Zenith and nadir in the astrological chart. Cusps in the zodiac signs

Source: Training course Munich Institute of Parapsychology

Ascendant- the most individual point of the entire horoscope. This is the point on the ecliptic that rises in the eastern sky at the time of birth. Since the earth rotates, each point on the earth’s surface passes through the entire zodiac circle in a day, so that the ascendant is in each sign of the circle every day. Its position in a certain place depends on the time of birth. It symbolizes the “second of the world” at the moment of birth with all its planetary positions that determine the path of life that the newborn embarks on.

For this reason, a person is only born under sign of Taurus when it ascendant- but not Sun! - is in the sign of Taurus of the zodiac circle.

firmament in daily rotation Almost a whole degree passes every 4 minutes, but due to the inclination of the ecliptic, the ascending signs of the circle occur differently. Distinguish fast and slow rising signs. TO Fast ascending signs include Capricorn to Gemini, To slowly ascending - from Cancer to Sagittarius. In the northern hemisphere, slow-rising signs on the ascendant are more common than fast-rising signs.

The significance of the influence of the ascendant will be easier to understand if we agree to consider that at this point all influence begins. Ascendant gives information about how a person as a whole reacts to all stimuli of the external world and how his continuous dispute with the influences of this world manifests itself. Surrounding a person the world is endowed with certain properties, and a person has to reckon with everything that happens in the world during his life and, to one degree or another, adapt.

A person’s attitude towards the world around him can be either more active or passive, and sometimes he is in a position of rest. The property of being constantly ready to react is determined exclusively by the ascendant: it influences more powerfully than all the constellations, and determines the sum of all influences perceived by a person.

From the moment of his birth, a person is formed and changed under the influence environment , and its physical, mental and spiritual functions are constantly changing. How these changes occur, as well as the effectiveness of the modes of adaptation, the overall magnitude of the ability to respond and perhaps sort out the impact - all this is determined by the point ascendant.

Not a single person on earth is born with a ready-made character. Transmitted by inheritance and congenital are only various settings that can be developed. Whether they actually develop depends on life conditions.

Let us illustrate this statement. Let's say a man goes to a gardener and buys from him rose bush a certain variety. The gardener says that when the bush blooms, the flowers will be yellow. If we draw an analogy with a person, then we're talking about about predetermination, that is, the sum of innate attitudes. Nothing can be changed here, and having bought a certain variety of rose, one must expect a certain development. The basis for development is, first of all, the sum of hereditary factors.

Now the bush gets from the gardener to the new owner, he plants it in his garden so that it grows and develops. The time and place are now determined by the new owner of the bush, and now it depends on his experience and his knowledge of the conditions for the development of roses whether the new habitat is suitable for this plant or not.

We clearly understand that the plant cannot influence the moment of planting in a new place. Likewise, a person born in a certain place and at a certain time cannot take part in determining this moment. When he is born, he comes into contact with a certain environment and in it - and only in it - he has to develop. It is this moment of birth, of appearance in a new living environment, that shows ascendant and along with it a horoscope built on its basis.

The rose from the example above can now develop. If she is placed on good location where there is enough light, not damp and not dry, it will grow and bloom well. According to its location, the bush will use as much of the environment as it can provide.

This example shows that Three components matter during development:

  1. The sum of hereditary installations.
  2. The moment at which one is born with these hereditary attitudes.
  3. The environment in which these attitudes develop over the course of life.

In astrological terminology, we can formulate it like this:

  1. What matters is innate plasmatic predetermination (innate attitudes).
  2. Determined by the ascendant, the sum of the possibilities of reaction to the world And
  3. Life itself, dependent on the eternal variability of the aspects of the planets and other celestial influences, due to which great diversity arises.

Naturally, not all life events and influences have a noticeable impact. The human senses perceive all possible stimuli, but only partially consciously, while most of all information is not registered by thoughts or feelings and leaves no trace. And yet, throughout life, a unity of functions of body, soul and spirit arises, which reacts in a very definite and typical way to the environment and - from the point of view of astrology - is determined by the ascendant.

We could consider these provisions further, but this would lead too far, since it again turns out that only with the help of astrological practice can an accurate assessment of the ascendant be developed. We talk in detail about the meaning of the ascendant in individual signs of the transdiacal circle within zodiacal synthesis.

But first you need to deeply understand ascendant meaning. It is extremely difficult to explain this concept to a non-astrologer. The reason for this amazing fact that most people do not have the slightest idea of ​​what character actually is and how it is formed. From this ignorance arise the difficulties that arise everywhere in the education of young people. On the one hand, educators cannot or do not want to recognize the significance of hereditary or innate attitudes, on the other hand, they overestimate the influence of the environment. And this - and here comes a surprising conclusion - is determined politically.

There are political trends that consider as their main position that a person is formed solely as a result of his life in society, that the most favorable social relations give the most positive development of character. Hereditary - innate - abilities supposedly do not play any role, and only the correct “social order” is able to guarantee a person’s positive development and happiness.

On the other hand, experience proves that under the most favorable conditions of development, very often there is no good result, since negative attitudes are dominant. Conversely, even in an absolutely bad environment, in the presence of strong and favorable attitudes, the development of an outstanding personality can occur.

Nowadays, astrology is not universally recognized, although it can indicate the possibilities of personality development and show how one can achieve success or failure through the development of character. It can tell you which people are predisposed from birth to success in life, that is, they have the attitude to rise above others and succeed in life. In countries where the policy is for all citizens to be as similar as possible to each other (equalization), where everything is decided by the state, and where everyone, within social structure performs the functions prescribed to him by the state, it is impossible to take into account the basics of astrology, including the predestination of the ascendant.

When calculating the influence of the sign of the zodiac circle, the decisive factor is which decade the ascending degree belongs to. The first decade (from 0 to 10 degrees) is called cardinal, the second - constant, the third - adapting.

If the ascendant falls on first decade, then we state that the properties of the sign are always overly emphasized.

In the second decade, the properties appear moderately.

In the third, their weakening is already noticeable.

For example: 1st decade: “double” Virgo; 2nd decade: typical Virgo; 3rd decade: adaptable Virgo.

If there is a planet close to the ascendant at a distance of 5 degrees before or after, then it overlaps or modifies the indications of the ascendant sign. In addition, the indicators of the ascendant are also influenced by aspects to it.

Planet, ruler of the ascendant, is that very “lucky star”. Which most people have no idea about. How exactly this will manifest itself in a person’s life will be determined by the position of the ruler in the sign, house and its aspects. All this either strengthens or weakens the manager. All aspects of symbolic directions, secondary progressions, transits related to the ascendant play an important role in a person’s life.

Medium Goals

A point on the ecliptic, which reaches its highest position in the sky in the daily rotation (that is, the highest culmination) at the moment of birth, astrologers call midheaven. In the classification of houses, this point means the highest point of the 10th house.

When passing at 12 noon MC coincides with the position of the Sun. After ascendant This is the second most important point in the horoscope, and it is unlikely that two individuals will have the same position of the stars, although they were born in the same place and at the same time. Reason - MC changes by one degree within 4 minutes.

From point of view psychology MC stands for " self-awareness" This refers to the consciousness of one’s own “I” - the transition of general consciousness into the individual consciousness of the personal “I”. “I” (ego) represents the spiritual center of the entire personality and, with certain reservations, can be considered as its highest layer and control authority. A person can express himself through feelings, desires and aspirations, but all conscious actions are always controlled by the “I”.

Consciousness of one's own "I" tied to the development of the individual. In a child who only feels satiety, pain, joy, we cannot yet talk about the consciousness of his own “I”. The child himself initially talks about himself in the third person. At the first “stubborn age” (3-4 years), decisive transformations occur. The self, which previously only recorded events without realizing itself, becomes the subject of experience. At the same time, the symbolic unity of the child and the world is resolved: the first separation of “I” from “not I” occurs. By “I” - conscious aspirations, we must understand aspirations directed by the “I” to achieve certain goals in life. For this reason, it is necessary to apply various attitudes and characteristics to help these aspirations move towards success.

Feelings of desire or reluctance are necessary to impart an emotional driving force to the individual, the will must also take part in this, there must be a certain attitude towards other people.

The stronger connection of the MC with other points of the horoscope, the more the individual stands out from the general mass. A prerequisite for correct interpretation here is the correct definition and data of the time of birth.

The MC in individual sectors of the zodiac circle (divided into decades, like the ascendant) is considered within the framework of astrological synthesis.

MC gives fundamental ideas about a person’s original goal, that is, about his calling, which should not be confused with his profession, since this does not always coincide.

MC expresses the goal that everyone wants to fulfill in the world around him, his individual aspiration, for which he lives.

In essence, the MC reflects a passionate desire for the fulfillment of which a person feels born.

11 June 2011

So, let's figure it out house meanings natal chart in more detail.

I house or Ascendant of the natal chart

- “I myself.” Basic character traits, demeanor, appearance, body structure, life attitudes refer to first house natal chart. This also includes events with active personal participation, events that greatly change life, including those affecting changes in the physical body, and changes in life attitudes.

This is very important house. Ascendant And planets in the 1st house often manifest themselves more strongly than the sun sign, and at least outwardly these features are more noticeable. Sign at the top 1st house (ascendant) gives a style of perception that is most convenient for a person, for example, Gemini gives quick and mental perception, and Capricorn gives serious and practical perception.

II house of the natal chart

- "my". Second house of the natal chart- this is all I have, material living conditions, property, money, even a supply of vitality. Events are mainly related to receiving money, spending it, earning money, making purchases.

However, the situation 2nd house this does not end there. Here a person often has his closest relatives, whom he loving heart considers them his complete property and denies them a self-sufficient existence, different from a plant one, not to mention free will. This is especially typical for women in relation to their husbands and children (the Moon culminates in the 2nd house).

III house of the natal chart

- “my closest circle.” Third house of the natal chart- people who are equal or almost equal with whom I interact in Everyday life- brothers and sisters, colleagues (but not superiors or subordinates), neighbors. Sources of information - newspapers, radio, television, books, conversations, gossip.

Events related to the listed people, as well as short trips, obtaining information, business contacts, vehicles. Important aspect 3rd house- this is learning, or more precisely, socialized learning, i.e. with the help of a teacher or equivalent figure.

IV house or IC of the natal chart

- “my roots.” Fourth house- this is your own home, family, vacation spot, nature, small homeland, parents. Usually one of the parents is represented in the chart 4th house, second - 10th. The parent of the IV house is the one with whom the child is closer emotionally, spends more time, and who cares more about him in everyday life. The parent of the X house is more of an authority and protection in society, in the outside world.

With the traditional distribution of roles in the family according to IV house The mother is more often represented, and the father is represented by X. The IV house can also indicate a place of energy flow and calm. Including natural death as the end of a certain stage. Events of the fourth house: all changes in the home, family, its composition, moving.

V house of natal chart

- "my art". Any free, spontaneous manifestations of a person. Games, theater, sports - if it is for pleasure, and not for the sake of a career or money. Excitement, hobbies. Love. It is love as a feeling, not marriage or sex. Although sex for pleasure has something to do with fifth house.

By 5th house children come as a result of human creativity and, of course, as its object, i.e. under the house there is the actual upbringing of children (not necessarily their own; the 5th house is located above the kindergarten? except for the nursery) and, of course, the 5th house is included not only in the raising parent, but also in the child being raised, since in childhood it is not just continuous joys and ugliness , but also moments of reckoning for them.

VI house of natal chart

- “my functioning”. Work, daily activities. A person serves society, receiving for this the means necessary for his life. These are also practical skills and abilities. They are acquired in the III house, and are used in sixth house natal chart.

The ability to work with both hands and head, but specifically. The functioning of the body and diseases as its disruption. Subordinates and servants. Events: work, its changes, illness, treatment, relationships with subordinates.

VII house or Descendant of the natal chart

- "my partner". Peers to me with whom I enter into personal, one-on-one relationships. These are no longer current everyday relationships of the III house, but longer, more important and significant relationships. These can be business relationships (contracts) or love, personal (including marriage). In a relationship seventh house There is always an agreement, at least verbal.

7th house- this is also our access to the outside world, popularity in society, among the people, dependence on it, interaction with it. Events of the 7th house: marriage, partnership, contracts, agreements, termination of contracts and divorces, although the latter are also related to the 8th house, interaction with external factors, as well as the fight against open enemies and competitors, civil litigation.

VIII house of the natal chart

- “I am crossing the border”, “the energy of my partner (or opponent)”. Eighth house natal chart- home of extreme borderline states, including death. Violence, crime. Surgical operations, especially emergency ones. Taking risky or prohibited actions. Other meaning 8th house- partner’s energy, energy exchange.

Other people's money, husband's (wife's) money, taxes, loans, insurance, banking. Someone else's property. Losing your money (property) or acquiring someone else’s. Loss of a partner (death or divorce). Sex is an exchange of energy between two partners. The first sexual experience is always in the VIII house, since this is an irreversible crossing of the “before” and “after” border.

Criminal offenses, criminal court - in the VIII house. Events: death of yourself or someone around you, loss of money, property, partner. Someone else's money. Sex. Criminal proceedings. Risk. Crossing various boundaries, irreversible transition to a new state.

IX house of the natal chart

- “my aspiration into the distance.” Ninth house natal chart- a home for expanding your horizons, higher education, long-distance travel, meeting people of other cultures. This also includes philosophy general knowledge about the world, ideology, religion, teaching, distant relatives. Events: long journeys, higher education(entry, graduation), acquaintance with foreigners, other cultures, philosophical systems.

X house or MC of the natal chart

- "my goal". There is upward movement here. This is a very important house. MS and planets V tenth house show what the goals and calling of a person are, his purpose by the Cosmos. As well as the status he will achieve. The second parent moves along the X house (see IV house).

Chiefs. The person himself is in the role of the boss, will he be one, and if so, how and when. Achievements, titles, positions, awards. Attitude to the law, the state. Profession, selected by 10th house, this is a profession vocation. Events: professional changes; events related to achieving a goal or any change in a person’s status (position, marital status, etc.).

XI house of the natal chart

- "my friends". Collective creativity, communication with like-minded people, people of your own circle of interests. Eleventh house natal chart means ideal plans, dreams and their implementation, as well as liberation from rigid formal structures. Events: interaction with friends, implementation of plans, collective affairs.

XII house of the natal chart

- “my imprisonment.” Everything connected with deprivation, exile, imprisonment. Ending up in prison, hospital, exile, monastery. Or loneliness, a feeling of abandonment, withdrawal from business, withdrawal within oneself. Often a person avoids expressing himself in the area planets located in twelfth house unless it's just before Ascendant. In this case, it manifests itself, but as if from within, from the depths. Events that are less pleasant are listed above.
  As was said earlier, the signs, and accordingly the houses in which these signs are located, are ruled by the planets.

Astrology is a science that studies the interaction between planets, stars and human personality traits. With the help of a natal chart, you can explain the nature of a person and make a forecast of his future. Learn how to read your natal chart to gain valuable information about yourself.


Part 1

Explore your zodiac sign

    Find your zodiac sign. The outer ring of the zodiac chart is divided into 12 houses. One of them includes your date of birth. The section containing your date of birth determines your Zodiac sign. There are 12 zodiac signs, and each of them reveals different traits character. Determine the sector you belong to to find out your sign.

    Find out the meaning of your zodiac sign. Astrologers say that the zodiac sign influences a person’s personal qualities. For example, a person from the air element is a passionate, lively, ambitious and sociable person. Any Internet user can find online data about their character traits in accordance with their zodiac sign. You can also purchase a book about the zodiac signs online or in a bookstore, or borrow one from the library. Such literature will help you know yourself better, based on your personal zodiac sign.

    Understand what exactly influences correct interpretation your zodiac sign. It should be borne in mind that the zodiac sign is just a small component of the natal chart. For its correct interpretation, many nuances must be taken into account. A complete decoding of the natal chart involves taking into account all other components, such as houses and planets. This information depends on your place and date of birth.

    Part 2

    Interpret at home
    1. Find the ascendant. The Ascendant is a very important part of the natal chart and rises on the eastern horizon at the time of your birth. The rising sign will let you know the placement of houses on your map.

      Check out the first six houses. Each house indicates different aspects of a person's life. Your natal chart is influenced by the sign that rules a particular house.

    2. Find out about the last six houses. In addition to those already listed, there are six more houses. To decipher the natal chart, it is necessary to determine the location of the houses, as well as calculate the planets and zodiac signs that dominate them.

      Part 3

      Reveal the meaning of the planets
      1. Determine the location of the planets. Planets that pass through different houses of your chart affect its interpretation. They are presented in the form of different symbols and are scattered throughout the map.

        • The sun is depicted as a circle with a dot in the center. The moon has a crescent-shaped crescent shape.
        • Venus is the symbol of the feminine and Mars is the symbol of the masculine. Mercury is represented in the form of a male symbol, but with two small lines protruding from the upper circle.
        • Jupiter is represented by a symbol that resembles the number 4, and Saturn - the number 5.
        • The symbols for Uranus, Neptune and Pluto have rather intricate configurations. Uranus looks upside down female symbol with four lines, two on each side, that curve outward in the opposite direction. Neptune looks like an inverted cross with two lines on each side that curve upward. Pluto is a kind of combination of Neptune and Uranus. This is a female symbol, facing upward, with two lines on each side that curl upward.

If the Moon is well aspected, this often ensures popularity for people in the acting and bohemian professions. In this case, the goal is achieved by connecting intuition, the ability to influence the masses (among actors and artists). The art of these people affects the subconscious, the emotions of people.
With bad aspects - blurred goals, inability to concentrate, gather, somewhat blurred initiative. Disappointment in the purpose of life, in one’s own existence. If at the same time a strong Saturn is on ASC, it is impossible to achieve the goal. P.Globa

Moon conjunct the MC - your feelings and emotions are in direct connection with the ego, and if you gain authority, success and social status, then you feel at ease. However, if obstacles arise in the way of achieving your ambitions, you feel misunderstood and depressed. You have an innate ability to see what the public likes, so you can become a successful salesman or have success in public relations. Women will give you business support, and your mother no doubt did. strong influence of your choice life path. If the Moon is in the 10th house, your authority in childhood was your mother. In a man's horoscope, a weak Sun, Mars or Saturn indicates that your opinion of yourself as a man may not be high, and you will need a lot of confirmation to feel more confident.

Trigon (trine), sextile Moon – MC

Moon trine sextile MC - Thanks to your innate ability to understand other people's wants and needs, work that involves the public will bring you the most success. Because you are thoughtful and compassionate, people trust your judgment, and sensitivity to the needs of others paves the way for your success. You must rely on intuition because you learn and know through your senses. You are attracted to traditions and the past, true values, but this does not prevent you from harmonizing them with new trends, and people perceive this positively. You could do well as a real estate broker, a mining broker, agriculture or trade. If the Moon is in the 6th house, you may try to try yourself in several different professions before making a final choice and deciding on a permanent occupation in life.

Opposition, square Moon - MC

Strong position of the Moon, domestic inclinations, close family bonds. Without a home and family, they feel unhappy and abandoned. They pay tribute to gourmetism and cooking, love to be near the water, and often wander from place to place in search of new emotions. Deep feelings, skilled gardeners, love the earth. After marriage there is a close connection with the mother. F. Sakoyan

Moon in square-opposition-quincunx with the MC - given the fact that you always openly express your thoughts and feelings, it is better to avoid you or treat you very carefully. You quarrel with people, and their desires and needs do not agree with your feelings, and it is not easy for you to decide what is better to do - please yourself or listen to other people's advice and persuasion. You often seem to be at the mercy of your feelings, and at some point in your life you may have to resolve a contentious relationship with your business or life partner. Despite your strong attachment to home and family, you will turn away from them when it comes to your own success and the security of your position, especially if the Moon is in the 5th house. If the Moon has many other difficult aspects, your popularity will not come easy to you, you may become notorious for some negative events or incidents.

The degree of the highest point of the natal chart is called the Midheaven (MC) from the Latin medium coeli. Opposite it at a distance of one hundred and eighty degrees is the Bottom of Heaven (IC) in Latin imum coeli. Together with the ascendant and descendant, they are the corner points of the horoscope.

Sometimes a person unexpectedly makes an excellent career and achieves amazing results in social fulfillment. All this is controlled by the Midheaven point (MC) or Zenith. MC is the highest point of the ecliptic in the horoscope. It directly affects the social and spiritual realization of the individual and his approach to career issues.

The opposite point from the Zenith is the Bottom of Heaven (IC) or Nadir. This point indicates the type of person in which he was incarnated, his attitude to family and religious values, including basic life attitudes. Also, Nadir, together with the fourth house of the horoscope, indicates the circumstances of the death of an individual.

MC and IC in Zodiac Signs

MC in Aries – IC in Libra

A man makes a career as a warrior. Social realization poses a challenge to the individual, and he accepts it. He likes to master new areas of activity. A person needs a cozy, comfortable home where he can enjoy peace and aesthetics.

MC in Taurus – IC in Scorpio

Stability is most important to an individual. He can achieve incredible success in society, but achieving it will not be quick. The most important thing is to harness yourself seriously and for a long time. At home, a person can often rearrange furniture, change family traditions, abandon old patterns of behavior despite the protests of relatives, thereby raising the ancestral egregor to a higher level.

MC in Gemini – IC in Sagittarius

A person's career should be varied and multifaceted, giving him something to think about mentally. Most likely, its social implementation is associated with communication, information transfer and short trips. At home, a person can indulge in reading books in the fantasy genre or broaden his horizons by watching huge TV. Loves big feasts.

MC in Cancer – IC in Capricorn

An individual vitally needs a career where he can apply his developed intuition. The more a person develops his empathy, the more successfully he will move up the career ladder. In home life the individual adheres to traditional views. Conservative towards family traditions and values.

MC in Leo – IC in Aquarius

The individual's career is focused on the use of creative talents and public recognition. WITH own family such a person can have very strange relationships. For example, do not communicate with your relatives at all or do it occasionally.

MC in Virgo – IC in Pisces

The individual can be very successful because he is attentive to detail and efficient. He is an excellent analyst, ready to work day and night. At home there may be chaos and disorder, or an environment in which a person feels protected from the dangers of the outside world.

MC in Libra – IC in Aries

A person needs a career related to aesthetics, fair choice or art. There are many options: from a district court judge to a ballerina or a famous pianist. A person skillfully communicates with people, which helps him in social realization. The individual is very active at home, but may have many conflicts with family members and behave quite aggressively with them.

MC in Scorpio – IC in Taurus

An individual pursues a career in a field that causes him to experience intense stress. If a person has set a goal for himself, he will make every effort to achieve it. It is important for him to have own home, where you can feel peace in a comfortable and cozy environment.

MC in Sagittarius – IC in Gemini

In a career, an individual strives for independence and new knowledge. It is desirable that it be associated with various trips and interesting people. A person likes to receive guests with whom there is something to talk about. He has a large library at home.

MC in Capricorn – IC in Cancer

Reliability and responsibility always give great results. A person strives to realize himself in a large structure. Focused on social status, conservatism and performance. Realist. The individual has strong family roots and traditions.

MC in Aquarius – IC in Leo

The career of such a person rests on his individuality and independence. It may be connected with some of his unique gifts. At home, an individual likes to boss around, or simply everyone in the household treats him like a dirty bag.

MC in Pisces – IC in Virgo

A person can search for his professional calling for a very long time. His work involves helping other people, music or art, and psychic abilities. The individual’s home is neat and clean, perhaps he helps his parents and takes care of them.