Garbage chute service. "prana-eco" - manufacturer of waste disposal systems

Professional repair garbage chute, including replacement of gate and valves

Garbage chute is an integral element apartment buildings. Its clean and presentable appearance- the dream of residents and a mandatory norm of government bodies to meet the requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological situation. After all, the house should not only have a well-groomed interior.

Cost of work

Type of work

Cost, rub

Garbage chute valve replacement (pcs.)

Valve cover replacement (pcs.)

Replacement sealing rubber bands valve (pcs.)

Replacing the loading bucket (pcs.)

Replacing the gate (pcs.)

Replacing the inspection hatch (pcs.)

Replacing the waste chute pipe (m.p.)

Installation of a garbage chute cleaning device (pcs.)

Replacement of the garbage chute barrel (m.p.)

The requirements oblige housing and communal services workers to monthly clean, wash and disinfect waste collection systems apartment building, repair the garbage chute if necessary.

The work includes repairs to the following areas of waste disposal systems:

  • trunks;
  • loading valves;
  • waste collection chambers, etc.

In addition, at least once a quarter, housing and communal services employees are required to carry out a preventive inspection of the garbage chute of an apartment building, get rid of blockages and replace failed elements of the system.

Some “old-built” houses, including “Stalin” ones, often have a garbage disposal in the apartment. The loading valve in this case is located in the kitchen or in the hallway.

The advantages of such a neighborhood are obvious, but there are also obvious disadvantages:

  • flying debris creates a loud sound;
  • there may be strong odors in the apartment;
  • the risk of cockroaches and other uninvited “neighbors”.

To eliminate most of these shortcomings, you need to timely repair the garbage chute in your apartment.

Sealed loading valves and a garbage chute barrel without cracks and holes are the key to the absence of unpleasant odors.

Regular cleaning and disinfection of the garbage disposal system will prevent the appearance of cockroaches and other insects in the apartment. These procedures will also destroy harmful bacteria.

Repairing a garbage chute in an apartment is one of the activities of the Purely Honestly company in Moscow and the region. Qualified employees of the company will produce necessary work V as soon as possible and at low prices.

Repair of a garbage chute in an apartment building

Current and major repairs of the garbage chute in apartment building is one of the leading services of the Purely Honest company.

We provide the following types of work:

  • replace loading valves or repair them;
  • change the gate in the waste collection chamber;
  • repair the waste collection chamber;
  • eliminate holes and cracks in the garbage chute;
  • replace the garbage chute barrel;
  • replace deflectors;
  • manufacture and install cleaning devices;
  • manufacture parts of the garbage chute according to the customer’s drawings;
  • carry out a major overhaul of the entire waste disposal system of an apartment building.

The professional employees of our company are highly qualified and have extensive experience in similar work, and the materials and equipment used in the work have the necessary certificates and licenses.

Call us and order the repair of a garbage chute in an apartment or apartment building.

Do not forget that in addition to repairs, cleaning is also required periodically. Only in this case can you be sure that the waste collection system will not become a source of unpleasant odors and a breeding ground for rodents and other pests.


This publication continues a series of articles devoted to the problems of equipping residential buildings with waste disposal systems. This article will talk about the features various designs of these systems, as well as about the problems that arise during their reconstruction. The latter circumstance has now acquired particular relevance in the light of the implementation of a program of major renovation of buildings. The article analyzes the most typical problems (selection of the most advanced systems from a design point of view, their correct operation, etc.) and discusses ways to solve them.

Installation and reconstruction of waste disposal systems
Problems and solutions

A. V. Samoilov, CEO PRANA LLC

This publication continues a series of articles devoted to the problems of equipping residential buildings with waste disposal systems. The article will discuss the features of various designs of these systems, as well as the problems that arise during their reconstruction. The latter circumstance has now acquired particular relevance in the light of the implementation of the capital repair program for buildings. The article analyzes the most typical problems (selection of the most advanced systems from a design point of view, their correct operation, etc.) and discusses ways to solve them.

Currently, there is a debate among experts about whether it is generally necessary to install waste disposal systems in newly constructed and reconstructed buildings. Experience in operating systems since the days of widespread use of asbestos-cement shafts has shown that in some cases the already installed system is not used by residents, the loading valves of garbage chutes are sealed and the garbage is taken out in bags directly into containers. Experts rightly note that if the design of the garbage chute does not allow it to be kept in normal sanitary condition (which is inevitable when using asbestos-cement pipes) or the operation service does not maintain the waste disposal system at the proper level, then it is better to do without a garbage chute. Based on this and assuming that in one or another newly constructed residential building, due to the impossibility of ensuring compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements, the garbage chute will not be used anyway, customers often decide to install more cheap system only in order to pass the project examination stage and put the building into operation. In this case, the loading valves are simply welded during construction and remain in this state after the building is put into operation. Residents of a new building, as a rule, put up with the absence of a garbage chute, getting used to it even during renovations in their apartments, when, according to regulations, the garbage chute is closed to prevent the dumping of construction waste.

A different situation is observed in the case of major renovation of a residential building. Residents who have been accustomed to using a garbage chute for many years (even if it does not meet all sanitary and hygienic requirements) are unlikely to refuse to use it after the renovation is completed.

Major renovations provide for the creation of more comfortable living conditions in existing residential buildings. According to official data, in 2008, major renovations were carried out in 1,600 residential buildings in Moscow. At the same time, work was carried out in most of the buildings under the selective capital repair (SCR) program, which includes the replacement of water supply, heating, sewerage systems and, in some cases, electrical supply and elevator equipment. At the same time, instead of replacing the garbage chutes with a normal waste disposal system, they were only slightly updated, and only 10% of the buildings being renovated underwent a comprehensive overhaul (CCR), including the replacement of the old garbage chute with a waste disposal system.

Based on the condition of buildings repaired under the selective capital repair program, we can conclude the following. Usually, the lining of the entrance was changed, the walls and garbage chute were painted, and worn-out loading valves were replaced with others with approximately the same characteristics. Of course, the garbage chute acquired a more aesthetic appearance (which, however, as practice shows, does not last long), but the main problems associated with the cleanliness of the inner surface of the barrel and the absence of odor from it were not solved.

As a result, despite the fact that very significant funds were spent on the renovation of the building, if the old garbage chute was preserved, unpleasant odors still appeared in the entrance and an acceptable level of comfort was not achieved. It should be taken into account that the cost of a garbage chute is a very small fraction of the cost of the building. This issue has been repeatedly discussed among experts. Currently, in Moscow, all residential buildings are undergoing a comprehensive overhaul program, and projects must include a “Waste Disposal Systems” section, which is accompanied by a detailed drawing of the system and cost estimate.

During the implementation of the repair program, new problems were discovered. In particular, despite the fact that the project includes a complete replacement of the worn-out waste disposal system, in practice this is not always carried out. If technical inspection shows that, for example, the wear of the system is 25%, the garbage chute barrel is not broken and only half of the loading valves are rusty and skewed, then only the loading valves are changed.

Budget sequestration required not only a reduction in the number of buildings being repaired, but also a prioritization of repairs. Thus, from the planned volume, it was decided to leave the repair of heating and sewerage systems and insulation of facades, and to postpone the repair of garbage chutes to a subsequent period. The approach implemented in one of the Russian cities seems more correct. There it was initially planned to repair 900 buildings, however, taking into account the actual number of well-established contractors, material and time capabilities, only about 250 buildings were repaired, but in full and at a high level.

Foreign experience and separate waste collection

IN southern countries For example, in Turkey, the garbage chute is not used at all due to climatic conditions. In fact, when using good systems waste disposal and their correct operation it's quite possible to fix them normal work and in hot climates.

In Europe, where, as a rule, people try to live in low-rise buildings, garbage chutes are also not common. Foreign specialists are more interested in the problem of separate waste collection, which is being solved quite successfully, primarily thanks to the mentality of European citizens, which is characterized by increased discipline. At the same time, in our country there is a persistent opinion about a different mentality Russian people who would never want to complicate their lives by separating garbage. Surveys, however, show that up to 75% of Muscovites are ready to participate in the separation of discarded household waste if appropriate conditions are created. And if we add to this a certain material interest, then the problem may well be solved.

A design has been developed that provides not only separation, but also primary processing of household waste directly at the entrance. Instead of garbage, recycled materials will be removed from the entrance in bagged form. The installation of such a structure in one of the new buildings in Moscow is currently being completed.

Constructive decisions

If we talk about the technical side of the issue, there are enough problems revealed by checking the technical solutions included in modern designs of waste disposal systems. At the moment, garbage chutes made of asbestos cement are still widespread. This is, of course, the most economical option. However, its multiple disadvantages are well known: it has a rough surface, is hygroscopic and, therefore, easily accumulates various debris on its walls. In addition, this is a favorable environment for the appearance of household insects and rodents. As noted, such trunks are often left in buildings being renovated, but in many regions of Russia they continue to be used in new buildings. An asbestos-cement shaft that has served for 20 years or more cannot be properly washed.

Research reveals situations that have not yet found an acceptable explanation: a sample a month after disinfection yields a larger number of bacteria than a sample before cleaning. In Moscow, the Moscow region and a number of other regions, asbestos-cement waste chutes have not been used for about 10 years, and this required considerable effort on the part of many interested specialists. Currently, it is understood that the barrel should be made of steel, either stainless, or, according to one of the new technologies, galvanized with a special polymer coating. There are currently quite a few a large number of manufacturers of waste disposal systems. They all produce systems that differ significantly in their structural elements

. Let's look at the main ones.

Garbage chute

The dominant barrel design is a three-layer sandwich barrel. Common conventional abbreviations are NSP or NST. Such a barrel consists of inner and outer steel surfaces, the space between which is filled with sound-insulating and fire-resistant material.

The trunks differ in the methods of centering the outer and inner surfaces. More precisely, in some designs the concentricity of the surfaces is maintained with the help of various locking rings, while in others it is not observed at all. The result of the second option is the ellipse of the inner surface, which excludes its complete cleaning and washing, as well as the varying thickness of the walls (with an average thickness of 25 mm, for example, 10 mm on one side and 40 mm on the other), which sharply worsens the soundproofing properties of the barrel.

The thickness of the soundproofing layer also varies. Three main options: 10, 25, 40 mm.

Gate device

The use of gate devices is mandatory in the waste disposal system. Their main purpose is to block the trunk of the garbage chute during garbage removal, work in the garbage chamber (for example, its disinfection), as well as automatic fire cutoff - eliminating draft and preventing smoke from entering the barrel and onto the floors if a fire occurs in the garbage collection chamber.

The most common are two gate design options. In the first option, there are tight doors, which are open during operation, and closed using a special lever when removing garbage. When ignited, they close automatically. This design is the simplest and safest.

The main element of the second option is a pendulum bowl weighing approximately 20 kg. When the waste disposal system is in working order, it rises and is secured to the wall with a latch. When a fire occurs, the pendulum, falling down, blocks the trunk of the garbage chute, but not tightly. And the most unpleasant thing is that it cannot be ruled out spontaneously when the latch fails. This is simply dangerous for service personnel. Therefore, in order to avoid injuries, such a structure is most often simply dismantled after some time.

Mechanism for cleaning, rinsing and disinfecting the barrel of a garbage chute

Two common abbreviations are SPSP and ZUM. Along with a smooth-walled steel trunk, it is this device that allows you to maintain the entrance of a residential building in a sanitary safe condition, and therefore comply with the requirements of the Federal Law of March 30, 1999 No. 52-FZ “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population.”, approved by the Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor for the city of Moscow dated 04/03/2002 No. 1 “On cleaning, washing and disinfection of garbage chutes.”

It says that the electric motor and live parts should not be located in the space of the garbage chute. Some manufacturers have all electrical equipment in a sealed cabinet, while others have it right in the middle of the barrel. Everything that, during the operation of the garbage chute, rises up and exits through the ventilation system (dust, grease fumes), settles on the electric motor, and if it is used, it soon fails.

The instructions categorically do not allow maintenance personnel to come into contact with the barrel space; it requires irrigation of the inner surface hot water under pressure using a ring shower and much more.

The vast majority of manufacturers simply ignore all these requirements.

Loading valve There are two problems with the choice of loading valve. The first is to ensure its tightness. In accordance with all standards, the valve bucket must have a tight fit to the barrel, but in practice it turns out that this requirement is hardly met, for example, the valve is not equipped with tight gaskets. Less commonly, the loading valve is equipped with regular rubber or magnetic rubber, similar to that used to seal refrigerator doors. The last option has proven itself the best way

, since it allows for complete sealing of the loading valves. The second point concerns the dimensions of the loading valve bucket. On the one hand, it is preferable for residents to use a bucket, which allows them to throw out a larger volume of garbage at a time, and on the other, according to SP 31-108-2002 “Garbage chutes for residential and public buildings and structures,” inner dimensions bucket (diagonally) should prevent loading objects larger than 0.9 into the barrel internal diameter trunk The essence of the requirement is that a larger object can stand in front of the garbage chute and block the path of other garbage, creating a blockage. Currently, at least half of the loading valves produced do not meet this requirement, easily exceeding

open position

diagonally and 1.2 barrel diameters.

Firstly, there must be a system of “filters” that does not allow access to construction sites by systems that are not capable of ensuring that the entrances are kept in normal sanitary condition.

To some extent, such a system exists in the country. There are the above-mentioned SP 31-108-2002, Instructions of the Chief Sanitary Doctor, regulatory requirements By fire safety, sanitary and other norms and regulations.

Consequently, bodies issuing relevant certificates and conclusions must strictly follow these documents. However, all existing system manufacturers today, including those who produce equipment with the above flaws, have such certificates.

Further. For each facility, be it a new building or a building undergoing major renovation, a project is developed that includes a section “Waste disposal system.” It is the design organization, at least in theory, that determines which system should be applied. From a common sense point of view, the designer must not only check for the availability of appropriate certificates, but also determine whether the system being incorporated into the project will be effective. In practice, it is rare that a designer is able to explain how one system differs from another, and designers most often do not know at all about such documents as the Instructions of the Chief Sanitary Doctor.

As a result, approximately 70% of capital repair projects of Moscow houses standard series involve the use of twisted barrels with a traumatic gate and an electric motor of a cleaning device located directly in the barrel.

And in cases where the binding standard solutions, developed by leading institutes, carried out by private workshops, you can find very strange results. A project for the overhaul of a 16-story building may include a specification for a waste disposal system for 9 floors. A barrel from one manufacturer may be installed, and a cleaning device from another, but they are absolutely incompatible, even just in terms of mounting dimensions!

All these projects successfully pass state examination.

Finally, the last, decisive stage - the general contractor decides which garbage chute to install. At this stage, everything is simplified to the limit.

The general contractor needs:

1. Install a garbage chute and hand it over to the operating organization. To do this, you must present a set of relevant certificates and demonstrate that the cleaning device is working, that is, the brush assembly moves up and down when the start button is pressed, and, as a maximum, the garbage collection valves do not leak when the water starts.

2. The most important thing is to spend as little money as possible on all this.

In most cases, the general contractor is not interested not only in how exactly the system is structured, why it is better or worse than others, but also in what kind of system is included in the project.

Of course, there are many exceptions. There are contractors who carefully select a specific design, there are those who comply with the requirements of the project, and if they want to replace the provided design, they re-coordinate it at the design institute.

But the main trend is visible very clearly - no one is interested in the quality, performance and environmental efficiency of waste disposal systems.

Our country has been living in conditions for almost two decades market economy. The main engine of such an economy is competition. However, normal competition involves lowering prices while increasing quality.

So, in the market for waste disposal systems, competition is going differently - lowering prices due to lower quality. The impact of such competition on our living conditions is obvious.

The general contractor is not stopped by the provisions of the Civil Code and the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights, according to which residents have the right, within five years after the house is put into operation, to make complaints about the quality of housing, including the waste disposal system, and demand that deficiencies be eliminated.

The position of the general contractor is simple: the apartment was purchased from the investor, if he has to satisfy the requirements for replacing the garbage chute, then he will bear the corresponding costs, because the contractor has provided all the necessary quality certificates.

There can be only two reasons for this state of affairs.

1. The operating organization considers the replacement of an old asbestos-cement garbage chute with a new garbage disposal system as just a replacement of a “pipe” and is not going to fully service it - first of all, use the cleaning, rinsing and disinfection mechanism. In this case, if the “pipe” is normal, then the residents will, of course, have a gain, but it will be small.

2. Those officials Those who must choose a system lack either the competence or the desire to delve into the features of various designs. And the chain of such persons stretches vertically from the emergency control technician to the apparatus of the Department of Capital Repairs of the Moscow Government.

Thus, it can be stated that in order for major repairs of multi-storey residential buildings brought a tangible effect to residents, in terms of both comfort and sanitary conditions, it is necessary:

1. Replace the old garbage disposal with modern system waste removal.

2. Choose the right design for the waste disposal system.

3. Ensure the operation of the waste disposal system in accordance with the Instructions for cleaning, washing and disinfecting waste disposal systems of residential, administrative and public buildings.

Replacement of waste disposal systems

What is the process of replacing an old garbage chute with a garbage disposal system?

As a rule, no special technical difficulties arise.

It is necessary to dismantle the old asbestos-cement trunk, expand the holes in the interfloor ceilings to a diameter of 500 mm (the diameter of the trunks of most manufacturers is 432–465 mm) and install a new system. Depending on the availability and qualifications of personnel, the general contractor carrying out the overhaul carries out the installation on his own or engages a direct system manufacturer for this.

This process happens very quickly - a team of two installers installs a shaft in a 20-story building in just one working day.

Difficulties caused by the endless variety of designs of the existing housing stock, of course, arise.

There is an increased amount of work in the waste collection chamber when the old gate is lined with brick or filled with concrete.

An old garbage chute may actually be hanging in an elevator shaft, in which case it is necessary to install additional intermediate support structures.

There are also hopeless situations when the old garbage disposal is walled up in the wall, for example, in the case of garbage collection valves in the kitchen. If there is enough space on landing, then it is possible to install the system, but the costs increase significantly - you need to punch new holes in the interfloor ceilings. And if the site is cramped, then installing the system is impossible in principle.

In the vast majority of residential buildings, installing a new waste disposal system is possible and necessary.

Operation of waste disposal systems

The entire process of operating waste disposal systems is described in great detail in the repeatedly mentioned Instructions of the Chief Sanitary Doctor.

The main thing is that once a month the operation service specialist must activate the cleaning mechanism, “drive” the brush assembly along the barrel, removing debris from the internal walls of the garbage chute, rinse the barrel with hot water, fill the appropriate container with a disinfectant solution and irrigate with this solution inner space garbage chute.

Nothing complicated. But only a few management companies, mainly in luxury housing, do this.

To achieve widespread compliance with the Instructions, and consequently, compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law “On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population” No. 52-FZ of March 30, 1999, is the direct task of the Rospotrebnadzor authorities. When all operating services fulfill their responsibilities, then real market competition will begin in the market for waste disposal systems - who would want to put into operation a system that cannot work!

The city target program for the overhaul of apartment buildings for 2008–2014 will operate for another five years. There is time to take into account the mistakes made and provide a huge number of Muscovites with normal living conditions from an environmental point of view. 

In southern countries, for example, Turkey, garbage chutes are not used at all due to climatic conditions. In fact, with the use of good waste disposal systems and their proper operation, it is quite possible to ensure their normal operation even in hot climates.

In Europe, where, as a rule, people try to live in low-rise buildings, garbage chutes are also not common. Foreign specialists are more interested in the problem of separate waste collection, which is being solved quite successfully, primarily thanks to the mentality of European citizens, which is characterized by increased discipline. At the same time, in our country there is a strong opinion that Russian people have a different mentality, who would never want to complicate their lives by separating garbage. Surveys, however, show that up to 75% of Muscovites are ready to participate in the separation of discarded household waste if appropriate conditions are created. And if we add to this a certain material interest, then the problem may well be solved.

A design has been developed that provides not only separation, but also primary processing of household waste directly at the entrance. Instead of garbage, recycled materials will be removed from the entrance in bagged form. The installation of such a structure in one of the new buildings in Moscow is currently being completed.

Major renovations in houses 2020

Dear residents of houses, as well as contractors!

Based on the regional program approved by the Fund for the Capital Repair of Apartment Buildings in Moscow, the Mikmont company provides a range of services and produces high-quality equipment for replacing garbage chutes. The equipment is supplied and installed in accordance with the design documentation.

Overhaul of the waste disposal system

As part of the common property of the intra-house waste disposal system, the following are subject to replacement and installation:

  • Three-layer barrels Sandwich type made of galvanized or stainless steel

Attention: From the total flow of objects completed by us according to the program “ Major renovation“It was revealed that, along with standard solutions, about 30 percent of the objects are houses with specific architecture (50-80 years). For such houses, the Mikmont company has developed special non-standard solutions to replace the garbage chute.

To obtain information on equipment, system replacement and complex technical solutions, you can contact our specialists:

  • 8-800-333-92-33
  • 8-495-902-77-91
  • info@site

You can get acquainted with our products in the catalog -

If a garbage chute has already been installed at your site, you can read the operating instructions for the new garbage chute - Rules for using the garbage chute

Non-standard solutions for replacing waste disposal systems in buildings built according to the norms and regulations of the 50-80s and having specific architectural features

The Mikmont company produces, supplies and replaces waste chutes under the capital repair program in residential apartment buildings and for Lately has the following work experience:

  • Garbage chute replacements have been successfully completed in more than 400 homes under the Capital Improvement Program
  • More than 1,200 waste disposal systems were professionally replaced under the Overhaul program

Mikmont is the only company on the market that has everything in stock existing types garbage disposal systems

The experience of replacing garbage chutes under the Capital Repair program at more than 400 sites has shown that in all apartment buildings built in the 50-80s, it is often IMPOSSIBLE to replace garbage chutes based on standard modern projects, due to the fact that these buildings were erected according to SNiPs of the 50-80s and their architecture differs from modern houses, for which they are mainly prescribed current SNiPs and JV on waste disposal. In this connection, for almost every facility under the “Capital Repair” program it is necessary to develop special technical solutions, some of them are given below:

Non-standard solution No. 1 - Cradle

Previously, buildings were erected synchronously with the garbage chute floor by floor - the lower end of the trunk was built deep into the wall and was a walled-up metal box with a door. Often such boxes are located at a height of 20-50 cm from the floor, as well as at a depth of up to 1.2 m in the wall. In this regard, installing a modern damper with a fire extinguishing system at a height of 1.20 - 1.40 m from the floor according to TSN 21-302-2000 is simply impossible. In such cases, service organizations draw up an application to new camera was the same type as the previous one. After all, it is simply impossible to break the ceiling or operate a new gate at a height of 50 cm from the floor and below. Based on such requests, the Mikmont company has developed a metal box with a door (“Cradle”), to which a new gate is welded for the construction of a modern waste chute.

Garbage chute cradle image 1

Garbage chute cradle image 2

Sketch of a garbage chute cradle

TU 4859-001-40231442-2016

Non-standard solution No. 2—Ceiling damper

Based on TSN 21-302-2000, it is customary to install the gate with a support guide pipe at a height of at least 1350 mm from the floor, while the height of the garbage chamber must be at least 2.2 m, and the angle of inclination of the pipe should not exceed 20 degrees. However, in the majority of houses participating in the “Capital Repair” program, waste disposal rooms have a height of 1800 mm or lower. Under such conditions, the gate will be located at a height of 1000 mm and below, which does not comply with TSN 21-302-2000 and other norms and regulations. Also this design will be inconvenient to use. For such cases, the Mikmont company has developed a special ceiling damper.

Picture of ceiling damper

Sketch of a ceiling damper

TU 4859-001-40231442-2016

Non-standard solution No. 3— Garbage chute valve with “removal” (increased depth dimension)

This decision used in houses where the garbage chute shaft is located in the elevator shaft and/or extends at a distance from the floor area of ​​more than 15 cm. To ensure safe and convenient operation of solid waste discharge, the Mikmont company recommends installing garbage chute valves with “removal”. This solution makes it possible to reduce the distance from the ceiling to the waste disposal system, as well as to minimize further costs for contractors to perform additional lining of the shaft to eliminate the unsafe distance between the ceiling and the standard valve.

Garbage chute valve with removal

Garbage chute valve with removal in a difficult to reach place

Sketch of a waste chute valve with removal

TU 4859-001-40231442-2016

Non-standard solution No. 4— Garbage chute with a diameter smaller than the standard one

In some houses participating in the “Capital Repair” program, asbestos garbage chutes with a diameter of 300 - 320 mm or other diameters smaller than those usually manufactured according to modern standards are installed in niches and shafts bordering elevators and apartments. Sometimes it is not possible to expand the niches in the walls and enlarge the holes in the ceilings; in such cases, the Mikmont company produces sections of the garbage chute according to individual sketches.

Garbage chute shaft with diameter smaller than standard

Sketch of a garbage chute with a small diameter

TU 4859-001-40231442-2016

Non-standard solution No. 5— Garbage chute trunk with a diameter larger than standard

Some houses participating in the "Capital Repair" program have asbestos waste chutes with a diameter of 600 mm or other larger than the standard diameter. In such cases, the Mikmont company manufactures waste chute sections, valves and pipes according to individual sketches.

Garbage chute barrel with a diameter larger than standard

Sketch of a garbage chute with a diameter larger than the standard one

TU 4859-001-40231442-2016

Non-standard solution No. 6— Garbage chute located in the elevator shaft

Not all consumers (residents) like spirally wound garbage chutes, and due to the fact that for the installation of a section of the garbage chute located in the elevator shaft, a niche of no more than 50 cm is allocated on the side of the elevator shaft, and the valve on straight-seam shafts is mounted using a clamp connection, further maintenance and routine repairs of waste chute valves become difficult. The Mikmont company has developed a technology in which straight-seam sections of the garbage chute are connected using a shell, and the connection of the garbage chute valve to the barrel is made using self-tapping screws at the production stage, which solves all the above problems.

Residents of the capital often complain about the poor quality of garbage chutes in the entrances of residential buildings. Meanwhile, it is quite possible to call a negligent management company to account - and it is she who is responsible for these works...

Garbage chute maintenance

Residents of houses with garbage chutes sometimes complain about bad smell at the entrance. There is only one reason: the management company does not fulfill its duties to properly maintain the waste chute and the receiving chamber. The resulting plaque becomes not only a source of stench, but also a breeding ground for dangerous bacteria. Residents may simply not know that the garbage chute and all elements of its structure must be cleaned, washed and disinfected, moreover, all these procedures must be carried out at certain intervals.

In accordance with the regulations, garbage collection chambers (where we throw garbage) and replaceable garbage bins (these are containers) must be emptied of waste and washed every day. The loading valves (what we used to call simply the garbage disposal lid) are thoroughly cleaned once a week. Once a month you are required to wash the trunk of the garbage chute and its bottom part, which goes out to special room, and in addition, disinfect all parts of the structure. There is no schedule for clearing blockages - it is done as needed.

In general, the list of main works looks like in the following way:

— removal of garbage from garbage collection chambers;

— washing and disinfection of various waste collection containers.

Garbage should be collected in special containers with a capacity of 400 and 800 liters, in portable garbage containers with a capacity of 80-100 liters, or in special bins.

Preventive inspection of the garbage chute should be done a couple of times a month.

How to solve a problem

All work on the maintenance and repair of common household property is carried out by a management company, regardless of its form of ownership: GBU (state state-financed organization) or LLC (limited liability company). In any case, you must first report the problem to your housing organization.

If you do not know who is responsible for your home, refer to the Moscow House portal ( Information about the management organization (telephone, work schedule, location, reception hours for residents, address Email and the telephone number of your dispatch service) is published in the “Learn about the house” section. To get all the data, you just need to indicate your address.

If your request to management company ignored, we need to move on. A complaint about violations can be sent to:

— to the portal “Our City” (;

- to the electronic reception of the Moscow Housing Inspectorate on the official website;

- to the Moscow Housing Inspectorate at the postal address: 129090, Moscow, Prospekt Mira, building 19, building 1.

At your request, the emergency dispatch service will have to immediately clear the blockages of garbage chutes inside apartment buildings or in short terms ensure proper quality of maintenance of waste chutes.

About standards

Standards for the maintenance of garbage chutes in multi-storey buildings are prescribed in the Resolution Russian Government“On the minimum list of services and work necessary to ensure proper maintenance of common property in an apartment building, and the procedure for their provision and implementation.”

As a rule, most of the detected violations are associated with untimely completion of work or provision of services for the high-quality maintenance of the so-called common property in an apartment building.

The normal operation of waste disposal systems in high-rise buildings also depends on the proper operation of basements, electrical systems, entrances and staircases.