floors are considered the cheapest and most practical. They consume the least resources, however, you will have to tinker with installation.

Design features and organizational aspects

A water heated floor is a system of polypropylene, plastic, copper or metal-plastic pipes. The coolant is a liquid that moves along the contour of the pipeline. The temperature of the liquid, and therefore the house, is controlled by a thermostat - a heat-sensitive sensor that is installed at a distance of 80-120 cm above the floor. Note that the thermostat can be located in any of the heated rooms or outside.

Second distinctive feature water heating is its economy. However, this system also has reverse side– a complex installation scheme: under a water heated floor, you need to properly prepare the screed, purchase a heat insulator, connect the pipes to the boiler and organize the safety of your home. In addition, the water floor requires connecting the control valves and the distribution manifold cabinet yourself. The cabinet contains supply and return pipelines connected to the manifold.

Installation methods

How to make a heated floor in a private house? There are two installation methods - the floor method and installation on a concrete surface. The first installation method is used exclusively for these types of flooring: laminate, linoleum and carpet. In the second way, a water floor is installed for such materials that are placed on a concrete screed.

Installation of heated floors in a private house

Installing a warm water floor on a concrete screed is the most popular way to install high-tech heating. This installation scheme has become very popular due to the high performance of the water floor and its economy.

Step-by-step instruction:

When laying the floor with your own hands, we recommend following the above sequence. We move on to the most difficult stage - drawing up a diagram of the pipe layout and their installation. There are several known methods of laying water pipes: single and double snake and spiral. The snake pattern is recommended to be used for square or rectangular rooms, and the second option is for rooms with irregular geometry.

The heating elements are attached to the reinforcing mesh with clamps at intervals of 0.5 meters. In places potentially high pressure and tension the pipeline is strengthened corrugated pipes. The length of pipes when laying external walls should not exceed 85–95 meters, otherwise the heating system will lose too much heat as a result of pressure drop at the end of the circuit. On average, per 1 m² there are 5 linear meters pipes, provided that a step of 200 mm is observed.

Do-it-yourself installation of water heated floors

Pressure testing is the final stage at which the pipeline is checked for integrity. The recommended pressure during crimping is 0.3–0.4 MPa. It is better to pour the concrete screed after checking the pipeline. The layer thickness should not exceed 45–75 mm. Experts advise using sand concrete M300, or a special material for heated floors.

The floor covering is laid only after the screed has completely hardened. If the temperature is maintained and the room is regularly ventilated, the screed will dry in about 20 days. You can lay ceramic tiles, linoleum, laminate or carpet on a warm floor, built with your own hands.

Installation of polystyrene heating system

All are sold complete with polystyrene plates necessary materials for installation. The assembly diagram is quite simple: the polystyrene plate has special plates with grooves into which pipes for the water floor can easily be snapped into place. Once clicked into place, the floor can be covered with any covering that does not require a special base, for example, concrete screed.

If you can’t imagine the interior without ceramic tiles or linoleum, then in this case we recommend that you install a layer of gypsum fiber board (gypsum fiber sheet 10–15 mm thick) over the polystyrene boards. Gypsum fiber is a very strong and lightweight material, so you can safely lay tiles on it with your own hands, without fear of damaging the heating system.

The modular design implies the use of ready-made particle boards with special channels for the pipeline. Heating pipes are installed in grooves. Then a thermal insulation layer is laid. The entire structure is covered from above with GVL slabs. Suitable Type flooring - for example, linoleum;

  • The rack mounting system is no different from the one described above. The only thing is that this scheme is based on slats, and not plates with clamps. After installation, the pipeline is covered with GVL slabs.
  • Video: Warm floor on a wooden base

    The main problem of private houses and cottages is cold floors. After all, radiators heat only part of the air in the room. The heated air immediately rushes upward, leaving the floor almost as cold.

    If there is a water heated floor, the temperature in the room is distributed more rationally. Heating costs remain the same or even decrease. Such systems can be installed throughout the house, or only in the bathroom, nursery, living room, etc.

    Basic installation methods

    Water heating pipes for underfloor heating can be fixed:

    By pouring a concrete screed;

    In the grooves of polystyrene plates;

    On a plank base.

    The last two options are called the “dry” system. The fact is that in buildings with wooden floors cement-sand screed cannot be used. After all, the weight of even 1 square. m of concrete 50 mm thick is about 300 kg. To secure water floors in buildings with wooden floors, they are used polystyrene sheets or panels from tree.

    Warm floors with cement-sand screed in areas with a warm climate can be installed as the main heating system without installing radiators. When the water temperature in the pipes is 30-50°C, the floors warm up to 22-24°C, which is quite enough for a comfortable existence.

    Cement-sand screed

    The heat transfer of “dry” systems, unfortunately, is significantly lower than in structures with concrete screed. Therefore, they can only be used as a supplement to heating radiators.

    Laying “dry” floors on a plank base and polystyrene foam mats

    Important! IN apartment buildings connecting water floors to centralized system Absolutely forbidden. If the apartment is located on the ground floor and the cold comes from the basement, you should use electrically heated floors.

    Pipe selection

    Pipes are selected for floor heating diameter from 1.6 to 2.5 cm. Use products smaller diameter impractical, since water circulation in pipes that are too thin is reduced. The speed of water movement will also be low if pipes are installed that are too wide: the water in them will cool down before reaching the end of the circuit.

    When installing water floors, it is better to use flexible pipes made of cross-linked polyethylene, the degree of expansion of which when heated is less. To strengthen them, they are reinforced with fiberglass. The pipes are connected using compression or press fittings.

    Such pipes look like ordinary hoses. They are also easy to bend, so they do not require the use of pipe benders, and they can be installed literally in a matter of minutes. The disadvantages of such products include “creep” - an increase in the diameter of products without loss of performance up to 1.5% during the first 10 years of operation. In addition, over time they swell slightly and become less smooth.

    Pipes made of cross-linked polyethylene

    Compression fittings and crimp connection of cross-linked polyethylene pipes

    During installation, it can also be used metal-plastic(products made of polyethylene reinforced with aluminum), pipes made of corrugated stainless steel or copper. Bend metal-plastic using pipe benders or manually after preheating on gas burner. The connection at the joints is made fittings without welding.

    Device metal-plastic pipe and fittings for metal plastic

    Polypropylene It is used less frequently, since it has a small bend radius and is more difficult to work with. It is impossible to avoid joints in such pipes, and special ones are used to connect them. welding attachments.

    Calculation of the number of pipes

    A floor plan with doors and windows on a scale of 1:50 is drawn on graph paper or a checkered piece of paper. A pipe laying diagram is applied to it, starting from the window of the wall closest to the water riser. A distance of 30 cm is provided from the wall.

    The distance between the two pipes depends on their diameter and the initial temperature of the room: from 20 to 50 cm. If the room is too cold, then the distance is kept to a minimum. One circuit (branch) should cover no more than 20 square meters. m.

    Pipe laying methods

    There are several installation methods. The disadvantage of “snake” installation is the significant difference between the water temperature at the inlet and outlet, so it is used only in small rooms, where heat loss will be minimal. With this method, the beginning of the contour should be located at the coldest zones near the windows and along the walls.

    Laying "snail" more complicated, but with this method the temperature difference in the room is almost imperceptible. First, the pipe is laid along the walls, and only then it is bent by 90°C and moved inside the contour. Wherein warm pipe and the pipe, which has already cooled down, alternate with each other, so the floor is heated more evenly. The so-called universal method, in which “snail” and “snake” alternate.

    Important! If there is heavy furniture or equipment in the room, heated floors are not laid underneath them.

    Having measured the length of the contour in the drawing, you should multiply the resulting figure by fifty (sketch scale). Another 2 m is added to this figure to connect the pipes to the riser. For calculations you can use the following formula:

    Important! Maximum length pipes in the circuit - 90 m. When this figure increases, a drop in pressure is possible, as well as the occurrence of quite large heat losses at the end of the circuit. If the resulting figure is more than 70 m, it is advisable to divide it into two separate branches. In this case, the difference in their length should not exceed 15 m.

    Manifold for underfloor heating

    The water distribution pipe is installed first in the underfloor heating system. collector- a node to which all pipes are connected. Its main function is to collect chilled water and distribute hot water to individual areas. Up to 12 circuits can be connected to a standard manifold. Such devices are usually placed in closed closet. It is advisable that it be located in the center of the wall of the heated room. It is not recommended to install it too close to the floor.

    Distribution manifolds

    The temperature at the entrance to the collector should not exceed 35°C, while the surface of the heated floor should warm up to 30°C (at wet areas up to 33°C). The temperature of the parquet or vinyl film should be slightly lower: up to 27°C.

    In front of the collector there is usually shut-off valve , with which you can turn off the heating system. Next to it are also attached drain valve and air vent. If the system has several circuits of different lengths, the collector must be equipped with flow regulators.

    Pumping and mixing unit

    Since the pipes in such a system must warm up less than the heating radiators, the heating system is equipped with a pumping and mixing unit in which the water is diluted to the required temperature. Such a unit is connected to the supply line and the “return” (the pipe through which cooled water returns to the system).

    The pumping and mixing unit consists of a circular pump that provides water pressure and a valve that regulates the degree of its supply. Mixing hot and cold water, controlling the temperature and maintaining it to required level carried out using a thermomixer.

    Pumping and mixing units

    Installation procedure for a water floor

    1. The underfloor heating system is mounted on subfloor. It can be assembled from boards or plywood. If the distance between the logs is more than 0.5 m, it is better to lay an additional log between the supports.

    2. The floors must be perfectly level, since if there are differences, the pipes may become airborne. IN concrete base. adjacent to the ground, all cracks and cracks must be sealed.

    3. All wooden surfaces (including load-bearing joists) must be treated with an antiseptic.

    4. Covering the room is necessary waterproof. To do this, you can use polyethylene with a thickness of 200 microns, which is laid on rough floor overlapped onto the walls and secured with tape or a construction stapler. It also covers the logs. For insulation, you can also use roofing felt or special solutions.

    The waterproofing layer is laid over the walls

    5. Lay on top of the waterproofing insulation. When installing the system directly on the ground or above cold basement mats made of extruded polystyrene foam with a thickness of 60 mm or a layer of expanded clay from 10 cm are used. Foam plastic, mineral wool or basalt slabs can also be used as a heat-insulating material.

    Floor insulation

    6. More modern materials for insulation of water floors are profile thermal insulation boards, in which “bosses” are provided for laying pipes. Each such plate is equipped with a side lock for adhesion to the adjacent sheet. For ease of cutting, there is a ruler with marked divisions on its sides.

    Profile thermal insulation boards for laying pipes

    7. Along the walls and door frames to compensate for movement, concrete screeds are installed damper tape(strip from 120 mm wide) made of foamed polyethylene. It should protrude 20 mm above the floor. At the bottom of such a tape there is a “skirt” made of film, which covers the joint so that the concrete does not flow down when pouring the screed.

    Laying damper tape

    8. Attaching pipes to thermal insulation material can also be carried out using anchor brackets or, in the case of installation metal mesh, by means of clamps.

    Fastening with anchor clamps

    Fastening pipes to metal mesh

    9. A foil gasket is laid on top of the insulation, which will reflect heat.

    10. When pouring pipes with concrete screed in cement mortar It is advisable to introduce a plasticizer to prevent cracking. It takes at least 28 days for it to completely harden. The finished floor can only be laid after this time has passed.

    Concrete screed

    Important! Connecting pipes under a concrete screed to avoid leaks is not allowed. When laying metal-plastic, only solid coils should be used.

    11. If instead of a concrete screed a “dry” system made of polystyrene or wood is used, then before laying them the insulation is again covered with a waterproofing layer and sheets of plywood or wood. In this case, pipes are laid in thermal distribution metal plates, equipped with grooves.

    Thermal distribution plates

    System pressure testing

    1. To check the system for leaks before pouring concrete or closing “dry” systems, perform it crimping. To avoid future leaks, the air ducts should not participate in this process, so they are blocked. When crimping metal-plastic the first test is carried out within 24 hours cold water at a pressure of 6 bar. This water is not drained before pouring concrete.

    2. Pressure in pipes made of cross-linked polyethylene during such a check there should be 2 times more workers. After it decreases to normal within 30 minutes, the pressure is raised again, and this is repeated 3 times. After this, the system is left for a day. During this time it should fall by less than 1.5 Bars.

    3. Next, a second check is carried out hot water. In this case, the pipes must be heated to 80-85°C. If weak links are detected in the fastening, the fittings are tightened. When warming up, the stress that arose during the pipe laying process is also relieved. Concrete is poured after the pipes have cooled without reducing the pressure in them.

    Video: Water heated floor in the house