Vertical water thermal curtains for gates. Thermal curtains for gates

Gates in workshops and warehouses are equipped with PVC curtains in order to ensure long-term storage of products, safe work for workers, and convenient movement. Silicone curtains allow you to achieve great benefits, so we found wide application in industry. Along with such canopies, they serve as an effective addition and directly replace gates in the warm season.

You can order PVC curtains for gates right now from the World of MSK Curtains and find out the full cost using. But first, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with all the advantages of these products, which have proven themselves on the market as the most practical and inexpensive way solutions to many industrial and warehouse problems.

Advantages of PVC curtains for warehouses

Thermal curtains are installed above the gates. The silicone strips are arranged vertically close to one another. There are several ways to manufacture and install thermal curtains over gates. The choice depends on the width, intensity and nature of the opening; climatic features.

The PVC curtain mounted on the gate can be reinforced using special installation. Silicone curtains with protective coating from insects, ultraviolet radiation, infrared lighting; to add wear resistance. However, we will consider the main advantages that distinguish PVC curtains installed on gates below:

  • . Canopies effectively maintain temperature conditions and set level humidity, which allows you to conveniently store products of various types of consumption. Due to their high density, PVC curtains on gates effectively resist any drafts.
  • Noise insulation. Mounted curtain for warehouse gates correct installation muffles noise well.
  • Durability. Canopies have a long service life. In case of wear, the strips can be swapped or replaced with new ones individually.
  • Versatility. PVC curtains for warehouses are suitable for covering openings of absolutely any width and height.
  • Ease of use. Curtains do not obstruct the movement of vehicles. Natural light penetrates intensely through the thermal curtains. The curtains are easy to install and dismantle; if you wish, you can remove or replace the strips yourself.
  • Easy to maintain. Simply wipe the curtains with a damp cloth to make them clean. No need to open and close manually.
  • Safety of use. The use of canopies meets the technical standards and labor protection and safety regulations established for workshops and warehouses. The plastic used is non-toxic and absolutely harmless to environment and human health.

Industrial curtains and drapes are economical!

Installing a PVC curtain on a gate can significantly reduce costs. Let's name the main points on which you can regularly save decent money using silicone curtains.

PVC strip curtains - effective method save desired temperature(heat or cold) indoors: PVC curtains are what you need for your warehouse, workshop, store or production!

At many enterprises, the problem of energy saving arises due to constantly open doorways which they pass through vehicles and the staff passes by. Equipping openings with doors would be too inconvenient, especially since there is an excellent alternative - PVC curtains made of durable material.

Many enterprises and warehouse complexes are faced with the problem of maintaining comfortable temperature inside production and warehouse premises, shops.

With the constant opening of doors and gates for the passage of personnel or the passage of equipment, an exchange of air occurs between the room and the street. IN winter time Cold air enters the room and heating devices “warm the street”, and in the summer heat air conditioners cannot cope with their tasks.

PVC curtains for gates. Thermal curtains
PVC curtains for gates – perfect solution for entrance gates. PVC gate curtains are installed for workshop gates, warehouse gates and Garage Doors. Silicone curtains for gates are safe and resistant to loads during the passage of small to oversized vehicles. PVC curtains for gates open only part of the opening, according to the size of the passing person or the load being moved. PVC curtains for gates do not require the driver to exit: the equipment simply drives through the PVC curtains, and the curtains on the gates almost instantly return to their original, vertical position and hermetically close the opening.

As practice has shown, strip curtains ( plastic pvc curtains, thermal curtains) can significantly save on energy consumption.

PVC strip curtains can be selected based on next rule- the higher the opening, the greater the overlap (overlap of strips) and the width of the tape should be.

The price of PVC curtains depends on their type and width. You can order and buy PVC curtains from our company.

Strip curtains are divided by type into smooth and corrugated, and by width: 200x2 (mm), 300x3 (mm) and 400x4 (mm).

Types of PVC curtains

Depending on the type and purpose, PVC strip curtains are:

- smooth

- corrugated

- non-flammable

- with special impregnation that repels insects

— frost-resistant curtains for refrigeration chambers

Smooth strip PVC strip curtains are used for refrigeration chambers, doorways of shops and enterprises, separating work areas in enterprises - a transparent “wall” of curtains successfully performs the task of eliminating drafts, maintaining the necessary thermal conditions, sound insulation, and protects from dust, leaves and insects , transmits a sufficient amount of light. At the same time, it does not interfere with the free passage of personnel.

Corrugated PVC curtains have special stiffening ribs; they are recommended to be installed in the gate openings of enterprises and warehouses with a large flow of loading equipment. The ribs of the curtains are designed to eliminate the moment of “sticking” to the parts of forklifts and equipment, which happens with conventional curtains. The sliding resistance of such curtains, thanks to the longitudinal “ribs,” is minimal. The ribs of the curtains reduce the contact area, due to which friction is significantly reduced. In addition, the ribs of the curtains take the entire load, which allows the main part of the curtain to remain for a long time clean and without scratches. At the same time, such curtains quickly return to their original vertical position, closing and closing the opening.

PVC curtains for refrigeration and freezers
Frost-resistant PVC strip curtains for refrigerators and freezers with temperature differences from -40 C° to +25 C°: PVC curtain for the refrigeration chamber (Silicone curtain) is designed to protect refrigeration chambers from loss of cold/heat. Frost-resistant PVC curtains for refrigeration chambers include high percent special plasticizers, so such curtains retain the elasticity of the material and do not break under conditions low temperatures. You can buy frost-resistant PVC curtains for refrigerators in Moscow at prices from the manufacturer.

PVC strip curtains
Non-flammable PVC strip curtains (non-flammable) are used in places with increased fire hazard - warehouses with flammable substances, paper, paint. In the event of a fire, PVC curtains prevent the spread of fire throughout the warehouse or enterprise. Such curtains can be used in welding areas - they prevent the scattering of sparks during welding or metal processing. Strip curtains for welding work are produced with a special coating that acts as a filter to protect personnel from glare from the welding arc.

Curtains with special impregnation have chemical composition repels flying and crawling insects - flies, wasps, mosquitoes, horse flies, cockroaches, ants. The use of such curtains in catering establishments has shown their high efficiency.

Installation of PVC curtains

The device of fastening combs allows you to fasten PVC plastic curtains in any opening of a door or gate. The length of the comb must correspond to the width of the opening. Installation of strip curtains is simple and can be done in short terms independently, and in the case of large volumes or complex configurations of openings, it is better to contact our specialist installers. For self-installation silicone curtain, you need to mark the bottom line of installation of the comb with a marker. The comb must be installed strictly horizontally. The comb is installed on screws, anchors, dowels, depending on the wall material and installation location. Required amount fasteners depend on the strength and material of the wall. The length of the strip curtains should be such that there is 2-3 cm left from the bottom to the floor.

We carry out installation PVC curtains in Moscow and the Moscow region.

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Nice garage - warm garage. Even the most economical car enthusiasts will not argue with this. It is impossible to keep the gates closed all the time, and when you open them, cold air from the street rushes into the room. This problem is solved by thermal curtains, which separate the cold air outside from the stable, comfortable atmosphere inside with an air stream.

Curtains, like gates, come in different types and are installed not only in garages. This material is devoted to calculating the optimal thermal curtain for gates.

To choose reliable and durable gates, to choose a curtain for the room, you should consider the following parameters:

  1. The dimensions of the curtain are in accordance with the width and height of the opening.
  2. Curtain power (temperature of blown air).
  3. Speed air flow(air performance).

They also take into account the type of coolant of the thermal curtain, installation diagram and method of controlling the device. In general, if you want to save time, it is better to entrust the calculation of a thermal curtain for gates to warehouses, industrial premises or car washes to professionals. You will only need to fill out a questionnaire, based on which the designers will calculate in detail the required power and size of the air curtain.

What if the gate is wide?

For a curtain to be effective, there is a simple rule: the width of the curtain (at horizontal installation) must be greater than the width of the opening. If necessary, install several curtains side by side to completely cover the width of the opening. It is better to choose a larger curtain than a smaller one - you won’t be able to save on this parameter.

The installation height directly depends on the air flow speed. How stronger speed flow, the higher the curtain can be hung. The flow rate is indicated in the device passport, as well as the recommended installation height. The flow speed always decreases towards the bottom of the opening, this must be taken into account.

In addition, when choosing a curtain for a gate, allowances are made for the strength of the wind outside, which blows away the air flow of the curtain, and for the air temperature outside. Such conditions in Russia are almost fantastic.

There are many programs for calculating air curtain flow. Maximum effect is achieved when professionals take part.

Calculation example

Other publications on the topic

Let us give an approximate calculation for installing a thermal air curtain for a gate 1 m wide and 2.5 m high. Required condition- the presence of a vestibule.

For the given parameters, a curtain with a capacity of 900-1000 m³/h is required. According to the equipment data sheet of most modern air curtains, the flow velocity at the outlet will be 8-10 m/s, and on the opposite side of the opening (at the bottom when installed horizontally, and on the side when installed vertically) it will be 2.5-3 m/s. The width of the curtain is at least 1 m.

Please note that the equipment passport always provides the recommended installation height.

The power of the curtain at the given parameters must be at least 3 kW. Power is calculated based on the required 0.1 kW per 1 m² unheated room with minimal heat loss.

Industrial thermal curtain: electric and water

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Industrial enterprises and buildings, as well as residential buildings, need protection from cold air coming from outside. This problem becomes especially relevant in winter period time, when through constantly opening doors it passes a large number of heat. To ensure a comfortable temperature and prevent heat loss in garages, hangars, warehouses and other industrial premises, an industrial thermal curtain is installed above the doorway.

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Industrial water thermal curtain

Principle of operation

In various industrial premises with large gates, raw materials or other goods are often unloaded. In this regard, one has to deal with constant changes in temperature conditions, which negatively affects products and raw materials, as well as the condition of people working in a given place.

Besides. Due to temperature fluctuations, you have to overpay for heating. And if we're talking about about electrical system heating, then in in this case You will also need to pay large electricity bills.

The thermal air curtain is installed in the area where goods are loaded and unloaded and does not allow cold air currents to penetrate into the room. The principle of operation of the device resembles the operation of a heat gun and is as follows: under the influence high pressure the air is directed to the gate opening area.

Depending on the model, on some devices the air masses are supplied from the street, on others they are heated. The air supply angle varies between 35°-40°. The thermal curtain for the gate to the workshop is simple and easy to use; it does not create obstacles to the movement of personnel or the passage of loading machines.

There are two types of curtains:

  1. Shibatable.
  2. The kit of such a device includes a heater, which is responsible for heating the air that enters the curtain.


Such devices take air from the street. They are mainly installed in technical rooms.

Types of industrial curtains

  • Thermal curtains differ from each other in their design features. Depending on a number of criteria, several types of industrial thermal curtains are distinguished.
  • Parameters on the basis of which curtains are classified:
  • operating mode;

type of air mass intake; location. Industrial thermal curtains for gates differ in their operating mode. For example, curtains installed in warehouses. can function both continuously and for a certain period of time. For uninterrupted stable operation of the curtains, regular


. If we are talking about temporarily used curtains, then such a device begins to work only at the moment the gate opens. Considering these features, the device will be quite economical. Automatic thermal curtain But, on the other hand, industrial curtains that are constantly turned on will serve as a fairly effective

heating device

  • . Very often they are used as a hood.
  • Another difference between industrial thermal curtains is the air direction:
  • the flow can spread from bottom to top - this is ensured by a gap located at the bottom;

the air moves from above - in this case the gap is located above the opening;

Industrial curtains, in which air is supplied from above, lose their effectiveness when vehicles stop in the opening. Such structures do not delay the flow of cold air masses that pass under the car. Taking this fact into account, side-mounted curtains are usually installed at industrial and production facilities.

Electric thermal curtain

Industrial curtains that are placed above the opening become ineffective when the opening is high.

Based on the location of air intake, thermal curtains are divided into:

  • devices with internal intake and heating, such structures take air from a room that is insulated from the cold;
  • without heating;
  • with an external heated intake, in this case the air is taken from the street;
  • external fence, but without heating.

Some industrial curtains can be used as air supply device ventilation or as auxiliary heating equipment.

Installation of an industrial curtain for gates

Electric industrial heat curtains can be installed in absolutely any enterprise. The only drawback is the price of the device, because... such a design will consume a lot of electrical energy.

Depending on their location, curtains can be vertical or horizontal. If you decide to install the structure horizontal type, then it is necessary to take into account the length of the curtain and the width of the opening on which it will be installed. The height of the device must be no less than ¾ of the height of the window or door.

By complying with all these installation requirements, you will protect the room as much as possible from cold air currents.


In order to select the most best option industrial thermal curtain for a warehouse, workshop or garage, you should take into account some indicators:

  1. The number of openings and the intensity of their operation (meaning how often they open).
  2. Check whether cars will stop in the openings.
  3. Availability of air conditioning system.

Based on these parameters, certain standards for heating the air at the opening and the temperature of the curtain itself are established.

High-pressure thermal curtain

Before purchasing a specific thermal model industrial curtain, it is necessary to carry out an accurate calculation of system indicators. They are identified based on the initial data. This way you can increase your energy efficiency.

Main parameters that should be taken into account when making calculations:

  • overall system performance, which is influenced by various factors;
  • the speed at which the fan blows air;
  • air flow angle;
  • opening size;
  • heater power;
  • coolant power.

In order to make the calculation, there are several special techniques. Using any of them, you will get accurate results. It is necessary to carry out a calculation of an industrial curtain, since even minor inaccuracies in the indicators can affect a large loss of electrical energy.

The table below shows technical specifications air thermal curtain based on size range models.

Air curtain standard size, connecting flange size, cm 60-35 70-40 80-50 90-50
Maximum air flow, m³/h 4520 5450 7410 8650
Power supply 3*380V 3*380V 3*380V 3*380V
Maximum electric power of the fan, kW 2,38 3,2 2,8 3,5
Fans used DF 60-35.4D DF 70-40.4D DF 80-50.6D DF 90-50.6D
Used water heaters 60-35/2
Electric heaters used KEN 60-35/22.5 KEN 70-40/30 KEN 80-50/30 KEN 90-50/30
Used filters and filter inserts 60-35 (G3) 70-40 (G3) 80-50 (G3) 90-50 (G3)

Design Features

Each individual industrial curtain model is selected depending on its main purpose. For example, a bottom curtain is well suited for installation on garage doors. The direction of incoming air can be adjusted using special crevice nozzles that are mounted on the device.

If the gate is located in a room where carriages often enter, then pay attention to vertical models that are placed on both sides of the opening. You can use both devices with a fan for two racks at once, as well as independent installations. Air intake can be carried out from different areas of the room.

Features of the structure of the thermal curtain

The curtain, which is placed horizontally and installed above the gate, is used when the air flow is no more than 38,000 m³/hour. In the case when the curtain is mounted on a high opening, it is optimal to use hot air, approximately 60 °C. This way you will ensure maximum optimal temperature at the bottom of the opening.

In addition, special attention should be paid to the area of ​​the air duct, which is responsible for the influx fresh air. It is important to ensure uniform pressure of air masses.


For more convenient control of industrial heat curtains, special automation is attached to them.

This device is designed to solve several problems at once:

  1. First of all, the automation starts and pauses the operation of the fans during the opening and closing of the gate.
  2. Responsible for changing the temperature of the air flow, taking into account how the temperature conditions change outside and in the building.
  3. Starts and stops the operation of the curtain in case of change temperature regime on the street.

By installing automatic gates, you can save a significant amount of money due to the fact that reasonable consumption of electrical energy will be ensured.

Choosing a thermal curtain for a garage

Car enthusiasts often spend a lot of time in the garage. To ensure the most comfortable pastime without cold and dampness, install a thermal curtain. Choosing this
equipment in the garage, it is worth considering a number of characteristics:

  • installation length (same as with industrial premises, it must exceed the width of the door opening);
  • power;
  • type of heating elements;
  • presence of controls ( remote, thermostat);
  • type of installation (horizontal or vertical);
  • type of curtain depending on the heat source (water or electric).

The most important parameter is the performance of the air curtain. The air supply speed and maximum height on which the device can be installed.

Also note the turbine, which acts as a fan.

Usually the turbine is located in the center of the curtain; it generates the desired flow warm air. On the market you can find models of air curtains with two turbines. The price of such units is lower, but they do not always meet user expectations. This is due to the fact that with curtains that have two fans located on the sides, the airflow of the heating elements may be uneven and there may be gaps in the center of the heated passage.

Vertical electric thermal curtains are most often used for garages. This is due to the fact that in such a design heating elements, located inside the metal casing, will be located directly above the doorway or above the gate.

As a result, warm air will be directed straight down, forming thermal protection inside the garage.

Vertical structures are easy to operate and install. In addition, by installing such a curtain, you will significantly reduce the cost of heating the garage and the room will be protected from cold flow, even if the gate is open.

Thermal curtains for front door garage

The water thermal curtain is also popular. However, it is only suitable for those rooms where a central heating system is installed.

To summarize, it is worth noting that when choosing an industrial thermal curtain, you should pay attention to a number of factors: the intensity of the gate opening, the strength of the blowing wind on the street, design features the location in which the device is located, as well as the presence of ventilation in the room.

25 June 2015 Alexei

The thermal curtain for the gate to the workshop is an industrial type of equipment. But the main function of such technology is similar to that implemented by other analogues - creating an air barrier for mixing cold air from the street and warm air from the room.

There is quite big choice such devices, which allows you to install them on any side of the gate: on the side, above it, along the bottom.

What are they used for and where can they be used?

A thermal curtain is installed in a production workshop to reduce heat loss in rooms where most of the time the doorways are not protected from air from the street penetrating through them. This happens during loading/unloading and frequent entry of vehicles. But besides production facilities Such equipment is often installed privately - in garages. Another area of ​​application is civilian objects, for example, auto repair shops.

Watch the video, how it works:

Thermal air curtain for the gate to the workshop allows you to significantly save energy, which is explained by the absence of the need to intensively warm up the room after each opening of the gate. However, the effectiveness of such technology is also affected by the location.

For example, in a garage or car workshop, where it is often observed that vehicles stop directly in the opening itself, it is highly recommended to use the lower airflow option, since the upper supply of warm air simply will not block the flow of cold air due to the car standing in the opening.

What types of curtains are there, their design and operating features

Electric curtains

There are two types of equipment used today with unidirectional supply of heated air:

  • Industrial thermal air curtains for gates are adjustable - they are equipped with a heater, through which the device warms up the air to a certain temperature;
  • Mixing - operate on the principle of intake of outside air.

Similar equipment is also distinguished by operating mode: on a permanent or periodic basis. There is also a classification based on the direction of the supplied air flow:

  1. The flow moves from bottom to top. In this case, the devices are installed under the gate. As mentioned above, this method is not always effective, but only when cars often stop at the gate. However, there are also disadvantages this decision- this is too rapid clogging of the mechanism, which is why maintenance is required an order of magnitude more often.
  2. Air movement from top to bottom. This is a classic way of arranging such equipment. The equipment is installed directly above the gate.
  3. The directed flow moves in a horizontal plane, which is realized by placing devices on the side of the gate.

By design, other groups are also distinguished:

  • Thermal air curtains for water gates - operate on the basis of an existing heating system or hot water supply, which allows you to mainly warm up the air with the direct participation of the coolant;
  • Electric - unlike the first option, they can be used almost everywhere if the site has a dedicated power source for connecting it, while water installations are used where there must be heating system or hot pipeline.

The operating principle of such equipment is similar for all versions: through powerful fan, built into the body of the device, air is pumped. His exit can be arranged different ways, it all depends on the type of installation. But in any case, the design will provide a gap of a certain size through which air is supplied to the boundary of the object and the external environment.

Thermal air curtain for a garage or workshop is selected taking into account a number of parameters:

When choosing diesel or gas heat gun for a garage or a device for a workshop, in both cases it is important to correctly determine the thermal power of such equipment, which will allow the air to be heated at the required height and at a sufficient speed.

Watch the video, selection criteria:

When choosing a unit with the required power, it is necessary to take into account the volume of the room, as well as the level of its thermal insulation and the average temperature outside and inside the facility.

How to calculate thermal power and air flow

To calculate sufficient performance, it is necessary to approximately know at what speed air enters a room of a certain volume. To do this, multiply the value of the air flow speed and the volume of the room. The resulting value (L pr) is used to obtain the value of the required air flow using the following technique:


where j is the coefficient that determines the strength of the flow created by the device, corresponds to a value of 0.45;

B, b – parameters of the slot through which the air flow will be supplied.

Calculation of the power of a thermal curtain for a gate:

Qset = 0.24Lstart (tstart – tstart),

where t h, t initial are the values ​​of the average temperatures of the air curtain itself and the external environment, respectively.

Features of installation and operation

Such equipment is installed as close to the opening as possible. This achieves highest degree effectiveness in organizing a protective air stream. It is also important to ensure that the length of the device matches the width of the opening if the installation option above the gate is chosen. In case it is mounted vertical installation, then it is necessary to select its length based on the height of the gate.

All installation work on such equipment is carried out exclusively with inside premises. Another important nuance– monitoring the operation of air conditioning and ventilation systems to avoid additional impact on the operation of the device. If the gate is too wide, then several installations can be used. Their connection to each other in this case is realized through a special connecting kit.

Watch the video, installation and installation:

Depending on the type of device selected, the mechanism can be equipped with fastening elements: for wall or ceiling mounting. Control of such equipment is also carried out in accordance with the type of device. When installing a curtain, it is necessary to select anchors taking into account not only the main weight of the structure itself, but also the likely load in the event of vibration waves, which is especially important in repair shops and production shops.

Thus, selection and installation special equipment creating air curtains is somewhat more complicated than purchasing equipment such as a diesel heat gun for a garage. Although before purchasing industrial device Thermal power, air flow rate and operating efficiency are taken into account. But to these parameters is also added the need to select the installation method (ceiling, wall, floor), assess the load on the fastening elements and, of course, the dimensions of the equipment itself, which will allow you to create air curtain across the entire width of the doorway or gate.