Midheaven (MC) in the natal chart. Midheaven and its aspects

Why ordinary people make an excellent career and reach brilliant heights? Perhaps because they know exactly their global goal and the means to achieve it.

The natal chart contains a concept that symbolizes the purpose of the individual. This is the highest point of the ecliptic - the Midheaven (MC). It is located at the top of the tenth House and is responsible for career growth. To calculate it, use ours. On the cosmogram, the MC point is depicted as an arrow on the border of the 10th house.

MS reflects not only mercantile interests, but also deep, subconscious motives for choosing a profession - those states that a person wants to experience in the process of work. For example, Sagittarius dreams of becoming famous. Geminis need freshness of impressions. Aquarius strives for originality.

MC and natural elements

The elements indicate qualities that help or hinder one’s advancement up the social ladder. Representatives of Air and Fire are ardent dreamers, gushing with grandiose ideas. They ignite quickly, but also cool down quickly. “Earthly” natures always finish what they start. They just need to move. Water people are endowed with ambition, intuition, and excellent memory. Their disadvantage: endless mood swings.

Midheaven (MC) in zodiac signs

The position of the Midheaven in the signs of the Zodiac reflects the traits that appeal to a person and which he must possess on the path to success. Scorpio, for example, admires outstanding personalities. To succeed, he himself must acquire powerful charisma.

MC in Aries

The individual dreams of expressing himself brightly and taking his rightful place in the sun. On the path to success, obstacles await him. To overcome them, you need courage, assertiveness, and determination.

MC in sign Taurus

The individual strives for stability and high earnings. To do this, you need to have realistic thinking and the ability to plan your daily activities.

MC in Gemini

The variety of inclinations and restless disposition push one into an endless search for oneself. Hence the change of professions, ups and downs. Active communication with people will help you reach the top.

MC in sign Cancer

Financial stability, important for the wards of the Sign, depends on their diplomacy and ability to adapt to changing conditions. You will have to take detours to success.

MC in sign Leo

The thirst for power and significance is stronger than the desire for profit. A person can fulfill his high aspirations only in a team of like-minded people. To create it, you need to learn to understand people.

MC in sign Virgo

The main thing is decent earnings. The path to the top happens in small steps. Such qualities as pedantry, prudence, and exceptional performance are irreplaceable.

MC in sign Libra

Ambitions can be risky. A person must master the art of diplomacy, be affable and courteous. A bit of cunning wouldn't hurt either.

MC in sign Scorpio

A ward of such a location must be an extraordinary person. The surest way to achieve the desired status is to master the art of manipulation and keep your plans secret.

MC in sign Sagittarius

A person dreams of honors and awards. But if he does not know how to concentrate, to highlight the main thing for himself, his claims may remain empty dreams.

MC in sign Capricorn

He lusts for power more than for luxury. His virtues: patience, perseverance. But there is a danger of becoming too insensitive. There is no need to suppress good impulses within yourself.

MC in sign Aquarius

He is distinguished by his focus on the future. Disadvantages - a tendency to self-will, unexpected changes in occupations. Success depends on worthy friends and partners.

MC in sign Fish

The thirst for pleasure and lack of ambition are not compatible with a successful career. Achievements are possible if only a person is ready to accept the offered help and take action.

MC and ruling Planets in the 10th house

The tenth house symbolizes a business career, social status, and reputation. The Midheaven in it indicates specific areas of activity. Ruling planets determine a person’s true calling.

Mars in the 10th house

An individual wants to mean something in his profession and needs respect. Areas of activity: army, law enforcement, sports, heavy industry, transport. Unfavorable aspects push to hasty decisions and increase aggressiveness.

Venus in the 10th house

Above all – the aesthetics of the process, the beauty of the result, the meaningfulness of communication. The chosen ones of the beautiful Planet find themselves in art, design, and advertising business. Tense connections create disappointment in the profession.

Mercury in the 10th house

For the sake of good education a person is ready to make many sacrifices. The work must be connected with people: the service sector, pedagogy, journalism. With negative aspects, life is overshadowed by a feeling of dissatisfaction.

Moon in the 10th house

There is a great need for recognition here. “Moon” emotionality is in harmony with the world of art. A person can find himself in medicine, veterinary medicine, or family business. Against the backdrop of tense connections, a career is hampered by a lack of energy.

Sun in the 10th house

A “sunny” individual can find a calling in teaching, art, business, politics. Everywhere he will strive for leadership. With bad aspects, brilliant plans are thwarted due to conceit and self-centeredness.

Jupiter in the 10th house

The choice of profession is determined by its prestige. These are international relations, foreign languages, music, medicine, finance. The tendency to adventure, enhanced by negative aspects, can cause a blow to the reputation - the main value of the “Jupiterian”.

Saturn in the 10th house

The person treats his work with respect. His path is to be an administrator, functionary, official, and scientist. Affected connections form stubborn retrogrades or hopeless losers.

Uranus in the 10th house

Neptune in the 10th house

The main thing is to affirm your ideals. Activities: psychology, art, Alternative medicine, philosophy. “Evil” Neptune forces you to choose the wrong path and fanatically defend false values.

Pluto in the 10th house

The main goal is to gain influence, authority, power. Occupations: business, politics, surgery, psychoanalysis, detective. Unfavorable aspects spoil relationships with superiors, suppress initiative, and provoke departure into the world of crime.

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), the position of the ruler and. Now we come to another important point in the horoscope - the Descendant or 10th house.

My Descendant (MC) is in Cancer:

It is also called Regnum, Meridien, House of Honors, Midheaven, House of Honor, Luck, Career.

This is the sector of a person's social status and career. Personal achievements, business success, fame, professional and public reputation are celebrated here. The X house is the focus of responsibility and significance of a person’s duties, as well as his hard work in his chosen field. When the X house is emphasized, a person gravitates toward positions of responsibility that provide power and strength, especially in large government institutions. Prestige and honor are important for a person, but require a certain contribution to society. The planets of the X house also judge the role of the dominant parent in the development of a person’s personality, his profession, reputation and career.

X house - angular, cardinal in nature qualities - one of four main houses of the horoscope, second in importance only to the Ascendant and requiring detailed analysis. It is similar to the sign of Capricorn and is ruled by Saturn. The ruler of its first third is Saturn, the second (middle) is Venus and the third (last) is Mercury. The first third of the house: success on your own, parents and their influence on the profession and social status, father-in-law, father-in-law, home, women, illness of the firstborn. Second third: second third of life, abilities and success in the profession, government agencies, enemies and allies in the profession. Third Third: The last third of life, qualities of mind, honesty and morality. Key concepts: authority, position in society, growth, profession, recognition, honors.

The cusp of the X house represents the highest point of the ecliptic, the zenith of the horoscope, the “Midheaven”, MC, “Medium Coeli”, which with the opposition point IC, the cusp of the IV house, forms the second most important line in the MC-IC horoscope, "Meridian", dividing the zodiac circle into eastern and western halves. They say that the planets closest to the MC are in elevation and have a stronger influence on a person’s fate than others. Often the Midheaven is the critical point of planetary influence on earthly life.

The X house shows what potentials provide a person with realization in the outside world, and what profession he uses as a tool for this realization. From the occupancy of this house, one can conclude what kind of response his activities cause in society, where his ambition is directed and what potentials contribute to the growth of the individual in the social sense. The X house gives an idea of ​​what methods a person uses to achieve his goals and what importance he attaches to his success in society. The opposition of the 10th and 4th houses shows the relative psychological value of family, home life and career. Good and evil find their vivid expression here in the categories of honor and dishonor. The X house is used to judge social connections, popularity and stability of a person’s position. Here he acquires true or false authority, shows organizational abilities, and a desire for prestige and power. With the attitude of “power for the sake of power,” a fall is inevitable as a well-deserved payment for the worthlessness of motives.

MC in Zodiac Signs

The position of the MC in the signs of the Zodiac largely determines a person’s business qualities and his system of life values ​​in relation to his profession and home life, as well as successes and failures in public life. MS represents a person’s image and influences the choice of profession (in describing a profession, a comparison should always be made with ASC), employment opportunities, and a person’s attitude towards public affairs. The greatest deviation from reasonable balance occurs when the lunar nodes are located in the X house. Let us describe the position of the MC in the signs of the four elements.

In the signs of Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) a person energetically creates and uses opportunities to seize a significant position in society and develop his business activity. He improves his professional skills and cares about the fastest advancement in his career.

In Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) a person stubbornly and persistently strives for his goal. He is smart and productive in his activities. He sets practical goals and strives to achieve tangible results.

In Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) a person is intellectually oriented and more often chooses humanitarian professions than technical ones. He gets along well with people, which makes his career easier. He develops successfully spiritually and seeks the highest meaning in life.

In Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) a person seeks emotional satisfaction in his activities and intuitively adapts to changing circumstances in his life and profession. In search of the meaning of life, he is guided by feelings.

MS in cardinal signs(Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn). A person pursues his goal straightforwardly and uses all his talents. He dreams of becoming a leader in his business.

MS in fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius). A person slowly realizes the purpose of his life, but realizing it, he moves towards it stubbornly and persistently, without being distracted by extraneous activities.

MC in mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces). A person is inclined to change his interests and intentions, often moving in completely different directions, turning a hobby into a profession and vice versa. His main requirement for his work is that it be interesting. He does not strive for a leadership position in life.

The MC in each specific zodiac sign gives the character its own special features.

> MC in Aries brings aggressiveness and activity to the character, creating conditions for the implementation of plans, gives rise to a discoverer and trailblazer, attentive to the entire world around him and always looking for new impressions and achievements. He craves quick social recognition, but is impatient and impetuous, has a harsh character, and is easily irritated when something happens contrary to his expectations, which often leads to failure and damages his reputation, especially when Mars is afflicted. He often starts several things without finishing any of them. A person wants to make a career, but has a vague idea of ​​goals, desires and means of achieving it. He needs to set himself a real and worthy goal and persistently strive for it. In his career, he envies more successful competitors, always tends to consider himself right and often makes enemies for himself in the profession. Active in public life, optimistic, self-confident, eager to lead. By inheritance, the parent of the opposite sex acquires his energy, excitability and tendency to quarrel. He is distinguished by great ambition, sometimes fanaticism, recklessness, and greed. Much depends on the position of Mars and the Moon in the horoscope, especially with ASC in Cancer. With ASC in Cancer, a person is faithful to traditions and subject to momentary moods. Sometimes there is a dominant parent who wants the person to follow in his footsteps. He has enough strength and persistence to succeed, especially with ASC in Leo, but with ASC in Gemini, he may suddenly have a change of heart about his career direction. With ASC in Gemini, success will be hampered by scattered nature and lack of consistency. MC in Aries, ASC in Gemini is a good combination for trading.

> MC in Taurus forms a stubborn, persistent character with a strong point of view in any matter, seeking comfort, material gain and reliability in the profession and independently seeking new opportunities in it. Life for him is an alternation of work and peace. He is characterized by determination, endurance, tolerance, narcissism, and distrust. A person has a need to take a leading, authoritative position in his industry. He is tactful and diplomatic. From a parent of the opposite sex, a person inherits flexibility, physical beauty, practicality, but also stubbornness. Goals are aligned with money (achieving wealth), possessions and relationships. Money increases prestige, material security gives confidence in the future. A person has good close friends, but he should not rely on them too much. He acquires wealth through friends and associations, spends money easily on friends and loves to see them in comfort. He is characterized by the ability to work and indulge in holidays and entertainment with all his heart. With ASC in Leo, all problems of the X house are of paramount importance for a person, it is important for him social status and self-realization. If there are indications of trade in the horoscope, the person can benefit from financial transactions. He is a good boss, but he must learn to shift some of the work to his subordinates, and not try to do everything himself. He hides his failures and wears a mask of constant success. With ASC in Cancer or Virgo, the need for self-expression is weaker, but ambition is high, only more hidden.

> MC in Gemini forms a lively, versatile character with a variety of goals and strong motives, with a free, reasonable, devoid of limitations outlook on life, gives rise to a chaotic and superficial, but multifaceted approach to business. A person chooses a profession that combines a variety of situations and includes elements of play. It is characterized by periods of creativity, rapid but unstable formation of individuality. He is artistically gifted, strives to express himself more fully, is opposed to monotony in life and work, he is disgusted by the monotony of actions performed, for example, on an assembly line, he quickly gets tired of it and makes mistakes. He fits well into the work team and often masters several professions, in which his versatility of interests helps him. Being a multi-machine operator, he is able to do several things at the same time, distinguished by his quick reaction. However, there is a tendency towards dispersal of forces and superficiality. He is hardworking and constantly busy with something. He has highly developed self-criticism. He works successfully in the field of communication. This is a good teacher. He inherits intelligence and realism from his parent of the opposite sex. The person is sociable, has many friends throughout his life, is rarely left alone and gives the impression of being the happiest person in the group. He has an excellent sense of humor, a love of witty jokes and entertainment, and great ingenuity in this area. He is attracted to young, smart, bright people, he is sensitive to everything surprising and curious in life. Among his friends and admirers, he finds a forum for his ideas. He has good speaking skills that need to be developed and improved: people like to listen to a person. Bosom friends help you achieve your goals. With ASC in Virgo, the wider a person’s range of interests, the more complete the satisfaction he achieves from life. The tendency to become exhausted at work can lead to a nervous breakdown. With ASC in Leo or Libra, the most favorable activities are art, theater, and design.

> MC in Cancer imparts to a person a soft but expressive formation of individuality, the desire to perceive everything from a single point of view, intuitive knowledge of what people need. He understands people well, but does not understand Aries and Scorpio. He has a tendency to change life path and to a change of profession. He is smart and takes his professional responsibilities responsibly. A person chooses an occupation that promises him reliability and a constant standard of living, and can succeed in the field of service and charity. He strives to work in a team and is very sensitive to criticism of his professional abilities. He has a rather conservative attitude towards changes in society, but is reliable in business terms and acts according to circumstances and opportunities (opportunism). The person has an expressed desire for independence, despite great respect for others, frugality, simplicity and modesty. He has few friends with whom he communicates in a calm manner, does not get involved in social life, and avoids large groups and associations. Foreigners and cult members irritate him. He is happy to take care of his loved ones and greatly influences those around him with the fervor of his feelings and imagination. A person tactfully and diplomatically strives to realize his goals and does not push others around in his career. This is a solid, uncomplicated character who rarely resorts to straightforward moves in his life. He is impressionable and sensitive. Suppressing emotions can cause skin diseases. He feels deep respect for his parents, of whom the opposite sex is dominant and conservative. As a child, he receives a traditional upbringing, his parents expect a lot from him. He is characterized by internal self-doubt, it is difficult for him to make a career. In the early stages of a career, temptations and obstacles are strong. There are a lot of changes in her, especially with Pluto in the X house. If his Moon is in an angular house or is generally strong, a significant contribution to his success is female influence. A person seeks protection and patronage, sets creative goals for himself.

> MC in Leo forms an idealistic mindset, a strong need for recognition from others and a desire for strength, significance and power, and personal prestige. A person has a desire to take a leading position in society and profession, to make a name for himself, to achieve recognition, but this does not happen by itself, and a lot of effort is required from him along this path. He is capable of being fully involved in solving a problem, devoting all his efforts to implementation. A person is self-confident, optimistic, noble, knows how to reveal the very essence of phenomena, is full of energy, selfish and ready to cheat if necessary, has significant organizational abilities and a tendency to manage and command. With the Sun in Libra, he displays tact, flexibility, charm and diplomatic abilities. He is confident in own strength and his high purpose, dreams of a life full of splendor. This is a strong, ambitious personality with a great desire for authority and success. Tends to be excessively autocratic. He is not a group player and does not like to ride in a harness. He has a tendency to blame others for his failures, and with the afflicted Sun, the unfulfilled owner of MC in Leo with age turns into a cynic offended by the whole world; This is a pretentious narcissistic nature. From a parent of the opposite sex, a person inherits conservatism, authoritarianism and love of life. One of the parents has a strong personality and tries to dominate him, especially with ASC in Sagittarius. He has a tendency to make friends with influential people whom he can be proud of and flaunt his acquaintance with. Colleagues love him. With ASC in Scorpio, a person needs to learn to understand others and not impose discipline. With ASC in Libra, he owes much of his success to personal charm, but it is difficult for him, being at the top, to maintain his authority, because he wants to be loved by everyone. He has a sense of humor, but not towards himself.

> MC in Virgo forms a personality aimed at serving people and benefiting society. A person does not crave to be the center of attention, strives to reveal something important for everyone, and has a black-and-white perception of life. He is characterized by conducting business with great prudence, pedantry and pragmatism. A person exhibits organization, neatness, and a desire for safe living conditions and a stable position. He willingly chooses the profession of a teacher, educator, nurse or work in the service sector, without losing sight of the amount of remuneration for his work and the prospects for further growth. It is better if the profession is associated with a large, powerful organization or institution. Sometimes a person is waiting better conditions labor changes his profession. He does not miss favorable chances to improve his qualifications; he can realize himself as a literary critic or a writer who exposes the ills of society. He is self-critical and does not miss an opportunity to draw the attention of his colleagues to the mistakes they have made, which is why he can acquire a reputation as a bore. With ASC in Scorpio or Capricorn, demands on oneself and others are increased, a person has difficulty admitting that he is wrong. With ASC in Sagittarius and harmonious Mercury, a person is distinguished by exceptional coordination of actions, and with good Mercury, success in matters that require organization and tact. He strives for perfection in everything. This is an intelligent, businesslike and skilled person in his field, attentive to detail and tending to immerse himself in work, sometimes spending more energy on it than required. He is characterized by a desire for knowledge, a sense of duty, organizational skills, and a sober and practical attitude to life. His parents teach him to be practical, neat and critical. When Mercury is affected - pettiness, greed for flattery, capriciousness.

"The natal chart can only be correctly interpreted by men and women with intuitive wisdom; there are few of them."

Paramahansa Yogananda

Finding a meaningful meaning for the Ascendant and Midheaven eluded me for many years, although I read every astrology book I could find and attended lectures on the subject. It was only when I began doing a lot of consultations, focusing on deep exploration of the various components of the birth chart, that I began to develop a sense of the significance of these astrological factors. Until I gained some first-hand experience from one-on-one counseling that allowed me to observe many different people and their varied ways of expressing themselves, all theoretical explanations of the Ascendant and Midheaven remained abstract and of little use. I believe that direct experience was necessary for two reasons. First, the Ascendant symbolizes the way in which the whole individuality is expressed so directly and spontaneously that no simple words unable to grasp its essence. Thus it has an almost transcendental meaning in terms of its importance in the complete integration of man as a fully functional, active individual. Secondly, the meaning of the Middle. The Midheaven seems very abstract when a person is young, but as a person gets older and participates more fully in social life, when he places more importance on achieving his ambitions, when the structure of personality becomes more established, the meaning of the Midheaven becomes more relevant to the person's experience and, therefore easier to understand. By noting the correlation of Saturn and its qualities with the Midheaven (cusp of the 10th house in most systems), one can appreciate the Midheaven's connection with maturity and the search for an integrated life structure.

It should also be mentioned that the research of the French statistician Michel Gauquelin confirmed astrological traditions about the importance of the Ascendant and Midheaven, especially conjunctions with these points. However, his work seems to indicate that the Ascendant and Midheaven do not begin their respective houses, but rather important focal points of energy flow, the 1st and 10th houses appear to begin several degrees before these points. as indicated by the fact that his research showed a planet to be particularly significant when it is located in the spheres traditionally called the 12th or 9th house, a few degrees before the actual cusp of the 1st and 10th houses. This discovery confirms what I and many other astrologers have begun to do rather spontaneously, namely, consider the cusp to be the powerful sphere of each house, but not the absolute beginning of the house, as is often stated. However, I do not go so far as to say that the cusp is the middle of the house, as has also been suggested by others. I believe that the cusp and nearby 6° or so is the most powerful sphere of any house, so I always use at least a 6° orb for house cusps. According to astrological traditions, the planet rising above the cusp of the first house (Ascendant) at the time of birth was considered especially powerful influence In human life. The reason why a planet near the horizon is especially significant should become clear when we consider the following phenomenon.


The position of a planet on the horizon (i.e., near the Ascendant) can be seen as indicating the extraordinary significance of the qualities and energies of that planet in the life of a person born at that moment. (This is also reflected in the fact that transits to the Ascendant are felt particularly strongly.) Since most astrology is geocentric and therefore assigns significance to various celestial factors according to their appearance as observed from earth, one would expect that such a tendency (derived from from astrological observation) should be obvious in the direct perception of the astronomical phenomenon itself. And indeed, this is so; because any planet on the horizon appears magnified!. Imagine the full moon before the autumn equinox, glowing orange and gold, just above the horizon. It appears huge, almost twice its normal diameter. Many people attribute this apparent increase in size (which is also seen with the Sun, planets, and constellations near the horizon) to atmospheric distortion; but while smog, dust and other atmospheric components may give the Moon its golden hue, they do not enhance the image. The moon is also not closer when it is on the horizon, although it seems so. (In fact, it is closest to the observer when it is directly overhead!) The amazing truth is that the increase in size is a perceptual effect, purely "in the eye of the viewer." If you photograph and measure the Moon on the horizon and overhead, the diameters will be identical; the dimensions of the image do not change at all. Therefore, this phenomenon is considered by scientists as a “simple optical illusion.” However, since in geocentric astrology the way things appear to us on earth (such as the retrograde motion of planets) is seen as crucially important, we must understand this phenomenon to symbolize the fact that any planet near the horizon is especially significant in our lives. because its “influence” is increased due to this!

As an example of the importance of a planet near the Ascendant, let us take the case of a man who has the Sun in Capricorn, the Moon in Virgo and the Ascendant in Cancer. If one were to judge his overall temperament from just these three factors, it would be obvious that he is probably a fairly conservative type of person: cautious, self-protective, reliability-conscious, and probably even a little skeptical of anything that isn't rooted in cultural or family traditions. However, if this man also has Uranus conjunct his Ascendant (whether from the 12th or 1st house), we will begin to understand a whole new dimension to his personality. Because despite all the natal factors pointing in the direction of reliability and traditionalism, the Uranian vibration probably indicates a strong streak of experimentation, unorthodoxy, openness to everything new and different. Instead of an inert person filled with fears and self-doubts, he may well serve as an example of progressive thinking and even revolutionary inclinations on some level. In fact, this man may never be satisfied with the Capricorn lifestyle, which emphasizes debt and personal restrictions, since he will need to not only think about it, but also tap into his constant urge for variety of experience and freedom of expression.

As another example, imagine a woman with an Aquarius Sun, a Sagittarius Moon, and even a Leo rising! This is a powerful combination of positive, overflowing energies that we can expect to be dynamically expressed in a particularly open way. But if this woman has Pluto conjunct her Ascendant, her manner of expression will most likely resemble those with Scorpio ascendant: secretive, moody, brooding and self-suppressive. Or, to put it more precisely, there may be a strong fear of allowing herself to express the kind of spontaneity and spontaneity that the other factors in her chart symbolize. In this example, the presence of Pluto near the Ascendant increases the Plutonian quality much more than it would if Pluto were located in other areas of the chart.

The Ascendant shows an attitude in which we are acutely sensitive and aware, and this is another explanation for why the transit through the Ascendant feels so powerful, as it affects us in the area of ​​our life and dimension of the energy field that is most sensitive. In fact, some astrologers have said that the Ascendant shows the point where the soul enters the body at the moment of the first breath. I don't know if this is true, but my experience in healing (especially with polarity therapy) leads me to believe that the part of the body associated with the rising sign indicates where you are dynamically connected to your subtle bodies (or subtle energy fields) and, therefore, where the pressure of powerful energies is observed. We can mention here some of the meanings of the Ascendant:

a) The Ascendant represents the image of individuality that others see. This does not mean that this image is an accurate depiction of the person's complete self, but it does show something that other people often notice as a first impression. This image can, in fact, show personal qualities that are noticeably at odds with the person’s internal orientations.

b) The Ascendant represents the way in which you actively merge with life in the outer world, when your energy flows naturally. Therefore, it shows a general approach to life, which in the old astrological treatises was called "temperament".

c) The Ascendant symbolizes an important aspect of your personal destiny in the sense that you simply must live and express yourself in this regard in order to feel free and whole.

d) The Ascendant (especially according to its element: fire, water, air or earth) shows the quality of the flow of energy directly animating the physical body, and therefore whether there is noticeable conductivity (air or fire) or strong resistance (water or earth) spontaneous flow of vital energy. This correlation explains why transits to the Ascendant greatly affect your vitality, appearance and overall health.

e) The connection between the Ascendant and the physical body is also obvious in another respect: the fact that the body constitutes your most immediate physical environment. When we are born, our physical body and, to some extent, our mother constitute our entire environment, and although we forget it in later years, our physical "carrier" always remains as an integral part of our environment. From this we see why the Ascendant is so often associated with the quality of the early environment, since any contact with the outside world is filtered through the Ascendant attunement. The body (and therefore the Ascendant) brings the environment into life for us, so the Ascendant colors how we see our overall environment, and our position in relation to the outside world later in life.

f) The Ascendant represents a dimension of human nature that some have associated with the ego. However, while one cannot draw a direct correspondence between the Ascendant and the ego, it can be determined that the Ascendant represents an important dimension of the ego. When a person feels threatened, he tends either to withdraw from the form of expression represented by the Ascendant to the more secure center of individuality symbolized by the Sun, or to further emphasize the qualities of the Ascendant in order to assert his individuality and ensure his survival. Since the Ascendant in the symbolic chart corresponds to the sign of Aries, the Ascendant always indicates the way of expressing one's individuality and therefore - to a certain extent - one's ego.

g) The “Transcendental” dimension of the Ascendant mentioned above can be seen in the sense that the Ascendant shows how we merge purely and spontaneously with life; it is a way of life and existence that is beyond “understanding.” The Sun sign indicates how we “understand” and internalize experiences. And the Ascendant rather shows the highest point of spontaneous conscious adjustment and action.

This last reference to the transcendental quality of the Ascendant may seem unclear at first, so it is worth explaining this idea in more detail. The Ascendant marks the point of separation between the 12th house (things outside our conscious control) and the 1st house (forces we can consciously use). Therefore, any planet on the Ascendant (natally, progressed or transited) indicates that the person becomes aware of this function, energy or universal law with great immediacy. Jungian psychologist Patrick Harding explains this point:

"...we find the Ascendant occupying the exact position, if the timing is really accurate, between life in the womb and life in the world outside it. Thus it shows us the exact position of the timeless zone between these two. It seems that this timeless point can and almost certainly plays some role in imprinting the qualities of the rising sign on the child’s psyche.

If we take the Ascendant as the exact midpoint between the subconscious world of the womb and the conscious outer world, then it seems logical that when they are in balance or a state of timelessness, the principle of the trinity operates and the third representative of the psyche, the Collective Unconscious, comes into play. There are Great Archetypes in the collective unconscious, and there is some reason to believe that there are twelve of them and that they correspond to the symbolic images assigned to the signs of the zodiac... It seems natural, then, that when a child passes through the timeless zone at the moment of birth, the active archetype of that period declares it has its rights and imprints its qualities on it." "Time Alone Can Tell", Journal of Astrological Studies.

Since a planet is a much more concentrated focus of energy than a sign, it should be noted here that the rising sign should not be considered separately from those planets that modify, impart energy or color the form of self-expression represented by the Ascendant and the entire 1st house. There are essentially two types of such planets: 1) any planet in the 1st house (which includes not only planets below the horizon in the traditional 1st house sphere - excluding those within 6-8° of the 2nd house cusp - but also planets located in the traditional sphere of the 12th house, within 10° from the Ascendant); and 2) planet(s)-ruler of the Ascendant. The ruling planet of the Ascendant will be discussed separately in the next section, since a full understanding of its significance requires some depth of explanation. However, we can explore quite briefly the significance of a planet placed in the natal 1st house. The first thing to emphasize is that a planet in the 1st house can eclipse the vibrations symbolized by the Ascendant, at least in obvious ways. The qualities represented by the rising sign are still at work here, but the presence of a planet in the 1st house (especially if it is close to the Ascendant) indicates a form of expression that is particularly strong. A particularly strong contrast occurs in cases where the planet in the 1st house is in a sign different from the ascendant. For example, a person with Leo rising will inevitably exhibit certain Leo characteristics, but the presence of a planet in Virgo in the 1st house may give enough of a Virgo accent to lead other people to assume that the person has a Virgo rising. Those people whose charts contain a planet in the 1st house in a sign different from the rising sign are characterized by having a more complex overall approach to life than other people. In cases where a planet in the 1st house is in an ascendant sign, there is a dual emphasis of the qualities and energies of that sign, although the particular form of energy released will depend greatly on which planet is so placed. For example, if a person has Saturn in Aries in the 1st house, as well as Aries rising, then the expression of Aries energy will be very important to the individual, something that he can work on with great effort. However, although the qualities and urges of Aries will be strong in this person, the position of Saturn indicates that the actual release of Aries energy may be somewhat less than spontaneous and may, in fact, be somewhat restrained. In some cases, such a person may even seem more of a Capricorn rising type than an Aries rising type.

Ruler of the Ascendant

The planet ruling the Ascendant, together with its position in the house and sign, is another factor that must be considered simultaneously with any analysis of a person's ascendant sign. In fact, it can be said that there are, for example, twelve main types of Aries ascendant (depending on the position in the sign of Mars), twelve types of Taurus ascendant (depending on the position in the sign of Venus), etc. Both sign and house position The ruling planet is a very important factor in any chart, although the house position is much more important than the sign position if the ruling planet is Uranus, Neptune or Pluto. The position of the ruling planet denotes the underlying energy and area of ​​life experience that motivates you to act in the world. Additionally, the element of the ruling planet's sign usually indicates the level of experience your physical energy flow is receiving. And since the Ascendant itself represents the generalized experience of yourself and the most spontaneous awareness of your individual nature, it can be said that the position of the ruling planet in the house represents a special sphere of life activity where you can most directly perceive your constituent nature. Once you have tuned into the realm of experience and the type of energy represented ruling planet and its position in the house and sign, you begin to feel more alive, more motivated to express yourself, more internally confident. Aspects involving the ruler of the Ascendant are also very important, as are aspects involving the Sun, Moon or the Ascendant itself. Such aspects are important because they indicate certain dynamics affecting the overall flow or inhibition of your self-expression. The connection of the ruler of the Ascendant with the flow of physical energy and with the state of human health can hardly be overestimated; its importance in this regard can be easily seen by observing transits to the ruling planet. Such transits very often correspond to noticeable changes in a person’s health, vitality or appearance. For example, one client (a 34-year-old man with Virgo rising) experienced complete nervous collapse when Uranus squared natal Mercury. Granted that the square of transiting Uranus with natal Mercury may correspond to a period of nervous tension, this transit will nevertheless not be such an influential force for those who do not have Mercury as the ruler of the Ascendant.

One may ask why the ruler of the Ascendant is so important, more important in the lives of most people than the ruler of the Sun sign, in terms of deep direct experience and complete changes in a person's attitude towards life. To answer this question, it seems to me necessary to return to a very ancient concept, namely, the idea that the ruling planet is the “Lord” who exercises control not only over the birth of a person, but also over his entire life. In various ancient concepts of astrological powers, the planet ruling the Ascendant was considered a deity or cosmic force appointed by the Supreme Lord to exercise control over the entire incarnation of an individual. In more modern terms, we can say that the nature of the ruling planet gives the overall tone to a person's entire life, experience and approach to interaction with the outside world. The particular position in the sign of this ruling planet is therefore of great significance as a symbol of the quality of experience, the flow of energy and the general orientation towards life that will dominate the way of existence of the individual in this incarnation. Although I cannot claim to have enough direct experience to enable me to confirm the above-mentioned ancient concept in any particular way, I have had one experience which has struck me greatly and which may be important in this regard. Several years ago, I attended a birth at home and gave another person there clear instructions write down exact time birth. Therefore, I know that the child born then had a very accurate map birth. When the birth seemed imminent, I mentally calculated the approximate Ascendant and assumed that the baby born would have an Aquarius rising. When the baby was born, the room was filled with a powerful and almost tangible presence. The intensity of pressure felt in the room at this moment could only be described as Saturnian energy and vibration, and I remarked to one of those present that the atmosphere was charged with this powerful force. Late in the evening, when everything had calmed down and the newborn had fallen asleep, I accurately calculated his chart and, to my surprise, discovered that he had Capricorn ascendant (28°). Consequently, his ruling planet was Saturn, and I could not imagine a more Saturnian occasion of birth and a more Saturnian vibration in the air that accompanied his appearance.

Since coming into the material world is, of course, a rather Saturnian event, I cannot say whether or not the same experience would have taken place if the ruling planet, for example, had been Venus or Jupiter. But I think this incident is worth mentioning to encourage people to pay attention to the vibrations that can be felt when other souls come into the physical plane.

By now it should be obvious that no consideration of the Ascendant is complete without simultaneously including the entire complex of factors that are closely related to the Ascendant. In other words, the qualities of the rising sign and its ruling planet (including its sign and house), as well as any planet in the 1st house, all reveal drives, needs and orientations that form one of the most decisive combinations of energy in your life. All these factors together constitute the basic fulcrum on which the entire structure of personality is balanced, they show the theme that colors the way the whole self of a person is projected. If a person is unable to freely express these energies, a general tension develops and in many cases a feeling of fatigue, lifelessness, lack of direction and purpose.

To give an example of how so many factors can be combined in an interpretation, let us consider the case of the child mentioned above, whose "Ascendant complex" contains the following factors:

a) Ascendant in Capricorn;

b) The ruling planet, Saturn, in Gemini in the 5th house in conjunction with Venus and Mercury;

c) Jupiter in Aquarius in the 1st house.

We can describe this combination in the following way:

"The need to approach life with caution (Capricorn rising) and deep creativity (Saturn in the 5th house), both mentally and emotionally (Mercury and Venus conjunct Saturn); the need to think deeply about everything and communicate your thoughts in a serious way ( Saturn in Gemini conjunct Mercury); the need to see tangible results from one's organized and disciplined efforts (Capricorn rising and Saturn in the 5th house), imbued with open-minded faith and broad, optimistic generosity towards others (Jupiter in Aquarius)" .

Aspects to the Ascendant

Another additional factor, which is involved in the "Ascendant complex" mentioned above, is any close aspect to the Ascendant. Traditionally such aspects have been spoken of as influencing a person's character and temperament, although very few books include guidelines for interpreting these aspects. It is not my intention in this brief section to provide a systematic list of "interpretations" for such aspects. However, there are a few key points to keep in mind in order to understand those aspects of the Ascendant that are most important in a particular chart. How general rule, aspects of the Ascendant show how most characteristically a person expresses himself in the outer world, either freely and naturally (some conjunctions, sextiles and - most of all - trines), or with some degree of tension, inhibition or unusually strong ambition (squares and oppositions). In other words, aspects to the Ascendant show whether the various dimensions of our nature (symbolized by the natal planets) are in harmony or dissonance with the form of self-expression to which the energies of the Ascendant constantly encourage us.

Oppositions to the Ascendant in some cases show an internal division in the individual, a state of existence in which the person endures almost constant tension, since there is a strong urge to forms of activity that are in many respects completely opposite. This internal tension can generate great energy and manifest itself as especially complex type consciousness. Often such a person will alternate between two life orientations over a period of years, sometimes consciously emphasizing one form of self-expression and at other times focusing on the other orientation. It often seems that the progressed Moon or transit Saturn and Jupiter periodically evoke one or the other side of a person's nature.

A square to the Ascendant often symbolizes some quality in a person's early environment, usually manifesting itself either as a type of repression or restraint (especially when the planet involved is in the 4th house) or as an unusually strong pressure to achieve or be recognized (often when the planet involved is in 10th house). In other words, there are essentially two types of squares with the Ascendant, which can be classified as follows:

1) the type of 4th house square often indicates emotional patterns that keep us from achieving the spontaneity of expression represented by the rising sign;

2) The type of 10th house square often shows forces within us that are pulling us forward towards some kind of achievement.

Sextile the Ascendant usually shows that the energy of the planet involved can be brought into play quite smoothly when a period of learning has taken place. Some minor adjustments may need to be made before this dimension of experience becomes fully integrated with the energy of the Ascendant, but the transition period is usually quick and encouraging.

Conjunctions and trines to the Ascendant should be treated together because of their involvement in an important - but rarely mentioned - astrological phenomenon. This phenomenon is a triangle formed by the “fire houses” (1st, 5th and 9th). The triangle formed by fire signs is, of course, mentioned in most astrological textbooks, as are the triangles (or trigons) associated with the signs of other elements. But the triangle of fire houses was mentioned in very rare books. The reason for this apparent neglect is that this triangle represents a pattern of energy flow that in many cases borders on the transcendental. I have already mentioned that the Ascendant can be seen as representing a form of expression and release of energy that is timeless, spontaneous and so natural that it eludes capturing its essence in words. In general terms, this quality also applies to the entire triangle of fire houses, since fire houses deal with pure existence and becoming. The purity of self-expression represented by them can in some cases be accurately classified as spiritual (mainly in those cases where a person ceases to identify his ego with the creative forces flowing through him, and instead views himself simply as a channel for the manifestation of a higher power). I came across the importance of fire houses quite early in my astrological studies, but until then I had barely seen any mention of this phenomenon in print. This realization came to me as I constructed and researched about a dozen spiritual master cards. As I tried to discover common factors in all these charts, it became apparent to me that the only thing regularly emphasized in most of these charts was the placement of the planets in the fire houses. After an unsuccessful attempt to understand this pattern, I had a very vivid dream in which I saw a stream of fiery energy circulating through the triangle formed by the Ascendant and the 5th and 9th houses. The immediacy of the awareness that accompanied this dream cannot be described in words, but it was a direct and profound lesson about the energy flow represented by these houses. The "fire triangle" drawing represents an attempt to convey this image from a dream.

Practical use This idea is to recognize the potential presented in a chart where the natal planets are close trine or conjunct the Ascendant. This does not mean that such planetary positions always indicate greater spirituality, since in many cases the emphasis of these houses cannot accurately be categorized as a "spiritual" orientation, since most people are undoubtedly self-centered. In general, however, there is a particularly dynamic flow of creative energy that can be expressed powerfully and spontaneously. Any dimension of experience symbolized by a planet in close trine or conjunction with the Ascendant can be actively expressed with a greater degree of naturalness, spontaneity and positive energy than is represented by most other astrological factors. For example, a person who has Mars conjunct or trine the Ascendant from the 5th or 9th house may be a natural leader and be characterized by a noticeable degree of courage and may even have a certain harshness in behavior. A person with Saturn in a similar position may be characterized by a sense of practicality, the ability to good calculation time and an expression of wisdom far beyond his years.

Although each of the fire houses can be distinguished from the others and give its own set of meanings, we must be aware of the fact that any planet placed in this dynamic triangle will likely have a powerful effect on the individual's orientation in life. In fact, one of the simplest ways of describing the fire houses as a group is to say that the signs on the cusps of the 1st, 5th and 9th houses, together with the planets located in these houses (especially those closely aspecting the Ascendant ) denote the dominant qualities in an individual's general attitude towards life. Since your attitude towards life determines many of your experiences (as you attract what you express in life), it can be easily understood why these factors in any chart play such an important role in a person's overall life pattern. Another point to consider is that our position towards ourselves is inseparable from our position towards life in general, in fact, some might say that they are the same thing. It is obvious that our general attitude towards life follows directly from our attitude towards ourselves; the reverse is also true, as we have seen the transformation in self-confidence an individual can experience when a positive philosophy of life is adopted. Thus, the fire triangle symbolizes the essential quality of our deepest sense of self, and also indicates a general approach to life itself.

The 1st house and its planets can indicate either a spontaneous flow of vital energy with such positive vibrations that the person is characterized by an almost radiant aura, or high degree self-centeredness and often excessive pride. Naturally, these two modes of existence represent extreme manifestations of such energies, but it is not unusual to find people who serve as clear examples of these extremes. Any planet conjunct the Ascendant can indicate significant pride in this part of our nature. For example, the Sun conjunct the Ascendant often corresponds to genuine childlike simplicity and generosity in some cases, or a childish exultation in showing off one's abilities through impressive shows (often both). The Sun conjunct the Ascendant is similar in many respects to Leo rising, although the arrogance and self-centeredness that is so often found with the Sun conjunct the Ascendant is usually much more pronounced than with the Leo Ascendant. Another example would be a person who has Mercury conjunct the Ascendant, where we often find considerable pride in our erudition and intellectual abilities. In some cases, when Mercury is conjunct, the tendency to try to figure out every little detail causes unnecessary problems and constant worry. These people often have a particularly sharp mind and the ability to verbalize their ideas with an extraordinary sense of drama, although their opinions can be their worst enemy.

The 5th house and its planets show creative resources that can be drawn upon in abundance, and are also key symbols of a person's level of self-confidence, or at least what a person feels must be done to achieve true self-confidence. Since the 5th house corresponds to the sign of Leo, the Sun's own sign, it is not surprising that I gradually began to consider this house as the most powerful house in the chart after the 1st, since the 5th house emphasizes not only creative potentials individual, but also vibrations that characterize the apparent way in which a person spontaneously erupts his energies. IN real practice any planet in the 5th house (especially if it is in close trine to the Ascendant) can color the entire sphere and method of self-projection of a person as strongly as a planet in the 1st house.

The 9th house and its planets denote creative, future-oriented beliefs and aspirations. The 9th house's connection to a person's overall stance towards life may be more obvious than that of the 1st or 5th house, since the 9th house traditionally signifies a person's religious or philosophical orientation. As many books have stated, the 9th house and its planets are closely related to the higher mind, and since our highest aspirations and beliefs are among the most influential factors in shaping our attitudes in life, one can understand how easily the factors of the 9th house harmonize with the general orientation of the triangle of fire houses.

Of these three houses, the 5th house has been the most misunderstood due to the common practice of emphasizing only its association with children, love affairs, adventures and other pleasures. However, the 5th house has deeper meanings that are closely related to the transcendental meaning of the fire triangle in question. I must say that I am quite surprised that generations of astrologers can continue to pay such relatively little attention to the house that corresponds to the Sun itself! Although the energies of the 5th house often manifest as love affairs, speculation, sensual pleasures and childish self-centeredness, all these activities are rooted in the urge to take some risks in order to allow a higher power to manifest through the individual personality. As stated, the 5th house shows either the power of love or the love of power. IN best case scenario it refers to man's ability to allow the love and light of God to flow through him and to faith in the goodness of life itself. It relates to our ability to allow the creative forces of life to manifest through us, as represented by its connection to children, literally and figuratively (the desire for something greater than our limited ego to be born through us). Both children and true creativity teach us the lesson that we must do what we love to do in order to achieve a joyful sense of aliveness. This kind of joy is a gift or an act of divine mercy, and not “pleasure” in a sensory way. Until now best description This 5th house dimension was presented in Denis Elwell's article on the subject in the Journal of the British Astrological Association in the summer of 1973.

The corner houses of the horoscope (natal chart) are the first, fourth, seventh and tenth. The cusps of the corner houses are important in astrological interpretation.

The cusp of the first house is the Ascendant, the cusp of the fourth house is IC, the cusp of the seventh house is Descendant, the cusp of the tenth house is MC.

These four points are established through astrological calculations and are known as the corner points of the horoscope. The signs and planets located in them can say a lot about a person’s perception of the world and how the world perceives him.


While the placement of planets in zodiac signs depends on their movement relative to the Earth, houses are determined by the rotation of the Earth on its axis. The counting of houses in astrology begins from the point of intersection of the ecliptic with the eastern half of the true horizon at a certain moment and in a certain place. The ecliptic is the line on the celestial sphere along which the Sun, from the point of view of an earthly observer, makes its annual movement relative to the Earth.

The Ascendant or Rising degree is the beginning or cusp of the first house. The zodiac sign in which the Ascendant is located is called the ascendant sign. For example, someone who was born at a time when the sign of Sagittarius was rising on the eastern horizon is said to have an Ascendant in Sagittarius. Since the Earth is constantly rotating, the Ascending Degree or Ascendant changes approximately every four minutes. Therefore, in order to create a personal horoscope, it is important to know the exact time of birth.

Whenever a person is born, he always carries within himself the imprint of the moment in time at which he was born. The properties of the Ascendant influence how he perceives life and how he relates to new impressions. For example, a person with an Aries Ascendant will have a more positive outlook on life in general than someone with a Virgo Ascendant.

The Ascendant is the lens through which a person looks at the world; the worldview depends on it. It can be used to judge the degree of self-confidence, a person’s personality and how individuality manifests itself, in other words, how he wants to appear in the eyes of others.


Together with the opposite point of the natal chart, the Ascendant forms the horizontal axis of the natal chart. The Descendant is the point on the ecliptic at which, at a given point in time and in a certain place, the ecliptic intersects the western half of the true horizon. The Descendant is the cusp of the seventh house.

The Descendant shows a person in relationships with other people - what he consciously or unconsciously strives for in relationships. The Descendant also symbolizes the aspects of personality that a person looks for in others. There is a relationship between the Ascendant and the Descendant - the more developed the qualities of the Ascendant, the stronger the manifestations of the Descendant. The perception of oneself (Ascendant) is formed in communication with others (Descendant).

Midheaven or MC

Another important element astrological chart- the southern point of intersection of the ecliptic with the celestial meridian. It is known in astrology as the Midheaven or MC (Latin: Medium Coeli). The Midheaven (MC), as the highest point of the horoscope, symbolizes aspirations and direction of movement. It can be used to judge the qualities that a person wants to develop in himself in order to influence society, his goals, the need for recognition, ambitions and career. According to the sign where the Midheaven (MC) is located and the planets in the tenth house, a person strives to achieve respect, recognition and approval from society in one form or another.


The opposite point from the MC is the IC (or Imum Coeli), which means “lower sky.” The IC symbolizes the most unconscious side of the personality, childhood and family are rooted in the IC, from this point one can judge the origins and origins. This point and the planets located in the fourth home, testify to the deepest motives, many of which a person is not even aware of, but this does not make their influence any less.

Let's consider what the Ascendant, Descendant, MC and IC represent in astrology in the horoscopes of partners. I already wrote about the importance of these two axes in astrology in Chapter 3. They acquire particular significance in the case when these four points in the horoscope of one of the partners are aspected by the planets of the other.

Ascendant and Descendant in the horoscopes of partners

Many books are devoted to describing the aspects of conjunction, trine and square with these points. The general principle is this: any planet that forms a certain configuration with them contributes to the manifestation of unique features of the position of the two axes in a person's horoscope (which can be best seen when the MC is exactly 90 from the ascendant).

If in the horoscope the MC is in a square with the ascendant, this does not mean they have an unfavorable influence on each other: the MC speaks of a fundamentally different dimension of the human personality, its role in life. If any planet is in a square with Midheaven, this indicates its influence on the entire personality of a person as a whole, given to the points

  • ascendant
  • and the descendant.

Therefore, any aspect of the inner planets of one person with the points of the ascendant, descendant, MC and IC in the horoscope of another has a huge pupil.

The ascendant point carries the most information about a person’s appearance and physical appearance, therefore its aspects with planets in another horoscope (especially a conjunction) indicate the partners’ physical attraction to each other.

Descendant in partners' horoscopes

The Descendant speaks about what appeals to us most in people, and therefore has a huge influence on the choice of a partner. If a planet is in conjunction with the descendant, it thereby forms an opposition with the ascendant (as is also true that its trine with the ascendant indicates a sextile with the descendant).

Therefore, a certain position of the descendant in the horoscope also indicates the physical attraction of people to each other. The difference in the conjunction of planets with one of these points is best illustrated by an example. If the Moon of one of the partners is in conjunction with the ascendant of the other, the latter will have a significant influence on the emotions of the first.

Conversely, if the Moon of one is conjunct with the Descendant of the other, the first partner will emotionally influence the second. Actually we're talking about about two directions of energy flow at the pole formed by the ascendant and the descendant.

The Midheaven and Imum Coeli points also play an important role in the relationship between two people, although their influence is not manifested in the physical plane.

Aspects of planets with MC/IC axis

MC is a point indicating a person’s ideal image of himself - and this factor can be as significant for the relationship between two people as their physical attraction to each other.

Planets forming a specific aspect with the MC point greatly to the person's desire to be accepted by others, while planets associated with the IC point indicate more about the person's deep emotional needs. Here again we are dealing with two differently directed energy flows. A person’s ability to manifest certain personal qualities (MC) in life depends primarily on the depth and strength of his personality (IC).

Let's look at the example again: when the Moon of one of the partners connects with the MC point of the other, the first of them will largely support the emotional and personal aspirations of the other. If the Moon connects with the IC point, then the first partner will draw inspiration and even, to some extent, justification for his ideals from the emotional connection with the second.

Consequently, the aspect of one of the four points of one of the partners with the Moon of the other indicates a strong connection between the emotions of the first and the deep mental essence of the other.

Of course, the most powerful aspect in this regard is the conjunction, although trines, sextiles, squares and quincunxes are also important. The configurations of the Sun, Moon, Venus, Jupiter or the ruling planet of one of the partners with the four main points of the other carry most of the information about their relationships, although their aspects with other planets are also important.

Interpretation of the position of the vertex in the horoscopes of partners

Vertex is a point on the zodiac circle located exactly west of a person’s place of birth at the moment of his birth. Vertex in the horoscopes of partners - the coordinate in the horoscope is very important. Discovered relatively recently (by American astrologer Edward Johndroe), it is associated with karmically determined, predetermined events in a person’s life.

Aspects of planets to the Vertex

From my own experience, I know that the conjunctions and oppositions formed by planets and major points with the vertex are extremely important, and the more precise the aspect, the better. Connections and oppositions

  • Sun,
  • moons,
  • ascendant,
  • descendant,
  • MS or

The IC of one partner with the vertex of the other indicates that very important events in the lives of both partners will occur in connection with their relationship.

In the horoscopes of Hitler and Eva Braun, both vertices are aspected (the aspects, however, are not very accurate): Hitler’s Pluto is connected to Eva’s vertex, and her Mars is connected to Hitler’s vertex. The karmic predestination of their relationship is also indicated by the aspects of the Lunar nodes and Saturn in both horoscopes.