Warm floors in an apartment with autonomous heating. How to install a water heated floor in an apartment

Water heated floors are installed in residential premises very often now. However, this design is more suitable for private houses where the heating system is separate (autonomous). But what if you need to make a water-heated floor in your apartment? Here you need to consider all the nuances of the installation process. In addition, in most cases, installing such a structure can lead to destabilization of the thermal and hydraulic balance between neighboring apartments. Plus, a poorly thought-out system will be immediately detected by inspection authorities. We will tell you more about the implementation correct system floor heating in the apartment.

Before making floor heating powered by a hot battery, it is necessary to consider the difficulties that the master may encounter:

  • Temperature difference of water in the system. It should be taken into account that the maximum heating parameters for a heated floor are 50 degrees, whereas in a heating system this value is 70-90 degrees. If you connect the structure directly, the equipment may fail and may also be damaged. flooring.
  • A ban on installing heated floors in apartments with central heating. If the structure is discovered by an inspection body, the owner of the residential premises may be punished with a fairly large fine.
  • If an elevator was used to connect the heating, then only copper pipes, but they are quite difficult to install and expensive.

What alternative is there?

If it is not possible to make a heated floor in an apartment powered by central heating, you can choose alternative ways of arranging floor heating. For example, electrical design.

It is quite simple to install; you can do it yourself. It also has virtually no effect on the heating of other apartments. Although here you already need to take into account the power of the electrical network.

Electric floor based on heating mats - The best decision For small areas

Another advantage of alternative electric heating gender is its complete legality. Modern thermostats make the presented design very convenient to use and allow you to reduce. You can turn on such heating even in summer, unlike water heating, which only works in heating season(if the system is connected to a battery, if the connection is made to a hot water supply, then you can use water floors all year round).

Options for connecting a warm water floor in an apartment

If, nevertheless, there is a need to connect a heated floor from central heating, then you need to consider all possible such designs in order to choose the most suitable one for each individual case. There are such connection diagrams:

  1. Direct connection of the circuit to hot battery. In this case, the most primitive low-power pump is used. This method is considered the cheapest and simplest. However, it is the least reliable. When using this method of connecting a structure, you need to be prepared for the fact that the heating temperature will not be regulated, and the overall temperature in the riser will significantly decrease, which will negatively affect the neighbors.

    The simplest and least reliable way connections

  2. Direct connection using balancing valve on bypass. In this case, it is possible to reduce the temperature hot water, which is fed into the circuit. To install the system, it is better to use pipes with a diameter of 16 mm and a circuit length of no more than 70 meters. Besides, increased attention should also be chosen circulation pump. It should pump up to 5-10 liters per second, and the pressure should be 1-2 m.

    Manual adjustment via balancing valve

  3. With three-way valve connection. If you connect underfloor heating from central heating in this way, you can significantly reduce the heat consumption of the circuits. The thermostat, which is located on the valve, makes it possible to automatically maintain the set temperature. If the system also contains a two-way valve, then it can be ensured that if the temperature of the coolant in the battery greatly decreases, it will not flow into the heated floor structure.

    Circuit with temperature control using a three-way valve

  4. With shut-off and two three-way valves. This method is considered more modern, as it allows you to adjust the temperature of the coolant in the circuits using the “return”. A two-way valve is necessary to avoid a situation in which the circulation pump runs idle. This will cause it to quickly fail due to overheating. In addition, the system will “eat up” more electricity.

    Valve K3 is used to regulate the temperature of the heated floor using the return line

  5. With remote sensor. This scheme is most similar to the previous design. Its main difference is the presence of a remote sensor. If the set temperature value is significantly exceeded, the system will close the supply of hot coolant to the circuit. If the water in the structure is too cool, the sensor will again open the valve, through which the system will again be filled with hot liquid. This connection scheme will make it possible to avoid excessive cooling of the radiators. In addition, there are systems on which several sensors are installed.

One of the folk craftsmen talks in great detail about one of the connection options:

It should be noted that central heating can be used on any basis. To facilitate this process, a reinforcing mesh is laid on the concrete surface to which the pipes are attached. If the base is made of wood, then special grooves should be made on the joists. This is how the structure will be fixed.

Conclusion and conclusions

It should be noted that heated floors powered by central heating can be made with your own hands, but it is advisable to follow a previously prepared scheme. It is also necessary to take into account that the installation alternative systems Underfloor heating can be cheaper and also take much less time.

Installation of the presented structure requires knowledge and practical skills. An incorrectly configured system can lead to uneven heat distribution in several apartments at once. Some people may lose their warmth altogether. Therefore, it is better to give preference to an electric heating system.

That's all the features of connecting a water-heated floor structure. We must not forget that the use of such a system is illegal, therefore, if possible, it should be made invisible to the inspection authorities. Leave your comments, especially since the topic for discussion is very interesting. And finally, a video of connections through a separate heat exchanger - so to speak, the most ideal installation diagram:

Many apartment owners install additional heating due to insufficient heating from the central system. This measure allows not only to improve the quality of heating of the room, but also to significantly save on energy bills.

TO additional types heating includes underfloor heating or baseboard. The first is divided into heating using water or electricity. A water floor is considered the most successful solution for insulating a room, since operating costs are reduced.

Electric flooring is installed less frequently due to high flow rate electricity, which not everyone can afford. Thus, water floors are installed more often both in apartments and in private houses. However, apartment owners have to face a number of problems when installing this type of heating. First of all, you need to notify the building management company of your desire to install additional heating.

A special permit for the installation of heated floors is issued by this administrative body. Illegal cutting into central heating is being monitored. If a violation is detected, large fines are imposed. Heated floors can only be installed with the consent of the building administration.

Permission from the management company

It is very difficult to obtain this document. The agreement of the parties depends on many factors. The central heating system is designed without a large margin for unauthorized connections.

If it is only one apartment, then expenses and general work This will not affect heating. But there are many who want to connect a heated floor in a multi-storey building. In this regard, there is a threat of disruption of the entire central highway. It is necessary to notify the company about laying heated floors.

The first factor influencing compliance is the type of heating system in the house. If the design diagram involves two risers, supply and return, it becomes possible to obtain permission. If apartments are heated from one pipe, then the chances of obtaining consent are zero.

Any intrusion will significantly reduce the temperature in other apartments, which will give rise to fair complaints. The location of the heat exchanger will also be taken into account - top or bottom. The chances of obtaining a permit for upper apartments increase if the heat exchanger is located below and vice versa.

Only those who are disconnected from central heating will not have problems with the installation. Having an autonomous boiler allows you to avoid administrative delays. However, the presence additional sensors necessary to track energy consumption.

Connection diagram to the central heating system: calculations

If permission to connect a heated floor has been issued, installation work can begin. The first thing you need to do is calculate the total power required for additional heating, that is, how much the coolant is filled.

It is necessary to take into account the parameters of the water floor circuit, heat losses and the type of radiators. All these details are calculated and the overall figure is displayed. Knowing the power of the circulation pump will help you calculate the parameters of future heating. This stage is necessary for the effective functioning of the heated floor. Help make correct calculations specialists directly involved in laying heated floors can.

The calculation of raising the base is considered important. Accordingly, the masonry method itself is planned in advance. The comfort of the residents will depend on this. Low ceilings Plus, raising the base can lead to a violation of living space standards. That is why it is necessary to make a preliminary calculation and plan for laying the floors themselves.

Classic connection diagram

Warm floors from central heating imply the presence necessary equipment: circulation pump, manifold group and temperature control sensors. The heated floor is connected before it is poured with cement. The diameter of the water heating pipes is taken into account; it should be 12-20 mm.

A water heated floor in an apartment requires the following elements:

The heart of the entire circuit is the distribution unit, which is responsible for regulating the temperature of the coolant. The fact is that the temperature of the water in the supply pipes is very high. It must be cooled to an acceptable threshold - 30-35°, otherwise the heated floor system will fail.

A key role in this design is played by a three-way valve, the configuration of which allows you to distribute and control the temperature of the coolant. The valve is accompanied by a special sensor, another name is a thermal head, which carries out thermoregulation using the position of the rod. This device allows the owner to set the required temperature and thereby save on heating costs.

The valve works very simply. When a specified temperature threshold is exceeded, a special damper completely or partially blocks the hot flow. The presence of a three-way valve in the distribution unit is necessary.

Heated floors from central heating will not function without a circulation pump. Water will always find the path of least resistance, so a pump is installed to effectively distribute the coolant. Its location is before the collector group and after the distribution node. The three-way valve supplies the already cooled coolant to the pump, then the working fluid enters the manifold for further distribution along the contours of the floor.

The manifold group must necessarily include an air vent and a drain valve. These elements are installed at the top (air vent) and bottom points (drain valve) of the manifold.

Considering the fact that the working fluid is not clean, it is necessary to install dirt filters. Thus, the service life of the water floor is extended. Dirty coolant will very quickly clog small water floor pipes.

This scheme is classic and works for apartments on the upper or lower floors, depending on the location of the common heat exchanger. If the apartment is built on the middle floors, then the scheme has some deviations. For example, instead of a three-way valve, a two-way valve is used.

Installation of a warm water floor requires official approval from the management company. It is possible to make a connection to a common highway, but you must comply with the established norms and rules for installing and operating the equipment. Illegal crash into central system forbidden. This will entail the payment of large fines and the dismantling of the water heated floor.

If permission to connect a heated floor has been issued, installation work can begin. The first thing to do is calculate the total power

How to make a heated floor from central heating in an apartment: legal methods

Today, the installation of a heating hydraulic circuit in the floor covering is incredibly popular among our compatriots. The reason for this is the extremely unsatisfactory performance of the classical radiator heating with centralized coolant supply. The hype around the “warm floor” technology forces many “craftsmen” to agree to a direct ban from the authorities, arbitrarily installing heating in an apartment along the floor, thereby disturbing the thermal balance and increasing the hydraulic resistance in the heating system (CO) of the entire house.

Legal ways to implement water heated floors in apartments apartment buildings Yes, and you can connect a heated floor system from central heating. This publication will consider several operating schemes that will not cause hydraulic and thermal imbalance in the CO.

Secondary ring diagram

This scheme can be implemented with a single-pipe CO system in an apartment. The primary ring is the central CO; secondary – the “warm floor” circuit.

  • The connection to the central heating system is made only in the return line, at the outlet of the radiator.
  • A shut-off valve is installed on the circuit, and on the return side of the “warm floor” ring there is also a check valve that prevents the coolant from flowing in the opposite direction.
  • The water heated floor in the apartment is equipped with a mixing unit, which includes a pump and a three-way valve.

Despite its simplicity, this scheme is effective, but only if correct installation and a clear assembly sequence are observed.

Advice: The problem is whether you can prove to utility companies that this scheme is workable and does not lead to an imbalance in the centralized CO. As a rule, specialists from regulatory services refer to the prohibition of making any design changes to the heating system. Therefore, we strongly recommend that before creating a heated floor using this technology, you consult with a lawyer and a professional heating engineer.

Scheme with heat exchanger

100% of heating engineers will say that without breaking the law, you can create heated floors in an apartment with individual heating.

Despite the ban from public utilities on making any changes to the centralized heating system, experts came up with a scheme in which, when implemented, an autonomous heating system will be created, where the tank will act as a heat generator indirect heating(buffer tank, heat accumulator), heat exchanger.

This system does not affect the design of the central CO in any way, does not change the pressure and does not increase hydrostatic resistance. The numbers indicate the following equipment:

  • 1 Circulation pump
  • 2 Three-way mixer
  • 3 and 4 Ball valves
  • 15 Heat exchanger piping group, which includes: check valve; ball valve with a mud man.

Points to remember

  • The first thing you need to pay attention to when connecting a water heated floor in a central heating system is the material from which the coil is made. The whole point of TV is that for installing heating in the floor of an apartment and making the coil itself, as a rule, plastic pipes are used, which are designed for a coolant temperature of 50°C. The water temperature in the central heating main can range from 70 to 90°C. Of course, when connecting the underfloor heating circuit directly to the central heating, leakage and expensive repairs are guaranteed.

Second. There is enough information on the Internet a large number of installation diagrams of water heated floors in the apartment, which, in theory do not lead to destabilization of CO at home. One of them is presented below.

According to heating specialists, the main problem with water heated floors is that the coolant returns to the CO at a too low temperature, which affects the heating of apartments adjacent along the riser. In the scheme presented above, this influence is minimized by controlling the return temperature with a three-way valve (K2) with a thermostatic mechanism. This mechanism is adjusted to the maximum temperature. To adjust the temperature of the coil circuit, a balancing valve K1 is included in the circuit.

Important! It should be understood that most of these schemes are illegal and entail serious penalties, plus forced dismantling of the equipment, which costs an extra pretty penny.

Warm floor or radiator: which is better for an apartment

Every day, a huge number of our compatriots wonder how to make a warm floor from heating, since they are firmly convinced that this design heating an apartment is more efficient than a classic radiator. Let's consider economic feasibility each CO.

  1. The heated floor system is more economical. This issue is especially important for the owner of autonomous heating systems and the owner of apartments with heat meters. For this design, as the main heating system, it is necessary to reduce the heat loss of the home to a level of 40-50 W/m2. But with such low heat losses, radiator CO will be no less effective.
  2. There is a common belief that when heating with radiators, “it’s hot at the top and cold near the floor.” As a rule, everything depends, again, on the insulation of the home. If it complies with European standards, then the difference in air temperature under the ceiling and near the floor, even with radiators, will be minimal, 1-2°C.
  3. The level of comfort increases significantly if you install a “warm floor” system in all rooms of the apartment. Indeed, it is more pleasant to walk on such a floor, but answer yourself the question: are you ready to abandon carpet, linoleum and other floor coverings in your entire apartment in favor of ceramic tiles, which have the best heat transfer?

And lastly: compare the costs of implementing the “water heated floor” project, which includes permits, a design with calculations, expensive installation and setting up the operation with high efficiency, which is a rather controversial issue.

Advice: Competent calculation of a water heated floor is a complex process that requires experience and knowledge of many nuances. That is why, to carry them out, contact only professionals.

Warm floor from central heating in an apartment: legal ways to implement the project

Why is it prohibited to connect a heated floor system from central heating in an apartment. Wiring diagrams, allowing the structure to be connected to the central heating main. Comparison of radiator and underfloor heating.

Is it possible to install water heated floors in an apartment using central heating?

Water heated floors are installed in residential premises very often now. However, this design is more suitable for private houses where the heating system is separate (autonomous). But what if you need to make a water-heated floor in your apartment? Here you need to consider all the nuances of the installation process. In addition, in most cases, installing such a structure can lead to destabilization of the thermal and hydraulic balance between neighboring apartments. Plus, a poorly thought-out system will be immediately detected by inspection authorities. We will tell you in more detail about the implementation of the correct underfloor heating system in an apartment.

What problems might arise?

Before making floor heating powered by a hot battery, it is necessary to consider the difficulties that the master may encounter:

  • Temperature difference of water in the system. It should be taken into account that the maximum heating parameters for a heated floor are 50 degrees, whereas in a heating system this value is 70-90 degrees. If you connect the structure directly, the equipment may fail, and the floor covering may also be damaged.
  • A ban on installing heated floors in apartments with central heating. If the structure is discovered by an inspection body, the owner of the residential premises may be punished with a fairly large fine.
  • If an elevator was used to connect the heating, then only copper pipes can be used to equip the heated floor, but they are quite difficult to install and expensive.

What alternative is there?

If it is not possible to make a heated floor in an apartment powered by central heating, you can choose alternative ways of arranging floor heating. For example, electrical design.

It is quite simple to install; you can do it yourself. Also, electric heated floors have virtually no effect on the heating of other apartments. Although here you already need to take into account the power of the electrical network.

Electric flooring based on heating mats is the best solution for small areas

Another advantage of alternative electric floor heating is that it is completely legal. Modern thermostats make the presented design very convenient to use and allow you to reduce energy consumption. You can turn on such heating even in the summer, unlike water heating, which works only during the heating season (if the system is connected to a battery, but if connected to a hot water supply, then you can use water floors all year round).

Options for connecting a warm water floor in an apartment

If you still need to connect a heated floor from central heating, then you need to consider everything possible options wiring diagrams of such a design in order to choose the most suitable one in each individual case. There are such connection diagrams:

  1. Direct connection of the circuit to a hot battery. In this case, the most primitive low-power pump is used. This method is considered the cheapest and simplest. However, it is the least reliable. When using this method of connecting a structure, you need to be prepared for the fact that the heating temperature will not be regulated, and the overall temperature in the riser will significantly decrease, which will negatively affect the neighbors.

The simplest and least reliable connection method

Manual adjustment via balancing valve

Circuit with temperature control using a three-way valve

Valve K3 is used to regulate the temperature of the heated floor using the return line

One of the folk craftsmen talks in great detail about one of the connection options:

It should be noted that a water heated floor from central heating can be installed on any base. To facilitate this process, a reinforcing mesh is laid on the concrete surface to which the pipes are attached. If the base is made of wood, then special grooves should be made on the joists. This is how the structure will be fixed.

Conclusion and conclusions

It should be noted that heated floors powered by central heating can be made with your own hands, but it is advisable to follow a previously prepared scheme. You also need to take into account that installing alternative floor heating systems can be cheaper and also take much less time.

Installation of the presented structure requires knowledge and practical skills. An incorrectly configured system can lead to uneven heat distribution in several apartments at once. Some people may lose their warmth altogether. Therefore, it is better to give preference to an electric heating system.

Warm floor from central heating in the apartment

How to install water heated floors in an apartment using central heating. Wiring diagrams and video instructions.

Warm floor from central heating in the apartment

Underfloor heating systems are an excellent option for creating comfortable conditions in your home. temperature conditions. They can act either as the sole source of heat or in addition to centralized heating. Currently, many people who want to equip their home with just such heating equipment are interested in whether it is possible to make a heated floor from central heating in an apartment?

Why is it prohibited to install heated floors in apartment buildings?

The law prohibits equipping houses with such heating systems if these actions destabilize the thermal and hydraulic balance between neighboring apartments along a common riser. The governments of some large cities (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, etc.) have adopted resolutions banning the installation of water floor systems in apartment buildings. Construction codes and regulations (SNiP) similar method heating of the apartments is also not provided. If detected, the apartment owner faces an administrative fine.

Why underfloor heating from central heating is not practical:

  1. Inserting a heated floor into an existing system leads to a disruption in the temperature balance of the entire riser. If this happens on the upper floors, the “loss of degrees” may not be noticeable, but from the middle of the house it will become critical.
  2. Pipes under the floor are a potential risk of accident. If they are damaged, all the apartments below will flood.
  3. Get high temperature There will be no coolant in the system, precisely because of the general supply to the riser. In winter, such floors will be slightly warm, and in the off-season, when the heating has not yet been turned on or has already been turned off, there is no point in such a system at all.
  4. The quality and purity of the coolant in the central pipeline has always left much to be desired. Since the maximum diameter of pipes for TP does not exceed 24 mm, within 3-5 years they will become clogged, and then they will either have to be replaced or the system should be shut off and dismantled. It is clear that it is extremely difficult to break through (read - clean) horizontally located pipes.

For any option in the apartment apartment building Electric underfloor heating systems are much more practical. But if you are still inclined to water ones, we will explain in what cases this can be done and how.

In what cases is it possible

In practice, it is possible to make heated floors from central heating in an apartment, provided that the balance of water flow is not disturbed, and the conditions for dosing thermal energy are met.

Methods for connecting a water heating unit in an apartment

So, having decided to install a pipeline from a centralized riser for the purpose of additional insulation of the house, you need to choose a power supply scheme, thanks to which you will be able to make your desires come true.

Sequence of assembly and insertion of the system

Among the variety of schemes for connecting an additional heat source to a centralized heating system, there are many options. But I would like to highlight the most effective and widespread of them.

Direct pipe connection to the radiator

This model of water floor heating is the simplest and cheapest. To implement it, you will additionally need to purchase a low-power pumping station. The use of this method of connecting the structure eliminates the possibility of adjusting the temperature in the room.

Direct connection using a balance valve on the bypass

This connection method is slightly similar to the previous one, differing only in the presence of a balancing valve, which is located between the heat supply pipe and the “return” pipe. Thanks to the bypass, it is possible to reduce the flow rate of the coolant in the circuit, which means it is possible to somehow regulate the temperature of the floor surface. This connection method also affects the overall water temperature in the centralized riser system.

Using a three-way

By connecting underfloor heating from central heating using this scheme, you can significantly reduce the heat consumption of the circuits. The thermostat allows you to automatically control the temperature in a hidden pipeline. Simply put, if your water installation consumes a large amount of energy, this increases the likelihood that almost cold water will enter the riser. And this, in turn, will contribute to the cooling of radiators in the neighboring dwellings above and below.

With shut-off and two three-way throttles

This method of connecting underfloor heating from central heating is the most modern, since in this case we can regulate the temperature of the heat source. The presence of a two-way valve eliminates situations in which the pumping system will run idle, which, in turn, can lead to overheating of the device and, as a consequence, to its breakdown. The disadvantage of this scheme is high energy consumption.

With remote sensor

This option is similar to the previous method of connecting an additional heat source to a centralized heating riser. The only difference is the presence of a remote sensor, which is necessary to control the heating of the structure.

VIDEO: How to make heated floors from central heating

Which pipes are better to choose?

Even at the design stage of a heating unit, it is necessary to pay special attention directly to the coolant itself.

There are several types of material that can be used to construct a water heating block:

Cross-linked polyethylene

This material is known for its high compressive strength, which is caused by thermal shrinkage. Thanks to this property, the temperature of the coolant can reach almost boiling water. At the same time, the recommended coolant temperature is +31…+35 0 C, which guarantees the safety of the pipeline for at least 50 years.

Polypropylene composition

Not the best for organizing a floor system perfect option. The problem is the high bending radius - for any design, the pipes will have to be bent at a certain angle, which cannot be done with a polypropylene base. If you have welding experience polypropylene pipes, then the whole system will be of high quality and reliable. If you don’t have such experience, it’s better not to take risks.

Copper, stainless steel

It is not for nothing that a pipe made from such materials Soviet times were considered the only correct option for laying cold and hot pipelines. The minimum service life is 70 years or more, they are resistant to corrosion, work well under compression, and conduct heat well. But the final cost of the material is very high, so today they are extremely rarely used not only for private heating systems, but also in urban areas.


Metal-plastic pipes, compared to all other materials except stainless steel and copper, have the highest performance characteristics, including significant loads, resistance to thermal expansion. At the same time, the manufacturer claims a minimum service life of 50 years. The estimated period is 30 years.

Let's sum it up

I would like to note that a floor heating installation, which is powered from the central line, can be assembled on your own. And if you have set yourself such a goal, then it is advisable to follow the previously prepared scheme and not make your own adjustments to it in order to improve the operation of the unit. Otherwise you will not be able to achieve efficient work designs. Of course, this does not apply to those people who are professionally engaged in such work.

If you have the financial means, it will be easier and faster for you to equip your home with electric heat sources, which may require costs to pay electricity bills, but at the same time provide a uniform and, importantly, adjustable temperature regime.

Installation of such a block requires knowledge and practical skills. An improperly assembled and configured design can lead to low efficiency of thermal energy distribution.

Here, in fact, are all the subtleties of connecting a hidden heating unit to a common riser. It should be remembered that the use of such a system is illegal, and therefore, if possible, it is necessary to make it as hidden as possible.

We hope our tips will help you equip your home with a reliable and efficiently functioning heating element.

Do-it-yourself warm floor from central heating in an apartment: diagram, photo, video instructions, is it legal?

Is it possible to make a heated floor from central heating in an apartment? Yes, of course, if you know how and what materials you will need. Is this legal? No. It is better to give preference to electric ones.

A warm floor in an apartment makes it more comfortable and cozy, but a permit must be obtained for the installation of such structures.

There are two types of heated floors - electric and water. The installation of any type of such heating is equivalent to redevelopment, which can affect the climate of the neighbors. Warm electric floors can cause power surges in neighboring apartments, and water heated floors reduce the temperature in neighbors' radiators. Of course, the housing inspection, called by the residents, will immediately make claims against the owners of such floors, even if they are not to blame for the decrease in power or temperature, but without permission this threatens with dismantling and a fine. In order not to cause unnecessary troubles and troubles to yourself and your neighbors, you must first coordinate the installation of heated floors with the relevant authorities.

The installation of such a floor is not included in the list of prohibited floors, nor is it on the list of those subject to mandatory approval. However, if heated floors are installed in an apartment located in a building with insufficient electrical power, problems remain. All houses except new buildings fall into this category.

In the old days, houses were built with an electrical network designed for a minimum number of electrical appliances, and the old wiring does not withstand the use of modern appliances, including the use of an electric floor. To install a heated floor, it is necessary to replace the wiring and distribution panel.

The housing inspection must provide a certificate about the power of the device, confirming that the heated floor will not cause overloads in the network. Such a certificate will relieve liability in the event of any problems with the electrical network. This certificate must be obtained from management company servicing the house where this redevelopment is planned.

If the power is insufficient, you will not be able to install an electric floor. New buildings have a significant power reserve, where warm electric floors are easier to legalize.

Permission for water heated floor


If the apartment has autonomous system heating, installation of a warm fruit will not cause problems, since such a system will not affect neighboring rooms. It is more difficult in the case of central heating. A load on the system will be created that is much greater than calculated; in apartments to which the flow of hot water follows the heated floor circuit, the temperature will drop.

Still, you can try to get permission from the heating networks and the service organization. The biggest obstacle to obtaining it will be the ban on such redevelopment, expressed in clause 11.8 of Appendix 1 of PPM 508-PP, which speaks of a direct ban on installing floors from communal hot water supply or heating systems. But this clause is not included in all regional documents. Thus, in order to obtain permission, it will be necessary to conduct an examination, and if it reveals that the installation of a heated floor will not lead to disruptions in the operation of communications at home, permission will be obtained. Such an examination result is possible only with the installation of individual heating for a heated floor. However, in new houses, where the heating distribution is floor-by-floor, and not the usual risers, such permission can be given, while obliging to connect a heat meter. In addition, in some regions such redevelopment is allowed after an examination has been carried out, which reveals that this will not cause disruption to the system.

If you want to make water floors, there are some legal methods for installing them:

  • In older houses, you can run a pipe under the bathroom floor with warm water instead of a heated towel rail. Such an action may not be coordinated with anyone. Just take care of good waterproofing.
  • A water heated floor is not prohibited on the first floors of a building if it is connected to the return riser of the system, where it connects to the main line.
  • It is also possible to have a heated floor made by reconstructing the existing system. Radiators are dismantled, and instead of them a circuit is installed under the floor with equal coolant flow.
  • Connection without disconnecting existing radiators is only possible in new buildings with floor heating.


When a technical conclusion is received from energy supervision or heating networks about the possibility of changing the contour of the floor, a project is made, which is then approved by the housing inspectorate. To develop a project, you should contact a design organization that has SRO approval.

After installing the floors, it is impossible to inspect the work, so builders fill out inspection reports for hidden work. These workers must also have SRO clearance. The documents are signed by them and representatives of the design organization. The executed acts are entered into the work production journal.

An organization that makes heated floors in an apartment must have a license. After the work is completed, the heating operation of the system is tested. Based on the test results, a corresponding report is drawn up. For a water floor, a hydraulic test certificate is required, for an electric floor, a certificate for testing automatic control and protection is required.

General list of documents that must be available at the time of installation of the heating system:

List of documents required for further operation:

  • Drawings, as well as a certificate of their compliance with the work performed;
  • act of inspection of hidden work;
  • act of thermal testing of heating devices;
  • Act individual testing automatic control and protection.

Creating a cozy and comfortable atmosphere in an apartment largely depends on the created microclimate. But in a central heating system with radiator appliances, achieving the necessary conditions is problematic. In private houses with autonomous heating this situation can be solved by installing a heated floor, but is this possible in an apartment?

Warm floors are effective due to uniform heating of the entire room. The system easily allows you to achieve the required microclimate even at the lowest temperatures outside the window. The issue of installing heated floors in apartments on the first floors, as well as where small children live, is especially relevant.

Warm floor from central heating prohibited in apartment buildings. This ban is based on the undesirability of changing the heating system or making adjustments to it.

The creation of additional circuits can create serious heating problems not only in a single apartment, but throughout the entire residential building.

The main problems that you may encounter when installing underfloor heating:

  • increased hydraulic resistance;
  • return of the coolant to the riser at a lower temperature.

Such problems entail malfunctions in the operation of the heating system, as well as its failure.

Detection of illegal cases will result in a fine for underfloor heating from central heating.

It is prohibited to install heated floors in apartment buildings where each room has its own riser. Installation of an additional circuit inevitably leads to disruption of the thermal balance in the house. Neighbors will quickly feel the changes in heating.

Installation of heated floors

Despite the limitations of utility services, even in the most difficult cases it is possible to create an additional circuit without creating problems in the heating system. To do this, it is necessary to create conditions for controlled heat consumption and maintain a balance of coolant in the system.

To create an additional contour in the floor, the following points should be taken into account:

Read more: Infrared floor under linoleum

  • Use metal-plastic pipes. They are able to withstand hydraulic shocks. Plastic pipes are ineffective in this case.
  • For heated floors optimal temperature- 30-40 C, but the coolant in the batteries is 70-90 C.
  • It is necessary to have a manifold cabinet containing the necessary valves, connections and outlets.
  • Installing heat meters in an apartment will solve problems with coolant flow in the system.

Overview of basic circuits

The most simple circuit- with pump

The simplest scheme for a warm water floor from central heating involves a direct connection to a radiator and inclusion of a pump in the system. The last one is chosen by the weakest one.

The coolant flow rate should reach 5-10 liters per minute. This scheme is the most unreliable, since there is no possible regulation of the circuit. Work of heated floors in in this case can lead to a decrease in heat transfer from radiators, and also affect batteries in neighboring apartments.

A circuit with the addition of a balancing tap allows you to regulate the level of floor heating.

Adding a balancing valve to a diagram

Creating a circuit is quite simple, following the principle of the previous one, but adding a faucet to some extent solves the issue of heat imbalance in the system.

Reducing heat consumption can be achieved by including a three-way mixing valve with a thermostat in the circuit. Warm floors from central heating in an apartment according to this scheme are also equipped with a pump and a balancing valve.

This system allows you to regulate the temperature of the coolant automatically. The required maximum temperature for the battery is set, and a cooler coolant is supplied to the floors.

Warm floors from central heating without a pump can be installed in those apartments where there is one common riser, and not several.

To do this, a mixing unit is installed in the circuit, and a flow regulator is installed at the inlet. Coolant consumption should be minimal, otherwise neighboring apartments receive a reduced amount of water in the radiators. This situation entails fines from utilities.

Read more: Laminate for heated floors - its advantages and features

The most optimal solution for an apartment is to connect heated floors through a heat exchanger. This option actually allows you to create your own closed circuit, to which only temperature is transmitted.

The floor is not affected by pressure and flow. The coolant from the central system does not enter the mixing unit. This scheme greatly simplifies control over the system.

In this case, the warm floor from central heating does not affect the temperature in the radiators, both in your apartment and in neighboring ones.

Important nuances

It should be remembered that an incorrectly installed circuit can lead to serious consequences.

In most cases utility services prohibit the installation of water floors in apartment buildings to avoid failure of the heating system.

The best option is to create heated floors powered by electricity. If the choice is made in favor of water heating, then you should take care of a closed system, or use complex circuits with control devices.

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Increasing prices for hot water supply makes people look for more economical way heating in the apartment. One of these methods, water heated floors in an apartment, will be discussed in more detail, namely, how to properly make a heated floor.

Laying warm floor coverings and warm water floors in apartments in European countries has been done since the 80s of the last century. In Austria, Switzerland and Germany, water heated floors in apartments are installed in 60% of houses. Various energy sources are connected to heating for underfloor heating:

  • infrared emitters;
  • heating electrical cables;
  • PLEN device, films with a built-in electric spiral and others.

The heated floor and the technology for its implementation in the case under consideration provide heating through a layer of hot liquid, most often it is water, sometimes antifreeze or antifreeze is used. Laying a water heated floor requires laying the pipes evenly over the floor surface.

When circulating, the liquid in the heating system passes through a centralized heating source, transfers heat to the concrete, and then heats up the air. The technology for laying water heated floors involves heating water with an autonomous boiler, or heated floors in the apartment are connected from central heating. In both cases, you can turn on and install the water heated floor yourself.

Modern technologies simplify the installation of water heated floors. Pipes are used whose configuration is based on the molecular memory of cross-linked polyethylene. This has reduced the cost of materials, the connection diagram for a water heated floor and the installation technology have become simpler, and reliability has increased.

Installing and pouring a heated floor is not a complicated process; making a water heated floor with your own hands is quite possible. For this purpose, several techniques and special materials have been developed. People show interest in how to connect the warm floor of a room to a heating system, and how to implement this project on their own.

Pipe length calculation

How to calculate the length and lay pipes on a heated water floor will be discussed below. There are several options for how heating pipes should be installed in a water-heated floor: in a snail shape or in straight parallel lines, or in other ways. But the main requirement is met everywhere.

The pipes are distributed evenly, the pitch between them depends total length covering a certain area. To meet the conditions for heating with underfloor heating, you need to correctly calculate the length of the pipe. To simplify the process, designed for different options pipe consumption is tabulated.

Consumption of underfloor heating pipe depending on the loop pitch

Using the table, it is easy to understand how to do the calculations yourself. With a room area of ​​20 m and a laying step of 20 cm, the length (L) will be equal to 20 m2, multiplied by 5 linear meters/m, which will be 100 m. The length of the warm coating circuit should not exceed 70 m, this is due to the effective circulation of the coolant through the pipeline and pump capacities. If the pipe in the circuit exceeds 70 m, warm floors are not effective, then how to make the right choice?

The pitch is set to 300 mm. Length (L) = 20 m 2 * 3.4 linear/m = 68 m. This fully meets all the requirements. Several lines are installed in a large room, but individual heating circuits should not exceed 70 m. Connection is allowed using powerful pumps warm circuit water floor up to 120 m.

The laying technology for heated floors clearly determines what to fill the warm water floor with. There are ready-made mixtures that just need to be diluted with water in the concentration specified in the instructions. In some cases, a water-heated floor is made without a screed when the floor is made of plywood. If chipboard is laid with laminate, parquet, linoleum, it is not necessary to fill the heated floor with screed mortar.

Dry screed is successfully used for warm water floors.

Before pouring and installing the floor covering, the pipes are checked for leaks. A special compressor is used, water is pumped into the pipes under a pressure of 6 bar, a process called pressure testing. If the pressure has not dropped by more than 1.5 bar during the day, the heating circuit is sealed. An incorrectly made heated floor or poor-quality installation can lead to the need to dismantle the floor covering.

Main advantages Towards old technology

  • with radiator batteries, the new technique has a number of advantages:
  • A heated layer at the level of the feet of human feet. Feet are warm, head is moderately cool - this stimulates the human body to active life.
  • The labor-intensive procedure of removing dust from hard-to-reach areas of radiators is eliminated. Uneven heating stimulated colds. In case of warm floors
  • all these shortcomings are absent, the surface is easy to sweep and wash;
  • Space is freed up, there is no need to think through options on how to fit pipes into the interior of the room;
  • Installation work has become much easier;

Carrying out the work and the main elements of the system are cheaper. To heat the room, a temperature in the pipes of 55 °C and no more than 60-70 °C is sufficient. Installation and further operation of heated floors turns out to be 30% cheaper. Therefore, many people wanted to know how to make a water-heated floor.

Warm floor from central heating

Organizational matters

Many apartment residents want to dismantle the radiators or additionally connect them to underfloor heating from central heating. Before starting such a reconstruction, it is necessary to resolve organizational issues, namely, coordinate the project with the management company that services the house.

The difficulty in the question of how to make a heated floor is the process of obtaining permission. The difficulty is that most boiler houses operate at the limit of their calculated power or have a small reserve. Several apartments can be connected; with a mass connection, the central system will not be able to function normally.

Connecting a water heated floor to a heating system has some technical difficulties. This depends on the design of the central system. So, in schemes with direct supply through one pipe, there are no options for connection. Where the coolant circulates along the circuit of forward and reverse pipes, connection is possible.

The location of the heat exchanger largely influences the decision of the management company. When the heat exchanger is located in the lower part, residents of the upper floors are more likely to receive a permit, and vice versa. After obtaining permission, you can purchase equipment and begin installation work on the central heating floor.

Connection diagram

Before pouring, the entire installation scheme is checked for the tightness of the warm water floor. Depending on the length of the circuit and the diameter of the pipes, the pump power is selected. The installation scheme for heated floors includes the following main elements:

  • Valves at the entrance to the heated floor circuit;
  • Check valve;
  • Three-way control valve (thermal head);
  • Circulation pump;
  • Coolant temperature control sensor;
  • Manifold for underfloor heating;
  • Plastic pipes.

The scheme for installing a water heated floor begins with connecting the central heating system to the return line. Two valves are installed to drain the forward and reverse flow of the underfloor heating system. They are designed to allow you to turn off the water at any time and carry out repairs or maintenance of elements in the heated floor line.

The check valve ensures that the coolant fluid moves in one direction. The three-way valve is of great importance in the system; it distributes hot and cold flows, mixing them until the set temperature is reached. Sometimes this device is called a thermal head. The temperature of the water entering the heated floors from the central system can reach 70 °C, this is too much; for normal operation no more than 50 °C is required. The thermal head reduces the temperature to the value set on it, usually 40-45 ̊C.

The circulation pump circulates water within the circuit in a given direction. Temperature sensors indicate the temperature of the coolant. Eat automatic systems controls that combine the operation of sensors and three-way valves, but this topic requires a separate, more extensive description.

A manifold for underfloor heating distributes coolant flows through pipes of different circuits. Return line underfloor heating collectors collect cooled flows, directing them to a three-way valve, where the liquid is distributed by a thermal head for further circulation in a closed circuit, maintaining the temperature set in it. Manufacturers make manifolds for heated floors from various materials:

  • Brass products are durable and strong, withstand high pressure, they are universal for any type of pipe;
  • Manifolds for heated floors made of copper can withstand the most high pressure up to 30 bar and high temperatures in heating systems. Often used in circuits where the coolant can be oil, antifreeze or antifreeze.
  • Stainless steel parts are in greatest demand due to reasonable prices and good technical characteristics, satisfying installations in apartments.

Three way valve design

The heating system to which heated floors are connected necessarily includes a three-way valve; its design and principle of operation require detailed consideration. Essentially, the valve works like a hot and cold mixer cold water, you can make it warmer or colder.

When moving the shut-off element in the adjustment sector, the space for the flow of hot liquid increases and the space for the flow of the cold part of the coolant decreases and vice versa. In this way, the temperature in the system can be controlled. This diagram of a water circuit with a valve helps to better understand its purpose and operating principle.

Valves with electric drives are sometimes used in conjunction with thermostats. Water flows are adjusted automatically depending on temperature changes. When it decreases, the valve shut-off device moves in the direction of increasing the hot flow, and, conversely, when the set temperature value increases, the electric drive moves the shut-off mechanism in the direction of increasing the cold flow.

Features of the circulation pump

Whether the entire system will work efficiently depends on the correct selection and installation of the pump. The circulation of the coolant depends on the length and diameter of the pipes; bends at pipe turns make it difficult to move the flow. To achieve the required rate of fluid circulation in the system, a pump is installed. Consumers have a greater preference for pumps with three pumping speeds; this makes it possible to control the temperature of the coolant, and therefore the air in the room, by changing the circulation speed.

When the room temperature drops, the coolant in the pipes will cool faster. By increasing the circulation rate, flows will pass through the heating element more often, increasing the temperature. The speed switch is located on the pump body and is controlled manually. There are options when the entire process is controlled by an automatic system.

Manufacturers produce two types of pumps: with a wet and dry rotor, in the first version the rotating part is in the circulating fluid, in the second version the rotor is isolated. More suitable for apartments wet rotor

, their capacity is limited to rooms of 400 m 2, this is quite enough. They consume less electricity and operate silently. The pump body can be made of stainless steel, cast iron or polymer; the latter option is optimal, lightweight, strong and durable. The numbers separated by a fraction sign on the marking indicate the dimensions of the inlet and outlet openings, the last number indicates the length of the product for calculations when installation work

. In order not to go into details when calculating a pipe for a heated floor, use a table to calculate the calculations when choosing a pump.

Characteristics table for pump selectionHeating area, m²
Pump capacityradiator heating
80-120 0,4 1,5
120-160 0,5 2,0
160-200 0,6 2,5
200-240 0,7 3,0
240-280 0,8 4,0
300-350 1,2-1,5 -

warm floor

When installing the pump in a line, you cannot confuse the direction of movement of the coolant; it is indicated by an arrow on the body. The rotor must be in a horizontal position; when installed vertically, the pump power is reduced by 30%. The pump can be installed on any section of the main line, but most often this is done at the entrance to the system after switchgear , thermostat. It is very important that the pump is equipped with an air release valve.


can block the circulation of the coolant and the operation of the pump; opening the valve will help get rid of accumulated air in the interval in the network where the pump is installed. Connection to an individual heating boiler

  • The presence of an individual boiler for heating in an apartment or private house eliminates all organizational problems for permitting the installation of water heated floors. In this case, connecting a warm water floor does not require any permits.
  • Depending on the location and operation conditions of the facility, boilers can be of various types:
  • solid fuel: firewood, pellets, coal;
  • electrical;
  • combined.

In apartments in multi-storey buildings, gas or electric heating boilers are most often used; connecting a heated floor circuit to the central heating system is not required. In this case, the diagram differs slightly, but the functional purpose of the main elements remains the same.

Essential elements:

  • boiler;
  • expansion tank;
  • pressure gauge;
  • circulation pump;
  • manifold for underfloor heating;

Unlike the case with central heating, connecting a heated floor to a boiler does not require installing a three-way valve to regulate the temperature of the coolant. Its installation is not necessary; the temperature can be changed from the boiler control panel. Temperature control sensors are also located on external panel


The expansion tank serves to maintain stable pressure in the system; when heated, the volume of liquid increases. To prevent the underfloor heating collector, pump and other expensive elements in the pipeline system from collapsing, the tank compensates for the expansion of the coolant volume. The pressure gauge shows the pressure in the pipes. The main thing is that before pouring the solution into a warm floor, you need to check the functionality of all components. Regardless of the modification of the device and its manufacturer, all panels have basic options, and some additional functions

  • programming:
  • buttons or regulators for increasing and decreasing the supply coolant temperature; button automatic installation
  • comfortable, economical temperature regime, room – 20-22 ̊С; Maybe software control

, setting the modes “winter”, “summer”, “vacation”, “function of protecting the system from freezing of liquid”.

How to make specific settings for boilers with different control panels is described in the operating instructions. Filling a water heated floor with a solution for a separate boiler is done in the same way as for central heating.

Video: water heated floor in an apartment

All this shows that it is preferable to make heated floors with the installation of an autonomous heating boiler; the main part of the installation can be done with your own hands. A water floor made without a screed, or a dry floor with a screed, will simplify the work and make it cheaper. If the connection diagram for a heated floor is not entirely clear, you can and should consult with professionals about individual elements in the floor. Having studied the purpose, the correct connection of the main elements in, technically literate people understand that laying a heated floor is not difficult, making a heated floor with your own hands is a very real task.