Improve your body. How to improve your body with deadlifts? Storing information in DNA

The frosts have passed, and spring has come into its own; summer is just around the corner, and, consequently, the beach season. Therefore, now is the time to take care of your body. With just a little effort, you can bring your body into... good shape before the warm days arrive.


Nutrition and sleep

  1. Eat healthy. Avoid unhealthy foods such as chips, cakes, pizza and ice cream. Your body will thank you for this. Eat foods high in protein and fiber. Your meals should be small and frequent, at least 3-4 times a day.

    • Fruits and vegetables should occupy a leading place in your daily diet. Choose brightly colored vegetables: beets, carrots, kale, tomatoes, spinach and broccoli. Get ready vegetable salads or eat vegetables with hummus if they don't taste good enough on their own.
    • Don't starve yourself. Fasting actually prevents you from losing weight. When a person is hungry, metabolic processes in the body slow down (the body saves energy). So if you want to reset excess weight, eat regularly and in small portions.
  2. Drink water instead of juice or soda, even if it says diet. Although Diet Coke and similar drinks promise zero calories, they still hinder weight loss. If you're serious about getting in tip-top shape, drink only water (water has zero calories).

    • If you don't drink enough water, always carry a bottle of water with you and drink as soon as you feel the slightest thirst. It will also help improve your complexion.
    • Eliminate alcoholic drinks from your diet. This can be difficult, especially if you are used to drinking them, such as a glass of red wine after work. Alcoholic drinks are high in calories. So while a glass of wine may be healthy in other circumstances, it's not the best drink for those trying to lose weight.
  3. Get more sleep. Sleep is the third important component on the path to weight loss. Many women (and men) work up a sweat in the gym, eat vegetarian meals, and despite all this, do not see any changes in their figure. If you want to lose weight, sleep! You need 7-9 hours of sleep.

    Physical exercise

    1. In the evening before going to bed, go for a walk for 15-30 minutes. Walking will help you digest your dinner better and prevent heartburn.

      • You can listen to your favorite music while walking.
    2. Do cardio exercises. This is a great way to burn calories and stay fit. The essence of cardio training is to maintain a certain heart rate, thereby burning more energy.

      • Start with half an hour of running for two weeks or cycling (at a fast pace). Gradually increase the load. If you notice that you can easily cope with the load you have chosen, try increasing the time to one hour a day. Of course, this will affect the achievement of quick results.
      • If you are tired and have difficulty catching your breath, stop and rest for about one minute. But don't take too long a break, otherwise your heart rate will slow down.
      • When your workout comes to an end, end it with walking. Start at a fast pace, gradually slowing down towards the end. Don't forget to do stretching exercises before and after your workout.
    3. Take up walking. If you don't do any physical exercise, force yourself to walk at least 15 minutes a day. Walking is a great way to stay fit, and research shows that 15 minutes of walking every day can increase your life expectancy by three years. So if you want to live longer and look better, go for it!

      • Skip the elevator and take the stairs on foot. Climbing the stairs trains the muscles of your legs and buttocks.
      • Buy a pedometer (you can install the app on your smartphone). A pedometer is a device for counting the number of steps taken while walking. People who carry a pedometer with them tend to walk more.
      • Visit more often fresh air! The more you are outside, the more you walk. When the weather is good, go for a walk in lunch break and after dinner. If you have a dog, walk it longer in the morning; If there is a park nearby where you can have a picnic, take advantage of it!
    4. Practice. Do exercises to strengthen your muscles. Perform exercises to strengthen the muscles of the forearm, thighs, buttocks and abdomen.

      • Do some stretching exercises before your workout. By stretching, your body will become flexible and you will be able to perform most of the exercises without difficulty. This will prepare the muscles for the load.
      • Start with 50 exercises to strengthen your abdominal muscles. However, make sure that you perform these exercises correctly, the result directly depends on this. While doing the abdominal exercise, keep your hands on your chest. Lift up using your abdominals, not your back. As soon as your shoulder blades touch the floor, return to the starting position.
      • Do push-ups! Do as many approaches as possible. As you inhale, bend your elbows until right angle, going down. As you exhale, return to the starting position.
      • Perform abdominal leg raises. This exercise targets the lower abdominal muscles by raising the legs completely straight. Also, the body remains motionless throughout the entire exercise. The legs rise upward from the starting position (parallel to the floor) with a smooth movement, the arms perform only a stabilizing role. When performing this exercise, you can use weights to increase the load.
      • Do the "Superman" exercise. Lie face down on the floor and extend your arms forward. The head is slightly raised. This will be your starting position. Tightening your back muscles, lift your legs and chest off the floor and lift them as high as possible. Hold this position for 10 seconds. Then return to the starting position and rest for 5 seconds. Then repeat the exercise again. Do 10 approaches in total.
      • Do exercises with dumbbells. When you first start lifting, it is difficult to determine how much weight you need. Start with eight repetitions and gradually increase the number to twelve.
    • Have a cup before breakfast warm water with lemon juice. Thanks to this, you will launch metabolic processes in the body. Alternatively, you can use green tea.
    • When performing physical exercises, and in particular when jogging, watch your breathing: inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth. Of particular importance in this case are increasing lung capacity, maximum ventilation of the lungs, and training the strength of inhalation and exhalation. All these indicators are very important for humans and significantly affect the supply of oxygen to our body. If you find it difficult to breathe while running, you need to reduce the load and maintain a slower running pace.
    • Know your limits. Experience shows that excessive activity in any activity often does not bring the desired results. Each of us has our own limits of possibilities. Be realistic and don't overdo your training. It is unlikely that this will have a positive effect on further studies and on the overall result.
    • If you want results, don't expect them too soon. Typically, you will be able to see the first results after six weeks intensive training and maintaining a healthy diet.
    • If you find it difficult to do flexibility exercises, try doing them until you feel discomfort, then relax. Repeat the exercise again, and each time try to increase the load.
    • When doing cardio exercises at home, you should consider purchasing a heart rate monitor. The heart rate monitor can be purchased in the online store. Thanks to this device, you will be able to avoid injuries and also control the load.


    • Never starve yourself. This is not only unhealthy, but also reduces the body's ability to fight excess weight.
    • Always do stretching exercises before you begin the main part of your workout. This will prevent tearing of ligaments and tendons.

1. Provide as much walking as possible. Walking does not require much effort. Walking is a great option for those just starting to improve their health and fitness. Walking improves blood pressure and reduces body weight, and also reduces the risk of diabetes. Walk more!

2. Learn new sports. This will not only develop your muscles, but will also promote mental work and reduce nervous tension.

3. Go to the gym. Weight training is the best way to quickly change the size of your figure.

4. Increase the effectiveness of your training three times. To make your body strong, you don't have to spend a lot of time. Zen Habits recommends how to make your workouts more effective (16 Tips To Triple Your Workout Effectiveness).

5. Make your exercise routine a habit. Explore ways in which it can be developed.

6. Create a balanced diet. Most often this is only talked about and not put into practice. We are made up of what we eat. Remember what you love, what happens on your table. Follow the advice of nutritionists.

7. Milk is a source of protein, which is so necessary for building muscle tissue. When you start going to the gym, your body will need much more protein, so milk becomes a very appropriate addition to your diet.

8. Get rid of the habit of drinking soda, which contains huge amounts of sugar. Eliminate Coca-Cola from your favorite drinks if you don’t want to be like those Americans who can barely fit in their cars. Coca-Cola has harmful effects on health. Don't switch to diet soda either. Use regular purified water.

9. Don't overuse fast foods. Naturally, it would be best to refuse them altogether, but due to various circumstances and because of temptation, we have to eat in such establishments. If you are forced to dine at a fast food restaurant again and again, stock up on a list of products whose calorie content does not exceed 400 with a fat content of 15 g per 100 g of product.

10. Avoid Big Macs. Choose a cheeseburger. But it’s better to limit yourself to water. Huge hamburgers contain a large number of calories. It's unlikely that after eating a high-calorie hamburger with Coca-Cola, topped with fries and cheese sauce, a raspberry pie and ice cream for dessert (sounds delicious!) you'll burn those calories before the end of the day. Think about what fast foods contain, and whether it’s worth developing a habit of momentary pleasure only to end up with health problems for years.

11. Follow your diet. Breakfast is a must. People may skip breakfast due to rush or lack of morning appetite. But breakfast is a must on the daily menu, and it’s very filling. Otherwise, you will have to compensate for it with a very heavy dinner, which is contraindicated for your health and figure. Dinner is for enemies.

12. Listen to pleasant music before going to bed. Researchers have found that 45 minutes of calm music before going to bed improves the quality of night's rest by 35%. Music promotes sound sleep.

13. Develop self-confidence. When you're beautiful appearance, then your health will improve. To become more confident, take advice from confident people who have a high sense of self-esteem.

14. Get up as early as possible. According to Ayurveda, it is recommended to get up in the morning at sunrise and go to sleep at sunset. It is a pity that in practice one often has to sacrifice this principle; it is not possible to organize human activity in accordance with the sundial. While waking up at sunrise is acceptable, going to bed during sunset, especially during winter time, is unlikely to be possible. Try to wake up at five o'clock in the morning.

Not happy with your figure? Stop complaining, it's time to act. No new-fangled diets. Just follow our advice:

1. Increase the number of walks. Walking is an exercise that does not require much effort. Walking is a great exercise for those just starting to improve their health and fitness. Walking helps reduce weight and blood pressure, and reduces the risk of diabetes. (Walk more!)

2. Try new sports. Sport not only develops your body physically, but also stimulates mental skills and reduces stress.

3. Go to the gym. Gravity is one of the best ways quickly change the parameters of our body. And not only them, for example, cardio training increases the ability to learn, and strength training improves concentration.

4. Improve the effectiveness of your classes. To become strong, you don't have to spend a huge amount of time on it. Mix up exercises and practice at home. Missed a workout, no problem? Complete the minimum volume, because any exercise stress releases happiness hormones into our bloodstream. If you are really tired, it will help easy way:

5. Make your exercise a habit. Exercise keeps your body healthy. Why not make them a habit?

6. Eat right. This is more often talked about than practiced. We are what we eat. We will be similar to the food we consume (remember what you ate at lunch today!).

7. Drink milk. Recent studies show that milk is the best muscle builder. When you start going to the gym (if you haven't already), your body will need more protein, and milk is a great source of it.

8. Stop drinking soda. It contains a huge amount of sugar. Stop drinking all cola, otherwise you will be like those Americans who can barely fit into their cars. And it has a very strong effect on health in general - and, of course, not in better side. Switching to diet soda won't help. Drink regular clean water.

9. Eat healthy at fast foods. Of course, it’s better not to eat in them at all, but sometimes, due to various circumstances or great temptation, we are simply forced to eat there. If you decide to once again go to a fast food restaurant, or simply put, fast food, take with you the “healthy to eat” list from Dr. Gourmet – products with a calorie content of no more than 400 and a fat content of no more than 15g.

10. Forget about any Big Macs. Stick with the cheeseburger. Better yet, drink some water. The excess of calories in “big hamburgers” is quite large. It is unlikely that you will eat some high-calorie hamburger, wash it all down with cola, then “catch up” with potatoes with cheese sauce, eat a pie with raspberry filling for dessert, and on the way home enjoy ice cream with a waffle cone (are you drooling yet? ), you are unlikely to be able to burn those calories for the rest of the day.

11. Have breakfast. The people I know hardly eat breakfast. Or they don't have breakfast at all. I myself can sometimes oversleep and not have breakfast before leaving home. But you definitely need to have breakfast! At the same time, it is very tight. Otherwise, in the evening you will have to replenish your diet in nutrients with a fairly heavy dinner, which, of course, is not recommended. Dinner must be given to the enemy.

12. Listen to music before bed. Researchers have found that 45 minutes of relaxing music before bed improves sleep quality by 35 percent.

13. Be confident. When you look good, you feel better. These tips will help you become more confident.

14. Get up early. According to Ayurveda, you need to get up when the sun rises and go to bed when the sun sets. I believe her. The only pity is that it is not always possible to adhere to this advice. It may still be possible to wake up with the sunrise, but going to bed with the sunset, especially in winter time, is unlikely to be possible. But if you go to bed before 23-00, this is already a definite success.

Follow the rules listed below - and you can get rid of 22 to 3 kilograms in two weeks. Perform only one installation, and you will already force your body to work in the right direction.

Speed ​​up metabolism
Double Your Cardio Workout

At the same time, you can change the types of exercises to minimize fatigue and increase efficiency: if today you did power walking or running, then tomorrow go to the pool (or at least change the types of cardio exercise, switch from one simulator to another).

Divide the workout into 2 stages

It is best to break your workout into two stages: cardio exercises in the morning, and strength exercises in the evening (or vice versa).

Proper nutrition
Protein three times a day

Aim to consume 100 to 150 grams (depending on the size of your fist) of lean protein, such as chicken, fish, or egg whites, at each meal.

Research has shown that people whose diet consisted of 30 percent protein consumed 441 fewer calories than people who ate only 15 percent protein.

Your weight in water

A common but very effective rule for those who want to be healthy and beautiful: drink at least 2 liters of water a day. Why? The process of burning calories slows down when your body is dehydrated.

Celery, spinach, tomatoes, lettuce, peaches, strawberries, melon

These foods are at least 90 percent water, so they will help boost metabolism and maintain required level water in the body (provided that you drink water regularly, of course). Other vegetables and fruits are also no exception. Even relatively dry bananas (76 percent water) contain more liquid than, say, whole wheat bread (35 percent) or almonds (7 percent).

Forget about it!

Alcohol is a toxin to your body, so the liver processes calories from alcohol first to rid the body of harmful substances. Result? Other calories you get from food will likely be stored as fat.

Milk and cheese

"I've seen a lot of women whose bodies are very sensitive to lactose, so they get very swollen from even a small amount of dairy," says Yumi Lee, a Los Angeles-based trainer whose clients include Julianna Margulies. and Pink. By limiting themselves to these foods for two weeks, they immediately see results." Don’t give up calcium altogether: take special supplements and get nutrients from foods like salmon and almonds.


Even eating whole grain wholemeal bread can help you gain weight, says Garcia. Sweet potatoes, brown or wild rice, and other grain breads can help you meet your carbohydrate needs.

The term biohacker was coined in Lately very widespread. It refers to independent amateur scientists conducting experiments in self-equipped home laboratories. It's not a problem for them to charge their players from a kitchen nuclear reactor or isolate DNA in their washing machine. Our review contains 10 ideas proposed by biohackers for human enhancement.

1. It all started in the style of "Big Brother"

The true potential of biohacking was first confirmed at the University of Reading by a professor named Kevin Warwick. Warwick and his colleagues from the department of cybernetics decided to build a computer that could interact with biological systems person. And they succeeded. In 1998, as part of Project Cyborg, Warwick implanted a chip in his arm that acted as a transmitter. This allowed the computer to constantly track Warwick's location, open doors for him, and turn lights on and off. Now Warwick is conducting experiments with rat brain cells and hopes that within a few years he will be able to turn the human brain into a biocomputer that can interact with any electronic device.

A biohacker can change cells at the genetic level, and sometimes the results exceed all expectations. JuicyPrint was able to create bacteria that produce cellulose depending on the availability sunlight. As the name suggests, JuicyPrint then uses the produced pulp as raw material in a 3-D printer. The potential applications for the technology are almost limitless. Doctors believe that this could be used to restore organs and grow new arteries and blood vessels.

Biohackers don't just change DNA or genetic material. They can also combine technology with biological material like Kevin Warwick. One of the first examples of such biohacking was the introduction of magnets into human hands. It is not surprising that this hobby still exists essentially “underground”, and it is usually done in piercing and body modification salons. According to people who have implanted magnets, the human body gradually adapts to foreign body and begins to perceive magnets as part of the body.

4. Echolocation

Implantation of machines or devices into the human body has also begun to be used to improve their lives. Rich Lee, 34, knew he was going blind. He was almost blind in his right eye, and his left eye was seeing worse and worse. In preparation for the moment he would go blind, Rich began learning to use echolocation. He did this by implanting magnets in the ears. Typically, similar magnets are used in headphones, but Lee is learning to interpret the sounds he hears. Eventually, Lee hopes to add an ultrasonic rangefinder to be able to "see" with the implants.

Humanity+ is non-profit organization, which aims to improve humanity through technology. The organization focuses on empowering people and “taking the next step in evolution.” This includes extending the human lifespan, as well as the development of smart prosthetics, cryonics and regenerative medicine. Humanity+ also preach the philosophical school of transhumanism - the idea that human race in its current guise it is something of an early prototype. Further development awaits man with the help of technology, implants and genetic engineering.

6. Goal: creating a posthuman

In the case of biohackers, a posthuman is final goal development of humanity. This is a being that is completely no longer human by today's standards. Therefore, we can say that transhumanism and the idea of ​​​​creating a transhuman are actually only half the way. Scientists assume that a person will completely change himself through genetic engineering, the introduction of nanotechnology, neural interfaces and computer implantation. This process should radically change our understanding of personality.

7. Political party

It might seem like the transhumanist movement is like a movie about people trying to become their favorite X-Men character. In fact, everything is much more serious. Transhumanists have formed a political party and are planning to run for president of the United States. The party platform is the development of science, technology and health. In Italy, the first candidate from the Transhumanist Party was elected to parliament in 2012.

Biohackers don't always cut their bodies with a scalpel and install implants. There is a rapidly growing phenomenon called "nootropics" - people taking a kind of brain doping that helps them concentrate better, think faster and work more efficiently. Not surprisingly, one of the centers of nootropic experimentation is located in Silicon Valley, and thanks to Reddit, crowdsourced nootropic experiments are now being conducted. Some people go to the extreme of taking cocktails of 40 different pills a day. For beginners, the most commonly recommended supplements are caffeine and L-theanine, which are found in coffee and tea.

The FBI fears that there is a high probability of failure in DNA experiments. In 2006, the FBI created the Weapons of Mass Destruction Directorate, which included a biological countermeasures division. The official activity of the unit is to prevent acts of bioterrorism and control over biohackers, of which there are an increasing number. Each of the FBI's 56 offices across the country has at least one person trained in biosecurity.

While many biohackers point out that organizations like the FBI are overreacting to potential dangers, others are trying to show how subdermal implants can be used for evil purposes. US Navy Petty Officer Seth Vale injected a chip into his arm that was originally intended to be used to monitor large cattle.

Vale demonstrated how such a chip could be equipped with a Near Field Communications (NFC) antenna that sends a signal to any nearby Android device. A prompt appears on the phone's screen to open the file, and if its owner presses "ok", then Valle gains full control over this phone using a computer. All this is still in its infancy, but the principle is clear.

Perhaps the scariest part is how to detect such biohacking. Vale was in the military when he had the chip implanted, and went through military scanners, airport security, and checkpoints every day. It has never been revealed that Vale is implanted with a device that can give him control over any Android phone.

To be fair, it should be said that among modern projects there are failures, such as