How to make cheap repairs: planning, choosing a cost reduction strategy and practical advice. Do-it-yourself apartment renovation: where to start and the main stages of project implementation (100 photos) Inexpensive renovation ideas

Stylish and modern apartment renovation

Desire to make repairs own apartment caused by a thirst for change, renewal, shake-up. At the same time, these desires are accompanied by distrust of the contractor, as well as a wild desire to spend as little time and money as possible. That's why the option quick repair DIY apartments are considered so in demand. It's not that difficult to make if you have at least basic DIY skills.

First of all, all vital components in the apartment are changed, such as heating system, electrical wiring, water supply and sewerage. At this stage, you should think about the possible redevelopment of the space, as well as the arrangement modern system"warm floor".

If you purchased housing in a new building, you will need it, since most often such apartments do not have finishing. Even if the apartment was purchased on the secondary market, we also recommend complete renovation apartments quickly and efficiently, in order to feel absolutely safe. You may have to spend a little more, but your apartment will not need alterations for many years.

In the process of installing a new electrical wiring system, various metering devices are usually replaced. It should be noted that this work is extremely unsafe, which is why it is best to seek help from an experienced electrician. You can bring the wiring directly into the room with your own hands. All you need is a hammer drill. This tool is used to make grooves in the wall; this must be done according to a previously drawn up project.

Electrical installation in the apartment

The selected cables must have the strongest possible insulation layer. Otherwise, it is best to place them in a special box. At the end of the work, the wall must be thoroughly plastered.

Next, using a hammer drill and a special round attachment, you need to make holes in the wall for sockets and switches. The gating locations are also determined using a pre-compiled project. In addition, the project provides for the layout of lighting fixtures.

After installation of electrical communications, the walls and ceilings are usually leveled. If plaster is used, the process promises to be very complex and very dirty, but this particular material provides extremely high-quality leveling. Many may have a question - what is this for? And we have an answer to it, because further finishing depends on how smooth the walls are. Paint, wallpaper, and other possible materials fit well on smooth surfaces.

Leveling walls with plasterboard

You can level walls during quick and inexpensive repairs using one of the available methods:

  • By plastering, as mentioned earlier, a very labor-intensive and dusty method;
  • Using sheets of drywall.

In order to perform leveling with plaster, it is necessary to prepare a mixture; it must be viscous. Next, the resulting mixture is applied to a wall that has been previously treated with a primer. This is done using a wide spatula using semicircular movements of the hand. After the plaster has dried, it is necessary to apply the primer again on top of it. Only after the walls have completely dried can you start painting.

The technology for attaching drywall is somewhat more complicated. It is worth noting that for rooms with high humidity you should choose a moisture-resistant variety of this material, he usually has light green color. For the remaining living rooms, you can use traditional gray plasterboard. Thanks to plasterboard, you can create arches that are fashionable today, as well as partitions in rooms.

Among other things, using plasterboard sheets you can build:

  • Original walls, inside of which there will be shelves;
  • Imitated stucco on the surface;
  • Various terrain.

The sheets are installed using crab fasteners, then their surface is carefully plastered, and also painted or finished with other materials.

In order not to waste time and effort on leveling ceilings before quickly doing it, you should consider the option suspended ceilings. This method faster, simpler, and also does not involve a lot of dust and dirt.

Stretch ceilings with LED lighting

It is installed in this way: a PVC film or textile is stretched over a profile mounted around the entire perimeter of the ceiling. Distinctive feature suspended ceilings are considered to be highly decorative. Here you can choose any pattern, print, design. Photo printing or painting is possible, as well as design mirrored ceilings. You can only be limited by your imagination and this is a definite plus.

Advice! It is very difficult to install this structure yourself, which is why it is best to turn to a professional technician.

Traditionally, wallpaper is used to decorate walls in residential premises. However, today, draping walls with textile materials that are produced specifically for these purposes has returned to fashion. This option will not only provide an attractive wall decoration, but will also create a unique coziness and atmosphere in the room. Modern impregnations allow draped walls to repel moisture, not fade or fade, and also provide fairly simple care for them.

Using decorative plaster for wall decoration

It is also becoming increasingly popular decorative plaster. The key feature of this material is the ability to recreate an imitation of anything - wood, metal, velvet, stone or leather. Here materials that are similar in texture are very successfully combined, or, on the contrary, completely different. “Combine the incongruous!” - says today's fashion, and we try to follow its laws.

It is very important to maintain harmony in the interior. For example, if you used bright and colorful patterns in the decoration of the walls, then the furniture design should be more restrained, preferably monochromatic. The same law also applies vice versa, since for plain walls it is best to choose bright and colorful furniture.

Advice! Don't focus on just a few color combinations, it’s enough just to highlight one or two colors.

Today also often used modern technologies staining. Decorative paint Can be applied to both smooth and embossed plaster. It may contain various impurities, for example, creating the effect of mother-of-pearl, shine or imitation of the surface of a precious stone.

This type of paint is quite simply applied to any surface, while filling microcracks.

Ceramic tiles are also very often used for rooms with high moisture. The best alternative to tiled ones, and at the same time it looks much more beautiful. The walls in the bathroom, kitchen or toilet will look great under the tiled finish.

Ceramic tiles are laid on a pre-applied adhesive mixture. You can install the tiles without seams, or with an indentation that should not exceed three millimeters.

Before you start finishing the floor, you should determine how smooth it is. If the detected unevenness does not exceed two centimeters, then it can be eliminated using a self-leveling mixture. If the unevenness is more significant, then without concrete screed not enough.

Finishing floors in a wooden house

Once the floors are completely leveled, you can begin finishing. Usually linoleum, laminate, parquet, and porcelain tiles are used. It is best to use porcelain tiles, as they are the most durable and wear-resistant.

Do-it-yourself apartment renovation

So, we have sorted out the entire repair process, now we should think about how to minimize costs in the process:

  • Creating a project will allow you to significantly save on alterations, amendments and corrections. It is thanks to the project that you will be able to understand which of the obligatory tasks will not tolerate delay, and which can be left for later;
  • Drawing up an estimate, as well as completely following it. It is best to purchase the necessary materials and tools at large construction bases;
  • Solving some of the nuances yourself will also allow you to significantly save on third-party help;
  • We recommend choosing modern technologies over traditional finishing options; this will also allow you to save significantly;
  • Expensive materials should be replaced with more budget-friendly ones, but not inferior in quality.

In the five or six years that have passed since last renovation, the interior of the apartment somehow faded, stains appeared on the walls here and there, and there were bald spots on the floors, and the paint on the window and doorways was cracked. No matter how much you would like to, repairs need to be done. As always, it is not possible to collect the required amount. So, really, desire cannot coincide with possibilities? Not at all.

For those whose budget does not allow it, you need to know small tricks that will allow you to economical repair. Basically, they are all about avoiding expensive work steps.

Do you can use high-quality, but not expensive building materials, and update the interior on our own, saving on wages for hired workers.

Where to begin?

First, determine what the style of the updated interior will be, because the amount of costs for the necessary materials depends on this. The emphasis should be on decorating walls, windows and doors, and flooring.


If you want something unusual, then you can use clinker brick masonry, with which you can easily give the room the appearance ancient castle or design in high-tech, loft style.

It can become an interior accent that does not require finishing materials (you can even create an imitation brick wall, about which you will learn in detail). And you can make walls to match the brickwork if you don’t have enough money for wallpaper.

Economical repair you need to start by removing the old wallpaper to the ground. Roughness on concrete or unevenness in joints brickwork can be used as additional elements decor. Prime them and coat them water-based paint. You can use the primer to make some abstract drawing, which will save water-based emulsion.

The walls look great after decoration textured plaster- coating imitating Mediterranean style. She creates an effect smooth color transitions due to various small pebbles, granite or marble chips, cotton, linen or wood fibers added to its composition. These inclusions create the impression of a coating natural stone or wet silk.

You can cover the walls with new wallpaper. But when purchasing, you should remember that they must hide wall defects and therefore must be dense enough. Under thin wallpaper It is necessary to level the wall to perfect smoothness.

Using embossed vinyl-based wallpaper, you can hide the unevenness of an unplastered surface.

Wallpaper should be

  • without a large pattern, which will then have to be carefully adjusted.
  • without rapport (repeat of the pattern), when sticking you will have to cut a lot,
  • the best option is a plain color or vertical stripes on the canvas.

Do you want to save money on replacing wallpaper? Then cover the places where they are torn, worn and shiny with decorative stickers. Oracal film can be used to decorate not only wallpaper, but also painted walls. It goes perfectly with any type of coating, even with simple plaster.

Self-adhesive films Oracal. Multilayer self-adhesive vinyl film with a texture that imitates the weaving of carbon fibers. The film has excellent stretch and fits on curved surfaces.

Windows and doorways

If you don’t have enough paint and varnish for something, you can decorate doors and openings with platbands with stenciled patterns. Turn the space above the doors into a display case for various trinkets, books, and arrangements of artificial flowers. Expenses for economical repair will be significantly reduced.


You can find inexpensive parquet or laminate flooring, but is it necessary? When planning an economical renovation, it is better to choose linoleum with a herringbone or parquet plank, decking or marble pattern.

Natural linoleum consists of natural components, which is why it is called an environmentally friendly material. And installing it does not require significant costs.
Covering dilapidated floor surfaces with carpet can also be cheaper than traditional parquet.

The floor, walls and ceiling are the first things we pay attention to when entering a house. And they should look decent, but it’s quite possible to save money. Optimal in quality and price among floor coverings experts call it marmoleum. Most often, it does not require any floor preparation, but is not suitable for a bathroom. Here it is better to fork out for proven tiles or poured flooring. Of course, laminate and parquet board they look respectable and aesthetically pleasing, but the floor underneath them must be level, which will also cost you money. Durable and reliable laminate starts from class 32.

The walls in the bathroom, instead of expensive tiles, can be decorated with laminated hardboard - hygroscopic and does not require surface preparation. If you don’t want to spend time and money on leveling the walls, you can add curvature to them.

It is most economical to whitewash or paint ceilings, but at the same time they must be smooth without any communications or wires passing through them. If this condition is not met, then choose tension, suspended or plasterboard ceilings. However, the first type is more moisture resistant and can protect you from a serious flood.

Even those of us who have never been keen on saving have begun to look closely at all prices in the current crisis times. This even affected an area in which, it would seem, there should be no inexpensive solutions. About how to do cheap repairs More and more people are thinking about it.

Why this happens and whether it is possible to save money on home renovation is what we will discuss in this article.

Any serious business requires planning

Everyone has long understood that you shouldn’t spend money thoughtlessly and that you need to plan your budget. Each of us decides for ourselves what exactly we need to save on. But there are things in life that require not only quick action, but also large financial investments. And apartment renovation is just one of them.

Updating the interior of a home is necessary not only because of outdated cladding or poorly functioning plumbing, but also because of our desire to change our life, its level of security and comfort. Exactly high-quality repairs and the new design of our own home can lift us out of depression and instill confidence.

Plan it out before starting work

But how to combine good and economical repair into one whole? First you need to plan all the expected costs. A known expense item is the purchase of materials and tools. In order not to get confused and make mistakes in the volume of purchases, imagine what you want to see as a result.

To do this, draw up a repair project or at least a plan and detailed estimate. We'll talk about it in more detail in the next block.

The second most important point is who will carry out the construction. If you are interested in cheap renovation of a room, apartment or your own home, you should think about carrying out all the activities yourself. Of course, if you have at least basic knowledge and

Let's decide on our finances:

Repair is a responsible undertaking for every home owner; it does not matter whether it is carried out on their own or whether they will have to hire specialists. As a result, the starting point for starting construction is calculating its cost.

Having an accurate or at least approximate idea of ​​the costs that await you in the near future, you will be able to quickly adjust them and understand what your existing budget will be enough for.

  1. Decide on the price and quantity of building materials, appliances and various devices, which will be necessary for preparatory and finishing premises, as well as arrangement of engineering communications.
  2. Calculate your budget and make sure that the required amount is available in full or is expected in the near future.
  3. This point is very important. If you don't manage your finances correctly, you could run out of money in no time. inopportune moment and the repair will remain unfinished.
  4. Draw up a construction plan, indicating the sequence of preparation, finishing of premises and redevelopment. Exactly following your plans will make it possible to save time and money.
  5. Based on the developed plan, make an estimate. In it, indicate the list of works for each of the premises, the amount of necessary building materials, instruments and devices and the costs for each of the sections.
  6. Be sure to add 20-25% to the resulting figure for unforeseen expenses and a sharp jump in prices.
  7. Visit large stores, markets, factories and bases engaged in the sale and manufacture of building materials, tools and equipment. Then compare prices. Don’t forget to ask about discounts and promotions on certain products. Select best option for you.

Choosing a cost reduction strategy

Preparatory work

Method No. 1

The entire construction process from the installation of skirting boards should be carried out exclusively with your own hands.

Advantages. If you want to do inexpensive repair- most cheap option do everything yourself. Provides a convenient work schedule, since you choose it yourself.

The moral aspect is also of great importance; if the repair is successfully completed, you will grow both in your own eyes and in the eyes of relatives and friends. Don’t forget about new knowledge and skills.

Flaws. For example, the technologies for performing some other types of work are so complex that a rare beginner can do them without errors. On top of everything else, repairs require a lot of time and effort, so you will have to choose - either stretch it out for an indefinite period of time, or leave work on vacation.

Method No. 2

Do all the preparation yourself. and other old coverings, dismantle plumbing fixtures, sockets, switches, baseboards, handles, shelves, and invite professionals for basic work.

Advantages. Having chosen time for preparatory activities, you can save a lot of money. In each individual case, the bonus can be 10-30% of the total cost of all work performed.

Flaws. Unknowingly, you may be too hasty and will have to pay extra for additional work.

Method No. 3

Independent acquisition of all building materials after preliminary approvals with hired specialists.

Advantages. In the vast majority of cases, procurement services necessary materials are provided construction companies and private owners for a certain fee. You will have to pay for the official service, and if a person is dishonest, what also happens? I hope you understood my ambiguous hint. Ultimately, by becoming your own freight forwarder, you can save 10 to 20% of your total renovation budget.

Flaws. A lot of wasted time, constant hassle, and the most unpleasant thing is periodic mistakes.

Method No. 4

Do not purchase imported products from well-known and popular brands, but pay attention to domestic manufacturers.

Advantages. The unfair stereotype that Russian products are obviously worse than foreign ones is not always true. Some of our manufacturers successfully compete for the right to be called the best. And there are a lot of fakes on the market, and sometimes it’s impossible to figure out whether it’s really a product from a well-known company.

Flaws. For some reason, it is believed that if materials are domestic, they must be inexpensive. As a result, truly high-quality Russian products are often ignored, and something that is worse but cheaper is purchased.

The result is that cheap do-it-yourself apartment renovation has become almost synonymous with bad renovation.

Method No. 5

Hire builders during the low season (winter).

Advantages. Indeed, in winter, due to dumping, workers can be hired for work at a price that is 35-40% lower than the summer price.

Flaws. Climatic conditions winter is much less favorable for most construction work. For example, painted walls will take a longer time to dry.

That's why winter repairs last much longer than summer ones. It is also difficult morally - most of the fun winter holidays will have to be spent outside the home.

  1. The price of repairs, as you understand, consists of two components: the cost of building materials and labor. At the same time, professional services can sometimes cost even more than materials.

Advice! To save money, do everything you can yourself. Actually, specialists need to be invited only to the two most critical areas of work: electrical and plumbing. For everything else, it is not necessary to hire professionals.

  1. The easiest option is to make inexpensive DIY repairs in the living quarters and hallway. To tidy up the ceiling, you will need paint, preferably matte, it will hide any unevenness. Also buy a paint roller, fleecy or foam.
  2. The cheapest wallpaper is paper. They, of course, are not as durable as vinyl ones, but they cost 2-3 times less. There is no need to buy special wallpaper glue; you can make a paste from starch and flour.
  3. Be more careful when selecting materials for updating your bathroom and kitchen, as the humidity in these rooms is high. For ceilings in them, buy waterproof paint labeled “for wet rooms.”
  4. The bathroom walls do not need to be tiled. If they are in good condition, cover them with acrylic-based paint or cover them with washable vinyl wallpaper.

A slightly more expensive option, but at the same time completely fitting into the concept of “cheap DIY repairs,” is plastic Wall panels. They look aesthetically pleasing and are easy to care for.

Inexpensive option for bathroom cladding

  1. To decorate the kitchen, also use wallpaper - vinyl or fiberglass, gluing it to the ceiling or to the middle of the walls. Kitchen apron from ceramic tiles can be replaced plastic panels having a tile pattern or pasted over work area self-adhesive film. It has very good moisture resistance.


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Hello, my dear readers and blog guests! It often happens that a room requires renovation, but there is no extra money for it. What to do? How to renovate your home so that it turns out beautifully and inexpensively. You should immediately warn that budget repairs will require a lot of time and labor. Here, as they say, we have to choose, either we spend money or our time.

If you are planning to renovate your apartment inexpensively, then the first thing you need to do is to plan well and think through the entire organization of the work. It often happens that they start doing repairs, and then whatever happens, this is where various shortcomings and errors arise.

Where to begin?

You should start with the internal living rooms, this is the living room, children's room or bedroom. Some take the plan of a living space and make repairs “clockwise”. Others choose the room that is in the worst condition and start from there. After this, the kitchen is renovated, and then the hallway and bathroom. This sequence is necessary in order to save on finishing materials and not spoil the renovation in the premises where it is completed.

High-quality and inexpensive home renovation is based on the following basic principles:

  • We replace only those things that cannot be divided into several parts.

Make an approximate cost estimate based on prices Construction Materials in your region. Something can be purchased in advance to benefit from future prices.

Subtleties of budget repairs

Best time for repairs it’s the beginning or middle of autumn, it’s still warm and you can open the windows. In addition, traditional autumn discounts and sales begin during this period. Most building materials stores and supermarkets are trying to sell goods that clearly won’t last until spring. For example, putty, putty or sealant, which expires in a month or two. Large companies They won’t take this, but it will suit you just fine. The savings in this case can amount to up to 30,000 rubles, which is quite significant.

Don't skimp on good instrument. Even if you have high-quality and expensive finishing materials, you can ruin the whole job by using cheap and poorly functioning auxiliary means. You can borrow it from friends or acquaintances, or rent it for little money.

Old and worn-out plumbing fixtures should be restored. If it has completely fallen into disrepair, then you can get cheap plumbing fixtures, knowing one trick. In expensive new buildings, residents usually immediately start renovations and pretty good bathroom items end up in a landfill. They can be easily purchased from scavengers for little money.

Another problem may be the removal of construction waste, which is expensive.

Most likely, you are not the only one doing home renovations, so the problem of removing bulky waste can be solved by agreeing with your neighbors to jointly rent a car for them. And pour small debris such as dust, wallpaper and plaster little by little into local household waste containers.

Consumables such as plywood, timber and boards costs a lot of money, but you don’t need to spend a lot of money on it. You can get a good one quality material for repairs, doing it yourself.

Instead of slats, buy scraps from sawing wood, they are cheap and no worse in quality edged boards. You just have to tinker a little with their processing. Thick and durable plywood can be easily obtained from ordinary packaging containers by gluing the sheets together using ordinary PVA putty.

Timber can be obtained from old pallets for cargo, they are inexpensive, and if you try, you can get them for free.

On things like electrical wiring, plumbing installation, etc. It’s not worth saving, since eliminating defects and rapid wear and tear due to low-quality materials will cost you a pretty penny.

Every person has at least a little artistic taste, this is not at all a prerogative fashion designers and ministers of art. In addition, the person hired for these purposes will only reflect in the interior what you want to see, and this can be done on your own. Sticking to some simple rules you can make it stylish and cozy interior inexpensive:

So linoleum with a parquet pattern or tiles with stone patterns will look cheap. Wood should be wood, metal should be metal, and stone should be stone. If you don’t have money for parquet, then you can buy an engineered board. You can use cement tiles as an alternative to porcelain stoneware.

  • the ceiling should be as simple as possible

Vaulted and multi-level ceilings will look comical in residential areas where they are not tall. Better to win on top doorways and place the handles a little lower than usual. Make the ceiling as simple as possible, not attracting much attention.

Try to renovate in such a way that the rooms contrast. If the bedroom is made in light colors, then you can use dark colors in the decoration of the living room or hallway. Nowadays designer and inexpensive solution, such as patchwork. Surely you and your friends have leftover old wallpaper, from which you can make interesting ornaments for one or two walls.

Of all types of wall decoration, wallpaper is the most acceptable and inexpensive. It is better to use non-woven ones for which only the wall needs to be coated with glue. Choose plain wallpaper; if there is a pattern on it, it will have to be adjusted, which will lead to trimmings and unnecessary costs material.

  • buy furniture in dark shades

Light-colored furniture always looks cheaper, so try to choose dark furniture that is as simple in design as possible and you don’t need to skimp on handles.

  • you should carefully choose curtains

Curtains play a huge role in creating coziness and emphasize the sophistication and simplicity of the interior, so it is necessary to pay special attention to their choice. It’s better to avoid fabrics with large patterns, they will forgive general interior rooms and are difficult to cut. Make sure that the cutter provides natural folds on the curtains. They look better than those gathered with ribbon.

  • avoid buying furniture sets and kits

This makes the interior dull and boring. Paired items are possible to complement the composition, but nothing more. You can include a couple of things in the design of your living space that will take center stage, for example, paintings, engravings, or any objects of art.

  • the bathroom should be designed as simply as possible

It is better to buy ordinary high-quality plumbing fixtures without artistic delights. Everything should be as simple and functional as possible.

  • it is necessary to consider the location and color scheme interior items

It is better to use a combination of calm tones and shades. For example, beige, white, and blue are good for a bedroom. Do not use variegated colors and synthetic materials. The latest trend in fashion is the use of collages and mats. Any ordinary photographs and drawings can be turned into works of art.

Decoration of the main rooms

Before you start destroying everything in your living space, you need to think about what scale of repairs you have enough money and time to do. You can break everything very quickly, but it often happens that you planned to do a lot of things, but there is not enough money.

If you started major renovation, then you need to start with windows; they should be chosen from plastic or wood. Heat retention in an apartment depends on the design of the frame and the correctness of its installation. It often happens that a number of mistakes were made during installation, which is why the windows constantly blow cold. This happens due to poorly sealed slopes or insufficiently foamed areas. You can identify deficiencies using special device– thermal imager.

Then you can begin leveling the walls. The simplest and cheap way To do this, saving time and materials, is to sheathe it with plasterboard. True, in this case the overall living space will be slightly reduced, and mold or rodents may grow in the openings between the wall and the sheet. Another inexpensive and the best option is wall cladding with clapboard. You can cover it with varnish or paint and not spend money on wallpaper.

Currently, the real trend is the loft style, when one of the walls is left brick, simply covered with paint or whitewash. It will also look stylish if you leave it just concrete and cover it with a primer.

Flooring plays a big role in home design. There are many options for finishing it - linoleum, laminate, parquet, boards. An option that is called “cheap and cheerful” would be linoleum. It is practical, easy to clean and, if installed correctly, can last for years. A cheaper option than linoleum is laminate, but it gets scratched, warps from exposure to moisture and quickly begins to “walk” underfoot.

Carpeting is unhygienic, especially if there are small children and animals in the house. In just a couple of years it will lose its appearance; calling a dry cleaner to your home is expensive.

The best and inexpensive option there will be an acquisition wooden canvases, from which you can make an interesting designer door, rather than expensively buying uninteresting stampings in the store. You can try to stop using doors in some rooms. Try to live without them for about a month, if everything suits you, then you don’t have to install the doors. And in the summer, to protect against insects, hang them in doorways Mosquito nets.

Kitchen renovation

This is one of the most frequently visited places in a residential area. Therefore, it is important that interior items are resistant to moisture, grease and odor. Instead of ceramic tiles in the kitchen, you can try using glass. Place near hob and sinks, where the active process of cooking most often occurs, paste over beautiful wallpaper and put glass on top.

A budget option- this is to leave bare concrete, covering it only with a primer. For kitchen flooring, linoleum or tiles are best. Since these materials are the most resistant to grease, dirt and frequent mechanical impact. You just have to be a little more careful with the tiles, as they can break off if you hit them hard.

Bathroom renovation

It is not necessary to use foreign plumbing fixtures; domestic ones are no worse. A reasonable solution would be to lay out the premises inexpensive tiles. To save on it, you can buy a large sheet of mirror and cover one of the walls with it. This will save time and money, but in the future it will require more time to clean the bathroom.

A shower stall, of course, saves a lot of space, but installing it will take a lot of time and money. The best option in in this case there will be a bathroom. It is better to purchase cast iron or acrylic. You should not buy a product made of thin stainless steel coated with enamel. Such bathtubs quickly lose their attachment to the wall and begin to “walk”. They also have a good location and respond to every falling drop.

Pipes can be used from polypropylene, you just need to buy domestic ones, and not very cheap Chinese ones. It is important to see what temperature they can withstand, and welding machine can be rented.

Most cheap towel rails are made of steel. It becomes covered with rust over time. They may be covered with stainless steel on top, but this does not protect them from the harmful effects of water. Therefore, their use is possible only in private homes, where the water pressure is lower and it is cleaner.

In general, it’s better not to skimp on a heated towel rail; this will save you time on repairing it and money on laundry damaged by rust.