We sew a sofa cover with our own hands. Making a pattern for a sofa cover Do-it-yourself universal sofa cover

Furniture is the main component of the interior of a room. When choosing it, we are guided not only by the design, but also by the convenience of this item. However, holidays, children, and pets can ruin the furniture and make it ugly. At such moments, you seriously think about purchasing removable covers for an armchair or sofa. They can be changed and washed, they cost much less than a whole sofa. But often such cases cost exorbitant amounts of money in the store, while the cost of such assistants is several times less than the amount stated by the seller. That is why many housewives know how to sew a sofa cover with their own hands. We will be happy to reveal their secrets especially for you.

The sofa cover is very easy to sew. To complete it, you will need a minimum of sewing tools: a sewing machine, tape measure, thread and needle, safety pins, scissors, a piece of chalk or dry soap, and, of course, thick fabric. The fabric for sofa covers can be anything you like, but it must certainly be durable and sufficiently wear-resistant. In addition, it should be easy to wash, since you will often wash the covers.

So, once you have everything at hand necessary tools, you can start working. First we need to measure our sofa. We measure everything - seat, back, armrests. Important: measure the sofa components as if they were rectangular, without paying attention to their shape. After you measure everything, you need to write down the results on a piece of paper so you don’t forget. Also remember to add 8cm to your measurements for seams.

Next we move on to working with fabric. Before you start sewing, you need to wash and dry the fabric so that it does not shrink after the next wash. After this, spread the fabric on a flat surface and apply the resulting measurements to it. You should have 6 rectangles. Housewives advise starting cutting from the back of the sofa. After cutting the elements, they must be attached to the sofa, with a certain part to a certain part of the sofa. All parts are laid out on the wrong side. After you have laid out the elements of the future case, you need to fasten them with pins.

Important: before stitching on a machine, you must sweep all parts of the cover by hand. You can do this right on the couch. After basting, you can cut off unnecessary pieces of fabric from the future cover and sew the seams on a machine. At the same time, you should not forget about the allowances - approximately 2-2.5 cm.

The case is almost ready. We try it on the sofa, looking for unevenness and imperfections that can be corrected. After we have finalized the final version of the cover, we remove the basting, turn the cover right side out and put it back on the sofa to see if everything is in order. If the edges of the cover are visible from under it, they can be folded on the wrong side and sewn on a machine. All threads must be cut.

If you want to give your sofa a cozy and slightly romantic look, you can decorate the cover with ruffles along the bottom edge. You simply fold the same fabric into neat folds and sew them on the machine, not forgetting to make allowances and finish the edges of the product.

Some wise advice for beginners:

  1. Buy material in reserve. After taking measurements and choosing fabric for the future cover, take fabric with a margin of 1.5-2 meters. Even if you don't need it, you can make the same covers for sofa cushions.
  2. If you are a beginner, you should not buy expensive fabric. After all, if something doesn’t work out for you, it will be very annoying to throw away expensive material. Start with cotton fabrics, and if you succeed, you can move on to more expensive materials.
  3. Even if you have been sewing for a long time and consider yourself a professional, preliminary estimation is required.
  4. If you still make a mistake with the sizes, do not rush to take the case to the landfill. Using simple planks, you can adjust the cover to the size of the sofa, if, of course, you made it too large.
  5. Sewing a cover for a corner sofa is as easy as for a regular one. The only caveat is to correctly calculate the amount of fabric needed. It can be obtained in the following way: add the length and width of the sofa, and multiply the resulting amount by two. The resulting number will be the amount of fabric required for the corner sofa.

It remains to say that sewing covers for sofas is an easy, affordable and exciting activity. You'll get brand new sofas for a very, very low price. This will help refresh your interior and update the look of your furniture. Moreover, when your girlfriends find out that you yourself have created such a masterpiece, they will urgently want to learn how to do the same.

Options for making covers with patterns

Pattern of a universal sofa cover.

Pattern of a cover for a corner sofa.

A selection of video materials

The most interesting articles:

Today, self-made home accessories are becoming increasingly popular. Textiles look especially attractive in this design. It is not surprising that many craftswomen are wondering how to sew a cover for a sofa. This hand-made covering will bring individual chic and special, unique charm to the interior of the room, helping to define correct tone in space design.

Features of preparation for work

The advantage of self-made sofa covers is practicality. Such textiles protect furniture from:

  • pet claws;
  • dust;
  • crumbs;
  • mud;
  • drops of your favorite drinks;
  • markers, pens and pencils if there are children in the house.

You can order such textiles from professionals in the studio. However, a product created with your own hands will be especially attractive and stylish, for which you just need to put in a minimum of effort and use your own imagination. If you are afraid of sewing an accessory, you can use decor. Overhead bows, voluminous ribbons and stylish sofa cushions will help distract attention from the shortcomings and mistakes of the cover you created yourself. Decorative elements will make the model non-trivial and stylish, organically fitting it into the interior style.

Selection of material

When you decide to sew a universal sofa cover, you should take care of the selection of material in advance. Since the product will experience heavy loads in the seam area, it is recommended to choose strong threads, since they should not be allowed to diverge. It is better to use a double seam, which will make the model more durable and practical. However, you should not set the machine to a smaller pitch, as this often only ruins the fabric. A small step penetrates the material, makes it loose and does not allow it to withstand strong tension, which is especially important for products for a corner sofa.

Blue case

Many needlewomen believe that sewing a furniture cover yourself is an easy way to transform it. This statement is true to some extent, but you will first have to take into account a lot of nuances. First of all, you should think about what fabric it is best to create the product from. Since it is not always possible to create the first time perfect option, you should abandon the first experiments immediately from expensive material. The best way to start is to choose the fabric:

  • durable;
  • not expensive;
  • with a dense texture that cannot be left with puffs.

detailed instructions

An excellent solution would be calico or high-quality tapestry. If you don’t know how to sew a cover for a sofa, it’s best to follow the instructions. First you will have to calculate the material for the work. On ordinary furniture approximately 8 meters of fabric are required. However, for an accurate calculation you should:

  • measure the length of the furniture;
  • find out the width of the sofa;
  • fold 2 lengths and 2 widths.

So, if the width of the sofa is 180 cm and the length is 210 cm, then for sewing you need 7.8 meters of material, where its width is 150 cm.

However, it is worth considering that this is a rough estimate of the fabric, and to obtain more accurate, correct numbers, you need to make a careful calculation. Many needlewomen know that you can get specific numbers only after creating a pattern.

Subtleties of creating a template

Without special experience, creating it will be quite difficult. To do this you will need to thoroughly measure:

  • each site;
  • basic quantities;
  • all details.

Sofa with cover

Then the needlewoman must redraw them on paper, but in a smaller format. Then, taking into account the fabric pattern, the direction of the print and the grain line, it is necessary to create a layout. If you plan to use material with geometric pattern, striped fabric, it is worth considering that they significantly increase consumption, since they are cut strictly in a certain vector.

Covers for sofas without armrests

In this situation, it is necessary to add at least another 1 meter to the obtained calculations. Even if all the fabric is not useful, it can be used in the future to replace problematic, most worn areas. This is especially important for models without armrests. It’s worse if there is not enough material. However, in such a situation, you can use a trick and use a different material for the back of the backrest.

Stages of work

  1. The first stage involves taking measurements from each part of the sofa.
  2. Next, you will need to transfer all the obtained measurements onto graph paper, which is created to scale. In this case, it is necessary to remember the direction of the cut, which is professionally called the share line.
  3. The next step is to transfer all the parameters to the material, while markings must be made on the reverse side using chalk. At this stage it is extremely important to take into account allowances for hems and seams.

Cape pattern

It is also worth remembering that each sofa is a unique case. That is why there are hardly any patterns that are ideal for every model. To create a template, it is recommended to use carbon paper or ordinary newspapers. You can paste them over all parts of the furniture using tape. This pattern can be adjusted directly on the spot using scissors. Then all the parts are assembled and fixed with a stapler or tape, and the missing fragments can be built up.

If you need to create a universal case, then it is optimal to sew an accessory with an elastic band. The pattern is made from the parts of the seat and back, cutting out a couple of rectangles with parameters 40 by 30 cm from the patterned lunges. Next, points ABC and A1B1C1 are fixed, as well as the vectors where the elastic bands will be sewn. On the back you need to sew darts from the wrong side, the width of which is 10 cm and the depth is 15 cm. Then you need to move 18 cm away from line AA1: the elastic band is fixed there. Then you need to sew 4 more elastic bands with the same interval.

Then, along the lower edge, rectangular sections with parameters of 40 by 30 cm are fixed. Then the bottom is hemmed by 1 cm. The fabric is turned inside out, after which all seams are sewn. How much does it cost to create such an accessory? Inexpensive, especially when compared with ready-made sofa covers.

Learn how to sew a chair cover and update your interior

No matter how well the upholstery of upholstered furniture is preserved, over the years the same pattern becomes boring. Reupholstery is expensive, and we are starting to think about how to sew a cover for the chair in order to somehow update the interior. In fact, a properly made cape from good fabric works wonders. The room becomes completely different, especially if the material contrasts with the previous upholstery in quality and texture.

Learning to sew a chair cover

  • First, look around the room and think about what fabric to choose for the cape. Women know very well how a branded bag can change their wardrobe - they have to urgently match everything else to it. The same thing happens with the housing situation. Cases made of genuine leather will require expensive parquet And suspended ceilings, and colorful chintz in a classic interior will look like a poor relative.
  • Choose a fabric that is durable and wrinkle-resistant, because the cape will be subject to considerable stress every day. In addition, it is easier to grind thick material; it does not wrinkle so much. It is better not to take fabric with large flowers, checks, or prints, especially for novice needlewomen. You may simply not be able to adjust the pattern, and the covers will look ridiculous.
  • As for the cut. An inexperienced seamstress must first cut and sew a chair cover with her own hands from an old sheet. Don't waste your time on this. Firstly, you will gain experience and understanding of various difficult moments in work, and secondly, you will not have to sprinkle ashes on your head because of damaged expensive fabric.

Measuring the chair and calculating the required footage of fabric

The configuration of furniture today is very different, so capes are actually sewn on the chair itself. Let's take a model with frills. First, let's decide where the seams of our cover will go. The easiest way is to make them where the seams of the upholstery itself are laid, then the cape will repeat the silhouette of the chair with greater accuracy. If you are planning to sew covers of a radically new style, mark the seams directly on the upholstery ( better with soap). We immediately take into account inserts for thickness, bends, and contour alignment.

We measure all the parts of the chair (back, seat, armrests, border, pillow, if there is one) and write down the resulting numbers. The length of the fabric for lush frills is calculated as follows: the perimeter of the chair must be multiplied by two. In order not to get confused in the names, we write the part number, its width, length, depth.

Measuring chair parts

When calculating the footage, it is necessary to take into account darts and tucks, without which there is no tight fit, as well as hems, folds, and frills.

For each pattern element, in addition to seam allowances, we add about 20 cm for overlaps and adjusting the cover. We measure parts of non-standard shape by placing thin strong paper on them and crimping it on all sides. You can additionally outline the folds with a pencil.

We cut the resulting tracing paper along the lines and put it back in place. Do not achieve perfect alignment, we need an approximate pattern to make a general pattern for the part. We will customize it locally. After measurements, we draw patterns for all elements of the chair on graph paper and calculate the final fabric consumption.

Now we prepare everything you need to sew a chair cover with your own hands:

  • A piece of inexpensive fabric for a rough cover (chintz, muslin or, as we already said, an unnecessary sheet).
  • Thick, beautiful fabric for the cover.
  • Lightning.
  • Centimeter, ruler, scissors.
  • Pencil, chalk or sharpened piece of soap for markings on the material.
  • Pins with an eye for chopping fabric, needles, threads, cord for piping.
  • Furniture clips for attaching the cover to the chair.
  • Sewing machine.

Cutting fabric

We lay out the paper patterns on the fabric in the most in the best possible way so that there is as little material waste as possible. We chop off the paper with the material and trace the patterns with chalk. If the stock for allowances has not yet been added, add it now. Cut out the details. All cut out patterns are ironed from top to bottom along the longitudinal thread.

Cutting and joining parts of the backrest and armrests

  • We fold the cut out part of the outer part of the back in half, marking the middle along the longitudinal thread. Unfold it, place the pattern on the back of the chair and pin it in place. When cutting out a chair cover with your own hands, be sure to mark the lines of future seams with a pencil. We repeat all the steps with the pattern for the inside of the back.
  • We combine and cut both patterns along the top of the chair. We bend the extra fabric at the upper corners and on the inner pattern, forming neat darts. We pin them together, stretching the fabric moderately. Cut off the excess, leaving 5 cm on each side.
  • We cut out the inner pattern where the backrest meets the armrests, leaving small allowances (2-3 cm). We tuck them into the gap between the back and armrests. Draw a seam line at the junction of the backrest and the seat.

Pattern for the back of the chair

  • For each armrest we cut out two patterns - outer and inner. We pin the outer part of the armrest to the outside, after first folding the fabric in half and marking the central longitudinal thread with a pencil. The lower edges of the fabric should overlap the intended seam of the frill by 1.3 cm. We cut the outer back and armrest patterns with the edges outward. Draw seam lines.
  • The inner part is connected to the outer part at the place of the outer seam laid with a pencil. The inner pattern should have a good margin on all sides (18-23 cm). One of its sides extends 18 cm onto the inside of the back, the other – onto the front of the armrest. Place the lower edge of the workpiece on the seat.
  • We chop off the outer and inner parts of the armrest in front, laying folds diverging from one point.

    This is one way to carefully make chair covers with your own hands; below we will look at the second.

  • We put tucks on the outer part of the armrest, below, under the curve. All excess fabric will go there. We draw seams at the beginning and end of the pintuck line, mark them on the outside of the back and on the inside pattern of the armrest. On the inside of the chair we mark the joints with lines. We repeat all operations for the second armrest.

    Pattern for the armrest (first option - with folds)

    Option No. 2 – for wide armrests

    The voluminous front part of the armrest does not always look good with the radiating folds mentioned earlier. Then we cut out a special insert for it.

    Covers for sofas, armchairs, chairs.

    We pin the inner armrest pattern in place, mark the seam on the front part and cut the fabric along it, leaving a 2 cm allowance.

    We cut out the insert and pin it around the perimeter of the front part. Draw a seam line. We chop off the insert, the inner and outer patterns of the armrests with the edges facing out.

    Pattern for the armrest (the second option is for wide armrests)

    Cutting out the seat parts

    We place the seat pattern with a margin of 23 cm in place so that its bottom is on the line where the frill begins. We combine the parts of the back, armrests and seat. We mark the places of internal connections of the chair with bold dots or in another way that is understandable to you. We cut the excess fabric, fold the darts at the front corners of the seat and pin them. DIY chair covers are already taking on a certain look.

    We chop off the seat piece with the outer armrest pattern and mark the seam line that will connect them. We tuck 1.3 cm of fabric into the gaps between the back and the armrest. We draw seam lines along these places.

    Seat pattern

    Cut out the frills of the cover

    We cut out the hem of the cover. It consists of two parts - a smooth top and a gathered bottom. They, in turn, consist of four equal parts, one on each side of the chair. We measure the bottom of the chair along the perimeter and multiply by two - this is the width of the lower gathered part. The length of the frills should reach the floor. We pin the four upper parts around the perimeter of the chair, and the four lower parts to them, immediately and evenly placing the frills. We hide all marked seams in folds.

    Pattern for frill

    Sewing a chair cover

    We write all the details on the front side (for example, PNP - right outer armrest, NS - outer back, etc.), mark the top of the patterns. Folds, darts, tucks, and points of intersecting seams should be clearly marked. The cut-out patterns give a complete idea of ​​how to make a chair cover. All that remains is to sweep the test cape by hand, using large stitches. Sewing order:

    • First, we sew all the tucks, darts, and frills.
    • Next we sweep away the elements of the armrests. All work is done from the wrong side. We turn the parts inside out, having previously made small cuts in the corners.
    • Sew the seat to the armrests.
    • Sew the far edge of the seat with bottom inner back, baste the outer side of the back to the cover.
    • We sew together 4 hem parts, first the upper part, then the lower, evenly laying the gathers.
    • We sew the upper part of the hem to the cover, and the lower part to the upper part. The zipper will be located in the side seam.
    • Turn the cover right side out. If there are sag, unevenness, or wrinkles, we rip out these places, level them, and sweep them away again.
    • We put the cover on the chair, again adjust it to the place, achieving the ideal contour.

    Sewing a chair cover

    We check that all the parts are marked and cut the test product into patterns. Now you can take expensive fabric and cut it according to ready-made patterns. The sewn cover will fit on the chair like a glove. And you did all this with your own hands.

  • Petar Petrov

    Cats make wonderful pets. At the same time, they have their own character, they may want to play or cuddle when you are sleeping or watching TV, they can purr for no obvious reason to a person, they can do a lot of things, guided by some of their own motives. In addition, cats love to scratch various surfaces. Unfortunately, your favorite scratching surface may be the legs of your favorite antique table, the upholstery of a sofa, or an expensive rug. How to protect furniture from cats?

    Although people usually don't like cats scratching furniture, you need to understand that cats don't scratch to make you angry, but simply because they need to. Scratching is as much a part of a cat's natural behavior as purring. To successfully control it, every cat owner should know why cats scratch furniture and other objects.

    IN wildlife, cats leave scratches on their territory to signal their presence and claim their rights to it. The scratches left behind contain two types of information - visual and olfactory. Visual information is presented in the form of claw marks, it is so obvious that even a person notices it. Olfactory marks are much less clear to people; they are left with the help of special pheromones, the smell of most of which is not recognized by humans at all. Pheromones are contained in a substance produced by the cat’s body, their smell is clear to other representatives of the cat species, it serves as a signal, depending on which cats change their behavior.

    Scratching allows the cat to achieve some other goals. The dead outer layer, which is often found around the house, is removed from the claws - this preserves the shape of the claw. Although scratching does sharpen the claws, scratching is primarily a form of physical therapy that allows the cat to keep its paw muscles and ligaments in good shape.

    Cats select two groups of “targets” for scratching. The first group includes one or two areas in the house, usually near strategic places such as a dog bed, litter box, or playground. The second group of objects on which a cat leaves more destructive scratches includes the most visible surfaces - doorways, windows and furniture that is in plain sight, such as sofas.

    What to do to protect furniture from cats.

    1. Make sure your cat has plenty of suitable scratching surfaces. Cats often scratch around areas where they eat and sleep, so appropriate items should be placed there. Buying a scratching post is a great investment for your cat. The cat will be able to sharpen its claws and stretch at the same time. If you want to provide your cat with not only a place to scratch, but also a place for her to climb and sleep, you might consider a cat tree (a tall post with platforms at different levels and possibly a house).

    How to sew covers for sofa armrests?

    Cover the furniture with something that cats don't like: double-sided tape, some plastic films or aluminum foil. Many cats don't like the feel and sound of foil, most cats hate things that stick to their fur. Double-sided tape works well to secure carpets, you just need to make sure that it does not harm the furniture itself.

    3. If a cat is bored or stressed, the cat may scratch furniture or tear curtains. Give her as many opportunities for physical activity as possible, and she will be less inclined to engage in destructive activities. The cat should have enough time to play (and it wouldn’t hurt for you to relax a little). Cats react to certain smells, sounds, movements, they like surfaces of a certain texture, so cat toys should match the animal’s inclinations. To find out your cat's preferences, offer her several toys of different sizes and from different materials - based on her reaction, you can choose several optimal options.

    4. Place where possible cans with several coins inside in such a way that when you try to scratch the bank, it falls with noise and clanging - cats don’t like this.

    5. Use inexpensive alarm devices on curtains that hang on door handles. An alarm will sound every time your cat tries to use the curtains as a ladder.

    6. Create a place in front of the window for your furry friend. This will provide the cat with many hours of entertainment - especially if the windows overlook trees that birds have chosen. Make sure the window closes well to prevent your pet from falling out.

    7. If you catch a cat scratching the furniture, loudly shout “no!” and/or spray it with a water pistol or a stream from plastic bottle. Cats understand perfectly what you want to achieve and immediately stop damaging your property. Of course, this won't stop the cat when you're not around.

    8. Adjust the furniture arrangement. If your cat jumps onto the cabinet from the back of the chair, move the chair further away. Having lost its starting point, the cat will stop jumping where it shouldn’t.

    9. You can attach balloons to problem areas with tape. After the cat has “exploded” them with its claws a couple of times, it will avoid scratching the furniture in these places. Use this method of training only when you are at home in order to remove the burst balloon in time - the cat may try to eat it.

    10. There are special devices that protect furniture from cats - they produce different sounds. Such devices can be purchased at pet stores or ordered online.

    11. If your cat continues to scratch the furniture, apply a bitter apple-scented spray to the appropriate areas or place it there. orange peels. Such odors protect furniture well, as cats really don’t like them.

    12. If all else fails, you can accustom your cat to regular nail trimming - this will minimize the damage from scratching. To get your kitten used to having its nails trimmed, praise it and reward it with treats.

    In the process of protecting furniture from cats, any form of physical punishment should be excluded, as it can cause fear or aggression towards the owner. IN best case scenario, the cat will learn to stop tearing furniture only while the owner is nearby.

    No matter what method you choose to protect your furniture, every cat owner should know that it is wrong and unfair to expect a cat to completely stop scratching some furniture.

    Upholstery of sofa and armchair armrests.

    Repair and sofa armrest upholstery included in my list of services. Thousands of products have passed through my hands, and I can say with confidence, “Each armrest is unique in its own way.” This is not surprising; every decade has made its own adjustments to form, design, and functionality. Not only shapes but also sizes changed, the only thing that remained unchanged was general principles. Significant revolutionary changes have not occurred here, and are unlikely to be expected.

    The photo above shows a sofa and an armchair with what I believe is a simple armrest. There are no tailoring jobs here. The armrest elements (top, side, and front bar) are upholstered in a single piece of fabric. The top in the front part is assembled with decorative folds. In this case, the armrest on the sofa is removable, this simplifies the task of repair and reupholstery.

    Chair armrest upholstery no different from the upholstery on the sofa. As a rule, they try to make a sofa and an armchair in the same design and they are almost the same externally and internally. The armrests on the chair are bolted to the seat and back.

    How to sew a cover for a home sofa with your own hands: step-by-step instructions

    It becomes necessary to remove the back wall of the chair, which naturally increases the work time.

    Here is another representative with removable armrests (blue sofa on top). The male-female connector allows you to easily remove it and begin disassembling and repairing or re-tying. In another corner (nearby), the armrest and backrest are made of one product, and armrest reupholstery or repair is already reduced to complete disassembly of the product into elements.

    Above in the picture on the left is a sofa where the top of the armrest is sewn as one piece with the back and seat. A back wall with the sides of the armrest. In this case, in order to reupholster the armrest, you need to completely remove all the fabric from the sofa and alter it. There are simply no other ways.

    Armrests with an adjustable angle of inclination, as a rule, are also sewn together in one cover with both the seat and the back.

    It happens, as we saw above, that everything is sewn together with one cover. In this case, too, everything is removed, sewn, and only then everything is reupholstered. Here, as in the previous case, it is better to update the entire fabric.

    The format of the article does not allow me to post and give all the examples, so I’ll finish with another view of the sides of the sofa with applied decorative strips. Here the top of the armrest is sewn together with the back as a single whole. To disassemble it, you also need to remove the fabric that is upholstered on the back and sides of the sofa, then just remove the cover from the back and sides.

    I wrote all this with one purpose, to try to show the variety of armrests. And also help when choosing furniture. If you keep pets, it is better and more practical to buy modular furniture with removable sides. In this case, reupholstering the armrests will cost much less than reupholstering the entire sofa or armchairs.

    It is quite difficult to keep the beautiful upholstery of upholstered furniture in its original form, especially if there are animals or small children in the house. Therefore, it is much easier to protect sofas and armchairs from stubborn stains and traces of cat or dog claws with the help of elegant covers. But before making a cover for the sofa, you need to carefully select the fabric and calculate its footage.

    How to choose fabric for covers

    In order not to complicate the work of sewing a sofa cover, it is recommended to stop medium density, not stretchy or satiny. It should be remembered that a household sewing machine may simply not be able to cope with very dense material, so it is best to choose durable, beautiful fabrics that are resistant to fading, numerous washes and do not form puffs.

    If you do not have enough experience in cutting and sewing large items, then fabrics with small patterns that do not require adjustment and cutting in a certain direction, like striped or checkered material, are best suited for sewing covers.

    Fabric yardage calculation

    Before sewing a cover for a sofa, determine the amount of fabric needed. To do this, carefully measure all parts, regardless of their shape. Even if the sofa has rounded arms and smooth outlines, each detail is represented as a rectangle, ignoring all bends.

    For oversized furniture, it is allowed to cut out a single piece for the seat and backrest; cutting fabric for long and wide sofas requires the creation of separate parts, which are subsequently combined at the seam. When cutting, it is necessary to take into account allowances for joints: each part requires adding an additional 6-7 cm.

    After purchase, the fabric is washed, dried and ironed using hot steam - this measure will avoid shrinkage of the finished product during subsequent washes.

    Sewing a sofa cover

    The fabric is placed on a flat surface, the required number of rectangular parts are cut out, after which it is fixed on the sofa with the help of tailor's pins with the wrong side out. All rectangles are connected to each other with a running seam, repeating the curves of the furniture.

    After carefully adjusting the future cover to the shape and dimensions of the sofa, all the parts are sewn together on a sewing machine, departing 1.5 cm from the basting line. Excess fabric is carefully trimmed, the edges of the seams are processed with a zigzag or using an overlocker.

    The cover is turned right side out, tried on the sofa, and the places that need correction are marked with pins or running stitches. After eliminating all the shortcomings, the product is tried on again, after which they begin to process the edges. The same technology is used to sew a cover for a corner sofa.

    If the work used a combined part of the back and seat, then in order to ensure that the middle part of the cover does not move out of place during children's games, it is recommended to sew a strong tape at the junction of both parts, which can be fixed with a knot on the back side of the sofa, threading it between the back and armrests.

    The finished sofa cover, sewn, is decorated with decorative elements made from leftover fabric. If there is a lot of material left, then you can sew from it beautiful pillows, giving the interior a unified style.

    Any housewife dreams of protecting her upholstered furniture from negative impact various factors influence it. The desire not only to extend the life of your favorite sofa, but also to ensure cleanliness, cannot be realized without the use of covers. There are two options for solving this issue: you can either buy capes or make them yourself. Having studied the information on how to sew a sofa cover with your own hands: step-by-step instructions, even a person with no needlework experience will be able to carry out this creative work. A beautiful sofa cover can change the design of a room, decorating the interior and highlighting its individual details.

    When discussing the purpose of covers for upholstered furniture, it is appropriate to recall the expression that a problem is easier to prevent than to solve. Sofas and armchairs are an important and expensive part home comfort. Their main disadvantage is the rapid wear of upholstery fabric and vulnerability to persistent marks from food, drinks, animal hair and cat claws.

    After renovations have been carried out in the house, expensive furniture may not fit into the new interior or just get bored. Do-it-yourself sofa covers can solve all the above problems. It is fair to say that such coatings:

    • protect factory upholstery from dirt;
    • are a decorative element;
    • help to fit old upholstered furniture into a new interior;
    • allow the owners of the sofa to change its appearance, for example, depending on the time of year.

    There are a number of arguments in favor of making cases with your own hands:

    1. Saving money.
    2. Possibility of individual measurements and tailoring.
    3. Availability of a wide selection of fabrics, textures and decor.
    4. The ability to frequently update the upholstery to suit the new interior.
    5. No fear of damage to the factory cover by children and animals.

    Despite the fact that modern upholstery fabrics have become more durable and varied, they still have a certain wear resistance limit.

    Protection against stains and fur

    Stylish decor

    Choosing the right shape and design

    Before you start sewing covers, you should consider that the furniture may have different shape: rectangular, corner, shells. Sofa coverings must clearly correspond not only to the shape of the sofa, but also to its size.

    All cases have their own functional varieties, depending on the purpose of their use. Let's look at the main options:

    1. Eurocase. It is sewn from a special textile material that can take any sofa shape. This fabric consists of special fibers with excellent elasticity. These capes are very practical. When sewing them, you do not need to take careful measurements of the sofa. They are perfect for corner models of any configuration.
    2. Covers with elastic are easily pulled onto the sofa and secured thanks to the sewn-in elastic. This covering is easy to make yourself, even without a pattern.
    3. Universal simple covers are made of elastic material. They are easy to make with your own hands. These sofa decks consist of two layers of special stretch textiles.
    4. Covers with a “skirt” at the bottom are frills located at the bottom of the product. When sewing, frills can also be made on the armrests. They are best suited for interior design in Provence and country style.



    As for the design of the sofa deck, it should match the overall style of the room:

    1. Bedspreads of complex shapes are suitable for avant-garde interiors. They are made of material with rich decorative filling: drawings, prints, inscriptions, three-dimensional elements.
    2. Products in english style are able to completely cover the furniture, accurately conveying all its contours. They require special sewing precision. Often used in a duet with various types of fastenings. They have a laconic appearance.
    3. For country style, simple covers made from natural fabrics in their natural colors are suitable.
    4. Sofa decks for loft interiors are made in an urban style. They are simple and have a minimum of details. These covers are easy to care for. Non-marking fabrics are used.
    5. Bedspreads for a high-tech style sofa have a laconic design. Usually these are plain blankets in neutral colors.

    In English style

    Case latches made with your own hands come in different varieties. Buttons are especially suitable for decorated rooms natural wood, when using plant ornaments. Velcro is suitable for covers in a nursery. The zipper is easy to use and is ideal for covering upholstered furniture in the office and living room. Ties look especially good in classic interiors.

    Materials for production

    Any sewing job begins with choosing fabric. When deciding what to make a sofa cover from, you should understand that its main function is to protect the upholstery from dust and dirt. For sewing use:

    1. Velor is a fabric that is soft and pleasant to the touch. It can be perfectly smooth, decorated with embossing or embroidery. Does not cause allergies and does not activate static voltage. Not afraid of the washing machine.
    2. Flock is a delicate and soft material. Contains polyester and cotton. It has high wear resistance and resistance to discoloration. Not afraid of direct sunlight and animal claws. It is waterproof.
    3. Microfiber is an excellent substitute for suede. This synthetic material originally from Japan. It has high strength. Does not cause allergies, easy to clean.
    4. Cotton is a natural “breathable” material. Ideal for children as it is hypoallergenic. Easy to maintain and clean. Does not accumulate static voltage. Disadvantages: wrinkles a lot, wears out quickly.
    5. Chenille - has a soft plush texture, but at the same time, durable and wear-resistant. Does not require complex care and is not afraid of the washing machine.
    6. Jacquard - produced using high-tech equipment. Differs in density and resistance to mechanical stress. Beautiful in appearance, ideal for living rooms and expensive interiors in classic, baroque, and empire styles. Not afraid of washing machine and dry cleaning.


    Requirements for fabrics for sofa covers:

    1. Practicality.
    2. Hypoallergenic.
    3. No static electricity.
    4. A combination of softness and strength.
    5. Increased wear resistance.
    6. Availability of special water-repellent impregnation.

    When choosing a material for sewing sofa covers yourself, you should take into account two important factors:

    1. Age of persons using the sofa.
    2. The purpose of the room where the furniture is located.

    Purpose of the room

    Case material

    Children's and playrooms Environmentally friendly and pleasant materials are needed. Such fabrics should be easy to clean. Velor, chenille, microfiber, cotton are suitable.
    Living room Materials must be practical to use, resistant to external influences and easy to maintain. Optimal options: leather, eco-leather, jacquard, velor, microfiber.
    Bedroom Suitable fabrics are damage-resistant, non-fading and environmentally friendly. For example, flock, velor, chenille, microfiber.

    For children's

    For the living room

    For the bedroom

    How to determine size

    To sew a cover, you need to take proper measurements of the upholstered furniture in order to understand how many parts the pattern of the future sofa cover will include, and what shape of the cover should be sewn.

    There is the easiest way to sew a sofa cover with your own hands - this is to use an old cape, if it has been preserved. It is ripped into its component elements, and then the resulting parts are transferred to the surface of the new fabric.

    The volume of material needed to sew a cover can be easily calculated using the following diagram: you need to take two lengths and add two widths of the sofa to it.

    Table of the main parts of the sofa that require measurements when making the cover:

    Determining the size

    Step-by-step sewing instructions

    Let's look at how you can sew a sofa cover with your own hands in step-by-step instructions. There are three manufacturing options:

    1. No pattern.
    2. We will reveal it locally.
    3. According to the pattern.

    Preparation method

    Model features

    Without pattern An elasticated cover for a sofa can be made without a pattern. This will require a large amount of fabric, based on the following: the width is equal to five widths of the seat, and the length of the fabric is 3 times the length of the sofa.
    Cut according to location Sewing such a cover is simple and very profitable. He doesn't require high flow rate fabric and leaves little waste after work (about 20%). Suitable for standard shaped furniture only. This cutting option is used to sew a cover for a sofa without armrests (non-folding or folding book with mechanisms, accordion).
    According to the pattern It has undeniable advantages. The fabric area is fully utilized, the cover fits perfectly on the sofa, and is not only original, but also a unique product.

    It is not recommended to start sewing a cover with furniture of a complex configuration, with a large number of rounded lines: it is much more reasonable to make a pattern for a straight sofa. Practice on the material that is available in abundance (for example, use old curtains).

    Materials and tools

    To sew a sofa deck, you need to prepare the following set of tools:

    1. Scissors. They must be sharp so that when cutting the fabric, creases do not form.
    2. Set of sewing needles. With their help, you can fix the details of a paper pattern on the fabric of the future cover. The more needles, the more comfortable the process of cutting out product elements.
    3. Sewing machine. In addition to the stationary one, it is also convenient to have a manual machine to work in weight.
    4. Yardstick. Needed to take measurements of the sofa.
    5. A simple pencil. Required for paper marking.
    6. Piece of chalk. Needed for marking the surface of the fabric.

    All of the above tools, with the exception of a sewing machine, are usually available in any home.


    Pattern of parts

    To sew your own sofa covers, you need to make patterns. If the sofa has a simple rectangular shape or a corner model with a wall and back of a standard rectangular shape, then making it will not be difficult.

    A pattern for sewing a sofa cover with your own hands requires accurate measurements of each detail. Measurements must be placed on graph paper, taking into account the direction of the split line. Then you should transfer the calculations performed to the material using chalk.

    The markings must be applied to the wrong side of the fabric, taking into account seam allowances.

    To make a pattern, you can use ordinary newspaper sheets. Carbon paper will also work. It is used to cover all the components of the sofa, outline their shape, and cut out the parts using scissors. They are all then assembled using tape. The resulting pattern is corrected right on the spot: the cuts are connected with tape, and the missing gaps are increased with new paper inserts.

    After everything has been checked and joined, you should proceed to the stage of cutting on the material:

    1. The fabric must be ironed. Cotton and wool materials should be washed in warm water to allow them to shrink and ready product has not decreased in size.
    2. Then the fabric should be folded with the right side inward. Pin the drawings using safety pins.
    3. Use chalk to outline the contours of the paper. Stepping back about 2 cm, draw a second line.
    4. Cut out the parts along the contour of the second line.

    The result is cut parts, and the sewing phase can begin.

    Pattern for a sofa cover

    On a straight sofa


    The made pattern and step-by-step instructions for sewing a sofa cover require adherence to clear instructions. Sewing must begin with the basting stage. Sewing includes eight main steps:

    1. Sew the resulting parts together using a running stitch.
    2. Try on furniture.
    3. Check that the parameters of the cover match the dimensions of the sofa.
    4. Sew the parts using a sewing machine.
    5. Finish the internal seams with an overlocker.
    6. Cut and sew the lining (if needed), and then sew it to the finished cover.
    7. Treat the fastener areas and edges of the product.
    8. If desired, decorate the case with decor.

    The final stitching of all the parts of the cover will take about an hour. The main difficulty is that all the elements are massive and difficult to move under the needle.

    Sewing a cover for a corner sofa with your own hands is not an easy task. There are two main manufacturing options:

    1. If a corner section is attached, then you need to sew 5 covers: for the main section, an extension, for the back and two armrests.
    2. If the corner section is insertable (or the sofa has a solid structure), then a simple pattern of a cover for a corner sofa is made separately for the “wings” and the corner of the furniture. Then all the parts are sewn together from the wrong side.

    A cover for a corner sofa has a peculiarity: it always needs to be sewn in parts.

    When stitching parts, it would be wise to use pleated fabric to disguise the joint (but only professionals can do this). It is much easier to choose the color of the material for the cover so that the seam is visually lost.

    There is a little trick: you can make the seam between the parts much more hidden if you make it taking into account the fit of the fabric. And if the cape is made of coarse fabric (for example, canvas), then all seams can be made to fit.

    Sew with running stitch

    Trying it on furniture

    Sew down the details

    We process the seams

    Decoration options

    To decorate a new sofa cover you can use:

    • bows;
    • ribbons;
    • laces;
    • decorative edging;
    • patch;
    • applique.

    Such decorations give the stitched cover even more attractiveness and individuality. In addition to purely aesthetic problems, decor also solves camouflage problems, distracting from mistakes made when sewing a cover.

    Despite the fact that today in specialized retail chains it is easy to purchase absolutely any decorative elements, starting from complex bows and ending with gold monograms, when sewing a product yourself, it is reasonable to also make decorations for it yourself.

    When decorating furniture, you need to take into account which room the sofa will be in and who will use it:

    1. If this is furniture for a children's room, then you should not decorate the covering with small and hard parts.
    2. If the sofa is for the dining room, then there may be no decor at all.
    3. If this is furniture for the living room, then there are no restrictions for decoration: everything depends only on desire and interior needs.

    A wonderful and practical decoration for a sofa deck are decorative pillows. If you sew covers on them from the same fabric, but in a different color, the result will be laconic and especially effective. A thematic trio made in the same style will look incredibly aesthetically pleasing: a sofa cover, decorative pillows and curtains.

    Handmade covers for upholstered furniture come in different varieties. It is necessary to proceed from the target needs of users of furniture, interior design and taste preferences in color and decor. Before you begin the sewing process, you should choose a fabric and acquire all the necessary tools. A self-made sofa deck is unique and can rightfully be considered the pride of the owners.

    With bows

    With contrast edging

    With laces

    Patchwork style applications

    With ruffles and flounces

    If there are small children or pets in the house, then the owner of the living room - the sofa - will require additional protection. The best way To provide it is to purchase a bedspread or cover for the sofa. If you have experience in sewing or a great desire to try to make something with your own hands, then why not sew a case yourself? Such a product will be able to add a unique decoration to the interior of the living room, and will also provide the room with an atmosphere of home comfort. In this article we will tell you how to sew a bedspread on a corner sofa with your own hands.

    Do you need a blanket?

    The main reason for using a bedspread is to protect the upholstery of the sofa. After all, even if it is made of fabric that is stain-resistant and easy to clean, stains from markers planted by children and pet hair cannot be avoided.

    The bedspread is usually made of fabric that has a high level of density, good wear resistance and flexibility in washing. This material can protect upholstery fabric from stains, traces of spilled drinks, children's art, animal claws, stuck candy and chewing gum, and much more.

    Additionally, if your sofa's upholstery is made of leather or faux leather, while it may look luxurious, it may feel cold to the touch. In the summer this is only beneficial, but on cold winter or damp autumn evenings, when frost runs through the skin even from the mere thought of a walk, such upholstery can create a feeling of discomfort. To prevent it from appearing, “winter clothes” made of a warm, fleecy blanket are put on the sofa.

    We all have a desire for a change of scenery at some point. Old furniture It’s no longer pleasing to the eye and I want something new. A beautiful case will save this situation. You can make several of them and change them depending on your mood or the seasons. But it’s worth remembering if you use the sofa every day as sleeping place, then constantly taking off and putting on the cover will be simply tedious. In this case, it is better to use a blanket.

    If your sofa has a modular design and you like to rearrange it sometimes, then the cover should be different sizes and is put on each component part.

    How to sew a cover for a corner sofa

    Due to the rather large dimensions of the sofa, it is recommended to sew the cover in separate parts. To work you will need:

    • fabric (choose one that is easy to care for and durable);
    • threads matching the color of the main material;
    • sewing machine;
    • pins;
    • pattern paper
    • chalk, pencil or piece of soap;
    • scissors.

    First, we take measurements of each part of the sofa. We transfer everything that we measured onto the pattern paper, leaving two to three centimeters for the seams. Cut out the pattern and trace it onto the fabric. Use a sewing machine to sew the cut parts together. Now all that remains is to iron the cover and try it on the sofa. If you didn’t succeed the first time, then try to change the cover again and you will certainly succeed.

    How to sew a bedspread for a corner sofa

    To begin with, we would like to recommend trying your hand at sewing a test bedspread from an old sheet or making a small blanket for an armchair or children's sofa. This will help you understand the whole process and not repeat the mistakes you made next time. Also, using unnecessary fabric for a trial version will prevent you from ruining the new one.

    Let's start taking measurements. This process is of great importance, because if you make a mistake, the end result will look ridiculous and you are unlikely to like it. Start by measuring the length of the entire sofa, then the corner section. Finally, measure the width of the seat. Remember, if the corner and main parts of the seat are different widths, be sure to take this into account in your measurements. Now you need to add three to five centimeters, which will go towards allowances.

    If you want to make a bedspread with a frill, you should measure the distance from the seat to the floor. Don't make the frill too long. Up to six centimeters from the floor will be enough. Otherwise it will quickly become dirty. Next, let's move on to creating a pattern.

    Material selection

    Not every type of fabric will be suitable as a bedspread. The material must be dense and resistant to wear, because it will have to be washed quite often. It should also be easy to care for. Contaminants should not be absorbed. But at the same time, the material must have an attractive appearance and be pleasant to the touch.

    • faux fur - can decorate various types of interiors, especially ethnic and modern, this material is easy to wash and quick to dry, the bedspread is made of faux fur will warm you well and add a cozy atmosphere;

    • tapestry - a beautiful fabric, often decorated with decorative patterns, is particularly strong and durable, wear-resistant and dense material;

    • velvet - has a very attractive, expensive appearance, the fabric is soft and pleasant to the touch, but is not very wear-resistant;

    • microfiber is a synthetic material. which has a high level of hygroscopicity, provides good protection from various stains, good and easy to wash, but can cause an allergic reaction and should not be dried near heating appliances;

    • velor - looks like velvet, but differs from it in greater wear resistance, looks beautiful as a bedspread, has a warming effect, and is a fairly durable material;

    • plush - this type of fabric is often used for making blankets; it is warm and pleasant to the touch, easy to care for and dry quickly.

    We cut and sew

    Let's start by cutting out the top part of the material. Don't forget to allow allowances of three to five centimeters. It is better to let them be larger than smaller, because cutting off excess material is not a problem, but if there is not enough of it, this will create obstacles. The same allowances must be made when cutting out the padding polyester and the lower part.

    After quilting the bedspread, begin processing its edges. They need to be sewn with a zigzag stitch. This is done in order to prevent the blanket from “shedding” on the cuts.

    If you want to use ruffles, then sweep the folds of the desired size and stitch them to the bottom. Remember that the stripes of frills that you will sew must be cut and sewn in the same direction. If you do not follow this rule, then different glare from the lighting will fall on the frills and this will ruin the appearance of the product. Also, the seams with which you will connect the frill strips should be hidden inside the folds.

    When finished, try the product on the sofa. If you do not see any folds or creases and the bedspread fits like a glove, then you have successfully completed the job. Otherwise, don’t be upset; not everyone succeeds the first time. Mark the imperfections with chalk or pin and start sewing again.

    The corner part of the bedspread is sewn according to the same principle. It is quite difficult to give any specific advice on creating a pattern, because on the modern market there is a huge variety of different models of corner sofas, differing in shape and size.

    Knowing how to sew a cover and bedspread, you can make several options and change them as desired. If you have a desire to sew a cover, but don’t have a sofa yet, then we recommend taking a look at. There you will find many various options furniture at an affordable price.

    Due to frequent use, upholstery on furniture, especially on sofas, can quickly lose its attractive appearance. It becomes shabby and fades in certain places. A regular sofa cover can help prevent this situation.


    A sofa cover is a universal item. It has a number of features and advantages that only confirm the need for its use:

    • Cover-cape helps to preserve the original appearance of the upholstery for a long time.
    • Suitable for sofas of all sizes regardless of their area and shape.
    • It has a huge variety of different models: with elastic band, cape cover, stretch cover, dimensionless and so on.
    • Can be made from material of any texture and color.
    • Covers allow you to change the design of your sofa in a few minutes. With their help, you can radically change the overall perception of the interior of the room.
    • Unlike sofa upholstery, the covers are much simpler and more convenient not only to use, but also to maintain.
    • Such covers can be used on sofas of any size and shape., including modular and transformable sofas. This is explained by the fact that even if the cover you need is not on sale, you can easily make it at home yourself.
    • Another feature and at the same time, the main advantage of sofa covers is their cost-effectiveness. Their use in everyday life helps to save a lot. After all, such a furniture cover will in any case cost much less than purchasing a new sofa or restoring it.

    Those who already use such sofa covers in everyday life say that they significantly save time, effort and money. A wide variety of materials are used to create them.


    Absolutely any materials existing today can be used to make sofa covers. However, experienced seamstresses say that it is necessary to avoid too dense upholstery fabrics that are used directly to create sofas, since they are difficult to use and at home it will be difficult to create beautiful and practical case. It is also not recommended to use too much light fabric, such as chiffon or satin. Of course, covers made from these materials look luxurious, but they are not very practical to care for, and they wear out quite quickly.

    The best options The fabrics used to create such a cover are the following:

    • Flock or artificial velvet substitute. It is very soft, pleasant to the touch. The great advantages of this material are its characteristics: it is easy to clean, does not undergo deformation, and does not change the color intensity of the paints even after prolonged exposure to the sun. It is also important that this fabric has good water-repellent functions due to its high density. Also, it is in flock that linen mites are least likely to appear. The material is very light and easy to use, but can sometimes cause an allergic reaction.
    • Cotton or wool velor. This fabric is not capable of causing allergies, is not a source of static current accumulation, has a long service life and is very easy to clean, and does not deform after washing. The disadvantages of this material are its decent cost, as well as relatively high fragility, for example, cat's claws can quickly render such a case unusable.
    • Microfiber or artificial suede substitute. It is advisable to give preference to fabric that has been previously impregnated with a special Teflon mixture. Not only will it be soft and pleasant to the touch and wear-resistant, but it will also repel water, grease and dirt from its surface. This fabric feels very soft and pleasant to the touch. It does not fade in the sun or become deformed, and does not cause allergic reactions.
    • Teflon flock– a universal fabric for a sofa cover if there are animals or small children in the house. It has the same qualities as regular flock, but in addition to them, it also repels any type of dirt from its surface and does not absorb water at all. It is almost impossible to get such a cover dirty.

    • Jacquard- This is a fabric with increased strength indicators. She doesn't give in various types deformation and does not change its size during operation. Soft and pleasant to the touch, it has an expensive and presentable appearance. Quite easy to use and care.
    • Leather. See Leather Case You can rarely sit on the sofa. Indeed, such material is not often used, due to its high cost and certain inconveniences during operation. If you still decide to sew just such a cover for furniture, then it is better to use artificial leather.
    • Flannel stretch. Usually a fabric with a compression effect is used. These covers are very easy to wash and dry. They stretch easily and completely follow all the contours of the furniture. It is the least expensive compared to other materials.
    • Cotton- This natural material for a sofa cover. It has many colors and textures and does not cause allergies. It’s just that hard-to-reach stains are difficult to remove from it, and during the washing process the fabric may shrink too much.

    It is still better to give preference to denser fabrics, since their service life is much longer. In addition to the fabric itself, to create a cover you will also need threads, needles, patterns and, preferably, a sewing machine. Although you can do without it.


    In order for the case to look beautiful and last a long time, you need to choose the right size. Sofa covers can be dimensionless, double, triple and corner. In order to decide which size you need, you just need to take simple measurements. The dimensionless cover can be made from any material. His distinctive feature lies in the fact that the lower and side parts of the fabric itself are located on a special elastic band like an accordion, so you can stretch the cover over a sofa of any size and shape. This cape is called “Eurocover”, its distinctive feature is the use of very dense material and heavy-duty rubber bands. In order to find out the sizes of other types of covers, you need to measure the height of the sofa itself and the length of its back. Thus, a double sofa has a backrest with a length of 120 cm to 150 cm, and their height does not exceed 100 cm.

    A three-seater sofa usually has a height of up to one meter, but it can be 10 cm more or less than indicated, and the length of the back is in the range from 150 to 210 cm. With covers for a corner sofa, everything is a little different. There are standard covers on sale, designed for sofas up to one meter high and with a back length from 300 cm to 450 cm. If the dimensions of your furniture are different, then before sewing you need to measure the same parameters and create a pattern for the future cover in accordance with them. A wide variety of cases are available for sale. But only a hand-made cover for your favorite sofa can emphasize the individuality of the room and become a real decoration of the interior.

    How to create?

    In fact, making a cover for your favorite sofa with your own hands is not so difficult. All you need is to stock up on tools, choose fabric, buy it in the required quantity and follow our small instructions. The easiest way is to make a cover for a sofa without armrests, so if your cover is the first one you have sewn with your own hands, it is better to start with it. Stretchable covers, which can be sewn both on sofas with and without armrests, will be no more difficult to manufacture. The most labor-intensive thing to make is a sofa book cover.

    But regardless of the type of sofa and the size of the cover created for it, you must first decide on the amount of fabric that will be needed for the job. In order to find out its exact quantity, you need to measure the length and width of your sofa, multiply the resulting numbers by two, and then add them together. The total amount is the number of meters of fabric required.

    • The pattern is the very first stage. To create it, you need to take measurements from the sofa and put them on thick paper, completely observing all the curves of the furniture. The process is quite lengthy, so you can make it simpler. Take an old cover, rip it open and trace it along the outline on paper, from which you can then cut out the pattern itself. It is best to make the pattern without a skirt; if necessary, this detail can be made later. Now the resulting pattern is applied to the material from the inside out and outlined with an overlap of 1 cm around the edges.

    • Necessary tools. They are: paper or cardboard for the pattern, measuring tape, chalk, the fabric itself, threads, needles, wooden slats, scissors and sewing machine. In some cases, you can do without a machine, for example, if you are sewing the simplest covers that take the shape of a sofa with elastic for furniture without armrests. You may also need safety pins and regular pins; it is better to prepare them in advance. To create a pattern you will need a large free space, it is better if it is a table with a large table top.

    Step-by-step instruction

    Here we will look at several options for sewing covers for sofas, depending on their design and size. P sewing a cover for a sofa with an ottoman without armrests or a regular one.

    • Make a pattern according to the size of your sofa.
    • Transfer the resulting pattern onto the fabric. It is very important not to forget about the overlap here. Ideally, it should be equal to 1 cm, but if the cover is sewn for the first time, then you can leave more free space.
    • Now you need to connect all parts of the fabric together with a regular seam. This will not only connect the parts of the pattern into one whole, but will also help make working with the sewing machine easier in the future.
    • Now all the seams are sewn one by one.

    • If the cover has an elastic band, it is necessary to cut off the required amount and apply it to the bottom of the cover before it is stitched around the edges. It is worth remembering that the elastic will stretch, so its length should be slightly more than half the length of the lower part of the fabric. It is best to measure the length of the bottom of the sofa with the stretched length of the elastic band, and then the top.
    • The elastic is applied to the fabric and traced along the width. Using chalk, a line is drawn on the fabric, which determines the position of the elastic inside the future cover.
    • Stitches are made using a needle and thread, which form the location of the elastic in the fabric, that is, a kind of tunnel for it.
    • The elastic is inserted into the cover and all seams are basted carefully sewn on a machine.
    • You can determine the location of the elastic in advance when creating a pattern. and while sewing together the parts of the future cover, perform the last two procedures.

    If you decide to choose the option of creating such a cape for a model with an armrest, then the sequence of actions should be as follows:

    • Calculation of the required amount of material. The length and width of the furniture are alternately multiplied by two, and then the resulting numbers are added together.
    • Using thin wooden slats, the fabric is attached to the sofa. It is best to do this at the joints of the backrests and seats, as well as the armrests and backrests.
    • The fabric is pressed onto the edges of the armrests and at the corners of the furniture itself with special clamps. You can use a regular construction stapler.
    • The slats and clips are decorated with fabric. Decorative elements in this case are selected individually depending on wishes.
    • The sofa cover is ready.

    The advantages of such a cover are the simplicity and speed of its production, but the disadvantage is that it cannot be removed, cleaned and washed regularly. The cover for the sofa book is sewn as follows:

    • Remove patterns.
    • Transfer the patterns to the fabric and cut them out.
    • If necessary, mark the location of the future elastic band. It is preferable that the cover for such a sofa be elastic.
    • Now the fabric parts are sewn together. The nuance here is that the cover will consist not of one whole canvas, but of several. Therefore, the cover for the back, seat and armrests is sewn separately.
    • All seams are additionally sewn on a machine.

    The cover for a corner sofa is considered the most labor-intensive to manufacture. We have prepared the simplest one for you step by step instructions its creation.

    • Using safety pins you need to attach the fabric to the sofa.
    • All rectangles, namely the sides, back, seat and the armrests are highlighted with pins.
    • Using thread, you need to sweep away all the parts, completely repeating the curves of the furniture. You can use regular chalk instead of thread. You need to start from the upper parts of the sofa.
    • Unnecessary parts of the fabric are cut off. It is important not to forget to leave an overlap.
    • Now all the cut out parts are sewn together in pairs. Please note that this case also consists of two parts: upper and lower. Therefore, parts of the backrest and the seat of the corner sofa are sewn separately.
    • Then the covers are turned inside out and fitted to the sofa. If necessary, it is necessary to mark on the fabric where it is necessary to narrow or, conversely, widen the seam.
    • After the changes made are implemented, and the cover is completely stitched by machine.

    Of course, in each specific case the process of making a sofa cover will be different. But his sewing skills come with practice. In order not to be disappointed in the result obtained, you need to listen to the advice of more experienced seamstresses:

    • If the cover is being sewn for the first time, then it is better not to use very expensive material.
    • It is necessary to purchase fabric with a small margin, one or two meters will be enough for this. The excess material can later be spent on decorating a finished cover, masking its minor flaws, or reupholstering chairs and armchairs.
    • Always check the accuracy of your measurements. The proverb “Measure twice and cut once” is very relevant in this case.
    • There's no need to rush. It is better to try on the future cover after estimating the details. If any inaccuracies are identified at this stage of sewing, they can be corrected.
    • Always leave at least 1cm of fabric overlap. When creating the first cover, the fabric overlap can be up to 8 cm long. The excess will then be easy to cut off.
    • If you are sewing a cover for a sofa in the house Where there are a lot of children, it is better to use waterproof material. This will extend the life of your product.
    • Sewing such a cape requires time and perseverance.. Therefore, try not to be distracted by extraneous matters.

    At first glance, it may seem that sewing such covers is a difficult and tedious task. In fact, quite the opposite. A sofa with removable covers can change its appearance as often as you want. At the same time, with each case you sew, your skill will increase, and the time spent and the amount of work will correspondingly decrease.