What is karmic marriage and how to calculate it? Karmic love: signs. Karmic relationships

From an esoteric point of view, there are couples “bound by one chain” - higher powers considered that this couple needs to go their way in the Universe together. This is their karma.

Marriages are made in heaven. But what makes people live together, if at first glance it is obvious: the union does not bring them either joy or happiness. The answer is simple: they are connected by a karmic marriage. Everyone is familiar with the situation: a couple has met, both their eyes are shining, the air sparkles with the energy of love, the romance is gaining momentum. And literally a month later we accidentally find out: we broke up overnight.

The opposite examples are also known, when people live together who are not suitable for each other, who do not fit into one picture - like puzzle pieces from different boxes. Nevertheless, they remain husband and wife, despite mutual or one-sided dissatisfaction, dissatisfaction, or even open hatred. It seems that an unknown force has simply chained them to each other, and no amount of advice from friends and mothers, or rational calculations from psychologists will allow these two to separate. From an esoteric point of view, they are truly “bound by one chain” - higher powers considered that this couple needed to go their way in the Universe together. This is their karma.

Debts and lessons

According to ancient Indian teachings, drachma and karma exist in the life of each of us. The drachma is your purpose, the way you were originally conceived and most needed by the world. Deviation from this program entails suffering and obstacles on the path of life - that is, karma, which, in essence, is the development of deviations from the intended course. And this continues from incarnation to incarnation until all the debts of the Universe are repaid and the initial purpose is realized entirely.

Indians believe that those who have already met in a past life and did not learn the right lessons from communication are doomed to karmic marriage. No person comes into the life of another by chance. A friend, a child, a relative, a lover - they are all called into our lives in order to together resolve one or another unfinished situation from a past life.

Astrologers and magicians believe that most often people in the current reality change places in relation to the past: judges become criminals, tyrants become unfortunate victims, men and women change genders. This is necessary so that everyone can fully realize their mistakes and draw the right conclusions. And it resembles a grandiose performance, lasting until each participant comes to the right actions and remarks. This is how justice is restored. IN

Remember everyone

By the way, this is confirmed by the increasingly popular method of regression, or reincarnation, psychotherapy. It has been known in Europe and America for more than 30 years, but in Russia they first heard about it about 15 years ago. Hypnotherapist of the highest category, Doctor of Philosophy, author of the book “The Purpose of the Soul. Life between lives” M. Newton noticed during hypnosis sessions that patients seemed to remember events that did not happen to them in reality.

Since a person’s entire experience is imprinted in his subconscious, then, when plunging into a trance, we are able to reproduce the faces, voices, sensations, and actions of those who were next to us in past lives. By the way, the data from regression therapy clearly show: people tend to travel through incarnations in groups - until all participants draw the necessary conclusions from the communication. laws of karma

Many of those who have completed regression therapy sessions have found that they are already familiar with their “acting halves”! By getting to know their wives and husbands and experiencing standard communication situations in a trance, people get a chance to understand the origins of the problems that exist in their marital unions. In essence, this is the same karma, only in a European manner. YOUR CASE? Karmic marriages have quite obvious signs.

One of the most common is the shortest transition time from acquaintance to marriage. If at first glance you feel as if you have known a person for a thousand years, heard his voice, know his gestures, most likely this is not the first time you have met. It is on this wave that weddings happen “right off the bat,” a week after the meeting. While those around them widen their eyes, ask millions of questions, and vainly offer to weigh everything, the couple has already left for their honeymoon. And if immediately after the wedding the spouses left for another city or country, they are almost one hundred percent connected karmically. This means that higher powers activated the script and the performance began. Or rather, it continued; it could have started centuries ago.

A mirror case when classmates who have known each other for many years meet on their 20th graduation anniversary and can no longer separate, despite their families, property, and plans. Most likely, their union was destined and it was not by chance that they even ended up in the same school. But first I had to complete some individual programs and pass a “single test”. And then it came to general karmic plots.

Another option for the development of relationships, indicating the predestination of the union, is a situation when the groom suddenly leaves the bride for her sister on the eve of the wedding. Or a widow marries the brother of her deceased husband, without even observing the prescribed period of mourning. Surely many have observed marriages in which one of the spouses suffers from addiction - alcohol or drugs, and the second seems to be sentenced to suffer next to him and endure all this. Psychologists call this behavior codependency, while esotericists tend to believe that this is a development of behavior in a past life.

Most often, the drinker and the sufferer in the previous incarnation occupied opposite positions - the time has come to switch roles and experience firsthand all the hardships of life with the patient. If a husband or wife suffers from a chronic illness that requires labor-intensive daily care, most likely this is also karma. In marriages where one falls ill, for example, with schizophrenia or is confined to a wheelchair, the other must meekly bear all the difficulties of living together. Otherwise, in the next incarnation he will end up in the same situation. The Universe forms childless couples when it is necessary to terminate the birth, to prevent the continuation of a man or a woman, since both partners will not come any closer to solving their karmic tasks.

By the way, almost each of us knows cases when a childless family, after many years of trying to give birth to their own child, adopted someone else’s, and after some time a blood heir appeared in the family. This means that the Universe set both tasks for self-improvement, which can only be solved by raising a child. Probably, in all previous incarnations, people could not understand what was required of them, and higher powers had already given up on them, deciding to complete the story.

But as soon as the right step was taken, the path to procreation was again open.

Sometimes, after marriage, the life of the entire family changes abruptly or gradually: previously unknown problems appear, people find themselves drawn into a cycle of events and difficulties that they had no idea about before. This means that a new relative who has entered the family, the daughter’s husband, is called upon to become a catalyst for all members of the clan. It actualizes situations that have accumulated in everyone, often outwardly destroying or dividing the family. However, in reality it simply forces us to solve long-overdue problems.

Well, a classic example: a relationship that makes one or both spouses suffer, cry, suffer, even get divorced, but get back together. And this is working out for past lives. In fact, they need to analyze the situation and find tasks that correspond to the drachma, that is, the true calling of everyone.

There is also a fatal age difference between spouses from a karmic point of view. If it is 5,10 or 15 years, most likely the meeting and union of two people was predetermined. Moreover, 5 and 10 years indicate the need for self-improvement and mutual development, which as a result can take the marriage to a new level or give the spouses a chance to separate peacefully, having learned all the lessons. But the 15 year difference indicates that this is a fatal karmic passion. So many debts and failures have accumulated that separation will happen if only one becomes a widower or widow. No amount of divorce or separation will help. And although it is possible to complete your homework, your dependence on your partner is very high. And if he takes the situation in the wrong direction, the situation will only get worse. Then meeting in the next life is simply inevitable.

Expert community

Strictly speaking, all relationships between people have a karmic basis. But how can you find out whether your union is really fated or whether you will soon get used to each other, get used to each other and stop swearing?

There are several ways: Firstly, a session of reincarnation psychotherapy can help. You will be immersed in a trance, and the specialist will ask questions to help you describe what you can see and remember. The entire session is recorded on a voice recorder, and the recording is then listened to and analyzed. So you will have every chance to figure out your karmic company and understand what connects you with your spouse.

Secondly, you should contact an astrologer. An analysis of the horoscopes of both partners will clearly show whether there is a connection between them from past lives. Without going into details, we can say that there is a specific position of the planets in which most of them intersect under the karmic aspect.

A distinctive indicator is if the distance between the planets on the zodiac circle is 20, 40, 80 or 100 degrees. An astrologer can also calculate the karmic compatibility of a couple based on the ancient Indian method. Drachma and karma have a celestial indicator - one of two points in the sky near which lunar and solar eclipses occur. This is the node of the ascending lunar orbit. In ancient treatises this point is called Rahu - the head of the Dragon. Exactly opposite it is the tail of the Dragon - Ketu, the second point of eclipses. Rahu floats across the sky in the direction opposite to the movement of the planets, and the position of this point on the celestial sphere at the moment of a person’s birth determines the line of his life. Analysis of Rahu in the horoscopes of partners shows whether an alliance between them is possible and whether they will help each other solve karmic problems. Another way is to analyze the situation on Tarot cards. There are combinations of the major and minor arcana known to experts, showing the predetermination of the connection and the degree of complexity of unresolved problems. By choosing one of these paths, you can understand how fatal your marriage is, how soon it will end and how much it depends on you.

You can pay off your debts

A karmic marriage can be not only destructive, but also healing and creative. Then the partners who fell in love with each other at first sight, having gone through a series of difficult and psychologically stressful situations, open up in a new way, becoming support and support for each other. This means that people made the right conclusions, passed the test and received high-quality close relationships as a reward. But this scenario of events most often seems not karmic at all, but simply correct and prosperous. No one pays attention to it, much less analyzes the compatibility horoscope: there are no problems or people themselves successfully solve them. Karmic usually means a complex marriage, saturated with fatal passions and events. True, it exists only until the spouses fulfill the lessons brought from previous lives. Then higher powers will appreciate the result and dissolve the union that is exhausting both.

The main thing here is to behave correctly, work on the awareness of your actions, control your words and feelings. It is important to change your psychological reactions and behavior patterns, and not try to change your partner. There will be no result from this, but the probability of meeting him again in the next life is very high. After all, karma is an individual concept, and trying to change your husband or wife will not affect your own destiny in any way.

The concept of “karma” comes from the East, but what it defines is not something alien to us. We all know proverbs like “What goes around comes around” or “What comes around comes around.”

A karmic marriage is a union of two people who were already closely acquainted in a past life, but they still have some debts to each other. In past incarnations they could have been husband and wife, relatives, each other's parents, lovers or even enemies. And in this life, fate brought them together again so that they would repay each other’s debts and work off their karma (atone for guilt, correct mistakes). After all, the union of two loving hearts is one of the greatest purgatories on Earth, where our characters and worldview are seriously tested.

Is everything too confusing? Let me explain with an example. Suppose in a past life you had a guy who doted on you and dreamed of marrying you. But you left him because your boss’s son had his eye on you. Marriage with him promised you mountains of gold: career advancement, business trips abroad, a comfortable existence... And you, finding these arguments very convincing, left the one who loved you more than life itself...

Rest assured, a similar situation will certainly arise in this life and it will be repeated until you learn the lesson and do what you need to do. Like in a computer game: level two, try two.

However, before marriage, no one thinks about bad things and usually does not look at karma. But in vain. The very arguments that people use when getting married can say a lot about the future life of the spouses.

So, blind passion. This is a classic example of a karmic marriage. Let's look at it using a specific example.

In a past life, Nikolai Lvovich was a promising young scientist, but he loved his fiancée Anya so much that he abandoned scientific research for her sake and did not live up to his calling. In this life, he is literally obsessed with work and career, and tries to avoid women. Nikolai Lvovich’s soul remembers the experience of previous mistakes, and therefore the man is subconsciously afraid of marriage, just as others are afraid of water, closed spaces or heights.

But the laws of karma cannot be abolished, so in this life our hero finds himself in a similar situation. His fear and attempts to escape from love are covered by a unique mechanism of blind passion: Nikolai Lvovich falls in love like a boy, lives with his beloved, and raves about her. As a result, protective barriers collapse, fear recedes into the background... It would seem, live and be happy! But no.

After some time, our hero will again have to face the same problem as in his previous life. Again you will have to make a choice between vocation and love, and make the right decision, which in this case looks like this: it is quite possible to combine love and work, you cannot betray yourself and give up your calling.

Another classic example is that it's time. If you are getting married not because you fell in love with all your heart, but because “the time has come” or because all your friends have long since started a family, this should alert you. From a biological point of view, you have simply reached marriageable age and are ready to start your own family and have children (often unconsciously to yourself).

From a karmic point of view, the desire to get married appears at the age when you did it in a past life, especially if the marriage was unsuccessful. In other words, the mistake of a past life, deposited in karma, is waiting to be corrected, and it seems that fate is pushing a person to action - try again.

Marriage of convenience. The wedding epidemic usually begins in the last year of college. When old connections are broken, the usual rhythm of life changes, girls and boys are warmed by the hope that together it is not so scary to start a new stage of life. They are looking for a suitable partner - more promising, richer, with an apartment, a car... However, such a marriage is happy only when there are feelings and spiritual kinship between the young people. If the decision is made solely for selfish reasons, the likelihood of a happy marriage is zero. Indeed, from a karmic point of view, such a marriage is nothing more than a desire to evade problems, to shift them onto the shoulders of the husband (wife).

The desire is both understandable and legitimate, but in reality no one will solve our problems for us. And no matter what misfortunes we hide from (loneliness, lack of money, parental dictate), they will certainly overtake us. And this will continue until we find the strength to solve the problem ourselves.

Now let me draw conclusions about the features of karmic marriage:

— The marriage was unexpected for the partners themselves. Unexpected, because according to all the rules, procedures and foundations, they are “not a couple.” They may, for example, have completely different social status, environment, financial situation or age difference.

“There is a lot that is symbolic, “fatal” and predetermined in their relationship. For example, their relationship appears outwardly to be incompatible with happy coexistence. They can constantly quarrel and swear, but at the same time simply cannot imagine life without each other.

— Alcohol or drug addiction of one of the partners. This situation in the family is always accompanied by the suffering of one of the partners. Most likely, in this life they simply switched places and now one experiences what the other experienced in a past life.

- Lack of children. A sign of a closed future for the family. Marriage unites not only two people, but also two families. Such relationships exist so that partners rethink their own traits that the family does not want to pass on to future generations. If rethinking does not occur, most often such a marriage is dissolved.

— One of the partners has health problems. This situation is created to awaken the higher aspects of love, such as compassion and caring, which might not appear in a prosperous situation.

— Marriage happens unexpectedly and quickly, after which all ties with other people, including relatives, are severed by moving to another city or abroad.

- Very quick marriage after a couple of weeks of dating or less. In such relationships, everything happens as if according to a script and the couple understands their new situation only after some time. Before this, they seemed to be driven by forces that they themselves were not aware of.

It’s rare, but it happens that people live together for many years and cannot imagine life without each other. They are not in love, they truly love, accepting their partner for who he is, with all his shortcomings and advantages.

From a karmic point of view, such spouses have passed all the tests, worked out all the lessons, corrected all the mistakes and now enjoy each other, appreciating every moment allotted to them. Their destinies are intertwined, they are connected with strong threads, bonds, and not chains or shackles.

Remember that karma is not a dogma or a curse. It is just the result of how you lived in past lives and how you live in your current one.

Correct your mistakes, go through life with an open Heart, giving Love. And then you will certainly meet your happiness.

Love, from a magical point of view, is any happy or not so happy, long-term or fleeting union of two people who have real feelings for each other. When human personalities, habits, karmic vectors and worldviews are truly tested, one of the most terrifying purgatories on the planet occurs.

Karmic marriage is a union of two individuals who were previously well acquainted in one of their past lives. They still had debts to each other, so fate brought them together again. It is likely that in past incarnations they could have been spouses, relatives, parents, lovers and even sworn enemies.

Karmic marriage: what is it?

Karmic relationships are quite common. At first glance, this may seem like an unlikely alliance. The concept of “karma” itself came to us from the distant and mysterious East. But this does not mean that it is alien to us.

You can consider karmic marriage using a life example. In a past life, the girl had a boyfriend who loved her very much. He's on it. And she preferred him to a middle-aged man who promised excellent prospects.

Many opportunities opened up for the woman: a well-paid job, a large and spacious house, a personal car, travel and a lot of money. The girl chose the option that suited her best. She rejected the feelings of her loved one due to her personal beliefs.

In the next life, something similar will happen to the person who did wrong. He'll have to go through this again. Again he will be faced with a difficult choice and, most likely, will stumble. And this will continue until he learns a valuable life lesson. The main thing is to always do the right thing, according to the dictates of your heart.

Often, before entering into a legal marriage, no one studies karma. But in vain, because a lot depends on her. The very facts that people usually use when connecting themselves with a loved one can tell a lot.

Blind passion is a vivid example of a karmic marriage. You can consider a specific situation. In a past life, Viktor Sergeevich was a promising young scientist. Because of his strong love for his girlfriend Alevtina, he quit his scientific work.

In his next life, his main goal is his career, and he literally avoids women. The soul of this person remembers the previous bitter experience. Consequently, on a subconscious level, a man is afraid to tie the knot. This fear can be compared to claustrophobia and arachnophobia.

Karmic laws cannot be canceled. That is why in life Viktor Sergeevich finds himself in a similar situation. His fears, as well as all attempts to escape from omnipresent love, are blocked by the amazing mechanism of blind passion. A man falls in love like a teenager, lives with his beloved, and raves about her.

Later, protective barriers are destroyed and fear recedes. After some time, he will have to face a similar situation again.

Once again, difficult choices will need to be made. It is important to make the right decision, as a lot depends on it. The ideal way out of this situation is to combine work and love.

You cannot betray yourself and give up what you love. Another striking example of a karmic marriage is the expression “the time has come”.

If a person formalizes an official relationship not out of great love, but because such a moment has come, then this will not lead to anything good. From a biological point of view, the individual has simply achieved the so-called ““. He is ready to start a family and have children.

According to karma, the desire to get married or get married arises at the age when it happened in a past life. Especially if the previous marriage was not very successful. A mistake deposited in karma is waiting to be corrected. It seems that fate is pushing a person to take decisive action.

Special attention should be paid to marriages of convenience. Often the epidemic of weddings begins in the last years of university. All ties are severed, the usual rhythm of life changes radically, girls and boys are warmed by the hope that together it is not so scary to start a new stage of life.

Each person continues to search for a suitable partner. People always choose companions with a stable financial situation, with real estate and movable property.

But such relationships will only be happy if there are strong feelings between the young people A guy and a girl should be connected. If the decision to get married comes spontaneously, only for selfish reasons, then the likelihood of creating a happy family is zero.

From a karmic point of view, such a marriage is a simple desire to deliberately get rid of problems and shift them onto the shoulders of the spouse. The desire to be happy and not need anything is quite natural. But in reality, no one will solve other people's problems.

No matter what misfortunes a person hides from, they will definitely overtake him again. This will continue until he finds the strength to solve the problem on his own. If a woman values ​​her husband’s salary most of all, then sooner or later he will lose it.

As a result, the couple will be left with nothing. If a representative of the fair sex likes her husband’s position in society and reliability, then, unfortunately, he will lose everything in the near future. And these are not tricks of fate at all, but only karmic lessons. Each person is forced to go through his own path and learn many things.

Nowadays, many young girls, in order to get rid of excessive parental control, decide to marry a stranger. Because of this, they face many problems, which are now related to their husband.

You need to change, become an individual. You shouldn’t constantly depend on anyone else’s opinion. Only in this case will life change for the better.


A close sexual relationship during the creation of a new family becomes the basis for marital karma.

At the moment there are four main ones:

  1. two souls that are connected by the bonds of previous karmic relationships, regardless of whether they are created by attachment to shared happiness or suffering, are attracted to each other to form a new family, as well as to procreate;
  2. man and woman are connected to each other at a higher level, which is in an unchanging state. In this incarnation, a family is formed for the birth of children;
  3. a single essence from the high Divine plane is divided into two, appearing in the body of a man and a woman. Later, the souls unite in this earthly incarnation. They are temporarily with each other, combining with material, physical passion;
  4. thanks to God's Providence.


The genus is the bearer of enormous resources and abilities. There are some signs that indicate that the family system is destructive.


The couple's relationship develops rapidly over a short period of time. Major life events unfold at lightning speed. Before the young couple knows it, they find themselves legally married.

The feelings of young people flare up like a match. They flare up stronger with each new day. The lovers don't even have time to understand what's happening. Having cooled down a little, the partners are perplexed as to how all this could have happened.

Craving for change

A man and a woman in love are often drawn to dramatic changes. Often, having entered into a karmic marriage, a couple decides to move permanently to another city. Young people are preoccupied with the desire to start life with a “clean slate.” They change apartments, cut off previous connections, and delete close friends from their lives.

Problems with children