The most common male names. Beautiful Islamic names for boys

2016 is coming to an end, and we decided to take stock - what names in our country were most often chosen for daughters and sons? Based on official data from the Civil Registry Office, this is what we came up with.

Records were broken this year by: Kirill, Nikita and Artem, and also, of course, Sofia, Anastasia and Victoria. Quite Russian and “standard”, although everyone around accuses young mothers and fathers of being too inventive.

Top 10 names for a boy


It has become “fashionable” in the last two years. Means "lord" in Greek. Contradictory, strong nature. Self-confident, intractable, very purposeful. Versatile, small intellectual, has a good memory. Polite, rarely displays his feelings.


“Winner” - from ancient Greek. Nikitas often grow up to be little egoists, trying to be the best among their peers. They do not allow themselves to be commanded, they are stubborn and persistent. With all this, they are very touchy, vulnerable, sentimental and shy. They are not sociable; rather, on the contrary, they are reserved and modest.


A noble and conservative name closes the top three. It has not lost its popularity for two decades. Strong and smart beyond his age, fair and honest, Sasha will never offend the weak. They achieve everything they sincerely want, are charming and charismatic.


Trusting and open, flexible and balanced - this is all about Artem. They are very hardworking, but at the same time they are not too persistent in achieving their goal. They have a rich imagination, happily welcome guests into the house, and rarely make trouble.


The name has Greek roots and is suddenly becoming more fashionable. Little Andreys are secretive and cunning, children-mysteries. They do well at school, but they often act out. They are jealous and want to be the center of attention, especially in childhood.


From Hebrew - “God’s judgment.” They are obedient, kind, but at the same time cunning. , but not vindictive. They are sociable, have many friends, and are often successful in sports.


The name Ilya was “forgotten” quite recently, but over the past 12 months it has become incredibly popular. What kind of boy will Ilya be? Helps his mother, studies well, but without much enthusiasm. Friendly, but poor at understanding people, quick-tempered. Calm and quiet only happens with loved ones.


To those around them, they seem unusually simple and good-natured, skillfully hiding their anger or rage. Egocentric. Talented natures, you just have to understand what exactly it is. They are closed with their peers, but very attached to their family.


They are usually academically successful and hardworking. They try hard to take a leading position among friends, they are straightforward, harsh and categorical. They don't tolerate lies. Already in childhood, they are pedantic and picky, value cleanliness and order in the house.


Boys like this early age are astounding in their intelligence. Creative natures are for teachers, flexible and polite children are for parents. At the same time, they are not very decisive and easily succumb to the influence of others, they do not dream of championship, but they are loved in the team.

At the end of the article, we have prepared for you a checklist “Age-related crises in children: causes, symptoms, help.” Download it and learn how to help your beloved child during a crisis.

Top 10 names for girls


Russian scientists estimate that every eighth girl born in Russia in the last 24 months was named Sofia or Sonya. Sofochkas are usually shy, friendly, and conscientious. Independent, always ready to help.


Nastenkas are often found in folk literature and fairy tales. Nastya is everyone's favorite, she is easy-going and sweet to talk to. She is a dreamy and very trusting person, so you should teach her to understand people.


Vika does not strive to become a leader, prefers to be unnoticed in the team, and is a little lazy. She is not always confident in her actions and is not very decisive; from childhood she learns to rely only on herself.


Suitable for a strong and courageous baby, translated as “protector.” Despite the masculine energy, these girls are usually very feminine and beautiful. She is very affectionate with her parents and treats them with great respect, of course, if she is raised correctly. She is diligent in her studies, but in her behavior she is a real tomboy.


One of the “brightest” Slavic names. The Svets are pleased with their performance at school and victories at sports competitions. Creative personality, friendly and always calm. It’s so hard for the light to get mad! She is a girl-mother, very caring and economical.


The name comes from Rome and has not lost its popularity for a long time. Natasha as a child is a little “ball of energy”, very cheerful and active. She unobtrusively occupies an important place in the team, is very attached to her mother and becomes independent late in life.


If your baby's mood is constantly changing, then there is a high probability that her name is Yulia. Yulia is a little arguer, always defends her opinion, and has difficulty accepting criticism. She behaves cautiously and distrustfully with strangers. With the help of Saule Utegalieva’s course, you will teach Yulenka how to behave safely with strangers(free in )

At the end of the article, we have prepared for you a checklist “Age-related crises in children: causes, symptoms, help.” Download it and learn how to help your beloved child during a crisis.


She is the quietest and most modest in the class, does not cause trouble for adults and does not make her blush. Olenkas are touchy and reserved; it is not so easy to approach them, even to relatives and friends. Indecisiveness is another trait of their character.

Alena or Elena

Lenochka is a little sunshine, sweet and courteous, obedient and affectionate. What she lacks is determination. Your task is to teach Lena to achieve her goals and not give up halfway.


Tanya grows up domestic and quiet, economical, and diligent in her studies. But among her peers she is too bold and only wants to be first and is emotional. She does not tolerate loneliness and monotony, she is a rather domineering person. He likes to argue with adults and often does everything “with precision, but vice versa.”

What names will be fashionable in 2017?

Short and sonorous

American scientists have come to the conclusion that in the near future short, sonorous, energetic options will be in demand: Eva and Mark, Lev and Mila, Leia and Max.

Unisex fashion

In our country: Sasha, Valya and Zhenya, in Europe - Chris, Alex and Michelle.


Among them: Sasha or Alex, Maxim or Max, Anna, Maria, and Christina.

Own composition

Most often these are “alterations” from the usual ones, for example: Anna - Annetia or Aniya, Irina - Irinia, Natalya - Natalia.

Retro is back in fashion

Well, it should be noted that retro options are increasingly being chosen: Zakhar and Savva, Yesenia and Serafima, Plato and Vasilisa.

Which fashionable name do you like? Or do you not give in to fashion trends and are inclined towards something unique and rare?

Download the checklist "Age crises in children: causes, symptoms, help"

​All children face age-related crises when moving from one stage of development to another.​ Find out about the causes, signs of crises, and how to help your beloved baby!

Rating of names of newborns in Moscow for 2017,or 10 principles - how to choose a name for your daughter and son.

Have you noticed that you subconsciously associate feminine and male names with specific people who met on different stages life path? When the husband, for example, insists on the name Andrei, the pregnant wife suddenly remembers the bully and poor student from a parallel class or the rowdy neighbor from the parental home (yes, everyone will forgive us Andrei!). Alas, a beautiful name, of course, has nothing to do with it, but stumbling all your life over unpleasant memories is also not an option. And you know, this is right, because the name of the one who very soon will become the meaning of life, the most, most desired and beloved person in the world, for whom - to hell with both fame and career - his name should be the most pleasant, sonorous and, of course, the best.

At first glance, it seems like what’s so complicated about this, there are so many of them, whole lists of names – choose any one. The problem is that choosing a name among so many options is a difficult matter. This cat may have a second, third, fifth chance. She can become Vasilisa today, and Murka tomorrow. Parents do not have such a chance, so once they come to a common opinion, only this name is sent to the second line of the first official document in the child’s life. Think about whether he will thank you when he grows up, or when he meets new friends he will begin to present himself differently, because his name just doesn’t fit into modern chronicles. Let's think about this topic, and to help, let's take the popular names of boys and girls, which Moscow residents most often called newborns last year. At the same time, we’ll find out what criteria parents use most often. Perhaps for those who are planning to become parents in 2018, the names of boys and girls from our list will help them find a compromise and finally solve a serious family problem.


To begin with, we suggest looking for a solution from those who have already passed the thorny path to parenthood, for whom choosing a name is no longer a problem, but a small bundle of female happiness.

According to official statistics, the popular names of girls in 2017, included in the TOP 20 among Muscovites, are:

Sofia (Sofia), Maria, Anna, Polina, Alisa, Anastasia, Alexandra, Varvara, Victoria, Elizaveta, Ksenia, Veronica, Ekaterina, Daria, Arina, Eva, Vasilisa, Valeria, Milana, Ulyana

If we analyze the statistics over the last 2-3 years, it turns out that popular names for newborns from the top twenty have remained virtually unchanged. The statistics differ only in that some positions have changed places. Sophia, for example, in 2015, was in 8th place, and then Maria was in the lead. Behind her were the same Anastasia and Anna. In numerical terms, in the past year, Sofia in Moscow increased by 3,780 people, the number of Marias increased by 2,709, Ann by 2,595, Alice by 2,200, Victoria by 2,124, Anastasy by 2,082, Polin by 1,962, Alexander by 1,817 , Elizabeth at 1,806. The name Daria disappeared from the TOP - the royal Catherine appeared instead.


Male representatives who were registered at one of the Moscow registry offices were more often called:

Alexander, Mikhail, Artem, Maxim, Daniil, Ivan, Dmitry, Ilya, Egor, Kirill, Timofey, Roman, Nikita, Andrey, Fedor, Matvey, Mark, Vladimir, Lev, Yaroslav

Popular boy names in 2017 are the same as a year later. Alexander (+ 3,201) and Mikhail (+ 2,677) remained in the top position. There were 2,621 newborns with the name Artem. 2,568 babies were named Maxims. Daniils, Ivans, Dmitries - 2,405, 2,289 and 1,968, respectively, and 1,459 and 1,453 people each arrived in the Matveev and Andreev regiments.


While some focus on popularity or pedigree, other young people who are going to become parents in 2018 are looking for rare and beautiful names for boys and girls to name their children. And there are more such extroverts every year - this is confirmed by representatives of Moscow registry offices.

At the beginning of 2018, rare and beautiful names for boys are Forward, Nord, Franklin. Many Muscovites still follow the established tradition of naming newborns in the “old way.” Such rare ones on the current list Orthodox names for boys like Velesvet, Ladomir, Patrikey, Kharlampiy.

Of course, a similar picture is observed in the “women’s hall”. Among the rare and beautiful names for girls are Dorofea, Vassa. Isidora. Beautiful, is not it. I would like to believe that the surnames and patronymics are consonant with them. Well, rare Orthodox names for girls are Zlatozara, Ladislava, Agrafena. Several years will pass, and a boy named Orpheus will be brought into the group of one of the capital’s kindergartens, and a little girl will appear in another - bright and light, like her name Iskra.


Of course, there is no clear algorithm when choosing a name. Perfect option- when both spouses like it and they affectionately call it the baby who has not yet been born. There are families in which there is a tradition of giving newborns the names of representatives of previous generations. Psychologists have their own opinions on this matter, and not always positive ones. Although, in our opinion, this is everyone’s personal matter. Yes, and we cannot know what, for example, the name of our great-great-ancestor was, which means a random coincidence is very likely.

Having summarized the experience of several dozen families, we have drawn our conclusions. What criteria are most often used by future mothers and fathers? What is more often taken into account – the most popular names for newborns of previous seasons, or do they prefer that the son or daughter be the only bearers of the name?

Here are 10 criteria that will help you make your choice. We hope that if the issue is really pressing, we will help you find a solution:


Finding a rare and modern name for a prince or princess in 2018 is also difficult because not everyone is in tune with their patronymic and surname. The criterion is subjective, because people have different tastes. Some like the lyrical Bartholomew Alekseevich, others give phonetic rigidity, as in Spiridon Rostislavovich. Try to find a middle ground. Of course, when the baby grows up, he will have a chance to take a different name. Still, think how comfortable you would feel if the teacher called you by this name and surname every time he called you to the board.

2. IN HONOR...

Anyone - grandmothers, grandfathers, famous artists, favorite TV series characters, astronauts, teachers and doctors... we touched on this issue a little earlier. Why not look for a rare and modern name for a girl (boy) in your environment? Are you saying that we shouldn’t try on the script? But then, to be completely principled, then each of us should have our own unique name. There are two options: do not accept the public’s opinion or look for something exotic. You decide.


The trend was especially actively supported in the post-revolutionary years, when people tried in every possible way to demonstrate their true communist face. The names Oktyabrina and Vladlen (Vladimir Lenin) come from the USSR. One can only guess how much one had to love the CPSU in order to name his daughter Dazdraperma - “Long live the First of May.” Dear boys and girls, please be careful here. You shouldn’t give in to nostalgia and name your baby after your first love, especially if your other half is aware of those events. Show mercy, well, you don’t need pointless arguments now.


This is what believers do. It is believed that, having received the name of the patron, the child acquires an angel in heaven. And in the 2018 church calendar you can find a rare and modern name for a boy or girl. If no saint celebrates the baby’s name day, then look at the next date, but not the previous one.


Choosing a rare and beautiful name for a boy or girl in 2018 is still fashionable, taking into account the zodiac sign. A few examples are in front of you:

Aries: Alexander, Valery, Ruslan; Arina, Larisa, Svetlana;
Taurus: Anton, Artem, Maxim; Angela, Tatyana, Natalya;
Gemini: Evgeniy, Igor, Konstantin; Anastasia, Christina, Margarita;
Cancer: Andrey, Leo, Stanislav; Anita, Diana, Sophia;
Leo: Adam, Ilya, Roman; Varvara, Zhanna, Regina;
Virgo: Dmitry, Victor, Stepan; Anita, Elizaveta, Tamara;
Libra: Alexey, Boris, Nikita; Victoria, Lyubov, Yulia;
Scorpio: Makar, Savva, Yuri; Alevtina, Taisiya, Yaroslava;
Sagittarius: Afanasy, Vyacheslav, Semyon; Isabella, Maya, Martha;
Capricorn: Bronislav, Daniil, Leonid; Vera, Kira, Emma;
Aquarius: Albert, Vitaly, Pavel; Galina, Lolita, Snezhana;
Pisces: Vasily, Ivan, Philip; Valeria, Violetta, Polina.


Interesting story a friend said: “A couple of years ago the “bird of happiness” knocked on our house - we had beautiful girl Sasha. The name was chosen in advance, so when she arrived home at the age of five days, our princess already had a name. Our family members were divided into 2 camps: some unconditionally approved the choice of name, others extremely disliked our choice, because Sasha is a name “for a boy, not a girl.” In the end, the relatives reconciled after reading the meaning of the name Alexandra: “The name Alexandra means protector of people, courageous, help. The imperious sound of this name creates the image of a lady, strong and independent. She is full of dignity and significance, administrative authority and ideological integrity, based on the indestructibility of her potential.” The family came to the conclusion that the girl would be with strong character and will become a major leader in the future.”


All the names of boys and girls that are fashionable in 2018 can be distributed by season - on an intuitive level. You won’t deny that the name Snezhana is very suitable for those born in August, and Yulia for those born in January. Some information on this matter:

Winter names: Yakov, Efim, Maria, Svetlana;
Spring names: Savva, Samson, Eva, Sofia;
Summer names: Stepan, Julius, Anna, Margarita;
Autumn names: Semyon, Kondrat, Vasilisa, Zlata.


This is exactly the time when it’s time to open the ratings and see what rare and beautiful names of boys and girls have become fashionable in 2018.


I don’t know whether to consider this exotic or fanaticism, but, probably, there is no need to follow the example of one businessman and name his son after a company if it is called Mirax. The question is quite sensitive. Judging by the fact that in different cities of Russia there are children with the names Viagra, Eros, Meningitis, Google, BOC rVF 260602 - not everyone strives for balance. What do you think about this? We invite you to discuss it in the comments below the article.


A kind of lottery: if you have several names in mind, write everything down on paper, roll it into tubes and pull it out. The other half will have to accept the option or try to find compelling arguments to dissuade the spouse.


Which semantic load carry names from the first male and female five - we think it’s interesting:

Sophia: wise, reasonable. The name came to Rus' with the adoption of Orthodoxy, and at first it was given to babies born into aristocratic families;
Maria: serene. It has taken root among Russians, Catholics, Orthodox Christians, and Jews. It was worn by many royals;
Anna: strength, courage. Biblical name, sometimes translated as "God's mercy";
Polina: sunny, liberating;
Alice: In English it means “of noble birth.”

And now - men:
Alexander: protector, man, protector. Such people are destined to rule and rule;
Michael: like God, asked of God (translation from ancient Hebrew);
Artem: impeccable health, dedicated to Artemis;
Maxim: the greatest;
Daniel: Literal translation: “God is my judge.”

Do you want to suggest your own ideas for beautiful names, or do you disagree with the author’s opinion on some issues? We invite you to express your position in the comments.

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid are mystics, specialists in esotericism and occultism, authors of 14 books.

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Russian modern male names

Modern Russian name book

The modern Russian name book includes Russian names that are currently used in Russia.

In addition to the original Russian names in Russian name book included Jewish, Greek, Roman (Latin), Scandinavian and Persian names, which were adapted on the territory of Russia and have long been perceived as Russian.

Most Russian names that are currently used in Russia are not originally Russian in origin. They were borrowed from the Greek language along with the Christian religion and came to Russia from Byzantium.

By the 18th-19th centuries, Old Russian names were almost completely forgotten, and the imported Christian names were changed taking into account the peculiarities of Russian pronunciation (Aquilina - Akulina, Juliania - Ulyana, Artemy - Artyom, Daniil - Danila, Jeremiah - Eremey).

Where did the Byzantine (Greek) names that became Russian come from?

The Greeks also collected in their name book best names all the peoples with whom they maintained trade and cultural relations.

In addition to names of ancient Greek origin, they used ancient Roman and Hebrew names, and also used ancient Persian, ancient Egyptian, Chaldean, Syrian and Babylonian names.

If we consider names by meaning, then almost all names Greek and Roman origin talk about positive (desirable) character traits and appearance.

Hebrew names different from Greek and Roman. Most Hebrew names are associated with the name of God. For example, Gabriel is my strength god! Daniel is God's judgment.

Currently name books of any country includes not only the original names of its people, but also borrowed names. This is the result of cultural and trade exchange between peoples, the mixing of cultures, and also a consequence of the migration of peoples.

The name book includes the name, the origin of the name and the meaning of the name.

Russian modern male names

Our new book "The Energy of Surnames"

Our book "The Energy of the Name"

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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Any copying of our materials and publishing them on the Internet or in other media without indicating our name is a violation of copyright and is punishable by the Law of the Russian Federation.

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Russian modern male names. Modern Russian name book


Sites and blogs have appeared on the Internet that are not our official sites, but use our name. Be careful. Fraudsters use our name, our email addresses for their mailings, information from our books and our websites. Using our name, they lure people to various magical forums and deceive (they give advice and recommendations that can harm, or lure money for conducting magical rituals, making amulets and teaching magic).

On our websites we do not provide links to magic forums or websites of magic healers. We do not participate in any forums. We do not give consultations over the phone, we do not have time for this.

Note! We do not engage in healing or magic, we do not make or sell talismans and amulets. We do not engage in magical and healing practices at all, we have not offered and do not offer such services.

The only direction of our work is correspondence consultations in written form, training through an esoteric club and writing books.

Sometimes people write to us that they saw information on some websites that we allegedly deceived someone - they took money for healing sessions or making amulets. We officially declare that this is slander and not true. In our entire life, we have never deceived anyone. On the pages of our website and in the club materials, we always write that you need to be an honest, decent person. For us, an honest name is not an empty phrase.

People who write slander about us are guided by the basest motives - envy, greed, they have black souls. The times have come when slander pays well. Now many people are ready to sell their homeland for three kopecks, and it is even easier to slander decent people. People who write slander do not understand that they are seriously worsening their karma, worsening their fate and the fate of their loved ones. It is pointless to talk with such people about conscience and faith in God. They do not believe in God, because a believer will never make a deal with his conscience, will never engage in deception, slander, or fraud.

There are a lot of scammers, pseudo-magicians, charlatans, envious people, people without conscience and honor who are hungry for money. The police and other regulatory authorities have not yet been able to cope with the growing influx of "Deception for profit" madness.

Therefore, please be careful!

Sincerely – Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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Hooray! An ultrasound showed who lives under my mother’s heart. “Son,” you are touched. “Heir!”, the future father rejoices. This is the moment when a woman begins to refer to her belly quite specifically, and that means it’s time to call it “belly.” And although it is not the name that makes a person, often disputes from the series “Vladlen, Dionysus or Vanya” lead to the fact that the baby remains a “baby” until the very moment of receiving a birth certificate. It is right in such a situation to gather for a family council. And you need to go there, armed with information about what rare and beautiful names there are for boys.

Our ancestors believed that the name determines the fate and character of a person. For example, by calling their son Lazarus, adults believed that God himself would help him in life. And the Fadeevs’ parents hoped that their children would become successful and deserve praise in everything. They expected protection from Alexei, and courage from Brave.

The name is protection and the basis for personal development

In Indian tribes it was customary to give a person two names. One of them is false. It became public and was determined as the child grew up, when he showed any of his special qualities or skills. For example, "Keen Eye".

And the other thing was true and secret. It was carefully hidden, especially from strangers. It was believed that the enemy, who learned the secret of your naming, would gain power over your destiny, life and death.

In Christian families even today, during the sacrament of baptism, the child is given a second name, which is recommended not to be advertised to strangers. His clergyman determines by church calendar, taking into account the baby’s date of birth and the Orthodox name book. So, the child is named according to the calendar. That is, in honor of a certain saint, whose day coincides with the day the child is born or falls on the eighth or fortieth day from birth.

They say that the name of a ship determines the success of its voyage. That’s why parents often name their baby, taking into account the possible energetic influence of the Universe.

From a psychological point of view, a name is one of the main indicators of personality. This way the child can realize his gender identity, isolate himself from other people and take the path of independent development. Even new generations remember their ancestors based on their names.

How to name your son: 5 rules

All conversations regarding the influence of a person’s naming on his fate need not be taken seriously. But when choosing a beautiful and unusual name for a baby, you still need to take into account certain, quite mundane, nuances. There are five basic rules to follow when naming your son.

  1. Consonance with full name. Agree, the full name “Romeo Emelyanovich Sisev” will always attract undue attention to the child. Not every teacher will say “Gremislav Abdelkhakimovich Eldarkhanov.” And Prince Mikhailovich Zhuk, quite likely, having matured, will want to change his name. Therefore, if the family surname is not elegant, it is better to find an unpretentious, simple name for the baby. For example, “Vadim Mikhailovich Zhuk” will look much more advantageous.
  2. Compatibility with patronymic. There are several recommendations here. First you need to take into account the nationality of the father. For example, if the father is Armenian Gegham, then it is better to name the boy accordingly. Agree, the combination “Avetis Geghamovich” sounds strong in comparison with the combination “Vasily Geghamovich”. Another tip: focus on the length of the middle name. Short names are better suited for bulky middle names, and vice versa. For example, “Lev Konstantinovich” sounds more melodic than “Innokenty Konstantinovich”. Also, you should not give your baby a “name” that ends with the letter that the father’s name begins with. For example, “Vadim Maksimovich”. Also think about avoiding the accumulation of vowels and consonants at the junction of the name and patronymic. Because there is a high probability that in a conversation people will involuntarily distort them. Not quite an example good combination: “Peter Vladimirovich.” But combinations play well when there are beautiful sound matches or names begin with the same letter: “Andrey Alekseevich”, “Elisey Evgenievich”.
  3. Correspondence to time and place. No one condemns parents' love for popular television products, but it is unlikely that Batman or Nolik will feel comfortable in the village of Michurino. Edward and Barak will also look special in the Slavic environment. And Tirrion or Mason during puberty will not collect autographs, but will carry bruises home. Therefore, think carefully about your decision before naming your boy with a name that is too unusual.
  4. Transformation. Almost all names have derived variations. They are transformed into diminutive forms or nicknames. And the latter may turn out to be offensive. This must be taken into account so that the child is not teased later. Please note that mom will be able to call Maxim “Maksyusha or Masya”, and friends - “Max” or “Maksyukha”. It’s more difficult with Gleb. Parents will address him: “Glebushka.” And peers will immediately twist it: “Bread.”
  5. Unisex names. Psychologists recommend to parents: “When naming your son, avoid options with vague gender references.” For example, these are the names Zhenya or Valya, which are suitable for both girls and boys. This is especially important if the child’s last name is not declined. For example, surnames like “Viligura” or “Katz” do not give an idea of ​​who their bearer is - a guy or a girl. Therefore, “Sasha Shuvalov” is still an acceptable option, but “Sasha Koval” is alas. This combination can provoke problems with the child’s self-identification and suppress exceptional masculine traits in character.

In Russia, the tradition of naming a child after relatives remains. For example, like a great-grandfather. This custom is a matter of debate. Some young parents are against him, because they believe that the baby can absorb the negative experiences of his ancestors and repeat their fate. And other mothers and fathers insist: naming according to the generic principle is additional protection.

It is better not to name your son after a relative who suffered a brazen, painful death or who had problems with the law. Psychologists also advise not to take your father's name. Otherwise, little San Sanych may grow up not to be a loving son and helper, but to become an irritable and insecure eternal competitor to his father.

In pursuit of fashion: how do Ikars and Masons live?

Parents want their son to have a rare, energetically strong and fashionable name. But when considering unusual names for boys, it is important not to go too far. Fashion is a changeable thing. It is enough to look at history. Remember how, based on the events of 1917, the boys were named October, Revo, Vladlen.

During the Soviets, Perkosrak (in honor of the launch of the first space rocket) and Dazdraperma (in honor of May Day) were popular.

Subsequently, after the collapse of the USSR, there was a wave of naming children based on TV series. Enrique, the Masons, the Cruzes, Rogelio, and Guillermo were registered.

But practice shows that after a few years all the tricky options not only lose relevance, but even look funny. But traditional names in our culture like Nikolai, Vladimir, Oleg and Alexei always sound decent.

Today there is a tendency for Old Church Slavonic names to come back into use. And among them there are unusually beautiful names for boys. For example, in 1990, only seven Platons were registered throughout Russia. And in 2015, this male name was already among the ten most popular in the country.

What are men called: interesting facts

Male names are divided into soft and hard. In the first case, boys grow up calm and docile. In the second - stubborn and strong.

Soft ones include those in which there are many vowels, as well as quiet sonants - th, r, l, m, n. This is Ilya, Benjamin, Mikhail.

But in hard ones, voiced paired consonants predominate in the company of the growling letter “P”. These are the names of Yegor, Gregory, Dmitry.

There are also neutral options that endow their owner with moderate determination and wisdom. This applies to Arkady, Andrey, Pavel.

Romans are born in February, and Marks are born in July.

If parents are unable to come to general decision As for what to name your son, you can resort to the help of a calendar. Observations by old-timers show that children born in different time years, completely different options are suitable.

It is better to name winter boys by choosing from the following list: Roman, Anatoly, Peter, Semyon, Arseny, Ivan.

Spring children are comfortable if their names are Danila, Styopa, Nikita or David. For summer good options- Sergey, Kostya, Nazar, Mark, Matvey or Pasha.

And the autumn baby will be in harmony with the name Timofey, German, Fedor or Anton. There are even special layouts where options suitable for naming are listed by month.

Naming by number and horoscope

Even adults resort to the help of numerology. To do this, the number of the baby’s date of birth is calculated and a name corresponding to this number is selected in special literature. Also, adults often pay attention to compatibility with the baby’s zodiac sign. And they even look at the combination with the names of the parents themselves in order to avoid conflicts and misunderstandings at the energetic level.

The most common name on the planet, which is given to more than 300 million men, is Muhammad. In Muslim culture, this is the customary name for all first-born children. But in Moscow, according to the capital's civil registry office, Alexander has always been in the lead since 1991. In 2015, Muscovites also often registered boys as Maxims, Artems, Mikhails, and Daniils.

Top 30 trendy boy names

Today there are special thematic sites where you can find an unusual name for a boy, find out its meaning and see what children are called in different countries.

Based on the statistics of traffic to such resources, we can compile a list of the most popular modern male names. The top 30 trendy boy names of 2017 are given below.

  1. Diaz. This is the Spanish version of the biblical name Jacob, which is more familiar in our environment. Translated as “following on the heels.”
  2. Matvey. Translated from Hebrew as “given by the Lord.”
  3. Artem. In Greek it means "healthy" or "unharmed."
  4. Janis. Greek version of the Russian name Ivan. It means “God’s grace” or “God’s mercy.”
  5. Maksim . From Latin - “greatest”.
  6. Dmitriy . From Greek - “dedicated to the goddess of fertility and agriculture Demeter.”
  7. Timofey. From Greek - “who worships God.”
  8. Daniel. Translated from Hebrew as “God is my judge.”
  9. Novel . From Latin - “Roman”.
  10. Arseny. Comes from the Greek - Arsenios. Meaning: “courageous”, “mature”.
  11. Egor . Russian transformation of the Greek name George. Meaning: "farmer".
  12. Kirill . From ancient Greek - “lord”, “lord”.
  13. Mark. From Latin - “hammer”. However, from French it is “marquis”. There are also versions that the name is dedicated to the god of war, Mars.
  14. Andrey . From ancient Greek - “brave”, “courageous”.
  15. Nikita. From Greek - “winner”.
  16. Ivan. Comes from the ancient Hebrew John - “merciful by God.”
  17. Alexei . From ancient Greek - “protector”, “protector”.
  18. Bogdan. The Slavs interpreted this name as “God’s gift.”
  19. Ilya. Transformation of the Hebrew name Eliyahu - "believer" or "power of God".
  20. Yaroslav . Has Slavic roots. In different sources it is translated as “bright”, “glorious”, “strong”.
  21. Timur. A variation of the names Damir and Tamerlan. Translated from Mongolian as “iron”.
  22. Mikhail. From ancient Hebrew - “like God.”
  23. Vladislav. In Slavic culture - “possessing glory.” The Polish version is "good ruler".
  24. Alexander . From Greek - “protector”.
  25. Sergey . From Latin - “noble”.
  26. Gleb. In Scandinavian culture - “favorite of the Gods.” The Slavic version of the origin compares this name with the words “block” and “pole”.
  27. Demid. Has Greek roots. Translated - “the advice of Zeus.” Zeus in mythology is the heavenly ruler, the world ruler.
  28. Denis. Derived from the ancient Greek - Dionysios. Interpreted as “reveler”, “merry fellow”.
  29. Ruslan. From Turkic - “lion”.
  30. Paul . From Latin - “baby”.

As a rule, parents are very responsible and careful in choosing the name that the child will bear. It has long been no secret that a name can leave an imprint on a person’s character and destiny. But most often, it is chosen according to fashion trends and trends. The article presents the most popular names for boys today.

The name has Latin roots and means “great” in Russian. The bearer of this name is usually creative person with a rich imagination. As a child, he is an easy-going, quiet child. As a rule, Maxim has a favorite hobby. He enjoys visiting places of cultural recreation: exhibitions, theaters, etc. He is characterized by humanity and friendliness. The only drawback of people with this name is a lack of self-confidence. Maxim constantly doubts everything, gives up easily and retreats from his goals. At work, he shows only his good side: a hardworking and efficient employee. Leaders are rare among Maxims, and they do not achieve high career success. Despite their friendliness and sociability, they rarely make friends. Currently, this name is quite common among boys.

The name has Slavic roots and comes from the folk form Georgiy (farmer). Egor, as a rule, is a good student, loves to work and strives to be a leader. He is straightforward and a little simple-minded. Above all, he values ​​honesty in people. You should not deceive him, as you can forever lose the favor of this person. Most often, people with this name occupy leadership positions. The disadvantages of Egorov include their excessive temper. They are very pedantic and do not tolerate even the slightest mistakes in their work. These are principled people who look far into the future, who know what they want from life. Distinctive feature Egor has an analytical mind. Today the name is considered one of the most popular in.

translated from Slavic means “furious”. These are persistent and stubborn individuals. Outwardly, they are kind and sympathetic people, but sometimes they show extreme cruelty. They spend their whole lives searching for the meaning of life and trying to find it in science or religion. The Yaroslavs are very talented and sensitive people. They have a complex, strong character and, as a rule, are closed. Despite their friendliness, people with this name are self-centered people. They put their own well-being first and know for sure what they are striving for. The name has become widespread and is one of the most popular.

translated from Greek it means “ god's power" He grows up to be an excellent helper in household chores. These are good-natured, but hot-tempered individuals. They have a poor understanding of people and are easily influenced by others. Therefore, you should carefully monitor the circle of acquaintances in which Ilya communicates. Bearers of the name are sociable and trusting individuals who easily find a common language with others. The name has gained wide popularity today.

The Hebrew name (“God’s judgment”) has become very common in our country. People with this name are usually kind and a little cunning. Their main character traits are extreme impulsiveness and jealousy. Usually they don’t remember bad actions towards them, they quickly move away and forget all the bad things. They love to play sports and spend time outdoors fresh air. Daniels are most often sociable and hospitable. They have many friends and acquaintances.

- a Greek name and translated into Russian means “courageous”. Andrey is characterized by cunning and some secrecy. As a rule, they do not share their plans for the future with anyone. Among them there are often businessmen. They are valued as good employees. These are mysterious personalities and you don’t always know what to expect from them. These natures are characterized by self-centeredness and ambition; they like to be in the foreground with loved ones. Therefore, Andreys are often jealous, due to the feeling that they have been deprived of attention. The name is becoming increasingly popular among male names.

translated from ancient Greek means “unharmed”, “healthy”. As a rule, these are flexible and calm people. Bearers of the name are straightforward and like to speak the truth to their face. In general, these are sociable and friendly individuals. They love to work, but do not strive for career success. Artems are not scandalous and very hospitable. Their house is always full of friends. They have many talents and a rich imagination. These are honest and flexible people. These people are distinguished by gullibility and openness. The name is one of the most popular at present.

opens three most common names. It has Greek roots and is translated as “protector.” Alexanders have intelligence and strength. These are the real leaders who are rapidly moving towards their goals. The bearers of this name are fair and honest people. They have exceptional charisma and charm the people around them. At a more mature age, they achieve almost all the goals they set for themselves. People with this name love to help others and provide all kinds of support.

– An ancient Greek name meaning “winner”. People with this name are quite selfish individuals who always strive to be the first in everything. They do not tolerate being bossed around, since they themselves are leaders by nature. They clearly move towards their goal, showing perseverance and perseverance. These are the undisputed leaders. On the other hand, they are sentimental individuals: they take grievances to heart. They have practically no friends, since Nikita is stingy in communication. These people are distinguished by patience and perseverance. They rarely make a large circle of friends and acquaintances. The name is one of the most popular recently.

, which means “lord” in Greek, tops the list of the most common names. This is one of the most contradictory natures. Kirill strong man who is absolutely confident in his abilities. He has own opinion everything and it is difficult to persuade him to someone else’s point of view. Usually, he achieves everything he sets his mind to. This is a versatile personality with high intelligence. He has a good memory. Quite stingy in showing feelings towards close people. A person named Kirill has high moral principles and is very polite in dealing with others. The bearers of the name are people with a “capital letter” and fully justify the meaning of “Mr.”