LED lamp 6 watt equivalent. LED lamp power

The main advantage of LED light sources is significant energy savings. You can get tangible and desired results by using the products of the online store.

Energy-saving fluorescent lamps, which have already become familiar to many, are gradually becoming a thing of the past. It is being replaced by lighting equipment of a fundamentally new type, with different light and quality characteristics. Modern LED light sources have a whole range of advantages over their predecessors. This concerns light output, energy consumption, service life, environmental friendliness, fire and mechanical safety. The “disadvantages” that complicate their implementation include higher cost and conservatism of a certain part of the population.

To overcome doubts, it is enough to turn to power correspondence table LED lamps characteristics of previous generation light sources.

Comparison table of lamp characteristics: incandescent, halogen, energy-saving fluorescent and energy-saving LED lamps

The correspondence table for the luminous efficiency of energy-saving (fluorescent) lamps and incandescent lamps corresponds to

LED and incandescent

It should be noted that the table figures are averages and may differ for. Nevertheless, the conclusions are clear. Traditional, but obsolete, uneconomical light bulbs are losing out significantly. The given table of correspondence of LED lamp powers, even taking into account the inevitable error, convincingly proves the advantages of new generation systems. To this we must add a long service life, due to their design features and ensuring a quick and repeated payback. Analysis of tabular data and simple calculations show: the present and future belong to LEDs!

For a long time, incandescent lamps had no alternative replacement. More recently, the electrical market has provided users with a wide range of more economical lighting devices with a long service life - LED light sources.

In addition to the increased potential, this modification managed to completely replace the spiral element in terms of energy intensity, luminous flux power and brightness. However, when selecting a product, you should know the ratio of the power of LED lamps to incandescent lamps. This way you can choose the most suitable product.

What is the difference between spiral and diode products?

The technical features of each lighting device are determined design characteristics and way of functioning. The principle of operation of an incandescent lamp is to set the temperature with a spiral at the moment an electric current is applied. To ensure the safety of using the device and the supply of uniform rays of light, this part is located in a special glass flask filled with discharged oxygen.

The standard type of spiral products has a very affordable price, which, in fact, users considered it a way to save money. IN in this case it is important to consider the average service life and the required amount of electricity consumption for the operation process.

When comparing the power of LED lamps and incandescent lamps, comparing service life and other parameters, it is more economically profitable to use the first option. Its design consists of a set of semiconductor diode devices that are interconnected into one product. Each element is a crystal that produces photons as electricity passes through the device.

Incandescent lamps have only 2 obvious advantages - price and direction of flow; in all other respects they are far ahead of LED lamps

Before the user makes a choice, a comparative analysis should be performed.

  1. LED lamps consume significantly less electricity to operate. Approximately, consumption is ten times less than the spiral product.
  2. An incandescent lamp scatters radiation over 360 o C, which creates full illumination of the room, including the walls, floor and ceiling. Majority LED lamps have a flat design with built-in light components. During operation of the product, light is emitted at an angle of no more than 170 o C.
  3. The service life of semiconductor lighting devices is much longer. This factor is directly related to the reduced heating of the crystals, the temperature of which does not lead to destructive processes, which is quite typical for incandescent lamps.

How to calculate power compliance?

It will not be entirely correct to select an LED lamp based on power, since these parameters only indicate the amount of electric current that the lighting equipment requires for operation. The main indicator for any lighting equipment is the efficiency of the light beam, which is measured in lumens (Lm).

Approximate indicators indicate that the power of spiral models of 100 W is equivalent to the lighting performance with an intensity of 1200-1400 Lm. The difference between the indicators depends on the degree of transparency of the case.

In order for an LED device to produce these values ​​during operation, its power should not exceed 14 W. Often, consumers calculate the equivalent of the energy consumed; this is done due to the fact that not all manufacturing companies indicate the efficiency of the light beam on their products.

It is for this reason that in order to make a more correct comparison, it is necessary to take into account the power ratio of LED lamps to spiral products.

The required power value will not always correspond to the standardized parameters of the product. In this case, it is recommended to install several diodes instead of one. Thus, in total they form the light intensity of the desired coefficient.

LED power table:

In addition, other comparative parameters should be taken into account, including the dispersion angle. The criterion determines the area that is supposed to be illuminated.

To ensure that the room is fully illuminated, experts recommend installing pear-shaped diode devices.

You should know that this series may not suit everyone lighting fixtures. The product can be replaced by a semiconductor device with a flat platform with a dispersion angle of no more than 170 o C.

It is important to remember that the more diodes are present in the device, the brighter and more uniform the light will be, but the cost of the device will also increase. Often modifications with 4-8 diodes are purchased, resulting in 10-14W.

VIDEO: Real ratio of the amount of light from incandescent lamps to LED lamps

To replace uneconomical incandescent elements with diode devices, it is necessary to determine the base of the desired device. To do this, you need to measure the depth and diameter of the cartridge. Next, you must follow the following recommendations:

  1. There is no need to focus on the power of the device being replaced. Use the auxiliary correspondence table above.
  2. Luminous flux – no less important nuance when selecting a lighting device. It is necessary to compare the luminous flux value of devices with the same operating angle.
  3. Scattering angle. To illuminate the entire room, a light source with an illumination angle of 170 o C will be sufficient. This option allows you to illuminate the floor and walls, while leaving the ceiling dark. For wall-mounted or table-top products, it is better to use lighting equipment with a small radius of illumination.

  1. Temperature of light. You should know that the temperature regime must correspond to the purpose of the room:
  • at temperature conditions 4000-5000°K daylight awakens alertness, is conducive to work, does not dazzle the eyes, is used in offices;
  • 2500-3500°K – warm light has a beneficial effect on the comfort of psychological relaxation, used in the bedroom, living room, etc.

With all the variety of light elements, the vast majority of them are produced with a base screw type- Edison screw. And among the first places are shared, respectively, by E14 and E27, which operate on a 220V network. In this marking, E means type (Edison Screw), and the digital combination means the diameter of the base (the width of the cartridge).

Disadvantages of diodes

Much has already been written about the advantages of the product, but diodes also have some disadvantages. Let's look at them in more detail:

  • Price. Diode lamps cost up to 10 times more than spiral lamps. However, you should keep in mind the same energy savings.
  • Big sizes. Diode lighting devices are superior to competitive markings in all dimensional parameters.
  • Not every lamp can be replaced. For example, candles with an E14 base element with a power of 60W, it is simply impossible to choose the most worthy analogue. There may not be physically enough space to install the required radiator, but installing a smaller version may lead to overheating.

The most common complaint is the specific direction of the rays. Light streams have a directional character. The rays do not illuminate the side elements well; light travels best along a parallel plane.

  • Color rendition. Color rendering parameters reach 80. Only spiral devices and natural lighting have a higher value.

The disadvantage is that when a powerful product is working, its color barrier is “eaten up”, resulting in a shade mixed with the colors of the interior.

VIDEO: Comparison of LED lamps

August 30, 2016

At practical choice LED lamp inevitably compares it with existing and familiar light sources. Primarily with incandescent lamps. That is, you need to know how to compare the light of an LED lamp with the light of lighting lamps that are already familiar to us.

After all, LED lamps are bought to replace incandescent lamps, which means that lamps with a certain luminous intensity are needed. If you're used to having a 75-watt incandescent bulb in your kitchen, then you need an LED bulb that provides the same amount of light. That is, the power of an LED lamp should be approximately equal to the power of an incandescent lamp.

The problem is that over the long period of monopoly of incandescent lamps, we have been taught to incorrectly evaluate them on a “weak - strong” scale. Historically, this assessment was made based on the power consumed by the lamp. That is, the lamps differed and were rated in watts. However, this was wrong.

Because we need a lamp in order to receive light. We need a luminous flux of a certain strength. How much power it consumes is the second question. While there were only incandescent lamps on the market, it made no difference what to evaluate them in, even in parrots.

But today several types of light sources are already available. And there was a need to compare them with each other. But this cannot be done in terms of electricity consumption, because different types lamps are different.

For example, LED lamps with a power of 100 watts are already industrial type lighting (E40 base) for large areas. But a 100-watt incandescent lamp is just a household lamp for a relatively small rooms. If you buy a 100 W LED lamp to replace a 100-watt incandescent lamp, you will not be able to use it in a domestic space - it will be too bright.

In other words, you cannot compare the power of an LED lamp in watts with the power of an incandescent lamp.

What should I do?

For a very long time, since the creation of the first lamps, there has been a special unit of measurement specifically for lamps - the lumen. This unit of measurement indicates the luminous intensity of the lamp, that is, how much light the lamp produces.

Here is a short luminosity table for the most common incandescent lamps:

  • Incandescent lamp 25 W - luminosity 230 lumens (efficiency 9 lumens per 1 watt).
  • Incandescent lamp 40 W - luminosity 415 lumens (efficiency 11 lumens per 1 watt).
  • Incandescent lamp 60 W - luminosity 720 lumens (efficiency 12 lumens per 1 watt).
  • Incandescent lamp 75 W - luminosity 940 lumens (efficiency 12.5 lumens per 1 watt).
  • Incandescent lamp 100 W - luminosity 1350 lumens (efficiency 14 lumens per 1 watt)

Remember these numbers - 230, 415, 720, 940 and 1350 lumens. And be guided by them when you choose an LED lamp. The packaging of LED lamps indicates not only their power (watts), but also their luminosity (lumens). Just look at the luminosity number.

For comparison, LED lamp power table:

  • LED lamp Ikea Ryet 3 W - luminosity 200 lumens (efficiency 67 lumens per 1 watt).
  • LED Phillips lamp 4.3 W - luminosity 470 lumens (efficiency 109 lumens per 1 watt).
  • LED lamp Ikea Ryet 5.5 W - luminosity 400 lumens (efficiency 73 lumens per 1 watt).
  • LED lamp OSRAM 6 W - luminosity 470 lumens (efficiency 78 lumens per 1 watt).
  • LED lamp OSRAM 10 W - luminosity 806 lumens (efficiency 80 lumens per 1 watt).
  • LED lamp Ikea Ryet 13 W - luminosity 1000 lumens (efficiency 77 lumens per 1 watt).
  • LED Phillips lamp 10.5 W - luminosity 1055 lumens (efficiency 100 lumens per 1 watt).
  • LED lamp OSRAM 12 W - luminosity 1055 lumens (efficiency 88 lumens per 1 watt).

Using two tables, we can get a comparison of the power of LED lamps and incandescent lamps.

Power table for LED and incandescent lamps

  • 25 W incandescent lamp - Ikea Ryet 3 W LED, but the light will be slightly less, approximately the same as a 22 W incandescent lamp.
  • Incandescent lamp 40 W – LED Ikea Ryet 5.5 W, Phillips 4.3 W, OSRAM 6 W. The last two will actually produce slightly more light than a 40W incandescent bulb.
  • 60 W incandescent lamp - OSRAM 10 W LED, but this lamp will give more light, about the same as a 65 W incandescent lamp.
  • Incandescent lamp 75 W – LED Ikea Ryet 13 W, Phillips 10.5 W, OSRAM 12 W. But all three will provide a slightly larger amount of light, about the same as an 80W incandescent lamp.

As you can see from the three tables, most likely you will not be able to find an exact analogue, in terms of luminous intensity, for your incandescent lamp. But there are still no big differences in light intensity.

On average, the power correspondence between LED lamps and incandescent lamps can be expressed as follows:

  • Incandescent lamp 25 W - the power of LED lamps is approximately 3 - 3.5 W.
  • Incandescent lamp 40 W - the power of LED lamps is approximately 4.5 - 5.5 W.
  • Incandescent lamp 60 W - LED lamps approximately 8 - 9 W.
  • Incandescent lamp 75 W - LED lamps approximately 10 - 13 W.
  • Incandescent lamp 100 W - LED lamps approximately 15 W.

It can be formulated more briefly: LED lamps provide comparable luminosity with a difference in power consumption of approximately 6-8 times.

The transition to energy-efficient resource use begins with understanding whether 6 watts of an incandescent lamp and an LED are equal. To do this, you need to understand the principle of operation of both types of light sources and see the structural differences in execution. For convenience for consumers, lamp power comparison tables have been developed different types. There are methods for calculating the lighting of rooms by their area using LED lamps.

Design differences

The advantages and disadvantages of various light sources are determined by the operating principle and design. Traditional light bulbs have been serving people for many years and have several varieties, while LED light bulbs appeared relatively recently, but are gradually replacing conventional bulbs. The most common emitters today are:

LEDs first appeared in 1962, and their manufacturing technology was complex. Today, a lamp of this type consists of a built-in driver for stabilizing power parameters, a base and several emitting diodes.

Products are connected to a 12 or 220 V network. The last option involves the need to rectify the current, since the LEDs do not work with alternating current.

Power comparison

The main criterion for assessing the quality of a product (from a consumer point of view) is the power of the light bulb in watts. To understand the ratio of the indicator for shining flasks various types, you can refer to the table.

The table shows that LED lamps have the lowest power. The tubular element of cold glow has the second highest energy.

The traditional heating principle is the most irrational in terms of efficiency: 6 watts<50 Вт - оба источника обеспечивают освещённость 550 лм.

The energy efficiency of an LED lamp, taking into account the direct dependence of the indicator on power consumption, is 10 times greater than that of a conventional one. At the same time, the service life of the optical device is thirty times longer than the service life of a traditional incandescent source. There are also parameters by which lamps are compared:

In all respects, LED lamps have a clear advantage. It only remains to add that their designs are varied in shape (ball, candle, spiral) and colors. The relative disadvantage is the high cost, but it is completely offset against the background of the superiority of the LED according to other criteria.

To select an LED analogue for a conventional radiation source, power correspondence tables are used, available for viewing on the Internet. The decision to replace is supported by the universal recognition of the greatest safety of LEDs for humans compared to other sources. Looking at the device passport, You can calculate how many light bulbs are needed to ensure good visibility indoors:

For a corridor measuring 12 m² H = 100 lux, and F = 550 lux for a 6 W LED device. Required number of sources R =12*100/550=2.2. Using the rounding rule, you can install 2 LED light bulbs of 6 W each.

A large number of different factors matter. This article talks about how to make the right choice.

Energy saving lamp device

For many years, fluorescent light sources were used along with incandescent lamps. But they had a drawback - large sizes. The development of technology made it possible to make the flask thinner, bend it in the shape of a “U” or a spiral, and make the electromagnetic choke, which consumed reactive power in addition to active power, electronic and place it in a regular base.

energy saving lamp and incandescent lamp

Thus, the size of fluorescent devices became comparable to incandescent lamps, and they took their place in lighting equipment.

Main characteristics

The main parameters of energy-saving lamps that influence the choice of the desired light source are:

  • base type;
  • light flow;
  • Colorful temperature;
  • light output;
  • color rendering index;
  • Term of the work.

Base type

Bases used in energy-saving light bulbs come in two types:

Threaded or Edison base. Their marking consists of the letter “E” and a number indicating the diameter. The most common are E14 (minion E14), E27 (most often used) and E40 (changes in high-power devices corresponding to old incandescent lamps 0.5–1 kW).

Pin. They are designated by the letter "G". The numbers indicate the distance between the pins.

Types of socles

Luminous flux and output

This parameter indicates the amount of light emitted by a light bulb in a room. Luminous flux is measured in Lumens (lm or Lm) and is indicated on the packaging.

Luminous flux measures how many lumens a light source emits per watt of power. For incandescent lamps it is minimal – 10–15 lm/W, for energy-saving lamps – 50–80 lm/W. The most economical sources are LED. They have a maximum luminous flux of 40–100 lm/W.

ESL luminous flux

Expert opinion

Alexey Bartosh

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With prolonged use, the light output decreases. This is due to the deterioration of the properties of the phosphor, filament or diodes in LED lamps.

Light temperature

The subjective perception of illumination is influenced not only by the luminous flux emitted by the lamp. The shade of light is no less important.

White light is used for lighting, but depending on the user’s preferences, the shade may be different. It differs in light temperature. The most common are:

  • 2700 K – warm white, this type of light is produced by incandescent lamps. Used in living rooms.
  • 4100 K – neutral. This type of light source is used in bathrooms, corridors and kitchens of residential buildings and industrial premises.
  • 6500 K – cool white. Suitable for outdoor use.

ESL light temperature

Color rendering index

Human eyes perceive color best in natural light. Artificial light sources distort color perception.

Color rendering index (Ra or CRI) is an indicator that determines the naturalness of color under artificial lighting.

Its ideal value is 100. The use of lamps with an index below 80 in residential premises is not recommended, as this distorts real colors.

The color rendering index of fluorescent and energy-saving lamps is 60–98.

Term of the work

Companies that produce energy-saving light bulbs, including ESL, declare a service life of 8000 hours or 8 years, considering an average operating time of 2.5–3 hours a day, including the toilet, in which the light turns on sporadically, and the living room, where it is on all evening .

Expert opinion

Alexey Bartosh

Specialist in repair and maintenance of electrical equipment and industrial electronics.

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The service life is adversely affected by a large number of starts and poor quality of electricity. All these factors lead to the fact that the service life is less than declared.

Comparisons of lamps, their advantages and disadvantages

Like any electrical device, energy-saving lamps have advantages and disadvantages. They are best seen in comparison with incandescent and LED bulbs.

As can be seen from the table, ESLs are more economical, have a longer service life and a variety of shades of light compared to incandescent lamps.

However, they require more careful handling (there are mercury vapors inside), consume more electricity and have a shorter service life than diode light bulbs, which are the most energy-efficient light sources.

comparison table

ESL power table

Consumers are often interested in the question of what wattage CFLs correspond to incandescent light bulbs. The table below gives the answer to the correspondence of the power of different types of lamps.

incandescent30 W35 W40 W45 W50 W55 W60 W65 W75 W80 W90 W100 W115 W120 W130 W180 W275 W
energy saving (luminescent)6 W7 W8 W9 W10 W11 W12 W13 W15 W16 W18 W20 W23 W24 W26 W36 W55 W
LED4 W 5 W 6 W7 W8 W9 W10 W11 W12 W13 W15 W16 W18 W20 W23 W

According to this equivalence table, an ESL with a nominal power of 11 W corresponds to an incandescent lamp of 55 W, 15 W - 75 W, 20 W - 100 W.