Strength training on an empty stomach. Why you shouldn't exercise on an empty stomach

This debate is “is it good or bad to pump on an empty stomach?” arose back in the days when the very first weight was lifted. Wars have been fought and nations have died throughout the endless struggle (in general, for a very long time) between “working out on an empty stomach or in a full state?”, but the time has come to put an end to the madness. Find out the final answer here.

It's time to debunk old myths about food and exercise

Okay, this may not be the final answer. For best results, different people need to train at different conditions, and the decision of whether someone should eat before working out, what time of day to "work out" or what diet to follow will largely depend on what works best for the individual. However, old myths will have to be dealt with.

Contrary to popular belief, research shows that eating frequently throughout the day will not speed up your metabolism, skipping meals will not make you fatter, and working out on an empty stomach will not undo the benefits of exercise. . In fact, skipping one or two meals, also known as "intermittent fasting"(IF) or "interruptible fast"(PP) may even be useful.

Hormone optimization (fasting)

A quick way to improve your performance

Exercise, especially intense exercise that targets multiple muscle groups at once (compound movements like deadlifts and squats), causes a big spike in testosterone, which is why it makes sense to combine exercise and fasting.

Many studies have shown that exercising in a fasted state is an amazing way to build muscle mass and increase insulin sensitivity.

and not only because of clear hormonal reactions, but also because the body absorbs food more efficiently after exercise.

In short, exercising on an empty stomach is guaranteed to help protein, fats, and carbohydrates get into their proper places in the body (with minimal storage of them as fat). has been shown to be especially important for fat loss, it has also been found that people who exercise on an empty stomach burn fat progressively better over more high levels intensity (possibly due to increased levels of fat-oxidizing enzymes).

Not interested in building muscles like a bodybuilder? There are also potential benefits for endurance athletes, as fasted training can increase the efficiency of muscle glycogen utilization (by about three times). This means that with an empty stomach, the body makes better use of its energy reserves. Sometimes a “fasted workout” can improve the quality of a “fed workout” (or run) later on. In a nutshell:

As the body adapts to being without food, it becomes more productive with "fuel in the tank."

Some studies have also shown that fasted training can significantly improve endurance performance in athletes, increasing VO 2 Max, which measures a person's ability to take in and use oxygen during physical exercise and is a fairly accurate way of determining someone's physical condition.

We'd be remiss if we didn't acknowledge that some studies have shown decreased performance as a result of fasted training. However, many of these studies were conducted during Ramadan, when drinking liquids is not allowed (and participation in sports activities is not recommended). However, the predominance of people who are eating pre-workout is pretty good evidence that exercising after a meal can work. There are even studies showing that eating before a workout can lead to fewer calories consumed throughout the day. But that doesn't discredit the evidence that fasted training, even occasionally, has many benefits.

Fasted Training: Action Plan

You may be thinking something like, “How can I do intense exercise on an empty stomach?” First, give yourself a head start! You are capable of more than you think with the right mindset. Secondly, there are some tips you can follow to help you with your new approach to eating in relation to your workouts:

  • You can drink more than just water. Don't suppress your cravings and get your energy boost with black coffee, tea, caffeine pills, amino acids, creatine, and other virtually zero-calorie drinks or supplements. According to leading experts on the subject, Diet Coke or sugar-free chewing gum will not prevent a hunger strike.
  • Stop your hunger whenever you want. Most people want to eat immediately after a workout, since hunger improves the “post-workout” absorption of food, however, it is not at all scary if the fast lasts a little longer. Even if you exercise in the morning and don't eat until the evening, the surge of growth hormone will keep you going all day to prevent loss. muscle mass. In any case, your body will help you.
  • Eat as much food as you want. Note: This does not mean any number of calories. You don't have to eat often throughout the day. Despite some long-standing myths that the body absorbs a strictly defined amount of protein at one time, we are quite capable of digesting daily norm from one large meal (but this does not mean that this is exactly what should be done). Some studies have shown that this approach does not lead to loss of strength or muscle mass, and some have even found that concentrated eating in one or two meals a day may be better for building muscle mass. More protein will take longer to digest and absorb, but it will be digested all. Even after a regular-sized portion, amino acids enter the bloodstream and are absorbed by the muscles for another five hours after eating. So figure out the eating style that works best for you.

In short, metabolism and digestion are not as temperamental processes as you might think.


Eating food is perhaps the most ingrained habit and people are essentially derivatives of it. Changing this habit of skipping a meal or two can be incredibly difficult for some people (especially those who have struggled with disordered eating). Indeed, intermittent fasting takes some getting used to as the body adjusts to eating less frequently. This discomfort usually goes away

but if fasting isn't for you, then there's no need to stick with it, just don't be afraid to try it.

Intermittent fasting is just one approach to health and fitness and certainly not the only one that will produce results.

But the myths and misconceptions really need to be debunked, and this article aims to say: there is no need to eat before working out. If you feel great during a workout, then all means are good! However, if you're concerned about the idea of ​​having to eat a banana or a bowl of oatmeal before a workout just because it's supposed to help you avoid muscle loss/fat gain, you can relax. You are absolutely free to eat whenever you want. Just listen to your body, it will take care of you.

A healthy lifestyle is becoming the norm for a person. People are looking for effective techniques training and nutrition that will lead to maximum results in perhaps a shorter time.

The benefits and safety of training on an empty stomach are a hot debate among beginners and even pros. Today we look at the pros and cons of exercising on an empty stomach, based on expert opinions.

Should you exercise in the morning on an empty stomach?

Traditional opinion

There are two diametrically opposed points of view about the benefits and harms of strength and cardio training on an empty stomach.

According to the traditional view, it is absolutely impossible to train without breakfast. In the morning, the body does not have sufficient energy reserves to be effective.

To replenish your energy boost, you need to have breakfast with foods containing complex carbohydrates. They are digested slowly, which allows the body to feel energized for quite a long time.

In addition, for muscle growth during training, it is necessary to replenish the protein supply in the body, otherwise the effect of strength exercises will be minimal.

For maximum fat-burning effect, adherents of traditional views recommend drinking about 300 ml of clean water before training.

Debunking myths about exercising in the morning

An alternative philosophy - fasting training - is becoming increasingly widespread and popular. Scientists have long established that in the morning the hormonal background of the body differs from the daytime and evening states.

In the morning, the body has the minimum amount of insulin and the maximum amount of somatotropic hormone (growth hormone). The first is released into the blood after each meal. It helps extract glucose from food and send it from the blood to the liver, muscle and fat tissue.

Subsequently, glucose is transformed into energy, which contributes to more efficient fat burning during training on an empty stomach.

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Optimizing Hormones for Weight Loss and Muscle Building

Let us highlight such features hormonal levels workouts on an empty stomach:

  1. Modern man eats often and a lot. This develops insulin resistance in the body, which makes it increasingly difficult to lose fat, and also increases the susceptibility to diseases of the cardiovascular system. Increasing the intervals between meals and short fasts normalize insulin production and increase the body's resistance to it.
  2. Somatotropic hormone has unique abilities. Thanks to its high concentration in the blood, the effectiveness of strength training increases, muscle and bone tissue grows better, and fat burning increases. It has been proven that daily fasting allows you to achieve maximum concentrations of growth hormone in the body. Its level reaches 2000% in men and 1300% in women.
  3. Consistently high levels of this hormone in the body help support increased intervals between meals and fasted workouts. The effectiveness of fasted exercise is based on the fact that in the absence of additional nutrients received with food intake, the body begins to use up its own glycogen reserves, which is facilitated by low level
  4. insulin in the morning. Nothing can be said about testosterone. Although this hormone is not produced on an empty stomach, but is synthesized in the muscles, its level will increase during training with elevated level
  5. somatotropic hormone.

Increased testosterone levels are responsible for a positive attitude, sexual desire, increased physical strength and decreased fat mass.

Which exercises to prefer for morning training: strength or cardio?

It is believed that cardio training is most effective in the morning on an empty stomach. The level of fat burning in the morning is highest.

This is due to the optimal hormonal activity of the body. Therefore, the process of losing weight will be quite active. Strength training to build muscle on an empty stomach general rule are still not recommended (at least if you are not a pro), since in the absence of sufficient nutrients some muscle fibers

Athletes-bodybuilders, who probably know what they are doing, go to the gym on an empty stomach while preparing for competitions. This helps them reduce as much as possible fat layer and draw the relief of the body.

Morning workouts can also be included in the strength training plan of athletes looking to build muscle mass, as a boost to increasing the effectiveness of the next workout. This can be explained by the fact that if the body has adapted to cope with a deficiency of nutrients, then when they enter the body, the effect of their use during training increases significantly.

Fasting has been shown to be beneficial for endurance training in athletes who need to long time withstand significant physical exertion.

In the morning hours, the efficiency of the use and absorption of oxygen by the human body increases three times.

Need to know! Morning workouts shouldn't be too intense. It is most effective to carry them out at a medium pace. The duration of the workout should not be less than 30 minutes. Burning fat from body reserves begins after this time.

There is no need to force things, causing yourself inconvenience. It is important to remember that you should not abuse fasted training. The optimal regimen is 2-3 classes per week lasting about an hour.

How to easily adapt to a new rhythm

If you decide to start fasting training, sometimes there is uncertainty that it is difficult to get involved in it. Of course, difficulties may arise at first:

  1. It is better to do a fasted workout in the morning, since it is much more difficult to control yourself and not eat too much during the day or evening.
  2. You need to come to training well-rested, otherwise you simply won’t have the strength to conduct a full-fledged lesson. Therefore, it is important to follow the regime.
  3. To make it easier to get used to the new lifestyle, you can first soften it a little.
  4. Instead of plain water, you can drink black coffee, black or green tea, caffeine pills and other non-calorie drinks.
  5. If you become unbearable to endure hunger, you can break your fast at any time convenient for you.

Over time, the body will adjust to a new rhythm of life, and the discomfort will disappear.

Important! At the first meal after training, proteins should enter the body to restore muscle mass, and only then complex carbohydrates. And during training, be sure to drink clean water.

Useful video

Watch the video to find out if you can train on an empty stomach:

Main conclusions

Any theory has two poles of opinion: for it and against it. Morning workouts on an empty stomach are no exception. In any case, playing sports should bring joy and pleasure from the process. Therefore, everyone is free to choose the method that suits them. It is important to remember that you should start exercising only after consulting a doctor, so that the sport brings only benefits. You may also be interested in our next articles.

This debate continued for a huge amount of time, when such a phenomenon as fitness turned into a brand new subculture. There were topics about the ideal amount of training per week, consuming a certain amount of calories or consuming a large number of “quality calories”, a topic about and. But one of the most important topics for a heated debate - training on an empty stomach. Some are categorically against it, some are for it, and some are for only fasted cardio. Today we will try to understand this topic.

Firstly, it is worth noting that different people different things are suitable for training and healthy image life. Some people really can’t eat after six, some need one leg day a week, some need many leg days a week, some have biceps and shoulders growing after a month or two of training, and some they begin to stand out only after six months of quality, diligent training. This is not a Korean random; all this is influenced by a huge number of factors, for example, body type, sports experience, age, metabolic rate and other things. Also, eating or not eating certain things after training and before it depends only on what path you have chosen for your training.

Remember this topic about fractional meals? Contrary to popular belief, research shows that eating small meals throughout the day has no effect on your metabolism. I personally have never dabbled in fractional meals and managed to achieve results. Skipping a meal won't make you fat, and training on an empty stomach won't ruin your entire workout. In fact, skipping meals or even the holy of holies can be downright beneficial.

Recent research surprisingly shows that an empty stomach triggers a cascade of hormonal changes in the body that improve muscle building and fat burning. However, these are not the latest studies, but relatively old ones, but they were somehow forgotten about, using outdated methods.

Benefits of training on an empty stomach and fasting in general

1. Improved insulin sensitivity

The body produces insulin when we eat to help us absorb nutrients from food. The hormone takes sugar from our blood and sends it to the liver, muscles and fat cells, which will use it as energy in the future. The trouble is that when we eat too much and too often, it makes us more resistant to insulin, which adds to the risk of heart disease, cancer and the difficulty of losing fat. Eating less often is one way to help correct this problem because it leads to improvements in insulin sensitivity, muscle blood flow, and even curbs the effects of an unhealthy diet.

2. Growth hormone

Somatotropic hormone is an almost legendary thing. It promotes muscle growth, fat loss, and bone growth. Along with regular strength training and adequate sleep, dietary restriction, training on an empty stomach and no breakfast are some of the the best ways increase growth hormone in the body. One study found that going 24 hours without food increased hormone production in men by 2,000 percent (!!!) and by 1,300 percent in women. This is a good reason to regularly restrict yourself in food, skip breakfast, fast and not eat after six or four. This keeps the amount of growth hormones at the highest level.

3. Testosterone

We can't talk about muscle hormones without saying something about testosterone. Testosterone helps increase muscle mass and reduce body fat. At the same time, it helps increase energy levels, libido and even fights depression and heart problems in men and women. Therefore, people who begin to actively train look at life more positively. Fasted training alone may not have any effect on testosterone production, but there is a surprisingly simple way to get more testosterone and growth hormone, creating an optimal environment for building muscle and burning fat.

Exercise, especially intense strength training that involves many muscles (eg. deadlift and squats). This causes a big surge in testosterone and is why you can combine strength training and fasted training.

Exercising on an empty stomach is especially effective for burning fat. Moreover, all the same researchers notice that fat continued to be deposited, but in minimal reserves. During such a workout, you use your fat reserves for energy. In addition, the endurance of the heart muscle increases.

It would be unfair if I did not say that some exercises on an empty stomach are not as good to perform as on a full stomach. However, if you eat well before training, you may suffer from a full stomach.

How can you train intensely on an empty stomach? Are you crazy??

Usually those who disagree with our articles write comments in this spirit, but we will not respond in the same way. We will be cunning.

1. Not just water

You can drink coffee, tea, various isotonic drinks (I don’t respect them at all) to fill your stomach. You can also chew gum.

2. Break your abstinence

Don't overdo exercise on an empty stomach. Sometimes you can allow yourself to eat if you really want to or if the workout is going to be tiring. If you exercise in the morning, but find it difficult to eat during the day and only in the evening, it is better not to fast at all, otherwise you will lose muscle mass.

3. It doesn’t matter how big your portions are.

Remember that the main thing is the number of calories consumed. At night, of course, it’s better not to eat so as not to disturb sleep, but in the middle of the day you can indulge in almost anything and in almost any quantity.

People are slaves to their habits. I remember a large number of angry comments on the article, and I understand that I didn’t lie anywhere there. But we stubbornly hold on to our habits and try in every possible way to explain our attachment to this or that topic, covering up the banal laziness to change something. But if you want results, you need to sweat!

Behind Lately This topic has become one of the most popular, along with such interesting techniques as carbohydrate cycling and intermittent fasting. Personally, I have always been a follower of the classic tenets that tell us that to maintain mass we need to eat every few hours, especially if there is a calorie deficit. I also believed in high protein/moderate carb and high protein/moderate fat pre-workout meals to prevent muscle catabolism and fuel the entire body with energy. The fact is that there is a number of evidence that can shake our faith in these seemingly obvious facts. These studies prove that training in a fasted state, such as after waking up before breakfast, can create a more powerful anabolic response. In this article I will describe the research data. In fact, the arguments were so convincing that even I started experimenting with it.

This study provides a scientific explanation of the effects of two types of training - fasting and postprandial training. When we lift weights, the body responds by activating myogenic (within the muscle) genes, which control protein synthesis. P70S6 is referred to as an activator of muscle growth and is often used in research to determine the latter. This study looked at two groups of young people who were required to do a full-body workout, with one training after a meal and the other on an empty stomach. The food group ate 722 kcal for breakfast, of which 85% came from carbohydrates, 11% from protein and 4% from fat. After training, both groups rested for 4 hours and drank recovery drinks. The results showed that the fasting group had twice the level of p70s6k an hour after exercise than the breakfast group. After another 3 hours, p70s6k values ​​began to become similar in both groups. Here is a quote from the study:

“Our results indicate that fasted training is capable of stimulating an increased muscle intracellular anabolic response to a carbohydrate-protein-leucine-containing drink immediately following a heavy training session.”

From my lay point of view, it seems to me that the increase in P70S6 concentration may be even greater if you close the anabolic window with amino acids, since they enter the bloodstream at a faster rate. We all know that training on an empty stomach causes muscle catabolism to some extent. These data suggest that the body tries to compensate for weight loss through catabolism, but this process subsequently leads to more pronounced weight gain. Fascinating, isn't it? I think insulin is also involved in this, since when glycogen is depleted, sensitivity to it increases. After all, when a sufficient amount of glycogen is stored in your body, the response to insulin is not so strong, because it does not need to transport glucose to close the deficiency state. When you eat before training, your glycogen is restored. After such a workout, insulin is simply not needed, because you already have everything you need. As a result, with regard to insulin release, a plateau occurs. But on the other hand, when training on an empty stomach, the insulin response to a post-workout shake or meal will be extremely pronounced, the muscles will simply absorb all the necessary nutrients like a sponge.

Now I am not advocating always training with a feeling of hunger. If you exercise at night, this can be extremely difficult, because the need to eat during the day adds to fatigue. I recommend trying to train on an empty stomach in the morning, before eating breakfast. To prevent morning catabolism, it is a good idea to drink 5-10 grams of BCAA. Moreover, the positive effect on the rise of P70S6 is explained. I've been experimenting with all of this over the last week and I can honestly say I feel great. I thought I wouldn't have the energy to lift weights, but that wasn't the case at all. In addition, oddly enough, it was during these days that my deadlift was stronger than ever... try to figure it out. For some people it may take a week or so to adjust, but for me this experiment was a pleasure. It's too early to talk about the actual results, but in a month or a few I'll definitely let you know. I would also like to add that I began to feel energetic in the mornings and more alert throughout the day. Try it yourself. If you don't like something, you can always return to standard scheme, but remember one thing - you will never get results from something you have never tried.

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Pre-workout nutrition causes a lot of controversy among doctors and nutritionists. But new research shows that fasted exercise, especially fasted cardio, is much more beneficial than your standard morning workout after breakfast.

Benefits of training on an empty stomach

You can burn more fat

Immediately after waking up, glycogen reserves in the body are running low, there is little insulin in the blood, which affects the catabolic process (the process of breaking down fats). In other words, the higher the insulin level, the slower lipolysis, the breakdown of fat, occurs. This actually slows down the weight loss process. Noticeably slows down. This is why many trainers advise their clients to train in the morning, immediately after waking up, before coffee and breakfast.

In the morning, glycogen levels are low, so the body uses energy from its own fat reserves during exercise, rather than from food received, and low insulin does not interfere with this process. However, due to the evolutionary process of self-preservation, lipolysis occurs more slowly in the morning.

In the morning, in addition to low insulin, every person should normally have high levels of growth hormone. Since we don't eat anything at night (on diet!!!), growth hormone is released as a response to hunger. This, in turn, increases the catabolic process. Insulin is the opposite of growth hormone, meaning the production of one hormone slows down the production of the other. Due to this, the benefits of training on an empty stomach in the morning are many times higher than from training on an empty stomach in the evening. This way you burn your fat reserves, and not the energy you received during the day from food, so weight loss occurs many times faster (provided during the day).

Exercising on an empty stomach prevents stomach upset

Eating before a workout is a bad idea and will cause stomach upset in most cases. Eating too much or the wrong foods two hours before your activity period can slow down your workout pace. In addition, blood rushes to the muscles, and the stomach works more slowly. Because of this, food is not digested, but ferments. At first, this can lead to excessive gas formation and bloating, and over time, to gastritis and a slowdown in metabolism. Never train with a full stomach. If you eat carbohydrates, make sure your workout is scheduled at least 2 hours after eating. If you eat proteins (especially red meat), then train 3 hours after eating.

Exercising on an empty stomach prevents overeating

15-20 minutes before training (immediately after waking up) it is recommended to drink a glass warm water. After that, you can go to training. It will be easier to do exercises on an empty stomach, and water will kick-start your metabolism.

Take a banana with you to the gym if you work out for more than 60 minutes in the morning. This will help satisfy your hunger 20-30 minutes after exercise and prevent you from overeating throughout the day.

Read also

How to exercise on an empty stomach for health benefits

You already know that there are two main types of physical activity - cardio and strength.

Strength training is needed to build muscle mass, and cardio is needed to speed up metabolism, increase endurance and burn fat, that is, lose weight.

If you exercise on an empty stomach, experts recommend choosing cardio exercise. Research shows that this type of exercise releases adrenaline into the blood, which triggers the breakdown of carbohydrates and fats for use as energy. In addition, the catabolic process is accelerated in the morning, that is, weight loss will occur faster.

It is not recommended to exercise on an empty stomach strength exercises, especially with heavy weights (barbells or dumbbells). This type of exercise requires strength, not just endurance, as in cardio. And people have little strength in the morning due to overnight fasting.